Children Need Praise: A New Study Shows How Praise Helps Children

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Children Need Praise

A new study shows how praise helps children

Do you praise your children? Praisemeans telling a person they di
dsomething well. You tell the person youapprove of them. A new s
tudy showedthat parents need to praise theirchildren. They need t
o praise them fivetimes every day. This helps children dowell emo
tionally. Praise helps them todo well in social situations. Manypar
ents participated in the study. Theypraised their children. The chil
dren werehappier.
They were less hyperactive. Childrenfeel good when they receive pra
ise.Carole Sutton is a researcher. She saysparents need to praise ch
ildren forthings they do every day. Parents canpraise children when t
hey learn to brushtheir teeth. They can praise childrenwhen they lear
n to ride a bicycle orwhen they care for a pet. Grandparents,teachers
, and other people can givepraise. This will help children to behaveco

Baby Animals Are Adorable

There is a scientific reason why we love to watch baby animal videos
We are very busy. We have jobs,families, and responsibilities. But
, we stillhave time for one thing. We love towatch cute baby anima
l videos. Thesevideos are on YouTube. Some videoshave hundre
ds of millions of views. Whyare these videos almost addictive? W
hydo we want to play with the babies?Why do we make silly baby
soundswhen we see them? There are manyreasons.
Neoteny is a scientific term for baby-
likefeatures in an adult animal. Some ofthese features are big eyes, s
mall chins,short legs and extra fat on the body.Then, we see neoteny
when the babieswalk. When they fall or bump something,we smile. T
hese actions make ourbrains respond. We want to take care ofthe ba
bies. Animals and humans havethis response. This response protect
sbabies while they are still young.

Goodbye, Hiccups!
Some causes and cures for the hiccups
Hiccups are annoying. They can also bevery embarrassing. They
are usually notserious. Something small usually causeshiccups. E
ating too much food orswallowing air causes hiccups. Thebubbles
in soda can also cause hiccups.These things can irritate the mus
clebelow your lungs. This muscle is calledyour diaphragm. Hiccup
s can also startwithout any reason. It is a good idea toknow how t
o stop them.
There are many ways to stop hiccups.Many people try drinking cold
water.You can also gargle cold water.Gargling is when you move wat
eraround in your throat. Gargling coldwater stimulates the nerves in y
ourthroat. These nerves also affect yourdiaphragm. Holding your bre
ath alsoworks well. Hiccups should not lastmore than forty-
eight hours. Talk to yourdoctor if it does. It can be somethingserious.

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