FEB 9 2018
New links will be placed here for a while before adding them to Da Archive.
SS, $$, or @SS is sendspace, m3g4 is mega, <d0t> is a period or dot as in dot com, etc.
There is a u$ercl0ud and a u$er$cl0ud, be careful to go to the correct one.
$n!p<dot>li, s00<dot>gd, and h1v3<dot>@m links are cAsE sEnSeTiVe
Anon Has Pointed Out That A Few Sites Used Have Unwanted Clutter That Can Be Annoying.
“Be warned the site it's on is rife with malware traps.
When you figure it out make sure the file you're saving is a .PDF and not the same thing with .EXE
stuck on the end. The second one is a million bad programs that eat your compooter like I eat
Thanks to all the anons here that provide us with their files and/or help!!!
This thread is awesomesauce3, and you're the reason!
The most recent version of this document and others can be found at
$n!p<dot>li /ShareThread
Fun and Educational!
What methods do people prefer to add OCR to a PDF? smallpdf.com does a pretty good job of lossless compression
OCR shouldn't be affecting the compression of the image in the PDF by default. Unless you are setting the OCR to
downsample a 300dpi page to 150dpi while performing the OCR. In which case you should set the OCR downsample to
match the actual page dpi.
But honestly if the PDF consists pages that are just images, you should extract them in Photoshop, and reduce the
resolution to 150dpi with the bicubic sharper option (Does a better job of downsampling than Acrobat), save to PNG, and
recreate the PDF, then OCR @ 150dpi.
A Hard To Find Game
www an onfi les cc/file/3afdbf1484a673a0e5a0c9a2e32c0d3b
REVOLVING COLLECTIONS! Get 'Em While They're Hot!! (47 hours 59 minutes - or less!)
Mystical Secrets
v0la /r/mystical_secrets
Nergal's Underworld
v0la /r/nergal-underworld
The GraveYard
v0la /r/efv2t780
Transient Trachis
v0la /r/fjbmhdnc
Quiet Nysa
v0la /r/fwac5ajr
Vavatch Orbital
v0la /r/eg7x9k0c
Non-Player Compedium
SS /file/zg8c5u
Baby Bestiary
SS /file/mu8uhg
FFE d20 - Treasure Quests with Tombs of Ra, Cloud Warriors, and
Dungeon World Catacombs and Secrets of the Enemy Capital
SS /filegroup/JxKMD4Z2bqHuhBQzDFxbUs17iGjwMInFDo07ohIqMgs
Lost Lands - The Blight - TB5 The Children of the Harvest (5e)
SS /file/l7nmrw
Limitless Monsters
SS /filegroup/u2%2B8Qf4WvxuO6yLJRF5Sgg
No. 135
Atlas Animalia
$nip /hZGf
Operation Unfathomable
SS /file/afllnk
Tales of Gor
00 The Game of Worlds
u$er$cl0ud /rgenhmjxw5oy
Watch the World Die, The Name of God (updated), Rainbow World v2,
Paper Quest, Night of the Barrel, King of the City Core EN and Retinue Sheet,
Escape from Tentacle City, Mechanical Mayhem, Bated Breath, and
Theater of the Mind magazine 1-5
$nip /nCNp
MF /file/1zyixbgvs3ycifq/Gaslands.pdf
Catachan novels
m3g4 /#F!pqgjiKZa!6dborrc_ts18OuA7GMNIGA
Alien Invasion
u$er$cl0ud /omufjlk7v6r0
Zombie Apocalypse
u$er$cl0ud /7pwcset94han
L5R Collection
m3g4 /#F!a05lWK5R!OOOo4yH7yc5HjmMjP60sGw
Codex of Aihrde
SS /file/om18nz
Cabal RPG v3
SS /file/lchp8c
Mischievous Monsters
SS /file/ed8roq
Monsters & Treasure (4th Printing)
SS /file/q07y2o
Mystical Companions
SS /file/z8fzsh
Elemental Spells
SS /file/cfq93i
Expanding Classes
SS /file/otgtjz
Fever Swamp
SS /file/ra3kwo
Manor #1
SS /file/ittw4o
Manor #2
SS /file/kz6fe5
Manor #3
SS /file/mg77q9
Manor #4
SS /file/m8rc5w
Manor #5
SS /file/ze0p3a
NOD 02
SS /file/7yq74q
NOD 03
SS /file/6676zt
NOD 04
SS /file/oy34s3
NOD 05
SS /file/pe00st
NOD 07
SS /file/az97wz
NOD 08
SS /file/c4g18w
NOD 09
SS /file/4i04gn
No. 134
Twilight 2000 2e
m3g4 /#F!C9sQhbwb!NVnD4jvUn5inOrPJIAkBhA
Greyhawk novels
m3g4 /#F!97pnlKLQ!fE47JyrNnb1bqsykhvRUvA
Cthulhu novels
m3g4 /#F!Yjx2laCa!7fouyKgsrSvoDWN5TbMjbA
m3g4 /#!2EMx2ZSI!9QI1X1v2tPrrrlqmZgkmnpyCVfPwwagyyjnRj5aRYDQ
Tales of Gor
u$er$cl0ud /kzktah2az3un
Tales of Gor Encyclopedia
u$er$cl0ud /1fre5ce8f807
Tales of GorArtbook
u$er$cl0ud /6bqvqcfkjvji
CoC 7e
Cold Warning, In From The Cold, Tales of the Caribbean,
Tales of the Caribbean - Chicken Merry Hawk Deh Near
SS /filegroup/rl79b%2FSOCHbgAF0eVTvhE9xNd60q2E4w
Underground - GM Pack
SS /file/wwerpa
No. 133
Shattered Skies Campaign Setting - Divine General Hybrid Class
$nip /v49
Book of Beyond - Herald Mythic Path
SS /file/u4wezq
m3g4 /#F!yxFxlD4I!CGTYsnTE_8XAmcJxdMehAQ!b9NmTahI
Palladium shares
$nip /SyBg
Necromancer K, F series
SS /file/ik59go
No. 132
Magnum Fury
$nip /RuS7
$nip /vtd8G
Character Sheet
u$er$cl0ud /xxypxzdhgf64
SS /file/3kgl41
Codex Slavorum
SS /file/eivk76
M&M 3e
Metahuman Martial Arts
Wargames I (2e?)
Wargames II (2e?)
SS /filegroup/sFe75iXdBcGSl%2Banxbwrn5VimupezVpC
More M&M3e
Wargames III
Super Powered Bestiary
SS /filegroup/duBWO6GDv7cRE8TvHQpSHA
1st Edition Vampire clanbooks without the missing pages most have
SS /file/4clu0h
SS /file/dd2z77
SS /file/x1zgjq
SS /file/kdwzmd
Newer (1/26/28) Robotech books by Palladium (not pretty, but most are here)
SS /filegroup/8GuanqWVQWuq7YsTnEU4ABSEpaUY4HmF
SS /filegroup/s5zJiGzKYX4oeCnUatHNqQ
Even More Things To Kill And Eat! A Sourcebook For Kobolds Ate My Baby!
SS /file/ufwkhl
$nip /2Sm2
No Quarter Prime 1
94<dot>z!ppy$h@re /v/MhhRzHQJ/file.html
No Quarter Prime 2
94<dot>z!ppy$h@re /v/qHi7EY5V/file.html
No Quarter Prime 3
94<dot>z!ppy$h@re /v/tBiqROi9/file.html
No. 131
Mansions of Madness (not CHA23110 reprint)
SS /file/0fgtai
Genesys Core
SS /file/8tqwpi
Woodland Warriors
SS /file/46sw3d
SS /filegroup/Lgy9zD0LywfTJ7LZVmSOKfhJ9CNvBie1bKI%2BfosAoqtrNUTuqGiyEk
No. 130
Rolemaster Express Additions 13-19
m3g4 /#!PBoHTYRZ!R85k2KIiDbm293wFWkpD_ybe3Wn1zbMtTYQTfYSnfaI
Legendary Brawlers
SS /file/ts05dj
SS /file/tzcdnr
Spark RPG
SS /filegroup/QBT4y5CSkss2tpZQdHv5j%2BSys0t%2BMZ7WN2OvhV1KLok
Against the Giants epub
u$er$cl0ud /gx38lqac8m1q
Don't Read This Book (fitction for Don't Rest Your Head)
SS /file/movjz7
No. 129
Possibly all of the Midkemia Press material (minus Chaosium redesigns)
m3g4 /#F!uMwEEDYZ!lCQUs1J94sO7MI5Y1UtLKQ
Magitech Monthly - Issue 2 - Weapon Technologies
SS /file/sx0jgt
Dungeon Grappling
SS /file/bylgod
LoreSmyth's Ultimate Guide to Remarkable Inns & Their Drinks (5e) + Bonuses
99 Cent Adventures - The Dwarven Stragglers - Add-on Adventure (5e)
The Ghost and the Peddler v1.1 (5e)
SS /filegroup/KVaMyXbeAGw6Nf8tp%2BEGCTzUGR8bo9Uf
No. 128
AWW - Fin Starling’s Guide to Morsain - Monsters of Morsain
SS /file/ilt6if
Archdevils of Porphyra
SS /file/92o726
Dice & Glory - The Character Codex III Book of Eastern Fantasy Classes
SS /file/tyslkr
Dice & Glory - The Character Codex IV The Book of Unconventional Character Classes
SS /file/46eum2
Dice & Glory - The Character Codex II The Book of Modern & Sci-fi Character Classes
SS /file/foeh6q
German RPGs
$nip /LHHjr
$nip /Ojejn
Maze Rats v2
m3g4 /#F!TVYj3RqB!8x66gU4l229JdYdK3nkKfA
Slasher RPG
SS /file/k6qgql
Delving Dungeons
SS /file/o668ca
Chamber Circle
SS /file/ukytl2
SS /file/og4piz
Medkemia stuff
m3g4 /#F!uMwEEDYZ!lCQUs1J94sO7MI5Y1UtLKQ
Tiny Dungeon 2e
u$er$cl0ud /0kj7mjb68i8a
PbtA Collection
m3g4 /#F!sXJy2TwA!bNS9a7faCDdYLivujk8dgA
D20 Publishing - Into The Breach - The Summoner
SS /file/gegwmt
Dreadfox - Gypsy
SS /file/axmm73
Dreadfox - Puppetmaster
SS /file/agu8ct
Dreadfox - Ritualist
SS /file/zw0cta
Dreadfox - Swordmaster
SS /file/mr89ae
Dreamscarred - Highlord 2
SS /file/uhi03v
DropDead - Aspect
SS /file/xr256v
DropDead - Dilettante
SS /file/ymaded
DropDead - Luchador
SS /file/t9qycq
DropDead - Spiritualist
SS /file/4h6byi
DropDead - WarDancer
SS /file/9fue64
LRGG - Bokor
SS /file/t4g4gv
LRGG - Forsworn
SS /file/c5hc2z
LRGG - Vector
SS /file/usrfzl
Rite Publishing - The Secrets of the Divine Adventure Earth Magic Water
SS /file/4545jy
Rite Publishing - The Secrets of the Divine Pantheon - Love Sky Wright
SS /file/28c9zi
Tripod - Runemage
SS /file/54lmi2
No. 127
Patrol - multiple files
SS /filegroup/E7zZ19YfAPeQG8lIfffTzfPCfYQqKIN5
Italian adventures (including full frontal nudity and sidewang!) and character sheet for Nathan Never
SS /filegroup/PNQB8RP1486RbxXr3WjTy7%2FaX2b9MM3y
Interesting French books for v3 - "Edgerunner" and a campaign called "Dead Like Me"
Broken Worlds
SS /file/pk4nxn
Cold Steel Wardens, Cryptworld, Blood Dawn corebook, Marvels & Malisons
$nip /OzodK
MrSlayer's collection I
$nip /lajor
MF /folder/5n13bedg7kdp2/RPG_Stuff
No. 126
Monstrous Races for 5e (DM's Guild)
SS /file/1se60e
Legends of the Wulin
SS /file/gax0sc
HeroQuest Glorantha
SS /file/2gojqt
Folio 1 1E
u$er$cloud /s5s966e6m55r
Folio 1 5E
u$er$cloud /179pha1h1070
Folio 2
u$er$cloud /4ldlwxf0vqa8
Folio 3
u$er$cloud /nudjp46karne
Folio 3.5
u$er$cloud /8jcs3gwvhpts
Folio 4
u$er$cloud /jjgbvu8kagjb
Folio 4.5
u$er$cloud /pa6osm6ufkpi
Folio 7
u$er$cloud /qsdonyus3zh2
Folio 8
u$er$cloud /px8q240prr9z
Folio 9
u$er$cloud /yffzwkj2kmb1
Folio 10
u$er$cloud /axqb1li58uco
Folio 11
u$er$cloud /39j5epondphw
Folio 12
u$er$cloud /01wvgyje9059
Folio 13
u$er$cloud /6qq3iagr5803
Folio 14
u$er$cloud /5vd6z85xy4qo
Folio 15
u$er$cloud /wff5d4xin6dp
Some Cybergeneration stuff from Firestorm Ink's old site ("old downloads" can be found on scribd)
Armored Assault
u$er$cl0ud /hjysl9rk8em4
Armored Reserves
u$er$cl0ud /aq4j25njyjcs
Vessel Compendium 1
u$er$cl0ud /xrq2bi09gjb6
Vessel Compendium 2
u$er$cl0ud /q9tkc3qpzhqr
Vessel Compendium 3
u$er$cl0ud /fatmsv5rzfl1
Pendragon collection
m3g4 /#F!Qfx3jKxL!ttKBV9ZQoMaMIepXhSTxNA
A playtest version of PIT, from Abaddon, the guy behind the Broken Worlds RPG
SS /file/50w5og
Bladestorm Bestiary
$nip /11231
Legendary Brawlers
$nip /6739900
No. 125
Tales of the Caliphate Nights
SS /file/aqmx6k
SS /file/qp4h1b
SS /file/n535ju
SS /file/ca1qbd
Exquisite Replicas
SS /file/t8oo35
Sig - GM Bundle
SS /file/pwz9gf
Arcana Evolved
SS /filegroup/Dj4T8K2sYGF56jQxZWX73KVHINPa4%2Fqu
SS /file/dekxt6
Mobile Frame Zero: Firebrands
SS /file/uokl2g
Thrilling Tales - of the Seven Seas
$nip /10051
Thrilling Tales - Advanced Class Cowboy Hero
$nip /343318
No. 124
Living Death RPGA - Masque of the Red Death Campaign for Dungeons and Dragons 3.5
SS /file/gsu26c
PS238 - Hero 5e
SS /file/nfvsc4
Legendary Gunslingers
SS /file/ergcxq
Classic Aliens RPG from the guys who did Phoenix Command
m3g4 /#F!3xl3xYTT!4cfBXVSza5O1fQkrPmoL5A
No. 123
MF /download/cevdb0pfqn6pdvi/Yoon-Suin+the+Purple+Land.PDF
Starvation Cheap
u$er$cl0ud /iisytt1fj4q4
Fantasy Friends
SS /file/84jcci
Early Dark
SS /filegroup/hbCDuI6xeqwI%2Fe%2BPTsflncknieGeWIyF
Four-Color FAE
SS /file/iv6qyl
SS /filegroup/4XiFN%2B99NrsLJk4el1v8m5Zz5GC7SFtLpjHvdrB0tGVh1ao4wD%2B8CPI56mELEyf83noGkynzQ6U
White Death
$nip /dmlNl
Heroquest: Glorantha
SS /filegroup/DCckryh5%2Fu0RA%2FHyabIKlbUczTt6t83E
No. 122
Mansions of Madness (CoC), Mythic Rome,
World of Dew, Blood and Fists, and Weapons of the Gods
SS /filegroup/cqhZSg51oXUzjoyRhpc6xun%2FpeZBwAOXCSjgiPj3kwiIh4gsF88UxMYedUT5a087h8Lw
SS /filegroup/zIGvZSg02rRPxc8vc%2BJgMomxNjNvt81W
Worlds in Peril
SS /file/jihunq
Uncharted Worlds
SS /file/p35pzj
Mythic Rome
SS /filegroup/Haaaa1XWHtUe7m4I9zlrFg
Robotic Age
SS /file/o02sk2
Serpent's Tooth
SS /file/z7f7zd
SS /filegroup/EKPiWDjwFaXXnJOUE147cA
Exalted 3e collection
MF /folder/b54o6teut3fx6/Exalted_3e
NWG Games:
Laserstorm Final
Laserstorm Boot Camp
Precursor March to War
Blade and Lockpick
Five Parsecs from Home 2e
$nip /XZ4W
Official Vampire Dark Ages 20th Anniversary:
DAV20 - Dark Ages Companion
Official Rifts:
Bionics Sourcebook
Merc Ops
The Pe Choi
Shatterzone, Fringers,
Shiptech, and Geartech
5e Stuff:
Sylgar's Guide to Everything Else
Vecna's Vault of Vile Thing
Waters Above : Rules for Adventuring in the Astral Plane
Encounters in The Savage Jungle
SS /filegroup/Urgx4ZGmP319OdPr%2B5QBFRnPfUlyIXqv
DCC #35 GM's Guide to the Known Realms along with other miscellaneous RPGs
Here is most of everything for Darwin's World D20 (Minus a few Dispatches and modules)
$n!p /pyV3a
Broken Worlds
SS /filegroup/2ThIPpbYXhhISpytoGYWpg
Tales from the Loops - Our Friends the Machines and Other Mysteries and other files
SS /filegroup/IxnPEj80WSd14RwEIfecfITdzODiThg%2FA%2BSt6R0oi50
GREP - Augmented Edition
SS /file/p7av3i
Agency / 1957
SS /filegroup/KX50ZhqH6UF3heIQQEDtdw
Mythic Variations II
SS /file/pdlhyg
Hot War
meg4 /#F!9JdHlarJ!5OPL5aHSXLGdK54MwCQPSg
Alpha Blue
SS /file/42mp9l
Ponyfinder 5e stuff
SS /filegroup/Um8miyJDlETtX%2BznXTgBJQ
Ponyfinder stuff
SS /filegroup/78BuUt8YxsHpCFd7SlEzVS3DZL329GBu%2B40uAwARIOv
SS /file/1h8krs
SS /file/k813xh
Scribd autobot
SS /file/kofyzi
Fragged ASeternum
SS /file/d25e2t
Got low sand in your magic box? Visit the lands of Mid!
SS /file/dydd8i
Scarab of Death
SS /file/wuxca1
Starlit Kingdom
Dicey Tales #2
Legends of Steel (BoL, ZeFRS, SW)
SS /file/8qcm5m
Wyrd Chronicles 31 & 32, Umerican Survival Guide both Chase and Delve covers, Children of the Sun, Shattered Dawn,
Wild Skies, Against the Dark Yogi, Atlantis Bestiary, Incorporated Vol 2, Lone Wolf Terror of the Darklords, Questers of
the Middle Realms, Cold Shadows, Cold Fury, Wise & the Wicked revised for PF, Road Warriors, and Unmasked Day
One fiction
m3g4 /#F!eJhQxDhJ!ByuWib-BLEzs-5hZHx7KTg
In Dark Alleys
SS /filegroup/chGVaXXGHCm%2FVj7CbzT4qA
Lands of Lunacy
Winter Eternal
SS /filegroup/UJJfvMw3GCiRaWo80ekRRoYjjNDXbVyp
@ Mega dot en zee #F!FfREAZqY!4RkbsogVVcnRg8h_My32lA!QCxXSJAK