Sample Lesson Plan Format: Class: Algebra 2 Grade Level: Junior Unit: Unit Circle Teacher: Marnie Ferguson
Sample Lesson Plan Format: Class: Algebra 2 Grade Level: Junior Unit: Unit Circle Teacher: Marnie Ferguson
Sample Lesson Plan Format: Class: Algebra 2 Grade Level: Junior Unit: Unit Circle Teacher: Marnie Ferguson
Class: Algebra 2
I can identify the degree/radian measures for each quadrant of the unit circle?
Essential Question
What is the purpose of the unit circle?
After giving the students a few minutes to work through the unit circle, I
will then go over the measures to see where all of the students are at (If
students don’t answer any correctly, that is OK. We haven’t had a lesson
over it yet.)
Teaching: Activities (20 mins)
First, I will give a lecture to the class on how they can use their left hand
in order to memorize the unit circle
Ask students to hold up their left hand. Have them imagine that their hand
is the first quadrant. Students should envision that their pinky represents
0°, ring finger 30°, middle 45°, pointer 60°, and lastly that their thumb is
90°. (Explain to students that the angle measures would be the space that
is in-between each finger.)
o If easier to envision, students are able to trace their left hand on a
sheet of paper and create lines that makes these angle measures
easier to see
Let the students know which radian makes up with each finger. So, 0° ->
0, 30° -> π/6, 45° -> π/4, 60° -> π/3, and lastly 90° -> π/2.
o From this explanation, I will tell my students that regardless of
which finger is selected the number that will be present in the
denominator will be 2.
Here’s an example, say we are looking at 45°. We would then put down
our ring finger. Since there are three fingers to the left of the ring finger,
we can say that the value in the numerator will be the square root of 3/2.
o Further, this value would be the (_,_) left-hand part of the
coordinate since we are looking at the value to the left
o If we wanted to see what the value to the right is, we would say
that it is the square root of ½ because there is only one finger up to
the right of your ring finger
I will then go on to explain that the value for sine is vertical, while the
value for cosine is horizontal
o Therefore, the x value is cosine and y value is sine
In general, it is important that we know which quadrants have positive and
negative values
o Quadrant 1 – (+, +), Quadrant 2 (-, +), Quadrant 3 (-, -), Quadrant
4 (+, -)
Now that we know this, we must be aware of which values
correspond with each other
Any value that has a 3 in the denominator will
correspond with (1/2, sqrt 3/2) – you must
determine whether it’s positive or negative
depending on the quadrant (One way to remember
which number goes with which is by thinking of
this: 1+2=3. Therefore, anything with 3 in the
denominator must have 1/2 as their starting value)
Likewise, any value that has a 4 in the denominator
will correspond with (sqrt 2/2, sqrt 2/2) - you must
determine whether it’s positive or negative
depending on the quadrant (One way to remember
which number goes with which is by thinking of
this: 2+2=4. Therefore, anything with 4 in the
denominator must have sqrt 2/2 as their starting
Lastly, any value that has a 6 in the denominator
will correspond with (sqrt 3/2, ½) – you must
determine whether it’s positive or negative
depending on the quadrant (One way to remember
which number goes with which is by thinking of
this: 3*2= 6. Therefore, anything with 6 in the
denominator must have sqrt 3/2 as their starting
Round Robin Approach (15 mins)
After completing the lesson, I will then have my students take a round
robin approach. I want to be sure that my students are given time to work
with their classmates in order to have the students work through their
o In this activity, I will have my students work with the person that is
sitting next to them.
o The task will be to list off each of the degree and radian values that
are in each quadrant
(ex: students should say that quadrant two has degree
measures of 120°, 135°, 150°, 180°)
When the 10 mins expire, I will then debrief this activity. My goal is to
have a lot of time for repetition because it gives them more time to
become comfortable with the unit circle
Tiered Instructional Strategy Groups (25 mins)
Based on the level of understanding, I will again split the class up into
groups. I will differentiate the questions that will be given to each
group on the performance that has been given.
o Above Target: (These problems are more challenging because
they must go more in depth because these are in csc, sec, cot
and not sin, cos, and tan)
Given these problems:
1) Sec (120°)
2) Csc (-45°)
3) Tan (570°)
4) Cot (5π/3)
5) Cos (495°)
6) Sin (660°)
7) Cot (-120°)
8) Csc (330°)
9) Cot (225°)
10) Sec (-150°)
Talk through the process with your partners. Explain how you
got the solution for these problems in detail. Write down the
procedure that was executed.
o Below Target: Again, I will have these students look over the
radian/degree measures that are used for each quadrant (goal is
for them to just get comfortable – they will have a better
understanding as we dive deeper into the unit circle)
Practice Activity (5 mins)
I will give the students three minutes to look closer at the numbers to
see which values are where.
o After two minutes, students will fill out a blank picture of a
unit circle just to see where they are at now compared to where
they were in the beginning of class
Again, repetition is KEY
Independent Practice
Students will be given/expected to list off all of these values at the start of class. Without
being able to properly execute this, students will fall further behind because this unit adds
on to what we will be learning for the remainder of this course. (The photo that is placed
below this section will be presented at the beginning of class)
Pencil, paper, and calculator
This lesson will be 90 minutes long
Unit: Areas
I can calculate the areas of parallelograms and triangles
Essential Question
What is the purpose of finding a shapes area?
Teaching: Activities
Write-n-Pass (5 mins)
Students will be given a draw erase board where they will be able to brainstorm
ideas with one another (object of this activity is to have students review what they
already know)
o The task of this activity is to have students become more familiar with the
shapes that we will be studying
Students will take turns writing down shapes that they have studied
in previous math classes
Area of a Triangle
Area = 1/2×(b)(h)
o b=base
o h=height
There are a few different types of triangles that are seen in geometry
o Isosceles – two sides are congruent
o Equilateral – all sides are congruent
o Right triangle – two sides and angles are congruent
Measures can either be 45°, 45°, 90° or 30°, 60°, 90°
Area of a Square
Area = s²
o s=side
All sides and angles are congruent
Area of a Rectangle
Area =b×h
o b=base
o h=height
Opposite sides are congruent
Opposite angles are congruent
Area of a Parallelogram
o b=base
o h=height
Opposite sides are congruent
Opposite angles are congruent
Area of a Circle
Area= πr²
o r=radius
Area of a Rhombus
o b=base
o h=height
All four sides are congruent
Diagonals bisect vertical angles
Diagonals are perpendicular
Surface Area of Rectangular Prism
o l=length
o w=width
o h=height
Surface Area of Cube
Surface Area of Cylinder
A= πrs+ πr²
o r=radius
o s=slant height
Shape Activity (15 mins)
In order to reach students that are visual learners, I am going have my students
create shapes out of paper
o I will play this video so my students can properly execute creating a 3-D
Geometry is a difficult class for many, and allowing students to
create their own visual aids will help them tremendously
o While the students are working on this activity, I will provide them with
various side measures in order to help them with learning how to find the
o The students will create each shape that we have discussed in class thus
Think – pair – share (25 mins)
First, I am going to ask that my students look into the process that they will used
in order to solve the problems that will be presented to them. Then, I am going to
split the students up into different groups based on where they are with their
understanding on the idea of area
Practice Problems (These questions are geared towards the On Target and Above
Target individuals)
o Surface Area of Rectangular Prism
Find the surface area of a rectangular prism with a length of 7cm, a
width of 16 cm, and a height of 12 cm
o Surface Area of Cube
Find the surface area of a cube with side length of 16 cm
o Surface Area of Cylinder
Find the surface area of a cylinder with a base radius of 18 cm and
height of 24 cm
o Surface Area of a Sphere
Find the surface area of a sphere with a radius of 22.3 cm
o Surface Area of a Cone
Find the surface area of a cone with radius 13 cm and slant height
of 29 cm
Practice Problems (These questions are geared towards Below Target students)
o Area of Triangle
Find the area of the triangle with base 14 and height 8
o Area of Square
Find the area of a square with side 36
o Area of Rectangle
Find the area of a rectangle with base 4.5 and height 7.9
o Area of Circle
Find the area of a circle with a radius of 8.6
o Area of Parallelogram
Find the area of a parallelogram with base 5.67 and height 45.7
After the students answer these questions, they will consult their partners to
discuss their solutions
Independent Practice
Students will be expected to review the formulas of each surface. I will test them on
whether or not they answer the questions accurately
At the start of class, I will provide my students with a quiz that has each shape that we
went over in class today. The students must provide the formulas that are used for
calculating each area and surface area of said shapes.
White board, construction paper, markers, paper, pencil
90 minutes