Case Doctrines
Case Doctrines
Case Doctrines
Article 1799: The stipulation in the articles of partnership that any of the two
managing partners may contract and sign in the name of the
Miguel Cuenco vs Vda de Manguerra (2004): When a client employs partnership with the consent of the other, undoubtedly created an
the services of a law firm he does not employ the services of the obligation between the two partners, which consists in asking the
lawyer who is assigned to personally handle the case. Rather, he other’s consent before contracting for the partnership. Neither is it
employs the entire law firm. Hence, lawyers who are in the same law necessary for the third person to ascertain if the managing partner
firm as the lawyer who personally handled the case, but did not with whom he contracts has previously obtained the consent of the
personally take part in the case is entitled to a share in the attorney’s other. A third party ay and has the right to presume the partner with
fees earned by the latter’s undertaking. whom he contracts has, in the ordinary and natural course of
business, the consent of his copartner; for otherwise he would not
Article 1800: enter into the contract.
Tai Tong Chuache vs Insurance Comm (1988): A partnership may sue When not only without the consent, but against the will of any of the
and be sued in its name or by its duly authorized representative. managing partners, a contract is entered into with a third person who
Although it is true that an action must be brought in the name of the acts in good faith, and the transaction is of the kind of business in
real party in interest, it should be noted that when the petitioner is a which the partnership is engaged, said contract shall not be annulled,
partnership, it may sue and be sued its name or by its duly authorized without prejudice to the liability of the guilty partner. The reason for
representative. A managing partner of the partnership may execute this is to protect a third person who contracts with one of the
all acts of administration including the right to sue debtors of the managing partners of the partnership, this avoiding fraud and deceit
partnership in case of their failure to pay obligations when it became to which he may easily fall a victim without this protection.
due and demandable. If not a managing partner, a partner is still an
agent of the partnership hence, being an agent, it is understood that
Article 1804:
he acts for and in behalf of the firm. Bachrach vs “La Protectora”: While a member of a civil partnership
is not liable in solidum with this fellows for its entire indebtedness,
Article 1801: he is liable with them for his aliquot part thereof.
If several members of a civil partnership execute a document If there is a partnership in which there are two administrators or
authorizing one of the members to buy two automobile trucks in the agents liable for an amount, Article 1207 of Civil Code has been
name and representation of the firm, and the partner given such properly applied, and article 1698 might also be invoked which deals
authority effected the purchase and signed the name of the with the debts of a partnership where the obligation is not a joint
partnership to the purchase money notes and his own name as an one, as is likewise provided by article 1894 of said code with respect
individual thereby assuming himself jointly and severally liable with to a liability of two or more agents with respect to the return of the
the firm, the other partners who emitted the authority were not money that they received form their principal.
liable on the note. Why? Because the document in questioned
Garcia Ron vs Compania de Minas de Batan: When one of the
contained no authority to bind them personally and in fact, the notes
partners of a partnership is authorized to receive goods and be
did not purport to do so. But they were held liable in their capacity
charged personally for expenses incurred form business transactions
as partners.
with a third party vendor, the partnership shall not be liable for such.
Martinez vs Ong Pong Co.: Where two persons receive from another (?)
a sum of money for the establishment of a business, and agree to
Si-Boco vs Yap Teng:
share with the latter the profits or losses that may results therefrom,
the said two persons as the apparent administrators of the Red Men vs Veteran Army:
partnership, acted as agents for the capitalist partner under the
provisions of Article 1803, rule 1 of the Civil Code, and by virtue Goquiolay et al vs Sycip et al:
thereof are bound to fulfill the contract which implies the
Article 1809:
management of the business.
Uy vs Puzon
This is not an obligation in solidum, neither by reason of the general
rules governing the obligations of two or more persons nor by the Ornum vs Lasala
special rule governing mandatum. It is simply a contract in severalty,
Evangelista vs Abad Santos
each person being liable for one half.
A contract of mandatum requires that agents shall account to the Article 1810:
principal for all their transactions and pay him whatever sum they Deluao et al vs Casteel (1969)
received by virtue thereof. By not accounting for it, or otherwise
justifying the investment of the money received and administered, Article 1815
the parties who received it become debtors under obligation to make
In re: Petition for authority etc:
restitution of the money to the person who entrusted it to them.
Article 1816:
Elmo Munasque vs CA(1985) Article 1843 (Limited Partnership)
Isalnd Sales vs United Pioneers (1975) Involuntary Insolvency of Campos Rueda (1922)
Article 1817:
Santiago Syjuco Inc vs Jose Gastro (1989)
Article 1825:
Heirs of Tan Eng Kee vs CA (2000)
Article 1826:
Villareal vs Ramirez(2003)
Article 1828:
Sunga Chan vs Chua (2001)
Idos vs CA (1998):
Ortega vs CA (1995):
Article 1829-1840:
Villareal vs Ramirez (2003):