Offshore Service and Maintenance: References

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Offshore Service

and Maintenance

and unconventional engineering are required Three large national and international oil companies are in the front
to obtain feasible structures and projects. line of the Danish offshore industry with regards to exploration in the
The wind industry needs to develop more the North Sea. Maersk Oil and Gas has handled the Danish oil fields
cost effective solutions than those used alone for many years, and during the recent years two more operators
in connection with the large bridges and have joined as oilfield operators, namely Amerada Hess and DONG.
offshore oil-drilling projects because the Alongside these companies also Denerco Oil is active in production
economical margins are much smaller. This from Danish fields as well as being an operator in two Dutch and one
is the challenge at deeper waters and at non- German field. In the wake of these operators several other compa-
ideal soil conditions. nies have grown, among these a selection of consulting engineering
companies, as well as many production companies locally anchored
References in Esbjerg.
Gravesen, H., Sørensen, S.L., Bingham,
H., Tarp-Johansen, N.J., Pedersen, J., and During the years also a large number of small and several large
Vølund. P. (2003): “Consequences of steep service and maintenance companies have evolved. A number of these
waves and large wave forces to offshore companies are local while others are divisions of larger international
wind turbine design”, 2003 European Wind companies.
Energy Conference. Madrid, Spain.
These companies are often rooted in a tradition within the fisheries
Gravesen, H., Pedersen, B., Sørensen, S.L., service business in Esbjerg, a tradition more than 100 years old.
and Vølund. P. (2003): “Ice forces to wind
turbine foundations in Denmark”, POAC’03, Esbjerg was until recently the centre of a large number of fishing
Trondheim, Norway. Paper No. 187. based service industries, which quickly recognised the new oppor-
tunities, when Esbjerg was established as base town for the Danish
Danish Energy Agency / Risø (2001): offshore industry in 1966. This later developed and an actual offshore
“Danish recommendation for technical sector is now established with more than 200 companies aligned to
approval of offshore wind turbines”. Helge the offshore service business.
Gravesen, member of editorial board and
part time editor. n The service companies have been involved in prolonging the lifetime
of and making more efficient the production from Danish oil plat-
forms, increasing the Danish oil and gas recovery, in a remarkably
innovative and efficient manner, not seen quite similar elsewhere in
Europe. Danish oil production is still increasing its output year by
year cf. Figure 1, as one of the few places in the world, the reason
being not the least, the resourceful and innovative service companies,
assisting the platform operators. The result has been a good contribu-
tion to the exports of Denmark cf. Figure 2. 

A few basics
Everybody can agree to the fact that Service and Maintenance are
important factors during the management of an asset, but can these
items be described more exact? In the following we have given a few
basics in the terminology used.

Service and maintenance can be described as the combination of all

technical, administrative and managerial actions during the lifecycle
of an item intended to retain or restore the item to a state in which it
can perform its required function.

30 Offshore Center Danmark

Yearbook 2006
In remote and often hostile locations as can be found offshore, main-
tenance is of utmost importance not only in order to achieve prolon-
gation of the life of platforms, but also for the environment and for
the general health and safety of the personnel aboard the not easily
accessible oil platforms.

Furthermore the up-time of the offshore platforms can be increased

through systematic preventive maintenance. Interruptions in the oil
supply due to unscheduled platform shutdowns are very costly. Expe-
rience from the land-based industry, indicate that the loss of produc-
tion is 10 times as costly, as the actual cost of repairing the errors.
The factor increases dramatically offshore. This is the reason why
service and maintenance is given such a high priority on the Danish
offshore installations, focusing on preventive maintenance rather than

In order to achieve optimal service and maintenance performance

on a platform, good practice must be preserved when it comes to the
maintenance techniques and processes used. The appointed personnel
follow the formal maintenance guidelines and the management must
always be focused on developing improved maintenance practices and

Maintenance is hence a complex discipline, involving many parties

and many processes.

In the following chapter of ON/OFF Yearbook articles about the topic

offshore service and maintenance are presented.n

Figure 1 Figure 2

Offshore Center Danmark 31

Yearbook 2006
On oiled Wheels
– A Motor Car Analogy
By Jan E. Q. Hoejer, Amerada Hess

People want the safest and best cars at the lowest prices, people
want their car to start and bring them safely to work every day
– without “paying fortunes” on service checks.
Though a little more complex, in principle oil platforms are built
and operated on the same philosophy.

Service checks cost effectively set a demand for a mixture

Syd Arne has entered its 6th operational year, of experience, competencies and skills from
and systems start to degrade and the mainte- operating people to maintenance people. Syd
nance strategy and execution need to adapt as Arne is operated on a Self Managed Team
time goes. The Syd Arne maintenance setup Concept (SMT) which consists of this mix-
was built around Reliability Centred Mainte- ture. The experienced operator has the ability
nance (RCM) – in general that enforces the to foresee operational changes that effect
need for constant adapting to the operational production and to focus the attention on sys-
profile, modifications and improved mainte- tems that need maintenance. The technicians
nance methods. have competencies and skills to conduct first
Therefore service intervals and areas of line maintenance which ensures a safe and
interest change as time goes – the goal is to stable production. Specialist maintenance
maintain a safe production and operation and campaign maintenance are normally
without “paying fortunes”. done by contractors.
This mixture gives a flexible and motivated
Risk Based Inspection organisation that always is able to encounter
Risk based inspection of vessel, pipelines the challenges of operation and maintenance.
and structure is an area where Amerada Hess
has changed the maintenance philosophy. Goal and business
This is a step up for more safe production Jan E. Q. Hoejer of Amerada Hess explains
due to the fact that inspection and mainte- about the philosophy: “In Amerada Hess we
nance are adapted to the risk. By the end of have the philosophy always to challenge how
2004 Syd Arne achieved approval from the we operate in all areas, setting new goals
Danish Energy Agency (DEA) as the first and for achieving a better business - how can we
so far only operator on Danish continental keep and improve the safety records. We also
shelf to include vessels in the RBI. The RBI challenge our contractors to improvements.
program will ensure inspection on systems All in all this is about being able to adjust
that need inspection and at same time make it and focus on goals.”
more cost efficient.
At home one goal is to ensure we can start
Competence and skills the car every morning and get safely to
Operating a platform safely, establishing a work….. n
high uptime and at the same time doing it

32 Offshore Center Danmark

Yearbook 2006

Your competent steel partner

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6700 Esbjerg
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we can, whenever required, draw on this considerable capacity for the involvement Fax 76 11 55 01
of major projects or when peak situations occur.

Offshore Center Danmark 33

Yearbook 2006
Service and Maintenance
– Through Development, a safe
Approach to Success
By Lars Erik Jørgensen, Semco Maritime

In 2004 Semco Maritime launched the As-

cendant 2007 project in order to maintain and
develop the market position of the company.
Many of the tools used in developing the
Ascendant project are similar to the tools de-
scribed in the SAE / RCM standard (Reliabil-
ity-Centered Maintenance) with the objective
to determine the best policy and to manage
the consequences followed by that policy.

Even though Semco Maritime is not owner

or operator of assets requiring maintenance
and thus does not have the need to run a
RCM system, the company has decided to
use RCM similar tools in order to perform
optimally in a constantly changing market.

Essential questions for RCM evaluation were:

1. What are the functions and associated de-
sired standards of performance of the asset
in its present operating context (functions)?
2. In what ways can it fail to fulfil its functions
(functional failures)?
3. What causes each functional failure (failure
modes)? Using the process described above on any When it comes to actual maintenance activi-
4. What happens when each failure occurs part of a company i.e. production, mainte- ties the driving force should be as set out in
(failure effects)? nance and/or engineering, the process gives the company maintenance policy and here the
5. In what way does each failure matter (fail- management all the necessary information in SAE / RCM standard becomes a very useful
ure consequences)? relation to the asset enabling management to tool not only in establishment of the system
6. What should be done to predict or prevent set-up a “RCM” plan for the business/opera- but also when it comes to assessment of a
each failure (proactive tasks and task inter- tion in question. RCM system already in place.
7. What should be done if a suitable proactive Development is often set to be equal to new However, every one will probably agree
task cannot be found (default actions)? projects, big budgets and significant prestige. that only through new investments and new
Semco Maritime has found that develop- projects, facility owners will be able to
During the evaluation process each of the ment also comes through maintenance of maintain or hopefully increase their turnover.
above questions must be “satisfactorily” operations resulting in small “projects”, Hence if one wants to maintain turnover one
answered and in order to do so information with low budgets and almost no prestige. should also maintain the maintenance system
shall be gathered, and decisions shall be Lars Erik Jørgensen of Semco explains: “It and one of the ways to do that is through
made and all information and decisions shall is projects of this nature we have combined development. Development of new methods,
be documented in a way that makes the infor- in and managed by the Ascendant Project new tools, new systems and amended mainte-
mation and the decisions fully available and which is meant to maintain and extend our nance policies.
acceptable to the management. This ensures market position and overhead and used as the
that the decisions made are in line with com- driving force in development of new ideas, - Development of new methods and new
pany policies in some cases that might result subsequently leading to operational changes, tools i.e. how the actual work is being con-
in amendment of the policies in order to cope new projects and new activities.” ducted using a different type of approach
with the gathered process parameters. and using tools developed by the mainte-

34 Offshore Center Danmark

Yearbook 2006
nance personnel enabling them to improve could originate from ongoing yearly evalu- different types of maintenance system such
safety and reduce plant downtime. ations of the maintenance system. as Preventive Maintenance Systems, Condi-
tion Based Maintenance Systems and RCM
- Development of new systems i.e. changing It has often been said that “Anytime a systems resulting in new maintenance proce-
any existing system such as PM-systems structured, planned maintenance program dures, rescheduling of existing maintenance
and CBM-systems into a RCM based is implemented you are taking active steps activities and improvement activities.”
system. to ensure that the asset is reliable and will
perform as intended when required”. Lars “Both as single source of supply on main-
- Development and maintenance of a given Erik Jørgensen elaborates about Semco’s tenance contracts as well as on consultancy,
system should not be limited to handling role: “Semco Maritime can be that active Semco Maritime will always involve our
any new equipment that has been installed step due to the great experience we have highly skilled technicians whose great expe-
and to what equipment has been demol- gained working with many operators of oil rience enables them to be operational swiftly
ished. Development and maintenance and gas installations as well as rig operators. in any kind of maintenance campaign or to
should also, as mentioned above, include Not only do we have the experience, we also participate in long term relations on planned
development of new physical methods and have the capability to assist any operator or risk based maintenance work.”, Lars Erik
tools thus maintenance budgets should offshore/onshore domestically and abroad Jørgensen sums up. n
include money earmarked for continuous with engineering support to any existing
development projects i.e. projects that maintenance system including evaluation of


Offshore Center Danmark 35

Yearbook 2006

By Business Development Manager

Verner Andersen, Pon Power

During an interview with the energy spe-

cialist company Pon Power, the talk quickly
moves to reduction of energy consumption
of offshore structures and power plants in

So what is the best way to reduce the fuel-

consumption costs of a power plant?

Business Development manager Verner

Andersen has a stern answer:
“The Pon Power Solution: Apply Pon Power
generator sets with Dual-fuel kit. This is an
extension kit that can be fitted to a diesel
engine to allow it to run on both natural gas
and diesel fuel, and it works!”

High Oil Prices

Oil prices fluctuate continuously, but in
recent years the price of a barrel of crude of the system is to add natural gas to the relation to the engine’s power, speed or
oil has only tended to increase sharply. This engine’s air intake system. This natural gas stability.
has a financially adverse effect on many is mixed with the intake air in a venturi
businesses. The consequences also affect type carburettor, between the air filter and Advantages offered by the Pon
customers that run diesel engines: due to the the turbo compressor. The engine itself does Power dual-fuel genset:
rising fuel costs production costs keep on not need to be modified and is still capable - Low fuel-consumption costs
increasing. Since a given amount of energy of running 100% diesel. - The reliability and stability of a diesel
from natural gas costs less than the same engine, with the advantage of natural gas
amount of energy from diesel fuel, genera- With the dual-fuel mode activated and as a low-cost fuel
tor sets running on natural gas can reduce gas supplied to the engine, the Electronic - Fully programmable gas/diesel ratio
production costs. Control Module of the electronic engine im- - Innovative product, designed by Pon Pow-
mediately decreases the amount of injected er’s Caterpillar experts
This was Pon Power’s starting point in diesel to meet the actual requirements for - Payback time on investment is signifi-
searching for a solution for its customers. engine load and speed. Depending on the cantly reduced
The result was the dual-fuel engine. This is actual load, gas quality and environmental - Comprehensive service by Caterpillar’s
a conventional engine modified to run on conditions, natural gas can be used as a worldwide dealer network.
diesel fuel as well as natural gas. Extensive substitute for up to 70 % of diesel fuel. The
research and tests on the Caterpillar 3500B dual-fuel system provides full control of Business practice
electronic engine series resulted in the Dual- the amount of supplied gas, thereby making According to Verner Andersen, the first cus-
Fuel generatorset. diesel substitution fully programmable. tomer to order a dual-fuel genset has already
This means that for every load the optimal taken delivery. A company in West Africa,
Dual-fuel generatorsets are gas/diesel-ratio can be set. executive producer in Nigeria, requested
able to run on 65 % gas a replacement for one of its generator sets.
Verner Andersen enlightens us “The in- Dual-fuel application substantially reduces One of the client’s demands was to reduce
novative dual-fuel generator sets work in fuel costs and therefore production costs. production costs. With a natural gas sup-
conjunction with a gas train that is also fit to Moreover, the basic engine is still a diesel ply available on site, the step to dual-fuel
some of our gas engines. The main principle engine, so no compromises are made in seemed obvious.

36 Offshore Center Danmark

Yearbook 2006
The generator set on dual-fuel is connected to both a diesel fuel and a natural gas
supply. The gas train filters the gas, brings it to the correct pressure, and is equipped
Requested power: 920 ekW
with solenoid valves and a governor. The dual-fuel controller measures several
Running hours per year: 7830 hrs
engine- and environmental conditions, based on which it controls the valves and the
Gas percentage at full load: 65%
governor, to regulate the amount of supplied gas.

Possible Applications When the genset is partially loaded, the

Businesses in all kinds of sectors and maximum allowable gas percentage rises
industries can use the dual-fuel system, slightly, up to 70 %.
provided a gas supply is available. Examples • What kinds of gasses are suitable for
include factories, on board LNG (Liquid dual-fuel application?
Natural Gas) carriers, Floating Production The recalled results are obtained with
Storage and Off-loading (FPSO), ships with Groningen Natural Gas, with a methane-
a relatively small radius of action (such as index of about 80. Please contact us to
ferries and pilot boats) or trains with diesel find out if the composition of your natu-
locomotives. ral gas is suitable for this application.

Questions and Answers as Pon Power Oil & Gas BV

stated by Pon Power Pon Power is the official Caterpillar dealer
• Which genset ratings can be delivered on for Power Systems in the Netherlands, Nor-
dual-fuel? way and Denmark. The company special-
The dual-fuel application is available on ises in energy conversion and management
the Caterpillar 3500B series gensets, with for all kinds of uses. Pon Power designs,
ratings varying from 590 ekW (3508B) up builds and installs engines for oil & gas
to 1600 ekW (3516B). installations, ship propulsion and auxiliary
• How does a dual-fuel genset respond to power, complete emergency power genera-
transient loads? tors (units), continuous energy supplies
The basic engine of the genset is still (generator sets) and systems for combined
a diesel engine. When a transient load heat and power equipment (total energy
is applied to the engine it will respond principle). Pon Power also offers a wide
similar to the diesel-only model. range of servicing possibilities and the
• What is the maximum gas percentage at tried and tested quality that is essential for
partial loads? a dependable energy supply. n

Offshore Center Danmark 37

Yearbook 2006
From Fisheries to
offshore Service
By Anders Klastrup, Peter Harbo A/S participates actively in the development of
the business. The company wishes to make a
The company Peter Harbo A/S in Esbjerg was difference to the offshore customers who as a
established in 1973 and started as a service first priority have good service, day and night,
company for the fisheries with ropes, wires all week, year round at competitive prices.
and other iron articles. It was exiting times
where concepts such as service and good Recently Peter Harbo A/S has carried out a
co-operate partners for costumers as well as line of expansions of their service assortment,
contractors were established as the key stones as outlined below:
in the company.
The Canadian company Insulmastic has ap-
Therefore it was not difficult for the company pointed Peter Harbo A/S, Esbjerg as their new
to understand the demands and wishes for distributor in Denmark and Greenland.
service and ability to deliver around the clock
from the offshore business, which the compa- “The reason for choosing Peter Harbo A/S as
ny joined 10 years later. The challenges were distributor was obvious, as they have long and
many, also within tasks far away from the valuable experience within the marine-, fish-
daily routines – but they were received and ing- and offshore industry”, said Mr. Mario
solved. Every day when the employees meet Galindo from Insulmastic and continued, “we
at work it is the goal to “face the challenge look forward to this new collaboration with
and solve it!” as managing director Claus Peter Harbo A/S and we are confident, that
Harbo, the son of the founder, puts it. they will represent our company in a profes-
sional and innovative way”.
Today the company Peter Harbo A/S includes
service and trade to the industry, the marine Sales representative Anders Klastrup from
and offshore business in Denmark as well as Harbo A/S expresses the mutual understand-
abroad. Service and trade activities to the fish- ing with Insulmastic: “We are very pleased
eries industry were merged with the company being able to present the strong product ranges
Perfect Fishing Gear in Esbjerg, which today of NoSpray and Insulmastic. The products
is owned 60 % by Peter Harbo A/S. are complementary as special products to our
present product range of lifting gear, wires,
Peter Harbo A/S has a department in Frederi- fibre ropes, chains, services and test facilities”
cia which covers a complete test and rigging
workshop together with a sewing workroom The service products in question are NoSpray
for manufacturing of round slings, lashings anti splash tape, CanSeal tape, CanFix tape
and special products. and Petrowrap tape.
NoSpray Protection System is an aluminium/
The company is confident that it has a flexible glass cloth jacketing system designed to
and professional firm, which is ready to fulfil prevent the flammable spray of hot oil, fuel or
any task within the lifting gear business, no the like which can come in contact with hot
matter whether it is intended for the industry, surfaces thus causing fires in vessel engine
marine or offshore sectors. The company par- rooms. The product is available in tape format
ticipates in various committees within relevant and is coated one side with a silicone adhesive
business areas, to ensure that it is always in for ease of installation and superior adhe-
the front line concerning development and the sion. The tape can be used as an alternative
rigorous demands to professional lifting gear. to double piping or cover plates. The product
complies with new SOLAS regulations effec-
The goal is to be a good, flexible and in all re- tive as from 1 July 2003, which is mandatory
spects professional co-operating partner, who for all vessels. NoSpray is approved by DnV,

38 Offshore Center Danmark

Yearbook 2006
Lloyd’s Register, ABS, ClassNK and CCS. variety of pipe materials. CanFix consists of is subject to corrosion. Composed mainly
The class is protection of life at sea! a patented, fibreglass cloth impregnated with of petrolatum and specific anti-corrosion
water activated resin that sets in minutes with agents, the tape system is formulated to
Another new service product is CanSeal, no measuring, mixing, or messy cleanup. provide economical long-term protection from
which is a marine tape used for sealing hatch Each kit contains a roll of CanFix cloth, a tub water, salt, alkalis, and acids and requires no
covers on ships or the like. The tape is a of epoxy for filling and sealing, a pair of latex maintenance. PetroWrap will not crack, peel
heavy duty sealing tape manufactured with gloves, and complete instructions for use. or harden; it is non-toxic and non-polluting;
extraordinary strength, adhesion and flexibil- and can be applied on wire brushed surfaces;
ity. At a full 5 mm thick and reinforced with Typical repair applications are: riser exhaust, repels water, salt, alkalis and acids; protects
fibreglass mesh, CanSeal marine tape assures leaking hydraulic lines, water cooling hoses and new or corroded surfaces; withstand tempera-
that the cargo arrives damage free. The tape is fluid lines, leaking steam lines and fittings, cor- tures -40°C to 65°C.
available in strips. rosion protection coating, repair of broken tool
handles etc, emergency repairs to fuel lines, etc. All products are available from the Peter
CanSeal-R is a premium quality roll-type ma- The system withstands pressure of 60 bars. Harbo stock in Esbjerg.
rine tape recommended for moderate weather
conditions. The tape is available in rolls. PetroWrap is an anti-corrosion tape system Peter Harbo A/S will strive for continued
used to protect deck equipment, hydraulics, growth within offshore services, offering new
For making emergency repairs, the CanFix steel pipes, flanges, valves, marine pilings products and services to satisfy the offshore
quick repair kit is a complete system to a wide and structures, or any other equipment which customers.n

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Offshore Center Danmark 39

Yearbook 2006
Intelligent Valve Management
and Service
By Michael Bjerrum, Score Denmark Once the valve population has been recorded
it opens the possibility of benchmarking the
performance of each specific valve, thus
Throughout the years the valve service enabling to decide whether it would be
requirements of the oil and gas industry feasible to upgrade the valve and thereby
have developed into a need for a complete prolong the lifetime leading to reduced cost of
integrated range of services covering the full ownership.
life span of a specific product.
Field service and On-Site valve maintenance
In order to cover these requirements in can comprise anything from a single specia-
respect of valves and related equipment the list conducting acoustic leakage monitoring tion. The Score Group has developed a train-
Score Group of Companies has developed on riser valves to large teams carrying out ing software tool named V.I.T.A.L. (Valve
the Intelligent Valve Management concept major valve related shutdown work supply- Intelligence for Training and Learning),
in close cooperation with various customers, ing own workshop containers and special which comprises on animation of all sorts of
operators and end-users. tooling. Typical work scope includes valve valve and actuator types, and includes tech-
and actuator trouble shooting, seized valves, nical information and addresses all safety,
The Intelligent Valve Management (IVM) emergency sealing, re-certification and rou- environmental and quality issues. V.I.T.A.L.
concept provides a framework for plant tine valve maintenance to name a few. is used in a comprehensive training program,
maintenance and ensures compliance with which all Score individuals undergo during
the applicable safety and statutory require- The Score Group operates fully independent their continuous development, which is also
ments and also ensures best possible long from all valve and actuator manufacturers available to clients for both general introduc-
term value and plant operability. and strives to offer cost effective solu- tion to valves and in-depth training.
tions for the client. The flexibility offers a
An approach to IVM can comprise of a foundation for enhancing the supply chain in For a single ex-stock valve requirement all
review on existing data-sheets and P&ID’s in respect of quality, availability and commer- the way to a totally integrated project solu-
order to establish commonality and gene- cial benefits for the client. tion, Score has a service tailored. Further-
rate a valve matrix. Subsequently a critica- more resources and advanced technical
lity assessment can be carried out in order In order to maintain and develop the very capability are available to develop an IVM
to determine the required stock level to be high service level that clients require today, strategy for companies, irrespective of size
procured and maintained. training and education are given high atten- or complexity of needs.n

40 Offshore Center Danmark

Yearbook 2006
Automation and
The next chapter of the Yearbook will feature articles with focus on
automation and supervisory technology within the offshore industry.

IT & Automation systems on the platforms in the North Sea and

worldwide are aging gradually, considering that some of the larger
North Sea platforms were built 20-30 years ago using the automa-
tion technology available at that time.

The platforms are still working efficiently and producing large

amounts of oil and gas, not the least due to systematic maintenance.
However some of the computers and the installed software are quite
antiquated, bearing in mind the short life span of the IT hardware
and software of today. It can hence be difficult to find spare parts for
servicing components or relevant software update patches to system
software. Furthermore it can be difficult to find employees, who still
have the required technical knowledge of the installed operating
systems and systems software.

For these reasons the operators of the systems at the North Sea and
worldwide, constantly spend large amounts of money upgrading their
systems to newer systems, with continuous focus on dependable
hardware and software.

Furthermore a search for new areas for automation of exploration

and production processes on the offshore platforms is taking place
these years.

Danish offshore industry has a solid background within automation

and supervisory technology, based on a solid background within
IT and automation competences. The knowledge built-up has been
made throughout the last 20-30 years, within a series of Danish
companies and Danish subsidiary companies of international con-
glomerates, targeting both national and international markets.

Automation and supervisory technology plays an important role

within the offshore wind industry as well. One example is the fitting
of the fluctuating electricity output from offshore wind farms into
the grid.

The Danish automatic

Tripod Platform
One good example of superb Danish offshore innovation entrepre-
neurship is the automatically operated tripod satellite platform, used
for smaller marginal fields.
Cont. page 42

Offshore Center Danmark 41

Yearbook 2006
In the continuing effort to reduce overall costs and keep the opera-
tional costs of oil production at a minimum especially for remote
and hostile small marginal fields, several alternatives have been
developed by the Danish operators in the North Sea. Especially
Maersk Oil & Gas AS has been at the forefront in this technology,
concepts from whom, have been adopted also by the Danish opera-
tor DONG, and with international recognition from major oil & gas
operators worldwide. RAMBØLL has been the external consultant.

The tripod satellite platform is basically a light-weight three-legged

substructure, with minimum topside facilities cf. the picture given

The platform is designed for unmanned operation with all power

and shutdown operations controlled either automatically and/or via
remote radio signals from the main platform, thus ensuring a low-
cost and safe exploration.

Also installation of the particular tripod platform used in the Danish

part of the North Sea is done in quite a cost-effective way, allow-
ing for installation by a medium size drilling rig in connection with
drilling of the wells, all in one go without demobilizing the rig.
Crane barges can be scarcely available, and the method is very cost-
and time-effective, as the drilling rig is available on the site anyway.
The jacket construction is shown below.

With more than 10 years multiple operation sites in the North Sea
as reference, the satellite tripod platform is today proven successful
technology. Both from an installation but also very importantly from
an operational point of view given the automatic mode of opera-
tion, the tripod satellite platform today stands as a good testimony
to Danish offshore engineering craftsmanship, with international
recognition as a low-cost and safe solution for marginal sites.n

42 Offshore Center Danmark

Yearbook 2006
Advanced SCADA Systems for
Wind Power Plants
By Thorben Thim,
Product Marketing Manager, Vestas

Why so much focus on SCADA?

The complexity of wind power SCADA
systems has been growing with the accept-
ance of wind power as an important part of
the electrical grid. The first step was basic
control and monitoring of single turbines
in large groups. Now that wind turbines are
being considered as active power plants,
they face new requirements for dynamic
grid support.

As wind power plants must now provide

more reliable power, the SCADA system
has become much more critical than before.
Interconnection agreements are normally
defined at a single point on the MV or HV
system. As a result, plant regulation is
needed to control all the turbines as a single
unit to provide compliance at the intercon-
nection point.

However, grid compliance is not the only

driver for more advanced SCADA systems.
Offshore wind power plants typically face
very rough operating conditions that empha-

Offshore Center Danmark 43

Yearbook 2006
The VestasOnline™ Power Plant Server
manages the continuous collection of data
from each turbine in a wind power plant

size the importance of the SCADA system. These requirements can make the reliability
Access to offshore wind turbines is not and availability of the SCADA system very
only costly, it is also controlled by weather critical.
and sea conditions that may prevent service
visits for several days. By continuously What should a reliable SCADA
recording and processing data from the system achieve?
turbines, the SCADA system enables op- Lack of control over the wind power plant
erators and service engineers to anticipate because of a SCADA system fault can have
problems and, if necessary, diagnose and serious consequences, for example if a plant
correct faults remotely from a PC hundreds has to meet certain grid requirements at the
of kilometres away. substation.

Additional project-specific issues also en- Both the network infrastructure and the
courage the focus on wind power SCADA SCADA software and hardware design Power Plant Server and Power
systems, for example: philosophy are therefore very important. Plant Controller
• Aviation lights, marine lights and fog- Through good control and diagnostics, the VestasOnline™ Business is built around the
horns SCADA design must ensure that the wind Power Plant Server, a dedicated industrial
• Ice detection power plant operates at its peak, but within computer connected to the turbines by fibre-
• Lightning detection safe limits and according to the required optic links. The Power Plant Server stores
interconnection settings. all the turbine data in a central database and
Other issues that push towards more ad- uses the data to create customisable reports
vanced SCADA systems are requirements What has Vestas done? and alarm messages. Users view the reports
such as: Vestas has identified several important areas and control the plant from remote PCs con-
• Power plant forecasting for power tra- in designing VestasOnline™ Business, its nected to the server by a local network, a
ding and other purposes advanced power plant SCADA system: secure internet connection or a modem.
• Preventive maintenance
• Interface for third-party high-level • Power plant server Another cutting-edge feature of Vestas
SCADA systems • Power plant controller Online™ Business is the Power Plant
• Substation monitoring and control inte- • Third-party equipment Controller, a unique stand-alone embedded
gration • SCADA client software controller that provides active and reactive
• Advanced reporting • Communication infrastructure power regulation, power ramping, volt-
• Power plant reporting. age control and other power management

44 Offshore Center Danmark

Yearbook 2006
The VestasOnline™ Power Plant Control-
ler provides extensive power management
features such as active and reactive power
regulation, power ramping and voltage

Communications infrastructure ness, by contrast, is a high-level system that

The communications infrastructure is a provides information in the right form, to
very important part of the entire power the right people, at the right time.
plant design. If the communication between The combination of standard hardware and
the turbines and the central SCADA server software modules with project-specific
or controller breaks down, the availability customisation creates a strong foundation
of the power plant might be at risk. Vestas for sophisticated reporting with high data
therefore offers a redundant communication integrity. Integration of, for example,Vestas
infrastructure based on a daisy-chain design MetPanel, Vestas GridPanel and the Power
as standard. Even if a communication loop Plant Controller allows the generation of
breaks down, the plant’s grid compliance is reports on lost production due to power
normally not at risk, since the power plant plant regulation constraints, grid drops,
module will take the loss of communica- scheduled maintenance and environmental
features. The Power Plant Controller is a tion into account. No data is lost, either: the control schemes.
stable and redundant system that has its own SCADA server simply collects the missing
grid monitoring equipment and is able to data from the affected turbines once com- Conclusion
control substation equipment as well as the munications have been re-established. Vestas has created a flexible modular
turbines. SCADA system based on standardised,
Third-party equipment reliable components — both hardware and
SCADA client software Vestas has addressed the growing need to software — with a proven track record. By
The VestasOnline™ Business client applica- interface with third-party systems such keeping customisation to a minimum, this
tion is a standard software package with ex- as substations, network communications approach increases reliability and stability,
tensive optional tools for designing project- equipment, high-level SCADA systems and and simplifies service and maintenance. The
specific screens. Examples are substation grid control equipment. VestasOnline™ result is a SCADA system that provides true
layouts showing breaker status, with buttons Business supports the iSNMP, DNP3 and high-end functionality and performance,
for operating breakers, and dispatch control Modbus communications protocols. Option- combined with excellent reliability and low
screens showing grid control parameters. ally, other OPC-compliant equipment can be costs for commissioning and day-to-day
The SCADA client can be used to control integrated using site-specific interfaces. maintenance. n
several power plants without reconfiguration,
since all project-specific screens, graphics Power plant reporting
and parameters are downloaded the first time A simple SCADA system may do very little
the SCADA client connects to the server. filtering of the data. VestasOnline™ Busi-

Offshore Center Danmark 45

Yearbook 2006
Reduction of Risk through high
Integrity Automation
By Director Jan Ilsoe, ABB A/S Today safety has become widen the functional scope.
one of the most important • Possibility for combining safety criti-
parameters in the process cal loops with control applications to
industry facilitate maximum utilization of process
equipment within defined safety bounda-
In 2003 the investment in Safety Systems ries during changing production modes.
worldwide was 641 million USD and this • Reliability, Availability, and Scalability
figure is expected to grow to 905 million taking appropriate actions, all while mini-
USD in 2008. (Source: ARC Advisory Group) mizing risks.
• Real-time plant asset management for
The reason for this annual average growth increasing plant availability and safety
rate at 7,1% is among other things related to: integrity through early detection of per-
• Increasing O&G investments in upstream formance problems and efficient remedia-
activities, LNG plant, receiving terminals, tion processes.
and transportation construction
• New investments in Asia and sustained Supplier’s reputation, TÜV certification,
modernization particularly in the Middle and ease of implementation are the major
East and Eastern Europe criteria for the process industry companies
• New international standards IEC 61508 & when selecting a safety system.
IEC 61511
• OSHA’s adoption of safety standards as Jan Ilsoe informs us, that these market
good engineering practice criteria are fulfilled by ABB and ABB’s
• Awareness of the availability of proven Safety Systems “Industrial IT Extended
safety technology Automation System 800xA Safety” and
• Conversion of relay, general purpose “Safeguard 400”.
PLCs and solid state logic to microproces-
sor based safety systems He adds: “Today ABB is the third biggest
supplier of safety systems worldwide and is
Another reason and probably the most number one in Europe. Together with ABB’s
important factor is that the process com- world-class competences within Functional
panies now are more concerned than ever Safety Management, ABB is considered as
about several issues. The issues cover loss the market leader within safety.”
of life and limbs for persons in and outside
the production areas, damage to plant and ABB has obtained their position after more
equipment, environmental damage, loss of than 25 years of experience in designing,
production and fear of litigation. implementing, and maintaining fault-tole-
rant, programmable, safety systems for oil
To reduce these risks, the process companies and gas, petrochemicals, fine chemicals,
today install High Integrity Automation and power generation applications. The
Systems. ABB is a leading supplier of auto- company developed the first programmable
mation systems and to the offshore industry electronic safety related logic solver in 1979
ABB has numerous experiences from dec- for Mobil/Statoil and has today more than
ades of challenging tasks worldwide. 500,000 I/O’s and 1000 controllers installed
As ABB sees it, the requirements for today’s
safety systems are: Jan Ilsoe continues: “ABB is also the most
• Possibility for Control and safety deliv- complete supplier of safety systems on the
ered in a single environment for eliminat- world market today:
ing interfacing, cost and complexity, and • Wide Controller portfolio

46 Offshore Center Danmark

Yearbook 2006
• Safety transmitters
A Need for High Integrity
• Fire & Gas system integration
• Third party certification
The incident…
• Firm Evolution and R&D strategy
During the recommissioning hydro cracker unit after routine shutdown, a 20 ton
• Global organization – local expertise low pressure separator vessel exploded, heard 30 km away, with a subsequent fire.

The cause…
Industrial IT Extended Automation System
Design issues
800xA improves process availability while Access to operating procedures
reducing the risk to overall plant operation Sensor problems
by providing a common environment for Change Management
production control, safety supervision, and The cost…
production monitoring. Within this environ- > $30 million US dollars Source: /
ment, System 800xA offers a complete
Safety Instrumented System (SIS) solution,
complying with the IEC 61508 and IEC
61511 standards and covering, not only the
logic solver, but also entire safety loops, Besides delivery of the Safety Integrated
consisting of field instruments, central con- Systems, ABB also assists in the practical
trollers and field actuators. Systems 800xA implementation of all phases of the IEC
also provides safety solutions that are easily 61508 / 61511 safety lifecycle for both exist-
scalable from a few loops to complete safety ing and new facilities by applying proven
systems.” techniques and working methods including:
• Safety Integrity Level (SIL) assessments
The SIS realization is achieved by utilizing • Software tools supporting the safety
dedicated controllers or via SIL designated lifecycle
applications within the same controller as • Identification of safety critical elements /
process control. By utilizing common hard- functions
ware and software, System 800xA reduces • Safety lifecycle audits
costs. As Jan Ilsoe puts it, in this way the • Independent validation and verification
objectives of both systems are achieved: • Hardware / software design
“maximum plant availability and minimum • System integrationSupport for strategies
risk.” to implement IEC 61508 / 61511
• Support for in-house training and aware-
With safety applications such as emergency ness programs.
shutdown systems, fire and gas systems, and
burner management, 800xA Safety delivers Jan Ilsoe concludes: “ABB is the market
safe reliable operation of “any industrial leader within Safety.“n

Offshore Center Danmark 47

Yearbook 2006
3D Scanning Technology
for offshore Purposes
New scanning technology for easy construction of 3D models
of production plants and offshore production facilities

By Chartered Surveyor Morten Thoft setups, depending on the skills of the job Provides an overview
Christoffersen, COWI A/S and the different point clouds can be joined The new technology should find favour
into a common geo-orientated point clouds. particularly in the oil industry, where highly
A relatively new scanning technology complex plants are in operation and where
known as terrestrial laser scanning is It has not before been possible to measure having production facilities lying idle during
rapidly rendering that trusted tool of the sur- objects with such clarity of detail. The modernisation or renovation is an option
veying fraternity – the tape measure – ob- points form a point cloud from which ac- best avoided. A 3D model offers an overview
solete. According to COWI, this technology curate 3D models can be generated. of obstacles and advantages that are difficult
enables fast, easy construction of precision to identify on conventional drawings.
3D models without the surveyor having to Terrestrial laser scanning enables to take
be close up to what he is measuring. on assignments that not previously have The scanning data is an important basis for
been undertaken; for instance, measuring the design procedures and data can easily be
Millions of Points complex objects such as process facilities on used for as built documentation, interference
Terrestrial laser scanning creates a point offshore platforms. check, and similar. The scanning data helps
cloud composed of thousands or millions of the designers identifying important tie-in
XYZ points with a resolution as little as 1x1 Using the old technology to generate 3D points and speed up the design procedures.
mm. The laser scanner is capable of collet- models of this type of object would have Any new design can be checked. Importing
ing thousands of point’s pr. second. Point been costly and time consuming. the new design into the point cloud data,
clouds can be registered from different scan designs can easily be checked for any inter-

48 Offshore Center Danmark

Yearbook 2006
ference with the existing environment. This
interference check is an important feature
for optimizing the design in relation to reli-
ability and validation of data.

The technology has already been used in the

process industry for a period and will soon
become a natural integrated part of docu-
mentation and engineering design projects
in the offshore sector, where the use of the
technology is growing.

COWI states that they with success have

used this 3D laser scanning technique
offshore for Maersk Oil and Gas and on
projects in Denmark and abroad. n


Cleaning products for all purposes

Cleaning detergents
Environment – Efficiency and Economy
MASAVA KEMI has since 1970 been ahead of the development of environmental
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Masava Kemi ApS . Nordre Ringvej 18 . 5700 Svendborg . Denmark . Telefon +45 6610 9060 . . [email protected]

Offshore Center Danmark 49

Yearbook 2006
The North Sea’s
wireless Bridge
By Editor Jens Michael Damm, broadband connection that keeps them in Invisible bridge
Lindpro A/S constant contact with head office and sup- The solution has been invented by Lindpro
pliers worldwide. The operators typically a/s in Esbjerg. The firm specialises in the
When a vessel casts off, it is not only pay a fixed fee for the connection, giving supply of total communication solutions,
goodbye to friends and relatives. It is also them unlimited communication. among other things. The challenge in the
hello to a totally different way of life, with North Sea was solved in close collaboration
communication to shore being decidedly Anyone overflying the production platforms with ESVAGT and the platform operators on
constrained. in the Siri and Syd Arne fields will see the Siri and Syd Arne fields.
ESVAGT’s orange-red standby/rescue ves-
So long as a vessel is within 30 nauti- sels. Quietly attentive - like a bee circling “We have simply created a wireless bridge
cal miles from shore, the VHF band can a flower - they hover less than one nautical between ESVAGT’s vessels and the produc-
be used. The big drawback of that is that mile from the platforms, ready to respond tion platforms. Data and voice transmit-
everyone can listen in. Short-wave radio or if disaster strikes or a vessel ventures too ted from the vessels are routed onto the
MF/HF communication can be used across close to the platforms. operators’ network via a receiver on the
the globe, but the quality leaves something platform. Here, the messages are received
to be desired, and it can be difficult to find ESVAGT’s standby/rescue vessels typically by the permanent broadband connection and
the right frequency. have a crew of between six and twelve. The can now utilise some of the platform’s spare
crew work at sea for periods of two to four broadband capacity”, says Bjarne Kjeldsen,
Communication via satellite is good, reliable weeks. They would normally use satellite Technical Manager at Lindpro in Esbjerg.
and popular. The only drawback is the cost. communication when calling home. But the
price is high - very high. The wireless connection from the vessel
Broadband and satellite to the platform has a range of one nautical
On the North Sea production fields the That problem has now been overcome to the mile. That is sufficient as the vessels rarely
major operators have a permanent satellite employees’ great satisfaction. stray beyond that range; however, this form

50 Offshore Center Danmark

Yearbook 2006
of communication can only be used when benefit from this”, says Operations Manager
the vessels are stationed in a specific posi- Ole Ditlev Nielsen, ESVAGT.
tion. The platforms have yet to be fitted
with receiving antennae that cover all four The price for borrowing capacity from the
quarters of the globe. operators’ communication line is negoti-
ated every time ESVAGT enters into new
Security agreements.
Security is the byword in the operators’
network, and they are therefore not keen to The wireless connection that Lindpro has
‘let others in’. ESVAGT has nevertheless developed is based on Zyxel technology. All
succeeded in gaining access to the network equipment is enclosed in watertight steel
by hiring a PC from the operator. It is a boxes that are resistant to the harsh North
stand-alone PC designed exclusively for Sea environment.
communication from vessel to platform.
The PC has a host of security features, ma- New prospects
king it impossible to access the platform’s Bjarne Kjeldsen expects wireless commu-
systems. nication to become increasingly popular,
eventually making it a critical competitive
Contented employees factor in the maritime world. al service and could be the deciding factor
“This solution naturally does not come that makes Esbjerg the preferred port of call
for free, but important is that we open “Imagine that a port such as Esbjerg rather than another Danish port. You will
new communication dimensions for the establishes a wireless network with large recognise the system from hotels. Business-
employees in this way, enhancing their job broadband capacity that all vessels calling at people choose hotels based on the facilities
satisfaction. Both we and our customers the port can use. That would be an addition- they offer”, says Bjarne Kjeldsen. n

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Offshore Center Danmark 51

Yearbook 2006
Automation Competence as the
Lever for increasing Profits
By Aksel Nielsen and Claus Tomzak, Best practice from the industrial sector could • Systems integration/programming
AN Group A/S certainly kick-off a process of innovation and • Process plants/mechanical engineering
change in the oil and gas sector.” We use AutoCAD, AutoPlant
Introduction • Process automation & instrumentation,
It is no secret that one of the best ways to Challenges for the Oil & gas sector including SCADA- & failsafe systems,
develop, innovate and improve business is Some of the constant challenges, the oil & engineering/programming
to share knowledge and to benefit from the gas sector faces, are the demand for increased • Electrical engineering
experience of others. throughput (optimised production), avoidance • Project management
of down-time, minimising risk, secure a high • Validation of process plants
For the last 20 years there has been an level of health and safety. Most of these issues • Consultancy services such as tender/pro-
extensive growth in production efficiencies are equally important for the industry sector. curement related to the above areas
in the industrial sector via the various usage
of innovative thinking, new methodologies, Aksel Nielsen further believes that with the Selected references in the oil
models and technology. The whole range of establishment of Offshore Center Denmark and gas sector (1984-2001)
improvements and business reengineering (OCD) and the initiatives taken towards AN GROUP has participated in a number
has among other things been possible due to networking, easier access to information, of oil and gas projects in Denmark, Norway,
the use of consultants/specialists, use of best sharing experience etc., his company will Spain and Saudi Arabia.
practice and via the sharing of cross-industrial experience collaboration between Danish con-
knowledge. sulting companies and suppliers in order to Among these projects are:
strengthen the competitive position for Danish • An on-shore consultancy project for DONG,
The manager of the AN GROUP, Aksel companies nationally and internationally and containing development of specifications
Nielsen states: “We believe that there is a thereby creating jobs. and tender material for SCADA systems
growing opportunity for the oil and gas sector for the whole control system of the Danish
to benefit from these improvements made in AN GROUP’s services and Main Gas Distribution Net
the industrial sector, and we hope that the oil competences • Consultancy jobs on Shell and Statoil refin-
and gas companies will grab that challenge.” AN GROUP are partners regarding Industrial eries.
Engineering and Contracting in relation to • A series of consultancy jobs for Maersk Oil
Development and experience in development, optimization, engineering and & Gas and Maersk Contractors as well as
the process industry implementation of process plants/production for the Norwegian Oil Directorate
Aksel Nielsen further states: “The industry systems competences. • Developing specifications and the purchase
sector shows an attitude and willingness to of utility systems for the Oseberg C. plat-
make best practice and knowledge available AN GROUP’s approach to projects is to look form
to others. This is as an example, partly done at the Business Processes and functionality of
via the extensive use of corporation involving the needed processes before actually assessing Conclusion
customers, consultants/specialists and suppli- the technology needed for the optimization. “It is my hope that we can initiate a construc-
ers – a process that more and more is build on The competencies includes: tive dialogue with the oil and gas industry, as
openness and collaboration. Other ways are • Production optimization - analysing, struc- successful companies are always looking for
open business forums, where typically people turing and defining needs and opportunities ways to improve and optimize. And as we all
from the manufactoring industry get together to optimize business processes know the best way to learn and improve is
to learn about some of the latest experiences • Production IT & integration from the experiences of others’, Aksel Nielsen
and best practice in the field of automation, • Functional requirement specifications conclusively states.n
integration of systems and related issues. • Technology assessment

52 Offshore Center Danmark

Yearbook 2006

The Danish offshore industry is currently busier than ever. Especially

within the offshore oil and gas sector, the far majority of activities is
based around Esbjerg. A recent study showed that more than 5,000
people are employed by the offshore oil/gas industry in a radius of
50 km within Esbjerg. In order to ensure the industry’s demands
for quality and effectiveness, these people need the proper form of
education for their job.

Looking at the other parts of the offshore sectors e.g. offshore wind,
a similar busy picture appears. Over the next 5 years an expected in-
vestment of EURO 7 billion is expected to be made in offshore wind
farms in the North Sea, according to a study done in 2005 under the
Offshore Center Danmark co-sponsored EU POWER project (cf.
page 94).

This calls for a massive increase in people working with offshore

projects and thus a correlative need for educations.

Education offshore can be divided into 3 main areas:

• Safety training for anyone working offshore
• Vocational training for skilled workers
• Master and bachelor education for engineers etc.

With more than 40 years of experience from offshore

projects, Danish educational institutions and offshore com-
panies have developed a strong tradition of educating people
for working with offshore projects. Educational institution active
in the field are found nationwide, but the majority are based Esbjerg.
Represented are:

• Several institutions offering safety training for offshore oil/gas

workers, offshore wind workers and employees in the remaining
maritime sector
• 2 universities offering master and bachelor modules for a range of
offshore relevant educations
• 3 major schools offering vocational training for skilled workers in
offshore relevant areas
• A wide range of private companies educating their current or
future employees on many levels
• Several private companies offering different offshore relevant edu-
cation modules for primarily people employed by other companies

In the next chapter of the Yearbook we will present articles from a

few of the institutions offering offshore relevant educations. n

Offshore Center Danmark 53

Yearbook 2006
Technical Manager Offshore

By Torben Dahl, EA Vest Structure of the education Business II

The compulsory ranges of subjects during the • English
About the education first 3 semesters of Technical Manager are as • Business economics
Esbjerg based education centre EA Vest has follows:
launched a new education aimed towards Power and environment
the offshore sector - “Technical Manager General • Environmental technology
Offshore”. The education is a 3-year short- • Technical mathematics and physical sci- • Environmental management
cycle higher education with the possibility of ences • Machinery directive
switching to Operation Technologist Offshore • Project work • Alternative forms of energy
after 2 years. • Information Technology
• Chemistry The course will vary between lectures, assign-
Torben Dahl explains about the new edu- • Mathematics ment work and project work. The quantity of
cation: “As a Technical Manager you are • English project works will increase during the course.
qualified to operate on management level, be • Practical work If the student wants to become an Operation
in charge of running and maintenance of tech- Technologist, he has to complete semester 1, 2
nical plants and installations, as well as you Business I and 3 of Technical Manager Offshore and a spe-
can carry out jobs within design and project • Organisation cial 4th semester where a specialized project is
planning of technical plants within offshore • Project management done. EA Vest offers various modules as a sup-
and industry.” • Working environment port of the project. These modules will give the
• Quality control student qualifications within offshore or within
The new Operation Technologist is qualified the industry. The education is completed with
to be in charge of analysis, to plan and come Automation and Process Analysis a final exam project as a thorough study and a
up with solutions to operation and mainte- • Process analysis further process of the specialized project.
nance of larger mechanical plants offshore or • Automation During 5th and 6th semester of Technical Man-
in offshore related companies and within the ager Offshore the student will follow specialized
industry. The education is a part of Technical Electro Technology I projects, which will give further qualifications
Manager Offshore. • Electro technique within offshore or more industrial ranges. Du-
• Electrical calculations and installations ring 6th semester the student will carry out a
specialized assignment at their own choice.
Mechanical Technology I The final exam project is at bachelor level.
• Engine theory
• Boilers Job opportunities
• Turbines Technical Manager Offshore. Manager of techni-
• Hydraulics cal installations within industry or offshore. Co-
• Pumping units ordinator of cross-functional projects. Design
• Materials technology of technical installations. Managerial tasks with
staff, environment and safety.
At 4th and 5th semester:
Operation Technologist Offshore. Maintenance
• Electro Technology II of larger mechanical plants offshore. In charge
• Operation of electrical installations of daily running of machinery, energy and proc-
ess engineering plants. n
• Mechanical Technology II
• Ventilation
• Refrigeration technology
• Gas technology
• Offshore technology
• Maintenance

54 Offshore Center Danmark

Yearbook 2006
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Offshore Center Danmark 55

Yearbook 2006
Training offshore

By Mr. Eigil Jensen – Director of Survival platform from there. An evacuation suit gives
Training Maritime Safety the person possibility to reduce loss of heat at
stay in water and protection against hypother-
Since the early start of the offshore industry, mia.
training has been developed against the differ-
ent challenges the industry has met. The safety A lifeboat is constructed to in an emergency
training has been a natural and important part situation to evacuate up to 50 persons. The
of the competence the offshore workers were boat can be used even in burning surface
endowed with before leaving for the job. because the boat is equipped with sprinkler
system for sprinkling and cooling of the boat.
The workplaces situated far away from shore The boats can be sealed gas tight and there and from the platform by means of helicopter
in an often rough environment have demanded are oxygen supplies on board for minimum 10 hoist. Transfer by boat can be a challenge for
such training. The operators and the authori- minutes to all on board. Man over board boats people who never have been at sea. Transfer
ties have together determined the frames for are equipped with pick up nets and on certain exercises are a natural part of the safety train-
the safety training like emergency- and evacu- types will be found with buoyancy balloons if ing so people have gained the right technique
ation plans are a natural part of the operator’s the boat should capsize. before entering a platform from a boat.
setup. From the elementary courses which
deal with sea survival and fire fighting the Latest the wind turbine industry has gone Authorities in the different North Sea coun-
courses have developed in direction against offshore and the industry expects a strong tries also leave their stamps on the education.
more specific courses dealing with special growth in offshore wind turbines the next Often there are involved more authorities in
and new equipment. Lifeboats have developed 15-20 years. Safety training to wind turbine connection with the regulations etc. In the
against freefall lifeboats, mob boats have people who are supposed to work offshore is Danish sector the Danish Energy Agency,
developed against powerful water jets fast like the existing training to offshore workers Danish Maritime Authority and the Facto-
rescue boats and parts of the lifesaving equip- however with the exception that the transport ries Inspectorate are the instances who take
ment at the installations and oil rigs have been to and from the wind turbine platforms can care of the regulations. The operators will be
changed in line with the development. not take place in the same manner as in the oil consulted and the authorities lean against the
and gas industry. In the wind turbine industry experiences and knowledge those companies
Evacuation suits are placed at the lower deck you use transfer with boat and helicopter. Hel- have obtained.
provided workers are forced to leave the icopter transfer is done by hoisting people to

56 Offshore Center Danmark

Yearbook 2006
before being sent offshore to reduce costs to
maintenance and service far away from shore.
Technical solutions show up and there will
continuously be working on doing the work as
safe and efficient as possible.

If the accident occurs qualified help will be far

away. Therefore it is important that the training
given contains the lifesaving first aid with the
emphasis on the equipment which will be on
How should you keep and develop the know- swers. Learning by doing is another example board. At an offshore installation there will be
ledge and competence wind- and offshore on learning method which enables the person a well equipped hospital and there will be a
workers have? Which training model is the to test his knowledge and experience in a real nurse employed to take care of the lifesaving
best? Should on board training be practiced or situation. At the practical training the training first aid. At a wind turbine platform the crew
should the training facilities ashore be used? situation will be made as realistic as possible receive an advanced first aid training special
There is not one answer to that, because we under the circumstances. Whichever form of aimed at the equipment which will be on
are different individuals who learn at different education you choose it is important that you board. The standby vessels observe the safety
ways. The fact that one learning environment will get your learning proficiencies as fast as zones and are ready for immediate intervention
is good for a person can be the opposite for possible so it will not be encapsulated training should the accident occur. On board the ships
another person. Should the elementary safety which will disappear again if you are not us- there are also hospitals like on the oil rigs and
training take place ashore and the advanced ing the acquired knowledge. the crew are trained in lifesaving first aid.
training at the work place?
At upcoming wind turbine projects the indus- To work safely far away from shore under
New learning methods have shown up. Today try faces new challenges. The wind turbines prevailing weather conditions training and
on board training exists. You can participate get bigger and bigger to give profitability attitude to safety are important factors which
in training by following an electronic training and because the expenses in connection with encourage our effort and luck with the tasks.
program, answer questions and return your construction of offshore wind turbines are Undoubtedly if you stop thinking and work
answers to a company who is authorized by considerable bigger than wind turbine ashore; safely the luck will soon come to an end. n
the authorities to control and correct the an- the wind turbines are tested and tried out

Offshore Center Danmark 57

Yearbook 2006
The Blue University –
Innovation across Disciplines

By Kristen D. Nedergaard, Head of Dep. of magic words that can be heard everywhere the exchange of knowledge and ideas between
Maritime Research and Innovation, today. Given the fact that Danish knowledge the various knowledge environments through
University of Southern Denmark environments in general are small from an structuring the platform of collaboration. This
international perspective it is important to cre- can be done for instance by organizing an an-
ate dynamic synergies through collaboration nual Blue University conference and founding
“Across is ahead” – that is the philosophy across the boundaries of traditional disci- a journal both having this inter-disciplinary
behind a new initiative which is going to plines. Furthermore do new challenges in the vision as their particular value. Another inter-
be launched shortly. The Department for maritime field call for inter-disciplinary ways esting perspective could be linking research
Maritime Innovation and Research, which has of thinking and doing, such as ‘security and and education resources in new ways.
just begun its activities at the University of risk management in open organizations - as
Southern Denmark Esbjerg, has as one of its those in the maritime and offshore industries’, Kristen D. Nedergaard continues “The first
finest tasks to be the driving force behind the ‘the human factor and technology’, ‘intelli- step was to invite all relevant stakeholders to
setting-up of the Blue University. gent e-work platforms with the instantaneous a seminar in November at the University of
integration of information flows from multiple Southern Denmark. The scope that day was
The Blue University is to become an exci- land and sea based sources’, ‘environmental to discuss how to materialise the vision of the
ting and creative platform for collaboration management’ and so on. Blue University. A fruitful discussion resulted
between all the various knowledge environ- and the outcome was used to provide a plat-
ments in Denmark active in the maritime Creating an inspiring environment for the form for the coming work.”
field in some way or another. This could for meeting between economists, engineers, natu-
instance be fields like offshore technology, ral scientists, psychologists and other experts Following this an official opening with the at-
maritime medicine, engine design, or mari- from universities and leading consulting com- tendance of the Danish Deputy Prime Minister
time economics. panies working with the maritime perspective, Bendt Bendtsen took place late December in
that is what the Blue University is about. Esbjerg and the center is now ready to begin
“Innovation and creative thinking is the The role of the Department for Maritime its practical work. n
key to Denmark’s future”. These are the Research and Innovation will be to facilitate

58 Offshore Center Danmark

Yearbook 2006
Gas Hazards Research at
Aalborg University Esbjerg

By Bjørn H. Hjertager,
Aalborg University Esbjerg

Gas explosions and fires are credible events

in plants that handle flammable gases. This
is particularly so on offshore platforms. The
evidence of the devastating consequences
is the accident on the Piper Alpha platform
that occurred in the North Sea in 1988. 168
people were killed and the platform was com-
pletely destroyed due to gas explosions and
fires. This and other accidents have intensi-
fied the research into the behaviour, predic-
tion and mitigation of these hazards. The so-
called JIP test and research programmes were
carried out by oil companies, authorities and
research institutions in countries surrounding
the North Sea.

Since the establishment of Aalborg University

Esbjerg (AUE) in 1995 and start-up of the
MSc programmes in Chemical Engineer-
ing and Oil and Gas Technology in the late
90’s gas hazards analysis has been part of
the curriculum. The research group CHEFF
(Chemical Fluid Flow Processes) has been
in charge of these courses. Research into the
area has been directed towards improving and
extending the Computational Fluid Dynamics
(CFD) methods for analysing gas dispersion,
gas explosions and gas fires. One PhD study
has been completed (Peter Naamansen) and
one is currently running (Jørgen Osenbroch).
The CFD codes that are used in this area
tend to be specialised ones. At AUE the code
developed by Professors Bjørn H. Hjertager
and Tron Solberg and co-workers named
EXSIM has been the core of the analysis. In
fact all students in the MSc chem. engineer-
ing and oil and gas technology programmes
are trained in and use this code in various gas
hazards situations.n

Offshore Center Danmark 59

Yearbook 2006

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