Shimoni Liv Ny 1998

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Inorg. Chem.

1998, 37, 1853-1867 1853

Lone Pair Functionality in Divalent Lead Compounds

Liat Shimoni-Livny,† Jenny P. Glusker,*,† and Charles W. Bock†,‡

The Institute for Cancer Research, Fox Chase Cancer Center, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19111, and
The Philadelphia College of Textiles and Science, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19144
ReceiVed July 24, 1997

The role of the lone pair of electrons of Pb(II) in determining the coordination geometry is analyzed from
crystallographic studies and ab initio molecular orbital optimizations. Of particular interest are factors that contribute
to the disposition of ligands around the lead with geometries that are (1) holodirected, in which the bonds to
ligand atoms are distributed throughout the surface of an encompassing globe, and (2) hemidirected, in which the
bonds to ligand atoms are directed throughout only part of an encompassing globe, i.e., there is an identifiable
void in the distribution of bonds to the ligands. The preferred coordination numbers for lead were found to be
4 for Pb(IV) and 4 and 6 for Pb(II). All Pb(IV) structures in the CSD have a holodirected coordination geometry.
Pb(II) compounds are hemidirected for low coordination numbers (2-5) and holodirected for high coordination
numbers (9, 10), but for intermediate coordination numbers (6-8), examples of either type of stereochemistry
are found. Ab initio molecular orbital studies of gas-phase Pb(II) complexes show that a hemidirected geometry
is favored if the ligand coordination number is low, the ligands are hard, and there are attractive interactions
between the ligands. In such complexes, the lone pair orbital has p character and fewer electrons are transferred
from the ligands to the bonding orbitals of Pb(II), resulting in bonds that are more ionic. A holodirected geometry
is favored when the coordination number is high and the ligands are soft and bulky or show strong interligand
repulsion. The lone pair orbital has little or no p character when the geometry is holodirected, and the bonds are
more covalent than in the hemidirected structures. The energy cost of converting a hemidirected to a constrained
holodirected structure is of the order 8-12 kcal/mol in the absence of strong interligand interactions.

Introduction circular dichroism studies have indicated that Pb(II) has an

overall stabilizing effect when it interacts with double-helical
Lead is an environmental pollutant with severe toxic effects.
DNA.7 By contrast, interactions of Pb(II) with RNA under
It has had important industrial uses in paints and in the
biological conditions result in hydrolysis of the nucleic acid
construction of storage batteries. The mining of its ores for
(with strand breakage), as in the case of yeast phenylalanine
these purposes has led to significant atmospheric contamination.
tRNA,8,9 in which cleavage by millimolar concentrations of Pb-
Poisoning by divalent lead, Pb(II), occurs as children nibble
(II) occurs mainly in the D-loop.10-13 Pb(II) depolymerizes
lead-containing paint or people drink from improperly lead-
RNA faster than any other metal ion,14 and, because RNA but
glazed utensils.1 In its tetravalent state, Pb(IV), it was also used
not DNA is degraded in this way, the 2′-hydroxyl group is
in gasoline because of the octane-improving (antiknock) char-
apparently involved in the reaction; it is presumed that a cyclic
acteristics of tetraethyllead which enabled manufacturers to use
phosphate intermediate is formed when the 2′-hydroxyl group
higher compression on the cylinders, thereby obtaining a higher
attacks the phosphorus atom. As a result, the phosphodiester
efficiency.2 Tetraethyllead, however, also caused significant
P-O bond is broken.15
pollution and continues to do so in countries that still permit
its use. Treatment involves various chelating agents, but these Pb(II) inhibits the synthesis of hemoglobin, causing anemia.
are usually nonspecific and relatively toxic.3 One site of action is the enzyme porphobilinogen synthase
The interaction of divalent lead with biological materials has (PBGS), a ZnII-metalloenzyme involved in heme biosynthesis.16-24
been studied extensively. It appears that in this oxidation state
lead binds preferentially to thiol and phosphate groups in nucleic (7) Gasiorowski, K.; Swiatek, J.; Kozlowski, H. Inorg. Chim. Acta 1985,
106, L1-L5.
acids, proteins, and cell membranes.4-6 Polarographic and (8) Dimroth, K.; Jaenicke, L.; Heinzel, D. Ann. Chem. 1950, 566, 206-
* Corresponding author. Tel.: (215) 728 2220. FAX: (215) 728 2863. (9) Ciesiolka, J.; Wrzesinski, J.; Gornicki, P.; Podkowinski, J.; Krzyzosiak,
Internet: [email protected]. W. Eur. J. Biochem. 1989, 186, 71-77.
† Fox Chase Cancer Center. (10) Werner, C.; Krebs, B.; Keith, G.; Dirheimer, G. Biochim. Biophys.
‡ The Philadelphia College of Textiles and Science. Acta 1976, 432, 161-175.
(1) Chisholm, J. J. Sci. Am. 1971, 224(2), 15-23. (11) Marciniec, T.; Ciesiolka, J.; Wrzesinski, J.; Krzyzosiak, W. FEBS Lett.
(2) Midgley, T., Jr.; Boyd, T. A. J. Ind. Eng. Chem. 1922, 14, 589-593. 1989, 243, 293-298.
(3) Ratcliffe, J. M. Lead in Man and EnVironment; John Wiley & Sons: (12) Otzen, D. E.; Barciszewski, J.; Clark, B. F. C. Biochimie 1994, 76,
New York, 1981. 15-21.
(4) Sigel, H.; Fischer, B. E.; Farkas, E. Inorg. Chem. 1983, 22, 925- (13) Brown, R. S.; Dewan, J. C.; Klug, A. Biochemistry 1985, 24, 4785-
934. 4801.
(5) Tajimir-Riahi, H. A.; Langlais, M.; Savoie, R. Nucleic Acids Res. 1988, (14) Farkas, W. R. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1968, 155, 401-409.
16, 751-762. (15) Pan, T.; Uhlenbeck, O. C. Nature (London) 1992, 358, 560-563.
(6) Abu-Dari, K.; Hahn, F. E.; Raymond, K. N. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1990, (16) Jaffe, E. K.; Volin, M.; Mayers, C. B. Biochemistry 1994, 33, 11554-
112, 1519-1524. 11562.

S0020-1669(97)00909-9 CCC: $15.00 © 1998 American Chemical Society

Published on Web 03/26/1998
1854 Inorganic Chemistry, Vol. 37, No. 8, 1998 Shimoni-Livny et al.

Unlike most ZnII-metalloenzymes, PBGS is sensitive to and in an X-ray crystallographic and 207Pb NMR study, one poly-
inhibited by micromolar concentrations of Pb(II), and this (pyrazolyl)borate complex of Pb(II) with very bulky ligands was
inhibition is believed to contribute to the devastating toxicity shown to have a completely symmetrical arrangement of ligands,
of lead in children.1,25-28 We are currently involved in structural implying no stereochemical activity of the lone pair of electrons.
studies of the enzyme PBGS and the various modes of binding Another similar complex, however, containing less bulky
and inhibition of this enzyme by lead.29 We have also studied ligands, clearly showed a void in the distribution of ligands,
the crystal structure of D-xylose isomerase,30 for which Pb- implying a stereochemically active lone pair.27
binding data are also available.31 Another enzyme inhibited In the design of drugs to counteract the effects of lead
by lead is ferrochelatase, the enzyme that catalyzes the introduc- poisoning, it is necessary to establish the preferred ligands of
tion of iron into the heme precursor.1 lead and their stereochemistry and to compare these with the
Divalent lead, with its electronic configuration [Xe]4f145d10- requirements of other essential metal ions such as zinc. From
6s , is one of the post-transition metal elements that exhibits such information chelating agents can be designed to remove
the so-called “inert-pair effect”.32-37 This term refers to the lead compounds (but not other cations) after ingestion in the
resistance of the pair of outer electrons on Pb(II) to removal or human body.3 In this article we describe various binding modes
to participation in covalent bond formation or hydrogen bonding. of lead in its divalent and tetravalent oxidation states. The
It has been explained as a relativistic effect causing the 6s orbital methods used include an analysis of high-resolution, high-
to contract, thereby increasing the energy required to remove precision crystal structures, and ab initio molecular orbital
or interact with the 6s lone pair of electrons. On the other hand, optimizations of a variety of gas-phase lead complexes. The
the d and f orbitals are destabilized because they expand radially aim is to identify those conditions that influence whether the
as a result of screening from nuclear attraction by the s and p lone pair is stereochemically active or not and to analyze the
electrons. The result is a stable, relatively inert outer lone pair conditions in terms of the preferred ligands and coordination
of electrons. numbers of the lead.
This lone pair of electrons can cause a nonspherical charge
distribution around the Pb(II) cation, that is, the disposition of
ligands around the cation results in an identifiable void.32 This (a) Structural Studies. The binding preferences of lead were
gap in the coordination sphere has been considered evidence examined by a search of the Cambridge Structural Database (CSD)41
of a “stereochemically active lone pair of electrons” which (latest release, 1996) for compounds containing the element lead (Pb)
probably takes up more space on a specific region of the surface in any of it oxidation states. The CSD input files, containing query
of the coordination sphere than does a single bond.38,39 It is information, were stored in instruction files (named *.que, where * is
the name given to the study). The CSD program QUEST was used to
becoming increasingly clear, however, that it is not necessarily
search the database file for structures that matched the input
true that one of the effects of the lone pair of electrons in Pb- requirements and to write the coordinates of these crystal structures
(II) compounds is to cause a void in the coordination geometry; onto a data file (*.dat). The CSD program GSTAT41 was then run on
in fact this geometry can take various forms.40 For example, this coordinate data file using the instruction file *.geo as input. The
maximum effective sum of the van der Waals radii was set, for this
(17) Jaffe, E. K. Comments Inorg. Chem. 1993, 15, 67-92. study, at 3.5 Å so that the geometry of the intermolecular interactions
(18) Mitchell, L. W.; Jaffe, E. K. Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 1993, 300, 169- around the lead ion could be found. All crystal structures reported
177. here were illustrated on a computer graphics system by use of the
(19) Jaffe, E. K.; Abrams, W. R.; Kaempfen, H. X.; Harris, K. A., Jr. program ICRVIEW which also provides any requested interatomic
Biochemistry 1992, 31, 2113-2123.
(20) Jaffe, E. K.; Markham, G. D.; Rajagopalan, J. S. Biochemistry 1990, distances.42 This enabled us to double-check the coordination geometry
29, 8345-8350. around the lead, particularly whether there was a void in the arrange-
(21) Dent, A. J.; Beyersmann, D.; Block, C.; Hasnain, S. S. Biochemistry ment of ligands, and the interatomic distances involved.
1990, 29, 7822-7828. The lead-containing compounds found in the CSD were separated
(22) Jaffe, E. K.; Hannes, D. J. Biol. Chem. 1986, 261, 9348-9353. according to their oxidation states and coordination numbers. The
(23) Jaffe, E. K.; Markham, G. D. Biochemistry 1987, 26, 4258-4264.
oxidation state of lead, i.e., II or IV, was determined from the reported
(24) Jaffe, E. K.; Markham, G. D. Biochemistry 1988, 27, 4475-4481.
(25) Needleman, H. L.; Gatsonis, H. L. J. Am. Med. Assoc. 1990, 263, chemical formula and/or from the title of the published article. If a
673-678. crystal structure included more than one lead ion, with a different
(26) Harrison, R. M.; Laxer, D. P. H. Lead Pollution; Chapman and Hall: coordination number, separate entries were used for each lead ion.
London, 1981. Complexes in which the lead ion is mainly liganded to other metals,
(27) Reger, D. L.; Huff, M. F.; Reingold, A. L.; Haggerty, B. S. J. Am. e.g. Mo, Fe, etc., or liganded to a boron hydride ring were excluded
Chem. Soc. 1992, 114, 579-584.
(28) Wang, S.; Mitzi, D. B.; Feild, C. A.; Guloy, A. J. Am. Chem. Soc. from this analysis because their biological relevance was limited.
1995, 117, 5297-5302. Structures with high crystallographic R values or identified disorder
(29) Carrell, H. L.; Glusker, J. P.; Shimoni, L.; Keefe, L. J.; Afshar, C.; were also eliminated in order to include only precise crystal structure
Volin, M.; Jaffe, E. K. Acta Crystallogr. 1996, D52, 419-421. determinations.
(30) Carrell, H. L.; Glusker, J. P.; Burger, V.; Manfre, F.; Tritsch, D.; To check for any disorder in the lead atom position, which could
Biellmann, J.-F. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 1989, 86, 4440-4444.
affect our interpretation of the ligand stereochemistry in any given
(31) Sudfeldt, C.; Schäffer, A.; Kägi, J. H. R.; Bogumil, R.; Schulz, H.-P.;
Wulff, S.; Witzel, H. Eur. J. Biochem. 1990, 193, 863-871. crystal structure, we examined the reported atomic displacement
(32) Sidgwick, N. V.; Powell, H. M. Proc. R. Soc. (London) 1940, A176, parameters of each lead atom to ensure that they were lower than values
153. for the surrounding liganding atoms. These parameters express the
(33) McKeney, D. R. J. Chem. Educ. 1983, 60, 112-116. amount of atomic vibration or disorder. Displacement parameters were
(34) Banna, M. S. J. Chem. Educ. 1985, 62, 197-198. generally lower for the lead than for surrounding atoms, indicating an
(35) Pitzer, K. S. Acc. Chem. Res. 1979, 12, 271-276.
(36) Pyykkö, P.; Desclaux, J.-P. Acc. Chem. Res. 1979, 12, 276-281. ordered position for this atom; some exceptions were found in which
(37) Pyykkö, P. Chem. ReV. 1988, 88, 563-594.
(38) Gillespie, R. J.; Nyholm, R. S. Q. ReV. London 1957, 11, 339-380. (41) Allen, F. H.; Bellard, S.; Brice, M. D.; Cartwright, B. A.; Doubleday:
(39) Gillespie, R. J.; Hargittai, I. The VSEPR Model of Molecular Geometry; A.; Higgs, H.; Hummelink, T.; Hummelink-Peters, B. G.; Kennard,
Allyn and Bacon: Boston, MA, 1991. In the notation in this book O.; Motherwell, W. D. S.; Rodgers, J. R.; Watson, D. G. Acta
PbII‚4H2O would be designated PbIIX4E. Crystallogr. 1979, B35, 2331-2339.
(40) Ng, S.-W.; Zuckerman, J. J. AdV. Inorg. Chem. Radiochem. 1985, 29, (42) Erlebacher, J.; Carrell, H. L. ICRVIEW, Program from the Institute
297-319. for Cancer Research; ICR: Philadelphia, PA.
Lone Pair Functionality in Divalent Lead Compounds Inorganic Chemistry, Vol. 37, No. 8, 1998 1855

the lead displacement parameters were much higher, suggesting a Scheme 1. (A) Holodirected and (B) Hemidirected
disordered lead position, and these entries were eliminated from the Coordination
search. A list of compounds found in the CSD search and their
bibliography and examples of *.que and *.geo files are given in Tables
1S-3S of the Supporting Information, respectively.
(b) Molecular Orbital Studies. Ab initio molecular orbital opti-
mizations (with relativistic corrections, as described below) were
performed on a variety of lead (Pb) complexes using second-order
Møller-Plesset (MP2)43 perturbation theory with the GAUSSIAN 94
series of programs44 on the Cray YMP at the National Cancer Institute,
Frederick, MD and on a DEC alpha 3000/600 workstation. The
LANL2DZ basis set was used throughout, augmented by additional d
functions on all the heavy atoms.45 The LANL2DZ basis set uses the
Dunning/Huzinaga full double-ζ (D95) basis set on atoms in the first
row and the Los Alamos effective core potential plus DZ on Na to
of 329 unique entries of lead-containing crystal structures were
Bi.46-49 This computational method incorporates the major relativistic
effects (that is, Darwin and mass-velocity terms) by fitting the atomic
selected from the CSD and used in our analysis. When there
pseudopotential parameters to relativistic all-electron Hartree-Fock was more than one determination of a particular crystal structure,
(HF) atomic wave functions.46-48 Molecular spin-orbit coupling is those entries with the higher R values were eliminated from
expected to be small for closed-shell species near their ground state our search. In addition, some lead-containing structures (48 in
and has not been considered in this study.50-53 all) were excluded for reasons described in the Methods section.
Unless otherwise noted, optimizations were carried out with no The coordination geometry of lead was examined in these 329
symmetry constraints to avoid obtaining transition states, and, in many experimentally determined structures and compared with the
cases, the OPT)TIGHT option in GAUSSIAN 94 was used to tighten results of ab initio molecular orbital calculations on a variety
the cutoffs on the residual forces and displacements used as criteria of gas-phase lead complexes; for the latter only coordination
for convergence.44 Harmonic frequencies, calculated numerically from number 4 was investigated.
finite differences of the analytical first derivatives, and energies
(a) Holodirected or Hemidirected Lead Coordination. The
(analytical second derivatives are not available for this computational
level) were obtained for some of the structures to confirm that they
experimental coordination geometry around lead, reveals two
are local minima (not transition states) on the various potential energy distinct structural categories, shown as A and B in Scheme 1:
surfaces.54 The wave functions of the lead complexes were analyzed (A) holodirected, in which the bonds to ligand atoms are directed
by natural bond orbital analyses, involving natural atomic orbital (NAO) throughout the surface of an encompassing globe, and (B)
populations and natural bond orbitals (NBO).55,56 The Reed/Weinhold hemidirected, in which the bonds to ligand atoms are directed
NAO/NBO analysis package is part of GAUSSIAN 94.44 throughout only part of the globe, that is, there is an identifiable
void (or gap) in the distribution of bonds to the ligands. Linear
Results and planar structures are considered to be holodirected for
coordination numbers 2 and 3, respectively. The classification
The surroundings of lead in crystal structures were inspected
of the structures in the CSD as holodirected or hemidirected
by use of the computer graphics program ICRVIEW;42 a total
was rarely ambiguous, although the “size” of the void varies
considerably, particularly with the coordination number.57
(43) Møller, C.; Plesset, M. S. Phys. ReV. 1934, 46, 618-622.
(44) Frisch, M. J.; Trucks, G. W.; Schlegel, H. B.; Gill, P. M. W.; Johnson, Examples of both coordination geometries are shown in Figure
B. G.; Robb, M. A.; Cheeseman, J. R.; Keith, T. A.; Peterson, G. A.; 1.58-65
Montgomery, J. A.; Raghavachari, K.; Al-Laham, M. A.; Zakrzewski, All Pb(IV) compounds in the CSD show a holodirected
V. G.; Ortiz, J. V.; Foresman, J. B.; Cioslowski, J.; Stefanov, B. B.;
Nanayakkara, A.; Challacombe, M.; Peng, C. Y.; Ayala, P. Y.; Chen, coordination geometry (see Scheme 1A). For example, the
W.; Wong, M. W.; Andres, J. L.; Replogle, E. S.; Gomperts, R.; geometry for coordination number 4 is that of a tetrahedron
Martin, R. L.; Fox, J. S.; Binkley, J. S.; Defrees, D. J.; Baker, J.; with the Pb(IV) at its center, as expected because Pb(IV) has
Stewart, J. P.; Head-Gordon, M.; Gonzales, C.; Pople, J. A. GAUSSIAN no lone pair of electrons. Calculations by Kaupp and von
94, Revision A.1; Gaussian, Inc.: Pittsburgh, PA, 1995.
(45) Huzinaga, S.; Andzelm, J.; Klobukowski, M.; Radzio-Andzelm, E.; Schleyer have shown, however, that there are significant
Sakai, K.; Takewaki, H. Gaussian Basis Sets for Molecular Calcula- deviations from ideal tetrahedral angles in the compounds
tions; Elsevier: New York, 1984. (CH3)nPbIVX4-n [X ) F, Cl; n ) 1-3] due to inductive
(46) Hay, P. J.; Wadt, W. R. J. Chem. Phys. 1985, 82, 270-283.
(47) Wadt, W. R.; Hay, P. J. J. Chem. Phys. 1985, 82, 284-298. substituent effects.50
(48) Hay, P. J.; Wadt, W. R. J. Chem. Phys. 1985, 82, 299-310.
(49) Dunning, T. H., Jr.; Hay, P. J. Modern Theoretical Chemistry; (57) Compounds that were difficult to classify, COGTOH and COPFMP,
Schaeffer, H. F., III, Ed.; Plenum: New York, 1976; pp 1-28. are both Pb(IV) structures with coordination number 4. These were
(50) (a) Kaupp, M.; Schleyer, P. v. R. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1993, 115, 1061- classified as holodirected.
1073. (b) They observed that the presence of electronegative substit- (58) CSD code SOMMEM: Schneider, C.; Drager, M. Organomet. Chem.
uents decreases the transfer of electrons to the lead so that the valence 1991, 415, 349-362.
density remaining for covalent bonding is mainly s in character, making (59) CSD code SARMUT: Hummel, H.-U.; Meske, H. Z. Naturforsch. B
efficient sp hybridization difficult, and resulting in significant devia- 1989, 44, 293-295.
tions from idealized tetrahedral angles and weaker covalent bonds. (60) CSD code DOWYET: Preut, H.; Rohm, P.; Huber, F. Acta Crystallogr.
(51) Schwerdtfeger, P. Phys. Scr. 1987, 36, 453-459. 1986, C42, 657-658.
(52) Pitzer, K. S. Int. J. Quantum Chem. 1984, 25, 131-148. (61) CSD code SANKUN: Engelhardt, L. M.; Furphy, B. M.; Harrowfeld,
(53) Schwerdtfeger, P.; Boyd, P. D. W.; Bowmaker, G. A.; Mack, H. G.; J. McB.; Patrick, J. M.; Skelton, B. W.; White, A. H. J. Chem. Soc.,
Oberhammer, H. J. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1989, 111, 15-23. Dalton Trans. 1989, 595-599.
(54) Pople, J. A.; Binkley, J. S.; Seeger, R. Int. J. Quantum Chem. 1976, (62) CSD code VIMMEJ: Veith, M.; Hans, J.; Stahl, L.; May, P.; Huch,
10S, 1-19. V.; Sebald, Z. Z. Naturforsch. B 1991, 46, 403-424.
(55) (a) Reed, A. E.; Curtiss L. A.; Weinhold, F. Chem. ReV. 1988, 88, (63) CSD code DUPKAA: Clegg, W.; Little, I. R.; Straughan, B. P. Acta
899-926. (b) Weinhold, F.; Carpenter, J. E. In The Structure of Small Crystallogr. 1986, C42, 1319-1322.
Molecules and Ions; Naaman R., Vager Z., Eds.; Plenum: New York, (64) CSD code BIHWOE: Gaffney, C.; Harrison, P. G.; King, T. J. J.
1988; pp 227-236. Chem. Soc., Dalton Trans. 1982, 1061-1063.
(56) Glendening, E. D.; Reed, A. E.; Carpenter, J. E.; Weinhold, F. The (65) CSD code DEBGEW: Mak, T. C. W.; Yip, W.-H.; O’Reilly, E. J.;
NBO 3.0 program manual. Link to Gaussian programs, see ref 44. Smith, G.; Kennard, C. H. L. Inorg. Chim. Acta 1985, 100, 267-273.
1856 Inorganic Chemistry, Vol. 37, No. 8, 1998 Shimoni-Livny et al.

Figure 1. Examples for each type of geometry, holodirected and hemidirected, around the lead ion for coordination numbers (CN) 4 through 7.
Unless marked differently, open circles represent carbon atoms, filled circles represent oxygen atom, and stippled circles represent nitrogen atoms.
Hydrogen atoms are not included, for clarity, in a, e, g, or h. (a) Pb(IV), CN 4, SOMMEM58-tetra-p-tolyl-lead, holodirected tetrahedral geometry.
(b) Pb(II), CN 4, SARMUT59-bis(tetraphenylarsonium) bis(1,1-dicyanoethylene-2,2-dithiolato-S,S′)lead(II), hemidirected tetrahedral geometry. (c)
Pb(IV), CN 5, DOWYET60-(2-furoato)trimethyllead, holodirected trigonal bipyramidal geometry. (d) Pb(II), CN 5, SANKUN61-isothiocyanatobis-
(1,10-phenanthroline-N,N′)lead(II) thiocyanate, hemidirected trigonal bipyramidal geometry. (e) Pb(II), CN 6, VIMMEJ62-hexakis(µ2-tert-butyloxo-
O,O′)digermanium lead(II), holodirected octahedral geometry. (f) Pb(II), CN 6, DUPKAA63-catena-((µ3-crotonato-µ-O,µ-O′)(crotonato-µ-O,µ-
O′)lead(II)), hemidirected octahedral geometry. (g) Pb(IV), CN 7, BIHWOE64-aquabis(diacetatodiphenyllead(IV)) benzene solvate, holodirected
pentagonal bipyramidal geometry. (h) Pb(II), CN 7, DEBGEW65-catena-(µ2-aquabis(phenoxyacetato-O)lead(II) bis(phenoxyacetato)lead(II),
hemidirected pentagonal bipyramidal geometry.
Lone Pair Functionality in Divalent Lead Compounds Inorganic Chemistry, Vol. 37, No. 8, 1998 1857

Figure 1. (continued)

Table 1. Percentage of Pb-Ligands in Each of the Two Main Geometries around the Metal Ion and the Percentage of Lead Complexes in
Each Geometry in the Different Valence States
number and (%) % of Pb-X bonds with the given geometry
coordination number oxidation state of complexesa C N O S Cl Br I other
(a) Pb(IV)
holodirected ligandsb
4 IV 39 (39) 72 2 15 1 10
5 IV 19 (45) 62 10 16 5 6 1
6 IV 10 (13) 26 17 17 7 33
7 IV 3 (9) 25 75
8 IV 3 (10) 8 92
(b)c Pb(II)
holodirected ligands
6d II 47 (60) 1 8 14 10 10 7 20
7 II 10 (29) 1 6 11 12 3
8e II 23 (80) 21 57 5 6 1
9 II 6 (100) 44 56
10 II 12 (100) 13 85 4
hemidirected ligands
2 II 4 (100) 25 50 25
3 II 24 (100) 1 30 28 26 15
4 II 61 (61) 26 30 38 0.5 0.5 5
5f II 23 (55) 23 37 23 8 6 3
6 II 21 (27) 1 8 15 4 2
7 II 21 (62) 17 46 3 1
8 II 3 (10) 2 6 3
a Percentage of compounds with that coordination number. b No CSD entries for Pb(IV) for coordination numbers 2, 3, 9, or 10. c No entries

found in the CSD for Pb(II) holodirected in coordination numbers 4 and 5. d JAWWIN has two lead ions each with different ligand atoms composition
e One structure, PBACTH02, has an additional long (3.11 Å) Pb-O distance and therefore might be considered to have a coordination number of

9. f GEVWUZ has two lead ions, each with different ligand atom composition.

For divalent lead the situation is different. Despite the On the other hand, for coordination numbers 9 and 10, all Pb-
presence of a lone pair of electrons (which might be expected (II) compounds in the CSD have holodirected geometries,
to favor a hemidirected geometry), both holodirected and although relatively few structures with these high coordination
hemidirected coordination geometries are found in the CSD, numbers were identified. For the intermediate coordination
see Table 1. For coordination numbers from 2 to 5, all the numbers (6, 7, and 8), both holodirected and hemidirected
Pb(II) compounds in the CSD show hemidirected geometries. coordination geometries are reported for Pb(II) compounds in
1858 Inorganic Chemistry, Vol. 37, No. 8, 1998 Shimoni-Livny et al.

Chart 1. Number of Structures Found in the CSD for Each

Coordination Number for Pb(II) and Pb(IV)

Figure 2. Pb- - -O distances in a holodirected hexacoordinated Pb(II)

complex,28 [H2N-C(I)dNH2]3PbI5. ESD values are 0.001-0.002 Å.
Note that there are three shorter and three longer Pb- - -O distances.

Table 2. Comparison of the Mean (with ESD Values in

Parentheses) Values for the Pb-Ligand Distances (in Å) for
Complexes with a Holodirected Stereochemistry
mean distance in mean distance in
Pb(II) complexes Pb(IV) complexes
the CSD; the combined number of Pb(II) compounds with
holodirected geometry at these three coordination numbers N-Pb 2.62(11) 2.42(9)
O-Pb 2.53(15) 2.33(18)
exceeds the number of compounds with hemidirected geometry, S-Pb 3.02(18) 2.63(9)
see Table 1b. These results imply that, when the number of Cl-Pb 2.88(8) 2.67(6)
coordinating ligands around Pb(II) is high, directional effects Br-Pb 3.07(15) 2.81(13)
of the lone pair of electrons become less evident. This trend is I-Pb 3.22(16)
probably to be expected on the basis of the “crowding” of the
most (14 in all) contained only a single lead-bound water
ligands as the coordination number increases.
molecule; none of these structures contained more than two
(b) Identities of the Ligands. The relative percentage of
water molecules bound to Pb(II).66 This is in line with the low
structures found for each coordination number for Pb(II) and
solubility of lead compounds in general.67
Pb(IV) is shown in Chart 1. There were 74 Pb(IV) compounds
(c) PbII-X Bond Lengths. The presence of a void in the
with coordination numbers from 4 to 8, but the majority have
angular distribution of ligands is usually taken as evidence for
a coordination number of 4, with carbon or sulfur as covalently
a stereochemically active lone pair of electrons, although some
bound ligand, see Table 1a. As the coordination number of
authors also require short PbII-X distances to ligands opposite
Pb(IV) increases, oxygen liganding is more favorable than that
the void.68 PbII-X distances, however, can be significantly
of carbon, although very few CSD entries were found at
altered by the detailed structure of the liganding groups
coordination numbers 7 and 8. Only one Pb(IV) compound in
containing X and are also sensitive to the coordination number
the CSD with coordination number 4 has a halogen ligand; this
of the lead. Mean PbII-X and PbIV-X distances for compounds
is in line with the ab initio pseudopotential findings of Kaupp
in the CSD that have a holodirected stereochemistry are listed
and von Schleyer that there is a remarkable thermodynamic
in Table 2 as a function of coordination number. Distances
destabilization of four-coordinate Pb(IV) compounds with
from liganding atoms to lead are, on the average, 0.2 Å longer
electronegative ligands.50
for Pb(II) than Pb(IV) compounds.
Pb(II) compounds were found in the CSD with coordination
In holodirected Pb(II) complexes where all the ligands are
numbers from 2 to 10, but approximately 50% of these 255
identical (i.e., in homoleptic complexes)40 and where the lead
structures have coordination numbers of 4 or 6. At all
is located at the center of a symmetrical arrangement of
coordination numbers, PbII-C bonds are rare. For the lower
liganding atoms, it seems justifiable to classify the lone pair of
and higher coordination numbers of Pb(II) (2-4 and 9 and 10,
electrons as stereochemically inactive.40 For example, in the
respectively) there is a noticeable lack of halogen ligands in
main-group six-coordinate complex bis[hydrotris(3,5-dimeth-
the reported crystal structure determinations (only 2 out of 107
ylpyrazolyl)borato]lead(II) the coordination geometry about the
entries contain at least one halogen ligand for these coordination
lead is a trigonally distorted octahedron with the lead ion at a
numbers). Structures with coordination numbers 6-8, where
center of inversion.27 In this structure, all six PbII-N distances
both stereochemistries have been found, rarely occur with a
are equal and the lone pair of electrons has no apparent
hemidirected arrangement when the ligands are relatively soft
directional effects on the angular distribution of the ligands or
halogens (Cl, Br, I), and when they do occur they are
interspersed with hard oxygen and nitrogen ligands, see Table (66) AQOHPB [CN5, hemidirected], CEJMIN [CN7, hemidirected], DE-
1c. By contrast, hemidirected geometries can be found with BGEW [CN7, hemidirected], FITMAW [CN7, hemidirected], FUF-
sulfur ligands, even though sulfur is also considered to be soft. WEI [CN3, hemidirected], FUYDOS [CN8, holodirected], GEKTEV
The relatively large number (21 out of 31) of hemidirected [CN7, holodirected], GEMJAJ [CN7, hemidirected], HABCES [CN7,
hemidirected], HAKYOH [CN7, hemidirected], HEBDOX [CN8,
structures at coordination number 7 is somewhat surprising in holodirected], LAJDOP [CN 8, holodirected], PBACTH02 [CN8,
view of possible ligand crowding. These structures generally holodirected] PBACTH10 [CN8, holodirected], PEFDAT [CN9,
contain a significant number of Pb-O bonds. For coordination holodirected], PYCXPB [CN6, hemidirected], SEYFEH [CN 7,
holodirected], VEYCUX [CN6, holodirected], WENVAM [CN8
number 8 only three hemidirected crystal structures were found hemidirected], WEWZON [CN7, holodirected], WIJYOD [CN7,
(out of a total of 26), and all of these involved several Pb-O holodirected], ZIKGAB [CN8, holodirected], ZUZSES [CN8, holo-
bonds. directed].
There is a noticeable lack of water bound to either Pb(II) or (67) Cotton, F. A.; Wilkinson, G. AdVanced Inorganic Chemistry, 5th ed.;
Wiley: New York, 1988.
Pb(IV). Only 23 structures were found in the CSD with lead- (68) Hancock, R. D.; Shaikjee, M. S.; Dobson, S. M.; Boeyens, J. C. A.
bound water molecules: all 23 were Pb(II) compounds, and Inorg. Chim. Acta 1988, 154, 229-238.
Lone Pair Functionality in Divalent Lead Compounds Inorganic Chemistry, Vol. 37, No. 8, 1998 1859

Scheme 2. Interactions in Hemi- and Holodirected Geometries

direction of the other focus, can be used as a model of the

liganding, as diagrammed in Scheme 2. When this PbII-lp
distance is large, the coordination is viewed as hemidirected
because PbII-X bonds in one direction are very much shorter
than those in the opposite direction. When the distance between
foci is negligible, the coordination is holodirected, although the
lone pair of electrons may or may not have stereochemical
consequences. Thus in crystal structures there are two distinct
observable effects of the presence of an active lone pair. In
one, the ligands are hemidirected and there is a relatively large
difference between the PbII-X and PbII-lp-X distances in the
two axial directions. In the other, the ligands are holodirected
and the difference is relatively small.
(d) Calculated Geometrical and Electronic Properties of
Figure 3. Lone pair interactions Pb-lp-C (dashed line) in DUPKAA-
Four-Coordinate Gas-Phase Lead Complexes. Since, when
catena-[(µ-crotonato-O,O′)(crotonato-O,O′)lead(II)].63 Pb-O indicated the coordination number is 4, only hemidirected Pb(II) com-
by dotted lines. Note the asymmetry in distances. pounds were found in the CSD, we decided to see if ab initio
molecular orbital calculations could find any gas-phase holo-
on the lead-ligand distances. In other homoleptic six- directed complexes at this coordination number. To this end a
coordinate holodirected Pb(II) complexes, however, as noted variety of Pb(II) complexes were optimized using the MP2/
by Brown,69 there may be three adjacent short PbII-X bonds
LANL2DZ computational level; the LANL2DZ basis set was
and three adjacent long PbII-X bonds (see Figure 2).28 Such
augmented with additional d functions on the heavy atoms.45
a specific pattern of differences in the bond lengths of
holodirected homoleptic complexes has been attributed by The x,y, and z coordinates of all the optimized lead complexes
various authors to repulsion involving a stereochemically active are given in Table 4S of the Supporting Information. Coordina-
lone pair.28,69 In holodirected heteroleptic complexes it may tion number 4 was chosen for these calculations because the
be difficult or even impossible to make an unambiguous resulting complexes were sufficiently small to allow higher level
designation of the specific consequences of the presence of a explorations of the potential energy surfaces for a greater number
lone pair of electrons.40 of Pb(II) complexes. All the natural polulation analysis (NPA)
For the hemidirected Pb(II) compounds in which the lone charges and orbital populations mentioned in this section are
pair of electrons is presumed to be stereochemically active, the from the MP2 density. An NBO analysis was carried out in
three-dimensional environment of the lone pair of electrons (lp) order to gain greater insight into the disposition of electrons in
in the crystal structure is of significant interest. The differences the various Pb(II) complexes.
between distances PbII-X and PbII-lp-X (the latter between
Pb(II) and a ligand in the direction of the lone pair, opposite We initially considered a variety of compounds containing
the PbII-X direction) for structures in the CSD range from 0.3 formally neutral ligands around the divalent lead ion. Optimized
to 1.2 Å, with no obvious effect of the identity of X; an example structures of the PbII-group 5A complexes PbII‚4NH3, PbII‚-
of this stereochemistry is shown in Figure 3. In this crystal 4PH3, PbII‚4AsH3, PbII‚4SbH3, and PbII‚4BiH3 are shown in
structure the shortest PbII-O distance is 2.35 Å [trans to the Figure 4a, and the PbII-group 6A complexes PbII‚4OH2, PbII‚-
lone pair (axial)], while PbII-O distances are longer, 2.63 Å, 4SH2, PbII‚4SeH2, and PbII‚4TeH2 are shown in Figure 4b. For
in the equatorial directions. In the direction of the lone pair of
a few of these compounds we searched for alternative local
electrons, the PbII-C distances are about 3.6 Å. This suggests
that an ellipsoid of revolution, with the Pb(II) ion at one focus minima on the potential energy surfaces by altering the starting
and the center of charge of the lone pair of electrons (lp) in the geometry, but the optimizations eventually returned to the
structures in Figure 4. All nine of these complexes are
(69) Brown, I. D. J. Solid State Chem. 1974, 11, 214-233. hemidirected, although the exterior X-PbII-X angles shown
1860 Inorganic Chemistry, Vol. 37, No. 8, 1998
Shimoni-Livny et al.
Figure 4. Geometries from ab initio molecular orbital calculations for (a) complexes PbII‚4NH3, PbII‚4PH3, PbII‚4AsH3, PbII‚4SbH3, and PbII‚4BiH3 and (b) PbII‚4H2O, PbII‚4H2S, PbII‚4H2Se, and PbII‚4H2Te.
[ ] ) MP2/LANL2DZ+d optimization, MP2 charges. The electron distribution is indicated for each structure.
Lone Pair Functionality in Divalent Lead Compounds Inorganic Chemistry, Vol. 37, No. 8, 1998 1861

Table 3. Energy Difference, ∆E, between Hemidirected (Local We also investigated Pb(II) complexes with charged ligands
Minima) and Holodirected (Constrained) Forms of Some (where ligand-ligand repulsion is more significant). The
Four-Coordinate Gas-Phase Complexes optimized PbII-group 6A complexes PbII‚4OH-, PbII‚4SH-,
∆Ea (kcal/mol) from hemidirected PbII‚4SeH-, and PbII‚4TeH- shown in Figure 5a are each
complex to holodirected geometry hemidirected, although the exterior X-PbII-X angles vary from
PbII‚4NH3 +12.1 215° for PbII‚4OH- to 161° for PbII‚4TeH-. The PbII-group
PbII‚4PH3 +9.8 6A complexes with charged and uncharged ligands show that
PbII‚4OH2 +7.7 more electron density is transferred to the lead when the ligands
PbII‚4SH2 +9.5 carry a formal negative charge but that the population of the 6s
PbII‚4TeH2 +5.5 orbital on the Pb(II) is lower, resulting in greater 6p/6s
PbII‚4OH- +28.6 population ratios and significantly smaller exterior X-PbII-X
PbII‚4SH- +4.9 angles. The lone pair Pb(II) orbital consistently has greater p
PbII‚4TeH- +1.6 character when the ligands are charged. A reoptimization of
PbII‚4F- +6.2 the PbII‚4OH- complex with the oxygen atoms in a tetrahedral
a ∆E ) E(constrained and holodirected) - E(fully optimized and arrangement around the Pb(II) and all lead-oxygen distances
hemidirected) with energies from the MP2/LANL2DZ+d computational constrained to be equal yielded a structure that is 28.6 kcal/
level. mol higher in energy than the completely optimized structure,
see Table 3. This energy difference is nearly 4 times larger
in Figure 4 vary from about 182 to 223°. In all cases NPA than the result of applying the same distortions to the corre-
charges show a transfer of electrons to the lead from the ligands. sponding water complex. In the hemidirected form of PbII‚4OH-,
The least amount of charge is transferred to the Pb(II) when however, O‚‚‚H interactions between hydroxyl groups appar-
the ligands are OH2, NH3, and SH2, and all three of these ently stabilize this form of the complex, see Figure 5a in the
complexes have exterior X-PbII-X angles in excess of 200°. Supporting Information. The tetrahedral forms of PbII‚4SH-
An analysis of the natural bond orbitals (NBOs) shows that the and PbII‚4TeH- are only 4.9 and 1.6 kcal/mol higher in energy,
Pb(II) lone pair orbital is predominantly 6s but is slightly
respectively, than their fully optimized forms. These values
polarized by a small 6p contribution, e.g. 4.4% and 2.6% for
are smaller than the corresponding values for the neutral species,
PbII‚4NH3 and PbII‚4OH2, respectively. The lowering in energy,
which correlates with the smaller exterior X-PbII-X angles
∆E, that these complexes experience by adopting a hemidirected
for the negatively charged ligands. In all of these complexes
arrangement of ligands rather than a holodirected arrangement,
the two PbII-ligand distances opposite the lone pair of electrons
where the ligands are as far apart as possible, was estimated by
are again found to be shorter (as in the CSD structures), but
reoptimizing their geometry with the liganding atoms secured
the X-PbII-X angles involving these ligands are somewhat
in a tetrahedral arrangement around the Pb(II) and equidistant
larger than those found with the neutral ligands, ranging from
from it. The results are shown in Table 3. The values of ∆E
101.7 to 108.3°. The NBOs of PbII‚4OH- are such that the p/s
for the complexes with the ligands NH3, PH3, OH2, and SH2,
ratio of the lead contribution to the shorter bonds is about 4.0
which include the most common liganding atoms from the CSD,
times larger than the lead contribution to the longer bonds.
vary over a relatively narrow range, 7.7-12.1 kcal/mol.
As can be seen from Chart 2a, the net (NPA) positive charge The PbII-group 7A complexes PbII‚4X- were also optimized,
on the divalent lead ion generally decreases in going down the see Figure 5b. The PbII‚4F- complex, which involves small
PbII-group 5A and PbII-group 6A complexes, showing a hard fluorine ion ligands, remains hemidirected, despite sub-
greater transfer of electron density from the ligands to the lead stantial electrostatic repulsion between the highly charged
as the electronegativity of the ligand decreases. The transfer fluoride ions; NPA charges on the fluoride ions, associated with
of electrons is primarily into the 6p orbitals on the lead as shown the PbII-F short and long bonds, are -0.83 and -0.88,
by the increasing the 6p/6s population ratio, see Chart 2b, respectively, indicating that relatively little charge is transferred
although the p composition of the NBO lone pair orbital actually to the lead. Although the NBO lone pair orbital on the lead
decreases slightly (see Figure 4). The primary structural remains predominantly s, it has 9.2% p character, and we found
consequence of the greater lead p population is a decrease in that PbII‚4F- can be viewed as tending toward a complex
the exterior X-PbII-X angle, see Chart 2c and Figure 4, between PbIIF2 and two separate fluoride ions. A reoptimization
suggesting some tendency toward a more tetrahedral (holodi- of PbII‚4F- with the fluoride ions in a tetrahedral arrangement
rected) arrangement of the ligands around the lead. Kaupp and and with all lead-fluorine distances equal gives a structure
von Schleyer50 noted a similar effect in their study of covalent which is only 6.2 kcal/mol higher in energy than the optimized
bonding in the holodirected four-coordinate Pb(IV) compounds form shown in Figure 5b. The remaining three PbII-halogen
RnPbIVX4-n (R ) H, CH3; X ) F, Cl; n ) 0-4). ion complexes involve much larger and softer ions (Cl-, Br-,
In the Pb(II) complexes in Figure 4, the calculated lead- and I-) and are found to be holodirected with all four PbII-X
ligand distances opposite the lone pair are consistently found bond lengths equal in each complex. The NBO lone pair orbital
to be shorter than others, and the difference in the distance has no polarizing p component. All four PbII-X bonds in these
between the two long and two short PbII-X bonds increases complexes are clearly ionic, but the ionic character of the bonds
going down either group, as also found in the CSD. For all decreases as the atomic number of the halogen ligand increases.
the calculated structures in Figure 4 the X-PbII-X angles The NPA charges on the halogens in these three complexes are
involving the two short PbII-X bonds are less than 100° and less negative than that on the fluorine in PbII‚4F-, suggesting
often less than 90°, suggesting significant p character in these less ligand-ligand repulsion.
bonds; the larger angles involving the longer bonds imply more Insight into the changes that occur in going from a holodi-
s character in the bonding. An analysis of the NBOs of PbII‚- rected to a hemidirected arrangement of ligands was obtained
4NH3 finds the p/s ratio of the lead contribution to the shorter by artificially fixing one of the Cl-PbII-Cl angles in PbII‚4Cl-
bonds to be approximately 4.5 times larger than that to the longer and allowing the remainder of the structure to optimize. This
bonds. angle was then altered and the procedures repeated for various
1862 Inorganic Chemistry, Vol. 37, No. 8, 1998 Shimoni-Livny et al.

Chart 2. Values for Different Rows in the Periodic Table of (a) the NPA Positive Charge on Pb(II), (b) n in spn-Hybridized
Orbitals, and (c) the External X-PbII-X Angle

values near the ideal tetrahedral angle of 109.5°. In Table 4 (e) Effects of the Identities of the Ligands on the
we list several properties of PbII‚4Cl- as a function of the Cl- Coordination Geometry. Since at coordination numbers 6 and
PbII-Cl angle. As this angle is increased above 109.5°, the 7 both hemidirected and holodirected geometry can be found
contribution of the lead orbital to the NBOs associated with in structures in the CSD, we investigated the types of ligands
the pair of shorter PbII-Cl bonds increases, indicating somewhat found for each (see Table 5). For coordination numbers 6 and
greater covalent character.55,56 Furthermore, the p/s ratio of this 7 there is a definite tendency for oxygen and nitrogen to be
lead (hybrid) orbital increases dramatically, resulting in a smaller involved in hemidirected geometry and for halogens (not
angle between these two PbII-Cl bonds. On the other hand, including fluorine) to be involved in holodirected geometry. In
the contribution of the lead to the NBO that is associated with addition there are more hemi- than holodirected structures in
the pair of longer PbII-Cl bonds decreases, and these bonds which the ligand atoms are connected to each other, for example,
become even more ionic. For angles greater than about 135°, as part of a ring system, with two groups on the same molecule
the orbitals associated with these longer bonds effectively appear coordinated to the lead (chelated), or by a bidentate interaction
as lone pair orbitals localized on the chlorines. The overall with the lead (two atoms separated by one atom, as in
transfer of electrons to the lead p orbital increases as the Cl- carboxylates, bonded to the lead), see Table 5.
PbII-Cl angle increases, and the NBO lone pair orbital gains a (f) Effects of Steric Overcrowding on the Coordination
small amount of p character. Geometry. The association of high coordination numbers with
For comparison, we examined the transfer of charge in some holodirected coordination geometry about Pb(II) suggests that
tetravalent lead complexes. The structures of PbIV‚4OH2 and steric overcrowding is an important contributing factor in
PbIV‚4Cl- were optimized and are shown in Figure 6.71 As determining the hemi- or holodirected nature of a Pb(II)
expected, both structures are holodirected and the Pb-X bond compound. Reger and co-workers27 in their study of the six-
lengths are shorter than in the corresponding Pb(II) complexes coordinate crystal structures of bis[hydrotris(pyrazolyl)borato]-
also found in the CSD search. Although the PbIV-X bonds in lead(II) [HB(pz)3]2PbII and its 3,5-analogue [HB(3,5-Me2pz)3]2PbII
these complexes are essentially ionic, they have much greater have provided convincing evidence that this is the case. For
covalent character than the PbII-X bonds in the corresponding each of these compounds the lead is bound to two complexing
Pb(II) complexes, see Figures 4-6. Significant charge is molecules via a total of six pyrazole rings (three from each
transferred to the lead, and the 6p/6s population ratios are higher molecule). The former structure is hemidirected, while the latter
in PbIV‚4H2O and PbIV‚4Cl- than those found in the corre- is holodirected. An examination of these structures (shown in
sponding Pb(II) structures, due to the low 6s population in this Figure 7) indicates that the ligands (apart from the additional
form of lead that lacks a lone pair of electrons. methyl groups) have nearly the same conformations. The
difference comes when the two molecules adjust themselves
(70) It should be pointed out that the calculated structures of the complexes
PbII‚2X- and PbII‚3X- [X ) Cl, Br, I] are, respectively, not linear or around the Pb(II) each with three points of contact (one of the
planar, indicating that the lone pair is stereochemically active in these nitrogen atoms in each of the three pyrazole rings) to the metal
two- and three-coordinate structures. Thus, there are currently no ion. In the dimethyl complex interligand interactions between
known experimental or calculated holodirected two- or three-coordinate methyl groups on different molecules do not allow the two
Pb(II) complexes. The overall 6p/6s population ratios in the hemidi-
rected complex PbII‚4F- and the holodirected complex PbII‚4Cl- are ligands to approach each other as closely as when the methyl
nearly the same, 0.40. However, more charge is transferred to the lead groups are missing, and therefore the ligands fill more space
in PbII‚4Cl- and both the 6s and 6p populations are greater in the around the Pb(II) (becoming holodirected). As a result, a
holodirected complex. In the constrained tetrahedral form of PbII‚4F-,
less charge is transferred to the lead and the 6p/6s population ratio is judicious selection of ligand geometry can be used to design
much smaller, 0.24. complexing agents that allow the lone pair of electrons on Pb-
(71) The complexes PbIV‚2Cl- and PbIV‚3Cl- are calculated to be linear (II) to be stereochemically active or that effectively suppress
and planar, respectively.
(72) Only one optimized structure of PbII‚3OCHO- was located, and it this activity.6
has three monodentate PbII-carboxylate interactions; three local (g) Effects of the Sizes and Charge Distribution of the
minima of PbII‚2OCHO- were found (two monodentate, two bidentate, Ligands on the Coordination Geometry. Since a number of
or one mono- and one bidentate interactions). Examples of both mono-
and bidentate interactions are found in the CSD, although not at divalent lead compounds in the CSD have carboxylate ligands,
coordination number 4. we also studied the structure of the PbII‚4OCHO- complex,
Lone Pair Functionality in Divalent Lead Compounds
Inorganic Chemistry, Vol. 37, No. 8, 1998 1863
Figure 5. Geometries from ab initio molecular orbital calculations for (a) complexes PbII‚4OH-, PbII‚4SH-, PbII‚4SeH-, and PbII‚4TeH- and (b) PbII‚4F-, PbII‚4Cl-, PbII‚ 4Br-, and PbII‚4I-. [ ] ) MP2/
LANL2DZ+d optimization, MP2 charges. The electron distribution is indicated for each structure.
1864 Inorganic Chemistry, Vol. 37, No. 8, 1998 Shimoni-Livny et al.

Table 4. Properties of PbII‚4Cl- as a Function of the Cl-PbII-Cl favor hemidirected with those that favor holodirected geometries,
Angle we inspected the stereochemistries of the chimeric complexes
Cl-PbII-Cl anglea [PbIICln(OCHO)4-n]2-, since the calculated structure of
110° 120° 130° 135° PbII‚4OCHO- is hemidirected while that of PbII‚4Cl- is
holodirected. These calculations were performed without the
EREL (kcal/mol)b,c,d 0.00 +0.09 +0.28 +0.42
additional d-functions on the heavy atoms to reduce the required
% Pb in NBO (long Pb-Cl bonds)c 5.16 4.29 3.72 3.52
% Pb in NBO (short Pb-Cl bonds)c 5.28 6.37 7.40 7.88 computer time. The results are also shown in Figure 8. As
% p in lone pair NBO orbitalc 0.00 0.27 0.83 1.18 the number of softer Cl- ligands is increased in this series, the
long PbII-Cl bond distance (Å)c 2.795 2.842 2.871 2.880 coordination geometry of the complex clearly becomes more
short PbII-Cl bond distance (Å)c 2.790 2.740 2.704 2.689 holodirected. This is accompanied by an increase in the charge
Cl-PbII-Cl bond angle (deg)c,e 109.1 103.5 100.6 99.8 transferred to the lead. The populations of both the 6s and 6p
PbII positive chargec,f +1.193 +1.190 +1.183 +1.178
spnon PbIIc(value of n) 0.398 0.403 0.410 0.415 orbitals increase as does the 6p/6s ratio.
This angle is between the two long PbII-Cl bonds. b Energy relative Discussion and Conclusion
to the value at 110°. c MP2/LANL2DZ+d energies, distances, and
charges. d The nuclear repulsion energy increases dramatically as the There are two general structural categories of Pb(II) com-
angle increases. e This angle is between the two short PbII-Cl bonds. pounds in the CSD: holodirected and hemidirected. These are
NPA charges, MP2 density. distinguished by the disposition of ligands around the metal ion.
optimizing it by ab initio molecular orbital calculations. This In the hemidirected form there is a void in the liganding which
provides an example of a complex with oxygen directly bound is not found with holodirected geometry. Ab initio MP2/
to the lead, but in which the ligands are bulky. Furthermore, LANL2DZ molecular orbital calculations find the same two
these ligands contain additional oxygen atoms that carry types of stereochemistry with four-coordinate gas-phase Pb(II)
substantial charge with the potential for increased ligand-ligand complexes, confirming this classification.
repulsion. The resulting structure is still hemidirected, see Lead shows a wide variety of coordination numbers. Our
Figure 8, and all four PbII-carboxylate interactions are mono- analyses of crystal structures in the CSD finds Pb(IV) com-
dentate; the shortest distance between Pb(II) and a nonbonded pounds with coordination numbers from 4 to 8, but the majority
oxygen atom is nearly 3.5 Å.72 There is a significant asymmetry have coordination number 4, and all are holodirected. On the
in the two longer PbII-O distances in PbII‚4OCHO-, a result other hand, Pb(II) can bind as few as two and as many as 10
of H‚‚‚O interactions among the carboxylate groups, see Figure ligands, with preferred coordination numbers of 4 and 6.
5b in the Supporting Information. Although the series of Hemidirected complexes are found for the lower coordination
complexes PbII‚4OH2, PbII‚4OH-, and PbII‚4OCHO- all are numbers of Pb(II) (2-5), while holodirected stereochemistries
hemidirected, their exterior O-PbII-O angles, 223, 215, and are observed for its higher coordination numbers (9-10) where
195°, respectively, vary over a range of nearly 30°; PbII-O ligand overcrowding is apparently a significant issue. At
distances vary from 2.20 to 2.48 Å. Thus, details of the intermediate Pb(II) coordination numbers (6-8) crystal struc-
geometry of the ligands, as well as their distribution of charges tures with both holodirected and hemidirected stereochemistries
and any interactions in which they are involved, can have are found. Although no examples of four-coordinate holodi-
dramatic effects on the external angle, even if the ligand atom rected Pb(II) compounds were found in the CSD, MP2/
is the same. LANL2DZ optimizations predict that Pb(II) complexes with
(h) Effects of Interactions between the Ligands on the large soft ions (Cl-, Br-, and I-) as ligands should be
Coordination Geometry. To investigate interligand interac- holodirected. In line with this prediction, at coordination
tions by molecular orbital calculations, the complexes PbII‚4Br-, numbers 6 through 8 compounds in the CSD with significant
PbII‚4BrH, and PbII‚4BrK were optimized at the MP2/ numbers of (soft) Cl, Br, or I ligands are found to be
LANL2DZ level, where the LANL2DZ basis set was augmented holodirected. Optimizations of other four-coordinate Pb(II)
by additional polarization functions (d on Pb(II), Br; p on K). complexes with a wide variety of ligands, charged and
The resulting structures are shown in Figure 9. Unlike PbII‚ uncharged, resulted only in hemidirected geometries, in general
4Br-, PbII‚4BrH has a hemidirected coordination geometry. agreement with the results of the CSD search.
Thus, even if the directly liganded atoms are the same, it is One might expect that specific atoms bound to Pb(II) would
possible to have significantly different stereochemistries. It may have a major influence on the stereochemistry (hemi- or
be noted that the net NPA charge on the bromines in PbII‚- holodirected) of the compound. To some extent this is observed.
4BrH is much less than that in PbII‚4Br-, effectively reducing As noted above, hemidirected Pb(II) arrangements are rarely
ligand-ligand repulsion. This difference in stereochemistry is found in the presence of a significant number of Cl, Br, or I
not entirely a function of the charge on the ligand since, as ligands, while there is a tendency for oxygen and nitrogen to
noted previously, PbII‚4OH2, PbII‚4OH-, and PbII‚4OCHO- are be involved in hemidirected geometries at intermediate coor-
all calculated to be hemidirected in the gas phase. Furthermore, dination numbers. However, at coordination number 6 there
the structure of PbII‚4BrK, in which the NPA charges on the are examples of both holo- and hemidirected compounds in
bromines are comparable to those in PbII‚4Br-, is similarly which the liganding atoms are six oxygen or six nitrogen atoms.
hemidirected, although the exterior Br-PbII-Br angle is ap- An inspection of these structures from the CSD suggests that
proximately 10° smaller than that in PbII‚4BrH. It would appear interligand repulsion is responsible for the geometry of at least
that the structure of PbII‚4BrK is such as to optimize the number some of the holodirected compounds.27 On the other hand, ab
of possible potassium-bromine interactions, see Figure 5c-e initio calculations find that PbII‚4Br-, which has four negatively
in the Supporting Information, thereby favoring a hemidirected charged bromide ions presumably repelling each other, is
stereochemistry. A similar situation was observed in the case holodirected, while PbII‚4BrH and PbII‚4BrK, in which the effect
of PbII‚4OH-. of the bromide ion has been counteracted to some extent by
(i) Effects of Mixing Ligands on the Coordination Geom- covalent bond formation or by the presence of cations, are both
etry about Pb(II). To assess the effects of mixing ligands that hemidirected. These observations imply that altering the
Lone Pair Functionality in Divalent Lead Compounds Inorganic Chemistry, Vol. 37, No. 8, 1998 1865

Figure 6. Geometries from ab initio molecular orbital calculations for the complexes PbIV‚4H2O (10) and PbIV‚4Cl- (11). [ ] ) MP2/LANL2DZ+d
optimization, MP2 charges.

Table 5. Percentages of Various Types of Ligands at Coordination

Numbers 6 and 7 for Pb(II)
coordination number 6 coordination number 7
hemidirected holodirected hemidirected holodirected
no. of entries 21 47 21 10
ligand type
O, N 82 33 92 53
S 12 14 7 38
Cl, Br, I 6 53 1 9
ring, chelate 47 9 69 45

effective charge on the liganding atoms or having attractive

interactions among the ligands can disrupt the stereochemistry.
Thus, interactions (repulsive or attractive) among the ligands
play an essential role in determining the stereochemistry of Pb-
(II) complexes.
Our molecular orbital calculations provide some valuable
insight into (four-coordinate) Pb(II) complexes.
(1) Converting a fully optimized hemidirected complex into
a constrained holodirected complex, i.e., making the lone pair
stereochemically inactive, requires approximately 8-12 kcal/
mol for the simple formally uncharged ligands NH3, PH3, OH2,
and SH2. Interactions between ligands can increase or decrease
this energy cost significantly. For example, for PbII‚4OH-
where there are interligand H‚‚‚O attractive interactions, the
required energy is nearly 29 kcal/mol.
(2) The NBO associated with the lone pair of electrons on
the Pb(II) in the hemidirected complexes in Figures 4 and 5 is
primarily 6s, polarized by a surprisingly small p contribution
that is responsible for the void in the distribution of ligands;
the lone pair orbitals in the holodirected complexes PbII‚4X-
(X ) Cl, Br, I) are entirely s in character. We find, in Figure 7. Comparison of the structures of the [HB(pz)3]2PbII (hemi-
preliminary studies, that SnII‚4Cl- is hemidirected, as expected, directed) and [HB(3,5-Me2pz)3]2PbII (holodirected).41 One molecule
since the stereochemical activity of the lone pair is known to of complexing agent is denoted by filled bonds. Note that the
be enhanced for smaller cations.28 complexing agent has the same configuration in both cases. Methyl
(3) For all the hemidirected Pb(II) complexes we studied, groups in the latter prevent hemidirected geometry for steric reasons.
NPA charge is transferred from the ligands to the lead. As the
electronegativity of the liganding group decreases, more charge the two longer PbII-X bonds. In fact, the NBOs suggest that
is transferred to the 6p orbitals on the lead. This added charge PbII‚4F- can be considered as a complex between PbIIF2 and
does not increase the p character of the lone pair orbitals, but two separate fluoride ions.
increases the p character of the PbII-X bonding orbitals, Our analysis suggests that the “normal” arrangement of
resulting in a decrease in the exterior X-PbII-X angles. ligands around Pb(II) is hemidirected, although the “size” of
(4) The two shorter PbII-X bonds in the hemidirected four- the void (e.g. the exterior X-PbII-X angle for four-coordinate
coordinate complexes have greater covalent character than do complexes) in the distribution of ligands is very sensitive to
1866 Inorganic Chemistry, Vol. 37, No. 8, 1998 Shimoni-Livny et al.

Figure 8. Geometries from ab initio molecular orbital calculations of PbII[HCO2-]n[Cl]4-n when n ) 0-4: ( ) MP2/LANL2DZ optimization; [ ]
MP2/LANL2DZ+d optimization.

Figure 9. Geometries from ab initio molecular orbital calculations of (a) PbII‚4Br-, (b) PbII‚4BrH, and (c) PbII‚4BrK: [ ] ) MP2/LANL2DZ+d
Lone Pair Functionality in Divalent Lead Compounds Inorganic Chemistry, Vol. 37, No. 8, 1998 1867

Table 6. Factors Favoring Hemidirected or Holodirected Ligand Acknowledgment. We thank Drs. P. Pyykkö, G. Desiraju,
Geometries E. Jaffe, and G. D. Markham for helpful discussions. We also
hemidirected (void in ligands) holodirected (no void in ligands) thank Mr. G. P. Shields of the Department of Chemistry,
•lower coordination number • higher coordination number University of Cambridge, Lensfield Road, Cambridge CB2
•hard ligands • soft ligands 1EW, U.K., who checked the oxidation states of some of the
•attractive interactions among • repulsive interactions among
CSD entries for us. We thank the Advanced Scientific Comput-
ligands ligands
•lone pair has p character • lone pair has no p character ing Laboratory, NCI-FCRF, for providing time on the CRAY
•fewer electrons transferred • more electron transferred YMP supercomputer. This work was supported by Grants CA-
[from ligands to Pb(II)] [from ligands to Pb(II)] 10925 and CA-06927 from the National Institutes of Health
•bonds more ionic • bonds more covalent
and by an appropriation from the Commonwealth of Pennsyl-
vania. Its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors
the identity of liganding atom, interactions among the ligands,
and do not necessarily represent the official views of the
etc. A list of factors that tend to favor (but not rigorously
determine) hemi- or holodirected arrangements of ligands is National Cancer Institute. This work is part of the dissertation
given in Table 6. of Liat Shimoni-Livny for the Ph.D. degree at the University
of Pennsylvania.
Knowledge of the factors that affect the coordination geom-
etry of Pb(II) may be helpful in the design of complexing agents
that can remove divalent lead and differentiate it from other Supporting Information Available: Listing of CSD reference
harmless metal ions such as zinc and magnesium. It is possible codes and bibliographical information on the crystal structures used in
to design ligands that will ensure a hemidirected environment this study and the crystal structures of the lead compounds that are not
of the Pb(II), but in that case there is a variation in the types of included (Table 1S); examples of *.que and *.geo files (Tables 2S and
bonds to the lead as a function of their positional relationship 3S, respectively), a list of x, y, and z coordinates of the optimized
complexes from the ab initio molecular orbital calculations (Table 4S),
with respect to the lone pair of electrons. On the other hand,
and structures of PbII‚4OH-, PbII‚OCHO-, PbII‚4Br-, PbII‚4BrH, and
if the arrangement is holodirected, the PbII-ligand bonds are
PbII‚4BrK (24 pages). Ordering information is given on any current
all similar and are longer than those found in hemidirected
masthead page.
geometries.6 The chemist has a choice to make between these
two possibilities. IC970909R

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