Sav 4839
Sav 4839
Sav 4839
American National Standards
Call for Comment on Standards Proposals ................................................. 2
Call for Members (ANS Consensus Bodies) ................................................ 5
Final Actions .................................................................................................. 7
Project Initiation Notification System (PINS) ............................................... 9
ANS Maintained Under Continuous Maintenance ....................................... 10
ANSI-Accredited Standards Developers Contact Information ................... 11
International Standards
ISO and IEC Draft Standards ......................................................................... 12
ISO and IEC Newly Published Standards..................................................... 15
Registration of Organization Names in the U.S. ........................................... 17
Proposed Foreign Government Regulations ................................................. 17
Information Concerning .................................................................................. 18
AWWA (American Water Works Association) NEMA (ASC C136) (National Electrical Manufacturers
Revision Association)
BSR/AWWA C207-201x, Steel Pipe Flanges for Waterworks Service, Sizes New Standard
4 in. through 144 in. (100 mm through 3,600 mm) (revision of ANSI/AWWA BSR C136.53-201x, Roadway and Area Lighting Equipment - Enclosed
C207-2013) Pendant Mounted Luminaires (new standard)
This standard describes ring-type slip-on flanges and blind flanges. The This standard covers dimensional, maintenance, and light distribution
flange pressure limits and the tables that describe them are (1) Ring-type, features that permit the interchange of enclosed, pendant-mounted
slip-on flanges (see Tables 2, 3, and 4) and (2) Blind flanges (see Table 5). luminaires whose center mass is directly below the mounting bracket.
Unless otherwise specified by the purchaser, the manufacturer shall select Luminaires of similar size, shape, and weight meeting the requirements of
the type to be used. this standard may be used interchangeably within a system with assurance
Single copy price: Free that:
Obtain an electronic copy from: [email protected] - They will fit the mounting pendant;
Order from: Paul Olson, (303) 347-6178, [email protected]; vdavid@awwa. - Pole strength requirements will not change;
org - Light distribution will be similar; and
Send comments (with copy to [email protected]) to: Same - Similar maintenance procedures can be used.
Single copy price: $60.00
Obtain an electronic copy from: [email protected]
HPS (ASC N13) (Health Physics Society) Order from: Karen Willis, (703) 841-3277, [email protected]
New Standard Send comments (with copy to [email protected]) to: Same
BSR N13.14-201x, Bioassay Programs for Tritium (new standard)
The standard describes how to design and implement a bioassay program
for tritium. It includes: establishing the need for a tritium radiobioassay NSF (NSF International)
program; development of the tritium bioassay program; collection and
measurement of tritium radiobioassay samples; interpretation of tritium Revision
radiobioassay measurements; and records. BSR/NSF 58-201x (i74r2), Reverse Osmosis Drinking Water Treatment
Single copy price: $50.00 Systems (revision of ANSI/NSF 58-2016)
Obtain an electronic copy from: [email protected] The purpose of this Standard is to establish minimum requirements for
materials, design and construction, and performance of reverse osmosis
Order from: Nancy Johnson, (703) 790-1745, [email protected]
drinking water treatment systems. This Standard also specifies the minimum
Send comments (with copy to [email protected]) to: Same product literature that manufacturers shall supply to authorized
representatives and owners, as well as the minimum service-related
obligations that manufacturers shall extend to system owners.
Single copy price: Free
ISEA (International Safety Equipment Association)
Obtain an electronic copy from:
New Standard org/apps/group_public/download.php/39288/58i74r2%20JC%20Memo%
BSR/ISEA 203-201x, Secondary Single-Use Flame Resistant Protective 20and%20Ballot.pdf
Clothing for Use Over Primary Flame Resistant Protective Clothing (new Order from: Monica Leslie, (734) 827-5643, [email protected]
Send comments (with copy to [email protected]) to: Same
This standard establishes minimum performance and labeling requirements
for secondary single-use flame-resistant protective clothing designed for use
in industrial settings where flame hazards may exist and such clothing will
not negatively impact the thermal performance afforded by the primary FR SAAMI (Sporting Arms and Ammunition Manufacturers
protective clothing worn underneath. Items covered by this standard include,
but are not limited to, encapsulating suits, coveralls, jackets, pants, lab
coats, aprons, and sleeves. Reaffirmation
Single copy price: $60.00 BSR/SAAMI Z299.5-2016 (R201x), Voluntary Industry Performance
Order from: Cristine Fargo, (703) 525-1695, [email protected] Standards for Pressure and Velocity of Rimfire Sporting Ammunition for Use
by Commercial Manufacturers (reaffirmation of ANSI/SAAMI Z299.5-2016)
Send comments (with copy to [email protected]) to: Same
In the interests of safety and interchangeability, this Standard provides
pressure and velocity performance and dimensional characteristics for
rimfire sporting ammunition. Included are procedures and equipment for
NECA (National Electrical Contractors Association) determining these criteria.
Single copy price: $35.00 (ANSI Members); $45.00 (Non-members)
Obtain an electronic copy from: Brian Osowiecki, SAAMI,
BSR/NECA 413-201X, Standard for Installing and Maintaining Electric
[email protected]
Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) (revision of ANSI/NECA 413-2012)
Order from: Brian Osowiecki, SAAMI, 11 Mile Hill Road, Newtown, CT 06470
This standard describes the procedures for installing and maintaining Level
1, Level 2, and Level 3 Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE).
Send comments (with copy to [email protected]) to: Randy Bimson,
Single copy price: $40.00
[email protected]
Obtain an electronic copy from: [email protected]
Order from: [email protected]
Send comments (with copy to [email protected]) to: Same
Standards Action - September 29, 2017 - Page 4 of 31 pages
ASSE (ASC A10) (American Society of Safety Engineers) NEMA (ASC C137) (National Electrical Manufacturers Association)
Office: 520 N. Northwest Highway Office: 1300 North 17th Street, Suite 900
Park Ridge, IL 60068 Rosslyn, VA 22209
Contact: Tim Fisher Contact: Karen Willis
Phone: (847) 768-3411 Phone: (703) 841-3277
Fax: (847) 296-9221 E-mail: [email protected]
E-mail: [email protected]
BSR C137.4-201x, Standard for Digital Interface with Auxiliary Power for
BSR ASSE A10.32-201X, Personal Fall Protection Used in Construction Devices (new standard)
and Demolition Operations (revision of ANSI ASSE A10.32-2012)
BSR ASSE A10.7-201X, Safety Requirements for Transportation, NSF (NSF International)
Storage, Handling and Use of Commercial Explosives and Blasting Office: 789 N. Dixboro Road
Agents (revision of ANSI ASSE A10.7-2011) Ann Arbor, MI 48105-9723
Contact: Monica Leslie
ITI (INCITS) (InterNational Committee for Information Technology Phone: (734) 827-5643
Standards) Fax: (734) 827-7880
Office: 1101 K Street NW E-mail: [email protected]
Suite 610
Washington, DC 20005-3922 BSR/NSF 58-201x (i74r2), Reverse Osmosis Drinking Water Treatment
Systems (revision of ANSI/NSF 58-2016)
Contact: Lynn Barra
Phone: (202) 737-8888
Fax: (202) 638-4922
E-mail: [email protected]
o General Interest
o Government
o Producer
o User
If you are interested in joining the ASC O1, contact WMMA Associate Director
Jennifer Miller at [email protected].
Standards Action - September 29, 2017 - Page 7 of 31 pages
AIAA (American Institute of Aeronautics and IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics
Astronautics) Engineers)
Reaffirmation New Standard
ANSI/AIAA S-115-2013 (R2017), LEO Spacecraft Charging Design ANSI/IEEE 2030.6-2016, Guide for the Benefit Evaluation of Electric
Standard and Handbook (reaffirmation of ANSI/AIAA S-115-2013): Power Grid Customer Demand Response (new standard):
9/20/2017 9/20/2017
ANSI/AIAA S-123-2007 (R2017), Adaptions and Conversions of ANSI/IEEE 61850-9-3-2016, IEC/IEEE International Standard -
CCSDS Space Link Extension Forward Communications Link Communication networks and systems for power utility automation -
Transmission Unit Transfer Service (reaffirmation of ANSI/AIAA S Part 9-3: Precision time protocol profile for power utility automation
-123-2007): 9/20/2017 (new standard): 9/20/2017
ANSI/AIAA S-124-2007 (R2017), Adaptions and Conversions of
CCSDS Space Link Extension Return All Frames Transfer Service NEMA (ASC C29) (National Electrical Manufacturers
(reaffirmation of ANSI/AIAA S-124-2007): 9/20/2017 Association)
APCO (Association of Public-Safety ANSI C29.9-2017, Wet Process Porcelain Insulators - Apparatus, Post
Communications Officials-International) Type (revision of ANSI C29.9-1983 (R2012)): 9/19/2017
ANSI/APCO 3.104.2-2017, Core Competencies and Minimum Training NSF (NSF International)
Standard for Public Safety Communications Training Coordinator Revision
(revision and redesignation of ANSI/APCO 3.104.1-2012):
9/19/2017 * ANSI/NSF 173-2017 (i64r2), Dietary Supplements (revision of
ANSI/NSF 173-2016): 9/20/2017
ASABE (American Society of Agricultural and
Biological Engineers) RESNET (Residential Energy Services Network, Inc.)
New National Adoption Addenda
ANSI/ASABE/ISO 3463-SEP2017, Tractors for agriculture and forestry * ANSI/RESNET/ICC 301-2014, Addendum D-2017, Testing
- Roll-over protective structures (ROPS) - Dynamic test method and Airtightness of Building Enclosures, Airtightness of Heating and
acceptance conditions (identical national adoption of ISO Cooling Air Distribution Systems, and Airflow of Mechanical
3463:2006): 9/21/2017 Ventilation Systems: Reference Standard ANSI/RESNET/ICC 380
-2016 (addenda to ANSI/RESNET/ICC 301-2014): 9/21/2017
ASC X9 (Accredited Standards Committee X9,
Incorporated) UL (Underwriters Laboratories, Inc.)
Revision New National Adoption
ANSI X9.69-2017, Framework for Key Management Extensions ANSI/UL 60079-28-2017, Standard for Safety for Explosive
(revision of ANSI X9.69-2007): 9/19/2017 Atmospheres - Part 28: Protection of Equipment and Transmission
Systems Using Optical Radiation (Proposal dated 07-28-17)
(national adoption with modifications of IEC 60079-28): 9/15/2017
ASTM (ASTM International)
ANSI/UL 60079-28-2017a, Standard for Safety for Explosive
Atmospheres - Part 28: Protection of Equipment and Transmission
ANSI/ASTM F2650-2017, Terminology Relating to Impact Testing of Systems Using Optical Radiation (Proposal dated 07-28-17)
Sports Surfaces and Equipment (revision of ANSI/ASTM F2650 (national adoption with modifications of IEC 60079-28): 9/15/2017
-2013): 9/15/2017 * ANSI/UL 60335-2-40-2017b, Household and Similar Electrical
Appliances, Part 2: Particular Requirements for Electrical Heat
ECIA (Electronic Components Industry Association) Pumps, Air-Conditioners and Dehumidifiers (national adoption of
IEC 60335-2-40 with modifications and revision of ANSI/UL 60335-2
New National Adoption
-40-2012): 9/15/2017
ANSI/EIA 60050-192-2017, International electrotechnical vocabulary -
* ANSI/UL 60335-2-40-2017c, Standard for Household and Similar
Part 192: Dependability (identical national adoption of IEC 60050
Electrical Appliances - Part 2: Particular Requirements for Electrical
-192: 2015 Ed.1.0): 9/21/2017
Heat Pumps, Air-Conditioners and Dehumidifiers (national adoption
ANSI/EIA 61703-2017, Mathematical expressions for reliability, of IEC 60335-2-40 with modifications and revision of ANSI/UL
availability, maintainability and maintenance support terms (identical 60335-2-40-2012): 9/15/2017
national adoption of IEC 61703:2016): 9/21/2017
Standards Action - September 29, 2017 - Page 8 of 31 pages
Following is a list of proposed actions and new ANS that have been received recently from ASDs. Please also review the section in Standards Action
entitled "American National Standards Maintained Under Continuous Maintenance" for additional or comparable information with regard to standards
maintained under the continuous maintenance option. To view information about additional standards for which a PINS has been submitted and to search
approved ANS, please visit, which is a database of standards information. Note that this database is not exhaustive.
Directly and materially affected interests wishing to receive more information or to submit comments are requested to contact the standards developer
directly within 30 days of the publication of this announcement.
APCO (Association of Public-Safety Communications Officials- NCPDP (National Council for Prescription Drug Programs)
International) Office: 9240 East Raintree Drive
Office: 351 N. Williamson Boulevard Scottsdale, AZ 85260
Daytona Beach, FL 32114-1112 Contact: Kittye Krempin
Contact: Crystal McDuffie
Fax: (480) 767-1042
Fax: (386) 944-2794 E-mail: [email protected]
E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]
BSR/NCPDP Medicaid Encounter Data Reporting Standard-201x,
BSR/APCO 3.108.2-201x, Core Competencies and Minimum Training NCPDP Medicaid Encounter Data Reporting Standard (new
Standards for Public Safety Communications Instructor (revision and standard)
redesignation of ANSI/APCO 3.108.1-2014) Stakeholders: Pharmacy benefit managers, managed care
Stakeholders: Public safety communications users, producers, and organizations, state Medicaid agencies.
general interest. Project Need: Currently, states use a variety of formats including
Project Need: Revise and redesignate. modified standards and propriety files. The proposed standard is being
This is a revision of the standard that identifies the core competencies developed to enable consistent pharmacy encounter data reporting that
and minimum training requirements of the individual who is generally meets the content requirements of State Medicaid agencies and other
tasked with delivery of training within the communications center. The lines of business.
purpose of this standard is to provide a consistent foundation for the Standardization of data content and file layout for reporting of Medicaid
knowledge, skills, and abilities needed to fulfill this critical function. This Managed Care Organization pharmacy claims to the state agency.
standard recognizes the need to supplement the training and core
competencies identified within this standard with agency-specific
NEMA (ASC C137) (National Electrical Manufacturers Association)
Office: 1300 North 17th Street, Suite 900
Rosslyn, VA 22209
ASSE (ASC A10) (American Society of Safety Engineers)
Contact: Karen Willis
Office: 520 N. Northwest Highway
Park Ridge, IL 60068 E-mail: [email protected]
Contact: Tim Fisher BSR C137.4-201x, Standard for Digital Interface with Auxiliary Power
for Devices (new standard)
Fax: (847) 296-9221
E-mail: [email protected] Stakeholders: Producers, specifiers, users, installers.
Project Need: IEC 62386 includes a framework of memory banks for
BSR ASSE A10.32-201X, Personal Fall Protection Used in exchanging data, such as status and measurement information.
Construction and Demolition Operations (revision of ANSI ASSE However, the content of specific memory banks needs to be
A10.32-2012) standardized to promote interoperability. The designation of memory
Stakeholders: Occupational safety and health professionals working banks 2 through 199 is not currently standardized. This standard will
with fall protection hazards and exposures in the construction and designate the content of some selected memory banks in this range.
demolition industry. IEC 62386 specifies a limited powering capability that can be used to
Project Need: Based upon the consensus of the A10 Committee. power a device connected to the digital interface bus. For those
This standard establishes performance criteria for personal fall devices that require more power than the digital interface bus can
protection equipment and systems in construction and demolition and deliver, an option for an auxiliary power supply needs to be specified.
provides guidelines, recommendations for their use, and inspection. It Electromechanical interfaces also need to be standardized to provide
includes, but is not limited to; fall arrest, restraint, positioning, climbing, for interchangeability.
descending, rescue, escape, and training activities. This standard specifies the requirements for a digital addressable
lighting interface between a driver and one or more devices, such as
sensors or communication devices. It includes requirements for
auxiliary power, electromechanical interface, common interpretation of
data exchange and protected access to the data. This standard builds
on the IEC 62386, Digital Addressable Lighting Interface, series of
Standards Action - September 29, 2017 - Page 10 of 31 pages
To obtain additional information with regard to these standards, including contact information at the ANSI Accredited Standards Developer, please visit
ANSI Online at, select “Standards Activities,” click on “Public Review and Comment” and “American National Standards Maintained
Under Continuous Maintenance.” This information is also available directly at
Alternatively, you may contact the Procedures & Standards Administration department (PSA) at [email protected] or via fax at 212-840-2298. If you request
that information be provided via E-mail, please include your E-mail address; if you request that information be provided via fax, please include your fax
number. Thank you.
Standards Action - September 29, 2017 - Page 11 of 31 pages
ISO/DIS 21846, Vegetable fats and oils - Determination of composition ISO/DIS 24678-7, Fire safety engineering - Requirements governing
of triacylglycerols and composition and content of diacylglycerols by algebraic equations - Part 7: Radiation heat flux received from an
capillary gas chromatography - 12/10/2017, $58.00 open pool fire - 10/13/2017, $102.00
ISO/DIS 28198, Vegetable fats and oils - Determination of toluene INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION SYSTEMS AND INTEGRATION (TC
insoluble matter - 10/13/2017, $46.00 184)
ISO/DIS 18363-2, Animal and vegetable fats and oils - Determination
ISO/DIS 20534, Industrial automation systems and integration -
of fatty-acid-bound chloropropanediols (MCPDs) and glycidol by
Formal semantic models for the configuration of global production
GC/MS - Part 2: Method using slow alkaline transesterification and
networks - 10/14/2017, $175.00
measurement for 2-MCPD, 3-MCPD and glycidol - 12/14/2016,
$82.00 ISO/DIS 16300-1, Automation systems and integration -
Interoperability of capability units for manufacturing application
AIR QUALITY (TC 146) solutions - Part 1: Interoperability criteria of capability units per
application requirements - 12/8/2017, $53.00
ISO/DIS 16000-23, Indoor air - Part 23: Performance test for
evaluating the reduction of formaldehyde concentrations by sorptive NATURAL GAS (TC 193)
building materials - 12/11/2017, $102.00
ISO/DIS 20676, Natural gas - Upstream area - Determination of
ISO/DIS 16000-24, Indoor air - Part 24: Performance test for
hydrogen sulfide content by laser absorption spectroscopy -
evaluating the reduction of volatile organic compound
12/8/2017, $67.00
concentrations by sorptive building materials - 12/14/2017, $88.00
AND VERIFICATION (TC 213) ISO/DIS 9211-1, Optics and photonics - Optical coatings - Part 1:
Definitions - 10/14/2017, $71.00
ISO/DIS 13385-1, Geometrical product specifications (GPS) -
Dimensional measuring equipment - Part 1: Desiign and PULLEYS AND BELTS (INCLUDING VEEBELTS) (TC 41)
metrological characteristics of callipers - 10/15/2017, $67.00
ISO/DIS 155, Belt drives - Pulleys - Limiting values for adjustment of
centres - 12/15/2017, $40.00
Standards Action - September 29, 2017 - Page 13 of 31 pages
TECHNICAL DRAWINGS, PRODUCT DEFINITION AND RELATED IEC 60539-1 Ed. 3.0 b cor.1:2017, Corrigendum 1 - Directly heated
DOCUMENTATION (TC 10) negative temperature coefficient thermistors - Part 1: Generic
specification, $0.00
ISO 13567-1:2017, Technical product documentation - Organization
and naming of layers for CAD - Part 1: Overview and principles, ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT IN MEDICAL PRACTICE (TC 62)
$45.00 IEC 80601-2-59 Ed. 2.0 b:2017, Medical electrical equipment - Part 2
VACUUM TECHNOLOGY (TC 112) -59: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential
performance of screening thermographs for human febrile
ISO 19685:2017, Vacuum technology - Vacuum gauges -
temperature screening, $281.00
Specifications, calibration and measurement uncertainties for Pirani
WELDING AND ALLIED PROCESSES (TC 44) IEC 60364-6 Ed. 2.0 b cor.1:2017, Corrigendum 1 - Low voltage
electrical installations - Part 6: Verification, $0.00
ISO 22825:2017, Non-destructive testing of welds - Ultrasonic testing -
Testing of welds in austenitic steels and nickel-based alloys, INSTRUMENT TRANSFORMERS (TC 38)
$138.00 IEC 61869-9 Ed. 1.0 b:2016, Instrument transformers - Part 9: Digital
interface for instrument transformers, $317.00
ISO Technical Specifications
TRANSPORT INFORMATION AND CONTROL SYSTEMS (TC 204) IEC 60810 Ed. 5.0 b:2017, Lamps, light sources and LED packages
ISO/TS 17444-2:2017, Electronic fee collection - Charging for road vehicles - Performance requirements, $375.00
performance - Part 2: Examination framework, $232.00 IEC 60598-2-22 Amd.1 Ed. 4.0 b:2017, Amendment 1 - Luminaires -
Part 2-22: Particular requirements - Luminaires for emergency
ISO/IEC JTC 1, Information Technology lighting, $23.00
IEC 60598-2-22 Ed. 4.1 b:2017, Luminaires - Part 2-22: Particular
ISO/IEC 17203:2017, Information technology - Open Virtualization requirements - Luminaires for emergency lighting, $352.00
Format (OVF) specification, $209.00
ISO/IEC 29794-4:2017, Information technology - Biometric sample
quality - Part 4: Finger image data, $185.00
Standards Action - September 29, 2017 - Page 16 of 31 pages
S+ IEC 60810 Ed. 5.0 en:2017 (Redline version), Lamps, light sources TRANSMITTING EQUIPMENT FOR RADIO COMMUNICATION (TC
and LED packages for road vehicles - Performance requirements, 103)
IEC/TR 63098-1 Ed. 1.0 en:2017, Transmitting equipment for
MAGNETIC ALLOYS AND STEELS (TC 68) radiocommunication - Radio-over-fibre technologies and their
IEC 60404-8-8 Ed. 2.0 en:2017, Magnetic materials - Part 8-8: performance standard - Part 1: System applications of radio over
Specifications for individual materials - Thin electrical steel strip and fibre technology, $164.00
sheet for use at medium frequencies, $164.00
IEC Technical Specifications
IEC 62957-1 Ed. 1.0 b:2017, Radiation protection instrumentation - SOLAR PHOTOVOLTAIC ENERGY SYSTEMS (TC 82)
Semi-empirical method for performance evaluation of detection and IEC/TS 62257-7 Ed. 2.0 en:2017, Recommendations for renewable
radionuclide identification - Part 1: Performance evaluation of the energy and hybrid systems for rural electrification - Part 7:
instruments, featuring radionuclide identification in static mode, Generators, $82.00
$235.00 S+ IEC/TS 62257-7 Ed. 2.0 en:2017 (Redline version),
POWER ELECTRONICS (TC 22) Recommendations for renewable energy and hybrid systems for
rural electrification - Part 7: Generators, $107.00
IEC 62501 Amd.2 Ed. 1.0 b:2017, Amendment 1 - Voltage sourced
converter (VSC) valves for high-voltage direct current (HVDC)
power transmission - Electrical testing, $23.00
IEC 62501 Ed. 1.2 b:2017, Voltage sourced converter (VSC) valves for
high-voltage direct current (HVDC) power transmission - Electrical
testing, $586.00
Information Concerning
SCTE, an ANSI-accredited SDO, is the primary organization 4. ANSI is able to fulfill the requirements of a secretariat.
for the creation and maintenance of standards for the cable If no U.S. organization steps forward to assume the ISO/TC
telecommunications industry. SCTE’s standards mission is 285 secretariat, or if there is insufficient support for ANSI to
to develop standards that meet the needs of cable system assume direct administration of this activity, then ANSI will
operators, content providers, network and customer inform the ISO Central Secretariat that the U.S. will
premises equipment manufacturers, and all others who have relinquish its leadership of the committee. This will allow
an interest in the industry through a fair, balanced and ISO to solicit offers from other countries interested in
transparent process. assuming the secretariat role.
SCTE is currently seeking to broaden the membership base Information concerning the United States retaining the role of
of its ANS consensus bodies and is interested in new international secretariat may be obtained by contacting ANSI
members in all membership categories to participate in new at ([email protected]).
work in fiber-optic networks, advanced advertising, 3D
television, and other important topics. Of particular interest
is membership from the content (program and advertising)
provider and user communities.
Standards Action - September 29, 2017 - Page 19 of 31 pages
Call for U.S. TAG Administrator ISO New Work Item Proposal
ISO/TC 285 – Clean Cookstoves and Clean Privacy by Design for Consumer Goods and
Cooking Solutions Services
Currently, ANSI holds a leadership position as U.S. TAG Comment Deadline: October 27, 2017
administrator of ISO/TC 285 – Clean cookstoves and clean
cooking solutions. ANSI directly administers the U.S. TAG COPOLO, ISO consumer policy committee, along with BSI,
for ISO/TC 285 with the support of the United Nations the ISO ember from the UK, has submitted to ISO a new
Foundation. The United Nations Foundation has advised work item proposal for the development of an ISO standard
ANSI to relinquish its role as TAG administrator for this on Privacy by design for consumer goods and services, with
committee. the following scope statement:
ISO/TC 285 operates under the following scope: Specification of the design process to provide consumer
goods and services that meet consumers’ domestic
Standardization in the field of cookstoves and clean processing privacy needs as well as the personal privacy
cooking solutions. requirements of Data Protection.
Organizations interested in serving as the U.S. TAG In order to protect consumer privacy the functional scope
Administrator or participating on a U.S. TAG should contact includes security in order to prevent unauthorized access
ANSI’s ISO Team ([email protected]). to data as fundamental to consumer privacy, and
Establishment of ISO Technical Committee consumer privacy control with respect to access to a
person’s data and their authorized use for specific
ISO/TC 312 – Excellence in service purposes.
A new ISO Technical Committee, ISO/TC 312 – Excellence The process is to be based on the ISO 9001 continuous
in service, has been formed. The Secretariat has been quality improvement process and ISO 10377 product
assigned to Germany (DIN). safety by design guidance, as well as incorporating
privacy design JTC1 security and privacy good practices,
ISO/TC 312 operates under the following scope: in a manner suitable for consumer goods and services.
Standardization in the field of excellence in service
Anyone wishing to review the proposal can request a copy
Organizations interested in serving as the U.S. TAG by contacting ANSI’s ISO Team ([email protected]), with a
Administrator or participating on the U.S. TAG should submission of comments to Steve Cornish
contact ANSI’s ISO Team ([email protected]). ([email protected]) by close of business on Friday, October
Establishment of ISO Subcommittee
27, 2017.
Information Concerning
International Organization for Standardization
ISO New Work Item Proposal
Indirect, Temperature-Controlled Refrigerated Delivery
Services – Land Transport of Parcels with Intermediate
Comment Deadline: October 27, 2017
JISC, the ISO member body for Japan, has submitted to ISO a new work item proposal for the
development of an ISO standard on Indirect, temperature-controlled refrigerated delivery services – Land
transport of parcels with intermediate transfer, with the following scope statement:
This standard specifies requirements for the provision and operation of indirect, temperature-
controlled refrigerated delivery services for refrigerated parcels (which might contain temperature-
sensitive goods like food, plants, chemical products and cosmetics) in land transport refrigerated
vehicles. It includes all refrigerated delivery service stages from the acceptance (receipt) of a
refrigerated parcel from its delivery service user all the way to its delivery at the designated
destination, including intermediate transfer of the refrigerated parcels between refrigerated
vehicles and via geographical routing. This standard also includes requirements for resources,
operations and communications to delivery service users. It is intended for application by
refrigerated delivery service providers.
It does not cover requirements for refrigerated parcel delivery via the modes of transport by
airplane, ship and train. It also does not cover separate requirements for refrigerated parcels that
may be transported in ambient temperatures due to the fact that they contain their own
refrigeration materials (e.g. ice packs, refrigerated foam bricks, dry ice blocks) and are
surrounded and enclosed by sealed thermoprotective packaging that creates a separate
refrigerated climate to that provided within the delivery service. However, these types of
refrigerated parcels may be transported through a refrigerated delivery service.
It does not cover direct refrigerated courier services in which refrigerated parcels are collected
from the delivery service user and transported directly to a recipient without in-transit transfer. It
does not cover requirements for the quality or specifically for measuring the temperature of the
contents of the refrigerated parcels being delivered and their pre-point of receipt state, but does
set the requirements for the refrigerated delivery service carrying them. It also does not cover the
transport of medical devices and medical equipment.
Anyone wishing to review the proposal can request a copy by contacting ANSI’s ISO Team ([email protected]),
with a submission of comments to Steve Cornish ([email protected]) by close of business on Friday,
October 27, 2017.
Standards Action - September 29, 2017 - Page 21 of 31 pages
Information Concerning
All U.S. stakeholder organizations in relevant fields and industries are strongly encouraged to join NDT
professionals in the U.S. to review and comment on proposed international NDT standards. Lend your
voice to the consortium that will promote the U.S. consensus position on NDT matters to the world.
• glossary of terms;
• methods of test;
• performance specifications for testing equipment and ancillary apparatus.
• quality levels;
• specifications for electrical equipment and apparatus, which fall within the range of IEC Committees.
Organizations interested in participating in this meeting should contact the U.S. TAG Administrator,
James Bennett ([email protected]).
Standards Action - September 29, 2017 - Page 22 of 31 pages
Specific Authorization Required for Reproduction or Quotation
ASME Codes and Standards
Standards Action - September 29, 2017 - Page 23 of 31 pages
Record 15-2482
base, building: the level at which the horizontal seismic ground motions are considered to be imparted
to the structure.
safety integrity level (SIL): the discrete level (one out of a possible four) for specifying the safety
integrity requirements of the safety functions to be allocated to the E/E/PE safety-related system, where
safety integrity level 4 has the highest level of safety integrity and safety integrity level 1 has the lowest
(See IEC 61508).
control, mechanical-hydraulic : a motion control in which acceleration, speed, retardation and stopping
are governed by varying the fluid flow to/from the hydraulic jack by direct mechanical operation of the
valves by shipper rope or operating lever device.
control, electrohydraulic: a motion control in which the acceleration, speed, retardation and stopping
are governed by varying the fluid flow to/from the hydraulic jack by electrically operated valves.
Seal, adjustment: A device or means to prevent adjustment of a component that must be broken to
change the adjustment. Sealing includes a method to document the date and name of the person
and/or firm applying the seal or other means to acquire this information.
Conveyor, vertical reciprocating [VRC]:. See ASME B20.1 for definition and safety requirements.
material lift: a hoisting and lowering mechanism normally classified as an elevator, equipped with a car
that moves within a guide system installed at an angle of greater than 70 deg from the horizontal,
serving two or more landings, An elevator designed or modified for the purpose of transporting
materials that are manually or automatically loaded or unloaded, and not a vertical reciprocating
conveyor (see 1.3). Material lifts without an automatic transfer device are Type A or Type B. On Type A
material lifts no persons are permitted to ride. On Type B material lifts authorized personnel are
permitted to ride.
elevator discharge level: the floor, served by elevators, that occupants will use to leave the building
during an emergency evacuation.
Occupant Evacuation Operation: the operation of an elevator system for occupant evacuation under
emergency conditions.
operation, group automatic: automatic operation of two or more non attendant elevators equipped
with power-operated car and hoistway doors. The operation of the cars is coordinated by a supervisory
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control system including automatic dispatching means whereby selected cars at designated dispatching
points automatically close their doors and proceed on their trips in a regulated manner. It may includes
but is not limited to: operating device(s) in the car and/or at each landing that provide a means to select
destinations identified with landings; key pads or touch screens at each landing and/or in the car; one
buttons in each car for each floor served and “UP” and “DOWN” buttons at each landing (single buttons
at terminal landings). The stops set up by the momentary actuation of these devices the car buttons are
made automatically in succession as a car reaches the corresponding landing, irrespective of its direction
of travel or the sequence in which the devices buttons are actuated. The stops set up by the momentary
actuation of the device(s) at the landing buttons may be accomplished by any elevator in the group, and
are made automatically. by the first available car that approaches the landing in the corresponding
elevator, outside emergency: an elevator operating on the outside of a building having up to five
compartments that is operated only by emergency personnel and used solely for emergency evacuation
of building occupants and transportation of a limited number of emergency responders involved in the
step band: the complete assembly formed by all of the steps and their interconnecting means.
pallet band: the complete assembly formed by all of the pallets and their interconnecting means.
Record 15-2689 Clearance Between Hoistway Doors or Gates and Landing Sills and Car Doors or Gates.
Clearances and deflections shall comply with the following requirements:
(a) The clearance, including recesses, between the hoistway doors or gates and the hoistway edge
of the landing sill shall not exceed 3 0.75 in. (76 19 mm).
(b) The distance, including recesses, between the hoistway face of the landing door or gate and
the car door or gate shall not exceed 5 4 in. (127 100 mm) based on one of the following:.
(1) Power Operated Horizontally Sliding Hoistway and Car Doors. Where power operated
horizontally sliding hoistway and car doors are used, the measurement between the leading edge
of the doors or sight guard, if provided, shall not exceed 4 in. (100 mm). If it is possible for a user
to detach or disconnect either door from the operator (such as in the event of operator failure)
and such detachment or disconnection allows the user to operate the door manually, shall apply.
(2) Swinging Hoistway Doors and Folding Car Doors. Where swinging hoistway doors and
folding car doors are used and both doors are in the fully closed position, the space between the
Hoistway door and the folding door shall reject a 4 in. (100 mm) diameter ball or 4 in (100 mm)
diameter disk held in the horizontal plane at all points.
(3) Swinging Hoistway Doors and Car Gates. Where swinging hoistway doors and car gates
are used, the space between the Hoistway door and the car gate shall reject a 4 in (100 mm)
diameter ball or 4 in. (100 mm) diameter disk held in the horizontal plane at all points.
(4) Swinging Hoistway Doors and Power Operated Horizontally Sliding Car Doors.
Where car door(s) are powered, and arranged so that the car door(s) cannot be closed until after
the hoistway door is closed, and car door(s) automatically open when the car is at a landing and
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the hoistway door is opened, the measurement between the hoistway face of the hoistway door
and the hoistway face of the car door at its leading edge shall not exceed 4 in (100 mm). If it is
possible for a user to detach or disconnect either door from the operator (such as in the event of
operator failure) and such detachment or disconnection allows the user to operate the door
manually, shall apply.
(5) Swinging or Horizontally Sliding Hoistway Doors and Manually Operated Horizontally
Sliding Car Doors. Where swinging or horizontally sliding hoistway doors and manual horizontally
sliding car doors are used and both doors are in the fully closed position, the space between the
swinging or horizontally sliding hoistway door and the manual horizontally sliding car doors shall
reject a 4 in (100 mm) diameter ball or 4 in (100 mm) diameter disk held in the horizontal plane at all
(c) When space guards are provided to comply with and/or, they shall
conform to the following:
(1) The space guard shall be designed and installed to withstand a force of 75 lbf (335 N)
applied horizontally on an area 4 in. by 4 in. (100 mm by 100 mm)at right angles to and at any
location without permanent deformation and the deflection shall not exceed 0.75 in. (19 mm).
(2) The bottom of the guard shall not be more than 0.5 in. (13 mm) above the sill.
(3) The face of the guard shall run vertically the full height of the door. Where a vision panel
conforming to the requirements of 2.6.3 is provided in the door a corresponding opening shall be
provided in the space guard.
(4) Cutouts in full height space guards for hoistway door locks or interlocks shall be limited to
that required for operation of the interlocks.
(5) The guard shall extend to within 1.5 in. (38 mm) of the edges and top of the door.
(6) Exposed edges shall be beveled or rolled.
(7) Space guards shall not project beyond the edge of the hoistway sill.
(8) Where hand latches, door knobs, or pull bars are provided to permit proper closing
or latching of the door, a cutout shall be permitted to provide access to this hardware. The
top of the cutout shall be inclined at an angle of not less than 60 deg nor more than 75 deg
from the horizontal. Openings caused by the cutout shall be closed by unperforated material.
(9) The guard shall be attached to the hoistway door by tamper resistant means.
Record 16-1020
Table 1.6(a)
(b) Belt sets shall be selected on the basis of the manufacturer’s rated breaking strength and a
safety factor of 10. Chain and sprocket sets shall be selected on the basis of recommendations set forth
in the Supplementary Information section of ASA B29.1 ASME B29.1, using a service factor of 2. Offset
links in a chain are not permitted.
208.9b General Requirements. Belt sets shall be selected on the basis of the manufacturer’s rated
breaking strength and a factor of safety of 10. Chain and sprocket sets shall be selected on the basis of
recommendations set forth in the Supplementary Information section of ANSI B29.1, ASME B29.1 using
a service factor of 2.0. Offset links in chain are not permitted.
Record 16-1037
Record 16-1206
ASME A17.2, Guide for Inspection of Elevators, Escalators, and Moving Walks. This Guide gives detailed
procedures for the inspection and testing of elevators, escalators, and moving walks required to
conform to the Safety Code for Elevators and Escalators, A17.1–1955 and later editions and the Safety
Code for Existing Elevators and Escalators, A17.3. Subsections are arranged to focus on routine and
periodic inspection and test requirements, as well as acceptance criteria.
Although private residences are usually exempt from routine periodic inspections, this Code will provide
a basis for evaluation of existing equipment during resale or exchange of property. It will also be useful
when an “installation placed out of service” is returned to use.
Standards Action - September 29, 2017 - Page 27 of 31 pages
Add to Foreword
At end of Section II.B. Filter Media the following statement:
“If questions arise regarding the silicon dioxide content of silica sand, the content
can be determined using ASTM C114-15 Standard Test Method for Chemical Analysis of
Hydraulic Cement. The result can be reported as percent silicon dioxide.”
ASTM C114 – Standard Test Method for Chemical Analysis of Hydraulic Cement.
“1. Silica sand shall consist of hard, durable, dense grains of at least 85 percent
siliceous material that will resist degradation during handling and use.”
International Code
302.2.1.3 Grade marks. Grade marks or Certificates of Inspection shall include the
following information:
3. Species of logs.
5. Labeled moisture content at time of grading. If the moisture content is not included
on the grade mark or certificate, then the moisture content shall be assumed to be
green for all design calculations where moisture content is a factor.
BSR/UL 61058-1, Standard for Safety for Switches for Appliances - Part 1: General Requirements
1. The proposed new edition of UL 61058-1 which is harmonized with CSA and the Fourth Edition
of the Standard for Switches for Appliances - Part 1: General Requirements, IEC 61058-1.
BSR/UL 746C, Standard for Safety for Polymeric Materials – Use in Electrical
Equipment Evaluations
1. Alignment of the Text in Paragraph 9.4 with that of Table 6.1 for the
Comparative Tracking Index (CTI) Test
9.4 As indicated in Table 6.1, an insulating material that is in contact with or in close
proximity to less than 0.8 mm (1/32 inch) of (a) uninsulated live parts of opposite polarity
or such (b) uninsulated live parts and either (1) dead metal parts that may be grounded
in service, or (2) any surface exposed to contact, shall have a maximum CTI PLC of 4
for indoor equipment in a relatively clean environment; a maximum CTI PLC of 3 is
required for most outdoor and indoor equipment that may be exposed to moderate
contaminate environments; a maximum CTI PLC of 2 is required for equipment that is
likely to be subjected to severe contaminate environments.