Montgomery Action Plan 7410

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Action/Evaluation Plan

Name: Krofton Montgomery ITEC 7410, Semester: Spring 2018

Goal: (Skilled Teachers)

The goal is for ALL teachers to integrate the use of technology specifically (Canvas) Hall County’s
Learning Management System into their instructional practices, and daily routine. 85% percent of
teachers will incorporate Canvas into their lessons.

Success Indicator: Evaluation Method:

The effective professional development and TKES evaluation/ Blast Team
school vision will show that Canvas is a daily Walkthroughs, assessments, and conversations.
integral part of West Hall High School. 85% of TIM matrix for implementation
teachers will incorporate the technology
components in which they are trained during
professional learning opportunities.
Strategies Timeline Budget/Funding Source Person(s) Responsible
Teachers’ weaknesses This will be completed No cost – Administration/ Blast
will be documented. within the first month walkthroughs and Team
of the school year. assessments are
already being done.
The teachers will be This will be completed None – walkthroughs Administration/Blast
partnered with peer within the first 9-12 and assessments are Team
mentors and a member weeks of the school already being done.
of the blast team. year.
These members as
well as peers that show
exceptional ability
from walkthroughs
The teachers who have This will be completed Planning time, PLC, Administration/Blast
shown effectiveness within the first 9-12 and common course Team
with technology in weeks of the school collaboration will need
their classrooms will year. to be earmarked for
be assigned by planning.
department to help
other teachers in need.
Goal: (Instructional Change)
The goal is for ALL teachers to incorporate Canvas as a workable class site with necessary
components for students to work through.
Success Indicator: Evaluation Method:
100% of teachers will incorporate Canvas and TKES walkthroughs,
the technology that pairs with it to carry out Lesson Plans turned in to evaluator through
usage of a web 2.0 tool learning activity. planbook (school mandated),
Student usage of platform (electronically

Strategies Timeline Budget/Funding Source Person(s) Responsible

Action/Evaluation Plan
Name: Krofton Montgomery ITEC 7410, Semester: Spring 2018

Peer mentors First activity will be No money is needed. Blast team members
Administration planned within the first Time to track data and Peer Mentors
Peer Mentors four weeks of school, help all teachers with Administration
Mentees with each additional their usage is needed.
activity planned with Mentors and Blast
the first two weeks of Team members will be
each 9 week period. needed for help and
Equitable access is
needed for all students.
Mentors will train Training will occur Planning time Blast team members
peers in small groups within one week of Professional Learning Peer Mentors
helping with skills completion of & Collaborative Administration
needed to use Canvas professional learnings Planning
as a learning tool. and mentor meetings
on Canvas usage.
Blast Team members Modeling will occur $60 dollars per teacher Blast team members
and mentors will within two weeks of Substitutes are needed Peer Mentors
model Canvas and the completion of the for half-day Administration
multiple web 2.0 tools plans for the project- increments to observe
for their small groups based activity. and go to in school
in a professional professional learnings.
learning and small
Incentives for This incentive will be No Cost Administration
embracing this provided each Friday
indicator are having a as long as teachers are
TKES and SIP goal completing the goal.
checked off. On top of
that administration
allows for jeans to be
worn on Friday with
spirit wear.
Goal: (Student Focused)
Students will be taking classes in a student-centered learning environment with flipped classrooms
and blended learning.
Success Indicator: Evaluation Method:
Teachers, applications, and students must Rubrics within lesson plans,
provide feedback to make sure the process is Assessment scores,
working. Formative and Summative Differentiation embedded in lesson plans,
assessments are important. Student surveys

Strategies Timeline Budget/Funding Source Person(s) Responsible

Action/Evaluation Plan
Name: Krofton Montgomery ITEC 7410, Semester: Spring 2018

Through the use of Within the first 9-12 None Teachers

research and student weeks
input West Hall should
tailor instruction to
make a blended
learning environment
that is student
Rubrics and standard Within the first 9 - Planning time (PLC, Teachers
based grade will be 12weeks of school. common course
developed and utilized collaboration) should
to ensure students are be provided for the
provided with development of these
individualized rubrics.
feedback that fits the
narrative of the
Lesson plans need to Within the first 9 -12 Planning time needs to Teachers
be student centered weeks of school. be provided
and posted on
planbook for students,
parents and, admin to
see. They should be
Individualized This should begin Planning time should Content Teachers
Education Plans will immediately from the entail IEP’s and the Special Education
be developed for first day of school developers have plenty Para-Pros
students with onward of time to develop
disabilities. them.
Goal: (Diversity Considerations)
All students will be given appropriate access to technology, including low SES and gender groups.

Success Indicator: Evaluation Method:

All genders will participle in student centered All students will have equitable access to
technological instruction. technology.

Administration walkthroughs ensure

Strategies Timeline Budget/Funding Source Person(s) Responsible

Make sure the chrome This program should Title I money can be After school teachers
books are charge and begin within one used for payment for Media Specialists
available as well as month of school teachers doing before Translators
keeping computer labs starting and should run or after school work. Administration
Action/Evaluation Plan
Name: Krofton Montgomery ITEC 7410, Semester: Spring 2018

through the end of

Professional learning First two sessions of Title I or III funding Afterschool teachers
for parents in the area the afterschool Funds our low SES Translators
of technology literacy program, which will and ELL demographic. Administration
will take place the first begin within one
2 sessions of the month of the start of
afterschool program. school.
All gender groups will Within the first 9- None Teachers
participate in blended 12weeks of school.
learning instruction
Goal: (School Related)
A shared vison from West Hall High School will be aligned with technology integration and
diversity goals for the 2018-2019 school year.
Success Indicator: Evaluation Method:
Indicator #1: Success Indicator:
A clear vision emphasizing technology with a • 85% of stakeholders surveyed will be
backwards design approach should be able to effectively communicate the shared
developed. This vision should be created, vision.
installed, utilized, and evaluated.
Indicator #2:
A minimum of 3 hours each month will be
created and implemented by our technology
specialist and Blast Team.
Strategies Timeline Budget/Funding Source Person(s) Responsible
The plan will take This will be done by None- It’s a created Media Specialist
technology standards the end of the first 9- document already Blast Team
and coherently put 12 weeks of school. Administration
them in unison with Teachers
the GSE standards.
Research-based This will be done by None- its created Media Specialist
strategies will be the end of the first 6 already Blast Team
utilized. weeks of school. Administration
The vision should Teachers should Allotted time will need Administration
include blended understand the vision to be provided for Teachers
learning and diversity by the first month of execution and Community
considerations school. implementation of School Board
ISTE standards and First Month of school None it’s on the A team comprised of
previous visons should internet. stakeholders from each
be used for area, including
implementation and administration,
Action/Evaluation Plan
Name: Krofton Montgomery ITEC 7410, Semester: Spring 2018

teachers, students,
parents, etc…)
Teachers adequately Every 9-12 weeks Paraprofessional Administration
incorporate research beginning the first coverage will need to Teachers
based technology month of school. be provided for the
training to be re- hour of training to take
delivered and utilized place. Time will also
on students. need to be allotted for
teachers to develop
necessary training


ISTE Essential Conditions. (2018). Retrieved 23 April, 2018, from

ISTE Standards for Teachers. (2014). Retrieved 20 April 2018, from

Technology Integration Matrix. (2018). Retrieved 23 April 2018, from

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