Effect of Dimethoxy-Methane (C H O) Additive On Emission Characteristics of A Diesel Engine Fueled With Biodiesel
Effect of Dimethoxy-Methane (C H O) Additive On Emission Characteristics of A Diesel Engine Fueled With Biodiesel
Effect of Dimethoxy-Methane (C H O) Additive On Emission Characteristics of A Diesel Engine Fueled With Biodiesel
This paper investigates the utilization of Palm Oil Methyl Ester (PAM) blends with diesel in a compression
ignition engine. The performance and combustion characteristics of 20% Palm Oil Methyl Ester and 80% Diesel and also
with 10% Dimethoxymethane (DMM) have been studied and it was found that the blends could substitute for diesel and
used as an alternate source for the future generation. The addition of additive Dimethoxymethane helps to decrease the
carbon monoxide emission and opacity. The adverse effect oxide nitrogen increase due to the biodiesel blends is
Original Article
marginally reduced. It gives better brake thermal efficiency than biodiesel blends.
KEYWORDS: Palm Oil Methyl Ester, Dimethoxymethane, Diesel Engine & Emission Reduction
Received: Dec 06, 2017; Accepted: Dec 27, 2017; Published: Jan 08, 2018; Paper Id.: IJMPERDFEB201844
There are some issues due to technology advancement relating to an alternate fuel to sustain the
automobile sector for the future. However, our dependence is on diesel and petroleum for fueling the transportation
sector and if this continues then this could threaten our energy resource, affect our economy and even affect our
environment so badly that it may even take hundreds of years for a seed to sprout [1] [2]. Thus, we are in search of
an alternate source of fuel to have a sustainable economy. This is possible with the use of Biodiesel, which is a
renewable source of energy. Though it is not possible to run a CI Engine on 100% biodiesel like jatropha and
pongamia without any major modifications in the presently available engine, when blended with diesel in various
proportions, it would make the world wonder with its Eco-friendly nature [3] [4]. Biodiesel is nothing but long-
chain alkyl esters which is obtained from animal fat and plant seeds. They are regarded as a carbon sink as they
absorb 78.5% of carbon in the atmosphere as they burn and even considered as cleaner than fossil fuels [5] [6].
Waste oil biodiesel showed an increase in fuel density and decrease in calorific value of fuel [7] [8] and
also improved power, thermal efficiency, and reduction in the specific fuel consumption. Waste cooking oil could
be produced through the transesterification process [9] [10]. The heating the frying oil to reduce the viscosity to that
of diesel and it could be used as an alternative fuel in diesel engine [11] [12]. The biodiesel and its blend fuels show
that biodiesel/blend fuels have high break specific fuel consumption at low engine speed [13] [14].
Preheated Palm Oil Methyl Esters (PAM) in the diesel engine it is seen that the improved the brake power
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400 K. Bhaskar, L. R. Sassykova, M. Prabhahar & S. Sendilvelan
output and engine performance [15] [16]. The specific fuel consumption values of the methyl esters were less than that of
the raw vegetable oil and high specific fuel consumption in vegetable oil is due to the lower energy content [17] [18].
Biodiesel is a mixture of glycerin free longchain fatty acids obtained from oils and fats [19] [20]. The diesel
Dimethoxymethane (DMM) blends experimentally and reported that the effect of fuel constituents on combustion
characteristics, fuel efficiency and emissions of a diesel engine. He also reported that with the use of DMM, CO and smoke
emissions can be reduced significantly, while HC emissions and particulate matter increase slightly [21]. To improve the
performance of a diesel engine by adding an oxygenated fuel additive to control the emission and to improve its
Previous research showed that the reduction of PM and NOx could be achieved by using DMM blends [22].
However, these studies were performed only for diesel and DMM blends, and only a few researche have done experimental
work on Palm Oil Methyl Ester and DMM blends. In this work, the performance of Palm Oil Methyl Ester (PAM) and
DMM with diesel in a compression ignition engine have been analyzed. The performers and Combustion characteristics of
B20PAMDMM (20% Palm Oil Methyl Ester and 70% Diesel 10% DMM) for various loads have been studied
Fuels that have a chemical compound that contains oxygen atoms are called oxygenated additives. Effective
burning is possible with the use of oxygenated additives and also the major benefit is it cut down the emission level comes
out of the engine exhaust.The oxygenated additive works by allowing the gasoline in vehicles to burn more completely.
Oxygenated additive also helps to reduce the utility of non-renewable fossil fuels exhausted. In recent years,
Dimethoxymethane (DMM) has been a promising alternative diesel fuel, since it has a high oxygen fraction and a high
cetane number. Such positive advantages make DMM a good oxygenated additive to be used in diesel engines.
In this study, Dimethoxymethane (CH3OCH2OCH3, DMM) were analyzed and reported. DMM is non-toxic and
miscible with diesel fuels. Dimethoxymethane (DMM) is a high oxygen content additive and also has a high cetane
number, which makes DMM a well oxygenate additive for diesel/oxygenate fuel blends. This study, analyses engine
performances and emissions with various compression ratios of a compression ignition engine fueled with Palm oil methyl
ester with DMM blend with diesel.
The research engine test setup with the following configuration has been used for this work. Single cylinder, four
stroke, Multifuel water cooled VCR engine. Strokes:110mm, Bore:87.5mm, Capacity 661cc, Power 3.5 kW, speed 1500
RPM, CR range 12:1-18:1.
Eddy current dynamometer for loading. Experiments were conducted at 17.5 compression ratio with the selected
engine loads varied from 0, 3, 6 and 9kg. Before each measurement, the was warmed up and engine running steadily. The
brake thermal efficiency, NOx, HC, CO emissions as well as the opacity is recorded and analyzed in this study. Figure 1
shows the schematic experimental system and measuring instruments used in this work.
Figure 2 shows that the variation of brake thermal efficiency with a load for diesel, 20% PAM and 20% PAM
with 10% DMM. The result revealed that with increasing a load the brake thermal efficiency increases. 20% PAM shows
lowest brake thermal efficiency compared to the other modes. By adding Dimethoxymethane with palm oil increases the
brake thermal efficiency, but still, it is lower than diesel. This may be due to the PAM addition which has a lower calorific
value than the diesel.
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402 K. Bhaskar, L. R. Sassykova, M. Prabhahar & S. Sendilvelan
Figure 3 shows the exhaust CO concentration in % with load in Kg for 20%PAM, 20% PAM with 10% DMM
fuel blends. A remarkable decrease in CO is present at high engine loads. Moreover, the PAM and DMM blends show a
greater reduction in CO concentration at higher loads. For diesel, the CO concentration is 26.6 % at full load. For 20%
PAM, 20% PAM with 10% DMM the variations are 23.1 and 25 % respectively.
Figure 4 gives HC emissions in ppm versus load in kg. The HC concentration is lower in the case of 20PAM
blends obviously PAM oxygenated fuel supports better combustion with diesel. The expected reduction of HC is not
happened with the addition of 10% DMM considered as higher oxygen mass (8.46). This may be due to the boiling point of
DMM, which is 40°C below the diesel. DMM disperses all areas before the flame reaches, which could be the reason for
higher HC. For diesel, the HC emissions vary from 18 ppm at no load to 25 ppm at rated power output. For 20% PAM,
20% PAM with 10% DMM the variations are from 17 ppm to 22 ppm, 18 ppm to 25 ppm respectively.
The performance and emissions of a compression ignition engine fueled with diesel and PAM blends and
biodiesel/DMM blends were investigated, and the results are summarized below.
• The engine thermal efficiency decreases by 20% PAM blends with diesel. But there are increasesin the BTE with
biodiesel/DMM blends compared with 20% PAM blends.
• The carbon monoxide concentration is low with biodiesel/DMM blends compared with other blends.
• Oxides of Nitrogen increases slightly for both the 20% PAM blends and biodiesel/DMM blends compared to the
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404 K. Bhaskar, L. R. Sassykova, M. Prabhahar & S. Sendilvelan
Energy crisis caused due to disproportionate dependence on non-renewable energy resources fossil fuels. If the
fossil fuel production remains constant, it is estimated that the reserves will be deleted soon. Due to the running down of
the world’s petroleum reserves and the growing environmental concerns, there is an extensive demand for non-
conventional sources of energy. Augmented regulations for particulate matter and NOx, and the issues raised on the
emission of greenhouse gases like CO2 are the reasons for bio-fuels being subjected to demanding research work all over
the world. Biodiesel derived from the transesterification of fats and oils is a possible fuel for diesel engines.
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