Survey of Model Cap & Needs For Stationary Energy Storage
Survey of Model Cap & Needs For Stationary Energy Storage
Survey of Model Cap & Needs For Stationary Energy Storage
Prepared for:
Energy Storage Association
Prepared by:
Navigant Consulting, Inc.
1200 19th Street, NW
Suite 700
Washington, DC 20036
May 2014
Table of Contents
Acknowledgements ................................................................................................................. iv
1 Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Study Overview................................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Approach .............................................................................................................................................. 2
1.2.1 Characterize Existing Models and Tools ........................................................................... 2
1.2.2 Define Stakeholder Needs ................................................................................................... 3
1.2.3 Identify Gaps ......................................................................................................................... 3
Survey of Models and Tools for the Stationary Energy Storage Industry Page i
Appendix A Contributing Companies/Entities ................................................................. 29
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List of Figures and Tables
Figure 1. Study Objectives ....................................................................................................................................... 1
Figure 2. Categories of Models and Tools Surveyed ........................................................................................... 4
Figure 3. North American Interconnections ....................................................................................................... 10
Table 1. Modeling Tools Reviewed by Category ................................................................................................. 2
Table 2. Portfolio Planning Models ........................................................................................................................ 5
Table 3. Production Cost Models............................................................................................................................ 7
Table 4. Transmission Planning Models.............................................................................................................. 11
Table 5. Distribution Planning Models Matrix ................................................................................................... 13
Table 6. Primary Real Time Grid Operation Vendors ....................................................................................... 15
Table 7. Energy Storage-Specific Applications Matrix ...................................................................................... 18
Table 8. Energy Storage Industry Stakeholder and Analysis Needs ............................................................... 20
Survey of Models and Tools for the Stationary Energy Storage Industry Page iii
Navigant would like to thank the Energy Storage Association (ESA) for funding this important study. In
addition, we would like to express our thanks to the ESA Tools Task Force for their insight, guidance,
and review of this study. Members of the Task Force included:
» Eva Gardow, FirstEnergy Service Company
» Udi Helman, Independent consultant
» Praveen Kathpal, AES Energy Storage
» Ben Kaun, Electric Power Research Institute
» Jim McDowall, Saft
» Ali Nourai, DNV GL
We also would like to acknowledge the input we received from the individuals who participated in our
survey. A full list of contributing organizations is presented in Appendix A.
Survey of Models and Tools for the Stationary Energy Storage Industry Page iv
Executive Summary
A significant driver for ES is the increasing deployment of solar photovoltaic and wind resources, where
the rapid response of ES can mitigate output variability. Even more important is the flexible operating
range of ES, ramping from full charge to full discharge during the increasingly severe late afternoon
system ramp as the output of solar resources wanes and loads increase.
The increasing interest in ES highlights the urgent need to properly value, integrate, and operate ES
systems. However, given the limited role that ES historically has played in the electric system, many of
the traditional utility planning models were not designed to fully assess ES alternatives. For ES to
become widely and cost-effectively adopted, it is critical that stakeholders have the tools and models
needed to make informed ES decisions.
The Energy Storage Association (ESA) recognized this need and contracted with Navigant Consulting,
Inc. (Navigant) to assess the current ES modeling capabilities in the industry. Based on Navigant’s
investigation, while there has been substantial model development related to ES, there are still a number
of key gaps, including: 1) incomplete representation of ES characteristics in many models; 2) stand-alone
ES planning tools that are not fully integrated with other utility planning models; 3) a lack of
standardization among tools used to evaluate ES; and 4) limits on the data available on ES technologies.
Each of these shortcomings will need to be addressed to improve the analysis of ES applications and
their associated costs and benefits.
This study describes each of the models currently used in the industry to evaluate ES technologies. This
study does not evaluate the quality or performance of the specific models and tools but rather describes
their current capabilities and future development plans, as expressed by the software developers
surveyed and other industry experts. The results will help ES industry stakeholders assess whether a
Survey of Models and Tools for the Stationary Energy Storage Industry Page v
particular model can fulfill their needs. The study also
highlights shortcomings in current ES modeling to
potentially spur the development of new features and
software packages to meet the growing demand.
Study Findings
Outside of large pumped hydroelectric facilities, ES is an
emerging technology and has historically had a limited
role in the operation of the bulk power grid. As a result,
the widely used system planning models have generally
neglected to account for the complex and variable
operations of ES systems. Most planning software
programs do not concentrate on the unique modeling
required to represent ES accurately. The few models that
do have the flexibility to incorporate the various
characteristics of an ES system are complex and require very long computational runtimes.
Importantly, the need to appropriately represent ES technologies and systems coincides with the need to
model rapidly changing system operations and reliability due to increasing penetration of variable wind
and solar generation, which in itself has presented challenges.
Since ES can aid in the reliable operation of generation, transmission, and distribution, particularly
under the conditions emerging with growing interconnection of variable energy technologies, further
developments are necessary in the existing utility procurement and planning models to properly
represent the value of ES. Additionally, the real-time operation of the grid requires software that will
fully incorporate ES system operating parameters and dispatch units accordingly. Finally, ES-specific
tools are needed to assess and inform the optimal ES system size and control algorithms to maximize
economic, reliability, and environmental benefits.
The following sections provide an overview of the different categories of planning and operations and
their relevance to ES.
System Planning
Portfolio planning models are used to determine the optimal set of least-cost resources to meet the needs
of a utility system or region. Currently, conventional commercially available portfolio planning models
are unable to fully co-optimize between the energy and ancillary service markets, where the operational
capabilities of ES are particularly valuable. Additionally, these models do not account for the ability of
energy storage to minimize ramping constraints compared to traditional technologies.
Energy production cost simulation models are used to perform long-term assessments of system and
market operations, including forecasts of generation, wholesale electric costs, and locational marginal
prices. Energy production cost simulation models incorporate significant system operational detail, but
currently have difficulty capturing the comprehensive value of ES systems. Moreover, due to long run-
times, there may be limits to the number of production cost simulations used to evaluate alternative
portfolios, including those with different specifications on storage. These models are primarily intended
to simulate the hourly level of system operations assuming perfect foresight. On the other hand, ES
Survey of Models and Tools for the Stationary Energy Storage Industry Page vi
provides significant benefits within very short time-frames and by flexibly responding to unexpected
occurrences. While sub-hourly dispatch is available or is being developed in many of these models, the
capability to model ES operations at the 5-minute level and in response to regulation signals is still in the
early stages. Some vendors have developed system models that can simulate frequency response, and
use these in conjunction with production cost models, but for limited time-frames. For those models that
do have sub-hourly dispatch capability and options for creating specific ES unit parameters, long
modeling run times become an issue. Despite longer run times, there are a number of storage valuation
studies that conduct sufficient numbers of storage scenarios using production simulation to inform long-
term ES planning purposes on the grid by extrapolating representative day’s results. Further progress is
still needed.
Transmission system planning models are used to assess large transmission networks. These software
packages help evaluate the operations and reliability of the transmission network under various system
conditions. Transmission system planning models have the ability to incorporate ES and quantify the
associated contribution to system reliability. However, doing so often requires the user to create ES-
specific individualized models, which can be a time-consuming process. It is recommended that the
transmission system planning software vendors invest in creating and including ES-specific models in
their annual updates.
Distribution system models are often used by utilities for short- and long-term distribution planning.
The largest gap in modeling ES on distribution systems is that there isn’t a tool that can handle optimum
dispatch plans for different applications. It’s also important to note that the necessary inputs are not
available within the model itself and therefore, ES components often have to be designed outside of the
model. Also, tools to evaluate the impacts of transmission support applications on distribution circuits
are not yet available.
While utility distribution management systems (DMS) offer a potential platform for integrating the
results from various system planning software, advanced DMS systems are still evolving to incorporate
these capabilities.
Survey of Models and Tools for the Stationary Energy Storage Industry Page vii
performance. These types of models allow for much greater detail in operational specifications, but use
fixed historical or simulated data on market prices and system conditions as inputs. The major
shortcomings with these tools are the lack of available data on ES system operations and the proprietary
nature of many of the existing tools. Shared knowledge would allow developers to create more robust
tools that could then be customized for specific needs. An additional linkage is between simulated data
on future system conditions to be used as inputs to these types of models, to allow for further analysis of
changing system conditions.
Additional Gaps
The most common gap highlighted by stakeholders is the lack of a single ES tool to integrate the inputs
and results of various system planning tools. While an integrated tool may not be feasible due to
computational limits and complexity, a standardized approach on how to value ES using available tools
is also lacking. The development of such a standardized approach would aid the proper application and
value-assessment of ES when compared to traditional resources.
Survey of Models and Tools for the Stationary Energy Storage Industry Page viii
1 Introduction
Characterize Existing
Models & Tools
Identify Gaps
The ESA understands that there is an important need for ES stakeholders to understand the software
packages currently available to model the system performance impacts of integrating ES technologies.
With improved understanding of the models, ES developers will be better able to determine which ES
system solutions make sense in various contexts. Additionally, there is a need for software vendors to
understand how current modeling capabilities align with needs of stakeholders with an interest in ES. In
addition to providing a guidebook that describes the landscape of models and tools for ES industry
Survey of Models and Tools for the Stationary Energy Storage Industry Page 1
stakeholders, this study may help motivate software developers to modify existing products or create
new products to meet market needs.
1.2 Approach
The focus of this study was the commercially available electric system planning software products that
are regularly used in the industry for resource planning, production simulation, and power flow and
dynamic stability analysis. In addition, software used by the electric industry to operate the grid and
tools that are needed by ES industry stakeholders to design, operate, and optimize the performance of
demonstration or full-scale commercial systems were identified and described.
To capture the features and characteristics of the electric system planning models, Navigant began by
researching and collecting publicly available information about each model. We then distributed an
online survey to each vendor. Telephone interviews and email correspondence were conducted where
additional information was necessary to clarify survey responses. For real time grid operation software
and ES system specific tools, Navigant also collected publicly available information and supported the
analysis through direct contact with tool developers.
This study does not evaluate the quality or performance of the models and tools but rather describes
their current capabilities and future development plans, as expressed by the software developers
surveyed and other industry experts. Navigant collected detail on over 60 modeling tools, as shown in
Table 1.
Survey of Models and Tools for the Stationary Energy Storage Industry Page 2
1.2.2 Define Stakeholder Needs 2
Navigant first defined and identified companies within various stakeholder categories in the energy
industry. Stakeholder categories included technology providers, project developers, utilities, generators/
independent power producers (IPPs), regulators, end users, independent system operators (ISOs) and
regional transmission organizations (RTOs), research and development (R&D) and consulting firms, and
the finance community. We then distributed an online survey to approximately 200 stakeholders to
understand their needs regarding the modeling and analysis of ES systems. In addition, input was
gathered through a series of telephone interviews with key stakeholders who have a history of modeling
or developing ES products within each category.
Survey of Models and Tools for the Stationary Energy Storage Industry Page 3
2 Characterization of Existing Models and Tools
Sections 2.1, 2.2, and 2.3 characterize three categories of models and tools: electric system planning, real-time
grid operation, and ES system tools, respectively. The types of models that fall under each category are
illustrated in Figure 2. Section 2 provides a general description of how these models and tools operate and
how they address ES, while more detailed information regarding specific models and tools is provided in
Appendix B. As the focus of the study is on electric system planning tools, Appendix B includes profiles for
the most-widely used models. A shorter description is included for planning software where vendors did
not respond to survey or interview requests and limited data is publicly available. Short descriptions of real-
time grid operation software and ES system tools are also included in Appendix B.
Survey of Models and Tools for the Stationary Energy Storage Industry Page 4
2.1 System Planning
The models can be broadly divided into areas of focus. Some models, such as NEEM, concentrate on
national-level planning to study how the power system overall will evolve. Others, such as DSMore, focus
on regional and utility planning. POM, IMP and EGEAS can be used for either application. More information
on the capabilities of each of these models is available in Appendix B.
Survey of Models and Tools for the Stationary Energy Storage Industry Page 5
periods to low demand periods while considering the efficiency losses of the ES. The capacity value is
calculated from the avoided cost of having to add resources of another technology. At this time, none of the
models have the capability to co-optimize between the energy and ancillary services markets, which affects
the accuracy of assumed market revenues and the net cost of capacity for a least cost, best fit generation
expansion plan. Additionally, the metrics of interest for capacity plans are changing, with ramping capability
and other flexibility becoming a more significant constraint, as the penetrations of variable renewable energy
resources increase.
Portfolio planning models have several uses for evaluating ES projects and technologies. Because the focus is
on long-term analysis, much of the value of the models is in showing how ES resources fit into the broader
needs and planning of the electric system. The models evaluate the energy, capacity, and in a few cases,
ancillary services value of new ES resources in competition with other potential system resources.
When used for regional and system planning, these results can be used to determine whether or not ES
should be added to the system on economic merit. When the models are used for national-level forecasting
of generation expansion, a prime outcome is the potential size of the market for ES resources.
One of the advantages of production cost modeling is the capability to represent detailed generation and
transmission constraints, which provides both operational and locational insight into economic value
relevant to the valuation of ES technologies. With respect to locational value, production cost models may be
run in a “zonal” simulation, which only has transmission constraints between predetermined zones, or in a
“nodal” mode which has detailed representation of each transmission line and node/bus/substation to better
reflect actual system operations and the calculation of energy locational marginal prices (LMPs). Within a
nodal representation, losses, contingencies, line limits, and other monitored elements that constrict the direct
current load flow within the model show the impacts of congestion on LMPs.
Survey of Models and Tools for the Stationary Energy Storage Industry Page 6
In terms of operations, additional major inputs taken into account to produce the dispatch for production
cost models may include the following:
» Unit-specific characteristics (i.e., heat rate, forced outage rate, minimum up time/downtime, capacity
states, and startup cost)
» Load and variable generation forecasts
» Fuel prices
» Emissions prices
» Maintenance schedules
Major outputs include total production costs, marginal prices for energy and ancillary services at the
locations modeled (zonal, nodal), unit-specific resource utilization for energy and ancillary services (as
eligible), and transmission flows. These outputs are available on the same time scale for which the model is
dispatched, traditionally on an hourly basis. Table 3 shows a list of existing energy production cost
simulation models that were reviewed along with their developers. All of the production cost simulation
models listed below are available to be licensed.
3HOMER is not a production cost model, but is listed in this category as it does not fall within any of the buckets
categorized in this report. Homer has the ability to perform simulations of power systems and short time intervals in
order to determine the least-cost design of microgrids.
Survey of Models and Tools for the Stationary Energy Storage Industry Page 7
will be a function of these changes, a modeling tool that can conduct large numbers of dispatch simulations
across different resource and transmission scenarios is required. In addition, the unit commitment decisions
from production cost models are used in combination with other types of operational models for examining
operations on sub-hourly time-frames.
ES modeling is handled in a variety of ways across platforms. Many of the software packages were written
prior to the development of grid-connected ES devices, with the exception of pumped hydro storage.
Therefore, developers have only recently explored the various options on how to model ES devices. Some of
the models have more flexibility than others. For example, PLEXOS allows users to put integer constraints
on many different characteristics of unit operation as well as co-optimize among energy and ancillary
services, thereby allowing the user to model various characteristics of different ES systems through the
existing modules for other unit types. Additionally, PLEXOS, Aurora, and FESTIV currently allow the user
to dispatch at time intervals shorter than the traditional hourly dispatch. Other developers, such as Ventyx,
are also working on incorporating such functionality.
When used to simulate market operations, production cost models are well suited to simulate aspects of the
ISO/RTO day-ahead market, which commits units on an hourly basis to meet the forecasted demand. The
real-time market is dispatched on a shorter time-frame, generally every five minutes, to account for real-time
grid conditions. In the future, such conditions will include even greater variability in energy supply during
the operating hour from wind and solar generation, creating the requirement of increased “net” load-
following. 4 ES devices have great value for such operations as they are able to ramp quickly and provide
needed regulation and load-following to balance variable energy resources. For this reason, sub-hourly
dispatch in production cost models is an important feature for assessing the full value of ES devices.
However, such sub-hourly modeling is still in the preliminary stages of implementation and validation and
there is no accepted framework for conducting long-term resource valuation using such analysis (typically,
studies model selected hours or days of the year, and extrapolate to annual operations). Sub-hourly
granularity is similarly important for accurate modeling of intermittent generation (wind/solar) variability
and forecast error, so it is a topic of significant focus across renewable energy and other emerging flexible
A further concern with modeling ES in a production cost platform lies in the difficulty in applying the
correct operational constraints to achieve an optimal dispatch, and the large increases seen in run time as
additional constraints are added. Additionally, there is a need for more granular data when using this
ES modeling within energy production cost models is generally focused on maximizing economic benefit.
Typical inputs include capacity size and efficiency rating for the ES device. Production cost models will then
determine the best economic dispatch by looking ahead to higher and lower priced hours. Additional
capabilities within some models such as Gridview or PLEXOS will allow energy dispatch to be co-optimized
to provide ancillary services (reserve requirements). This is an essential capability for modeling ES
technologies that anticipate providing ancillary services. Most models also allow dispatch to peak shave
based on the load profile.
4Load-following is a term historically used by utilities to refer to economic dispatch to follow load variability within the
operating hour. More recently, the term has been adopted in renewable integration studies to refer to the “net” dispatch
point when load and variable energy production are considered.
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Production cost models have the capability to show the value of utility-scale ES devices when individually or
jointly providing energy and ancillary services. They can also be used to evaluate capacity benefits, whether
jointly with energy dispatch (using the approximation that availability to dispatch during high price hours is
reflective of contribution to minimizing loss-of-load) or as separately tested to ensure that conventional or
“flexible” resource capacity requirements are met using system resources (e.g., a minimum number of
operating hours during peak loads, or a minimum sustained ramp). In addition to determining the revenue
received by the ES device itself, production cost models can also show the system cost-benefit of integrating
ES, including the effect of ES devices arbitraging between on-peak and off-peak LMPs or between high ramp
hours in high renewable penetration scenarios.
Production cost models can also show the reduction in renewable curtailment through the inclusion of ES
devices, and can help determine the best interconnection points to maximize the benefit of the ES system
through a sensitivity analysis. Some, but not all production cost models allow for a forecasted and actual
hourly generation profile for variable energy resources; however to achieve an accurate result of the impacts
of forecast error and which generating devices can relieve that issue by ramping up or down quickly, the
user needs to have both forecasted and actual renewable generation data. There is also the possibility of
multi-stage modeling to better represent real practices (i.e. day ahead unit commitment, hour or hours ahead
unit commitment, then real time economic dispatch). Certain tools, such as PLEXOS or Polaris’ PSO tool,
allow you to setup the model in any number of stages and with different optimization periods and look
ahead windows. Look ahead is important for ES as it can result in better optimization of ES dispatch, but this
feature has to be weighed against having forecast uncertainty.
Survey of Models and Tools for the Stationary Energy Storage Industry Page 9
2.1.3 Transmission System Planning
One important application of transmission planning software is power flow analysis to assess thermal and
voltage violations under various loading, dispatch, and contingency scenarios. This requires an AC power
flow and is often used in capacity interconnection studies. The user can conduct system reliability
calculations, contingency analysis, transfer capability investigation, reactive power scheduling, and
congestion analysis. Contingency analysis (which identifies violations) and transfer capability investigation
are often used together with production simulation models. Transmission planning software is also
commonly used in dynamic simulations to investigate the system response to large and sudden outages on
the bulk power grid. Fault analysis and dynamic simulations are also part of the process used to maintain
the reliable operation of the power grid and the impacts of changes to the grid.
Transmission planning can also incorporate cost-benefit analysis of transmission projects considered to be
economic (rather than reliability). For this stage of evaluation, production simulation models are typically
used to estimate the economic benefits of congestion relief. As renewable integration becomes a more
significant component of transmission planning, there has been more emphasis generally on linkages and
integration between models that simulate system operations and conventional power flow modeling tools.
Table 4 shows a list of major transmission planning models that were reviewed. All of the models listed
below contain similar characteristics and can perform similar types of analyses. More information on the
capabilities of these models is presented in Appendix B.
Survey of Models and Tools for the Stationary Energy Storage Industry Page 10
Table 4. Transmission Planning Models
The results of a transmission planning software analysis can determine the ES system’s ability to aid in
system frequency mitigation or its potential to support the daily volatile operations of renewable generation.
Short-term dynamic stability results can also be calculated. The information gained from these analyses will
aid in sizing the ES system appropriately to meet voltage and frequency stability concerns.
Currently, users can create their own dynamic models for ES, but as ES systems continue to grow, it is likely
that bulk transmission planning models will include ES-specific modules within their base offering. Users
are often developing new dynamic modules for use in transmission planning software, but these may need
to be updated to apply to appropriately model technologies such as battery ES and flywheels.
Survey of Models and Tools for the Stationary Energy Storage Industry Page 11
2.1.4 Distribution System Modeling
Most traditional and commonly used distribution simulation models (often referred to as “Feeder Load
Flow”) provide similar functionality and capability. The primary objective of these models is to represent
and analyze radial circuits for studies evaluating performance and loading. Virtually all models provide
voltage and loading information throughout the entire circuit to identify voltage or line loading violations.
These models are also used for operational decisions, such as feeder reconfiguration, consolidation and tie
transfers to ensure no violations or problems would occur if these activities were to be undertaken. Many
distribution models are used for fault analysis and protection device coordination, such as determining
whether fault current exceeds equipment ratings for changes in the transmission supply or when new
distributed generation is added.
Table 5 shows a list of major distribution planning models along with their developers. Virtually all perform
detailed distribution load flows at the nodal level. Some models are provided by vendors and others by
research laboratories and agencies. The latter includes representative systems and databases for use in
industry research. Some are in the process of linking to distribution management systems (DMS) for near-
real-time analysis, and the ability to use very accurate state information provided by smart devices located
on distribution feeders or from advanced metering infrastructure at customer premises. More information on
the capabilities of each of these models is presented in Appendix B.
Survey of Models and Tools for the Stationary Energy Storage Industry Page 12
Table 5. Distribution Planning Models Matrix
The KERMIT model is not a distribution planning model as listed but it can perform a second by second
dispatch to assess the system’s ability to achieve adequate balancing and maintain system frequency. Due to
this capability, KERMIT, in conjunction with other software packages, has been used to simulate the value
and impact of ES providing regulation service.
The primary ES applications in available distribution planning models focus on system impacts and
integration requirements at the distribution system level. These impacts include identification of the benefits
ES can provide or distribution upgrades required for integration. From a benefits perspective, the simulation
model can be run under a range of operating scenarios to determine the level of steady state voltage support
ES can provide during intervals when circuits experience unacceptably high (or low) voltage. Similarly, the
simulation model can be used to identify the extent to which circuits may be unloaded via firm ES to free up
5Kermit is not a traditional distribution modeling software, but has been put in this category as it does not fall into a
single “system planning” model category. Kermit is widely used to model frequency regulation.
Survey of Models and Tools for the Stationary Energy Storage Industry Page 13
capacity to defer upgrades. [1] ES also can improve circuit efficiency through on-peak loss reduction.
Importantly, most, if not all distribution planning models are used to assess ES impacts and benefits solely at
the distribution system level. Other benefits such as load following, frequency response, energy arbitrage,
and generation capacity deferrals are derived using other models described in this section. Hence, studies
intended to balance the size and capability of ES options currently require use of a series of independent
models to capture benefits and costs beyond the distribution circuit level.
The software systems used by ISOs/RTOs and utilities to operate the grid in real time include the following:
» Energy Management System (EMS) - An EMS is the primary control center solution to enable a
secure and efficient operation of the electric power system. The EMS is used to view and analyze the
current state of the transmission network. It also assists decision makers with reliable process
information at utilities. For example, automatic generation control (AGC) is a module of the EMS.
» Market Management System (MMS) - An MMS includes a set of advanced applications and an
infrastructure that supports all market related functions performed by wholesale electricity markets.
For example, the MMS manages the day-ahead and hour-ahead generation scheduling and
associated bid functions.
» Distribution Management System (DMS) - A DMS is used by the utilities to manage the operation of
the electrical distribution network and the field crews assigned to operate, maintain, and repair the
» Outage Management System (OMS) - OMS includes functionality that enables work flows to restore
customer outages due to planned or unplanned events.
[1] Planning criteria and standards applied by many utilities currently do not allow distributed generation, including
energy storage, to defer capacity on radial distribution circuits as the device does not qualify as “firm” capacity, as the
device may not be available at the time of the circuit peak due to planned or unplanned maintenance or outages. Further,
current IEEE 1547 guidelines required DG to remain offline for a circuit interruption. During this time, the storage device
must remain offline, typically for 5 minutes. IEEE working groups are currently addressing the off-line requirement for
inverter-based DG, which would include storage. Changes to the requirement may encourage utilities to assign some
amount of firm capacity to DG and storage. However, utilities, in some instances, use energy storage to provide firm
capacity to substations, typically those with two or more transformers and which have back-up ties to adjacent
Survey of Models and Tools for the Stationary Energy Storage Industry Page 14 Energy Storage Modeling Capabilities
Among the different real-time systems currently, OMS is the least impacted by ES. ES sources are typically
being used in a Micro Grid solution for outage mitigation. Large scale grid support would require much
larger ES capability. However, with the increase in ES systems at secondary and primary distribution levels,
the OMS will need to mature to account for these units as a safety concern before the restoration crew starts
to work on outages. The main vendors in the grid operation arena are ABB, GE, Siemens, Alstom, and OSI.
Almost all vendors have applications and tools that are used by transmission system operators to view,
analyze, and operate the electric grid. Certain unique architecture and user interface features differentiate
the vendors.
These systems are at the integration point where ES and distributed generation sources are connected to the
grid. The need for these vendors to include functionality that fully integrates real-time controls and
automation for distributed resources to enable greater amounts of capacity and to maximize benefits is thus
more urgent. A list of primary grid operation vendors are listed in Table 6.
Developer (EMS/DMS/OMS)
General Electric
The specific ways in which DMS might model DER capabilities to support the distribution network is
generally determined by DMS providers and utilities. Until recently, ES modeling capabilities within DMS
software have been limited. The approach for modeling ES has largely been in the form of creating a
microgrid setup and using the ES system as an injection into the network model where the DMS performs a
power flow based on the injection and the ES system handles the switching to generating and charging
Some of the grid operation (EMS, DMS, MMS and OMS) areas where ES modeling could improve include:
» Reporting ES availability/status
» Identifying ES capability
» Ability to connect and disconnect the ES
» Provide availability forecast that can be used for reserve calculations
» Input for relays and protection schemes in restoration scenarios
Survey of Models and Tools for the Stationary Energy Storage Industry Page 15
As ES units become operational, these systems will be used to enhance the reliability of the grid. Some of the
areas where these units interact with grid operations are listed below:
» Frequency regulation support: Frequency regulation services are necessary to provide fine tuning in
real time for the network to match supply and demand toward keeping a constant frequency.
Frequency regulation support is primarily done at the transmission level with the knowledge of
distribution system conditions, direct application at the distribution level may be limited due to size
and the needed for communications and controls to provide the service, as well as well-defined
market rules that are applicable to smaller ES options, particularly those owned and operated by
retail customers.
» Peak demand support: ES systems support traditional utility supply during outages as well as
compliment the utility feed during high demand periods.
» Microgrid/Islanding: ES systems are used to support critical operations during major outages in an
island or microgrid configuration.
The areas above are where ES systems are used have a tight link to the utility distribution networks. Efficient
management of ES systems can enable the use of these systems to support distribution operations.
DMS vendors recognize the growing trend of ES systems and have begun pilot projects to integrate these
systems into their software offerings. These pilot projects are customer-supported efforts where the DMS
vendors are approaching ES system integration from a microgrid configuration as well as power injections at
various points in the electrical network. Most vendors have a planned approach to integrate ES. While
certain vendors have made more progress in this effort than others, DMS to ES integration is nascent with
more vendor products to come.
These tools can vary from fairly simple spreadsheets to programs serving many functions that involve
complex algorithms and software design. In addition, they may take data from other models, such as
production cost models as inputs.
Table 7 shows which models have the capabilities discussed above. Many of these models are not publicly
available and are used only for internal planning and analysis. In addition, many ES vendors do system
sizing in partnership with a client on a case-by-case basis, and do not have prepackaged tools to do so. In
these cases, vendors may use customer data and client preferences as input to an Excel spreadsheet to
perform the analysis to optimally size a system.
Survey of Models and Tools for the Stationary Energy Storage Industry Page 16
A summary of the various tools and their uses can be found in Appendix B, but their general functionality
can be categorized as follows:
» Estimating and Demonstrating Value – These tools typically use a methodology to evaluate the
performance, benefits, and costs of an ES project. They have pre-defined ES applications or operating
scenarios that the user selects from and inputs data on system characteristics, system performance,
historical energy market data, costs, and possibly also forecasts of how these variables might change.
The tools then apply a set of defined calculations to provide a benefit of the project. Projects
participating in a power market typically have to track their sales and revenue. The software to do
this must meet the power market operator’s standards and a few vendors have products that can
handle ES projects.
» Calculating System Size – An ES system customer might not have an exact ES system size in mind
and these tools help select the appropriate system size. The technology provider typically inputs
information on the intended use of the ES, energy usage data, electrical system characteristics, and
energy price data. The model then provides a recommended system size. These tools in conjuncture
with those that estimate and demonstrate value will allow the customer to pick the optimal
technology type and size based on the product options available.
» Controlling System Operation – Most ES equipment vendors offer software to allow an owner to
control their system and view the system status. In addition, some companies offer control software
that is device independent. The models we researched can control one unit or an entire fleet, but
vary in communication path (e.g., broadband, utility DMS, and cellular network); however, some
models are communication path independent. Most of the tools have pre-programmed ES
applications such as demand charge management, load shifting, renewables integration, back-up
power, voltage control, and time-of-use energy cost management.
» Optimizing System Performance – Most ES systems are installed to run several applications such as
regulation, photovoltaic (PV) smoothing, and load shifting. The operator of the system needs to
decide how often to run the system for each application to maximize the desired impact on a specific
application. Tools in this category take in information on power markets and forecasts, ES system
specifications, and owner preferences and goals. They then use a variety of algorithms to
recommend a dispatch profile to meet the owner’s needs.
In addition to the models discussed here, several equipment vendors have proprietary internal tools for
meeting their needs, but the tools are not standardized or publicly available. They are typically used for
calculating system size, estimating value, and/or optimizing system performance.
Survey of Models and Tools for the Stationary Energy Storage Industry Page 17
Table 7. Energy Storage-Specific Applications Matrix
Survey of Models and Tools for the Stationary Energy Storage Industry Page 18
At the other end of the spectrum are companies offering publicly available tools to meet the specific needs of
the ES industry with tools that are not technology specific. Examples include products from GELI,
1EnergySystems, and GreenSmith that are focused on controlling system operation and optimizing system
performance. These tools are not tied to a specific equipment type or original equipment manufacturer and
were created to meet a market need.
Finally, there is a third category of tool that is developed by consulting firms that may be publicly available
or used by the consulting firm for their clients. These include products from Customized Energy Solutions,
DNV GL, Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), Integral Analytics, and Navigant. The tools are typically
for estimating and demonstrating revenue and optimizing system performance.
Each of the models reviewed was in a different stage of development. A few notable trends include the
» For tools that can control ES systems, many vendors would like to expand the control capabilities to
other distributed energy technologies, demand response, and microgrid control. Many vendors see
these as natural extensions of their current capability.
» Several vendors are developing capabilities for system owners to develop their own dispatch
algorithms beyond what is pre-programmed. This will give owners the ability to adapt to changing
rates, tariffs, and regulations.
» Many vendors only offer their tools with their ES systems; however, some of these vendors are
interested in offering the software separately, which would increase industry knowledge on optimal
operation of ES systems.
EPRI is developing a framework for a control architecture for grid ES systems. Their intent is to provide a
well-defined, industry agreed-upon ES control protocol that would enable cost-effective and reliable ES
through concepts such as plug and play. If this process is successful, the system control software discussed
above may evolve over time.
In parallel, the California Energy Commission (CEC) and California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) are
updating interconnection requirements for DER, of which ES is included. Part of this effort may include new
requirements for remote communication and control capabilities between utilities and DER. This may
require upgrades to the system control software discussed above. In addition, the CPUC decision D.13-10-
040 October 17, 2013 requires that the state’s three major IOUs procure a total of 1,325 megawatts of ES
capacity by the end of 2020. This process will require tools to conduct cost benefit analyses of ES in various
applications which utilizing a standard approach.
Survey of Models and Tools for the Stationary Energy Storage Industry Page 19
3 Definition of Stakeholder Needs
Stakeholders in the ES industry include electric system operators (ISOs/RTOs), IPPs, integrated utilities,
transmission and distribution (T&D) utilities, state and federal regulators, electricity consumers, ES
technology providers, R&D and consulting organizations, project developers, and the finance
Table 8 provides examples of modeling and analysis tools used by each of these stakeholders to:
» Demonstrate the potential value of ES systems prior to financing and construction or to track
revenue of operating systems
» Size ES systems for specific applications
» Operate the ES system to ensure reliability and stability of the grid
» Optimize the system performance by dispatching for selected applications
Finance Community
Project Developers
R&D / Consulting
End Users
System Planning
Portfolio Planning x x x x x
Energy Production Cost Simulation x x x x x
Transmission System Planning x x x x x
Distribution System Planning x x x
Energy Storage Systems
Estimate & Demonstrate Value x x x x x x x x
Calculate System Size x x x x x x
Control & Operate Installed Systems x x x x x x x
Optimize System Performance x x x x x x x
Real-Time Grid Operation x x
Survey of Models and Tools for the Stationary Energy Storage Industry Page 20
Information on the type of modeling capabilities each stakeholder needs was captured through a series
of interviews along with responses from our online survey. Stakeholder input regarding the availability
of adequate models and tools is described below:
» Technology Providers – Technology providers are organizations that have ES devices or
equipment to sell. Technology providers typically develop their own in-house proprietary tools
to design, size, control, optimize, and demonstrate the value of their systems to customers. These
tools are developed in-house in order to capture the unique characteristics of their specific ES
technologies. Most models are in the form of spreadsheet tools or back-of-the-envelope
calculations but a few have begun to develop more sophisticated models, such as Eagle Picher
and Aquion, though they remain proprietary. The EaglePicher model inputs the load profile and
tariff structure from the customer and will output the utility bill reduction if they were to install
the EaglePicher ES system and deploy it with a given directive. The Aquion Energy System
Model allows Aquion clients to compare and size Aquion’s products against competing ES or
other distributed generation technologies.
» Project Developers – Project developers are organizations that plan and build ES systems. Some
project developers are also technology providers, although many project developers install
third-party technology. Like technology providers, project developers generally use internally
developed tools to size, control, and optimize the systems they are installing.
» Utilities – Utilities are entities that sell electricity at the retail level. Utilities either own the
facilities that generate the electricity they sell to customers, or they purchase that electricity from
IPPs. Utilities are responsible for procuring resources such as ES and ensuring that these
resources can operate effectively within their T&D network. In regions with ISOs/RTOs, there is
a further level of operational reliability assessment conducted by the system operator. Tools
such as OpenDSS, Gridlab-D, PSCAD, and ETAP allow utilities to effectively model ES at the
distribution level. Utilities also use industry standard transmission models such as PSS/E
(Siemens PTI) and PSLF (GE) to conduct transmission planning studies. Because widely used
transmission planning models do not have pre-programmed ES modules, some utilities have
also built their own tools to demonstrate the effects of ES on the transmission system. Utilities
also use production cost models to evaluate possible ES options, and portfolio planning models
to assess how ES could fit into a capacity expansion plan.
» Generators/IPPs – Generators and IPPs own and operate facilities that sell power at the
wholesale level to utilities. They do not sell electricity at the retail level. Like utilities, generators
and IPPs are responsible for ensuring that the ES systems they own can operate effectively
within T&D networks. This is done through T&D system modeling. Additionally, generation
owners will assess the long-term economic benefits of their technology through the use of
production cost modeling and portfolio planning.
» State and Federal Regulators – Regulators include federal entities such as the Federal Energy
Regulatory Commission and state public utility commissions (PUCs). Regulators review
planned ES systems to ensure that they comply with regulations. In regulated areas, state PUCs
must review all proposed ES projects to ensure that they benefit ratepayers. Currently, only
California has issued a standardized method to demonstrate an ES system’s value to ratepayers
to a state PUC for approval. The accuracy of this method is yet to be determined and there
Survey of Models and Tools for the Stationary Energy Storage Industry Page 21
continues to be no standard set of modeling results to demonstrate ES system’s value to
» End Users – End users are typically large energy consumers who install ES to reduce demand
charges or smooth existing on-site renewable resources. This includes large industrial facilities,
universities, or isolated pockets with high renewable penetration. End users typically work with
technology providers to model desired ES systems at the distribution level. An end user’s ability
to model ES depends on the modeling capabilities of their technology provider since the
technology provider performs analysis using data provided by the end user. End users are also
responsible for analyzing potential ES systems from a financial perspective to ensure that they
are a sound investment. This can be difficult as the publicly available ES-specific tools have
difficultly modeling the specific location characteristics that apply to each end user.
» ISO/RTOs – ISOs and RTOs are responsible for operating and ensuring the reliability of
organized electric markets and include Pennsylvania, Jersey, Maryland Power Pool (PJM),
Midwest ISO (MISO), New York ISO (NYISO), ISO-New England (ISO-NE), Electric Reliability
Council of Texas (ERCOT), Southwest Power Pool (SPP), and California ISO (CAISO). ISOs also
operate the energy and ancillary services markets within their areas and assure the reliability of
the transmission network. In order to carry out these responsibilities, ISOs often use
transmission system planning and energy production cost simulation models. Many ISOs, such
as MISO, have very low levels of ES penetration outside of pumped hydro storage and thereby
have not modeled ES devices with any rigor. Other ISOs, such as CAISO, are expecting high
levels of non-pumped ES penetration, and are modeling ES devices through the traditional
system planning software platforms along with information from the technology owners on how
the device will be dispatched.
» R&D/Consulting – R&D and consulting cover a broad range of stakeholders from consulting
firms that assist utilities and project developers in analyzing ES systems to research
organizations such as the U.S. Department of Energy, national laboratories, EPRI, and RMI.
Some organizations are developing software to more accurately analyze the potential for ES.
Consulting firms typically license publicly available models, or use their own proprietary
software to assist clients in planning or analyzing ES projects. These software packages can be
ES-specific, or fall into additional categories such as portfolio or system planning.
» Finance Community – The finance community includes all organizations responsible for
financing or investing in ES projects. These entities use financial modeling software to ensure
that their projects will get an adequate return on investment. These models are generally
proprietary and product specific.
Survey of Models and Tools for the Stationary Energy Storage Industry Page 22
4 Identification of Gaps
The most notable gap with respect to ES in these models is the limited ability to comprehensively
account for ES value. These models have historically been tuned to hourly time-block operations, which
is sufficient for conventional generators. The way in which ES is modeled ranges from a pre-defined
hourly dispatch to an integrated dispatch based upon daily price variation. The portfolio planning
models reviewed do not have the ability to co-optimize dispatch between the energy and ancillary
services market; therefore, the models do not capture the value of ES systems providing ancillary
services or real-time energy imbalances.
This limitation in ES valuation can then distort the comparison of ES systems to traditional technologies.
Traditional technologies are modeled with a fair number of input options, which help determine the
most economic decisions in capacity expansion and operation, but do not capture many of the
downsides that may be limited within ES systems. For example, these models do not model sub-hourly
energy dispatch and the potential for much higher supply variability in the 5- to 15-minute time-frames;
therefore, capacity expansion decisions are made by determining the least-cost option that can provide
the necessary energy on an hourly basis. However, a thermal unit that is forced to cycle to provide
Survey of Models and Tools for the Stationary Energy Storage Industry Page 23
regulation and load-following does not hit availability limits. These additional deterrents would help ES
compete with other resources.
Finally, these models do not look at sub-hourly loads; therefore, capacity expansion decisions are made
by determining the least-cost option that can provide the necessary energy on an hourly basis.
Portfolio planning models can still be vastly improved through additional input options and constraints.
Having the ability to model specific types of ES technologies in more detail and optimally deploy them
for the most economic application would substantially increase the value of ES systems.
The long-term planning models also aggregate time blocks and use weather normalized load and
renewable generation patterns. This may disadvantage ES units that are deriving significant value from
helping to maintain system stability during situations that require quick ramping. The solution for the
portfolio planning is to consider atypical time periods on shorter, sub-hourly time frames, alongside the
weather normalized periods and properly value the likelihood of such situations arising.
Finally, taking into account additional constraints on thermal unit operations, such as a cap on total
starts per year, or additional service requirements caused by cycling, would result in more informed
decisions on capacity expansion. This would be a fairly minor upgrade that could produce notably
different results.
Production Cost models typically conduct dynamic optimization using perfect foresight over the period
modeled (typically 1 day to 1 week), and hence do not account for forecast error. More recent studies
have added such considerations, but for shorter modeled intervals. Due to its quick ramp capabilities
and capability to move from charge to discharge rapidly, more flexible ES will gain value in system
operations where forecast errors would otherwise require commitment of additional, slower start
Most production cost models do not contain a sub-hourly dispatch, and those that have added this
capability are often still in the validation phase among industry users. The lack of time granularity in the
most-widely used models again limits their ability to value ES appropriately. In most cases, the
operating points and/or operating ranges needed to represent sub-hourly requirements (e.g., system
inertial requirements, frequency response, regulation and load-following) over long periods of time are
established ex ante and simply carried by the resources being modeled on an hourly basis. In the
instances where sub-hourly dispatch is available, extremely long run times and difficultly creating
optimal ES dispatch make it impractical for resource planners to use these features for long-term
planning. Hence, it is conducted typically for shorter periods, such as sample days, for purposes of
Survey of Models and Tools for the Stationary Energy Storage Industry Page 24
testing stress cases in system operations. One approach is the utilization of production simulation to
establish unit commitment, and then using other models, such as KERMIT, that replicate second- to
minute- time-step dispatch for frequency regulation.
One feature of production cost models is that each unit type is represented by a limited number of
operational parameters and constraints. For many models, the operational parameters offered to model
ES units are limited to cycle efficiency and maximum capacity. Linkages to other models are necessary to
determine the value of ES dispatch for various uses from a single device, such as the ability to provide
renewable firming, regulation services, and leveraging energy market price changes. Within some
packages, such as PLEXOS, parameters to characterize other operational features of ES technologies can
be modeled and tailored to dispatch in a more optimal manner given the desired application. Such
modifications, however, can be a very time-intensive and analytically difficult process, and may not be
practical for standardized long-term planning. What has been useful in recent years is the engagement of
the national laboratories such as NREL, in modifying production simulation models and then
transferring the methods (and results) to other users. However, with a larger range of technologies and
design options under consideration, the user community may need to play a larger role in model
Incorporating the ability to model ES with more flexibility would be the most apparent improvement to
production cost models. Having to tamper with other technology types to create the appropriate unit is
possible, but also complicated. A more difficult improvement would include the ability for ES systems to
be dispatched for a variety of applications. Additionally, sub-hourly dispatch needs to be validated and
be done in conjunction with more sophisticated ES algorithms so that the impacts on regulation can be
properly quantified.
Other potential updates include a more specific set of inputs based on different ES technologies, and co-
optimized dispatch algorithms for ES that would allow the model to maximize value within ancillary
services, energy revenue, and system cost benefits simultaneously. Finally, the ability of production cost
modes to contain a built-in algorithm which would take into account the value of firming versus other
factors and maintain the appropriate capacity in the “reservoir” to achieve an optimal solution on a daily
basis would be a notable improvement. While ES systems can currently be shown to reduce curtailment,
additional value could still be captured through a more advanced algorithm.
These limitations and others need to be considered as the production cost framework evolves over the
next few years to support more accurate ES valuation.
Additionally, the most commonly used transmission planning software packages have limited options
for modeling ES. This often results in users, such as utility planners, building their own models or
modules for the software to assess the impacts of utility-scale ES systems. This can be a time-consuming
process due to the large amount of data required, and is thereby a barrier to entry. For example, within
Survey of Models and Tools for the Stationary Energy Storage Industry Page 25
PSS/E, the only available ES model is a classic battery ES facility based on a voltage-source converter
template. In time, it is anticipated that ES models will evolve in a manner similar to the numerous wind
turbine and solar panel models that have been created.
The most feasible improvement within transmission planning models would be to incorporate
additional validated models. These models could be designed for additional areas currently not covered,
or for new applications that would help define ES systems. In line with this, ES modules that allowed for
more complex modeling of an ES system would improve the accuracy of ES impacts on the transmission
system. In time, it is probable that the various software packages will offer more ES models comparable
to what is being used in the industry. As more user written models are developed by the experts in the
ES space, eventually there will be enough well defined, load flow parameters to drive the
standardization of multiple ES models.
Additional capabilities within the model to give the user more flexibility on which application the ES
system will be optimized for would improve the capabilities of these models. This would optimize
operation for ES devices versus total economic benefit to the system. While the current method of
modeling ES exogenously can be effective, a more streamlined approach to incorporate ES system
characteristics into the model would improve the quality of the software package.
Ongoing or planned upgrades to distribution planning models are likely to focus on simulation of DER
and other nontraditional resources. Further, vendors will continue to expand planning models to
incorporate more accurate line and customer loads via integration with databases that link to smart
meter and distribution SCADA data downloads. This expanded capability will enable distribution
operators to assess operating scenarios and reconfiguration options on a near real-time basis, with the
confidence that the model will produce accurate results.
Pumped hydro type of ES has been modeled in EMS as a type of generator. To incorporate additional
forms of distributed ES such as battery, flywheel and thermal, traditional EMS with minor modifications
has been used. AGC also plays an important role in controlling these distributed ES sources.
Survey of Models and Tools for the Stationary Energy Storage Industry Page 26
Market management systems have not seen a significant impact due to ES. FERC issued Order No. 755 to
compensate those who can provide fast-response frequency regulation most effectively and require grid
operators to compensate frequency regulation resources based on the actual service they provide.
However, the ISOs/RTOs have been able to accommodate this change and some of the ISOs/RTOs had
already modified their market management systems in anticipation of alternative resources such as
demand response and ES.
In determining the appropriate system size and optimal system operation for their system, stakeholders
uniformly used proprietary in-house models. These models range from Excel-based spreadsheets to
sophisticated software built on more powerful platforms. All models are also product specific. Creating
a model to take into account client-specific needs and locational conditions can be difficult and has
prevented the availability of commercially available software in this space. A general lack of shared
knowledge on this front has also resulted in the inability to create a package that incorporates the
flexibility to both incorporate the varying characteristics of different ES systems, and provide
appropriate algorithms to optimize control for a variety of different applications.
As more data is collected on ES systems, and more knowledge is gained, there would be potential for
such a model to exist. Third-party vendors could attempt to break into this market if stakeholders show
a need in this space. If in-house tools continue to be developed on a project-specific basis, the market for
such a tool may never exist, and propriety models of varying success will remain the standard.
Another area for modeling improvement is in determining the optimal application of a system based on
real-time grid conditions. At this time, there are no widely accepted, standardized tools that accomplish
this. Some organizations are attempting to create this type of software, and the resulting model will
likely be improved as more data on ES operations is available.
While it may be infeasible to create a single tool to integrate the value of ES from a distribution,
transmission, and energy market standpoint due to computational limits, a standardized modeling
approach in how to value ES could help mitigate the complexity of combining various study results.
Regardless of the modeling capability available, accepted standards on how to appropriately value a
system are still not defined. In California, the recent ES mandate has been accompanied by efforts to
have greater standardization of assumptions and data among utilities when evaluating ES bids, and such
data may be public, but as of this writing, the utilities are still expected to use their own, non-public,
Survey of Models and Tools for the Stationary Energy Storage Industry Page 27
valuation tools. At the minimum, the ES sector should promote a more uniform set of standards to
prevent customers considering ES from improperly valuing ES systems, due to the use of inappropriate
methods or software packages.
It is common understanding that any model can only be as good as the data that it receives. Many
stakeholders highlighted that this was a major gap in the available data necessary to provide the desired
results. There were a few major areas where this was highlighted.
Survey of Models and Tools for the Stationary Energy Storage Industry Page 28
Appendix A Contributing Companies/Entities
Organizations Organizations
1Energy Systems, Inc. Integral Analytics
24M Technologies, Inc. Iowa State University
Advanced Research Projects Agency –Energy (ARPA-E) IPRE, LLC
AES Energy Storage LCG Consulting
Aquifer Based Hydroelectric Systems Midwest Independent System Operator (MISO)
Beacon Power LLC Mustang Prairie, LLC.
Black & Veatch Corporation National Grid
CODA Energy National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)
Customized Energy Solutions (CES) Navigant Consulting, Inc.
DNV GL Energy & Sustainability NextEra
EaglePicher Technologies, LLC PJM Interconnection
Ecoult PNM Resources
Electric Power Resources Institute (EPRI) PowerGEM, LLC
Energy Exemplar PowerHub Systems
Energy Storage Solutions, LLC. Powertech Labs, Inc.
EnerVault RedFlow Limited
European Energy Storage S&C Electric Company
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD)
FirstEnergy Service Company Safe Hydrogen, LLC
General Electric Energy Consulting SAFT America, Inc.
Greensmith Silent Power, Inc.
Growing Energy Labs (GELI) Shin-Kobe Electrical Machinery Co., Ltd.
HCW Consulting SunEdison
HOMER Energy Swanbarton Limited
Inabensa Company University of California – San Diego
Ventyx, an ABB Company
Survey of Models and Tools for the Stationary Energy Storage Industry Page 29
Appendix B Descriptions of Software Products 6
6Model descriptions were developed through survey results, user interviews, direct vendor contact, institutional
knowledge, and publicly available information from the websites referenced. All descriptions were sent to their
respective developers for review to assure accuracy.
Survey of Models and Tools for the Stationary Energy Storage Industry Page 30
Models and Tools Page #
Distribution System Planning
Electricity Distribution Grid Evaluator (EDGE) Model 62
ES-Grid 62
ETAP Grid: Distribution Software 56
GridLab-D 62
LoadSEER 59
Open Distribution System Simulator (OpenDSS) 60
SynerGEE 61
WindMil 62
Real-Time Grid Operation (Distribution Management Systems)
Alstom Distribution Management System - Demand Response Distributed Generation (DMS – DRDG) 63
Decentralized Energy Management System 63
Distribution System Operations Solution 63
GE Distribution Management System 63
Oracle Distribution Management System (DMS) 63
OSI Spectra Distribution Management Systems 64
Survey of Models and Tools for the Stationary Energy Storage Industry Page 31
Models and Tools Page #
Energy Storage Systems
Advance 2 Control 65
Battery XT 65
BOS4 65
Core Operating System 65
Cost Performance for Redox Technologies 65
DynaTran 66
Energy Operating System 66
Energy Storage Computational Tool 66
Energy Storage Valuation Tool 67
Energy System Model 67
ES Simulator 67
ES Select 67
Frequency Regulation Performance Model 67
GridStore 68
Joule.System 68
Market Revenue Optimization Model for Behind-the-Meter Storage Projects 68
Market Revenue Optimization Model for Grid-Connected Storage Projects 68
Microgrid Optimizer 69
OnCommand 69
PowerScope 69
1E Storage Integrator 69
WindStore 69
Survey of Models and Tools for the Stationary Energy Storage Industry Page 32
B.1 Portfolio Planning
Survey of Models and Tools for the Stationary Energy Storage Industry Page 33
Software Name Electric Generation Expansion Analysis System (EGEAS)
Developer Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
The EGEAS graphical user interface (GUI) facilitates the viewing, input, and modification of input data for all four EGEAS program modules, i.e., ORTHOG,
Description of User
EDIT, CANAL, and REPORT. All the EGEAS input data is displayed on various screens, and the user can input new data or modify existing data. The user also
can execute the four EGEAS modules by using the GUI screens.
Publicly Available for Yes. A license to use EGEAS can be purchased for a fee directly from EPRI, or from 3rd party licensees, including NG Planning LLC, and Lummus International
License? Consultants, Inc.
Model Category Portfolio Planning
Key data inputs in each of the four modules, include the following:
• ORTHOG – Peak and energy forecast, hourly system load shape in EEI format, hourly generation profile for non-dispatchable technologies, committed
purchases and sales, etc.
• EDIT – Generating unit characteristics that impact variable cost, fuel costs, capital costs for new resources, escalation rates. For storage resources,
Major Model Inputs
such as pumped hydro and compressed air, the user also specifies the pumping and generating capacities, full cycle efficiency, and the maximum
amount of energy generation based on the reservoir capacity.
• CANAL – Optimization method, reliability constraints, operating constraints, tunnel constraints, emission constraints, economic dispatch options, etc.
• REPORT – Specify what types and the details of reports to produce for the output report.
Key output reports include the following:
• Expansion plan matrix showing the type, timing, and amounts of new resources added in the “optimized” or “least-cost” expansion plan.
• Expansion plan summary showing the annual peak & energy, existing capacity, capacity retirements, capacity additions, reserve capacity, loss-of-load-
probability, production costs, fixed and variable O&M costs, capital fixed charges, etc.
• Fuel class report showing the amount and cost of energy by fuel type as specified by the user, such as coal, oil, nuclear, hydro, wind, etc.
Main Model Outputs • Unit production cost report showing for each generating unit the amount of energy generated, fuel costs, fixed and variable O&M costs, annual capacity
factor, etc.
• Maintenance report showing the maintenance schedule of each generating unit, including the starting week of the maintenance and the number of
weeks of maintenance.
• Emissions report showing the amounts of various types of emissions for each generating unit, and also the amounts of each type of emission for the
entire system.
To develop the “least-cost” or “optimized” resource expansion plan to meet forecasted customer electricity demands in a reliable manner, while also meeting
other user-specified constraints for the next 20 to 30 years. Resources options for optimization include both supply side and demand side resources. In addition
Main Objectives of Model
to conventional resources, such as coal-fired units, gas-fired combustion turbines and combined cycle units, EGEAS can also consider different types of energy
storage plants, such as pumped hydro, compressed air, batteries, flywheels, and also renewable resources, such as wind and solar.
Survey of Models and Tools for the Stationary Energy Storage Industry Page 34
Software Name Electric Generation Expansion Analysis System (EGEAS)
Modeled as a generating unit with a “pumping” and “generating” capacity with a full cycle efficiency factor. The user can specify the maximum amount of energy
Method for Modeling
that can be generated based on the capacity of the storage reservoir. The amount of pumping and generation is based on system dispatch economics, which is
Energy Storage
primarily driven by the spread of “on-peak” and “off-peak” energy prices.
EGEAS is a modular production costing and generation expansion software package developed under EPRI sponsorship. It is used by electric utility planners to
develop and evaluate integrated resource plans, avoided costs, and plant life management plans. It also has modules that accommodate demand-side
management options, and facilitate development of environmental compliance plans.
EGEAS contains three capacity analysis options that range from preliminary analysis tools based on screening curves to sophisticated nonlinear optimization
using generalized Benders decomposition and dynamic programming algorithms. A stand-alone, detailed, probabilistic production- costing algorithm also is
Other Information
available for production cost and reliability analysis.
EGEAS is a commercial resource optimization program that has been used by utility planners for more than 30 years and has been used by some Independent
System Operators (MISO) to perform regional resource forecasting studies to evaluate various proposed energy policies, environmental regulations, state and
federal RPS requirements, coal-fired capacity retirements, and natural gas supply issues. EGEAS is often used for scenario analysis as it is designed to be able
to run many cases without much setup and has short run-times.
Survey of Models and Tools for the Stationary Energy Storage Industry Page 35
Software Name Portfolio Optimization Model (POM)
Developer Navigant Consulting, Inc.
Description of User
Publicly Available for
No, proprietary
Model Category Portfolio Planning
Description / Main Capacity expansion and production cost model with a focus on environmental regulations and renewable expansion. The model also can evaluate value
Objectives of Model propositions other than least-cost using a multivariate objective function approach.
Capacity capital costs, regional reserve margins, hourly load forecast, transmission network, RPS mandates, emissions regulations and costs, fuel costs,
Main Model Inputs
fuel supply curves
Main Model Outputs Capacity build out, energy prices, REC prices, capacity prices, unit generation, transmission details
Currently energy storage can purchase energy from the grid in min load blocks and then generate that power with an efficiency loss in max load blocks.
Method for Modeling POM does not take into account the reliability benefits of storage when choosing to build. Storage is valued by selling the power during peak times and
Energy Storage buying during off-peak times. Currently POM is developing the capability to allow the storage to be a generic expansion option and building in the ability for
storage and other unit types to receive value from ancillary services when making expansion decisions.
Survey of Models and Tools for the Stationary Energy Storage Industry Page 36
Software Name Regional Energy Deployment System (ReEDS) Model
Developer National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)
Description of User
Publicly Available for
Model Category Portfolio Planning
Description / Main U.S. electric sector capacity expansion model. Linear optimization model focusing on characteristics of particular importance to integration of renewable
Objectives of Model resources into the electric grid.
Capacity capital costs, regional reserve margins, hourly load forecast, transmission network, RPS mandates, emissions regulations and costs, fuel
Main Model Inputs
costs, fuel supply curves, renewable resource supply curves.
Main Model Outputs Capacity build out, unit generation, transmission expansion, electricity prices, REC prices, emissions.
cost (various), round-trip efficiency, ability to provide capacity services, ability to provide ancillary services, ability to reduce curtailments, location-based
Method for Modeling
resource assessment for CAES and PHS. ESS has four available value streams: energy arbitrage, ancillary service provision, capacity value, and can
Energy Storage
reduce curtailment of other units.
Survey of Models and Tools for the Stationary Energy Storage Industry Page 37
Vendor Name & License
Software Name Description
Source Information Available
EMCAS is a model in which diverse participants in the electricity market are represented as “agents.” All agents have their own
set of objectives, decision-making rules, and behavioral patterns. Further, agents can draw on an array of historical information
(e.g., past power prices) and projected data (e.g., next-day load) to support their unique decision process.
EMCAS simulation runs over six decision levels, ranging from hourly dispatching to long-term planning. At each decision level,
agents make certain decisions, including determining electricity consumption (customer agents), unit commitment (generation
companies), bilateral contracting (generation and demand companies), and unit dispatch (ISO/RTO agent). Agents then apply
Argonne National their own decision rules and evaluate how well these rules meet their objectives.
Electricity Market Laboratory Rules that fail to meet objectives can be modified in subsequent time steps. In this manner, agents may “learn” from past efforts
Complex Adaptive No and gravitate to strategies that improve their respective positions. Agents go through a look-back-look-ahead process. This
System (EMCAS) v/projects/ approach allows for exploration of a wide range of behaviors that cannot be captured by conventional optimization or
ml equilibrium methodologies.
An EMCAS simulation includes both the customers who represent the end users of electricity and the demand companies from
whom they purchase electricity. The latter can be conventional distribution companies or brokers. EMCAS also includes the
physical generators and the generation companies that own them and the transmission lines and busses and the transmission
companies that own them. An independent system operator (ISO) or regional transmission operator (RTO) can be included
when one exists. The agents interact on several layers, including a physical layer, several business layers, and a regulatory
ICF's Integrated Planning Model (IPM) provides true integration of wholesale power, system reliability, environmental
constraints, fuel choice, transmission, capacity expansion, and all key operational elements of generators on the power grid in a
ICF Consulting
Integrated linear optimization framework. The model utilizes a Windows-based database platform and interface that captures a detailed
Planning Model Yes representation of every electric boiler and generator in the power market being modeled.
(IPM) nsights/products-
The fundamental logic behind the model determines the least-cost means of meeting electric generation energy and capacity
requirements while complying with specified constraints, including air pollution regulations, transmission constraints, and plant-
specific operational constraints.
Charles River
Associates (CRA)
North American CRA NEEM models the US electric power system and portions of the Canadian system, with 31 geographical regions that
Electricity and reflect the interplay of transmission constraints and environmental regulations. The output from NEEM is average peak and off-
consultingexpertise/ Yes
Environment Model peak electricity price by region, emission allowance prices, coal prices, unit retirements, resource additions, unit retrofits and
(CRA NEEM) Content.aspx?tID=8 the associated cost data over a 40- to 60-year time horizon.
Survey of Models and Tools for the Stationary Energy Storage Industry Page 38
Vendor Name & License
Software Name Description
Source Information Available
The National Energy Modeling System (NEMS) is a computer-based, energy-economy modeling system of U.S. through 2040.
Energy Information
National Energy NEMS projects the production, imports, conversion, consumption, and prices of energy, subject to assumptions on
Administration (EIA)
Modeling System Yes macroeconomic and financial factors, world energy markets, resource availability and costs, behavioral and technological
(NEMS) choice criteria, cost and performance characteristics of energy technologies, and demographics. NEMS was designed and
implemented by the Energy Information Administration (EIA) of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE).
Survey of Models and Tools for the Stationary Energy Storage Industry Page 39
B.2 Energy Production Cost Simulation
Software Name Flexible Energy Scheduling Tool for Integration of Variable Generation (FESTIV)
Developer National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)
Description of User
Basic GUI
Publicly Available for The lab has been in discussions with giving out the program to a limited set of outside entities (starting with the ISOs and RTOs). It would be freely available to
License? those parties.
Model Category Energy Market (Production Cost) Simulation / Transmission System Analysis
FESTIV is a research model that emulates multiple operational timescales of power system operations, from daily planning to second-by-second control. It
Description / Main
produces results on both costs and reliability together. The tool is primarily used for studying power system operations and wholesale market design on systems
Objectives of Model
with increasing penetrations of variable renewable generation as well as other emerging technologies (e.g., energy storage).
Main Model Inputs Unit characteristics, high resolution load and variable generation output and forecasts, grid characteristics.
Main Model Outputs Steady state reliability in terms of area control error and control performance standards, and operational costs.
The model can show how energy storage can reduce costs and improve reliability. A recent focus is how the ISO can best include energy storage in its energy and
ancillary service market designs. So far, the model has focused on pumped storage hydro. The developers are in discussion with other experts within NREL to
Method for Modeling
look at concentrated solar thermal power with thermal energy storage. Compressed air energy storage would also be similarly modeled to pumped storage hydro.
Energy Storage
It can also model flywheels and batteries that are typically considered as limited energy storage resources, since these resources typically only provide AGC
regulation control, which is one of the main focuses of the FESTIV model.
The model typically simulates a day or week of operation at multiple timescales. This mimics the operation of an independent system operator. For example, a 24
hour, hourly day-ahead unit commitment, 3-hour, 15-minutely real-time unit commitment, hour lookahead, 5-minute economic dispatch, and a 4 second automatic
Other Relevant Information generation control is a typical nested simulation example. All of these time frames are completely configurable.
FESTIV is a research-oriented tool built using Matlab and GAMS and is an open source model.
Survey of Models and Tools for the Stationary Energy Storage Industry Page 40
Software Name General Electric Multi-Area Production Simulation Software (GE MAPS)
Developer GE Energy Consulting
Description of User
Publicly Available for
Model Category Energy Market (Production Cost) Simulation
GE MAPS is a detailed, chronological simulation model that calculates hour-by-hour production costs while recognizing the constraints on generation dispatch
imposed by the transmission system. GE MAPS performs a transmission-constrained production simulation, which uses a detailed electrical model of the entire
transmission network, along with generation shift factors determined from a solved ac load flow, to calculate the real power flows for each generation dispatch.
Description / Main This makes it possible to capture the economic penalties of re-dispatching the generation to satisfy transmission line flow limits and security constraints. 7
Objectives of Model MAPS has the flexibility to perform either zonal or nodal analysis. The MAPSnodal software recognizes normal and security-related transmission constraints to
model the actual electrical system in detail. This allows you to analyze opportunities for an individual company or examine the economic interchange of energy
between several companies in a region.
Issues commonly studied with MAPS include locational spot pricing, transmission bottlenecks, actual power flow estimates, and need for transmission upgrades.
Unit characteristics relating to variable operation or cost. Forecast fuel prices, emissions prices, and load. Load flow, transmission constraints, grid and market
Main Model Inputs
operating rules.
Hourly locational marginal prices by node, hourly unit operations, unit cost and revenue, system cost, transmission line flows, constrained hours, and renewable
Main Model Outputs
Method for Modeling
MAPS optimally dispatches energy storage to maximize economic value. Energy storage efficiency rates can be input into MAPS.
Energy Storage
MAPS can be integrated with PowerGem Probe for sub-hourly analysis. Can get as granular as 5 or 10 minute of perfect dispatch to compare to real-time
Other Relevant Information
Survey of Models and Tools for the Stationary Energy Storage Industry Page 41
Software Name GridView
Developer ABB, Inc.
Description of User
Publicly Available for
Model Category Energy Market (Production Cost) Simulation
Description / Main
GridView is a least-cost, security constrained unit commitment and economic dispatch solution.
Objectives of Model
Unit characteristics relating to variable operation or cost. Forecast fuel prices, emissions prices, and load. Load flow, transmission constraints, grid and market
Main Model Inputs
operating rules.
Hourly locational marginal prices by node, hourly unit operations, unit cost and revenue, system cost, transmission line flows, constrained hours, and renewable
Main Model Outputs
Method for Modeling Gridview can model each energy storage type and has the ability to model its efficiency in storage when producing energy. Energy storage can be optimally
Energy Storage dispatched both to maximize economic value and assess reliability needs.
Other Relevant Information Sub-hourly modeling is actively being built.
Survey of Models and Tools for the Stationary Energy Storage Industry Page 42
Software Name HOMER
Developer HOMER Energy, LLC
Description of User
Publicly Available for
Both free and licensed versions
Model Category Energy Market (Production Cost) Simulation
HOMER is an optimization and decision analysis tool for the design of hybrid systems, including microgrids. Not all systems modeled in HOMER have
storage, but most do.
Description / Main
Objectives of Model HOMER performs chronological simulations of power systems that contain combinations of renewable resources, conventional power technologies, storage
and load management. The current version has time steps that can be as short as 1 minute (1 hour is typical). The future version will have the ability to use 1
second time steps. It is a techno-economic model that identifies the least-cost design and the sensitivity of that design to changes in input parameters.
Main Model Inputs System parameters
Main Model Outputs Identifies a least-cost design for a specified hybrid system, and the sensitivity of that design to changes in input parameters.
Method for Modeling The vast majority of users model lead acid batteries, but HOMER has modules for multiple types of flow batteries, flywheels, nickel and lithium batteries.
Energy Storage Among other algorithms, HOMER users most commonly uses its kinetic battery model.
Other Relevant Information HOMER is currently developing an API to external battery modules, but also improving adding capability to the included battery module.
Survey of Models and Tools for the Stationary Energy Storage Industry Page 43
Software Name PLEXOS
Developer Energy Exemplar
Description of User
Publicly Available for
Model Category Energy Market (Production Cost) Simulation
PLEXOS is a market simulation and optimization software package. PLEXOS’ co-optimization architecture co-optimizes thermal, hydro, energy,
Description / Main
reserves, fuel markets and contracts. PLEXOS is extremely detailed compared to other energy market modeling software and can model 5-minute
Objectives of Model
or greater time steps. Consequently, PLEXOS has relatively high run times compared to similar models.
Unit characteristics relating to variable operation or cost. Forecast fuel prices, emissions prices, and load. Load flow, transmission constraints, grid
Main Model Inputs
and market operating rules.
Hourly locational marginal prices by node, hourly unit operations, unit cost and revenue, system cost, transmission line flows, constrained hours,
Main Model Outputs
and renewable curtailment.
PLEXOS has robust hydro optimization capabilities, including pumped storage and pumped load, and also has a new storage class which can
Other Relevant Information
model the other storage systems. In addition, PLEXOS has a separate natural gas optimization which can model natural gas storage as well.
Survey of Models and Tools for the Stationary Energy Storage Industry Page 44
Software Name PLEXOS
PLEXOS has robust modeling capabilities for energy storage and can model batteries, flywheels, compressed air, thermal devices, and pumped
storage technology among others. The PLEXOS storage algorithm has the following features:
• Simultaneous solution for all resources
o All decision variables determined at same time
o Perfectly arbitrages all available markets
o Co-optimize energy, AS, storages, DC-OPF
o Can capture additional benefits from storage units besides energy arbitrage
o Co-optimization includes limited resources: hydro energy, fuel, emissions.
• Can model 5-minute or greater time step
o Real-time markets
o Sequential Day-ahead and Real-Time markets simulation to capture the wind / load variability and uncertainty
DA simulation produces unit commitment schedules using forecasted wind generations and loads
RT simulation reveals the ramp capacity adequacy using “actual” wind generations and loads
PLEXOS factors in the following characterizes when modeling energy storage:
Method for Modeling
• Charging or Pumping
Energy Storage 8
• Efficiency
• Generating
o Minimum and maximum generation (MW)
o Ramp rate (MW/min)
• Ancillary Service Provisions
o AS provision in both pumping and generating modes
o AS provision limits and ramp rates (MW/min.)
• Reservoir or storage device
o Minimum and maximum storage (MWh)
o Storage natural inflow and losses modeled
o Daily or weekly recycle, or optimization of storage targets for large storages
According to reviewed sources, PLEXOS has not modeled a battery yet. However, Batteries will most likely be modeled similar to a
pumped storage hydro unit with different generating characteristics such as storage capacity (MWh), generation, pump load, ramp rate,
8Additional source: etc.
Survey of Models and Tools for the Stationary Energy Storage Industry Page 45
Software Name Portfolio Ownership and Bid Evaluation (PROBE)
Developer PowerGEM, LLC
Description of User
User friendly GUI based on Excel VBA automation
Publicly Available for
Model Category Energy Market Bid and Production Cost Minimization
Description / Main PROBE is a short term (days to months) market simulator with detailed transmission and unit models. Performs hourly and sub-hourly dispatch and is
Objectives of Model customized to mirror day ahead production operation of the five largest U.S. ISOs. PROBE is used in DA and RT daily production by several ISOs.
All unit bids and generator characteristics used in energy market scheduling and operation. Hourly demand, virtual bids, transactions, congestion contracts
Main Model Inputs
(FTRs). Transmission models (may change hourly), constraints, contingencies, and transmission flowgates.
Hourly locational marginal prices by node, unit commitment and dispatch, dispatch for non-generation bids, unit cost and revenue, and total system cost.
Main Model Outputs
Transmission line flows, hourly binding constraints with shadow prices, penalties for constraint relaxation, and revenue adequacy by constraints.
Method for Modeling Energy storage and energy limited resources are optimally dispatched to minimize system total production cost. Used by PJM to optimize pump storage
Energy Storage within DA operations, using starting and ending water levels and efficiency factors.
Survey of Models and Tools for the Stationary Energy Storage Industry Page 46
Software Name PROMOD IV
Developer Ventyx
Description of User
Promod is controlled and operated through Powerbase which is a graphical user interface
Publicly Available for
Model Category Energy Market (Production Cost) Simulation
PROMOD IV performs an 8760-hour commitment and dispatch recognizing both generation and transmission impacts at the nodal level. PROMOD IV
Description / Main forecasts hourly energy and congestion and loss prices, unit generation, revenues, and fuel consumption, external market transactions, transmission flows.
Objectives of Model The core of PROMOD IV is an hourly chronological dispatch algorithm that minimizes costs (or bids) while simultaneously adhering to a wide variety of
operating constraints, including generating unit characteristics, transmission limits, fuel and environmental considerations, transactions, and customer demand.
Unit characteristics relating to variable operation or cost. Forecast fuel prices, emissions prices, and load. Load flow, transmission constraints, grid and market
Main Model Inputs
operating rules.
Hourly locational marginal prices by node, hourly unit operations, unit cost and revenue, system cost, transmission line flows, constrained hours, and
Main Model Outputs
renewable curtailment.
Method for Modeling PROMOD IV allows modeling the efficiency of the unit in storing and generating energy. The scheduling may be based on the region or the LMP at the unit.
Energy Storage Energy storage is optimally dispatched to maximize economic value.
Other Relevant Information Sub-hourly modeling is under development as part of the software roadmap.
Survey of Models and Tools for the Stationary Energy Storage Industry Page 47
Software Name UPLAN Network Power Model (NPM)
Developer LCG Consulting
Description of User
Publicly Available for
Model Category Energy Market (Production Cost) Simulation
UPLAN Network Power Model (UPLAN-NPM) incorporates a rich, integrated representation of physical features of the electric generators, loads and
transmission, financial characteristics and system operation.
UPLAN-NPM performs coordinated marginal cost (or bid) based energy and ancillary service procurement, congestion management, N-x contingency analysis
with Security Constrained Unit Commitment (SCUC) and Security Constrained Economic Dispatch (SCED) similar to those used by ISOs. A novel feature of
UPLAN is simultaneous Unit Commitment, Optimal Power Flow (OPF), and dispatch to ensure that all transmission constraints, line contingencies, outages and
Description / Main physical constraints for power delivery are obeyed. UPLAN has no inherent restriction on size, speed, transmission contingencies, number of generators, and
Objectives of Model load buses. The program can dispatch at 5 minute intervals, unit commitment is done hourly.
UPLAN applications include:
Energy (LMP—Energy, Loss & Congestion), Capacity and Ancillary Service Prices, Daily and weekly ISO Operations, Generator Costs and Revenues, Net
Operating margin, Fuel Consumption, Economic Analysis of Transmission, Load Flow, Branch Overload, LODF, OTDF, Congestion Revenue Rights, Shadow
Price, Long-term Asset Valuation, New market Entry and Expansion Planning, Emission & Allowance Prices, Volatility, Hedging & Risk Management, Asset
Main Model Inputs Generation characteristics, Transmission, Load, Load Flow, Constraints, Operations, Grid and Market Operating Rules, fuel prices, emissions prices.
Main Model Outputs Hourly physical and economic performance of all elements of the grid.
Energy storage can be optimally dispatched to both maximize economic value and assess reliability needs. Energy storage efficiency rates can be put into the
program. UPLAN can handle numerous energy efficiency variables including energy loss, probability of regulation call, ramp rate, ancillary service product and
Method for Modeling MW capability. Other energy storage features of U-Plan include:
Energy Storage • Storage can participate efficiently and effective in ancillary services.
• Operations and value of the storage are calculated.
In the case of pumped hydro storage, comprehensive infrastructure inputs can be utilized including river system.
Other Relevant Information Currently, UPLAN is developing capabilities to model Ancillary Service participation by product during storage-specific operational phases.
Survey of Models and Tools for the Stationary Energy Storage Industry Page 48
Vendor Name &
Software Name Source Description
EPIS, Inc.
AURORAxmp is an electricity market forecasting tool used primarily for power market price forecasting, analysis of contract and
Aurora XMP Yes
portfolio operations, optimized resource expansion, and power market risk analysis.
Day-Ahead DAYZER simulates the operation of the electricity markets, the dispatch procedures adopted and used by the corresponding
Locational independent system operators (ISOs), and replicates the calculations made by the ISOs in solving for the security constrained,
Energy Solutions
Market Clearing least-cost unit commitment and dispatch in the day-ahead markets. It forecasts the day-ahead hourly locational market clearing
Prices Yes
prices and congestion costs, using the most recently available data on fuel prices, demand forecast, unit and transmission line outages, and emission permits costs. DAYZER incorporates all the security, reliability, economic and engineering constraints on
html generation units and transmission system components.
REFlex is a reduced form dispatch model that evaluates the limits of variable renewable generation as a function of system
REFlex No
flexibility. It can also evaluate the role of enabling technologies such as demand response and energy storage.
Survey of Models and Tools for the Stationary Energy Storage Industry Page 49
B.3 Transmission System Planning
Survey of Models and Tools for the Stationary Energy Storage Industry Page 50
Software Name ETAP®
Transmission Load Flow, Balanced or Unbalanced Short Circuit , Optimal Power Flow, Dynamic Stability Simulation, Voltage Stability Analysis, Contingency
Analysis, Protective Device Coordination (Overcurrent, Differential, Distance), Transmission Line Sag & Tension, Transmission Line Derating & Capacity
Assessment, Transmission Line Impendence Constant, Impedance Calculation, Line Coupling, etc., Impedance Calculation including Mutual Coupling,
Flexible AC Transmission System (FACTS) modeling including High-Voltage DC (HVDC) and Static Var Compensator (SVC) models, User-Defined Dynamic
Main Model Outputs
Model Editor & Compiler, Detailed dynamic models of generator exciter, governor, PSS, etc., Detailed models of Photovoltaic Generators, Wind Turbine
Generators, etc., Common Information Model (CIM) Interface, State Estimation & Load Allocation, Network Topology Processing (Logical and Geospatial),
Real-Time Distribution Load Flow, Predictive Distribution Network Analysis & Optimization, Volt/Var Optimization & Control (VVOC), Fault Management &
Service Restoration, Switching Sequence Management, Demand Response & Load Management, Short-Term Load Forecasting
The ETAP Battery Discharging Analysis module provides the tool to model, size and analyze the performance of batteries. The module calculates the battery
capacity, voltage, current, and output power as the battery discharges through a duty cycle. The battery duty cycle can be calculated from either load current
summation or load flow calculations.
In addition, ETAP User-Defined Dynamic Models program can be used to build or customize complex energy storage devices. This module allows you to
build control block diagrams needed to simulate the behavior of devices for simulations. ETAP enables designers and engineers to conceptualize the
collector systems, determine wind penetration and perform grid interconnection studies. ETAP includes comprehensive renewable energy models combined
Method for Modeling with full spectrum power system analysis calculations for accurate simulation, predictive analysis, equipment sizing, and field verification of wind and solar
Energy Storage farms.
• Wind farm collector system design, Wind penetration studies, Solar farm collector system design, Solar penetration studies, Grid interconnection
studies, Dedicated generation farm HMI, Generation management system, Environment monitoring, Wind turbine performance monitoring, Solar
panel & inverter performance monitoring, Prediction of system response to operator actions
Other tools offered in ETAP for assessing the cost of energy:
• Cost Allocation, Energy Tariff Builder, Energy Audit & Billing, Cost & Consumption Summary, Energy cost assessment, Peak Shaving, Optimize
Spin Reserve, Cost Optimization, Economic Dynamic Dispatch, Real-Time Energy Cost Tracker
Other Relevant Information
Survey of Models and Tools for the Stationary Energy Storage Industry Page 51
Software Name GE Concordia Power Systems Load Flow Software (PSLF)
Developer GE
Description of User
Publicly Available for
Model Category Transmission System Analysis
Description / Main Concorda PSLF is a power flow and dynamics software tool designed for very large (up to 80,000 buses) transmission systems. PSLF allows both visual
Objectives of Model and Excel-like table editing of data and provides advanced visualization of output results.
Main Model Inputs An approved base case in the “.sav” or “.epc” format. For dynamic transient stability studies an input file in the “.dyd” format is required.
The output for steady state post processing reports highlighting:
• System facility overloads for transmission lines and transformers
• Bus voltage analysis - high bus voltages, low bus voltages, and post contingency voltage deviations
Main Model Outputs Upon processing of the dynamic stability simulation model information, the expected output will be the following post processing reports:
• Graphical post script plot files to illustrate the dynamic stability of the system. The graphical displays will showcase the system’s response to
system disturbances (faults, open pole, breaker failure, etc.); the application of remedial action schemes/special protection systems; and the loss
of load or generation events.
The main objectives of the model are as follows:
• Closely represent the Energy Storage unit’s steady state and dynamic stability characteristics within this software.
Main Objectives of Model • Graphically and numerically report on pre and post contingency results and to identify potential impacts or benefits of a given resource or
resources. Provide technical evidence to determine whether or not system upgrades and additional transmission facilities are required to mitigate
noted problems and successfully integrate the energy storage facility with the grid.
PSLF includes dynamic simulation models that can be used to simulate the system response of energy storage facilities to a variety of system
Method for Modeling
disturbances and transmission conditions. There are numerous models in the dynamics simulation model catalog can be used to assess the impacts of
Energy Storage
energy storage projects and that require the specific defined characteristics to be provided by the vendor out.
Other Relevant Information
Survey of Models and Tools for the Stationary Energy Storage Industry Page 52
Software Name Power System Simulator for Engineering (PSS/E)
Developer Siemens Power Technologies, Inc. (PTI)
Description of User
Publicly Available for
Model Category Transmission System Planning
An approved base case model in the *.sav or *.raw file format. For dynamic simulation studies, the appropriate models in the python (*.py) or fortran (*.flx or
Major Model Inputs
*.obj) format will be required for compilation and integration into the dynamic simulation *.dyr file.
After entering in the appropriate steady state model information, the expected output will be steady state post processing reports highlighting:
• System facility overloads for transmission lines and transformers.
• Bus voltage analysis - high bus voltages, low bus voltages, and post contingency voltage deviations.
Main Model Outputs
Upon processing of the dynamic stability simulation model information, the expected output will be the following post processing reports.
Graphical post script plot files to illustrate the dynamic stability of the system. The graphical displays will showcase the system’s response to system
disturbances (faults, open pole, breaker failure, etc.); remedial action schemes/special protection systems; and loss of load or generation events.
The main objectives of the model are as follows:
• Closely represent the Energy Storage unit’s steady state and dynamic stability characteristics within this software.
Main Objectives of Model • Graphically and numerically report on pre and post contingency results.
Provide technical evidence to determine whether or not system upgrades and additional transmission mitigation equipment are required to successfully
integrate the energy storage facility, in question.
PSS/E includes dynamic simulation models that can be used to simulate the system response of the energy storage facilities to a variety of system
Method for Modeling disturbances and transmission conditions. There are some Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) models in the dynamics simulation model catalog that will
Energy Storage require the specific vendor defined characteristics to be filled out. PROMOD could also be used to assess the impact on the transmission system from a
pricing perspective.
Other Relevant Information
Survey of Models and Tools for the Stationary Energy Storage Industry Page 53
Software Name Powerflow & Short-circuit Analysis Tool (PSAT)
Developer Powertech Labs Inc.
Description of User
Graphical user interface. A batch mode controlled by Python script is also available.
Publicly Available for
Model Category Transmission System Analysis
PSAT is a full-featured graphical powerflow and short-circuit analysis program that includes table-driven data manipulation and flexible one-line diagram
Description / Main
capability. It can be used for stand-alone powerflow analysis or for data exchange with the other DSATools products (also available from Powertech) such as
Objectives of Model
the Voltage Security Assessment Tool (VSAT), the Transient Security Assessment Tool (TSAT), or the Small Signal Analysis Tool (SSAT).
PSAT has its own powerflow data structure and format which can be stored either in ASCII or binary files. This powerflow data can be used by any of the
DSATools programs.
Main Model Inputs PSAT also has the capability of importing the powerflow data in a variety of commonly used formats, including PSS/E, PSLF, IEEE, BPA.
PSAT provides a set of function API compatible with Python scripting language. The user can create Python scripts that call these functions to execute various
powerflow tasks.
PSAT has the capability of exporting the powerflow data in a variety of commonly used formats, including PSS/E, PSLF, IEEE, BPA.
The following analysis features are available in PSAT:
• Various powerflow solvers including Newton Raphson and Fast Decoupled methods.
• Comprehensive model and data analysis tools.
• Extensive model and powerflow solution validation reporting tools.
Main Model Outputs
• Advanced graphic display of powerflow solution such as MW and MVAR flow animation, and contour plots.
• Special analysis functions including short-circuit analysis, static network reduction, and harmonic analysis.
• Powerflow case comparison.
• Analysis of power systems of up to 100,000 buses.
• Runs on any MS Windows platforms.
PSAT supports models for pumped storage, battery, SMES, and other energy storage devices. Powerflow with such devices can be imported in
Method for Modeling
VSAT/TSAT/SSAT for advanced stability analysis. Detailed dynamic characteristic and operational features of such devices can be included using user-defined
Energy Storage
modeling capabilities.
Survey of Models and Tools for the Stationary Energy Storage Industry Page 54
Vendor Name &
Source License Available Description
GE Energy
GE Power System PSDS is a dynamic transmission simulation program. PSDS is completely integrated with the PSLF program, and adds
Dynamic /multimedia/_files/d Yes comprehensive dynamic modeling of generators, excitation controls, turbines, governors, driven loads, relays, and other system
Simulation (PSDS) ownloads/EC components whose dynamics are significant in the 0-30 radian/second bandwidth.
Integral Analytics,
Integrated Inc.
IDROP is a distribution and transmission system modeling and operational control software package that allows the utility to
Dispatchable optimize at a systems level, the micro-dispatch of appliances, electric vehicles, photovoltaic generation, wind generation, and
Resource Yes
distributed storage units, such that the utility can maximize its value, given customer-established constraints, cost of service,
Optimization uctsServices/Smart compliance histories, expected load, and market prices.
Portfolio (IDROP) GridSolutions/iDrop.
PowerWorld Corp. PWS is a power flow modeling software package capable of modeling systems of up to 60,000 buses. PWS also features
PowerWorld Yes integrated economic dispatch, area transaction economic analysis, power transfer distribution factor (PTDF) computation, short
Simulator (PWS) circuit analysis and contingency analysis.
Cambridge Energy TRANZER is used to edit Power Flow Data (PFD) stored in a backend database that represents an electric transmission
Solutions (CES) system together with the additional data required for various analyses. This additional data includes specifications for
generation units and aggregate buses (zones and hubs) as well as phase angle regulators (PARs), transmission lines (AC and
DC), interfaces, and contingency constraints. Once the PFD has been defined, TRANZER can also be used to analyze the transmission system, in which case the application is capable of calculating DC shift factors (with or without losses), DC loss
ml factors, and DC power flows.
Survey of Models and Tools for the Stationary Energy Storage Industry Page 55
B.4 Distribution System Planning
Survey of Models and Tools for the Stationary Energy Storage Industry Page 56
Software Name ETAP®
Single Line Feeder Diagrams, Geospatial Distribution Views , Distribution Load Flow, Balanced or Distribution Short Circuit , Reliability Assessment, Time
Domain Power Flow, Voltage Stability Analysis, Distribution Line / Feeder Sizing, Dynamic Stability Analysis with User-Defined Dynamic Model Editor &
Compiler, Optimal Power Flow, Optimal Capacitor Placement, Switching Optimization, Underground Raceway Thermal Analysis, Substation Ground Grid
Design & Analysis, Protective Device Coordination (Overcurrent, Differential, Distance), Distribution Line Derating & Capacity Assessment, Distribution Line
Main Model Outputs
Impedance Calculation including Mutual Coupling, Distributed Energy Resource (DER) modeling such as Photovoltaic Generators, Wind Turbine Generators,
etc., OMS / GIS Interface, Common Information Model (CIM) Interface, State Estimation & Load Distribution, Network Topology Processing (Logical and
Geospatial), Real-Time Distribution Load Flow, Predictive Distribution Network Analysis & Optimization, Volt/Var Optimization & Control (VVOC), Fault
Management & Service Restoration, Switching Sequence Management, Demand Response & Load Management, Short-Term Load Forecasting
The ETAP Battery Discharging Analysis module provides the tool to model, size and analyze the performance of batteries. The module calculates the battery
capacity, voltage, current, and output power as the battery discharges through a duty cycle. The battery duty cycle can be calculated from either load current
summation or load flow calculations.
In addition, ETAP User-Defined Dynamic Models program can be used to build or customize complex energy storage devices. This module allows you to
build control block diagrams needed to simulate the behavior of devices for simulations.
ETAP enables designers and engineers to conceptualize the collector systems, determine wind penetration and perform grid interconnection studies. ETAP
includes comprehensive renewable energy models combined with full spectrum power system analysis calculations for accurate simulation, predictive
Method for Modeling analysis, equipment sizing, and field verification of wind and solar farms.
Energy Storage
• Wind farm collector system design, Wind penetration studies, Solar farm collector system design, Solar penetration studies, Grid interconnection
studies, Dedicated generation farm HMI, Generation management system, Environment monitoring, Wind turbine performance monitoring, Solar
panel & inverter performance monitoring, Prediction of system response to operator actions
Other tools offered in ETAP for assessing the cost of energy:
• Cost Allocation , Energy Tariff Builder , Energy Audit & Billing , Cost & Consumption Summary, Energy cost assessment, Peak Shaving , Optimize
Spin Reserve, Cost Optimization, Economic Dynamic Dispatch , Real-Time Energy Cost Tracker
Other Relevant Information
Survey of Models and Tools for the Stationary Energy Storage Industry Page 57
Software Name KERMIT
Developer DNV GL
Description of User
EXCEL and Matlab Simulink
Publicly Available for
Yes, On a case by case basis
Model Category Distribution System Planning
Description / Main
Design and validate renewable integration, dispatch and control design, storage integration/application
Objectives of Model
Transmission network, generator dynamic models, hourly schedules, load, renewables, AGC parameters, storage technologies and storage
Main Model Inputs
control selections/design, many others
Time series of system, generation, storage, and economic data. Performance analysis of multiple parameters (NERC criteria, frequency, ACE,
Main Model Outputs
dispatch, costs, --- 00’s of variables)
Method for Modeling
Dynamic model (0.1 sec – hours) incl charging/discharging losses, self discharge, Peukert effect, controls
Energy Storage
Other Relevant Information Has been used in numerous renewables integration, storage integration, and AGC design efforts, basis of FERC filings
Survey of Models and Tools for the Stationary Energy Storage Industry Page 58
Software Name LoadSEER
Developer Integral Analytics, Inc.
Description of User
Publicly Available for
Model Category Distribution System Planning
LoadSEER’s is a comprehensive T&D spatial load forecasting tool that accommodates risk analysis, integrates resource planning with demand side
Description / Main management (DSM) measures, and values electric related decisions that have significant locational influences.
Objectives of Model The primary purpose of LoadSEER is to assess the capital budgeting implications of storage, including capacity at risk, reliability, cost-effectiveness and
revenue requirements, years into the future.
Main Model Inputs Regional influence rules, local preference rules, land availability rules for a given system.
Main Model Outputs Predicts future growth and electric load for a given scenario. Allocates the control tools of land use growth. Determines where growth density will occur.
Method for Modeling
ES is modeled in Cyme, Synergy or other load flow software and then imported into LoadSEER.
Energy Storage
1. Simulates change in land use with a state-of-the-art cellular automata sub-algorithm.
2. Allocates new growth by land use classes and priorities.
Other Relevant Information
3. Produces forecast maps with electric load by customer classes.
4. Provides flexible modeling in order to run multiple scenarios across space and time.
Survey of Models and Tools for the Stationary Energy Storage Industry Page 59
Software Name Open Distribution System Simulator (OpenDSS)
Developer EPRI
OpenDSS is implemented as both a standalone EXE program and as a COM DLL
Description of User 1. The EXE version provides a multiple-window user interface to assist users in constructing and executing scripts
Interface 2. The DLL is designed as an in-process server to be driven from a variety of existing software platforms for highly customized types of distribution system
Open Source - The version installer has been posted
Publicly Available for
Model Category Distribution System Planning
The model is a general-purpose model for a wide variety of storage technologies designed for the OpenDSS framework. It can be used for static power flow
calculations and various time-varying simulations. It is basically used to investigate impacts of hosting storage on utility power delivery systems.
Description / Main The modes above are all intended for sequential power flow solution with a time step size of no less than 1 second. These solution modes would include
Objectives of Model Snapshot, Time, Daily, Yearly, and Duty. Inverter transients are assumed to be settled out for these solution modes.
Modeling storage elements for distribution planning purposes involves sequential time simulations of typically 1 second to 1 hour steps. Also, dynamic
simulations can be performed using steps from 0.2 – 1.0 millisecond.
Survey of Models and Tools for the Stationary Energy Storage Industry Page 60
Software Name Open Distribution System Simulator (OpenDSS)
The storage element is essentially a basic generator element that can be dispatched to either produce power (discharge) or consume power (charge) within its
power rating and its stored energy capacity. With proper controls, the storage model can operate in several different modes described below or can be
operated through the implementation of a special control algorithm from another program.
Peak Shave: This is the default. The control attempts to discharge storage to keep power in the monitored element within a bandwidth of, or below, the kW
value specified by the kW target.
Load Following. The control is triggered by time and resets the kW target value to the present monitored element power. It then attempts to discharge storage
to keep power in the monitored element no greater than the new kW target.
DR Support. This essentially the opposite of Peak Shave mode. Storage is dispatched to keep the power in the monitored terminal at or above the kW target
Load Shape: In this mode both discharging and charging precisely follow a per unit load shape curve.
Main Model Inputs Time mode: In Time mode, all storage elements are set to discharge when in the course of simulation the time of day passes the specified hour of day.
Storage element: Voltage, kW rated, kWh rated, % reserve margin, Inverter PF, Connection (3-phase devices), % efficiency charging, % efficiency
discharging, % Idling kW, % Idling kvar, Dispatch mode (5 modes; 4 without external controller), Discharge trigger, Charge trigger level or time, Harmonic
spectrum, User-written DLL for dynamics (optional).
Storage Controller: (Controls one or more Storage devices): kW target, % kW bandwidth, PF target, PF bandwidth, List of Storage elements controlled,
Weights for the elements,
Discharge modes: Peak Shave, power follow, support, load shape, time,
Charge modes: Loadshape or time, Time trigger for discharge mode, Time trigger for charging mode, % discharge kW rate for the fleet, % charge kW rate for
the fleet, % reserve kWh for the fleet, $ participation factor, Yearly, Daily, and Duty cycle load shapes to control charge/discharge as needed, kW threshold for
dispatching storage fleet.
Only a subset of these inputs are necessary for any given simulation.
1. Power and current in/out as a function of time (captured by monitors for sequential time simulations).
Main Model Outputs 2. State-of-charge of the storage element.
3. Average losses in the storage elements.
Other Relevant Information Interface to the power system can be full 3-phase or 1-phase, commensurate with the general capabilities of OpenDSS.
Survey of Models and Tools for the Stationary Energy Storage Industry Page 61
Vendor Name &
Software Name Source License Available Description
The EDGE model is a MATLAB-based simulation tool designed to comprehensively assess the DER value proposition in
different regulatory and utility business model environments based on a detailed assessment of the technical and operational
Rocky Mountain implications. Though designed to study an individual utility or region, the model maintains the flexibility to be adapted for use
Electricity Institute (RMI) with many different utilities or regions. The ability to alter the model’s parameters allows RMI to identify conditions that optimize
Distribution Grid value, and to test the effects of new, innovative business models and rate structures.
Evaluator (EDGE) Knowledge- The EDGE model provides an analytical basis for assessment of the costs and values created by all resources, including DERs,
Model Center/Library/2013 from the unique perspectives of key stakeholder groups. To determine the outcome for each stakeholder group, the EDGE
-02_EDGEModel model incorporates the principal drivers of value in electricity system planning and operations—location, timing, and
controllability. These drivers are then integrated over multiple timescales—sub-hourly distribution system simulation, hourly bulk
power dispatch, and annual resource portfolio planning—subject to certain constraints.
DNV GL ES-Grid models the financial and economic side of energy storage systems. Specifically, ES-Grid performs a financial
ES-Grid Yes evaluation based on the physical performance of storage on a distribution system. The tool explicitly models the distribution
m/ network and with performance results based on a multi-phase, unbalanced distribution power flow solver.
Pacific Northwest
National Laboratory GridLAB-D is an open-source (BSD license) simulation and analysis tool that models emerging smart grid energy technologies.
GridLab-D Free It couples power flow calculations with distribution automation models, building energy use and appliance demand models, and market models. It is used primarily to estimate the benefits and impacts of smart grid technology.
GL Group SynerGEE can perform detailed load modeling and a host of analyses on radial, looped and mesh network systems comprised
SynerGEE Yes
on multiple voltages and configurations.
Milsoft WindMil is a distribution system planning software package that will accurately represent a fully detailed circuit model including
individual customers, inline and endpoint devices, and even distributed generation. The analytical capabilities encompass
WindMil Yes
power flow and voltage drop modeling, reliability analysis, contingency and sectionalizing studies, short circuit and fault current
oducts/windmil calculations, protective device coordination and arc flash hazard analysis.
Survey of Models and Tools for the Stationary Energy Storage Industry Page 62
B.5 Real-Time Grid Operation
Survey of Models and Tools for the Stationary Energy Storage Industry Page 63
Vendor Name &
Software Name Source License Available Description
OSI Spectra OSI OSI’s Spectra DMS and its component applications empower distribution system operators and other users to monitor and
Distribution control the distribution system. The DMS supports additionally distributed generation. OSI through pilot projects, is
Management pdf/dms/SpectraDM investigating ways to integrate energy storage and renewables in a microgrid control mechanism with plans for future
Systems (DMS) S_PS.pdf integration into the DMS.
Survey of Models and Tools for the Stationary Energy Storage Industry Page 64
B.6 Energy Storage Systems
Survey of Models and Tools for the Stationary Energy Storage Industry Page 65
Software Name Vendor Name Function License Available Description
DynaTran Performs cost-benefit studies of energy storage plants based on utility specific and/or ISO/RTO
based data sets for a wide variety of storage plants. The tool calculates benefits including economic
benefits associated with storage plants that ISO/RTO’s have markets for and a wide variety of other
benefits (e.g., increasing or better utilizing renewable generation resources, lowering CO2 or NOx
Estimate and footprints, lowering capital costs for new transmission and/or distribution lines and/or equipment, and
Demonstrate reducing the impact of cycling base loaded plants).
DynaTran EPRI Value, Optimize No The DynaTran software code calculates the actual operating costs for charging and discharging the
System storage plant, based on user specified time steps and for all or any combination of the duty cycles
Performance (arbitrage, frequency regulation, up-ramp, down-ramp, non-synchronous spinning reserve, synchronous
spinning reserve, VAR support, and black start duty cycles). The code uses an optimization method to
figure out when is the least cost time to charge the storage plant and when is the best economic time to
discharge the storage plant.
DynaTran has been used by over 50 utilities to evaluate energy storage options.
EOS is an energy management platform that can be used by utilities and energy storage system owners to
manage distributed energy resources, including energy storage. It can be run via the cloud or locally. Pre-
Control System
programmed energy storage applications include renewable energy integration, energy cost management,
Energy Operating Growing Energy Operation,
Yes grid support functions, EV management, electric energy time-shift and microgrid operation. It can be used
System (EOS) Labs, Inc. (GELI) Optimize System
with many different energy storage technologies (e.g. flow batteries, Li ion, lead acid, fly wheel and ZBB)
and is meant for systems up to 1 MW in size. EOS also includes a set of libraries related to distributed
energy resources such as OpenADR and SEP 2.0.
The Energy Storage Computation Tool (ESCT) was built to help users identify and quantify energy storage
project benefits and costs. The primary purpose of the tool is to analyze operational deployments, but the
tool can also be used to analyze proposed or hypothetical projects. The user inputs information on the
energy storage projects location, market, assets and owner and then is guided through a process to select
Energy Storage Navigant
Demonstrate Value Yes applicable applications and benefits. The user then inputs project-specific information such as costs,
Computational Tool Consulting, Inc.
efficiency, capacity and economic variable such as inflation. The model then calculates the net present
value of costs and benefits using pre-defined equations that monetize all benefits. The user may be
directed to input additional data to support benefit calculations. The model outputs information such as
total net present value, plots of value over time, and normalized benefits.
Survey of Models and Tools for the Stationary Energy Storage Industry Page 66
Software Name Vendor Name Function License Available Description
The model’s purpose is to inform under which conditions energy storage makes sense, and the relative
cost-effectiveness of different energy storage project opportunities. It simulates energy storage operation
and calculates value in different use cases, spanning different combinations of services, locations, and
Energy Storage Estimate and
EPRI Yes energy storage technology characteristics. The user inputs annual hourly load and market price data,
Valuation Tool Demonstrate Value
financial information, energy storage cost and technical parameters. The model outputs net present value
lifetime cost-benefit; revenue breakdown by grid service; simulated energy storage dispatch behavior;
detailed financial, grid service-specific, and technical simulation outputs.
Calculate System The Energy System Model (ESM) helps Aquion clients compare and size Aquion’s products against
Energy System
Aquion Energy Size, Optimize No competing energy storage or other distributed generation technologies. It is currently focused on microgrid
System Dispatch and off-grid applications.
Estimate and
Demonstrate EaglePicher has developed several pieces of software to help its client’s value, size, control, and optimize
ES Simulator Revenue, Sizing, No output of energy storage systems. Examples include an ROI model that uses load profile and tariff data to
Operations, demonstration the ROI of installing energy storage and the control software for systems they install.
The model’s objectives are to provide an initial screening of storage options, provide a high level
comparison of energy storage options and applications, assess stacked value for multiple applications and
provide general guidance on energy storage and its grid applications. The user defines what applications
Estimate and to bundle, the priority of applications and any custom energy storage solution or option to be compared
ES-Select DNV GL Free
Demonstrate Value with its competition. The model then outputs prioritized energy storage options, a comparison of feasible
storage options, a comparison of custom storage solutions against alternatives, statistical treatment of
paybacks and their probabilities and a suggested sales prices of storage for maximum sales and potential
CES has a proprietary model that simulates the second-by-second frequency regulation dispatch signal to
an individual resource for each of the major ISO/RTO markets, including CAISO, PJM, NYISO and MISO.
This modeling tool enables storage developers and investors to determine key revenue and cost drivers,
Calculate System such as amount of mileage, accuracy score, effective capacity, energy conversion losses, and depth-of-
Regulation Customer Energy
Size, Optimize Yes discharge cycles for a given resource. Combined with CES’s market price forecasts and financial models
Performance Solutions
System Dispatch this tool aids our clients in understanding the economic value of providing frequency regulation under
FERC Order 755 “Pay-for-Performance” pricing. It is also a valuable tool for understanding implications to
warranty and product life. The model can be used to evaluate state-of-charge management strategies for
increasing revenue and prolonging life.
Survey of Models and Tools for the Stationary Energy Storage Industry Page 67
Software Name Vendor Name Function License Available Description
Gridstore is a grid scale battery valuation tool. GridStore simulates the operation of a battery in day-to-day
energy markets to calculate the potential of technological and price constraints associated with operating
in that market and the total potential revenue from having that resource.
Integral Analytics, Estimate and
GridStore Yes Gridstore can model energy storage both to maximize economic value and to assess reliability needs.
Inc. Demonstrate Value
Energy efficiency variables are entered in Excel, thus the number of energy efficiency variables the
program can handle is virtually unlimited.
Gridstore can model any time frame, length of step is user defined.
The Joule.System is a turn-key energy management platform that includes management of energy storage
Control System
systems. It is a cloud based platform that can manage and control a fleet of energy storage and distributed
Demand Energy Operation,
Joule.System Yes generation systems. It also takes in information on load, energy markets and performance of other energy
Networks Optimize System
systems to minimize costs. It can be used in the following applications: renewable energy integration,
demand charge management, electric energy time-shift, EV management, and microgrid operation.
CES has a proprietary model for determining the optimal operating strategy for grid-connected storage
assets (either stand-alone or combined with renewable or conventional generation assets). The model
Market Revenue evaluates and optimizes potential market revenue streams against the operating expenses and economic
Calculate System
Optimization Model Customer Energy life of the asset. The revenue streams considered by the model include energy, spinning reserves, non-
Size, Optimize Yes
for Grid Connected Solutions spinning reserves, frequency regulation, ramping, and capacity. The model considers the unique market
System Dispatch
Storage Projects rules and products available for a given market region, along with CES’s proprietary market price
forecasts, to determine the optimal operating strategy to maximize the value of the asset and return on
CES has developed an model for behind-the-meter storage applications (either stand-alone or combined
with renewable or conventional generation assets). The inputs considered by the model include retail
Market Revenue
electricity tariff prices, peak demand charges, and potential grid revenue from demand response programs
Optimization Model Calculate System
Customer Energy and/or sales of ancillary services. The model considers the unique market rules and products available for
for Behind-the- Size, Optimize Yes
Solutions a given utility and ISO/RTO market region, along with CES’s proprietary market price forecasts, to
Meter Storage System Dispatch
determine the optimal size and operation of the storage resource to maximize the value of the asset and
return on investment. The model can perform multidimensional sensitivity analysis as well as can perform
scenario analysis in light of uncertainties in certain parameters.
Survey of Models and Tools for the Stationary Energy Storage Industry Page 68
Software Name Vendor Name Function License Available Description
The model’s objectives are to provide an initial screening of storage options, provide a high level
comparison of energy storage options and applications, assess stacked value for multiple applications and
provide general guidance on energy storage and its grid applications. The user inputs what applications to
Estimate and bundle, the priority of applications and any custom energy storage solution or option to be compared with
Microgrid Optimzer DNV GL Free
Demonstrate Value its competition. The model then outputs prioritized energy storage options, a comparison of feasible
storage options, a comparison of custom storage solutions against alternatives, statistical treatment of
paybacks and their probabilities and a suggested sales price of storage for maximum sales and potential
Available with OnCommand is designed to enable single unit or fleet control of energy storage systems. It is designed for
Control System purchase of Silent utilities, fleet owners or homeowners. OnCommand is a web based, real-time interface that allows the user
OnCommand Silent Power, Inc.
Operation Power’s energy to create charge or discharge schedules, move units between control groups, update software and view
storage systems important measured values from internal hardware components.
Control System Available with
PowerScope comes with the purchase of stem’s energy storage system and can be used to control energy
Operation, purchase of
PowerScope STEM storage system operation and optimize system dispatch to reduce costs or increase revenue. PowerScope
Optimize System STEM’s energy
can perform applications such as energy cost management and renewable energy integration.
Dispatch storage systems.
1Energy Systems provides a suite of software to control and integrate energy storage with utility IT/OT
systems: a site dispatch controller to operate an energy storage system (including with multiple PCSs); an
integration layer that enables utilities to directly control energy storage and demand response assets with
1E Storage Control System SCADA systems; and an applications platform to optimize and run operating modes, enabling utilities to
1 Energy Systems Yes
Integrator Operation capture multiple value streams from their ES assets. The software is built on an open, non-proprietary
architecture (MESA standards), it is storage technology agnostic, and users can design and program their
own operating modes. The software is being deployed at multiple utility substations and live production
sites in the US and internationally.
The WindStore Model uses renewable energy optimization algorithms to support wind energy resources
and customer thermal storage systems without incurring battery storage expenditures. By simulating and
Calculate System
Integral Analytics, valuing the real-time price arbitrage, intermittent renewable resource firming and sinking, and dynamically
WindStore Size, Optimize Yes
Inc. dispatched load control benefits together, WindStore helps manage the uncertainty between the supply
System Dispatch
and demand systems. The goal is to help minimize the size of required energy storage and minimize the
dispatch of energy storage.
Survey of Models and Tools for the Stationary Energy Storage Industry Page 69