An Analysis of Bluetooth Scatternet Topologies: Rohit Kapoor, M. Y. Medy Sanadidi, Mario Gerla 3803H, Boelter Hall, UCLA
An Analysis of Bluetooth Scatternet Topologies: Rohit Kapoor, M. Y. Medy Sanadidi, Mario Gerla 3803H, Boelter Hall, UCLA
An Analysis of Bluetooth Scatternet Topologies: Rohit Kapoor, M. Y. Medy Sanadidi, Mario Gerla 3803H, Boelter Hall, UCLA
Abstract: Bluetooth technology is intended primarily as a conference, where a scatternet will be formed on-the-
replacement of cables between electronic devices, as in fly and will allow Bluetooth-enabled users to share
Personal Area Networks (PANs), or for connecting the information such as visiting cards, multimedia files etc.
components of a computer system. In addition, larger The second mode of use of scatternets will be in static
topologies of so-called “scatternets” are targeting wider
geographical area applications in factories, warehouses,
environments. In this mode, scatternets will be
shopping malls and various sensor network applications. configured similar to the way we configure wired
Though some earlier work has looked at scatternet formation networks. An example of a static mode is a network
and scheduling issues, less attention has been given to connecting household appliances. Another example is a
optimizing scatternet topologies. Sizing a scatternet in terms shopping mall, in which a scatternet covering the
of minimizing the number of piconets has been addressed. whole mall may direct the client towards the products
We consider in this paper topological design of scatternets, he is interested in, or advise him about “special offers.”
taking into consideration application traffic requirements. We Static deployments also incorporate many sensor
study appropriate topologies, and size the network in terms of network scenarios [13] [14]. For example, a scatternet
piconets. We develop a scatternet queuing model and use it
to compare the delay-throughput characteristics of various
of sensor-enabled Bluetooth devices may be deployed
topologies. We find that the best topology is application in a warehouse to provide inventory tracking, i.e.,
dependent. The analytical model is also used to determine the locating items, reporting on need to restock, etc [3]. A
optimal point to operate a scatternet, i.e., the traffic load that scatternet can also be used in “monitoring systems”, as
saturates the network. We validate all our analytical results in patient monitoring in a medical services context. Yet
by simulation experiments, and find that all analytic results another example of static mode is security applications
sufficiently match the simulation results. using a network of camera-enabled Bluetooth nodes.
Such environments will typically involve nodes
1. Introduction operating on small batteries. The low power and
medium bandwidth of Bluetooth (1 Mbps) make it a
Bluetooth [1] is a low-cost, low-power radio good fit in such environments. Two important
technology intended as a replacement of cables characteristics of such environments are: (a) unlike
between electronic devices. Bluetooth devices can form typical sensor networks, the required node density is
small networks called “piconets” and information is not very high and (b) medium bandwidth requirements,
exchanged seamlessly among devices in the piconet. higher than typical sensor networks, but lower than
An example of a piconet application is for connecting a wired networks. It is primarily these kind of static
mobile phone, laptop, palmtop, headset, and other environments that this paper focuses on.
electronic devices that a person carries around in his Scatternet architectures have received attention in
every day life. Such a network is sometimes called a the literature recently. The scheduling of gateways
Personal Area Network (PAN). A piconet may, from among piconets has been addressed in [4] [5].
time to time, also include devices that are not carried Scatternet formation has been addressed in [6] [7] [12],
along with the user, e.g., an access point for Internet but the environments dealt with are typically dynamic
access or sensors located in a room. where nodes enter and leave the network throughout its
Bluetooth piconets may be inter-connected to form lifetime. However, gateway scheduling and scatternet
larger networks called scatternets. This requires some structures studies reported so far do not present any
units, called gateways, to time–division their presence quantitative analytic results regarding network
among the piconets they belong to. The formation of performance behavior.
such “scatternets” enhances the networking capabilities In [7], the authors suggest that it is desirable to
of Bluetooth and makes it suitable for a wide range of minimize the number of piconets, since a large number
applications. Also, Bluetooth devices are expected to of piconets will incur more collisions. On the other
be widely diffused in almost every electronic device in hand, each added piconet would increase system
the future. Such a large diffusion is likely to bring capacity. Another issue is the optimal number of
down the cost of Bluetooth devices and enable gateways to be used in connecting piconets. In this
Bluetooth-enabled devices to be used in a wide array of paper, we present an analytic approach for designing a
applications in various scatternet architectures. scatternet. We evaluate analytically the impact of the
In general, there will be two distinct modes in number of piconets and the number of gateways on the
which Bluetooth-based scatternets will be used [2]. performance of a scatternet under specific application
One will be in dynamic environments, such as a traffic patterns. We develop an analytic model using an
open network of queues methodology. The “service appropriately, it is possible to define a scheduling
nodes” in the model are the gateways. The external scheme in which the gateway gets a certain fraction of
traffic to the gateways, is assumed to be Poisson; an bandwidth in each of its piconets. We further specify
assumption that we validate using realistic simulations the scheduling assumed in our models in Section 5.
of relevant applications. The analytic model is able to
correctly estimate delays in a scatternet given an end- 2.1 Bluetooth Simulation Model
to-end traffic load. We further show how the model is
used to identify desirable characteristics of scatternets, The Bluetooth model used for the simulation
and to compare different scatternet structures for a experiments in this paper is built on NS-2 [8]. The
given traffic pattern. We also determine the maximum model implements the standard features of Bluetooth
traffic load that may be supported by a scatternet while like Frequency Hopping, Multi-Slot Packets, and Fast
providing acceptable delays. ARQ (Automatic Retransmission Query). In addition,
In Section 2, we discuss relevant Bluetooth it also has support for defining scatternets, and gateway
technology and present some fundamentals of scheduling algorithms.
scatternet scheduling. In Section 3, we verify that the
arrival process at gateways is Poisson. In Section 4, we 3. The Poisson Assumption
develop the queuing model and in Section 5, we
present performance results for various scatternet In this section, we model some possible
topologies considering two application traffic patterns. applications of Bluetooth scatternets and go on to show
Section 6 presents our concluding remarks and the existence of the Poisson property in the traffic
suggestions for potential future work. characteristics of scatternets for these applications. The
first category of applications is that of “monitoring
2. Bluetooth systems”. Monitoring applications include a variety of
sensor network scenarios in security, medical services,
The Bluetooth system [1] operates in the factory control, warehouse management, etc. In such
worldwide-unlicensed 2.4 GHz Industrial–Scientific– applications, nodes typically send data to a central
Medical (ISM) frequency band. To make the link node. The second category of applications includes, for
robust to interference, it uses a Frequency Hopping instance, users meeting for an ad hoc conference. In
(FH) technique with 79 carriers. Two or more such applications, any user will, over a period of time,
Bluetooth units sharing the same channel form a send a more-or-less equal amount of data to any other
piconet. Each piconet consists of a master unit and up user. Using simulation experiments, we verify that, in
to seven active slave units. The master unit polls each both these kind of applications, the arrival process to
slave unit according to a polling algorithm, and a slave gateways exhibits the Poisson property.
is only allowed to transmit after the master has polled A gateway is an aggregation point of data from
it. Bluetooth packets may be one, three or five slots different piconets, each of which is in turn aggregating
long. traffic from a number of slaves. Thus, we believe that
Two or more piconets can be interconnected to the resulting arrival process to gateways is likely to be
form a scatternet. This requires a unit, called a Poisson, where dependencies that may have existed in
gateway, to belong to more than one piconet. Such a traffic from a single slave are weakened or eliminated.
unit can simultaneously be a slave member of multiple The “monitoring system” applications are modeled
piconets, but a master in only one, and can transmit and in the following manner: At random instants of time
receive data in only one piconet at a time. Gateway (e.g. when an unusual state is detected), nodes send out
participation in multiple piconets has to be on a time- packets regarding the state of the machine they are
division multiplexing basis. The manner in which the monitoring to a central node in the network. The
time of the gateway is divided between its piconets packets sent are assumed to be of random length since
depends upon the scheduling algorithm adopted by the they are typically generated by different types of
masters and the gateways. sensors. Packet sizes and transmission instants are
The concept of Rendezvous Points (RPs) and generated from uniform distributions.
Rendezvous Windows (RWs) has been introduced in The second category of applications is modeled in a
[4]. A rendezvous point (RP) is a time slot at which a similar manner to the monitoring application except
master and a gateway have decided to “meet”, i.e., at that nodes send out packets not to a central node, but
this slot, the master has agreed to address a packet to randomly to any node in the network. Though these
the gateway and the gateway has agreed to listen to the assumptions are a little simplistic, they help in keeping
master. The RW determines the number of slots for the analytical model (that we develop later) simple.
which a master and a gateway exchange data, starting Also, as shown later, simulation results match closely
from their RP. By defining RPs and RWs
with the results obtained from the model, thus gateway nodes only, and not including other node types
validating it. in the model.
We simulated the above applications over several 1
topologies varying the number of masters, slaves and 0.9 Gatew ay 1
gateways. We assume here and in the rest of the paper 0.8 Gatew ay 2
Gatew ay 3
that gateways may only be slaves, and are not used as 0.7
Fraction of Pkts
masters simultaneously. This is a simplifying 0.6
assumption, and we intend to extend the model in the 0.5
future to study the alternative of deploying gateway 0.4
and master functionality in the same node. The 0.3
To develop the queueing model for a gateway node, Combining the above three observations, we model
we make use of the following three observations the gateway as a “processor-sharing multiple-server
regarding the behaviour of a gateway: service center”, where each server has a service rate as
given in Eq. 1. The service rate for the gateway, , is
(i) The service rate of a gateway depends upon the thus given by:
polling it gets in each piconet it belongs to. Thus, if a = (BW*x*k)/T 0<=k<=T
gateway gets a fraction x of the polling in a piconet, its = (BW*x) T<k (2)
service rate for the piconet is (BW*x), where BW is the
Bluetooth bandwidth. Also, if a gateway belonging to where k is the number of packets in the queue
two piconets gets the same fraction of polling x in each of the gateway.
piconet, it may be seen as a link between the two
piconets with a bandwidth equal to (BW*x). In other 4.2. Analytical Model of a Bluetooth scatternet
words, it will behave as a service center with a service
rate of (BW*x). (We assume here and in the rest of the We now develop an analytical model for a
paper that a gateway can belong to a maximum of 2 Bluetooth scatternet, treating the set of gateways as a
piconets; our analysis does not address the behavior of network of queues. The product-form solution for an
the gateway when it belongs to more than 2 piconets). open Jacksonian network of queues is given by:
p(k1, k2, ... , kn) = p1(k1) p2(k2) ... pn(kn) (3)
(ii) The gateway can be modeled as a shared
processor. where ki is the number of customers at node i,
The gateway shares its time between each of its pi(ki) is the marginal distribution of finding ki
piconets (as determined by the scheduling policy). The customers at node i , and n is the number of nodes.
gateway may be viewed as a processor servicing each Moreover, of the four types of service centers for
of its piconets in a Round-Robin manner. Ideally, in a which the product form applies [10], the gateway is a
processor-sharing system, the quantum of service given node of Type II: it is a shared processor and its service
to each customer tends to zero. The gateway may be process has a rational Laplace transform. The extension
seen as a practical processor sharing system, where the of Type II service centers to include multiple servers
quantum of service given to each customer is finite and (as is the case with the gateway) is given in [11]. The
customers are given the “full capacity” of the processor equilibrium probabilities at a node are given by:
on a “part-time” basis. This assumption is validated by n
the close matching of the analytical and simulation p(n) = p(0) (max (T, j) ) ( / )n(4)
results in Section 5. n!
where is the arrival rate at the node, is the service
(iii) The gateway behaves as a service center with rate of a single server of the node and T is the number
multiple servers. of servers.
We now apply Eq. 4 to a scatternet and derive a environment, any user will, over a period of time, send
relation between average delay and throughput. Let M a more-or-less equal amount of data to any other user
be the number of links (i.e., gateways) in the network. and the traffic in the network is thus, uniform in nature.
Let be the total traffic to the network and i be the It behooves us, given a uniform traffic pattern, to
traffic rate at link i. Using Eq. 4, we get: consider topologies that are symmetric. Such
topologies could be created by making all piconets
p(k) = (p(0) * ( / )k) 0< = k <= T have the same number of slaves and gateways and
k! connecting the gateways appropriately.
(5) We analyze various such symmetric topologies
p(k) = TT p(0) ( / T)k T<k keeping the total number of nodes fixed in all
T! topologies. We consider a fixed number of nodes, N,
which may be connected using piconets with different
Using Eq. 5 (and after some algebra), we get: values of ‘i’, the number of gateways per piconet and
T ‘j’, the number of piconets each gateway belongs to. In
p(0) = [ ( / T)T ( / ( T – ) ) TT + ( / )k ] -1 (6) other words, one can assume that there are a certain
T! k! number of nodes that need to be connected into a
The average number of packets on link i, Ni is network to serve an application. The analysis provides
given by: an approach to determine how these nodes may be
connected so as to give best delay-throughput
Ni = (k * p(k)) characteristics.
T-1 In some topologies, the number of nodes may not
Ni = p(0) [( / ) + ( / ) ( / )k] + be exactly equal to the value of N, since a certain value
k! of i and j may not allow all values of N. In such cases,
p(0) TT [T ( / T)T ( /( T - )) + ( / T)T-1 ( /( T- ))2] (7) we assume that the network has the closest number of
T! nodes, smaller than N, that the values of i and j allow.
From [10], denoting the average delay by Tavg, we To accommodate this in the analysis, we adjust the
know that: arrival rate and the service rate of a gateway
M M accordingly, as is explained later in this section.
Tavg = ( i/ * Ti) = (Ni/ ) (8) A scheduling policy, will, in general, give a certain
i=0 i=0
fraction of bandwidth to each slave (non-gateway or
Equation (8) gives the relation between the gateway) in a piconet. Due to the uniform traffic
throughput and the average delay in a scatternet. Note pattern, all non-gateway slaves send the same amount
that even though Ni and hence, Tavg does not have a of data. Thus, our scheduling policy gives each non-
closed form, it is easy to calculate since the value of T gateway slave the same amount of bandwidth. Also,
(and hence, the number of elements in the summation) due to the symmetric topologies, each gateway is also
is known. given the same amount of bandwidth. Since a gateway
is expected to carry more traffic than non-gateway
5. Results slaves, it requires more bandwidth than non-gateway
slaves. We assume that the gateway is given a polling
In this section, we apply the analytical model in two priority of ’p’ with respect to the non-gateway slaves,
typical applications, each having a different traffic which means that it gets ‘p’ times the bandwidth
pattern. Our aim in considering both these traffic allocated to non-gateway slaves. Thus, if there are ‘x’
patterns is to evaluate how different scatternet non-gateway and ‘y’ gateway slaves in a piconet, the
topologies (different number of slaves and gateways fraction of polling given to a gateway is (1/(x/p) + y).
per piconet) affect the performance of the application, Thus, the bandwidth (service rate) given to a gateway
determine the delay-throughput characteristics for a in a piconet, is given by (from Eq 2):
particular topology, identify topologies which produce
better delay-throughput characteristics, etc. = (BW * x) = (BW/(x/p) + y) (9)
Non-gateway slave
topologies), the number of slaves would be multiplied masters and gateway slaves, which involves the
by N/m. This would change by a factor of m/N. gateway in the route. In the case of the i = 5, j=2
As an example, consider the topology with i = 5 topology, this value may be calculated as:
and j = 2. Other topologies may be analyzed in a
similar manner. For (i = 5, j = 2, N = 28) there are 4 = (Traffic from masters and non-gateway slaves
gateway links. Suppose each node sends data at a rate of Piconet i going through the gateway) + (Traffic
of x packets/second to each of the other nodes. We from gateway i going through the gateway)
need to calculate the delay at one such gateway link = (6 * 11 + 6 * 11 + 6 * 4 + 6 * 4) x + (27 + 7.5 + 7.5 +
since the delay at all gateway links will be the same, by 1) x = 180x + 43x = 223x.
symmetry. The two quantities that need to be
calculated are, , the total traffic in the network and , If the actual number of nodes is less than the value
the traffic on each gateway link. of N (as will be the case if the values of i and j do not
allow the value of N), then is multiplied by a factor
Calculation of : Each non-gateway slave sends data to of N/m, where m is the actual number of nodes. Since
i - 1 other slaves and one master in its piconet. Note the number of nodes has to be made equal to N (for the
that the data sent by a slave to any other non-gateway topology to have the same number of nodes as other
slave (or master) in the same piconet does not topologies), the number of nodes would be multiplied
contribute to traffic in our analytical network (since it by N/m. We, thus, need to multiply by N/m.
does not travel on a gateway link). The data sent by a and may be calculated in a similar manner for each
slave to a gateway in the same piconet contributes to of the topologies.
the traffic since it goes on a gateway link. Thus, the
external traffic due to each non-gateway slave is to N–i 5.1.1 Validation with simulation experiments
other nodes outside its piconet. Similarly, each master
sends data to i slaves in its piconet and N-i other nodes Fig 4 shows the analytical and simulation results for
outside its piconet. The data sent by a gateway to all the delay-throughput characteristics of two topologies.
other nodes (in the same piconet and outside; there are The traffic load is defined as the value of x, i.e., the
N-1 such nodes) contributes to traffic on the gateway rate at which data is sent by each node to every other
link. node. We see that there is a very close matching
Thus, = (N-G) (N-i) + G (N-1), where N is the between the analytical and experimental results. We
number of nodes and G is the number of gateway links. observed such a close matching for all the topologies,
In the case of the i = 5 and j=2 topology, this value is: which validates the analytical model.
= (28-4) (28-5) x + 4*28x = 664x.
5.1.2 Comparison of Topologies
Calculation of : We assume that each data packet
travels along the shortest path. If there are two or more Figs 5 (a), (b) and (c) show the delay-throughput
shortest paths, traffic is equally divided between them. characteristics for different values of i when j = 2, 3
It is easy to calculate the total traffic on a gateway link and 4 respectively, with p = 1 (p is priority of
as the traffic generated by all non-gateway slaves, gateway). It can be seen from the figure that for the
type of applications considered, networks with a network may accept before delay deteriorates
smaller number of slaves (and hence larger number of precipitously, i.e. the optimal point to operate a
piconets) show smaller average delays. Moreover, the network [11] (which is the knee of the curve, or the
breakdown point, i.e., the knee of the curve, for point where the tangent to the curve meets it).
networks with smaller number of slaves is larger than
that for networks with larger number of slaves. These 9 i=5, j=2
networks are thus, also more stable. From an intuitive 8 i=4, j=2
gateway link due to the following two reasons: 7 i=0, j=4
• In topologies with j=3, the average number of hops 6
between two nodes is reduced due to a larger 5
number of gateways (more connectivity). This 4
means that the total traffic on the network is less as 2
compared to topologies with j=2. 1
• Topologies with j=3 have a larger number of 0
gateways than those with j=2. This means that 0 2 4 6 8 10
Traffic Load
there are more gateways to carry the traffic, which
means lower traffic on each gateway. (c)
Fig 5 (a), (b) and (c): Delay-throughput characteristics
These two reasons together more than make up for for different values of i when j = 2, 3 and 4
the decreased gateway bandwidth and hence, the
system performance is better. 5.1.3 Effect of varying the gateway priority
For topologies with j=4, on the other hand, the
effect of the above two reasons is not enough to We now show the effect of giving different
counter the reduced bandwidth when compared with priorities to gateways, i.e., changing the value of p in
topologies with j=3. These topologies thus, show lower Eq. 9. Fig 6 (a) and (b) show the characteristics when
performance than those with j=3. In fact, we observed p=2 and p = 5 respectively.
that topologies with j > 4 show a worse behavior than The results show that a higher priority for the
those with j = 4. Thus, we see that there is an optimum gateways tends to decrease the delays. As earlier, a
number of gateways for the application. Another smaller number of slaves still gives lower delays and
important point is that the above analysis also enables higher breakdown points. In fact, the priority can only
the network designer to determine the maximum load a be increased to a certain point; if the priority is
increased beyond a value, the slave may become a 5.1.4 Variation in service rate of gateway due to
bottleneck and the gateway may cease to be a interference
bottleneck. This will violate the basic premise of the
model, which assumes that the gateways are the In the gateway model that we have considered so
bottlenecks in the system. far, we have not taken into account the interference
caused by different piconets. In fact, the service rate for
10 i=5, j=2
the gateway link will be slightly reduced due to this
9 i=4,
interference. Moreover, since different topologies will
8 have different number of piconets, the reduction in the
Average Pkt Delay (sec)
i=1, j=2
7 i=0, j=2
value of service rate due to interference will not be the
same for different topologies. We now incorporate the
4 effects of this interference in the calculation of the
3 service rate.
2 We assume a very simple collision model. For a
1 piconet, the probability that a packet collides in
0 2 4 6 8 10
frequency when there are n other piconets present
Traffic Load within range = (n-1)/79. Moreover, each lost (collided)
packet leads to a loss of two packets since the return
packet carries the acknowledgement. Thus, the new
10 service rate, coll for a gateway is given by:
coll = [1 – 2(n-1)/79] (10)
Average Pkt Delay (sec)
i=5, j=2
8 i=4, j=2
7 i=2, j=2
6 i=1, j=2 Now, the number of piconets within range of a
i=0, j=2
5 piconet depends upon the number of piconets in the
4 topology and the density of nodes. If the density of
nodes is d, then on the average, 100d nodes will be
1 present in the range of a piconet (since range of
0 Bluetooth is 10 m). When the number of nodes is 28
0 2 4 6 8 10 (as in our example case), a density of 0.28 means that
Traffic Load
all nodes (and hence, all piconets) are within range of
(b) each other.
Fig 6 (a) and (b): Characteristics for p =2 and p=5 In Figs 7 (a) and (b), we plot the delay-throughput
characteristics for various topologies with coll for d =
0.28. We see the increase in delays and the smaller
Breakdown Breakdown Breakdown ‘knee-point’ of the curves compared to the cases when
point = 6sec point = 8sec point = 10sec interference was not taken into account. Our model is
i = 5, j = 2 4.5 14.5 - now able to determine delays with interference
i = 2, j = 2 1.8 6 - between piconets also taken into account. In fact,
i = 1, j = 2 0.9 2.9 - different densities of nodes may also be easily taken
i = 4, j = 3 1.5 3.1 9 into account now.
i = 2, j = 3 0.75 1.55 4.5 We validated the results of this first application by
i = 1, j = 3 0.37 0.77 2.3 simulations and found a close matching. We also
Table 1: Gateway priorities needed to achieve certain repeated the experiments for various value of N, from
breakdown points for different topologies N=25 to N=60 and found similar behavior, i.e.,
topologies with a smaller number of slaves and j=3
Another observation is that the breakdown point show smaller delays. These results, are thus, quite
increases with an increase in priority of the gateway. general, for this application.
Table 1 shows the priority required for various
topologies to achieve a certain breakdown point when 5.2 Centralized Traffic Pattern
N =28. The entries with a ‘-’ imply that this breakdown
point cannot be achieved for the topology. Thus, We now consider a second application of Bluetooth
topologies with j=2 cannot achieve a breakdown point scatternets where each node in the network wishes to
of 10sec, whereas topologies with j=3 can. Also, it can communicate with one central server. Traffic rates
be seen that a smaller value of i requires a lower from all nodes are assumed equal. Such a traffic pattern
priority to achieve a certain breakdown point. may be typical of a factory or a warehouse where these
nodes are used in tasks like inventory tracking. Again,
we would like to see how different scatternet server. Gi and Gi are the traffic rate and service rate
topologies affect the delay-throughput characteristics in respectively of gateway Gi.
such an application.
G3 Type III piconet
10 i=5, j=2
i=4, j=2
9 i=2, j=2 G2 Type II piconet
8 i=1, j=2
Average Pkt Delay (sec)
i=0, j=2
6 G1
0 Stage 1
0 2 4 6 8
Traffic Load Master
(a) Gateway
Stage 2
Stage 3 Piconet
i=4, j=3
8 i=2, j=3 Central piconet
Average Pkt Delay (sec)
7 i=1, j=3
i=0, j=3 Fig 8: Central server topology with i=0 and j=2
4 G3 needs to carry traffic (to the central server) for
3 one master node and itself. Thus, G3 needs twice the
2 bandwidth as a non-gateway slave node. If a node
1 sends traffic at the rate of x, then BWG3 = 2x.
0 Now, G2 needs to carry traffic for two gateways of
0 2 4 6 8 10 the G3 category, one master node and itself. Thus,
Traffic Load
BWG2 = (2*BWG3) + 2 = 6x. Similarly, BWG1 = 14x.
(b) There are two G1s at the central piconet and each
Fig 7 (a) and (b): Characteristics taking interference carries traffic equal to 14x. Thus, each gets 14/28 of
into account for d=0.28 the central piconet’s bandwidth (the central master’s
polling). Thus G1 = 14x; and G1 = (14/28) * BW.
Since each node sends an almost equal amount of Now, at piconet of type II, G1 gets 14/28 of the
data to the server, it needs to be given the same polling. Thus, bandwidth given to each gateway, G2 =
bandwidth to the central server. (1 – 14/28)/2 = 7/28. Each gateway G2 carries 6x of
We first consider a topology with (i=0, j=2, and N the traffic => G2 = 6x; G2 = (7/28) * BW.
= 29), as shown in Fig 8. We assume, as earlier, that a At piconet of type III, G2 gets 7/28 of the polling.
gateway belongs only to two piconets. G1, G2 and G3 Thus, bandwidth given to each gateway G3 = (1-
represent gateway categories that may have different 7/28)/2 = 10.5/28. Each gateway G3 carries 2x of the
traffic and service rates. As shown in the figure, the traffic. => G3 = 2x; G3 = (10.5/28) * BW.
topology consists of various stages. Note that the Also, total traffic rate in the network is = 28x
topology is symmetric at each level (i.e., at each level, (each node sends x to the master of the central piconet).
piconets have the same number of slaves and Figure 9 shows a topology with i=0 and j=3. Recall
gateways). If a certain topology (number of slaves and that we compare topologies keeping the number of
gateways per piconet) shows best delay-throughput nodes in the scatternet fixed. As earlier, in some
characteristics, then applying the same topology at topologies, the number nodes may not be exactly equal
each stage gives a topology that is better than any to N.
other. In fact, if any of the stages in the scatternet had a
different topology, then it could be improved by
replacing its topology with the best one. We, thus, have
the same topology at each level.
We now apply the analysis of Section 3 to the i=0,
j=2 topology. BW refers to the Bluetooth bandwidth,
while BWGi is the bandwidth required by a gateway so
that each node gets the same bandwidth to the central Fig 9: Central server topology with i=0 and j=3
Fig 10 shows the delay vs. traffic load curves for experiments, which show a very close matching with
different values of i (while keeping j fixed), with N= the analytical results.
29. It can be seen that for the type of applications
considered, networks with a larger number of slaves 3
per piconet (and hence a smaller number of piconets)
2.5 i=0, j=2
show smaller average delays. In this application,
3 (a)
Average Pkt Delay (sec)
i=0, j=2
0 50 100 150 200 0
Traffic Load
0 50 100 150 200
Traffic Load
Fig 10: Characteristics for topologies with different
values of i and j=2 (b)
Fig 11 (a) and (b): Characteristics for different values
The breakdown points, or the knees of the curves, of j
for networks with different numbers of slaves are
almost the same. The breakdown point is determined 6. Conclusions and Future Work
by the ratio of ( / ) at the G1 gateways (since these are
the bottleneck gateways). If there are n G1 gateways, In this paper, we addressed several issues relating
then each G1 gateway gets 1/n of the piconet to topology of scatternets. We presented an analytic
bandwidth and has to serve 1/n of the traffic. Thus, approach to determining the number of non-gateway
( / ) at the G1 gateways is almost the same for all and gateway slaves per piconet to ensure acceptable
topologies. delay characteristics. We developed a queuing model
Figs 11 (a) and (b) show the effect of varying j on for a scatternet and validated the model via simulation
the delay-throughput profile. Networks with a smaller experiments. We studied two typical applications of
number of gateways show smaller delays and higher Bluetooth scatternets with different traffic patterns. In
breakdown points. A smaller number of gateways leads each application, we used analytic results to compare
to a higher capacity per gateway. The effect, though, is the delay-throughput characteristics of various
very marginal, since giving gateways a large capacity topologies and determine the optimal point to operate
may not be very beneficial, as explained above. Thus, the network.
increasing the number of gateways does not have too We intend to generalize, in the near future, our
much of an effect, though, a smaller number of analytic model to study topologies where a gateway is
gateways shows a better behavior. shared among an arbitrary number of piconets. We also
We conducted the same tests for different number intend to include the effects of various scheduling
of nodes, varying from N=25 to N=60. The results schemes. For example, when the traffic is non-uniform,
were quite similar to the results for N=29. We can thus, a dynamic scheduling scheme could be used to modify
conclude, that for applications with centralized traffic, the bandwidth fraction allocated to the gateways based
the results shown for N=29 are valid, in general. We on traffic patterns. More sophisticated models of
also validated the above results with simulation
“processor sharing” and the effect of interference on a
gateway are also planned.