Single Rope Technique SRT

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Single Rope Technique (SRT)

By Jeff Jepson

he single rope technique (SRT)

T employs a static climbing line sys-

tem and is used as a means of
canopy access only.

The SRT is hard to beat when the

climb is long or when the rope cannot be
isolated around a single limb. This is
often the case when installing lines in
tall conifers or thickly crowned decidu-
ous trees. Many of the same working and
descending limitations that exist when
footlocking on a doubled line apply to
the SRT as well.

The suggested equipment, procedures,

and techniques presented on the following
pages are but a few of many options avail-
able for climbing a single line. For more
information on SRT see the book On Rope,
by Smith/Padgett.

Climbing Line Anchoring Precautions

There are concerns and potential hazards
that exist when the climbing line is
anchored to the base of the tree that do not
occur when anchoring the line to the limb
itself. Climbers need to be aware of the
loading forces that occur on the branch or
crotch that is redirecting the climbing line
(see figure 1a) to an anchor point below
(2a, 2b). This situation exposes the redi- Christina “Chrissy” Spence of Gisborne, New Zealand, won the title of Women's International Tree Climbing Champion at
recting limb to twice the load that would the International Society of Arboriculture’s 29th International Tree Climbing Championship in Nashville in 2005. Spence
occur if the rope was anchored to the climbed on Yale Cordage’s XTC line for the competition. The climbers demonstrated their ability to quickly, professionally,
and safely maneuver in a tree while performing work-related tasks.
branch itself (3).

For example, if the climber weighs 200 increased load. Work is only performed after tying in to a
pounds, that means 200 pounds will be on more suitable climbing system. If it is nec-
the load “leg” of the climbing line (1b) and Secondly, the climber must take precau- essary to perform limited work with any
200 pounds on the tension leg (1c). This tions against cutting the tension “leg” of type of saw during the ascent, the risk of
exerts a total of 400 pounds of static load the climbing line (1c) with a hand saw or cutting the line can be greatly reduced by
on the limb redirecting the rope (1a). It is chain saw. Many SRT climbers avoid this using brightly colored rope (for better vis-
critical therefore, that the tie-in point potential entirely by reserving use of the ibility) and anchoring the line in such a
selected is strong enough to support this climbing line as a means of access only. way that it is in full view. In addition, it is


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SRT Procedure

Install the climbing line
1 over a suitable crotch (1a).
With the SRT, it doesn’t matter
if the rope runs through several 3.
Secure the climbing line to the
2 base of the tree (2a) or a neighbor-
ing tree (2b) with a Running Bowline or to a

figure-8 descending device tied off using the

“hard lock” method. A figure-8 allows a
ground person to lower the climber in the
event of an emergency.
Another anchoring option is to secure the
3 rope to the branch it is crotched over with
a Running Bowline (3). The climbing line
must be isolated around that limb for this
method to be effective.
Tie in to the climbing line with the pre-
4 ferred ascending system (4) and ascend
the rope to the desired destination.

After reaching the canopy, tie in with a lanyard and have a ground
person clean the anchored rope from the tree or leave it as an
access/rescue line. Tie in using the same of a second climbing line.
If anchoring option #3 was used, the climber may regain use of the
rope by untying the Bowline.

imperative that the climber tie in with a

second means of attachment when operat-
ing the saw!

Selecting an Ascending System

The single rope climber has a variety of
equipment and ascending systems from
which to choose, each one offering a dif-
ferent level of efficiency and safety. There
is, quite literally, a climbing system suit-
able for anyone, regardless of age,
weight, or strength. For these reasons, the
SRT is the preferred method with recre-
ational tree climbers and becoming
increasingly popular with professional
tree climbers as well. Experience is the
best teacher in determining which ascend-
ing system best meets the climber’s
needs. There are however, certain criteria
to help the climber make that selection
and design an ascending system. The sys- Please circle 4 on Reader Service Card


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tem, along with its components should:

The “Sit-Stand” Method

Place ascenders on the rope  grab the rope securely and allow for
1 and attach the climbing sys-
tem to the climbing saddle. Take
1. 2. 3.
easy upward movement.
up slack in the system.  allow the climber to use the major
muscle groups for most of the effort.
Hang or sit from the upper enable the climber to stop while
2 ascender while raising both
legs and the lower ascender at

enroute to rest or perform limited

the same time. work operations.
 provide at least two attachment points
Stand up in the foot loops for means of ascension, as well as fall
3 and advance the upper
ascender. This sequence of “sit
protection, to secure the climber’s
and stand” is repeated until the position in the event that one point
destination has been reached. fails. The “sit-stand” method (see sec-
ond illustration) satisfies these
“Rope Grab” Options Helpful Hint: To make ascend- requirements.
ing easier, anchor the running
end of the rope to a chain saw
or have a ground person hold
it taut. SRT Ascending Options
All SRT ascending systems incorpo-
rate at least two attachment points on the
Footlock Foot ascender Foot loop
rope by which the climber alternates

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weight transfer. These attachment points Tools of the Trade: Ascenders

are commonly referred to as “rope grab”
Ascenders are a rope grab device that
devices, such as mechanical ascenders
have found favor among tree climbers
and friction hitches, or techniques, such
because of their efficiency and versatility.
as footlocking.
There are two main groups of ascenders:
cammed and toothed.
When the climber’s weight is applied
to one rope grab, it becomes possible to
advance the other one, thereby advanc- Cammed Ascenders
ing the climber’s position as well. The most commonly used cammed
However, not all rope grab or attachment ascenders (Gibbs, Macrograb,
point options provide fall protection Microcender) consist of a shell that hous-
(e.g., footlocking, foot loop). In those es a grooved cam which, when activated,
cases it is strongly recommended that the grips the enclosed rope. Cammed ascen-
climber add an additional point of attach- ders are commonly employed as lanyard
ment that does. adjusters. Some types of ascenders are
well suited for fashioning a foot ascender
The second illustration shows the pop- providing an outstanding means for
ular “sit-stand” method (which provides hands free ascending on a single line.
two means of fall protection) and several Another type of camming device,
rope grab options which create a combi- referred to as the “Footlocker,” consists
nation of at least two points of of a pair of cams combined in a single Paired ascenders secure the climber to the rope while
attachment. shell, providing a self belay when foot- footlocking.

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locking a doubled climbing line. Removing ascenders from the rope:

When removing toothed ascenders from the
rope, take care to prevent the teeth from
Toothed Ascenders
“picking” and pulling out the rope fibers. By
Toothed ascenders rely on small spike- design, the cams on the ascender can only
like teeth on a moving cam to provide the be opened after the load has been relieved.
grip on the rope. Some designs have han-
dles to grip and operate the device. Ascender backup: Some ascenders
Handled ascenders have become standard require a backup means of fall protection.
equipment for the SRT and when climbing Doubled ascenders, for instance, do not
a doubled line while footlocking. The pre- provide twice the protection when used in The Tree Climber's Companion
drilled holes in the shell allow for joining the manner illustrated above. If one ascen- By: Jeff Jepson
two ascenders together (for climbing a der fails, the entire system fails. One This compact, field-sized reference and safety
doubled line) and attaching footloops, method of backing up ascenders entails manual for climbers features illustrations by
Bryan Kotwica. Revised and expanded edition
slings, and straps. tying a Prusik loop above the ascender with
includes: “Tools of the Trade,” Revised
a friction hitch. The loop is secured to the Climbing System (PREP), “Tying In” procedure,
climber’s saddle with a carabiner. This climbing with climbing spurs, ascending and
Ascender Precautions descending techniques, more knots (including
arrangement enables the ascender to
Accidental opening: Keep leaves, advance the friction hitch as it is raised. If the French Prusik), safety standards and more.
twigs, and debris out of and away from the the cams on the ascenders open or fail to Softcover, 104 pages.
spring and camming mechanism to prevent grip the rope, the Prusik loop will provide Price: $20
(Member Price: $15)
accidental opening. The climber’s hands fall protection.
should be below the camming device dur- Excerpted from The Tree Climber’s Call 1-800-733-2622 or order online at
ing the ascent. Companion by Jeff Jepson.

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