Akt Memorial College of Engineering and Technology B.E, Model Exam, October-2017 Fifth Semester, (Regulation 2013) Ce 6503 - Environmental Engineering-I
Akt Memorial College of Engineering and Technology B.E, Model Exam, October-2017 Fifth Semester, (Regulation 2013) Ce 6503 - Environmental Engineering-I
Akt Memorial College of Engineering and Technology B.E, Model Exam, October-2017 Fifth Semester, (Regulation 2013) Ce 6503 - Environmental Engineering-I
Part-A 10 x2=20
Part-B 5 x13=65
11 (a) (i) Following in the population data of a town as per the past csus made. Find the water demand of the town
during the year 2031, taking the water supply as 200lpcd. Adopt i. Geometric increase ii. Incremental
increase method.
(b) (i). Explain physical, chemical and biological (Microbial) characteristics of water. (8)
(ii ). Write the drinking water quality standards as per BIS (5)
12 . (a). Explain and draw a neat sketch for different types of intake structures? (13)
(b). Explain &draw a neat sketch of reciprocating pump & air vessels.? (13)
13.(a). Draw a neat sketch of a rapid gravity filter and describe how it works. What are its advantages over
(b) (i). Explain the various unit operations &unit processes involved in water treatment. (8)
14 (a) (i). Describe the procedure for removal of iron & manganese from removal of raw water supplies in rural
areas. (8)
(b ). With neat sketches explain desalination by electro dialysis method and RO process (13)
15.(a). Explain and neat sketch of lay out of water distribution system & advantages and disadvantages? (13)
(b).(i) Explain and neat sketch of pipe fittings & systems of supplying water to house connection.? (8)
(ii). Explain laying of mains and pipes on site &leakage detection, prevention ? (5)
Part-C (1 x15=15)
16. (a). A new township is to have a population of 5, 00,000 and 90 LPCD of water supply. Design a rapid sand filter
unit with details of under drainage and water washing including gutter arrangement. Limit the maximum spent
backwash water as 3.5%. (13)
(b). Explain laying, jointing and testing of pipes with the neat diagrams. (13)