Acalasia PDF
Acalasia PDF
Acalasia PDF
Guy E Boeckxstaens, Giovanni Zaninotto, Joel E Richter
Achalasia is a rare motility disorder of the oesophagus characterised by loss of enteric neurons leading to absence of Lancet 2014; 383: 83–93
peristalsis and impaired relaxation of the lower oesophageal sphincter. Although its cause remains largely unknown, Published Online
ganglionitis resulting from an aberrant immune response triggered by a viral infection has been proposed to underlie July 17, 2013
the loss of oesophageal neurons, particularly in genetically susceptible individuals. The subsequent stasis of ingested
food not only leads to symptoms of dysphagia, regurgitation, chest pain, and weight loss, but also results in an
Department of
increased risk of oesophageal carcinoma. At present, pneumatic dilatation and Heller myotomy combined with an Gastroenterology,
anti-reflux procedure are the treatments of choice and have comparable success rates. Per-oral endoscopic myotomy Translational Research Center
has recently been introduced as a new minimally invasive treatment for achalasia, but there have not yet been any for Gastrointestinal Disorders
(TARGID), University Hospital
randomised clinical trials comparing this option with pneumatic dilatation and Heller myotomy.
Leuven, Catholic University of
Leuven, Leuven, Belgium
Introduction whereas it was 10·8 per 100 000 people in a Canadian (Prof G E Boeckxstaens MD);
Achalasia is a motility disorder of the oesophagus that population-based study.14 In both studies, the prevalence Department of Surgical and
Gastroenterological Sciences,
presents with symptoms of dysphagia, regurgitation increased over time whereas the incidence remained
University of Padova, UOC
of undigested food, respiratory symptoms (nocturnal constant, most likely because achalasia is a chronic General Surgery, Sts Giovanni e
cough, recurrent aspiration, and pneumonia), chest pain, disorder with a low disease-related mortality rate. In an Paolo Hospital, Venice, Italy
and weight loss.1,2 Since its first description in 1674 by attempt to identify potential causative or environmental (Prof G Zaninotto MD); and
Division of Digestive Diseases
Sir Thomas Willis,3 spasm or failure to relax the lower factors, Farrukh and colleagues13 studied the epidemiology
and Nutrition, Joy McCann
oesophageal sphincter (LOS) has been identified as the of achalasia in the immigrant south Asian population in Culverhouse Center for
cause of achalasia, resulting in impaired flow of ingested Leicester (UK). Over 20 years, no changes in frequency Esophageal and Swallowing
food into the stomach and subsequent stasis of food and of achalasia were reported, arguing against potential Disorders, University of South
Florida Morsani College of
secretions in the oesophagus. Achalasia results from the environmental factors as triggers of the disease. The Medicine, Tampa, FL, USA
disappearance of the myenteric neurons that coordinate finding that autoimmune diseases such as type 1 dia- (Prof J E Richter MD)
oesophageal peristalsis and LOS relaxation.4 betes mellitus, hypothyroidism, Sjögren’s syndrome, and Correspondence to:
The most common form of achalasia is idiopathic uveitis are more prevalent in patients with achalasia than Prof Guy E Boeckxstaens,
achalasia, which mostly occurs as sporadic cases. in the general population suggests that achalasia might Department of Gastroenterology,
Translational Research Center for
However, a similar clinical presentation can occur in have an autoimmune component.19
Gastrointestinal Disorders
patients with pseudoachalasia (2–4% of patients with (TARGID), University Hospital
suspected achalasia)5 or Chagas disease—diseases Pathophysiology Leuven, Catholic University of
characterised by degeneration of the myenteric plexus Immune-mediated ganglionitis Leuven, Herestraat 49,
3000 Leuven, Belgium
due to neoplastic infiltration6,7 or infection with Oesophageal peristalsis and relaxation of the LOS are guy.boeckxstaens@med.
Trypanosoma cruzi, respectively.8–10 Moreover, sporadic mediated and coordinated by myenteric neurons.4 In
cases of paraneoplastic pseudoachalasia associated with achalasia, these myenteric neurons are decreased in
anti-Hu antibodies have been reported, especially in number or are absent, resulting in aperistalsis and
patients with small-cell lung cancer.11 Although rare, impaired relaxation of the LOS. Most likely, the myenteric
achalasia can also be part of other complex syndromes neurons disappear because of chronic ganglionitis.
such as Allgrove syndrome (also known as triple A Detailed examination of resection specimens shows
syndrome—ie, alacrima, achalasia, adrenocorticotropic infiltration of cytotoxic lymphocytes expressing activation
hormone deficiency), Down’s syndrome, or familial markers20–22 and evidence of complement activation
visceral neuropathy.12 In this Seminar, we mainly focus within myenteric ganglia.23 In accordance, antibodies
on the present insights and recent developments in the against myenteric neurons have been shown in serum
management of idiopathic achalasia. samples of patients with achalasia,24,25 especially in those
Idiopathic achalasia is rare, with mean incidences of Search strategy and selection criteria
0·3–1·63 per 100 000 people per year in adults13–16 and We searched PubMed and the Cochrane library with no date limits set for medical subject
0·18 per 100 000 people per year in children younger heading terms “achalasia”, “epidemiology”, “etiology”, “pathophysiology”, “genetics”,
than 16 years.17 In adults, achalasia occurs with equal “diagnosis”, “manometry”, “radiology”, “symptoms”, “endoscopy”, “treatment”,
frequency in men and women14,15 and in white and non- “pharmacological”, “botulinum toxin”, “pneumodilation”, “myotomy”, “POEM”, “end-stage”,
white people,18 but incidence increases with age. In most “dysplasia”, “carcinoma”, and “stem cells”. We did the last search in January, 2013. We
studies, the mean age at diagnosis was over 50 years.13,14,18 reviewed all relevant articles published in English. For treatment strategy, we regarded
Mean incidence in those aged over 80 years is 17 per randomised trials and meta-analyses as the most important study types. Where appropriate,
100 000 people per year (95% CI 2–61).13 Mean prevalence we reviewed relevant abstracts presented at major gastrointestinal meetings.
was 8·7 per 100 000 people in a study from Iceland15
with HLA DQA1*0103 and DQB1*0603 alleles.26 Because predilection for squamous epithelium, this hypothesis
HLA proteins are crucial for antigen recognition, these would fit with the selective loss of enteric neurons in the
findings suggest the involvement of an aberrant immune oesophagus. However, HSV-1 DNA was as frequently
response to so far unknown antigens. Viruses, such as identified in the oesophagus of control individuals,28
herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1), measles, and human suggesting that HSV-1 only triggers persistent immune
papillomavirus have been proposed as potential antigens. activation with subsequent loss of enteric neurons in
HSV-1 DNA has been identified in oesophageal tissue, genetically susceptible individuals (figure 1).29 However,
and evidence suggests that isolated oesophageal T cells other investigators have not found HSV-1 or other viruses
are oligoclonal in nature in achalasia and specifically such as measles or human papillomavirus in oesophageal
proliferate and release cytokines on exposure of HSV-1 resection specimens from patients with achalasia.22,30,31
antigens.27,28 Because HSV-1 is a neurotropic virus with a
Candidate gene studies, albeit in a small number of
Initial insult: viral, toxin? Immunogenetics:
HLA DQA1*0103 or patients, have identified an association between achalasia
HLA DQB1*0603 and gene polymorphisms in HLA class II molecules,32–34
vasoactive intestinal peptide receptor 1,35 KIT,36 inter-
Chronic infection Aberrant autoimmune leukin 10 promoter,37 and interleukin 23 receptor.38
response Moreover, familial achalasia has been reported, albeit
rarely, further supporting a role for genetic factors in the
pathogenesis of achalasia.12 An ongoing genome-wide
Cytotoxic T cells
Autoimmune antibodies association study will hopefully yield more clarity
regarding this topic.
Ganglionitis or loss
of neurons
The most frequently occurring symptoms of achalasia
Achalasia are dysphagia (>90%) for solids and liquids, regurgitation
of undigested food (76–91%), respiratory complications
Figure 1: Present hypothesis proposing virus-induced (nocturnal cough [30%] and aspiration [8%]), chest
autoimmune-mediated ganglionitis in achalasia pain (25–64%), heartburn (18–52%), and weight loss
Insert shows infiltration of myenteric ganglion with T cells. Arrow shows
myenteric nerves and ganglion cells. Reproduced with permission from (35–91%).1,39–41 Heartburn can lead to an erroneous diag-
Goldblum and colleagues.21 nosis of gastro-oesophageal reflux disease, which might
culminate in antireflux surgery. Nocturnal coughing
A B mainly occurs in patients with substantial stasis of large
amounts of food and secretions. Chest pain is pre-
dominantly present in patients with type III disease (see
later)42 and responds less well to treatment than do
dysphagia and regurgitation, which probably explains the
less favourable therapeutic results obtained in patients
with type III disease compared with those with type I
or II disease.40,42 However, symptoms of achalasia are not
specific, which explains the long delay between onset of
symptoms and the final diagnosis (up to 5 years in some
studies).43,44 Although some patients lose a lot of weight
(more than 20 kg),1 achalasia should also be considered
in obese patients.
Especially in the early stage of achalasia, both endoscopy new parameter to quantify LOS relaxation has been
and radiology are less sensitive than manometry and only introduced: integrated relaxation pressure,55 which calcu-
identify about half (or even less) of patients with early- lates the mean post-swallow LOS pressure of a 4-s period
stage achalasia.41,45,46 In advanced cases, endoscopy might during which the LOS pressure was lowest, skipping
reveal a dilated oesophagus with retained food and periods of crural contractions if necessary. The upper limit
increased resistance at the gastro-oesophageal junction. of normal for the integrated relaxation pressure is
Radiological examination often shows a typical bird-beak 10 mm Hg for type I achalasia, 15 mm Hg for type II
image at the junction (figure 2), with a dilated oesophageal achalasia, and 17 mm Hg for type III achalasia, which
body, sometimes with an air–fluid level and absence of an differentiates best the impaired relaxation in achalasia
intragastric air bubble. In more advanced achalasia, from non-achalasic individuals and from patients with
severe dilatation with stasis of food and a sigmoid-like diffuse oesophageal spasm.56
appearance can occur. Although radiology is not as
sensitive as manometry, this investigation remains Treatment
important to rule out structural abnormalities, estimate Pharmacological compounds
the diameter of the oesophagus, and assess the presence The two most often used pharmacological drugs are
of epiphrenic diverticula.48 To assess emptying of the nitrates and calcium-channel blockers.57–60 Nitrates inhibit
oesophagus, a timed barium swallow can be done, in normal LOS contraction by dephosphorylation of the
which the height of the barium column 5 min after myosin light chain. In a Cochrane review, Wen and
ingestion of diluted barium is a measure of emptying.49,50 colleagues61 identified only two (poorly designed)
randomised studies that assessed the clinical success of
Manometry nitrates in achalasia and concluded that no solid recom-
On conventional manometry, absence of peristalsis, mendations could be given. Nifedipine, in sublingual
sometimes with increased intraoesophageal pressure doses of 10–20 mg 15–60 min before meals, is the most
owing to stasis of food and saliva, and incomplete widely used drug for achalasia. It inhibits LOS muscle
relaxation of the LOS on deglutition (residual pressure contraction by blocking cellular calcium uptake and
>10 mm Hg) are the hallmarks of achalasia.2 Additionally, lowers the LOS resting pressure by 30–60%.57–59 However,
the resting tone of the LOS is often raised. High-resolution a substantial drawback of its use is the occurrence of
manometry (HRM) is increasingly being used to provide side-effects such as hypotension, headache, and dizziness
more detailed information on oesophageal motility.51 By in up to 30% of patients.57–59 Moreover, drug tolerance
means of catheters incorporating 36 or more pressure develops with time.62
sensors spaced only 1 cm apart, HRM allows detailed A more widely used pharmacological treatment is
pressure recording from the pharynx to the stomach and botulinum toxin A, a neurotoxin that blocks the release of
is regarded as the gold standard for diagnosis of achalasia.52 acetylcholine from the nerve terminals. It is directly
The use of HRM has led to the subclassification of injected, at a dose of 80–100 units in four or eight
achalasia into three clinically relevant groups on the basis quadrants, into the LOS through a sclerotherapy needle
of the pattern of contractility in the oesophageal body:53 during upper-gastrointestinal endoscopy.63,64 Botulinum
type I (classical achalasia; no evidence of pressurisation), toxin is a safe and effective treatment with few side-effects.
type II (achalasia with compression or compartmental- More than 80% of cases have a clinical response by
isation in the distal oesophagus >30 mm Hg), and type III 1 month, but response fades rapidly, with less than 60% of
(two or more spastic contractions; figure 3). Additionally, a patients in remission at 1 year.65 Findings from five
randomised trials that compared botulinum toxin with 40 mm balloons, respectively. Over 4–6 years, nearly a
pneumodilatation66–70 and one that compared botulinum third of patients have symptom relapse;39,76,78 however,
toxin with laparoscopic myotomy71 showed initially com- long-term remission can be achieved in nearly all these
parable relief from dysphagia, but a rapid deterioration in patients by repeat dilatation by an on-demand strategy on
patients treated with botulinum toxin after 6–12 months. the basis of symptom recurrence.78 Patients with the best
Hence botulinum toxin, as is the case for nitrates and outcomes after pneumatic dilatation are those older than
calcium-channel blockers, should be used only as an 40 years, women, and those with a type II pattern by
interim option before treatment with more durable HRM.1,42,49,53,76,79 The most cost-effective treatment for
treatments or in high-risk patients. achalasia over a 5–10-year period after the procedure is
pneumatic dilatation.80,81
Pneumatic dilatation Contraindications to pneumatic dilatation are poor
Pneumatic dilatation, which tears the LOS by forceful cardiopulmonary status or other comorbid illnesses that
stretching with air-filled balloons, has become simpli- would prevent surgery should an oesophageal perforation
fied by the microinvasive Rigiflex balloon system occur. Pneumatic dilatation can be done safely after a
(Boston Scientific, Marlborough, MA, USA). These non- failed Heller myotomy, although larger diameter balloons
compliant polyethylene balloons are available in three are often needed.82 Up to 33% of patients have procedure-
diameters (30, 35, and 40 mm), mounted on a flexible related complications after pneumatic dilatation, but most
catheter placed over a guide wire at endoscopy. The are minor including chest pain, aspiration pneumonia,
general technique of pneumatic dilatation is summarised bleeding, transient fever, mucosal tear without perforation,
in the panel and figure 4, although the actual protocol and oesophageal haematoma. Oesophageal perforation is
varies across centres.2 Under fluoroscopic guidance, the the most serious complication, with an overall rate in
balloon is positioned across the LOS and gradually experienced endoscopists of 2·0% (range 0–16%), of
inflated until the waist is flattened. The most popular which 50% needed surgery.83 However, in a recent series
technique is a graded dilation protocol starting with a of 16 transmural perforations, all cases were managed
30 mm balloon.73 Subsequent dilations are spaced over conservatively.84 Small perforations and painful deep tears
2–4-week intervals on the basis of symptom relief can be treated with antibiotics and total parenteral
associated with repeat LOS pressure measurements39,74 or nutrition for days to weeks.84 However, surgical repair by
improvement in oesophageal emptying.75,76 Pneumatic thoracotomy is best for large, symptomatic perforations
dilatation is usually done in an outpatient setting; the with extensive soilage of the mediastinum. Most per-
patient is observed for 2–6 h and can return to normal forations occur during the initial dilatation; difficulty
activities the next day. keeping the balloon in position is a potential risk factor.85
In a review of more than 1100 patients (24 studies) with Although no other predictors for perforation have been
an average follow-up of 37 months,77 Rigiflex pneumatic identified, a European achalasia trial reported more
dilatation resulted in good to excellent symptom relief in perforations, primarily in older patients, when the first
74%, 86%, and 90% of patients treated with 30, 35, and pneumatic dilatation was done with a 35 mm compared
with a 30 mm balloon.79 Complications of severe gastro-
oesophageal reflux disease are rare after pneumatic
Panel: General techniques for pneumatic dilatation with the Rigiflex balloon system2 dilatation, but 15–35% of patients have heartburn, which
• Patients are on a liquid diet for several days and fast for 12 h before endoscopy. Those improves with proton-pump inhibitors.77
with mega-oesophagus might need oesophageal lavage with a large-bore tube.
• The procedure is usually done as outpatient surgery in the morning. Laparoscopic Heller myotomy
• Upper endoscopy with conscious sedation in the left lateral position is done. Surgical myotomy of the muscle layer of the distal
• Savary guide wire is placed in the stomach and a Rigiflex balloon is passed over it. oesophagus and LOS, also known as Heller myotomy,
• The smallest balloon (30 mm) is usually used first. Beginning with a 35 mm balloon is a time-honoured treatment for achalasia. It was first
might be preferred in patients with previous pneumatic dilatation failures, young described in 1913 by the German surgeon, Ernst
patients (<40 years), or after previous Heller myotomy. Heller,86 and has been widely used, with few technical
• Accurate balloon placement is usually done with fluoroscopy (sometimes endoscopy). changes, ever since. The two most important modi-
The key is careful location of the balloon so the waist caused by the non-relaxing lower fications to the original procedure are cutting of the
oesophageal sphincter impinges on the middle portion of the distending balloon. cardia muscle fibres only on the anterior side87 and
• The balloon is gradually distended until the waist is flattened. The pressure needed is addition of a fundoplication to reduce the risk of gastro-
usually 7–15 psi of air, held for 15–60 s. oesophageal reflux (figure 5).90
• The patient is repositioned in the left lateral position to minimise aspiration before the The advent of minimally invasive surgery has pro-
balloon is deflated and removed. foundly changed the approach to Heller myotomy.
• Post-procedure observation is done for 2–6 h to exclude perforation and assess for Pellegrini and colleagues91 initially described a thoraco-
chest pain and fever. Patients with significant pain should be sent for a Gastrografin scopic approach for myotomy in 1992. However, laparo-
swallowing assessment to exclude oesophageal perforation. scopy offers better visualisation of the distal oesophageal
muscle layers and the sling fibres of the gastric fundus,
The ideal reconstruction method after oesophagectomy patients or those with severe comorbid illnesses because it
has not yet been established. Gastric interposition has is safe, improves symptoms, and might need retreatment
the advantage of needing only one anastomosis, but no more than yearly. However, pneumatic dilatation is a
gastro-oesophageal reflux can cause severe damage if reasonable alternative in high-risk patients if done in
the anastomosis is intrathoracic. If a total oesopha- high-volume (ie, experienced) centres with surgical
gectomy is done and the anastomosis is in the neck, the expertise, should the rare perforation occur. The role of
critical vascular supply to the gastric tube can be POEM as a substitute for myotomy will be defined in time
compromised, resulting in anastomotic leakage and once there has been longer term follow-up of symptoms
stricture.48 Alternatively, a long colonic interposition can and physiological studies.
be constructed, but anastomotic failure or stricture due
to ischaemia might occur. Short-segment colon inter- Long-term management
position with an intrathoracic anastomosis might be a To screen or not to screen for dysplasia?
valid option in such patients.48 In a recent review that As a result of functional obstruction, large amounts of
included 295 patients,119 an optimum outcome (defined food and saliva can be retained within the oesophagus,
as unrestricted or regular diet) was present in 65–100% especially if treatment is suboptimal. Increased bacterial
of patients at a medium follow-up of 44 months growth and chemical irritation from the continuous
(range 25–72), irrespective of the technique used. decomposition of food and saliva can induce chronic
hyperplastic oesophagitis, dysplasia, and eventually
Risk factors and therapeutic guidelines malignant transformation of oesophageal epithelial cells.122
Standardisation of balloon systems and development of The risk of oesophageal carcinoma varies substantially,
laparoscopic myotomy and, most recently, HRM has ranging from ten to 50 times in patients with achalasia
helped better define the types of patient who will respond compared with the general population.43,123–129 In a large
well to pneumatic dilatation versus laparoscopic long-term prospective trial, a hazard ratio of 28 was
myotomy. These predictors are age, sex, and manometric reported for development of oesophageal squamous-cell
type by HRM. The favourable effects of older age carcinoma in patients with achalasia compared with
(>40 years) on the success of pneumatic dilatation are the matched control individuals.129
most reproducible, from as far back as 1971.1,74,76,79 Findings Because one of the main symptoms of oesophageal
from several studies suggest that young men respond carcinoma, dysphagia, is frequently attributed to exacer-
less well than do women to pneumatic dilatation.76,120 For bation or recurrence of achalasia, diagnosis of oesophageal
example, in a study at the Cleveland Clinic (106 patients, carcinoma is often delayed, explaining the poor prognosis
51 women),76 men up to age 50 years had poor outcomes in achalasia.130 This situation raises the question of whether
after a 30 mm Rigiflex pneumatic dilatation. However, an endoscopic surveillance programme should be initiated
young women (<35 years) also did not respond well, for early detection of cancer. However, so far no consensus
whereas most women aged 35 years or older had
sustained relief over at least 5 years after a pneumatic
dilatation. Although not well studied, this finding is Low surgical risk High surgical risk
probably a result of stronger LOS tone in young patients,
Age <40 years Age >40 years
especially men.121 Pandolfino and colleagues53 reported
that HRM patterns in achalasia predicted treatment Manometric Refer to oesophageal centre of
type III disease excellence
success, especially after pneumatic dilatation. Success
rates were significantly higher for type II achalasia Laparoscopic Failure Graded pneumatic
myotomy dilatation
(96%) than for type I (56%) and type III (29%) achalasia.
These findings were supported by the prospective Success Graded pneumatic Failure Botulinum toxin
Failure dilatation
European Achalasia Trial, which reporting that type III
disease might be best treated by laparoscopic myotomy.42 Repeat as needed Success Failure
Identification of predictors of success can guide our
recommendation for treatment of achalasia (figure 6).2 Repeat as needed Calcium-channel
Refer to oesophageal centre of
Healthy patients with achalasia should be given the option blocker or nitrates
of graded pneumatic dilatation or myotomy. Myotomy will
be the more effective treatment in adolescents and
younger adults, especially men and possibly patients with
Pneumatic Oesophagectomy
type III achalasia. Myotomy is also the treatment of choice dilatation
in uncooperative patients and those in whom pseudo-
achalasia cannot be excluded. Women and patients older Repeat myotomy
than 40–50 years can expect good outcomes with either
pneumatic dilatation or myotomy. Botulinum toxin Figure 6: Proposed therapeutic algorithm for achalasia
injection should be the first-line treatment for elderly Modified from Richter and Boeckxstaens.2
on this topic has been reached for several reasons.131 First, More recently, these investigators used the new Endoflip
the death rate from oesophageal cancer diagnosed during system (MMS, Enschede, Netherlands), which measures
a surveillance programme is not different from that of the the distensibility of the oesophagogastric junction with
normal population.129 Second, endoscopic surveillance is a balloon catheter passed across the LOS, to measure
difficult in patients with achalasia because the whole the cross-sectional area of the sphincter using
segment is at risk, the mucosa is often covered with food impedance planimetry.137,138 In patients with achalasia,
debris and has a cobblestone appearance, and random oesophagogastric junction distensibility was associated
biopsies might not be representative. Third, the cost- with oesophageal emptying by barium and a low total
effectiveness of a surveillance programme is dubious symptom score and was significantly increased with
because the incidence of cancer is low. However, screening treatment. Patients with normal oesophagogastric
programmes undertaken so far used standard white light junction distensibility (>2·9 mm²/mm Hg) usually had
endoscopy.43,123–129 With the introduction of high-resolution complete upright oesophageal emptying by 5 min,
endoscopy and chromoendoscopy with Lugol’s staining, whereas those with persistent impaired distensibility
the sensitivity to detect premalignant lesions has signifi- had a mean barium column height of 5–8 cm at 5 min.137
cantly improved.132 In a recent study, Lugol’s staining On the basis of these data, we believe that all patients,
detected more dysplastic lesions than did white light irrespective of treatment or symptoms, need physiological
endoscopy in patients with longstanding achalasia.133 These follow-up of their achalasia. Assessment of symptoms and
lesions were detected in patients diagnosed with achalasia an upright time barium oesophagram done 1–3 months
for more than 20 years. Hence, a possible screening after treatment seems a practical approach. Those with
strategy could be to start an endoscopic surveillance symptom relief and good oesophageal emptying will do
programme 10 years after initial treatment using Lugol’s well long term and should be followed up on a regular
staining,133 particularly in high-risk patients (ie, men);128,134 basis (ie, every 2–3 years). Those with persistent
however, more studies are needed. An additional (but symptoms, poor oesophageal emptying, or both warrant
costly) strategy might be to use biomarkers such as p53, further treatment or close follow-up at 1 year.
which precede the appearance of oesophageal carcinoma
in patients with achalasia by several years.135 Future treatment
Present approaches used to treat achalasia destroy the
How to predict need for retreatment LOS rather than try to correct the underlying abnor-
Nearly 90% of patients with achalasia can return to near mality and to restore function. Assuming that the
normal swallowing and good quality of life with present disappearance of myenteric neurons results from an
treatments.136 However, few are cured with one treatment, immune-mediated process, one could theoretically
many relapse over time, and intermittent top-up pro- consider immune modulatory drugs. However, at the
cedures might be needed. How can we predict which time of diagnosis the number of neurons has already
patients will need re-treatment? Physiological studies are decreased to a critical level, questioning whether
the best predictors of long-term success of treatment. arresting the inflammatory process will restore function.
Eckardt and colleagues74 reported that all patients with a However, a recent case report of a patient with achalasia
post-procedure LOS pressure less than 10 mm Hg were and eosinophilic oesophagitis showed improved
in remission after 2 years, 71% were in remission for oesophageal motility and disappearance of dysphagia
pressures between 10 and 20 mm Hg, and 23% for after treatment with 50 mg prednisolone.139
pressures over 20 mm Hg. More recently, Hulselmans An alternative possible treatment option is trans-
and colleagues39 noted that 66% of patients with post- plantation of neural stem cells. Recent advances in
procedure LOS pressure less than 15 mm Hg were in stem-cell research will hopefully shift treatment
symptomatic remission after 6 years. towards functional recovery.140 In particular, the
The timed barium oesophagram assesses upright discovery that neural stem cells (or so-called neuro-
oesophageal emptying over 5 min, is readily available, is spheres) can be isolated and cultured from mucosal
non-invasive,50 and is a better predictor of success than biopsies141 will undoubtedly provide new options for
is LOS pressure if there is good oesophageal emptying treatment of aganglionic gastrointestinal diseases,
even if LOS pressure was below 10 mm Hg.75 Vaezi and including achalasia. Metzger and colleagues141 generated
colleagues49 reported that patients with complete neurosphere-like bodies from mucosal biopsies capable
symptom relief associated with marked improvement in of proliferating and generating multiple neuronal
oesophageal emptying were more likely to do well at subtypes. On transplantation, neurosphere-like bodies
3 years than those with symptom relief but poor colonised cultured aganglionic human hindgut to
oesophageal emptying (82% vs 10%, respectively). This generate ganglia-like structures and enteric neurons
finding was confirmed in the prospective European and glia. Comparable findings were reported by another
Achalasia Trial79 and was shown in a subsequent analysis group;142,143 however, after transplantation in vivo into
to be more predictive of success than post-treatment the mouse pylorus, the grafted neurosphere-like bodies
LOS pressure, with a sensitivity of 88% versus 20%.75 failed to adopt a neuronal phenotype.142 More research
is needed to optimise the technique of stem-cell 23 Storch WB, Eckardt VF, Junginger T. Complement components and
transplantation before achalasia can really be cured, but terminal complement complex in oesophageal smooth muscle of
patients with achalasia. Cell Mol Biol (Noisy-le-grand) 2002; 48: 247–52.
there is definitely light at the end of the tunnel. 24 Storch WB, Eckardt VF, Wienbeck M, et al. Autoantibodies to
Contributors Auerbach’s plexus in achalasia. Cell Mol Biol (Noisy-le-grand) 1995;
GEB designed the outline of the manuscript. All authors did the 41: 1033–38.
literature search, data analysis, provided figures or tables, wrote part of 25 Moses PL, Ellis LM, Anees MR, et al. Antineuronal antibodies in
the manuscript, and revised and approved the final manuscript. idiopathic achalasia and gastro-oesophageal reflux disease. Gut
2003; 52: 629–36.
Conflicts of interest 26 Ruiz-de-Leon A, Mendoza J, Sevilla-Mantilla C, et al. Myenteric
We declare that we have no conflicts of interest. antiplexus antibodies and class II HLA in achalasia. Dig Dis Sci
2002; 47: 15–19.
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