GMW 3359 Non Electrolytically Applied Zinc Rich Coating 2 1 14 PDF
GMW 3359 Non Electrolytically Applied Zinc Rich Coating 2 1 14 PDF
GMW 3359 Non Electrolytically Applied Zinc Rich Coating 2 1 14 PDF
absorbed during acid pickling. See precautions in
corrosion resistant non-electrolytically applied zinc-
Section 3.1.1.
rich coating. Besides corrosion protection, the
coating also provides consistent frictional 1.4.2 Use of this coating system on threaded
properties. surface and/or bearing surface of joints could affect
the torque-tension relationship. It is recommended
1.1 Material Description. This coating
that a torque-tension study of the fastener joint be
specification covers zinc flake coating with or
performed before releasing this finish on any new
without a top coat.
Coating Types: Three levels of corrosion
1.4.3 The corrosion performance is influenced by
protection are provided by the following types:
part geometry, substrate material, and application
Type A: High corrosion resistant coating. process. The coating systems approved to this
Type B: Medium corrosion resistant coating. specification were tested to meet all requirements
Type C: Low corrosion resistant coating. using common steel fasteners. For new designs,
applications, and parts with complex geometries or
Note: When not explicitly specified, the default
difficult to clean material such as castings and
coating type shall be Type A. Parts contracted and
powder metal, extra validation testing is highly
Production Part Approval Processed (“PPAPed”)
before January 1, 2014, that is without the coating
Type (A, B, or C) specified, may continue to default 1.4.4 This finish is suitable for service
to Type B. temperatures from -50 °C to +120 °C. Applications
outside of this temperature range shall be reviewed
Note: Type C coating systems may be without top
with the responsible Materials Engineering
coat if coefficient of friction (CoF) requirements are
organization before usage.
met. Treatment with an additional lubricant to meet
CoF is permissible. 1.4.5 Dip-spin coating is a bulk process. If parts
are prone to nesting, stick together (flat washers),
1.2 Symbols. Not applicable.
or easily damaged by mechanical tumbling, dip-
1.3 Applicability. This coating is suitable for spin coating method is not recommended.
externally and internally threaded fasteners size Alternatives include spray and dip-drain methods.
M6 or larger, and other ferrous parts where high
1.4.6 Shot blasting is not a preferred pre-treatment
level of corrosion protection and freedom from
method for internally threaded parts (nuts), nut-
hydrogen embrittlement are required. This coating
washer and bolt-washer assemblies. If shot
is not recommended for the following types of
blasting is used, extra care shall be taken to
ensure shots are not trapped in the coated parts.
Bolts and nuts of sizes < M6. 1.4.7 This coating is relatively soft, and is prone to
Parts with internal drive recess and blind holes. “dusting”. It is expected that equipment handling
Parts mating against magnesium surfaces. high volumes of coated parts (such as automated
bolt feeders) will require regular cleaning to
Loose washers of all sizes.
remove the coating dust.
Parts where electrical conductivity is required.
1.4 Remarks. 2 References
1.4.1 This coating process does not generate Note: Only the latest approved standards are
hydrogen; however, pre-treatment processes, i.e., applicable unless otherwise specified.
acid pickling could cause hydrogen adsorption.
9984094 GMW14700
hardened parts, special consideration shall be
9985670 GMW14729
made to ensure the mechanical properties are not
9985809 GMW14829 detrimentally affected by the coating process.
9986153 GMW14872 3.2 Appearance. The coating shall have a uniform
9986333 GMW16551 appearance and shall be free from uncoated areas
GMW3059 GMW16730 and excess coating which affect appearance and
2.3 Additional References. performance. The coating shall not be oily or tacky
to the touch. The coating shall be completely cured
GM Part Number (P/N) 11502644, test washer. and shall have good adhesion to base metal.
GM Part Number 11515490, Electrodeposition Unless otherwise specified, the color shall be silver
Primer (ELPO) coated test washer. or gray.
GM P/N 11516090, test nut. 3.3 Flexibility and Chip Resistance. The coating
GM P/N 11516105, surrogate bolt. must withstand the normal extension, flexing and
compression encountered by springs and spring
GM P/N 11570102, M10 heavy hex bolts. clips during product assembly without evidence of
TMC003 Material Safety Data Sheet guidance flaking or loss of adhesion from the base metal. It
documents (available at shall withstand normal handling and storage
conditions without chipping or flaking.
3 Requirements 3.3.1 Expose coated part per GMW14700,
The parts coated to this specification shall meet method C. Test at room temperature. After
the following technical requirements and exposure per GMW14700, expose the same parts
demonstrated by the test methods described. The to Neutral Salt Spry (NSS) per 3.6. Parts shall
appropriate tests for different situations: New meet the corrosion performance requirements per
chemical approval, new applicator approval, 3.6.
Production Part Approval Process (PPAP), and 3.4 Adhesion Characteristics.
regular process control testing, are described in 3.4.1 Parts coated to this specification shall show
Appendix A. Procedures and requirements for new no evidence of blistering or other appearance
chemical and applicator approval are described in changes other than a whitish blush after humidity
Appendix B. exposure per GMW14729 for 96 h. After removal
3.1 Pre-treatment and Post-treatment. from humidity exposure for at least 10 minutes,
3.1.1 All coated parts with surface or core perform tape adhesion test per GMW14829. There
hardness greater than 320 HV (32 HRc), and shall be a minimum of 99.0% coating (top coat)
processed through an acidic or hydrogen- retention. When removing the tape, a slight
generating pre-treatment process shall be adherence of the coating is permissible since this
processed per SAE/USCAR-5. The referee method has no influence on the corrosion resistance. In the
for detection of embrittlement shall be per case of small parts with insufficient surface area for
SAE/USCAR-7. the tape adhesion test, coat 50 mm x 50 mm steel
The maximum material hardness in the drawing or panels with the parts and use the panels for the
relevant specification shall be used to determine if test.
de-embrittlement treatment is required. If a part is 3.4.2 For each production lot, perform tape
heavily cold worked or heat treated to high adhesion test per GMW14829 on finished coated
strength/hardness, but is without a specified parts. There shall be a minimum of 99.0% coating
maximum hardness limit in the drawing or (top coat and base coat) retention. If the production
specification, then the part manufacturer must part geometry or size is not suitable for this test,
provide to the applicator the hardness data in order surrogate parts may be coated with the production
parts and used for adhesion testing.
they are not shielding each other from the test 3.9 Chemical Resistance. Coated parts shall be
environment. immersed in the following automotive fluids for
Test parts shall not drip on each other during 24 h at 23 °C ± 2 °C. After exposure, the coating
the test. shall not blister or show any signs of softening or
Parts to be tested shall be as close to "as-
shipped" condition as possible. No special Engine oil (SAE 5W30 or equivalent).
cleaning or treatments allowed. 50% mixture of potable water and extended life
Parts shall be aged at the ambient laboratory coolant (9985809).
conditions (23 °C ± 5 °C and relative humidity Commercial grade DOT 4 brake fluid.
of 45% ± 10%) for at least 24 h before the test. Transmission fluid (9986333 or 9986153).
3.6.2 Significant surfaces for test evaluation of Wind shield washer fluid (9985670).
fasteners shall be all exposed surfaces when
installed, including but not limited to the head, Commercial grade E10 gasoline (except
socket recess, SEMS washers and external exposure time of only 2 h).
surface of nuts. Fastener threads and point are Commercial E100 Ethanol (except exposure
excluded unless otherwise specified on the time of only 2h).
drawing. 3.10 Friction Control.
3.6.3 Significant surfaces on parts other than 3.10.1 Torque Tension. Metric threaded fasteners
threaded fasteners shall be all surfaces except M6 and larger shall be subject to torque-tension
deep recesses such as blind holes and the interior monitoring thru the use of surrogate M10 x 1.5 test
of tubes unless otherwise specified on the drawing. bolts. Ten (10) surrogate bolts shall be processed
3.6.4 After heating the finished parts for 3 h at with the production parts and tested as follows:
150 °C (part temperature), the corrosion resistance Use test procedure SAE/USCAR-11, except
requirements as specified in 3.6.1 shall still be met. tightening speed shall be 30 rpm ± 3 rpm and
3.6.5 NSS testing shall be performed in-house as tension at 28.3 kN.
part of the applicator’s process control plan to Use the following GM Part Numbers (P/N):
ensure that parts meet the corrosion resistance
requirements consistently. Surrogate bolt P/N 11516105.
Note: The salt spray test is only used to test the Test nut P/N 11516090.
integrity of the finish for quality control and Test washer P/N 11502644.
comparison to other parts with the same finish. The The Six Sigma torque range must be within
hours to white or red corrosion products shall not 48 Nm ± 8 Nm.
be construed as having any correlation to the
The tests shall be frequently run to maintain
actual service life of the part.
statistical quality control.
3.7 Cyclic Corrosion Test. Expose coated parts
3.10.2 CoF testing, per GMW16730
per GMW14872:
Section 3.10.1, using the coated production parts
Type A: EXT All, 4s, Method 1/2/3, is the recommended alternative to surrogate part
Exposure D. testing.
Type B: EXT All, 4s, Method 1/2/3, 3.10.3 Bearing Surface Characteristics. Special
Exposure C. M10 heavy hex bolts (P/N 11570102 or equivalent)
Type C: INT Low, 1/5s, Method 1/2/3, shall be tested per SAE/USCAR-11 with the
Exposure C. following requirements:
After exposure, there shall be no red rust on Tightening speed shall be 30 rpm ± 3 rpm.
significant surfaces as defined in 3.6.2 and 3.6.3. Test nut shall be P/N 11516090. Tension load
3.8 Cathodic Protection. The cathodic protection shall be 24 kN.
capability of the coating shall be tested by NSS Test shall be conducted with Electrodeposition
exposure per ISO 9227 with a sample that is Primer (ELPO) coated test washers (11515490
scratched to the base metal, the scratch having a except unhardened and coated with 9984094,
width of 0.5 mm ± 0.1 mm. After 96 h of NSS medium build ELPO) and aluminum test
exposure, there shall be no red rust inside of the washers (3.0 mm minimum thick, 10.25 to
scratch. 10.50 hole size, AA6063T52 aluminum).
The Six Sigma torque range shall be within 5 Rules and Regulations
35 Nm to 52 Nm for ten (10) samples tested for 5.1 Legal Regulations. All materials must satisfy
the ELPO and aluminum bearing surface. applicable laws, rules, regulations and
These tests are required for the initial approval recommendations valid in the country of usage.
of the finish material. 5.2 Language. In the event of conflict between the
English and domestic language, the English
4 Manufacturing Process language shall take precedence.
4.1 The GM-approved process, including pre- 5.3 Inspection and Rejection. Samples of
treatment (cleaning), coating, and post-treatment components or materials released to a GM
shall be performed by one (1) company in one (1) material specification shall be tested for conformity
facility. The equipment, process controls, with the requirements of this material specification
chemicals, and location used must remain the and approved by the responsible Engineering
same for regular production. This includes pre- department prior to commencement of delivery of
treatment (such as cleaning) and post-treatment. bulk supplies.
These operations cannot deviate without prior A new approval must be received for any changes,
approval by GM Materials Engineering. e.g., properties, manufacturing process, location of
For each production lot of coated parts, the manufacture, etc. If not otherwise agreed, all
applicator shall supply a certificate to their testing and documentation normally required for
customer with the following information: initial release must be completed.
This specification number. It is the responsibility of the supplier to inform the
Applicator name and address. customer in a timely manner, without solicitation,
and to include documentation of all modifications of
Coating system used.
A list of approved materials and applicators can be NSS Neutral Salt Spray
found in the GM Approved Finishers List. This GM P/N Part Number
Material File is provided to third parties to reduce
PFMEA Process Failure Mode Effect Analysis
redundant testing of materials. If approved material
already listed is used, the part supplier can use PPAP Production Part Approval Process
GM Material File reference for Production Part PVC Polyvinyl Chloride
Approval Process (PPAP) material approval. If the rpm revolutions per minute
decision is made to use a not yet approved
SDS Safety Data Sheet
material, contact Materials Engineering for details
on the approval process. The material approval
process must be completed prior to PPAP start 8 Coding System
date of the part supplied to General Motors. This standard shall be referenced in other
documents, drawings, etc., as follows:
7 Notes Material (Coating) per GMW3359 Type (A/B/C)
(Optional: black)
7.1 Glossary.
Production Lot: A batch of coated parts are Example: Coating per GMW3359 Type C black.
considered one (1) production lot when the
following criteria are met: 9 Release and Revisions
A batch of parts consisting of one (1) part This standard was originated in October 1999. It
number, and supplied as one (1) lot from the was first approved in February 2000. It was first
customer. published in June 2000.
The batch is processed together on one (1) Publication Description
machine and in one (1) continuous run. While Issue
Date (Organization)
the pre-treatment, base coat, and top coat may
be applied on separate days, if a batch of parts 1 JUN 2000 Initial publication.
undergo the processes on different days or on 2 DEC 2000 Format revision. (GMNA)
different machines, that batch is no longer
considered one (1) production lot for that 3 OCT 2004 Rewrote in new GMW
process. template, revised 2.1, 2.2,
Example: If the top coat for a batch of parts were 3.3.1, 3.3.4, 3.3.5, 3.3.7,
applied on two (2) different days (not continuously 3.5 and 7 and added
on consecutive shifts), then the testing 3.3.8. (GMW Finish Team)
requirements affected (e.g., coating thickness) 4 SEP 2007 Added 1.3.1, 1.3.2 and
must be performed for each of the two (2) top coat 3.1. Added new coating
days. types, complete revision
7.2 Acronyms, Abbreviations, and Symbols. of wording 1.1, 1.3.2,
μm micrometer 1.3.3, 1.3.4, 1.3.5, 3.3 (ff),
3.4 (ff), 3.6, 3.6.1, 3.7,
AIAG Automotive Industry Action Group
3.10, 3.11 bolt changed.
CoF Coefficient of Friction (GM Finish Team)
ELPO Electrodeposition Primer
5 FEB 2014 Complete revision.
GHS Globally Harmonized System of (Finishes & Coatings
Classification and Labeling of Global Subsystem
Chemicals Leadership Team)
HRc Hardness Rockwell C scale
MSDS Material Safety Data Sheet
Appendix A
The following table describes the testing requirements for various material and parts approval process.
Approval of new chemical systems and coating applicators to this specification are strictly controlled based on
several factors:
Availability of material and technical support in at least two (2) countries where GM Product Engineering
Local demand for applicators.
Technical capability.
Applicator must conform to AIAG CQI-12.
Past experience and quality issues
Applicator must have capability for CoF/TT testing currently and have two (2) years plans for capability of
independently measuring thread and underhead bearing friction per ISO 16047.
All applications for new applicators must be made through an existing approved GM chemical supplier.
Contact the GM Materials Engineer responsible for this specification before testing.
New chemical and applicator test requirements:
Test samples must be coated on a regular production line with the intended chemistry running for a
minimum of three (3) months unless otherwise agreed upon by GM responsible Materials Engineer. No
special handling or treatment allowed. Special arrangements may be allowed for new coating
All testing must be performed by independent ISO 17025 accredited laboratory unless otherwise
authorized by GM. Official reports (in electronic format) are required.
All after-test samples must be submitted together for review. Since certain test parts (such as after
corrosion testing) will continue to degrade after end of test, it is important to plan ahead.
Applicator approvals are valid for five (5) years after which they may be renewed following review of quality
history and optional sample testing. Approvals may be revoked at any time for quality issues and other
non-conformances to this specification or AIAG CQI-12.
New applicators must have automated coating systems with tilting basket capability. Coating parameters
such as loading weight/amount, dip time, spin speed, spin time, and transportation through the curing oven
must be automated.
For new chemical systems, submit technical data sheet and a "dry film" MSDS for evaluation for potential
hazardous material.
For new applicators, submit an independent AIAG CQI-12 audit report, along with Automotive Industry
Action Group (AIAG) format process flow diagram, control plan, and Process Failure Mode Effect Analysis
(PFMEA) documents.
Type A, B, and C approval for new material and applicator:
Coating material and applicators approved for Type A are automatically approved for Type B.
Type C is considered a completely separate approval. However, some testing may be abbreviated if
the coating system and application process for Type A/B and C are identical, differing only in base
coat thickness.
Special testing and sampling requirements:
3.1 Submit a brief outline of process equipment capability – shot blasting, phosphate line, type and
size of parts capability, etc.
3.2 submit ten (10) coated and untested samples.
3.3, 3.4, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9 A minimum of ten (10) samples for each test. Submit all tested samples along
with official reports.
3.5 For each type, coating thickness measurement must be by cross section method on five (5) or
more random parts. Submit all measured sample mounts.
3.6 For each type, prepare a minimum of 20 samples for NSS testing: Ten (10) pieces are for white
corrosion evaluation, and the remaining ten (10) pieces for red rust evaluation.
3.10 Contact the responsible GM materials engineer regarding test requirements for new material and
applicator approval.