Tls 411 Signiture Assignment: Emily Winslow
Tls 411 Signiture Assignment: Emily Winslow
Tls 411 Signiture Assignment: Emily Winslow
Emily Winslow
DECEMBER 4, 2017
Home Engagement and Home Engagement Field Notes
On October 12, 2017 I had the experience to have my home engagement with ELand his
mother ML. I learned how the household is run and what their daily life is like. I was able to
understand how ML believed in raising a family and what the experience has been like so far for
her and her husband Stephen. I also learned about how ML and her husband were raised and the
ML shared with me her husband and her background. ML moved to Tucson, Arizona
when she was twelve years old. Stephen grew up in Dublin, Ireland and lived there until they
moved to together to Tucson, Arizona about fourteen years ago. However, Stephen’s entire
family still lives in Ireland so they are not able to see them often. The main reasons that they
moved back to Tucson, Arizona was because ML’s entire family lives here and that she loved the
church here where she went growing up. ML’s mother grew up in Tucson, Arizona and her
father grew up in Porto Rico. They met while they were in the Army and currently live in
Tucson. ML is the oldest and her younger brother and sister both live in Tucson currently and
EL is the oldest and has a five-month old brother named Aaron. Their mother, ML, is a
stay’s at home with the two boys. Before she had AL she worked as a middle school teacher in
the flowing wells district. She started off teaching for early childhood and then special education.
Her last job she worked with high school students who had learning disabilities as a teacher and
a counselor. As of now she is very happy staying home with her two boys. Their father, SL use
to work in Ireland but when his business was not doing well and they moved back to Tucson he
services on Sunday’s. In their home there are many crosses and religious sculptures. They also
shared with me that they spank their oldest child EL because it says to do so in the bible and they
follow those practices. Their home was very clean and nice. They did not have many electronics
except for a big computer that they have as a television. They monitor what EL watches is doing.
They also only let EL play with friends from church or family members. They want EL to be
ML shaded with me that having children was much harder than she expected it would be.
She said she is nervous at points because she is an older mom but loves having them and they
make her very happy. She then told me how EL is now being tested for ADHD and she is doing
her best to help EL in school. He loves have books read to him and is very entertained by this.
This experience has impacted me because I am now understanding what EL does at home
and how it impacts the way that he is in class. I found the Mother to be very nice and welcoming
to me and seemed to be happy that I was there. I got the impression that their family was well off
and that they had a nice home. I found some of the information hard to connect with because I
personally did not grow up religious. My family does not believe in some of the same culture
values that EL’s family has. For example, I found it hard to not have a reaction when she told me
that they spank their child because my family did not and I personally do not as well. Overall, I
got the sense that EL comes from a very loving family that is striving to see him grow into a
successful student.
On October 26, 2017 I had the opportunity to go back to the L’s house hold to learn more
about their traditions. The mother, ML, shared with me that they only celebrate the religious
aspects of the holiday’s and do not engage with the commercial side of how society is becoming
to view these holidays’. The family does not celebrate Halloween because she does not believe
that it has a religious purpose that they support and that they would rather celebrate the day of
the dead instead. The family does celebrate Thanksgiving but they only gather with family and
church members. They like to have a small dinner and focus more on all of the things that they
are thankful for and to be with family. For Christmas they are very forward with their four-year-
old EL and they told him that Santa is not real. The mother told me they told him Santa is not
real because they do not want one day for him to realizes that Santa is not real and then to
question whether or not Jesus is real. For Christmas they have a dinner with their family and all
receive one small gift. They believe that it is more about the religion than anything else. They
also have told EL that there is no Easter Bunny for the same reasoning of not wanting him to
While I was on my second visit the mother also shared with me how she got a job as a
high school special education teacher in the flowing wells district. She seemed to be very happy
with having the opportunity to start working again. She was a little sad that she would not be
staying home with the baby anymore but found a nanny from church that was able to watch the
two boy while she is at work. ML has expressed to me during this visit how she is becoming
more overwhelmed on the weekends now that she is working. She told me she has had to skip
out on community events that her family use to attended but now she feels that she needs the
weekends to get the house back in order. However, she told me that she was very happy she got
back into teaching and once she adjusts to her schedule she will feel less overwhelmed by it all.
The last thing that we talked about while I was visiting was the types of activities that EL
enjoys to do. The mother told me that EL was very into trucks and that they attend truck shows
once and a while. This is a funds of knowledge that EL now has to use as a tool in the classroom.
Since EL is familiar with trucks he is more familiar with transportation and the idea that things
can be worth more than others. Another fund of knowledge that EL has is watching YouTube
videos. He enjoys shows that involve guns and fighting, but finds monsters to be to scary. This
will be helpful to EL in the future because he is aware of how to operate YouTube and
Overall, these home engagements have been very helpful to learn how a student’s home
life can affect their academics. I have watched how EL has used his home life’s funds of
knowledge into the classroom. At home EL spends a large portion of his time reading and
looking at books with his family. This shows in the classroom because EL tends to be more quiet
and well behaved when we are talking about books. The mother, ML, shared with me that they
do not spend enough time on other subjects such as science and math. This also shows in the
classroom because on days we focus on math EL tends to not be as well behaved and less
focused on these days. This has helped me realize that this means as a teacher he should not be
sent to time out on these days for misbehaving but should have extra attention because he needs
to learn more in this subject matter. I hope that in the future I am able to have home engagements
with all of my students so that I can help them focus on their weakness so that they will be more
a. Why do we read about the educational cultural and linguistic funds of knowledge of diverse
As part of the Early Childhood Education Program it is very important to learn about the
cultural and linguistic funds of knowledge of different diverse groups in the country. In
classrooms around the world and especially in America children are from all different
backgrounds and have different cultures. Children need to know that they are valued and that
even though they have different beliefs and traditions from other students that it is okay. It is also
important for future educators to know what a child of a certain religion or belief has so that they
Children need to be treated with respect and their culture outside of the class needs to be
brought into the classroom so that they know they are equal to their peers. From the text,
Sánchez, and Howard L. Smith, the authors talk about how there is an achievement gap from
other cultures. The authors write, “As the United States enters the second decade of the 21st
century, the achievement gap for Latinos/as, the nation’s fastest growing minority population,
continues to increase” (page 15). Future educators need to realize that this gap is unacceptable
and teachers need to come up with a new way so that there is no achievement gap. Teachers need
to learn about other countries than their own so that their students grow up knowing of other
countries and traditions as well. Having a child know about every holiday even the ones they
don’t celebrate can only help that child learn more about what is in the world.
B. What does the literature tell us about why it is critical for ECE educators understand and be
informed about how sociopolitical issues related to race, culture, ethnicity and language diversity
impact education?
The literature that early childhood education educators read is critical because it is
teaching us ways to be informed about the worlds major issues around us such as race, culture,
ethnicity and language diversity. These topics have been huge issues in the past and need to be
talked about in order to not repeat the tragic events that have occurred in the worlds past.
Although these events can be hard to talk about with children they have a right to know what has
happened before them. When children hear about these events they see how terrible it was and
hopefully will learn to have the mind set that everyone no matter their race, culture, or religion is
In Ed for Change’s article on Eleven Things YOU Can Do to Bring Class Equity to
School by Paul C. Groski there are different reasons on why these topic needs to be discussed in
early childhood classes. Groski writes, “Teach, as well, about the important anti-poverty work
and ideas of people whose activism in this area has been erased from mainstream history: Martin
Luther King, Jr., Helen Keller, Mark Twain, the Black Panthers, and so on. Also teach about
why their anti-poverty work has been erased from mainstream history” (Gorski, Paul C.). Martin
Luther King, Jr., Helen Keller, Mark Twain, the Black Panthers are just a few of the people who
stood up for what they believed was right. Children need to hear about these types of people so
they know that if they see something is not right they speak up.
C. What have you, as a future educator, learned about the significance of #1 and #2 in your own
The significates that the home engagements have brought me in becoming a future
educator have been that I know feel more confident working with families to help give their child
the best education possible. Having the opportunity to work with a family outside of the
classroom as well as working with the child in the classroom has shown me how much of a role
and influence that a family has on their child’s education and their actions. If a child is being
read to at home and is learning literary skills than that child will most likely be interested and
focused when learning about this. They may also be able to help other children learn about these
subjects. Children will also have funds of knowledge by what their parents do for work or the
activities they do outside of school. As a future educator learning about what a family does
outside of school can help make their classroom more diverse and have the children be open to
accepting new ideas. Knowing that a family practices a certain religion or has a cultural tradition
can be the first step in teaching a class of students about a new place or idea in the world. Once
getting to know a family a teacher may be able to invite them into the classroom to do an activity
with the students. This is a fun way to get the kids excited about learning and to show them a
new culture.
The funds of knowledge that the family has is the foundation that their child has in the
classroom. While making my digital story presentation it helped me realize how my childhood
growing up was very different than my home engagement childhood now. My family is based on
experiences and time spent together. This varied from going on ski trips with our cousins to
having family dinners with my grandparents every Sunday night and having sleepovers with my
other grandparents every Friday night. I grew up with having my entire family living no more
than ten minutes away making it very easy to be close with everyone. Growing up on Cape Cod,
Massachusetts the beach and the ocean have been a huge part of my life. These different factors
have contributed to my own funds of knowledge because I became very comfortable and
knowledgeable about the beach, snow, and my own family traditions. My home engagement
child however is growing up with the knowledge of cactus, trucks, and church.
Work Cited
Ek, Lucila D., et al. Aprendiendo De Sus Cominidades/Learning from Their Communities
Gorski, Paul C. “Eleven Things YOU Can Do to Help Bring Class Equity to School” Ed Change.