Compose Decompose 2d Shapes Sped
Compose Decompose 2d Shapes Sped
Compose Decompose 2d Shapes Sped
Compose/Decomposing 2D Shapes
Intern/Resident: Christina Rodriguez 50134098 Date: 2-6-18 Subject: Math Grade Level: 2nd
Criteria for Success (How will you know if students master the learning objective? How will students know they were
Students will discuss how
to compose and decompose 2D shapes
using geometric parts.
Relevance/Real World Application (Can your students explain to someone WHAT they are learning and WHY?)
Will review how different shapes are all around us. (if we have time we might do a shape walk around the school)
ELPS: 74.4(c)(3) Students will discuss
and explain attributes of different
Class Information
2 ESL students
5 Life Skills students (will not be in class during lesson)
Updated 1/9/1710:12 PM
Academic Vocabulary
two-dimensional shape
Instructional Delivery
1. Explore/Engage: Get out the pattern
blocks and allow students to work in pairs
along with the video.
Think Central: Interactive Student
Edition: Geometry and
Measurement:Module 14 Plane Figures:
Lesson 14.3 Compose
Two Dimensional Shapes.
Think Central: Interactive Student
Edition: Geometry and
Measurement:Module 14 Plane Figures:
Updated 1/9/1710:12 PM
Use questioning strategies that make ALL students think and answer, (thumbs up, thumbs down)