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Designation: D 2996 – 95 An American National Standard


100 Barr Harbor Dr., West Conshohocken, PA 19428
Reprinted from the Annual Book of ASTM Standards. Copyright ASTM

Standard Specification for

Filament-Wound “Fiberglass’’ (Glass-Fiber-Reinforced
Thermosetting-Resin) Pipe1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 2996; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense. Consult the DoD Index of Specifications and
Standards for the specific year of issue which has been adopted by the Department of Defense.

1. Scope sure of Plastic Pipe, Tubing, and Fittings3

1.1 This specification2 covers machine-made reinforced D 1600 Terminology for Abbreviated Terms Relating to
thermosetting resin pressure pipe (RTRP) manufactured by the Plastics2,3
filament winding process up to 16 in. nominal size. Included D 2105 Test Method for Longitudinal Tensile Properties of“
are a classification system and requirements for materials, Fiberglass” (Glass-Fiber-Reinforced Thermosetting-
mechanical properties, dimensions, performance, methods of Resin) Pipe and Tube3
test, and marking. D 2143 Test Method for Cyclic Pressure Strength of Rein-
1.2 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded forced, Thermosetting Plastic Pipe3
as standard. The values given in parentheses are provided for D 2310 Classification for Machine-Made “Fiberglass”
information purposes only. (Glass-Fiber-Reinforced Thermosetting-Resin) Pipe3
1.3 The following safety hazards caveat pertains only to the D 2412 Test Method for Determination of External Loading
test method portion, Section 8, of this specification: This Characteristics of Plastic Pipe by Parallel-Plate Loading3
standard does not purport to address all of the safety problems, D 2992 Practice for Obtaining Hydrostatic or Pressure De-
if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user sign Basis for“ Fiberglass” (Glass-Fiber-Reinforced
of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health Thermosetting-Resin) Pipe and Fittings3
practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limita- D 3567 Practice for Determining Dimensions of “Fiber-
tions prior to use. glass” (Glass-Fiber-Reinforced Thermosetting-Resin) Pipe
and Fittings3
NOTE 1—The term “fiberglass pipe’’ as described in Section 3 of this F 412 Terminology Relating to Plastic Piping Systems4
specification applies to both reinforced thermosetting resin pipe (RTRP)
and reinforced plastic mortar pipe (RPMP). This specification covers only 3. Terminology
reinforced thermosetting resin pipe (RTRP).
3.1 Definitions:
NOTE 2—This specification is applicable to RTRP where the ratio of
3.1.1 General—Definitions are in accordance with Termi-
outside diameter to wall thickness is 10:1 or more.
nologies D 883 and F 412 and abbreviations are in accordance
NOTE 3—There is no similar or equivalent ISO Standard. Table X1.1
with Terminology D 1600, unless otherwise indicated. The
2. Referenced Documents abbreviation for reinforced thermosetting resin pipe is RTRP.
3.2 Descriptions of Terms Specific to This Standard: De-
2.1 ASTM Standards:
scriptions of Terms Specific to This Standard:
D 618 Practice for Conditioning Plastics and Electrical
3.2.1 fiberglass pipe—a tubular product containing glass
Insulating Materials for Testing2
fiber reinforcements embedded in or surrounded by cured
D 638 Test Method for Tensile Properties of Plastics2
thermosetting resin. The composite structure may contain
D 883 Terminology Relating to Plastics2,3
aggregate, granular or platelet fillers, thixotropic agents, pig-
D 1598 Test Method for Time-to-Failure of Plastic Pipe
ments, or dyes. Thermoplastic or thermosetting liners or
Under Constant Internal Pressure3
coatings may be included.
D 1599 Test Method for Short-Time Hydraulic Failure Pres-
3.2.2 reinforced thermosetting resin pipe (RTRP3.2.2 )—a
fiberglass pipe without aggregate.
This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D-20 on 3.2.3 reinforced plastic mortar pipe (RPMP3.2.3 )—a fi-
Plastics and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D20.23 on Reinforced berglass pipe with aggregate.
Plastic Piping Systems and Chemical Equipment. 3.2.4 filament winding—a process used to manufacture
Current edition approved June 15, 1995. Published August 1995. Originally
published as D 2996 – 71. Last previous edition D 2996 – 88.
tubular goods by winding continuous fibrous glass strand
This specification was revised to include an ISO equivalency statement and a
section on keywords.
3 4
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 08.01. Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 08.04.

D 2996
roving or roving tape onto the outside of a mandrel in a For pipe subjected to axial or end loads, the effect of
predetermined pattern under controlled tension. The roving these loads shall be represented in the HDB testing. In the
may be saturated with liquid resin or preimpregnated with designation code, the numeral 1 shall immediately follow the
partially cured resin. HDB letter class if free-end type closures were used and the
3.2.5 Subsequent polymerization of the resin system may numeral 2 shall immediately follow the HDB letter class if
require application of heat. The inside diameter (ID) of the restrained-end type closures were used to establish the HDB.
finished pipe is fixed by the mandrel outside diameter (OD). 4.1.5 Mechanical Properties—Table 2 presents a cell clas-
The outside diameter (OD) of the finished pipe is determined sification system for identifying the mechanical properties of
by the amount of material that is wound on the mandrel. pipe covered by this specification.
3.2.6 liner—the inner portion of the wall at least 0.005 in. NOTE 4—All possible combinations covered by the above classification
(0.13 mm) in thickness, as determined in 8.3.2, which does not system may not be commercially available.
contribute to the strength in the determination of the hydro-
static design basis. 4.1.6 Designation Code—The pipe designation code shall
3.2.7 reinforced wall thickness—the total wall thickness consist of the abbreviation RTRP, followed by the type and
minus the liner or exterior coating thickness, or both. grade in Arabic numerals, the class and static or cyclic HDB
3.2.8 coating—a resin layer, with or without filler or rein- level in capital letters, the type of end closure used, and four
forcement, or both, applied to the exterior surface of the pipe Arabic numbers identifying, respectively, the cell classification
structural wall. designations of the short-term rupture strength, longitudinal
tensile strength, longitudinal tensile modulus, and apparent
4. Classification stiffness of the pipe.
4.1 General—Pipe meeting this specification is classified by Example: RTRP-11FA1-1334. Such a designation would
type, grade, class, and hydrostatic design basis in accordance describe a filament-wound, glass-fiber reinforced, epoxy pipe
with Classification D 2310 and by a secondary cell classifica- having a reinforced epoxy liner; a cyclic pressure strength
tion system that defines the basic mechanical properties of the exceeding 2500 psi (17.2 MPa) using free-end closures; a
pipe. These types, grades, classes, hydrostatic design basis short-term rupture strength exceeding 10 000 psi (68.9 MPa);
categories, and cell classification designations are as follows: a longitudinal tensile strength exceeding 25 000 psi (172
4.1.1 Types:—Type 1 MPa); a longitudinal tensile modulus exceeding 3 3 106 psi
Filament wound. (20.7 3 103MPa); and an apparent stiffness factor exceeding
4.1.2 Grades:—Grade 1 1500 in.3·lbf/in.2 (170 mm3·kPa).
Glass fiber reinforced epoxy resin pipe.
Grade 2—Glass fiber reinforced polyester resin pipe. 5. Materials and Manufacture
Grade 7—Glass fiber reinforced furan resin pipe. 5.1 General—The resins, reinforcements, colorants, fillers,
4.1.3 Classes:—Class A and other materials, when combined as a composite structure,
No liner. shall produce a pipe that shall meet the performance require-
Class B—Polyester resin liner (nonreinforced). ments of this specification.
Class C—Epoxy resin liner (nonreinforced).
Class E—Polyester resin liner (reinforced). 6. Physical Requirements
Class F—Epoxy resin liner (reinforced). 6.1 Workmanship—The pipe shall be free of all defects
Class H—Thermoplastic resin liner (specify). including indentations, delaminations, bubbles, pinholes, for-
Class I—Furan resin liner (reinforced). eign inclusions, and resin-starved areas which, due to their
4.1.4 Hydrostatic Design Basis—Two methods of classify- nature, degree, or extent, detrimentally affect the strength and
ing the hydrostatic design basis of the pipe are provided. Pipe serviceability of the pipe. The pipe shall be as uniform as
meeting this specification may be classified using either the commercially practicable in color, opacity, and other physical
cyclic test method or the static test method, or both, and the properties. The pipe shall be round and straight and the bore of
designations as shown in Table 1. Appendix X1 explains how the pipe shall be smooth and uniform. All pipe ends shall be cut
these design basis categories are to be used. at right angles to the axis of the pipe and any sharp edges
TABLE 1 Hydrostatic Design Basis Categories 6.2 Dimensions and Tolerances:
6.2.1 Inside and Outside Diameter—The inside and outside
Cyclic Test Method Static Test Method diameter and tolerances of pipe meeting these specifications
Designation Hoop Stress, psi Designation Hoop Stress, psi shall conform to the requirements in one of the Tables 3-6,
(MPa) (MPa)
when determined in accordance with 8.3.1.
A 2 500 (17.2) Q 5 000 (34.5)
6.2.2 Wall Thickness—The minimum wall thickness of pipe
B 3 150 (21.7) R 6 300 (43.4)
C 4 000 (27.6) S 8 000 (55.2) furnished under this specification shall not at any point be less
D 5 000 (34.5) T 10 000 (68.9) than 87.5 % of the nominal wall thickness published in the
E 6 300 (43.4) U 12 500 (86.2)
F 8 000 (55.2) W 16 000 (110)
manufacturer’s literature current at the time of purchase when
G 10 000 (68.9) X 20 000 (138) measured in accordance with 8.3.1.
H 12 500 (86.2) Y 25 000 (172) 6.3 Performance—Pipe meeting this specification shall be
Z 31 500 (217)
categorized by a long-term static or cyclic hydrostatic design

D 2996
TABLE 2 Physical Property Requirements

Designation Mechanical Property 0A 1 2 3 4 5 6

Order Number
1 Short-term rupture strength hoop ... 10 000 30 000 40 000 50 000 60 000 70 000
tensile stress, min, psiB
(MPa) ... (68.9) (207) (276) (345) (414) (483)
2 Longitudinal tensile strength min, ... 8 000 15 000 25 000 35 000 45 000 55 000
(MPa) ... (55.2) (103) (172) (241) (310) (379)
3 Longitudinal tensile modulus, ... 1 2 3 4 5 6
min, psi 3 106
(MPa) ... (6 900) (13 000) (20 700) (27 600) (34 500) (41 400)
4 Apparent stiffness factor at 5 % ... 40 200 1000 1500 2000 2500
deflection, min, in.3·lbf/in.2
(mm3·kPa) ... (4.5) (22.6) (113) (170) (226) (282)
Type of end closure used, that is, free or restrained should be indicated on certification.

TABLE 3 Dimensions and Tolerances for Outside Diameter (OD) TABLE 4 Dimensions and Tolerances for Inside Diameter (ID)
Series Pipe with Steel-Pipe-Equivalent (Iron Pipe Size) Series Pipe

Nominal Pipe Size, in. in. (mm) Nominal Pipe Size, in. in. mm
1 1.315 + 0.060 33.40 + 1.52 1 1.00 6 0.06 25.4 6 1.52
−0.016 −0.41 1 1⁄2 1.5006 0.06 38.1 6 1.52
1 1⁄2 1.900 + 0.060 48.26 + 1.52 2 2.000 6 0.06 50.8 6 1.52
−0.018 −0.46 2 1⁄2 2.5006 0.06 63.5 6 1.52
2 2.375 + 0.060 60.32 + 1.52 3 3.000 6 0.12 76.2 6 3.05
−0.018 −0.46 4 4.000 6 0.12 101.6 6 3.05
2 1⁄2 2.875 + 0.060 73.02 + 1.52 6 6.000 6 0.25 152.4 6 6.35
−0.018 −0.46 8 8.000 6 0.25 203.2 6 6.35
3 3.500 + 0.060 88.90 + 1.52 10 10.000 6 0.25 254.0 6 6.35
−0.018 −0.46 12 12.000 6 0.25 304.8 6 6.35
4 4.500 + 0.060 114.30 + 1.52 14 14.000 6 0.25 355.6 6 6.35
−0.018 −0.46 15 15.000 6 0.25 381.0 6 6.35
6 6.625 + 0.066 168.28 + 1.68 16 16.000 6 0.25 406.4 6 6.35
−0.028 −0.64
8 8.625 + 0.086 219.08 + 2.18
−0.040 −1.02 TABLE 5 Dimensions for Outside Diameter (OD) Series Pipe
10 10.750 + 0.108 273.05 + 2.74 with Cast-Iron-Pipe-Equivalent
−0.048 −1.22
12 12.750 + 0.128 323.85 + 3.25
−0.056 −1.42 Nominal Pipe Size, in. in. mm
14 14.000 + 0.145 355.60 + 3.68 2 2.50 + 0.05 63.50 + 1.27
−0.064 −1.63 −0.05 −1.27
16 16.000 + 0.165 406.40 + 4.19 3 3.96 + 0.06 100.58 + 1.52
−0.074 −1.88 −0.06 −1.52
Outside diameters other than listed in Tables 3 to 6 shall be permitted by 4 4.80 + 0.06 121.92 + 1.52
agreement between the manufacturer and the purchaser. −0.06 −1.52
6 6.90 + 0.06 175.26 + 1.52
−0.06 −1.52
8 9.05 + 0.06 229.87 + 1.52
−0.06 −1.52
basis as shown in Table 1 when tested in accordance with 8.4 10 11.10 + 0.06 281.94 + 1.52
or 8.5. Additionally, the pipe shall meet the applicable cell limit −0.06 −1.52
requirements for short-term rupture strength, longitudinal ten- 12 13.20 + 0.06 335.28 + 1.52
−0.06 −1.52
sile strength, longitudinal tensile modulus, and apparent stiff- 14 15.30 + 0.05 388.62 + 1.27
ness factor as described in Table 2 when tested in accordance −0.08 −2.03
with 8.6 through 8.8. 16 17.40 + 0.05 441.96 + 1.27
−0.08 −2.03
6.3.1 Any significant changes in the original pipe catego-
rized in 6.3, with respect to materials or manufacturing
process, will require recategorizing according to 6.3. These
changes include, but are not limited to: a change in reinforce- Cycles to Failure for Hours to Failure for
ment type, composition, or binder; a change in resin type, Number of Samples Changes in 8.4 Changes in 8.5
2 1000 to 10 000 10 to 1000
composition, or cure; or change in linear composition, thick- 2 10 000 to 3 3 106 1000 to 2000
ness, or cure. 2 at least 3 3 106 at least 2000 If agreed upon between the purchaser and seller, NOTE 5—The purchaser should consult the manufacturer for the proper
abridged tests may be run to recategorize the pipe under 8.4 or class, type, and grade of pipe to be used under the installation and
8.5. An example of an abridged test in accordance with 8.4 to operating conditions, with respect to temperature, conveyed fluid, pres-
8.5, depending on the original design basis, would be: sure, etc., that will exist for the project in which the pipe is to be used.

D 2996
TABLE 6 Dimensions for Inside Diameter (ID) Series Pipe with 8.3.2 Liner Thickness—If the test specimens contain a liner,
Iron Pipe Size Equivalent determine the average liner thickness in accordance with
Practice D 3567.
Nominal Pipe Size, in. in. mm
8.4 Long-Term Cyclic Hydrostatic Strength—Determine in
2 2.25 + 0.05 57.15 + 1.27
−0.05 −1.27
accordance with Procedure A of Method D 2992, following
3 3.34 + 0.06 84.84 + 1.52 Test Method D 2143.
−0.06 −1.52 8.5 Long-Term Static Hydrostatic Strength—Determine in
4 4.37 + 0.06 111.00 + 1.52
−0.06 −1.52
accordance with Procedure B of Method D 2992, following
6 6.43 + 0.06 163.32 + 1.52 Test Method D 1598.
−0.06 −1.52 8.6 Short-Term Hydrostatic Failure Strength—Determine in
8 8.39 + 0.06 213.11 + 1.52
−0.06 −1.52
accordance with Test Method D 1599.
10 10.43 + 0.06 264.92 + 1.52 8.7 Longitudinal Tensile Properties—Determine in accor-
−0.06 −1.52 dance with Test Methods D 2105 or D 638.
12 12.38 + 0.06 314.45 + 1.52
−0.06 −1.52
8.8 Stiffness Factor—Determine in accordance with Test
14 13.60 + 0.05 345.44 + 1.27 Method D 2412. The reported stiffness shall be based on 5 %
−0.08 −2.03 deflection.
16 15.40 + 0.05 391.16 + 1.27
−0.08 −2.03
9. Certification
9.1 When agreed upon in writing between the purchaser and
7. Sampling the seller, a certification shall be made on the basis of
7.1 At least one sample of pipe, to determine conformance acceptance of material. This shall consist of a copy of the
of the material to the short-term hoop tensile rupture require- manufacturer’s test report or a statement by the seller (accom-
ments as shown in Table 2, shall be taken at random on a panied by a copy of the test results) that the material has been
weekly basis or on each production run, whichever is the most sampled, tested, and inspected in accordance with the provi-
frequent. The rate of sampling for the other tests listed shall be sions of the specification. Each certification so furnished shall
in accordance with accepted statistical practice or as agreed be signed by an authorized agent of the seller or manufacturer.
upon between the purchaser and the seller. 9.2 When original identity cannot be established, certifica-
7.2 For individual orders, only those additional tests and tion can only be based upon the sampling procedure provided
number of tests specifically agreed upon between the purchaser by the applicable specification.
and the seller need to be conducted.
10. Product Marking
8. Test Methods 10.1 Each piece of pipe shall be marked at least once per
8.1 Conditioning—Condition the test specimens at 23 6 section. Each piece of pipe shall be marked with the following
2°C (73.4 6 3.6°F) and 50 6 5 % relative humidity for not less information in such a manner that it remains legible under
than 48 h prior to test, in accordance with Procedure A of normal handling and installation practices:
Methods D 618, for those tests where conditioning is required, 10.1.1 Nominal pipe size (for example, 2 in.).
and in all cases of disagreement. 10.1.2 Identification of reinforced thermosetting resin pipe
8.2 Test Conditions—Conduct the tests in the Standard in accordance with the designation code given in Section 4.
Laboratory Atmosphere of 23 6 2°C (73.4 6 3.6°F) and 50 6 10.1.3 ASTM D 2996 with which the pipe complies.
5 % relative humidity, unless otherwise specified in the test 10.1.4 Manufacturer’s name (or trademark).
method or in this specification.
8.3 Dimensions and Tolerances: 11. Keywords
8.3.1 Wall Thickness and Diameter—Determine in accor- 11.1 filament-wound FRP pipe; mechanical properties;
dance with Practice D 3567. physical properties; pressure rating; tolerances; wall thickness


(Nonmandatory Information)


X1.1 Hydrostatic Design Basis accordance with Test Method D 2143, or Procedure B, using
X1.1.1 The hydrostatic design basis for reinforced thermo- data obtained in accordance with Test Method D 1598, is used
setting resin pipe is the estimated long-term hydrostatic to determine the estimated long-term hydrostatic strength. This
strength obtained in accordance with Method D 2992. In strength in the wall of the pipe is equal to the circumferential
Method D 2992 either Procedure A, using data obtained in stress due to internal hydrostatic pressure that will fail the pipe

D 2996
when extrapolated to 150 3 106 pressure cycles (Procedure A) TABLE X1.2 Hydrostatic Design Basis Categories by
or to 100 000 h under continuously applied pressure Procedure B
(Procedure B).
Hydrostatic Design Basis Category, Range of Calculated Values,
psi (MPa) psi (MPa)
X1.2 Hydrostatic Design Basis Categories
5 000 (34.5) 4 800 to 5 900 (33.1 to 40.7)
X1.2.1 The hydrostatic design basis category is obtained 6 300 (43.4) 6 000 to 7 500 (41.4 to 51.7)
from Table X1.1 or Table X1.2 using the estimated long-term 8 000 (55.2) 7 600 to 9 500 (52.4 to 65.5)
10 000 (68.9) 9 600 to 11 900 (66.2 to 82.1)
hydrostatic strength as the calculated value. 12 500 (86.2) 12 000 to 15 200 (82.9 to 105)
16 000 (112) 15 300 to 18 900 (105 to 130)
X1.3 Service (Design) Factor 20 000 (138) 19 000 to 23 000 (131 to 159)
25 000 (173) 24 000 to 29 000 (165 to 200)
X1.3.1 The service (design) factor is a number equal to 1.00 31 500 (217) 30 000 to 38 000 (207 to 262)
or less which takes into consideration all the variables and
degree of safety involved in a reinforced thermosetting resin
pressure piping installation and is selected for the application
on the basis of two general groups of conditions. The first X1.4 Hydrostatic Design Stress
group considers the manufacturing and testing variables X1.4.1 The hydrostatic design stress is the estimated
(specifically, normal variations in the material, maximum tensile stress in the wall of the pipe in the
manufacture, dimensions, good handling techniques, and in the circumferential orientation due to internal hydrostatic pressure
evaluation procedures of this method). The second group that can be applied continuously with a high degree of certainty
considers the application or use (specifically, installation, that failure will not occur. It is obtained by multiplying the
environment, temperature hazard involved, life expectancy hydrostatic design basis as determined by Procedure A or
desired, and the degree of reliability selected). Procedure B by the service (design) factor.
NOTE X1.1—It is not the intent of this standard to give service (design)
factors. The service (design) factor should be selected by the design X1.5 Pressure Rating
engineer after fully evaluating the service conditions and the engineering
properties of the specific pipe material under consideration. X1.5.1 The pressure rating is the estimated maximum
Recommended service (design) factors will not be developed or issued by pressure that the medium in the pipe can exert continuously
ASTM. with a high degree of certainty that failure of the pipe will not
TABLE X1.1 Hydrostatic Design Basis Categories by
X1.5.2 The pressure rating for each diameter and wall
Procedure A thickness of pipe and fitting is calculated from hydrostatic
design stress for the specific pipe by means of the following
Hydrostatic Design Basis Category, Range of Calculated Values, formula:
psi (MPa) psi (MPa)
S 5 P ~D 2 t!/2t
2 500 (17.2) 2 400 to 3 010 (16.5 to 20.8)
3 150 (21.7) 3 020 to 3 020 (20.8 to 26.3)
4 000 (27.6) 3 830 to 4 790 (26.4 to 33.0) where:
5 000 (34.5) 4 800 to 5 900 (33.1 to 40.7) S = hydrostatic design stress, psi (MPa),
6 300 (43.4) 6 000 to 7 500 (41.4 to 51.7)
8 000 (55.2) 7 600 to 9 500 (52.4 to 65.5) P = pressure rating, psi (MPa),
10 000 (68.9) 9 600 to 11 900 (66.2 to 82.0) D = average outside diameter, in. (mm), and
12 500 (86.2) 12 000 to 15 200 (82.7 to 105) t = minimum reinforced wall thickness, in. (mm).

The American Society for Testing and Materials takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection
with any item mentioned in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such
patent rights, and the risk of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible
technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should make your
views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428.

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