Errores ARQ

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Protocols and the TCP/IP Suite


 Automatic Repeat reQQuest

 A flow and error control mechanism
which uses:
◦ Error detection
◦ Timers
◦ Acknowledgements
◦ Retransmissions

Automatic Repeat Request

 If error(s) is detected in received Frame, return NAK to


 NAK can be explicit or implicit (Expiration of sender Timer)

 Sender starts a timer for each frame

 Timeout value = Expected delay for sender to receive

ACK for frame

Chapter 2 1
Protocols and the TCP/IP Suite

Automatic Repeat Request

 Sender keeps a copy of each un-ACKed frame to re-transmit

if required
◦ If ACK is received, discarding the copy
◦ If NAK is received (timer expired), re-transmit frame

 ACK can be a separate frame or a control field

Piggybacked in data frame going from receiver to

Automatic Repeat Request

 Flow and error control techniques at link layer

◦ Stop
and--wait Protocol

◦ Go
back--N Protocol

◦ Selective
Selective--reject Protocol (A.K.A. selective repeat)

◦ Sliding window Protocol

Chapter 2 2
Protocols and the TCP/IP Suite


Stop and-Wait Protocol

 Each frame is assigned a Sequence Number

 Source transmits A Frame (e.g., frame SN= i) and waits

for ACK
 Receiver acknowledges the receipt by sending back ACK
 ACK includes the Request Number (RN
RN) of next frame
 This implicitly says that frame i is Error
 If frame i is in error, receiver discards it and sends ACK

including RN=i

Chapter 2 3
Protocols and the TCP/IP Suite

Stop and-Wait Protocol
 Source waits for ACK until timer expires
 Timeout =Tfram+2Tprop+Tack=2(

Stop and-Wait Protocol

 Retransmission, if timer expires & ACK not received

 Frames are sequenced as 0, 1, 2, …, m

 It is shown that for m>=1

>=1, transmissions have no conflict
 Minimum possible frame sequence m=1 (0,
0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0,)
 Transmission Errors
◦ Lost data frame
◦ Damaged data frame at destination
◦ Lost ACK

Chapter 2 4
Protocols and the TCP/IP Suite

Stop and--Wait ARQ

Lost Frame
• Source sends Data Frame and waits for ACK
• Data Frame is lost
• No ACK is replied by receiver
•Timer expires
•Source Retransmits the frame

Stop and--Wait ARQ
Damaged Frame at destination
•Destination receives frame 1 in error
•NACK is sent back (No ACK & Timer expires)
• Sender knows Frame 1 is in error
•Source Retransmits frame 1

Chapter 2 5
Protocols and the TCP/IP Suite

Stop and--Wait ARQ

Lost ACK
•Frame1 is received at destination
•Destination sends ACK 0
•Source does not receive ACK 0
•Timer expires
•Source Retransmits Frame 1
•Destination Discards duplicated

Stop and-Wait Link Utilization
 Source sends a single frame and waits for

 Tprop is large relative to Ttrans
 Propagation delay is long relative to transmission time
 Transmission of only one frame at a time
 Waiting for a long time to receive ACK
 Link is mostly idle

 Stop-and-Wait Protocol Reduces Link Utilization

Chapter 2 6
Protocols and the TCP/IP Suite

Sliding Window

Sliding Window Protocol

 Allows Multiple Frames to be Transmitted at the
same time
 Transmitter and receiver have sequence numbers
nt and nr
 Frames and ACKs must be numbered
 nt denotes the next frame to be transmitted
 i.e. the sequence number of the first frame not yet transmitted

 nr is the first packet not yet received (Expected)

Chapter 2 7
Protocols and the TCP/IP Suite

Sliding Window Protocol

 Transmitter and receiver have a window size wt and wr
 Window size = # of frames that can be transmitted
without an ACK
 Transmitter sends wt frames continuously and wait for
 ACK Includes sequence nr
 Receiver can ACK frames without permitting further
transmission (Receive Not Ready=RNR)
 Receiver must send a normal ACK to resume
 Sliding window becomes stop-and-wait if window size
is One

Sliding Window Protocol

Chapter 2 8
Protocols and the TCP/IP Suite

Sliding Window Protocol

Transmitter Operation

 Transmitter needs to buffer so that if data is lost,

it can be resent
 Transmitter may transmit up to wt frame ahead
of the latest acknowledgment na
 It may transmit frame number nt, where
nt < na+wt
 It keeps the sent packets in buffer until ACK

Sliding Window Protocol

Receiver Operation

 Receiver needs to buffer so that if data is

received out of order, it can be held until all
packets are received

 When a frame arrives

 Receiver checks to see if the frame number
falls in the receive window
 If so, receiver accepts it and updates nr
 If not, receiver discards it
 Receiver sends ACK including current nr

Chapter 2 9
Protocols and the TCP/IP Suite

Sliding Window Protocol

Sliding Window in a nutshell
 Sender can transmit several frames continuously
before needing an ACK
 If ACK received by sender before transmission is
finished, sender can continue transmitting
 An ACK can acknowledge the correct receipt of
multiple frames at the Receiver
 Frames may be ACKed by receiver at any time,
and may be transmitted by sender as long as the
window hasn’t filled up

Sliding Window Operation

Chapter 2 10
Protocols and the TCP/IP Suite

Sliding Window Example

RR = Receive Ready

window size = 7 segments


Chapter 2 11
Protocols and the TCP/IP Suite

Go Back-N Protocol
 Most common form of error control based on
Sliding Window

 Window size W = N

 Out of order (window) frames are discarded.

 If frame F is in error
◦ Receiver replies with rejection (REJ F / NACK
◦ Receiver discards frame F and all subsequent
frames until it receives frame F correctly

Go Back-N Protocol

 Upon receiving a NAK for frame F, transmitter

must Go Back and retransmit frame F and all
subsequent frames

 Sender resends frame F (and all subsequent

frames) when timer expires too

 If window W is selected large enough, sender can

transmit continuously if there are no transmission

Chapter 2 12
Protocols and the TCP/IP Suite

Go Back--N Protocol
 NAK 3 means Retransmit Frame 3 (also tells sender that all
frames before frame 3 were received correctly)
 Receiver discards all subsequent frames
 Receiver only accepts Correct Frames received in Correct
 So, receiver doesn’t need to Buffer any frames (to reorder them)

Go Back--N Protocol
 Frame 2 is lost
 Receiver is expecting Frame 2, But receives Frame 3
 Frame 3 (4,5,…) is discarded (even though correctly received)
 NAK is sent for Frame 2
 Frame 2 and All Subsequences are Retransmitted

Chapter 2 13
Protocols and the TCP/IP Suite

Go Back-N Protocol

• When traffic is Bi
Bi--Directional , ACK can be piggybacked
on packets going in other direction
• Each packet contains a
•SN field indicating the packet sequence number
•RN field ACKs the packet in the other direction
• If there is no packet before timeout, acknowledge RN is sent

Selective Repeat

Chapter 2 14
Protocols and the TCP/IP Suite

Selective Repeat Protocol

 SR attempts to retransmit only those packets that are
actually lost

 Receiver does not discard the frames received after an


 Receiver must be able to accept good frames out of


 Receiver stores the correct frames in a buffer and

waits for error-frame (Buffering)

Selective Repeat Protocol

 Receiver sends all frames to higher layer in order

 Window protocol just like Go-Back-N

 Window size W

Chapter 2 15
Protocols and the TCP/IP Suite

Selective Repeat Protocol

Need for Buffer
Sender must buffer all frames until they are ACK
◦ Up to W un-ACKed frames

 Receiver must buffer frames until they can be

delivered in order

 Up to W frames may have to be buffered at

◦ If the first frame is received in error

Selective Repeat Protocol

When Frame 2 received correctly, receiver can sends Frames
2-5 to its Network layer and send ACK 6 back to Sender

Chapter 2 16
Protocols and the TCP/IP Suite

Selective Repeat Protocol

Retransmission Strategy
 Receiver ACK
ACKs the correct frames
 Not ACK
ACKed frames before timetime--out are assumed lost
or in error
 An explicit NAK (selective reject) can request
retransmission of just one frame
 NAK can expedite retransmission but is not strictly
 Sender retransmits un-ACK
ACKed frame after a timeout
or upon a NAK

Chapter 2 17

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