LADINES v. PEOPLE LADINES is 10 years and one day of prision mayor, as minimum, to 14 years,
Jan 11, 2016 | Bersamin, J. | Prescription eight months and one day of the medium period of reclusion temporal, as
PETITIONER: Pedro Ladines maximum; and (b) the petitioner shall pay to the heirs of the victim Erwin de
RESPONDENT: People of the Philippines and Edwin de Ramon Ramon: (1) civil indemnity and moral damages of P75,000.00 each; (2)
temperate damages of P25,000.00; (c) interest of 6% per annum on all items
of the civil liability computed from the date of the finality of this judgment
FACTS: until they are fully paid; and (d) the costs of suit.
During the June 12, 1993 Grand Alumni Homecoming of the Bubog
Elementary School in Sorsogon, petitioner Ladines and Licup appeared and RATIO:
passed by Prosecution witnesses Philip de Ramon and Mario Lasala, along The res gestae statement of Licup did not constitute newly-
with victim Erwin de Ramon who were watching the dance. discovered evidence that created a reasonable doubt as to the petitioner's
guilt. The first guideline is to restrict the concept of newly-discovered
Ladines suddenly and without warning approached and stabbed evidence to only such evidence that can satisfy the following requisites,
Erwin below the navel with a machete. The petitioner then left after namely: (1) the evidence was discovered after trial; (2) such evidence could
delivering the blow. Licup also mounted his attack against Erwin but the not have been discovered and produced at the trial even with the exercise
latter evaded the blow by stepping back. Erwin pulled out the machete from of reasonable diligence; (3) the evidence is material, not merely
his body and wielded it against Licup, whom he hit in the chest. Licup cumulative, corroborative, or impeaching; and (4) the evidence is of such
pursued but could not catch up with Erwin because they both eventually fell weight that it would probably change the judgment if admitted.
down. Erwin was rushed to the hospital where he died. Petitioner denied The proposed evidence of the petitioner was not newly-discovered
entering the dance hall at the time in question and that the barangay tanod because the first two requisites were not present.
informed him that Licup and Erwin stabbed each other.
2. The lower courts could not impose 17 years and four months of the
RTC and CA: Accused Ladines is guilty of Homicide. Applying the medium period of reclusion temporal, which was the ceiling of the medium
Indeterminate Sentence Law, accused Pedro Ladines is hereby sentenced to period of reclusion temporal, as the maximum of the indeterminate penalty
suffer an imprisonment of from Ten (10) years and One (1) day of prision without specifying the justification for so imposing.
mayor as minimum to 17 years and 4 months of reclusion temporal as
maximum and to pay the sum of P50,000.00 as civil indemnity without Although Article 64 of the Revised Penal Code, which has set the
subsidiary imprisonment rules "for the application of penalties which contain three periods," requires
under its first rule that the courts should impose the penalty prescribed by
Petitioner Ladines: CA erred despite the admission of Licup immediately law in the medium period should there be neither aggravating nor
after the incident that he had stabbed the victim; and that the res gestae mitigating circumstances, its seventh rule expressly demands
statement of Licup constituted newly-discovered evidence that created a that "[w]ithin the limits of each period, the courts shall determine the
reasonable doubt as to the petitioner's guilt. extent of the penalty according to the number and nature of the
aggravating and mitigating circumstances and the greater or lesser extent
ISSUE: of the evil produced by the crime."
1. WoN there was a newly-discovered evidence —NO.
2. WoN the indeterminate penalty fixed by RTC and CA was correct - NO By not specifying the justification for imposing the ceiling of the
period of the imposable penalty, the fixing of the indeterminate sentence
became arbitrary, or whimsical, or capricious. In the absence of the
specification, the maximum of the indeterminate sentence for the
petitioner should be the lowest of the medium period of reclusion
temporal, which is 14 years, eight months and one day of reclusion