Assssssssssssssssssss: N Tan (45° + Ø 2) e N (N 1) Cot Ø N (N 1) Tan 1.4Ø ɤ

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Terzaghi‘s Bearing Capacity (Shallow Foundations) Soil Stability

 General Shear Failure  Bearing Capacity Factor  Analysis of Infinite Slope

(dense sand & stiff clay)
Ø Factor of safety against sliding (without seepage)
Square Footing: Nq = tan2 (45° + ) eπ tan Ø C tan ∅
c + qNq + 0.4ɤBNɤ FS = +
Nc = (Nq − 1) cot Ø ɤ H sin 𝛽 cos 𝛽 tan 𝛽 β
Circular Footing:
Factor of safety against sliding (with seepage) where:
qult = 1.3cNc + qNq + 0.3ɤBNɤ Nɤ = (Nq − 1) tan 1.4Ø C → cohesion
C ɤ′ tan ∅ β → angle of backfill from horizontal
Strip Footing:  Parameters FS = + Ø → angle of internal friction
qult → ultimate bearing capacity ɤ𝑠𝑎𝑡 H sin 𝛽 cos 𝛽 ɤ𝑠𝑎𝑡 tan 𝛽 H → thickness of soil layer
qult = cNc + qNq + 0.5ɤBNɤ qu → unconfined compressive strength
c → cohesion of soil  Analysis of Finite Slope
 Local Shear Failure
(loose sand & soft clay) qu Factor of safety against sliding
c= Ff + Fc
Square Footing: 2
′ ′ ′ FS =
qult = 1.3c′Nc + qNq + 0.4ɤBNɤ q = ɤDf (for no water table)
W sin 𝜃
β θ
Circular Footing: qult Pallow Maximum height for critical equilibrium
qult = 1.3c′Nc ′ + qNq ′ + 0.3ɤBNɤ ′ qallow = = (FS=1.0) Ff → frictional force; Ff = μN
4𝐶 sin 𝛽 cos ∅ Fc → cohesive force
Strip Footing: qult − q Hcr = [ ] Fc = C x Area along trial failure plane
qult = c′Nc ′ + qNq ′ + 0.5ɤBNɤ ′ qnet = ɤ 1 − cos(𝛽 − ∅) W → weight of soil above trial failure plane
Stability No.: Stability Factor:
m= SF = − = BC
ɤH m tan 𝜃 tan 𝛽

Capacity of Driven Piles (Deep Foundations)

 Pile in Sand Layer  Pile in Clay Layer

Case 1 Case 2 Case 3 Q f = PAkμ Q Q f = CLαP

q = ɤ(Df − d)+ɤ′d q = ɤDf q = ɤDf
where: where:
3rd term ɤ = ɤ′ 3rd term ɤ = ɤ′ 3rd term ɤ = ɤave P → perimeter of pile C → cohesion
A → area of pressure diagram dc L → length of pile
for d ≤ B
k → coefficient of lateral pressure α → frictional factor
ɤave ∙ B = ɤd + ɤ′(B − d) μ → coefficient of friction P → perimeter of pile
NOTE: for d > B
Q tip = pe Nq Atip Qf Q tip = cNc Atip
ɤ′= ɤ𝑠𝑢𝑏 = ɤ − ɤ𝑤 ɤave = ɤ (AKA Qbearing) (AKA Qbearing)

where: where:
Group of Piles  Alternate Equation for Group pe → effective pressure at bottom QTIP c → cohesion
Efficiency (sand only) Nq → soil bearing factor Nc → soil bearing factor
 Group Efficiency (sand or clay) Atip → Area of tip Atip → Area of tip
2(m + n − 2)s + 4d Critical depth, dc:
Q des−group Eff = Q T = Q f + Q tip Loose 10 (size of pile)
Eff = mnπD Dense 20 (size of pile) Q T = Q f + Q tip
Q des−indiv where:
m → no. of columns QT QT
n→ no. of rows Q des = Q des =
s → spacing of piles F. S. F. S.
D → diameter of pile

Weirs Froude Number Critical Depth

v For all sections:
NF = where:
√gdm Q2 Ac 3 Q → flow rate m3/s
where: g → 9.81 m/s2
v → mean velocity (Q/A)
= AC → critical area
g → 9.81 m/s2 g Bc BC → critical width
dm → hydraulic depth (A/B)
B → width of liquid surface NOTE:
E is minimum for critical depth.
 Rectangular Q2 ∙ B c
NF = √ 3 For rectangular sections ONLY:
Considering velocity of approach: where: Ac ∙ g
2 va 3/2 va 3/2 W → channel width Take note that it is only derived from 3 q2
dc = √ = Ec
Q = C√2g L [(H + ) −( ) ] L → weir length the critical depth equation.
g 3
3 2g 2g Z → weir height Critical Flow NF = 1
Neglecting velocity of approach: H → weir head Subcritical Flow NF < 1 Q
2 Supercritical Flow NF > 1 q=
Q = C√2g L H 3/2 q → flow rate or discharge
3 C → coefficient of discharge
Reynold’s Number v2 per meter width
EC → specific energy at
va → velocity of approach m/s E𝑐 = + d𝑐 critical condition
Considering velocity of approach: m → weir factor
2g vC → critical velocity
Dv Dvρ
va 3/2 va 3/2 NR = = vc = √gdc
Q = m L [(H + ) −( ) ]  Triangular (symmetrical only) υ μ
2g 2g
Neglecting velocity of approach: 8 θ Laminar Flow (NR ≤ 2000) Hydraulic Jump
3/2 Q= C√2g tan H 5/2 64
Q=mLH 15 2 Height of the jump: Power Lost:
hf =
Q = m H 5/2 NR ∆d = d2 − d1 P = QɤE
Francis Formula (when C and m is not given)
Considering velocity of approach: When θ=90° Length of the jump:
Turbulent Flow (NR > 2000) NF1 −1
va 3/2 va 3/2 Q = 1.4H 5/2 L v 2 L = 220 d1 tanh
Q = 1.84 L′ [(H + ) −( ) ] hf = f
2g 2g  Cipolletti (symmetrical, slope 4V&1H) D 2g Solving for Q:
Neglecting velocity of approach: θ = 75°57’50”
Q = 1.84 L′ H 3/2
Q = 1.859 L H 3/2 0.0826 f L Q For all sections:
hf =
 with Dam: P2 − P1 = (v − v2 )
L’ = L for suppressed
Neglecting velocity of approach:
Boundary Shear Stress g 1
L’ = L – 0.1H for singly contracted
3/2 τ = ɤRS P = ɤh̅A
L’ = L – 0.2H for doubly contracted Q = 1.71 L H
Boundary Shear Stress For rectangular sections ONLY:
Time required to discharge:
(for circular pipes only) q2 1
2As 1 1 f = (d1 ∙ d2 )(d1 + d2 )
t= [ − ] τo = ρv g 2
mL √H2 √H1 8

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