Steam reforming catalysts
Natural gas, associated gas and LPG
KATALCOJM 23-Series, KATALCOJM 25-Series and KATALCOJM 57-Series
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Information contained in this publication or as otherwise supplied to Users is believed to be accurate and correct at time of
going to press, and is given in good faith, but it is for the User to satisfy itself of the suitability of the product for its own particular
purpose. Johnson Matthey plc (JM) gives no warranty as to the fitness of the Product for any particular purpose and any implied
warranty or condition (statutory or otherwise) is excluded except to the extend that exclusion is prevented by law. JM accepts no
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operate under any Patent.
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Introduction 2
Case studies 3
Catalyst characteristics 14
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Steam reforming is the key process in the formation of Johnson Matthey Catalysts is the world leader in steam
synthesis gas (syngas) for ammonia, methanol, hydrogen reforming catalysts with KATALCOJM™ and KATALCOJM
and hydrogen/carbon monoxide (HyCO) production. The PERFORMANCE products. No one is better placed to help
reformer is the largest and most expensive piece of you achieve the ultimate performance from your reformer.
equipment on these plants, and efficient and reliable
Examples of how KATALCOJM PERFORMANCE has already
operation is key to the performance of the whole plant.
helped our customers:
The choice of steam reforming catalyst is extremely important
A plant in Western Europe tried a number of competitive
and has a significant effect on the reformer and performance.
catalysts before installing the KATALCOJM range of catalysts
Choosing the correct catalyst has a direct impact on plant
in their reformer. In doing so, the plant more than doubled
rate, tube life, methane slip and the formation of carbon,
the catalyst life and saved millions of dollars in catalyst and
which can have a significant and detrimental impact on the
associated shutdown costs.
reformer performance and operation.
Through a combination of a reformer survey and additional
consultancy, Johnson Matthey Catalysts worked with one
operator to identify a problem that was costing the
customer US$ 141,000 every year.
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Case study 1 — KATALCOJM PERFORMANCE The furnace was found to be in need of balancing as shown
in the temperature plot below.
reformer survey improves plant throughput
As a direct result of Johnson Matthey Catalysts advice, the
plant is now making an additional product with a value of
US$ 3,300,000 each year.
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Case study 2 — KATALCOJM gives improved KATALCOJM 25-4M could be replaced with the lower
pressure drop KATALCOJM 25-4Q. Furthermore, the
reformer performance
GSA of KATALCOJM 57-4GQ is almost the same as for
This case study is from a top-fired reformer in Western KATALCOJM 57-4 so the KATALCOJM 57-4 could be replaced
Europe. The plant was going to be uprated at the next turn- with the low pressure drop KATALCOJM 57-4GQ. This would
around and so a thorough review of the loading options for offer considerable pressure drop savings whilst maintain the
the primary reformer was conducted. The previous charge activity within the reformer tubes and there would be no
was KATALCOJM 25-4M and KATALCOJM 57-4 and REFORM penalty in methane slip or approach to equilibrium as
simulations found that this loading option would have limited illustrated in the table below.
the maximum achievable plant rate after the turn-around.
This charge is now on-line giving the pressure drop benefits
Since the Geometric Surface Area (GSA) of KATALCOJM 25-4Q predicted above while maintaining the cool tubes and tight
is almost the same as for KATALCOJM 25-4M, approach to equilibrium.
Case study 3 — KATALCOJM PERFORMANCE hydrocarbon during plant trips which led to hot bands and
also pressure drop problems. Ultimately, this led to short
improves plant reliability
lives of catalyst charges. A further problem was the inability
Johnson Matthey Catalysts offers a full range of catalyst to hold the competitive catalyst under steam only for more
products for steam reforming hydrocarbon feeds for light than a short period in a hot stand-by mode.
feeds such as natural gas or refinery off gas up to heavy
The plant operator switched to a charge of KATALCOJM 25-4
feeds such as naphtha. Appropriate combinations of catalysts
and KATALCOJM 57-4. This catalyst combination can be
are recommended to best operate in differing circumstances.
steamed if needed and is not sensitive to trace levels of
For refinery hydrogen plants which operate on a combination
hydrocarbon during shut-down routines. The charge ran
of hydrocarbon feeds up to light LPG, the catalyst
for7 years without any major issue which far exceeds that
combination usually recommended is KATALCOJM 25-series
achieved before. Also, the operator has been able to hold
in the top (inlet) 50% and KATALCOJM 57-series in the
the reformer on hot stand-by with steam in order to
bottom (exit) 50% of the tube. The QUADRALOBE™ shape is
complete mechanical repairs. This has avoided a costly full
most commonly used such that the installed grades of
shut-down which would have been necessary with the
catalysts are KATALCOJM 25-4Q and KATALCOJM 57-4Q.
steam intolerant catalyst type used previously.
A refinery hydrogen plant in Western Europe experienced
Thus, the switch to KATALCOJM 25-4 and KATALCOJM 57-4
various problems with competitive catalyst offerings. The
combination has led to significant cost benefits in terms of
plant uses LPG feedstock usually in combination with
reduced catalyst purchases and additional on-line time.
refinery off gas in a top-fired reformer. The problems
This operator has now installed KATALCOJM 25-4Q and
included difficulties with steaming the catalyst which proved
KATALCOJM 57-4Q enabling even more reliable operation.
susceptible to carbon laydown due to exposure to
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4 Hole Q Shape
Quadralobe 1st took the
benefit from improved shape
to offer more activity for our 57-4M
Pressure Drop
standard 3 sizes
Activity Higher
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Methanol plants
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Catalyst characteristics
KATALCOJM 23-series
Important note
The loaded density values are typical values. Depending on
reformer type, loading technique etc, actual achieved density
KATALCOJM 23-4Q may be different from these values. Also, if alternative shapes
are provided by special arrangement, the density values may
differ significantly and should be confirmed.
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Catalyst characteristics
KATALCOJM 57-series
Important note
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Catalyst characteristics
KATALCOJM 25-series
Important note
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For further information on Johnson Matthey Catalysts, contact your local sales office or visit our website at
KATALCO and QUADRALOBE are trademarks of the Johnson Matthey Group of companies. UNIDENSE is a trademark of UNIDENSE GmbH.
LOTIS is trademark of Quest Trutech Inc.