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Steam reforming catalysts
Natural gas, associated gas and LPG
KATALCOJM 23-Series, KATALCOJM 25-Series and KATALCOJM 57-Series
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Information contained in this publication or as otherwise supplied to Users is believed to be accurate and correct at time of
going to press, and is given in good faith, but it is for the User to satisfy itself of the suitability of the product for its own particular
purpose. Johnson Matthey plc (JM) gives no warranty as to the fitness of the Product for any particular purpose and any implied
warranty or condition (statutory or otherwise) is excluded except to the extend that exclusion is prevented by law. JM accepts no
liability for loss or damage (other than that arising from death or personal injury caused by JM’s negligence or by a defective
Product, if proved), resulting from reliance on this information. Nothing here in should be considered to provide freedom to
operate under any Patent.
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Introduction 2

Case studies 3

KATALCOJM PERFORMANCE - adding value to your plant 5

Advantages of choosing KATALCOJM 6

Additional capability with KATALCOJM PERFORMANCE 10

KATALCOJM catalyst selector 12

Catalyst characteristics 14
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Steam reforming is the key process in the formation of Johnson Matthey Catalysts is the world leader in steam
synthesis gas (syngas) for ammonia, methanol, hydrogen reforming catalysts with KATALCOJM™ and KATALCOJM
and hydrogen/carbon monoxide (HyCO) production. The PERFORMANCE products. No one is better placed to help
reformer is the largest and most expensive piece of you achieve the ultimate performance from your reformer.
equipment on these plants, and efficient and reliable
Examples of how KATALCOJM PERFORMANCE has already
operation is key to the performance of the whole plant.
helped our customers:
The choice of steam reforming catalyst is extremely important
A plant in Western Europe tried a number of competitive
and has a significant effect on the reformer and performance.
catalysts before installing the KATALCOJM range of catalysts
Choosing the correct catalyst has a direct impact on plant
in their reformer. In doing so, the plant more than doubled
rate, tube life, methane slip and the formation of carbon,
the catalyst life and saved millions of dollars in catalyst and
which can have a significant and detrimental impact on the
associated shutdown costs.
reformer performance and operation.
Through a combination of a reformer survey and additional
consultancy, Johnson Matthey Catalysts worked with one
operator to identify a problem that was costing the
customer US$ 141,000 every year.

By changing to an optimized catalyst loading from Johnson

Matthey, a plant in Asia is now saving over US$ 250,000
every year due to greater efficiency, longer catalyst lives and
longer reformer tube lives.

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Case study 1 — KATALCOJM PERFORMANCE The furnace was found to be in need of balancing as shown
in the temperature plot below.
reformer survey improves plant throughput
As a direct result of Johnson Matthey Catalysts advice, the
plant is now making an additional product with a value of
US$ 3,300,000 each year.

The steam reformer is one of the most critical and most

complex process operations in syngas plants. Johnson
Matthey Catalysts has decades of steam reformer design
and operating experience. A reformer survey is one way
Johnson Matthey Catalysts helps customers get the best
performance out of their reformer and hence make the
most margin from their products.

The survey involves sending one or two Johnson Matthey

Catalysts personnel to the site for approximately two days.
The team initially discuss details of the survey procedure,
modelling and typical results with the plant operating team.
They then carry out the survey taking process and In addition it was demonstrated that the process gas
temperature measurements on the plant. The results are temperature could be safely increased without comprising
plotted as temperature profiles and confirmed by further the life of the catalyst tubes. This was because the routine
furnace measurements. Preliminary results are then measurement of tube temperatures was inherently
presented to the operating team and any specific questions over-reading.
are addressed in the final report.
Detailed advice was given on how to balance this furnace,
A methanol plant in Asia had a combination of and subsequently increase firing to reduce methane slip.
KATALCOJM 25-4 and KATALCOJM 57-4 installed in the The plant has followed Johnson Matthey Catalysts advice on
plant. The plant uses a natural gas feedstock. A reformer the reformer operation and is currently making an additional
survey was carried out to check the performance and 60 tonnes per day of methanol - worth US$ 3,300,000
determine any possible optimization recommendations. each year.

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Case study 2 — KATALCOJM gives improved KATALCOJM 25-4M could be replaced with the lower
pressure drop KATALCOJM 25-4Q. Furthermore, the
reformer performance
GSA of KATALCOJM 57-4GQ is almost the same as for
This case study is from a top-fired reformer in Western KATALCOJM 57-4 so the KATALCOJM 57-4 could be replaced
Europe. The plant was going to be uprated at the next turn- with the low pressure drop KATALCOJM 57-4GQ. This would
around and so a thorough review of the loading options for offer considerable pressure drop savings whilst maintain the
the primary reformer was conducted. The previous charge activity within the reformer tubes and there would be no
was KATALCOJM 25-4M and KATALCOJM 57-4 and REFORM penalty in methane slip or approach to equilibrium as
simulations found that this loading option would have limited illustrated in the table below.
the maximum achievable plant rate after the turn-around.
This charge is now on-line giving the pressure drop benefits
Since the Geometric Surface Area (GSA) of KATALCOJM 25-4Q predicted above while maintaining the cool tubes and tight
is almost the same as for KATALCOJM 25-4M, approach to equilibrium.

Parameter Previous charge New charge

KATALCOJM catalyst types 25-4M/57-4 25-4Q/57-4GQ
Methane slip dry mol % 9.19 9.19
ATE °C (°F) 2.1 (3.8) 2.1 (3.8)
Pressure drop bar (psi) 3.20 (46.4) 1.94 (28.1)
Maximum TWT °C (°F) 825 (1517) 825 (1517)

Case study 3 — KATALCOJM PERFORMANCE hydrocarbon during plant trips which led to hot bands and
also pressure drop problems. Ultimately, this led to short
improves plant reliability
lives of catalyst charges. A further problem was the inability
Johnson Matthey Catalysts offers a full range of catalyst to hold the competitive catalyst under steam only for more
products for steam reforming hydrocarbon feeds for light than a short period in a hot stand-by mode.
feeds such as natural gas or refinery off gas up to heavy
The plant operator switched to a charge of KATALCOJM 25-4
feeds such as naphtha. Appropriate combinations of catalysts
and KATALCOJM 57-4. This catalyst combination can be
are recommended to best operate in differing circumstances.
steamed if needed and is not sensitive to trace levels of
For refinery hydrogen plants which operate on a combination
hydrocarbon during shut-down routines. The charge ran
of hydrocarbon feeds up to light LPG, the catalyst
for7 years without any major issue which far exceeds that
combination usually recommended is KATALCOJM 25-series
achieved before. Also, the operator has been able to hold
in the top (inlet) 50% and KATALCOJM 57-series in the
the reformer on hot stand-by with steam in order to
bottom (exit) 50% of the tube. The QUADRALOBE™ shape is
complete mechanical repairs. This has avoided a costly full
most commonly used such that the installed grades of
shut-down which would have been necessary with the
catalysts are KATALCOJM 25-4Q and KATALCOJM 57-4Q.
steam intolerant catalyst type used previously.
A refinery hydrogen plant in Western Europe experienced
Thus, the switch to KATALCOJM 25-4 and KATALCOJM 57-4
various problems with competitive catalyst offerings. The
combination has led to significant cost benefits in terms of
plant uses LPG feedstock usually in combination with
reduced catalyst purchases and additional on-line time.
refinery off gas in a top-fired reformer. The problems
This operator has now installed KATALCOJM 25-4Q and
included difficulties with steaming the catalyst which proved
KATALCOJM 57-4Q enabling even more reliable operation.
susceptible to carbon laydown due to exposure to

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your plant
A reformer survey on a world scale methanol plant revealed Reformer tube life is directly related to the difference
that the furnace was not balanced and that there was scope between the operating tube wall temperature and the
to increase the firing. Following Johnson Matthey Catalysts design value. The tube wall temperature can be significantly
advice, the plant balanced the reformer and gradually increased or decreased by the correct choice of catalyst and
started to increase the firing on the reformer. This resulted in by good operation. By installing an optimized load of
an additional 60 tonnes per day of methanol produced, KATALCOJM, a customer in Asia reduced their maximum tube
worth in excess of US$ 3,300,000 per year. wall temperature by approximately 10°C. This increased the
tube lives from 10 to 15 years, delaying a US$ 3,000,000
A reformer survey on a large natural gas reformer in
expenditure on new tubes by 5 years.
Western Europe identified a temperature imbalance across
the furnace. Johnson Matthey Catalysts investigated the
reasons for this and showed that it was not due to
conventional process reasons. On our recommendation, the
plant investigated the combustion air system during the next
shut-down and found some mechanical problems. Repairs
were made and on start-up the temperatures across the
furnace were shown to be well balanced. Identifying both the
problem and the root cause allowed the plant to reduce the
methane slip from the reformer, reduce the fuel gas usage
and made more syngas. For a large-scale ammonia plant this
is equivalent to a saving of US$ 141,000 per annum.

Installing an optimized loading of KATALCOJM reforming

catalyst on an ammonia reformer in North America reduced
the pressure drop across the reformer by over 50%
compared to the previous charge (based on SOR
conditions). This resulted in a plant rate increase of 4% with
no additional plant changes, equivalent to 15,000 tonnes
per year additional production (this plant did not have an air
compressor limitation). This increase in production is worth
an addition US$ 1,270,000 in profits each year.

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Advantages of choosing KATALCOJM

Catalyst selection for plant optimization Johnson Matthey Catalysts is the world leader in steam
reforming for the production of ammonia, methanol, hydrogen
Although many plants may have the same design conditions, and HyCO for a very good reason. Not only is KATALCOJM
the operation of each plant is unique, and depends on a the best commercially available range of steam reforming
variety of factors including the gas feed, the plant rate, steam catalysts, but KATALCOJM PERFORMANCE is tailored for
to carbon ratio and operating pressure and temperature. each plant on an individual basis in order to meet the
These differences in plant performance are critical when it operator’s specific requirements. Our world-class reformer
comes to the selection of a steam reforming catalyst. simulation programme, REFORM, allows us to accurately
KATALCOJM 23-series and KATALCOJM 57-series catalysts are predict the exact performance of any given catalyst
non-alkalised high activity steam reforming catalysts suitable combination. Whether we recommend a combination of
for light hydrocarbon feeds. KATALCOJM 25-series are lightly alkalized and non-alkalized catalysts or a variety of catalyst
alkalised steam reforming catalysts, widely used to achieve sizes you can have confidence in your plant performance.
longer life in problem plants with feedstocks containing
higher hydrocarbons or operating under severe conditions.
KATALCOJM 25-series are typically used in combination with
non-alkalized catalysts for steam reforming natural gas.

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Reliability Long catalyst lives

The KATALCOJM steam reforming catalyst ranges have the Johnson Matthey Catalysts have delivered lives in excess of
well-earned reputation for delivering the world’s most 8-10 years. Long catalyst lives are achieved through
reliable reformer operation. They are physically strong to formulations that deliver high stable activity and the ability to
withstand plant upsets. High activity, now even greater with recover from plant upsets. High activity is required at the top
QUADRALOBE, plus the tailored use of potash delivers of the tubes to prevent carbon formation and at the bottom
carbon free operation in the most highly loaded plants. If of the tubes (along with high heat transfer) to keep tube wall
carbon is formed the ability to remove carbon is greatly temperatures within acceptable limits. KATALCOJM 25-series,
enhanced by the resistance of the KATALCOJM steam KATALCOJM 23-series and KATALCOJM 57-series catalysts are
reforming catalysts to steaming and the acceleration of designed to maintain a high activity in steam reforming
carbon removal by the potash promotion. applications. Catalyst activity is unaffected by periods of
prolonged steaming during plant upsets or frequent start-up
Feedstock versatility or shut-down procedures. Low temperature activity is stable
Johnson Matthey steam reforming catalysts operate with and ensures maximum reaction at the top of the tubes to
every normal feedstock processed using steam reforming minimize tube wall temperature in top-fired furnaces.
technology. These include refinery off-gas containing The alkali in KATALCOJM 25-series increases the margin
hydrogen, natural gas, associated gas, LPG and naphtha. against carbon formation and accelerates its removal during
Feedstocks may also include recycled carbon dioxide. operation and steaming.
KATALCOJM 23-series and KATALCOJM 57-series catalysts are Use of optimized shapes further enhances activity and
designed for use on natural gas or hydrogen rich feeds. For assists in reducing tube wall temperatures when compared
more severe duties such as high reforming heat flux, low steam with other commercially available shapes. The additional
to carbon ratio, or heavier hydrocarbons feeds, catalysts must activity provided by the QUADRALOBE shape is expected to
be selected with a higher resistance to carbon laydown. In deliver more than an additional one years life in most plant
these situations, the alkalized KATALCOJM 25-series catalysts cases when compared to the KATALCOJM 4-hole equivalent.
are used in the upper part of the steam reformer tubes in
conjunction with KATALCOJM 23-series or KATALCOJM 57-series
unless the hydrocarbon feedstock is butane or heavier in which
case alternative catalysts from the Johnson Matthey Catalysts
range are required.

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Long tube lives Low pressure drop

The major cost in running a reformer is tube replacement. Pressure drop across steam reformers is becoming
Tube replacement costs are typically double the catalyst cost increasingly important and is directly related to plant rate for
on an annualized basis. Tube lives can be halved by a 20°C many operators. KATALCOJM 23-series, KATALCOJM 57-series
increase in temperature so catalyst activity and heat transfer and KATALCOJM 25-series catalysts are available in a range of
are critically important. The high stable activity of Johnson different sizes. Combined with their excellent activity, this
Matthey steam reforming catalysts keeps tube temperatures allows optimized reformer loadings to minimize pressure drop.
low throughout their length. The 4-hole and QUADRALOBE
The high strength of KATALCOJM steam reforming catalysts
shapes also achieve the highest heat transfer from the tube
minimizes the pressure drop increase during the catalysts life.
wall to the process gas. This is particularly important towards
the tube exit since in most plants this is where the maximum The introduction of KATALCOJM 57-4XQ offers the lowest
tube wall temperature occurs. pressure drop available.

High plant rates Strength

The high activity and low pressure drop of the 4-hole and KATALCOJM 25-series, KATALCOJM 23-series and KATALCOJM
QUADRALOBE shapes enable plant rate increases with little 57-series catalysts have high stable strength during
or no penalty on tube wall temperature or methane slip. The operation and retain more than 80% of initial strength
4-hole shape has enabled rate increases approaching double after five years of operation.
plant design and QUADRALOBE can deliver another 5-10%.
The Johnson Matthey Catalysts REFORM program faithfully Low silica
accurately simulates all standard reformer types and enables In order to avoid all problems associated with silica
selection of the best catalyst formulation and size migration, KATALCOJM 25-series, KATALCOJM 23-series and
combination to achieve the desired operating conditions. KATALCOJM 57-series catalysts contain less than 0.2% silica.

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Size range Ease of reduction

All KATALCOJM steam reforming catalysts are available in a KATALCOJM 25-series, KATALCOJM 23-series and
range of sizes to suit individual requirements. All steam KATALCOJM 57-series catalysts are supplied with the nickel in
reformers are different therefore the catalyst requirements the oxide form and so need reducing to become active. These
vary from plant to plant. catalysts are easily reduced in the plant using well-established
procedures, advice on which is given in the appropriate
MQ, Q and GQ sizes of QUADRALOBE have been optimized
Johnson Matthey Catalysts Operating Manual. In the rare
to give the same pressure drop as our previous 4-hole
cases where low reformer inlet temperature makes full
product, resulting in higher activity catalysts. The XQ size has
reduction of the catalyst at the tube inlet difficult, the catalysts
been optimized to give the same activity and thus even lower
can be supplied in the pre-reduced form. The pre-reduced
pressure drop when compared to our 4-hole G size product.
material is only required in the inlet 1-2 m (3-6 ft) of the
Hence, the QUADRALOBE catalyst range offers products with
reformer tube where the operating temperature is lowest.
the highest activity and lowest pressure drop commercially
available. Stability
Using Johnson Matthey Catalysts expertise in steam reforming All KATALCOJM steam reforming catalysts will withstand
operations and detailed modelling capability, it is possible to typical plant problems, e.g.,
optimize the performance of a given steam reformer by
selecting the correct size range to give the required activity, • short exposure to temperature in excess of 1000°C
heat transfer, and pressure drop. (1830°F)

• prolonged steaming at operating temperatures

• steaming to remove carbon deposited on the catalyst or

to remove sulphur poisoning

• the effects of condensing steam

4 Hole Q Shape
Quadralobe 1st took the
benefit from improved shape
to offer more activity for our 57-4M
Pressure Drop

standard 3 sizes



New 4th size variant

offers lowest possible
57-4XQ PD in market

Activity Higher

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Additional capability with KATALCOJM PERFORMANCE

Johnson Matthey provides more than just catalysts to our Reformer surveys and operational audits
customers. Our background in plant operations, together
with our catalyst know-how, has made us the number one Johnson Matthey Catalysts has developed a number of
supplier of steam reforming catalysts world-wide. We now performance monitoring techniques to assess steam
offer a unique range of products directly related to steam reformer operation and identity options for improvement.
reformer operation, all of which are designed to improve your The performance improvement may come from
plant performance. KATALCOJM PERFORMANCE is designed adjustments to process variables and reformer firing or from
to address plant operating issues including efficiency, the recognition that instrumentation or key parts of the
reliability, throughput, environment and safety. Johnson furnace may need upgrading. The scope of the reformer
Matthey Catalysts will recommend the relevant products from survey is tailored to meet individual client situations and can
the KATALCOJM PERFORMANCE portfolio to address the be extended to include convection section heat recovery
specific issues on your plant. Some of the products and and synthesis gas cooling train.
services offered by KATALCOJM PERFORMANCE are outlined
below. Please contact us for further details.
Catalyst tube temperature measurement
A number of different measurement devices are available
UNIDENSE™ for catalyst tubes for determining the temperature of catalyst tubes during
This patented technique, licensed to Johnson Matthey reformer operation. The common method is the infrared
Catalysts, eliminates the need for socks and allows quicker pyrometer. However, infrared measurements are affected by
and more even loading of the steam reformer tubes. This emissivity of the material and reflected radiation. Johnson
results in more even process gas distribution and tube Matthey Catalysts has developed a shielded radiation probe,
temperatures, so allowing the full capability of the reformer which makes direct contact with the catalyst tubes and can
furnace to be realised. be used to determine emissivity and calibrate infrared
pyrometers and also measure tube wall temperatures.
LOTIS™ inspection system for catalyst tubes
Managing the life cycle of reformer
The Laser Optic Tube Inspection System (LOTIS) system uses
catalyst tubes
highly accurate laser measurement to determine the
diameter of the reformer tubes. This is done using a spinning For effective operation, reformer catalyst tubes operate at
probe which is inserted into the empty reformer tubes temperatures high enough to cause material creep, and hence
where it takes many thousands of measurements as it they are designed for a finite life. The determination of the
traverses the tube length. The scanning period is typically actual rate of creep damage and the prediction of likely future
3 minutes per tube, thus allowing the inspection to be life before failure involves careful consideration of inspection
conveniently conducted in conjunction with the catalyst data together with plant operating history and the ability to
loading. The accurate measurement of tube diameter gives accurately simulate reformer temperatures at proposed future
detailed information on creep damage, leading to a better conditions. Johnson Matthey Catalysts is able to combine skills
understanding of ageing of the catalyst tubes and giving an in all these areas to help determine appropriate operating
indication of appropriate burner adjustments. conditions and timing for future changes.

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Reformer process and mechanical design Steam reformer modelling - REFORM

consultancy and engineering services Accurate modelling of steam reformers is critical for
Through our operational experience in running large steam predicting reformer operation and determining the correct
reformers, Johnson Matthey Catalysts have developed catalyst selection for any given plant.
design skills and knowledge that can be shared for the REFORM, the Johnson Matthey Catalysts reformer simulation
benefit of our catalyst customers. This includes advice on model, looks at all aspects of the steam reformer.
options for taking advantage of new materials for reformer
tubes, reconfiguring tube support systems or replacing It models the flue gas side from the flame heat release,
collection and transfer headers. radiation from the flame, radiation from the gas, radiation
from the wall of the furnace and radiation from the coffins.
Reformer consultancy As well as receiving the radiation on the tubes it considers
which direction the radiation is coming from and hence the
Experienced Johnson Matthey Catalysts engineers can be
temperature distribution both axially along the tube and
made available to assist in identifying operational problems,
radially around the tube circumference.
whether related to process operation or mechanical
equipment, and in developing appropriate solutions. The inside of the tube is modelled by considering the heat
transfer between the tube inside wall and the gas phase, the
Pressure drop management catalyst and the catalyst reactions in both an axial and a
To improve the accuracy of loading catalyst tubes, Johnson radial direction. This is then used to work out the tubes
Matthey Catalysts has developed a simple and reliable piece stresses very precisely. Carbon formation and detailed
of equipment for measuring catalyst pressure drop. The device pressure drop through the catalyst are also calculated.
is used during catalyst charging to characterise the variation in With a model of this detail we are able to precisely predict
loaded density in the tubes as a way of ensuring balanced how different catalyst combinations are going to work under
operation of the furnace. The pressure drop equipment is any given set of conditions. This allows us to recommend the
available for purchase or can be used by a Johnson Matthey optimum catalyst solution for any type of steam reformer.
Catalysts technician during reformer loading. Johnson Matthey Catalysts also uses this program in
troubleshooting problems on steam reformers as part of our
Combustion systems advice steam reforming optimization studies.
Practical Johnson Matthey Catalysts experience gained on a
range of different steam reformers and other furnaces can
be applied to improve design and operation of combustion
systems. This includes sharing of experience related to new
types of burners and appropriate strategies for burner
management and maintenance.

Further details on these and other services capabilities are

available from Johnson Matthey Catalysts.

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KATALCOJM catalyst selector

Johnson Matthey Catalysts manufactures three main Selecting the right catalyst for your application is essential
catalysts for use in steam reformers using lighter for good steam reformer performance. Johnson Matthey
hydrocarbon feedstocks ranging from refinery off gas, Catalysts will make detailed recommendations based upon
natural gas to lighter LPG. your individual operating conditions. However, some generic
guidelines are given below.
KATALCOJM 23-series
Typical catalyst loadings depend on the product being
This catalyst is nickel oxide on an alpha alumina support.
produced and the reformer type; however, some
KATALCOJM 57-series generalisations can be made to allow the operator to
determine the optimal catalyst loading for a reformer. In
This catalyst is nickel oxide on a calcium aluminate support.
general, it is necessary to use KATALCOJM 25-series
KATALCOJM 25-series catalyst in the inlet 40 - 50 % of the steam reformer tube
where conditions are more difficult. This can be where the
This catalyst is a lightly alkalized nickel oxide catalyst on a
steam to carbon ratio is low, heat flux is high or there is a
calcium aluminate support.
higher content of C2+ hydrocarbons. In these cases, the
These catalysts are made in a range of sizes allowing KATALCOJM 25-series catalyst will be loaded with either
optimum reformer loading for each individual plant. KATALCOJM 23 or KATALCOJM 57-series catalyst in the
remainder of the steam reformer tubes. At less severe
conditions, these catalysts will be used throughout the
steam reformer tube.
Ammonia plants

Feedstock type KATALCOJM PERFORMANCE catalyst recommendation

High methane content gas, design plant rates 57 or 23-series

Feedstock with significant levels of higher hydrocarbons A combination of 25-series with 57/23-series
Low steam to carbon ratio, high methane content gas A combination of 25-series with 57/23-series

Plant limitation Recommendation

Low pressure drop (high plant rates) XQ, GQ and Q size combination
Low tube wall temperatures MQ and Q size combination
High methane slip MQ and Q size combination

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Methanol plants

Feedstock type KATALCOJM PERFORMANCE catalyst recommendation

High methane content gas, design plant rates A combination of 25-series with 57/23-series
Feedstock with significant levels of higher hydrocarbons A combination of 25-series with 57/23-series
Low steam to carbon ratio, high methane content gas A combination of 25-series with 57/23-series

Plant limitation Recommendation

Low pressure drop (high plant rates) GQ and Q size combination
Low tube wall temperatures MQ and Q size combination

Hydrogen and HyCO plants

Feedstock type KATALCOJM PERFORMANCE catalyst recommendation

Refinery off gas and high methane content gas, 57 or 23-series
design plant rates
Natural gas with significant levels of higher hydrocarbons A combination of 25-series with 57/23-series
Pre-reformed feedstock 57 or 23-series, optionally with 25-Series for
additional operability
LPG feedstock with high C3 content and/or high steam: A combination of 25-series with 57/23-series
carbon ratio
HyCO production from natural gas or A combination of 25-series with 57/23-series
pre-reformed feedstock

Plant limitation Recommendation

Low pressure drop (high plant rates) XQ, GQ and Q size combination
Low tube wall temperatures MQ and Q size combination

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Catalyst characteristics
KATALCOJM 23-series

Important note
The loaded density values are typical values. Depending on
reformer type, loading technique etc, actual achieved density
KATALCOJM 23-4Q may be different from these values. Also, if alternative shapes
are provided by special arrangement, the density values may
differ significantly and should be confirmed.


Nickel oxide dispersed on an alpha alumina ceramic support.

Physical properties (typical)

Catalyst 23-4Q 23-4MQ 23-4GQ

Form QUADRALOBE 4-hole cylinders with 4-hole cylinders with 4-hole cylinders with
4 flutes and domed edges 4 flutes and domed edges 4 flutes and domed edges
Length (mm) 17 13 20
OD (mm) 13 10.5 16
Hole ID (mm) 3.3 2.7 4.4
Typical loaded density
(kg/m3) 1090 1140 1050
(lb/ft3) 68 71 66

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Catalyst characteristics
KATALCOJM 57-series






Nickel oxide dispersed on a calcium aluminate ceramic


Physical properties (typical)

Catalyst 57-4Q 57-4MQ 57-4GQ 57-4XQ
Form QUADRALOBE 4-hole cylinders with 4-hole cylinders with 4-hole cylinders with 4-hole cylinders with
4 flutes and 4 flutes and 4 flutes and 4 flutes and
domed edges domed edges domed edges domed edges
Length (mm) 17.5 13 20 20
OD (mm) 13 10.5 16 19.7
Hole ID (mm) 3.3 2.7 4.4 5.5
Typical loaded density
(kg/m3) 850 900 760 650
(lb/ft3) 53 56 47 41

Important note

The loaded density values are typical values. Depending on

reformer type, loading technique etc., actual achieved density
may be different from these values. Also, if alternative shapes
are provided by special arrangement, the density values may
differ significantly and should be confirmed.

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Catalyst characteristics
KATALCOJM 25-series





Nickel oxide dispersed on a calcium aluminate ceramic

support promoted by alkali.

Physical properties (typical)

Catalyst 25-4Q 25-4MQ 25-4GQ

Form QUADRALOBE 4-hole cylinders with 4-hole cylinders with 4-hole cylinders with
4 flutes and domed edges 4 flutes and domed edges 4 flutes and domed edges
Length (mm) 17.5 13 20
OD (mm) 13 10.5 16
Hole ID (mm) 3.3 2.7 4.4
Typical loaded density
(kg/m3) 870 950 790
(lb/ft3) 54 59 49

Important note

The loaded density values are typical values. Depending on

reformer type, loading technique etc., actual achieved density
may be different from these values. Also, if alternative shapes
are provided by special arrangement, the density values may
differ significantly and should be confirmed.

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