Amwell Standard Protocol V2.02!14!11 - 11
Amwell Standard Protocol V2.02!14!11 - 11
Amwell Standard Protocol V2.02!14!11 - 11
Change Version Change Record Date
V1.00 Build file
by George
V1.01 Add parking overtime with time
By George
Change sign in to illegal ignition and add illegal ignition 2008-10-23
alarm By George
V1.10 Add user define alarm bit in alarm info
By George
Change fatigue drive alarm mode, add clear value for 2009-3-16
V1.20 illegal ignition alarm , add penetrate transmit data for By George
serial 2-7
V1.28 Add acc status in 0x82 packet
By JGShi
V1.41 Add remote update result upload A5 command.
By George
V2.00 Format change and add protocol for new functions in 108
By liven
V2.01 Add 8E data description
By Liven
Add command 0x71, 0xA3, 0xD3,0xD4,0xD9,0xDA, 2013.06-15
0xDB, 0xDC, Appendix1 Position Data. By Wayne
AMWELL GPS Tracker GPRS Communication Standard Protocol
I Command Format..........................................................................................4
II Command List..............................................................................................5
III Command Details........................................................................................6
1. Login – 0xB1...................................................................................................6
2. Login/Server Confirmation – 0x21.....................................................................6
3. One time track on demand – 0x30....................................................................6
4. One time track on demand reply – 0x81............................................................7
5. Tracking by Interval (Acc_On) – 0x34...............................................................7
6. Tracking by Interval (Acc_Off) – 0x70...............................................................7
7. Track by Distance – 0x35.................................................................................8
8. Position Data Upload (by Interval, distance) – 0x80...........................................8
9. Blind Area Data re-Upload – 0x8E.....................................................................8
10. Over speed Alarm Set – 0x3F...........................................................................9
11. Movement Alarm – 0xC7..................................................................................9
12. Stop Engine (Remote Immobilize) – 0x39..........................................................9
13. Recover Engine (Disable Immobilize) – 0x38.....................................................9
14. Listen in (Voice Monitoring) – 0x3E.................................................................10
15. Set Geo-Fencing – 0x46.................................................................................10
16. Cancel Geo-Fencing – 0x47.............................................................................11
17. Inquiry GEO Fencing – 0x48...........................................................................11
18. Send Dispatch Info – 0x3A.............................................................................11
19. Delete Mileage – 0x66....................................................................................12
20. Alarm Info – 0x82..........................................................................................12
21. Cancel Alarm – 0x37......................................................................................12
22. Set GPRS Parameters – 0xC1..........................................................................13
23. Set Server IP and Port In Device – 0x69..........................................................13
24. Set Reply – 0x85............................................................................................13
25. Illegal Ignition Set -0xC6................................................................................14
26. Device Factory Reset – 0xC3...........................................................................14
27. Set Vehicle Idle Alarm – 0x4B.........................................................................15
28. Check Device Version – 0x3D..........................................................................15
29. Check Device Version Reply – 0x84.................................................................15
30. Get Current Address – 0xA8............................................................................16
31. Get Current Address Reply – 0x72...................................................................16
32. Remote Update Firmware – 0xD2....................................................................16
33. Remote Update Firmware Result – 0xA5..........................................................17
34. Camera Related Command – 0x28/0x65/0x26/0xAB.........................................17
35. Temperature alarm set – 0x71........................................................................17
36. Peripheral data info upload –0xA3...................................................................18
37. Fuel level sensor Parameter Set – 0xD3...........................................................18
38. Real-time tracking by Interval – 0xD4.............................................................19
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AMWELL GPS Tracker GPRS Communication Standard Protocol
compensation by angle – 0xD9...............................................................................19
40. Fatigue driving alarm set – 0xDA....................................................................20
41. Over Speed alarm and trig-time set – 0xDB.....................................................20
42. Device odometer value set – 0xDC..................................................................21
Appendix 1 Position Data................................................................................22
Appendix 2 Alarm Data...................................................................................25
Appendix 3 peripheral data.............................................................................26
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AMWELL GPS Tracker GPRS Communication Standard Protocol
I Command Format
1. Do not input ‘<’ and ‘>’ in the command content.
2. All Muti-byte data complies with the following sequence: High byte prior to
the low byte (Big Endian).
3. The size of one location data packet is about 50 bytes.
Item Specification
)) 2bytes. It is header for all correct packets. ‘))’ is ASCII code, in
hex code it is 0x29 0x29.
Command 1 byte. It is in hex code, every packet have one and only
command word. For detail, please refer to Part II Command
L 2 bytes. It means the length from Length byte (not include
length byte) to packet end, include the end byte. It is in hex
ID 4bytes. It is in hex code. Every device has one and only ID, It
is calculate from the device SN.
For example: Suppose the device SN is: 29800298
Divide into 4 parts: 29 80 02 98
Convert to hex: 1D 50 02 62
Add 0x80 to 2 ,3 part: 1D D0 82 62
nd rd
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AMWELL GPS Tracker GPRS Communication Standard Protocol
II Command List
Command Page
1. Login – 0xB1.............................................................................................6
2. Login/Server Confirmation – 0x21...............................................................6
3. Track on Demand – 0x30...........................................................................6
4. Track on Demand Reply – 0x81..................................................................7
5. Track by Interval (motion) – 0x34...............................................................7
6. Track by Interval (motionless) – 0x70.........................................................7
7. Track by Distance – 0x35...........................................................................8
8. Position Data Upload (by Interval, distance) – 0x80.....................................8
9. Blind Area Data re-Upload – 0x8E...............................................................8
10. Over speed Alarm Set – 0x3F.....................................................................9
11. Movement Alarm – 0xC7............................................................................9
12. Stop Engine (Remote Immobilize) – 0x39....................................................9
13. Recover Engine (Disable Immobilize) – 0x38...............................................9
14. Listen in (Voice Monitoring) – 0x3E...........................................................10
15. Set Geo-Fencing – 0x46...........................................................................10
16. Cancel Geo-Fencing – 0x47......................................................................11
17. Inquiry GEO Fencing – 0x48.....................................................................11
18. Send Dispatch Info – 0x3A.......................................................................11
19. Delete Mileage – 0x66..............................................................................12
20. Alarm Info – 0x82....................................................................................12
21. Cancel Alarm – 0x37................................................................................12
22. Set GPRS Parameters – 0xC1....................................................................13
23. Set Server IP and Port In Device – 0x69....................................................13
24. Set Reply – 0x85......................................................................................13
25. Illegal Ignition Set -0xC6..........................................................................14
26. Device Factory Reset – 0xC3.....................................................................14
27. Set Vehicle Idle Alarm – 0x4B...................................................................15
28. Check Device Version – 0x3D....................................................................15
29. Check Device Version Reply – 0x84...........................................................15
30. Get Current Address – 0xA8......................................................................16
31. Get Current Address Reply – 0x72.............................................................16
32. Remote Update Firmware – 0xD2.............................................................16
33. Remote Update Firmware Result – 0xA5....................................................17
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AMWELL GPS Tracker GPRS Communication Standard Protocol
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AMWELL GPS Tracker GPRS Communication Standard Protocol
1. Login – 0xB1
Command: ))<0xB1><L><ID><reserved><Checksum><\r>
After your device installed properly, device will send this
packet to server for login. It will send every 30s, like heart
Description: beat.It must be reply, If server does not give reply (see Login
confirmation ᄃ ), device will keep send this packet without any
other packet; after get reply, other commands start work.
Example: 29 29 B1 00 07 0A 9F 95 38 0C 82 0D
In example, the ID is 0A9F9538, change to device SN, it is 10312156.
Note: In <content> part 0x0C, we keep it as future use; do not have certain meaning
Command: ))<0x30><L><ID><Checksum><\r>
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AMWELL GPS Tracker GPRS Communication Standard Protocol
This command will get current location data when you send,
Description: and device only upload location data once. About the device
reply, See Reply.
Example: 29 29 30 00 06 0A 9F 95 38 0E 0D
This command used when you want track manually, you can
send this command from software platform to device.
Command: ))<0x34><L><ID><Parameter><Checksum><\r>
This is command for setting device upload by time interval
when ACC on. Our device default upload interval is 30s, you
can change or set it with this command, the content of
Description: <parameter> part is interval, and unit is second, in hex code.
After receive this command, device will give Set Reply. And
the packet send by interval to server see Position Data
Example: 29 29 34 00 08 0A 9F 95 38 00 1E 1A 0D
In this example, the interval is 001E, In decimal it is 30, so
this command will set the device upload with interval 30s.
Command: ))<0x70><L><ID><Parameter><Checksum><\r>
Description: This is command for setting device upload by time interval
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AMWELL GPS Tracker GPRS Communication Standard Protocol
when ACC off. Our device default upload interval is 30s, you
can change or set it with this command, the content of
<parameter> part is interval, and unit is second, in hex code.
After receive this command, device will give Set Reply. And
the packet send by interval to server see Position Data
Example: 29 29 70 00 08 0A 9F 95 38 00 1E 5E 0D
In this example, the interval is 001E, In decimal it is 30, so
this command will set the device upload with interval 30s.
Command: ))<0x35><L><ID><Parameter><Checksum><\r>
This command set device upload when moving a certain
distance. In default device have close this function, use this
command to change the upload rule to distance interval. The
Description: content of <parameter> part is distance interval; the unit of it
is meter, in hex code. After receive this command device will
send Set Reply, And the packet send by interval to server
see Position Data Upload.
Example: 29 29 35 00 08 0A 9F 95 38 00 64 61 0D
In this example, the interval is 0064, in decimal it is 100, the
device will upload with interval 100m.
Command: ))<0x80><L><ID><data><Checksum><\r>
This packet is send from device to server, send by interval set
to device. In default, our device will send this packet every
30s after login. About the <data> description, please see
Appendix 1 Positon data.
29 29 80 00 28 0A 81 85 0A 12 03 10 09 57 50 00 52 81 37 00 61 19 08 00 00
02 32 F8 48 FF BB FF FF 00 00 00 1E 00 00 00 00 00 00 ED 0D
Note: The data between <ID> and <Checksum> is Position data.
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AMWELL GPS Tracker GPRS Communication Standard Protocol
9. Blind Area
Command: ))<0x8E><L><ID><data><Checksum><\r>
This packet is send from device to server, send by interval set
to device. In default, our device will send this packet every
30s after login. About the <data> description, please see
Appendix 1 Positon data.
29 29 8E 00 28 0F 80 81 5A 12 12 18 20 31 16 02 23 18 46 11 40 22 70 00 72
02 62 FB 00 07 7C 7F BF 56 00 00 1E 3C 32 00 00 00 00 85 0D
Note: The data between <ID> and <Checksum> is Position data.
Command: ))<0x3F><L><ID><Parameter><Checksum><\r>
This packet sent form server to device. It set a speed limit to
device, when device speed up to or bigger than the limit,
Description: device will give a over speed alarm. About the alarm content,
please see the Alarm Info. The unit for <parameter> is
Example: 29 29 3F 00 07 0A 9F 95 38 32 Checksum(Xor) 0D
In this command, the <parameter> is 0x32=50, means the
speed limit is 50km/h.
Command: ))<0xC7><L><ID><Parameter><Checksum><\r>
This command is send from server to device, to set a circle
area. When device go out of the circle, it will give a move
alarm. The unit of <parameter> is 10 meters. The reply for
command, please see Set Reply.
Example: 29 29 C7 00 07 0A 9F 95 38 0F F7 0D
In this example, the parameter is 0F=15, so the radum is 150
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AMWELL GPS Tracker GPRS Communication Standard Protocol
Command: ))<0x39><L><ID><Checksum><\r>
This command send from server to device, when receive this
command , device will give output control signal, normally we
use it control vehicle oil pump, user’s can use it control other
part of vehicle by this control output. The reply for this
command, please see Set Reply. Command for recover
please sees Recover Engine.
Example: 29 29 39 00 06 0A 9F 95 38 07 0D
This command will have physical operations to user’s
Note: Car, please make two confirmation for this function in
software, to make sure operations to car is safe.
Command: ))<0x38><L><ID><Checksum><\r>
This command is undo action for command Stop Engine.
Device gives Set Reply after this command.
Example: 29 29 38 00 06 0A 9F 95 38 06 0D
This command will cancel the stop engine status in position
data, and write 0x38 in V8 part.
Command: ))<0x3E><L><ID><Parameter><Checksum><\r>
This command will request device make a one-way telephone
to the number in <parameter> part. Parameter part use
compressed BCD code. Device gives Set Reply for this
Example: 29 29 3E 00 0D 0A 9F 95 38 07 55 61 52 45 81 FF 51 0D
Note: For <parameter> part, it use Compressed BCD code to
express telephone number, if the length of the telephone
number is a odd number, need add F in the end, for example:
number 13590251897 should express as: 13 59 02 51 89 7F;
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AMWELL GPS Tracker GPRS Communication Standard Protocol
Command: ))<0x46><L><ID><Parameter><Checksum><\r>
This command will set Geo-Fences to device (only supported
Description: by 103/108/269). Device checks if Geo-Fence alarm triggered.
Device give Set Reply to this command.
29 29 46 00 3D 0A 9F 95 38 03 02 23 39 95 11 35 88 69 02 23 21 23 11 40 15
Example: 84 00 00 02 23 18 95 11 40 27 79 02 23 09 81 11 40 43 03 01 00 02 23 28 84
11 40 36 03 02 23 23 51 11 40 56 22 02 00 6C 0D
In example, it have set 3 Geo-fences, the meaning of the
parameters shows below:
03 //Geo-fences quantities, in this example have 3 Areas.
02 23 39 95 //1st Geo-Fence. Latitude for upper left corner
It is 22°33.995′
11 35 88 69 //1st Geo-Fence. Longitude for upper left corner
It is 113°58.869′
02 23 21 23 //1st Geo-Fence. Latitude for lower right corner
It is 22°32.123′
11 40 15 84 //1st Geo-Fence. Longitude for lower right corner
It is 114°1.584′
00 //Geo-Fence number, 1st one start with 00
00 //Alarm type, 0x00 means in region alarm
0x01 means out region alarm
0x02 means alarm when both in/out alarm
0x03 means forbidden alarm
02 23 18 95 //2nd Geo-Fence. Latitude for upper left corner
11 40 27 79 //2nd Geo-Fence. Longitude for upper left corner
02 23 09 81 //2nd Geo-Fence. Latitude for lower right corner
11 40 43 03 //2nd Geo-Fence. Longitude for lower right corner
01 //Geo-Fence number, 2nd one.
00 //Alarm types. 0x00 means in region alarm.
02 23 28 84 //3rd Geo-Fence. Latitude for upper left corner
11 40 36 03 //3rd Geo-Fence. Longitude for upper left corner
02 23 23 51 //3rd Geo-Fence. Latitude for lower right corner
11 40 56 22 //3rd Geo-Fence. Longitude for lower right corner
02 //Geo-Fence number, 3rd one.
00 //Alarm type, 0x00 means in region alarm.
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AMWELL GPS Tracker GPRS Communication Standard Protocol
Fencing – 0x47
Command: ))<0x47><L><ID><Checksum><\r>
This command sends from server to device. It will delete all
the Geo-Fences set in device.
Example: 29 29 47 00 06 0A 9F 95 38 79 0D
Note: Device sends Set Reply to server after this command.
Command: ))<0x48><L><ID><Checksum><\r>
This command sends from server to device. Device will reply
Geo-Fences set in device.
Example: 29 29 48 00 06 0A 9F 95 38 76 0D
Note: Device reply 0x94 packet.
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AMWELL GPS Tracker GPRS Communication Standard Protocol
Command: ))<0x66><L><ID><Checksum><\r>
This command sends from server to device. It will clear the
mileage calculated by your device, and restart from 0.
Example: 29 29 66 00 06 0A 9F 95 38 58 0D
Note: Device will give Set Reply after this command.
Command: ))<0x82><L><ID><Data><Checksum><\r>
This command sends from device to server. It is alarm data,
Description: this packet need deal with in the first class. This command
words is for important and emergency situation.
29 29 82 00 23 0A A2 CC 39 12 05 03 05 05 22 02 85 94 79
Example: 03 10 95 50 00 80 02 07 84 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 00
00 00 75 0D
About the instruction for the <data> the parse shows
below: 12 05 03 05 05 22 02 85 94 79 03 10 95 50 00
80 02 07 84 00 00 this 21 byte data check in section
Appendix 1 Position Data please;
Note: 00 02 00 this part is alarm status data, please check the
instruction in section Appendix 2 Alarm Data; for this
example, it is over speed alarm happens.
00 00 00 00 00 this part is alarm parameters data, please
check the instruction in section Appendix 2 Alarm Data;
Command: ))<0x37><L><ID><Checksum><\r>
This command is sends from server to device, it will clear the
alarm status in device, and the alarm status will clear to 0.
And it only be reset when alarm status happens again.
Device will reply Set Reply after this command.
Example: 29 29 37 00 06 0A 9F 95 38 09 0D
Note: This command only clear the alarm status happens before, if
the alarm status is continuously, like overspeed alarm, if you
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AMWELL GPS Tracker GPRS Communication Standard Protocol
Command: ))<0xC1><L><ID><Parameter><Checksum><\r>
This command sends from server to device. It will change
Description: current APN, APN User,APN Password set in device. Devices
reply Set Reply after this command.
29 29 C1 00 17 0A 9F 95 38 22 43 4D 4E 45 54 2C 67 70 72
73 2C 67 70 72 73 22 BF 0D
The parameter part is in ASCII code, in example:
Note: 22 43 4D 4E 45 54 2C 67 70 72 73 2C 67 70 72 73 22
Command: ))<0x69><L><ID><Parameter><Checksum><\r>
This command sends from server to device. It will change
Description: current server IP and PORT set in device. Device reply Set
Reply after this command.
29 29 69 00 1C 0A 9F 95 38 22 31 32 31 2E 30 33 37 2E 30
35 39 2E 32 31 37 22 2C 37 37 37 37 41 0D
Parameter part is in ASCII code. In the example, the
<parameter> part: 22 31 32 31 2E 30 33 37 2E 30 35 39
2E 32 31 37 22 2C 37 37 37 37
means: ””,7777
The IP data head and tail contain a double quotation marks.
Command: ))<0x85><L><ID><Data><Checksum><\r>
This package sends from device to server, for reply most of
the commands send from server to device. It will put the
Description: command words of packet it reply for in the last byte of
<data> part. The detail description of <Data> part please
find in Appendix 1 Position Data.
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AMWELL GPS Tracker GPRS Communication Standard Protocol
29 29 85 00 08 1D D0 8C 22 12 03 12 17 40 26 02 65 45 71
Example: 03 12 54 17 00 00 00 00 F8 19 C8 39 FF FF 1D 00 00
1E 00 50 00 00 00 3A F9 0D
In this example, the last byte of <Data> part is 0x3A, so it is
a reply packet for Send Dispatch Info.
Command: ))<0xC6><L><ID><Parameter><Checksum><\r>
This command sends from server to device. It will define time
period when vehicle can’t be started, if detect the device
Description: started in forbidden time period; device will give an alarm
Illegal Ignition. Every device can set 10 time period in device.
Device give Set Reply after receive this command.
29 29 C6 00 13 0A 9F 95 38 01 0C 01 01 01 14 00 0C 0C 1F
00 17 3B C0 0D
In this example, the <parameter> part should be parse like
01 // the serial number of time period, from 0x01~0x0A.
0C 01 01 01 14 00 // this is start time. First byte 0x0C is
year, system need add 2000 to this part, so the value range
of year is 2000~2255, so 0x0C means 2012; second byte
0x00 is for month, value range is 01~0C, in example 0x01
means JAN; the third byte 0x01 is day, value range is 01~1F;
the fourth byte 0x01 means week, value range is 1~7, 7
means Sunday; the fifth byte means hour, value range is
0~17h, 0x14 means 20:00; the last byte is min, value range is
0C 0C 1F 06 17 3B // this is end time, define is the same
with start time.
When set year month week day set to 0, means device do not
check that part, just check time.
Command: ))<0xC3><L><ID><Checksum><\r>
Description: This command sends from server to device, command will
recover all the settings except IP/PORT/APN/APN user/APN
password to device include time interval, over speed setting,
and mileage and so on to factory set. Device give Set Reply
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AMWELL GPS Tracker GPRS Communication Standard Protocol
Command: ))<0x4B><L><ID><Parameter><Checksum><\r>
This command sends from server to device, it will set a time
during to device, if device detect that the vehicle is engine on
and speed<10km/h for the time during set or longer, device
will send a vehicle Idle alarm. You can find the alarm packet
in Alarm Info, and find alarm status instruct in Appendix 2
Alarm data.
Example: 29 29 4B 00 07 0A 9F 95 38 14 60 0D
The parameter unit is minute, in this example, 0x14 means 20
Command: ))<0x3D><L><ID><Checksum><\r>
This command sends from server to device, to check the
Description: firmware version of device. Device will reply 0x84 to this
Example: 29 29 3D 00 06 0A 9F 95 38 03 0D
This command is for firmware version check only. For some
Note: basic mode of tracker like 101A, old version of firmware may
do not support this command.
Command: ))<0x84><L><ID><Data><Checksum><\r>
This command is reply for firmware check, send from device
Description: to server. <Data> part is firmware version of this device, in
ASCII code.
Example: 29 29 84 00 31 0A A2 8A 07 54 33 36 30 2D 31 30 33 41 57
28 47 54 4D 29 56 32 2E 30 31 20 40 20 53 65 70 20
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AMWELL GPS Tracker GPRS Communication Standard Protocol
32 33 20 32 30 31 31 20 31 32 3A 34 38 3A 31 38 CF
In this example, the firmware version of this device is :
T360-103AW(GTM)V2.01 @ Sept. 23 2011 12:48:18
Command: ))<0xA8><L><ID><Data><Checksum><\r>
This command is used when customer need to get detail
address, like building, street, city. With our 101A and 101E
device. Customer can send SMS command: AS1234WHERE1#
to device, device sends this command to server to require
address from server. About the reply please see Get Current
Address Reply.
29 29 A8 00 28 0A A2 8A 07 12 03 12 17 40 26 02 65 45 71
Example: 03 12 54 17 00 00 00 00 F8 19 C8 39 FF FF 1D 00 00
1E 00 50 00 00 00 00 95 0D
The <Data> part is current position data, you can check the
instruct about it in Appendix1 Position Data.
Command: ))<0x72><L><ID><Data><Checksum><\r>
This command is reply for address requirement 0xA8, the
address is <Data> part, coding in Unicode. Device will get the
<Data> part of address and send SMS to the customers
mobile phone who require the address.
29 29 72 00 5B 0A A2 8A 07 00 00 54 00 65 00 6D 00 61 00
20 00 2D 00 20 00 53 00 61 00 64 00 66 00 61 00 2C
00 20 00 53 00 61 00 6C 00 61 00 6D 00 6F 00 75 00
6E 00 2C 00 20 00 4D 00 61 00 72 00 6B 00 61 00 7A
00 20 00 54 00 61 00 6D 00 61 00 2C 00 20 7D 22 54
C8 67 70 57 C3 53 CA 89 0D
In this example, the address get from server is :
Tema – Sadfa, Salamoun, Markaz Tema, 索哈杰埃及
Command: ))<0xD2><L><ID><Data><Checksum><\r>
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AMWELL GPS Tracker GPRS Communication Standard Protocol
Command: ))<0xA5><L><ID><Data><Checksum><\r>
This command is uploading by device. After firmware update,
device will upload this packet to software, to show update
Description: successful or not. The flag for successful is in the last byte of
<Data> part, when it is 0x00, it means update successful, if it
is not 0x00, means update failed.
29 29 A5 00 28 0A A2 8A 07 12 03 12 17 40 26 02 65 45 71
Example: 03 12 54 17 00 00 00 00 F8 19 C8 39 FF FF 1D 00 00
1E 00 50 00 00 00 00 98 0D
The <Data > part is position data, the last byte of it is 0x00,
Note: it is V8 of position data. In this command it means update
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Command: ))<0x71><L><ID><Parameter><Checksum><\r>
This command is used to configure the temperature abnormal
Description: alarm parameter.
Device reply by command 0x85, and set data field V8=0x71
to indicate ACK.
Remark: Only connected temperature sensor will have this
function. Default enable.
Command: ))<0XA3><L><ID><Parameter><Checksum><\r>
This packet will be send from device to server by set interval
time to replace the command packet 0x80 when device has
connected peripheral unit like fuel tank sensor, temperature
sensor etc. Anyway, this packet equal 0x80 packet, but added
peripheral sensor data.
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Command: ))<0xD3><L><ID><Data><Checksum><\r>
This command is used to configure the fuel sensor parameter
Description: to the device from server.
Note: Byte5: used to indicate the fuel sensor type, 0x00 means
using vehicle original fuel sensor, 0x01 means using external
fuel sensor.
Device reply by command 0x85, and set data field V8=0xD3
to indicate ACK.
Remark: Only T360-108 device support. Default enable.
Command: ))<0xD4><L><ID><Parameter><Checksum><\r>
This command is used to configure the real-time tracking
Description: parameter.
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Device reply by command 0x85, and set data field V8=0xD4
to indicate ACK.
Command: ))<0xD9><L><ID><Parameter><Checksum><\r>
This command is used to configure the tracking compensation
of angle parameter.
Description: When vehicle make a turn more than this angle value, device
will upload one location info.
Device reply by command 0x85, and set data field V8=0xD9
to indicate ACK.
Command: ))<0xDA><L><ID><Parameter><Checksum><\r>
This command is used to configure the fatigue driving alarm
Description: parameter.
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Device reply by command 0x85, and set data field V8=0xDA
to indicate ACK.
Command: ))<0xDB><L><ID><Parameter><Checksum><\r>
This command is used to configure the over speed and trig-
time limit val.
Example: 29 29 DB 00 09 0A 9F 95 38 Byte1 Byte2 Byte3 Xor 0D
Byte1: Over speed value limit, unit km/h.
Device reply by command 0x85, and set data field V8=0xDB
to indicate ACK.
Only T360-108 device support this command.
Command: ))<0xDC><L><ID><Parameter><Checksum><\r>
Description: This command is used to set the device odometer value.
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AMWELL GPS Tracker GPRS Communication Standard Protocol
Device reply by command 0x85, and set data field V8=0xDC
to indicate ACK.
There have 2 kinds of Position data, one is for normal position data, and another
is for alarm data (such as 0x82).
1. ymdhms wwww jjjj ssff st lichen1 lichen2 lichen3 st1st2st3st4 v1v2v3v4v5v6v7v8
Ex: 12 03 12 17 40 26 02 65 45 71 03 12 54 17 00 00 00 00 F8 19 C8 39 FF FF 1D 00 00 1E 00 50 00 00 00
2. ymdhms wwww jjjj ssff p load sign (for alarm packet)
Ex: 12 05 03 05 05 22 02 85 94 79 03 10 95 50 00 80 02 07 84 00 00
From the format, we can see that these 2 kinds of data have same part: ymdhms
wwww jjjj ssfffst, and different parts: lichen1 lichen2 lichen3 st1st2st3st4
v1v2v3v4v5v6v7v8 and load sign.
Will describe it in 3 parts:
I. instruct for ymdhms wwww jjjj ssff
Field Name Length(Byte) Content Note
Datetime 6 ymdhms Date range: Year, 2000-2099; Month 1-
12 03 12 17 40 26 12; Day, 1-31;
Time range: Hour, 00-23; Min, 00-59;
Second, 00-59.
Hour/min/second use compressed BCD
For example: 12 03 12 17 40 26 means
2012-3-12 17:40:26
Latitude 4 wwww Latitude range: 00°00.000′~89°59.999′.
02 65 45 71 Use compressed BCD code, But the
highest bit is sign bit. “Positive” Means
“North Latitude”, “negitive” means “south
latitude”; The Unit for ′ is 0.001′
For example: South latitude
30°37.901′express as: 83H, 03H, 79H,
02 65 45 71 means: north latitude
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AMWELL GPS Tracker GPRS Communication Standard Protocol
19 C8 39 means 1689657m
Status 4 st1st2st3st4 bit St1 St2 St3 St4
FF FF 1D 00 D7 1 acc off 1 normal 1 Fatigue 1 output(1)
0 normal
0 normal
D2 1 fuel pump not cut1 user define (5) 1 forbid dial out
CSQ value:
0 fuel pump cut. no alarm 0 allow dial out
0 alarm happen
0 alarm happen
0 alarm happen
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AMWELL GPS Tracker GPRS Communication Standard Protocol
In alarm info packet, there have 8 bytes of data to describe the alarm status and
alarm parameters. For example: 29 29 82 00 23 0A A2 CC 39 12 05 03 05 05 22
02 85 94 79 03 10 95 50 00 80 02 07 84 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 00
75 0D. The part 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 is what we will describe in this part.
About the 8 bytes of data, first 3 bytes for alarm status and 5 bytes for alarm
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AMWELL GPS Tracker GPRS Communication Standard Protocol
Sign up status 1 sign Use compress BCD code, 1=sign in; 0=sign
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AMWELL GPS Tracker GPRS Communication Standard Protocol
Appendix 3
peripheral data
All KLV data length 2 The data length of all KLV list.
KLV data list N KLV list, see Peripheral data KLV list as follow.
0x01 N Reserve.
0x02 N Reserve.
RFID action info: Byte1(0:sign off, 1:sign on) + Byte2~Byte11(ascii string, filling
0x03 11
0x00 to the remaining bytes when less than 10 bytes).
0x04 N Reserve.
0x05 N Reserve.
0x06 N Reserve.
0x07 N Reserve.
0x08 N Reserve.
0x09 3
0x0A N Reserve.
0x0B N Reserve.
0x0C N Reserve.
Temperature value. Bit15: signed mark, Bit0-14: value. The unit is 0.1 ℃.
0x0D 2
For example: 0x000A = 1℃, 0x800A=-1℃.
0x0E 1 Fuel tank level percent: 0-100%.
0x0F N Reserve.
0x10 N Reserve.
0x11 N Reserve.
MIFARE Card/iButton:
Sign status(1BYTE)+CARD NO.(n BYTE,ASCII)
0x16 N+1 Explain:
0x00 sign in start+CARD NO.(n BYTE,ASCII)
0x01 sign in status+CARD NO.(n BYTE,ASCII)
0X02 sign out+CARD NO.(n BYTE,ASCII)
KLV structure frame:
K(1byte): the key id of the data part.
L(1byte): the length of the data part of V.
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