Ganesha Atharva Sheersha
Ganesha Atharva Sheersha
Ganesha Atharva Sheersha
Twam vāng-mayas-twam chin-mayahª. You are the Spoken Word and Pure Consciousness.
Twam ānanda-mayas-twam Joy is Your essence.
Brahma-mayahª. Formless Spirit is Your Nature.
Twam sach-chid-ānand-ādvitīyō-‛si. You are Existence, Consciousness and Joy unequalled.
Twam pratyaksham Brahmāsi. You are the Supreme Spirit manifested.
Twam gñyāna-mayo vigñyāna-mayō-‛si. You are all Knowledge and Understanding. (4)
Sarvam jagad-idam twatto jāyate. This whole world is born from You.
Sarvam jagad-idam twattas tishťhati. T
Sarvam jagad-idam twayi layam-eshyati. T
Sarvam jagad-idam twayi pratyeti. This whole world returns to You.
Twam bhūmir āpō-‛nalō-‛nilo nabhah You are Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Ether (5 elements)
Twam chatvāri vāk-padāni. You are the four parts of speech. (5)
Namo vrāta-pataye. Namo gana-pataye. We bow to the Lord of Assemblies and Chief of Ganas
Namaha *pramaťha-pataye. Prostrations to the Leader of Lord Shiva’s hordes,
Namastē-stu lambodarāy-aika-dantāya Let there be obeisance to the Big-bellied, One-toothed
Vighna nāśhine Śhiva sutāya Destroyer of Obstacles, the Son of Lord Shiva
Śhrī varada mūrtaye namo namaha. To the Embodiment of the Giver of prosperity and boons,
Salutations again and again. (10)