Limit State Design Theory
Limit State Design Theory
Limit State Design Theory
PPM/2017 Page 6
Generally γm ≥ 1.0.
Variations in loads on a given structure may be due to:
(i) Inherent variability - dead (permanent), live (variable) and transient loads vary
differently during the design life of a structure.
(ii) Other causes - inaccuracies due to assumptions in design calculations (neglect of
creep, shrinkage, thermal effects, etc); construction discrepancies in dimensions and
alignment; inaccuracies in positioning and quantities of reinforcement; unduly
flexible formwork; etc.
Specification of a characteristic load Fk takes care of inherent load variability. Fk is that value
of load above which ≤ 5% of samples test results are expected to fall (figure 7 - frequency
distribution curve). Dead, imposed and wind loads are specified as Gk, Qk and Wk,
Other causes of load variations are accounted for by specification of a partial factor of safety
for load, γf, so that,
design load, .
Generally γf ≥ 1.0.
Values of γm & γf
In addition to variations already mentioned, values of partial factors of safety adopted also
account for :
(i) Nature of structure and its behaviour (e.g. whether sudden partial or complete collapse
is possible - buckling instability; whether collapse of single member leads to overall
collapse; etc)
(ii) seriousness of reaching a particular limit state with regard to functional and social /
economic consequences.
Values of γf also depend on particular combinations of simultaneous loads / actions.
See BS 8110-1:1997 Tables 2.1 and 2.2 (EC0: Sect. 6 and Tables A1.2 (A,B,C) and EC:2:
Table 2.1N) for typical γf and γm values.
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Partial factors of safety do not account for gross defects or errors nor exceptional
events (riots, wars, natural disasters, misuse of structure, etc) - earthquakes, fires,
explosions and accidental events are considered in design, though extensive damage
may result.
No single gross defect or event should result in major catastrophic failure, except in
combination with at least two other major errors in
(i) design
(ii) construction, or
(iii) usage.
Compliance with relevant codes of practice will generally prevent catastrophic failure.
Steel Reinforcement
Actual stress-strain relationship depends on type of steel (figure 10). For steel with
definite yield point, the relationship is linear up to yield point followed by plastic
yielding and strain hardening. For high-yield, cold-formed steel the initial linear
relationship is followed by a curve.
For elastic analysis at service load, Young’s modulus is taken as Es = 200 kN/mm2.
The elastic limit stress may be taken as both in compression and tension,
where fy is the yield stress (typical values are 250 and 460/500 N/mm2 for mild and
high-yield steel, respectively).
At ultimate load conditions, the maximum failure stress (compression or tension) is
taken as fy, ignoring any strain hardening effects.
For design calculations, an idealised linear stress-strain relationship is adopted, in
which the partial factor of safety for reinforcement strength γms is included (figure
11). The design ultimate strength, [EC2: ].
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