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Brigette Domingo April 12, 2018

Sem Reflection Paper

“Be Mine Again”

The movie is a depiction of a young boy who has dedicated himself to serve God through
entering a seminary. The boy, Jun-Jun, began a journey toward priesthood which involved
innumerable challenges that might have shaken his passion for his vocation. Such a supposition
might stem from the fact that Jun-Jun encountered his “calling” at such a young age, for, after
all, how could a young boy full of joy, wonder, and freedom ever consider entering priesthood
knowing all the consequences and sacrifices he would need to bear and offer? Perhaps he might
not have realized how such calling may lead him to become separated from earthly things, if not
to be in utter reclusion. This led me to the idea that such a “calling” may not have been what we
always thought it to be.

I was always of the thought that to experience God’s “calling” is to experience something
beyond my sphere of reality – divine, ethereal, transcendental. I never understood how God can
“call” people into being His missionaries, except for the fact that a person might wake up one
day seeing Jesus’ glowing face plastered all over the ceiling or conversing with a random
stranger who turned out to be a long dead, yet revered Saint – witnessing a miracle. As I grow
and meet people, and after having watched the film, I have come to the decision to abandon my
previous hypothesis. Besides, science would not be as prosperous as it is now if scientists were to
hold on to their antiquated theories about life.

My comprehension tells me that God’s “calling” is purely governed by subjective

circumstances. It is more introspective than external. It is never other-worldly as how the books
or the Western Media depict it. It is merely based on a person’s decision; it is not merely entirely
all about God. God does not call people into serving Him; the people choose and decide to
succumb to Him with whatever humane reason people may harbor. In fact, it should not even be
called “calling” at all. Calling it as a vocation is enough because like all the others, priesthood is
something that people do or choose either to fend for themselves, make a living, or be at God’s
disposal. It is a choice. Everything in life is a matter of choice. By saying this, I may conclude
that such a “calling” can actually be refused or rejected.

A person can choose not to follow His “calling”. A person may choose to ignore it. Even
if God were living right now, He definitely would not bang on your door and force you to work
for him. It is still up to you whether or not you would answer to His “calling”. There may also be
instances in life, such as that portrayed in the movie, wherein a person adjusts to the “calling”.
This is actually better and more favorable for those who are still confused with regard to their
decision in entering God’s vocation. As in Jun-jun’s case, he fashioned his entrance into the
seminary in a way that his freedom will not be compromised outright. He loved music so much
but he also wanted to serve God. He ended up using music to serve God. He tailored his desires
to his passion. This is actually better than having to abandon what you want for a vocation.
God’s “calling” should never be a reason for you to shed your other passions or desires.

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