Butt Weld Fittings PDF
Butt Weld Fittings PDF
Butt Weld Fittings PDF
Pipe Fittings
(1) Outlet dimension “M” for run sizes 14 and larger is recommended but not mandatory.
(1) Outlet dimension “M” for run sizes 14 and larger is recommended but not mandatory.
(1) Outlet dimension “M” for run sizes 14 and larger is recommended but not mandatory.
(1) Outlet dimension “M” for run sizes 14 and larger is recommended but not mandatory.
(1) Outlet dimension “M” for run sizes 14 and larger is recommended but not mandatory.
Tel: 886-4-23112576 Fax: 886-4-23112578 E-mail: [email protected]
Equal and Reducing Crosses
(1) Outlet dimension “M” for run sizes 14 and larger is recommended but not mandatory.
(1) Outlet dimension “M” for run sizes 14 and larger is recommended but not mandatory.
Tel: 886-4-23112576 Fax: 886-4-23112578 E-mail: [email protected]
Equal and Reducing Crosses
(1) Outlet dimension “M” for run sizes 14 and larger is recommended but not mandatory.
Wall thickness for caps up to and including 36” conform to ANSI B36.10 specifications. Caps 38” and larger conform to XS specifications for wall
thickness of 36”. These are Wellgrow’s standards as no internationally recognized standards have been set for such large size wall thickness.
(1) The shape of these caps shall be ellipsoidal and shall conform to the shape requirements as given in the ASME boiler and pressure vessel code.
(2) Length E applies for thickness not exceeding that given in column “limiting wall thickness for length E”.
(3) Length E1 applies for thickness greater than that given in column “limiting wall thickness” for NPS 24 and smaller. For NPS 26 and larger, length E1
shall be by agreement between manufacturer and purchaser.
*50~60 ±6.4 ±9.5 ±9.5 ±9.5 - - -
*62~70 ±9.5 ±12.7 -
- -
*72~80 ±11.9 ±15.9
Angularity Tolerance
Pipe Size Off Angle Off Plane
1/2~4 0.7 1.5
10~12 4.8
14~16 6.3
18~24 3.0
44~48 19.0
*50~60 6.4
*62~70 9.5
*72~80 11.9
(1) Out of roundness is the vector sum of the plus and minus tolerance.
(2) Fillet B radius is the maximum.
Recommended bevel for wall thickness (T) Recommended bevel for wall thickness (T)
at end of fitting, 19mm* or less. at end of fitting, greater than 19mm.