Kendrag-Lesson 3

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CEP Lesson Plan Form

Teacher: Kendra Gardner Date: 3/28/2018

School: Erwin Grade Level: 8 Content Area:Algebra 1

Title: Different Components of Quadratic Equations Lesson #:_3_ of _4_

Lesson Idea/Topic and Interpreting different components of quadratic equations. This is relevant
Rationale/Relevance: because it starts to tie the ideas of quadratics together which they will use a
lot in Algebra 2. Quadratics are also a great way to model real world
examples, which they saw yesterday with a water balloon problem and the
parabolas showing the path of the water balloons.

Student Profile: First hour is our Algebra 1 class. Out of 33 students, 23 of then are identified
as GT. They are a smart class and ask very good questions. They are also a a
close class and have a great energy. Some of them, as being GT also tend to
think in different and more complex manors.

Content Standard(s) addressed by this lesson: (Write Content Standards directly from the standard)

2.1.c.ii: Graph linear and quadratic functions and show intercepts, maxima, and minima Use the process of ​factoring​ and completing the square in a quadratic function to show zeros, extreme values, and symmetry of the
graph, and interpret these in terms of a context

3.b.1: Factor a quadratic expression to reveal the zeros of the function it defines.

IB Standards Addressed:

A: Know and Understand- In today’s lesson students will need to be able to identify the different components in a quadratic function when given
an equation in standard form

C: Communication- Students will be collaborating after the lesson in an activity in which they must explain and show their thinking to their group

Understandings:​ ​(Big Ideas)

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To be able to factor a quadratic equation and to be able to find the y and x intercepts, line of symmetry, the vertex, identify if the vertex is a max
or min, and sketch a graph of that same quadratic equation.

Inquiry Questions:​ ​(Essential questions relating knowledge at end of the unit of instruction, select applicable questions from standard)

Why do different types of equations require different types of solution processes?

How are order of operations and operational relationships important when solving multivariable equations?

How are we able to figure out the key points of a quadratic when given the equation?

Evidence Outcomes:​ ​(Learning Targets)

Every student will be able to: ​(Create your own lesson objectives from the standard, follow the ABCD format, using student voice)

I can:​ Factor a quadratic equation

I can: ​Find key points of a quadratic including the x and y intercepts, line of symmetry, vertex, and identify if the vertex is a max or min

I can:​ Sketch a quadratic equation when given the corresponding function

List of Assessments:​ ​(Write the number of the learning target associated with each assessment)


Informal:​ Check-ins during group activity. Listening to students explaining their thinking and other students either agreeing or disagreeing with
them and explaining their reasoning.

Formal: ​Collecting paper and seeing what each student wrote at the end of class and where ideas may have differed or what common
misconceptions they may be having

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Planned Lesson Activities

Name and Purpose of Lesson Characteristics of Quadratics

Co-Teaching Which model(s) will be used?

Will co-teaching models be utilized in this lesson? Team Teaching
Yes _x__ No ___ Why did you choose this model(s) and what are the teachers’ roles?
This allows for students to hear perspectives from two teachers and also allows for more
Approx. Time and Materials Warm up- ~15 minutes
Instruction time: ~15-20 minutes
Work time:~30-35 Minutes
Materials: Warm up, Colored Pencil or different colored writing utensil, and “Hot Potato”
Anticipatory Set The strategy I intend to use is: Looking over the last question on their quiz. It dealt with
zero product property, which they have seen but it has not been formalized and
therefore acted as the “4” on their quiz. There were a few students who got all 3
questions correct, however most either missed the last question or only got one answer
for x when there should have been 2. As their anticipatory set I will have them look over
their quiz and have different students walk me through the process of solving for x as we
start to formalize that idea of zero product property, which in turn becomes what the
x-intercepts are, which they will be finding today.
Procedures The strategy I intend to use is: Direct Instruction and Group Work.
I am using this strategy here because: It allows us to regroup as a class and stay on the
same page. The group activity that I have planned is called Hot Potato. It allows for
students to teach one another and correct any misconceptions when needed.
Teacher Actions Student Actions Data Collected

Attendance/Check ins Students pulling out Warm up which will be

warm ups and starting to collected on Thursday.
work It’s a CMAS review to
help them prepare for
the tests in 2 weeks.

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Pass out quizzes from last Students looking over N/A

week and having mini quizzes while continuing
feedback meeting if need to do warm up

Give directions to have Students putting warm N/A

students put warm ups ups away and having
away and have quizzes in quizzes in front of them
front of them

Ask students how they Students guiding me Students writing solution

solved # 3 on the quiz through how they solved on back
which was x^2+15x-8=0. this or how they would
In order to do this they solve this.
had to factor. About ½ of
the students were able to
solve this or at least get
one of the zeros. This will
be the introduction into
zero product property
which is one of the big
take from the lesson.
When going over this
question I will ask about
how we get the sum into
a product and what
method we learned last
week that allowed us to
Students work on back of
Afterwards I will have Students working with the quiz
them take 4 minutes with partner to solve for x in
their partner (the person which they should get 7

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sitting next to them) and and 1/3 for solutions.

solve for x with the
equation 3x^2-20x=7.
This will stress the
importance of the zero
product property and
that in order to solve for
x they must first set the
equation equal to 0 and Students will put quizzes
then factor. away and be ready for
next set of instructions

Janet will then take over Students will start to

and talk about the make connections
activity we did yesterday between what they saw
which involved students with the water balloon
taking information from a activity graphically and
problem dealing with with a table and start to
water balloon tosses and connect it with functions.
creating tables and
graphs of the parabolas.
In her mini lesson she will
touch on how they were
able to find the x and y
intercepts, how they
found the line of
symmetry, and then the
vertex. This is scaffolded
because in order to find
the line of symmetry,
they must know both x
intercepts to find the

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midline or the axis of

symmetry. in order to
find the vertex they must
first find the line of
symmetry, which then
acts as the x coordinate
of the vertex. She will
then give them the
problem y=x^2-2x-15 and
review how to find the y
intercepts, the x
intercepts (x=5, -3), the
line of symmetry (x=1),
and the vertex (1,-16).
She will be going over
this because they found
all of these key points
yesterday from looking at
tables and graphs but
now will be doing it with
just an equation.
We will then cue the Students making
“Circle of Life” song from connections and having
the Lion King fun with the song.
​Connections I am hoping “Everything is
for include x intercepts, connected!”
vertex, symmetry.

After the connections are Students listening to N/A

hopefully made, I will instructions.
explain our activity for
the day, which is called

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“Hot Potato”. In this

activity they will be
working in groups of 3 or
4. The groups have been
assigned as we have
paired two weaker
partners with two
stronger ones. This will
allow the students who
have a stronger
understanding to explain
their thoughts and ideas
to students who may not
be as strong. This will
allow those students to
hear and see different
perspectives as well.

The “Hot Potato” Activity After instructions Students thinking which

is set up where in their students will need a can be easily shown with
groups they will each writing utensil other ther the different colored
have a different colored a pencil. Colored pencils colored pencils.
pencil. They will identify will be provided.
at the top of the page
which person has which
color. This will allow for
students and Janet and I
to see who is thinking
what. During this time
both of us will be going
around and checking in
with groups and hearing
their thoughts while they

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explain the process. Students actively

participating in “Hot
Potato” activity with
team members. One
student will start with
paper and will first need
to find the y-intercept.
When they do this they
must explain their
thinking as they are
showing their work.
During that time the
other students must sit
and listen but not
correct; thus allowing the
first student to finish
their thinking. After the
first student is done they
will then pass the paper
to the right and have the
second student either
correct their work if they
think it’s wrong and
move on the second
question. If they don’t
believe the first person’s
answer is wrong they can
move on to the second
question. This will
continue until all 8
questions are answered.

If students finish, they

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will do the activity again

but with a more
challenging equation in
which they first must
factor out a constant.

At the last few minutes of Students will put

class I will collect materials away, desks
worksheet from students back, and be ready for
and give directions about instructions on closure.
closure activity.

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Closure The strategy I intend to use is: Circling up with clusters and coolest connection they
made that day.
I intend to use this strategy because: We will make a circle, like the circle of life talked
about in class that day. It will allow them to share one of the connections they made as
well as hear what connections their peers made.
Differentiation Modifications: Content Process Product
Having For groups that
students may not be as
explain their fast or
thinking while understanding
they work the material as
allows for well, the
students who requirement is
may still be to get the first
confused to see problem done
a different at least. This
perspective and can allow for
work with their them to go
peers through the
first problem
slower but
hopefully will
allow them to
understand the
concepts better

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Extensions: This extension For students

allows for that finish
students to feel early, there is
confident in the an extension in
process which they
need to factor
out 2 before
they can
complete the
process. This
will bring up
the process
what is affected
if the constant
is not pulled
out? Is there
any effect?
Assessment Formative: Collecting paper at the end to see students’ work

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Post Lesson Reflection

1. To what extent were lesson objectives achieved? ​(Utilize assessment data to justify your level of achievement)

2. What changes, omissions, or additions to the lesson would you make if you were to teach again?

3. What do you envision for the next lesson? ​(Continued practice, reteach content, etc.)

4. If you used co-teaching, would you use the same co-teaching strategy for this lesson if you were to teach it again? Were
there additional co-teaching strategies used during the lesson not planned for initially? Please explain.

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Lesson Plan Appendix

Lesson Idea/Topic and Rational/Relevance:​ What are you going to teach and why is this lesson of importance to your students? How is it relevant to
students of this age and background?

Student Profile: ​Write a narrative about your learners. What are their special needs? Exceptionalities? Giftedness? Alternative ways of learning?
Maturity? Engagement? Motivation?

Name and Purpose of Lesson: ​Should be a creative title for you and the students to associate with the activity. Think of the purpose as the
mini-rationale for what you are trying to accomplish through this lesson.

Co-Teaching: Models – ​One teach/One observe, One teach/One assist, Station teaching, Parallel teaching,
Alternative/Differentiated/Supplemental teaching, Team teaching.

Approx. Time and Materials: ​How long do you expect the activity to last and what materials will you need?

Anticipatory Set: ​The “hook” to grab students’ attention. These are actions and statements by the teacher to relate the experiences of the
students to the objectives of the lesson, To put students into a receptive frame of mind.
● To focus student attention on the lesson.
● To create an organizing framework for the ideas, principles, or information that is to follow (advanced organizers)
An anticipatory set is used any time a different activity or new concept is to be introduced.

Procedures​: ​Include a play-by-play account of what students and teacher will do from the minute they arrive to the minute they leave your
classroom. Indicate the length of each segment of the lesson. List actual minutes.
Indicate whether each is:
● teacher input
● modeling
● questioning strategies
● guided/unguided:
o whole-class practice
o group practice
o individual practice
● check for understanding
● other

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Closure: ​Those actions or statements by a teacher that are designed to bring a lesson presentation to an appropriate conclusion. Used to help
students bring things together in their own minds, to make sense out of what has just been taught. “Any Questions? No. OK, let’s move on” is
not closure. Closure is used:
● To cue students to the fact that they have arrived at an important point in the lesson or the end of a lesson.
● To help organize student learning
● To help form a coherent picture and to consolidate.

Differentiation: ​To modify: If the activity is too advanced for a child, how will you modify it so that they can be successful?​ ​To extend: If the activity is
too easy for a child, how will you extend it to develop their emerging skills? What observational assessment data did you collect to support
differentiated instruction?

Assessment (data analysis): ​How will you know if students met the learning targets? Write a description of what you were looking for in each
assessment. How do you anticipate assessment data will inform your instruction?

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