Offshore Service and Maintenance: References
Offshore Service and Maintenance: References
Offshore Service and Maintenance: References
and Maintenance
and unconventional engineering are required Three large national and international oil companies are in the front
to obtain feasible structures and projects. line of the Danish offshore industry with regards to exploration in the
The wind industry needs to develop more the North Sea. Maersk Oil and Gas has handled the Danish oil fields
cost effective solutions than those used alone for many years, and during the recent years two more operators
in connection with the large bridges and have joined as oilfield operators, namely Amerada Hess and DONG.
offshore oil-drilling projects because the Alongside these companies also Denerco Oil is active in production
economical margins are much smaller. This from Danish fields as well as being an operator in two Dutch and one
is the challenge at deeper waters and at non- German field. In the wake of these operators several other compa-
ideal soil conditions. nies have grown, among these a selection of consulting engineering
companies, as well as many production companies locally anchored
References in Esbjerg.
Gravesen, H., Sørensen, S.L., Bingham,
H., Tarp-Johansen, N.J., Pedersen, J., and During the years also a large number of small and several large
Vølund. P. (2003): “Consequences of steep service and maintenance companies have evolved. A number of these
waves and large wave forces to offshore companies are local while others are divisions of larger international
wind turbine design”, 2003 European Wind companies.
Energy Conference. Madrid, Spain.
These companies are often rooted in a tradition within the fisheries
Gravesen, H., Pedersen, B., Sørensen, S.L., service business in Esbjerg, a tradition more than 100 years old.
and Vølund. P. (2003): “Ice forces to wind
turbine foundations in Denmark”, POAC’03, Esbjerg was until recently the centre of a large number of fishing
Trondheim, Norway. Paper No. 187. based service industries, which quickly recognised the new oppor-
tunities, when Esbjerg was established as base town for the Danish
Danish Energy Agency / Risø (2001): offshore industry in 1966. This later developed and an actual offshore
“Danish recommendation for technical sector is now established with more than 200 companies aligned to
approval of offshore wind turbines”. Helge the offshore service business.
Gravesen, member of editorial board and
part time editor. n The service companies have been involved in prolonging the lifetime
of and making more efficient the production from Danish oil plat-
forms, increasing the Danish oil and gas recovery, in a remarkably
innovative and efficient manner, not seen quite similar elsewhere in
Europe. Danish oil production is still increasing its output year by
year cf. Figure 1, as one of the few places in the world, the reason
being not the least, the resourceful and innovative service companies,
assisting the platform operators. The result has been a good contribu-
tion to the exports of Denmark cf. Figure 2.
A few basics
Everybody can agree to the fact that Service and Maintenance are
important factors during the management of an asset, but can these
items be described more exact? In the following we have given a few
basics in the terminology used.
Figure 1 Figure 2
People want the safest and best cars at the lowest prices, people
want their car to start and bring them safely to work every day
– without “paying fortunes” on service checks.
Though a little more complex, in principle oil platforms are built
and operated on the same philosophy.
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For these reasons the operators of the systems at the North Sea and
worldwide, constantly spend large amounts of money upgrading their
systems to newer systems, with continuous focus on dependable
hardware and software.
With more than 10 years multiple operation sites in the North Sea
as reference, the satellite tripod platform is today proven successful
technology. Both from an installation but also very importantly from
an operational point of view given the automatic mode of opera-
tion, the tripod satellite platform today stands as a good testimony
to Danish offshore engineering craftsmanship, with international
recognition as a low-cost and safe solution for marginal sites.n
size the importance of the SCADA system. These requirements can make the reliability
Access to offshore wind turbines is not and availability of the SCADA system very
only costly, it is also controlled by weather critical.
and sea conditions that may prevent service
visits for several days. By continuously What should a reliable SCADA
recording and processing data from the system achieve?
turbines, the SCADA system enables op- Lack of control over the wind power plant
erators and service engineers to anticipate because of a SCADA system fault can have
problems and, if necessary, diagnose and serious consequences, for example if a plant
correct faults remotely from a PC hundreds has to meet certain grid requirements at the
of kilometres away. substation.
Additional project-specific issues also en- Both the network infrastructure and the
courage the focus on wind power SCADA SCADA software and hardware design Power Plant Server and Power
systems, for example: philosophy are therefore very important. Plant Controller
• Aviation lights, marine lights and fog- Through good control and diagnostics, the VestasOnline™ Business is built around the
horns SCADA design must ensure that the wind Power Plant Server, a dedicated industrial
• Ice detection power plant operates at its peak, but within computer connected to the turbines by fibre-
• Lightning detection safe limits and according to the required optic links. The Power Plant Server stores
interconnection settings. all the turbine data in a central database and
Other issues that push towards more ad- uses the data to create customisable reports
vanced SCADA systems are requirements What has Vestas done? and alarm messages. Users view the reports
such as: Vestas has identified several important areas and control the plant from remote PCs con-
• Power plant forecasting for power tra- in designing VestasOnline™ Business, its nected to the server by a local network, a
ding and other purposes advanced power plant SCADA system: secure internet connection or a modem.
• Preventive maintenance
• Interface for third-party high-level • Power plant server Another cutting-edge feature of Vestas
SCADA systems • Power plant controller Online™ Business is the Power Plant
• Substation monitoring and control inte- • Third-party equipment Controller, a unique stand-alone embedded
gration • SCADA client software controller that provides active and reactive
• Advanced reporting • Communication infrastructure power regulation, power ramping, volt-
• Power plant reporting. age control and other power management
The cause…
Industrial IT Extended Automation System
Design issues
800xA improves process availability while Access to operating procedures
reducing the risk to overall plant operation Sensor problems
by providing a common environment for Change Management
production control, safety supervision, and The cost…
production monitoring. Within this environ- > $30 million US dollars Source: /
ment, System 800xA offers a complete
Safety Instrumented System (SIS) solution,
complying with the IEC 61508 and IEC
61511 standards and covering, not only the
logic solver, but also entire safety loops, Besides delivery of the Safety Integrated
consisting of field instruments, central con- Systems, ABB also assists in the practical
trollers and field actuators. Systems 800xA implementation of all phases of the IEC
also provides safety solutions that are easily 61508 / 61511 safety lifecycle for both exist-
scalable from a few loops to complete safety ing and new facilities by applying proven
systems.” techniques and working methods including:
• Safety Integrity Level (SIL) assessments
The SIS realization is achieved by utilizing • Software tools supporting the safety
dedicated controllers or via SIL designated lifecycle
applications within the same controller as • Identification of safety critical elements /
process control. By utilizing common hard- functions
ware and software, System 800xA reduces • Safety lifecycle audits
costs. As Jan Ilsoe puts it, in this way the • Independent validation and verification
objectives of both systems are achieved: • Hardware / software design
“maximum plant availability and minimum • System integrationSupport for strategies
risk.” to implement IEC 61508 / 61511
• Support for in-house training and aware-
With safety applications such as emergency ness programs.
shutdown systems, fire and gas systems, and
burner management, 800xA Safety delivers Jan Ilsoe concludes: “ABB is the market
safe reliable operation of “any industrial leader within Safety.“n
By Chartered Surveyor Morten Thoft setups, depending on the skills of the job Provides an overview
Christoffersen, COWI A/S and the different point clouds can be joined The new technology should find favour
into a common geo-orientated point clouds. particularly in the oil industry, where highly
A relatively new scanning technology complex plants are in operation and where
known as terrestrial laser scanning is It has not before been possible to measure having production facilities lying idle during
rapidly rendering that trusted tool of the sur- objects with such clarity of detail. The modernisation or renovation is an option
veying fraternity – the tape measure – ob- points form a point cloud from which ac- best avoided. A 3D model offers an overview
solete. According to COWI, this technology curate 3D models can be generated. of obstacles and advantages that are difficult
enables fast, easy construction of precision to identify on conventional drawings.
3D models without the surveyor having to Terrestrial laser scanning enables to take
be close up to what he is measuring. on assignments that not previously have The scanning data is an important basis for
been undertaken; for instance, measuring the design procedures and data can easily be
Millions of Points complex objects such as process facilities on used for as built documentation, interference
Terrestrial laser scanning creates a point offshore platforms. check, and similar. The scanning data helps
cloud composed of thousands or millions of the designers identifying important tie-in
XYZ points with a resolution as little as 1x1 Using the old technology to generate 3D points and speed up the design procedures.
mm. The laser scanner is capable of collet- models of this type of object would have Any new design can be checked. Importing
ing thousands of point’s pr. second. Point been costly and time consuming. the new design into the point cloud data,
clouds can be registered from different scan designs can easily be checked for any inter-
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conferences and seminars are being held? – Which
courses may you attend in Denmark?
Your link to the Danish Offshore Companies Within you will furthermore
get an insight into the many technologically
challenging development projects undertaken by
Looking at the other parts of the offshore sectors e.g. offshore wind,
a similar busy picture appears. Over the next 5 years an expected in-
vestment of EURO 7 billion is expected to be made in offshore wind
farms in the North Sea, according to a study done in 2005 under the
Offshore Center Danmark co-sponsored EU POWER project (cf.
page 94).
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learning process.
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By Mr. Eigil Jensen – Director of Survival platform from there. An evacuation suit gives
Training Maritime Safety the person possibility to reduce loss of heat at
stay in water and protection against hypother-
Since the early start of the offshore industry, mia.
training has been developed against the differ-
ent challenges the industry has met. The safety A lifeboat is constructed to in an emergency
training has been a natural and important part situation to evacuate up to 50 persons. The
of the competence the offshore workers were boat can be used even in burning surface
endowed with before leaving for the job. because the boat is equipped with sprinkler
system for sprinkling and cooling of the boat.
The workplaces situated far away from shore The boats can be sealed gas tight and there and from the platform by means of helicopter
in an often rough environment have demanded are oxygen supplies on board for minimum 10 hoist. Transfer by boat can be a challenge for
such training. The operators and the authori- minutes to all on board. Man over board boats people who never have been at sea. Transfer
ties have together determined the frames for are equipped with pick up nets and on certain exercises are a natural part of the safety train-
the safety training like emergency- and evacu- types will be found with buoyancy balloons if ing so people have gained the right technique
ation plans are a natural part of the operator’s the boat should capsize. before entering a platform from a boat.
setup. From the elementary courses which
deal with sea survival and fire fighting the Latest the wind turbine industry has gone Authorities in the different North Sea coun-
courses have developed in direction against offshore and the industry expects a strong tries also leave their stamps on the education.
more specific courses dealing with special growth in offshore wind turbines the next Often there are involved more authorities in
and new equipment. Lifeboats have developed 15-20 years. Safety training to wind turbine connection with the regulations etc. In the
against freefall lifeboats, mob boats have people who are supposed to work offshore is Danish sector the Danish Energy Agency,
developed against powerful water jets fast like the existing training to offshore workers Danish Maritime Authority and the Facto-
rescue boats and parts of the lifesaving equip- however with the exception that the transport ries Inspectorate are the instances who take
ment at the installations and oil rigs have been to and from the wind turbine platforms can care of the regulations. The operators will be
changed in line with the development. not take place in the same manner as in the oil consulted and the authorities lean against the
and gas industry. In the wind turbine industry experiences and knowledge those companies
Evacuation suits are placed at the lower deck you use transfer with boat and helicopter. Hel- have obtained.
provided workers are forced to leave the icopter transfer is done by hoisting people to
By Kristen D. Nedergaard, Head of Dep. of magic words that can be heard everywhere the exchange of knowledge and ideas between
Maritime Research and Innovation, today. Given the fact that Danish knowledge the various knowledge environments through
University of Southern Denmark environments in general are small from an structuring the platform of collaboration. This
international perspective it is important to cre- can be done for instance by organizing an an-
ate dynamic synergies through collaboration nual Blue University conference and founding
“Across is ahead” – that is the philosophy across the boundaries of traditional disci- a journal both having this inter-disciplinary
behind a new initiative which is going to plines. Furthermore do new challenges in the vision as their particular value. Another inter-
be launched shortly. The Department for maritime field call for inter-disciplinary ways esting perspective could be linking research
Maritime Innovation and Research, which has of thinking and doing, such as ‘security and and education resources in new ways.
just begun its activities at the University of risk management in open organizations - as
Southern Denmark Esbjerg, has as one of its those in the maritime and offshore industries’, Kristen D. Nedergaard continues “The first
finest tasks to be the driving force behind the ‘the human factor and technology’, ‘intelli- step was to invite all relevant stakeholders to
setting-up of the Blue University. gent e-work platforms with the instantaneous a seminar in November at the University of
integration of information flows from multiple Southern Denmark. The scope that day was
The Blue University is to become an exci- land and sea based sources’, ‘environmental to discuss how to materialise the vision of the
ting and creative platform for collaboration management’ and so on. Blue University. A fruitful discussion resulted
between all the various knowledge environ- and the outcome was used to provide a plat-
ments in Denmark active in the maritime Creating an inspiring environment for the form for the coming work.”
field in some way or another. This could for meeting between economists, engineers, natu-
instance be fields like offshore technology, ral scientists, psychologists and other experts Following this an official opening with the at-
maritime medicine, engine design, or mari- from universities and leading consulting com- tendance of the Danish Deputy Prime Minister
time economics. panies working with the maritime perspective, Bendt Bendtsen took place late December in
that is what the Blue University is about. Esbjerg and the center is now ready to begin
“Innovation and creative thinking is the The role of the Department for Maritime its practical work. n
key to Denmark’s future”. These are the Research and Innovation will be to facilitate
By Bjørn H. Hjertager,
Aalborg University Esbjerg