15 Chakras

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The passage discusses the chakras of the fourth dimension and their corresponding energies and functions.

The 8th chakra is the seat of the soul, the 9th chakra corresponds to joy and the body of light, and the 10th chakra involves the integration of male and female energies.

The 11th chakra relates to New Age energies and trauma healing, the 12th chakra is Christ consciousness, and the 13th chakra involves manifesting, materializing, dematerializing and healing.

8 – 15 Chakras explained..

Explanation as channeled by the Ascended Master Djwal Khul

Eighth Chakra
The first chakra of the fourth dimension, and is the seat of the soul. In the third dimensional
chakras the earth designated number zero represents physical existence. It is solid and
concrete. The seat of the soul now becomes the seat of our existence, just as the earth was the
baseline for our existence in the third dimension.
Seafoam Green

Ninth Chakra
The ninth chakra corresponds to the base chakra in the third-dimensional chakra grid. The
ninth chakra corresponds to the body of light. It has to do with joy. When this chakra is
activated the body of light is now in your cellular and sub-cellular structure

Tenth Chakra
The tenth chakra is associated with the polarity chakra in the third dimension. It has to do
with the integration of polarities—the proper integration of male and female within self. This
chakra actually starts functioning when the male and female energies are in total balance.
This is experienced as a state of effortlessness, and alignment with one’s soul.

Eleventh Chakra
This is the chakra of the New Age energies. It corresponds with the solar plexus chakra in the
third dimensional chakras, connecting the third chakra to the eleventh chakra allows us to
diminish the present and past life trauma stored in the third chakra. The eleventh chakra
energy feeling will be like a wave, and it will move through your body and out again without
staying in the body or without attaching itself to an area of misperception.
Pink Orange

Twelfth Chakra
The twelfth chakra is the Christ consciousness, which is a transformational energy that
connects all energy forms. It is associated with the heart chakra in the third-dimensional
chakra grid.
Shimmering Gold
Thirteenth Chakra
This Thirteenth chakra has to do with the manifesting of vibratory communication. This is the
chakra that is used in materializing and dematerializing things. It is also the chakra used in
teleportation. This chakra is also used for healing.
Violet Pink

Fourteenth Chakra
The fourteenth chakra has to do with the Divine Plan. It allows the mental mind to surrender.
The fourteenth chakra is saying that you are allowing the Divine Plan to show you the way
without reviewing or evaluating from your mental thought beliefs. This chakra corresponds to
the third eye in the third-dimensional chakra system. It is bringing clairvoyance into the
fourth dimension. It is beginning to activate your unlimitedness.
Deep Blue Violet

Fifteenth Chakra
The fifteenth chakra has to do with your Monadic connection. It corresponds to the crown
chakra in the third-dimensional chakras. The seventh chakra is your spiritual connection.
With the fifteenth chakra your new spiritual connection is to the Monadic level. At the fifth
initiation we become merged with the Monad. This brings us to the doorway of ascension.
When this chakra is operating it is saying that the structure of your soul is stable enough to
handle the energy and the scope of the information coming from the monadic level.
Light Golden White

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