Minerals and Rocks
Minerals and Rocks
Minerals and Rocks
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6 authors, including:
Daniela Bertuccelli
National University of Central Buenos Aires
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Spectroscopy Letters, 44:399–411, 2011
Copyright # Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
ISSN: 0038-7010 print=1532-2289 online
DOI: 10.1080/00387010.2011.573048
Minerals and rocks that are found at a particular location contain impor-
tant clues about the geologic history of that site and how it originated and
has evolved with time. Field geology relies greatly on identification based
on a geologist’s assessment of certain physical properties and later classi-
fication at a laboratory facility, which is not always accurate. Due to its
advantages of lack of any sample preparation and in situ measurements,
Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) offers a tool for more-
reliable identification of field samples.
The aim of this work was to carry out a rapid analysis of major and minor
elements present in geological samples by LIBS technique. In this approach,
we employed a compact system equipped with a nonintensified detector
and without temporal resolution, and the results allowed the compositional
Received 8 February 2011; analysis of several minerals, rocks, and a soil sample. Furthermore, the LIBS
accepted 14 March 2011. capability to drill through weathered layers on the sample surface to deter-
Address correspondence to Diego M. mine its composition as well as that of the underlying bulk composition
Dı́az Pace, Pinto 399, B7000GHG
Tandil, Buenos Aires, Argentina. was addressed, and the experimental issues relevant for the analysis of
E-mail: [email protected]
the different samples such as the accuracy of the analysis is based on obtaining the overall compo-
measurements, sample homogeneity, and grain size sition through inspection of the target by producing
were investigated. a small crater on its surface that is replicated at differ-
ent places, assuming that the plasma composition is
representative of that of the sample previous to the
LIBS Technique laser ablation (stoichiometric ablation). Moreover,
LIBS is a very useful technique to survey, identify, natural materials usually present different degrees
and quantify the chemical composition of a wide range of homogeneity, surface roughness, and grain size,
of samples in solid, liquid, or gaseous state by perform- which affect the plasma formation, causing strong
ing spectral analysis of the light emitted from a plasma shot-to-shot variations in the measured spectral
created on the target.[1] Thus, the resulting UV-Vis intensities.[12]
emission spectrum contains characteristic lines from In addition, the use of LIBS for field analysis
the atoms, ions, and simple molecules present in the imposes some constraints on size, weight, and
plasma. LIBS possess several advantages compared simplicity of the setup for placement on a rover or
to other conventional techniques: (1) simple experi- rugged portable equipment in geological prospect-
mental setup, (2) few or no sample preparation ing.[13] Therefore, laboratory tests are of major impor-
needed, (3) in situ and stand-off analysis capabilities, tance for evaluating and optimizing the performance
(4) microdestructiveness, (5) real-time measurement of the technique with the goal of obtaining useful
of many elements simultaneously, and (6) depth profil- analytical information under several environmental
ing and spatial resolution. These features allow LIBS to conditions, such as at close or stand-off distances
perform measurements under conditions not feasible and in atmospheres with different pressures and
with conventional analytical techniques (e.g., compositions. Furthermore, a spectral library under
ETA-AAS, ICP-AES, and ICP-MS) that, supported by adequate conditions can be constructed in order to
the actual technology development in the compo- analyze unknown samples by comparing the mea-
nents, make it a very promising technique to be inte- surements with reference spectra from a spectral
grated with the established atomic spectroscopic database.[15,16]
methods.[2] Hence, it has been recently employed as Several researchers have developed transportable
an analytical tool for field applications with the aim instruments to promote LIBS as an analytical tool in
of providing rock and soil analysis, as well as examin- the field. The first reported portable system was
ation and characterization of archaeological find- made by Yamamoto et al.[17] who presented the
ings.[3–7] In the stand-off approach, direct remote development of a portable instrument and its feasi-
sensing, in which the laser and signal are transmitted bility for environmental monitoring. It consisted of
through a transparent atmosphere, is performed.[8] a small laser to generate the laser sparks and a
The use of LIBS for material analysis is based on the fact fiber-optic cable to collect the light, which was spec-
that all the elements are characterized by their distinc- trally resolved with a compact spectrograph and
tive spectra. Thus, the elements present in the sample detected with an unintensified, nongated CCD. Pre-
are identified using their characteristic spectral lines. liminary tests were successfully performed measur-
Nevertheless, quantifying their concentration is a diffi- ing metals in soil, paint, and particles collected on
cult task. The most common approach is using cali- filters. In the work of Sallé et al.,[14] LIBS was evalu-
bration curves constructed with reference samples, ated for qualitative analysis of different rock types
but these are not possible when dealing with unique, under Mars atmospheric conditions using a compact
complex, or a priori unknown samples (e.g., museum experimental setup. Spectral lines from Ca, Mg, Fe,
pieces, archaeological findings). Moreover, the and Si were detected in basalt and dolomite in the
ablation process depends on the target properties.[9,10] 225–320 spectral range, without gating the detection
In this direction, several methods for overcoming system, and using a nonintensified detector. The
matrix effects have been successfully employed, but results were compared with spectra recorded from
these are time-consuming.[11] samples constructed with rock powder standards.
In the case of samples collected from the field, that In the paper of Palanco et al.,[13] the design and con-
is, geological and archaeological fragments, LIBS struction considerations of field-deployable LIBS
FIGURE 2 Detected lines of the major elements of Earth’s crust in mineral samples of Table 1. Some spectra were shifted vertically for clarity.
were detected. O and H lines are the result of contri- layer of MgOx and FeOx was completely removed
butions of both the sample and the ambient air, and after 30 laser shots, and then the presence of Si
they should be analyzed at a reduced pressure to was detected clearly.
minimize the contribution of the atmosphere to line
intensities in order to estimate their concentration
in the sample.[8] On the other hand, N lines origi- Issues Affecting the Accuracy
nated only from the air, since the samples do not of LIBS Analysis
contain any nitrogen at all.
The characteristics of plasmas generated on the
surface of solid samples depend in a complicated
Drilling Through Weathered Layers way on the experimental conditions, including the
The natural quartz fragment presented a super- features of the material being analyzed, the laser
ficial coating that needed to be passed over and that parameters, and the detection system. Thus, the
needed its character to be determined. The cleaning reliability of the analytical results was studied
process was monitored by collecting the plasma through the different issues affecting the accuracy
emission layer by layer. Figure 5a shows the spectral of LIBS measurements.
measurements as the coating is drilled by repetitive In our experiment, variations in the measured line
sampling at the same spot, where emission lines of intensities were observed as a result of (1) the sample
Fe, Mg, and Si were identified. The changes in Mg features, (2) fluctuations intrinsic to LIBS method, and
and Fe line intensities with respect to that of Si (3) the instrumental noise. The sample characteristics
are shown in Fig. 5b. When the emissions of the first affect the accuracy of the results through systematic
elements stopped decreasing and the emission of the errors caused by matrix effects, surface roughness,
latter element stopped increasing, the cleaning pro- grain size, and compositional inhomogeneities. More-
cess was complete. It can be seen that a superficial over, laser energy fluctuations, focusing length, and
Analysis of Rocks
Rocks are intrinsically inhomogeneous since they
are a mixture of different particles of minerals.
Consequently, they usually present several degrees
of surface texture and=or grain size, which should
be considered in the analysis. Most rocks are formed
up by grains of minerals larger than 1 mm and up to
some centimeters in size. The mineral grains may be
large enough to be easily identified (e.g., tonalite),
barely distinctive grains (e.g., basalt), or microscopic
grains (e.g., slate). This gives rise to some concerns
since the crater originated by the focused laser spot
onto the sample surface is typically on the order of
100 mm to 1 mm wide and 10–20 mm deep, depend-
ing on the irradiance and the properties of the target. FIGURE 6 Spectra obtained from tonalite at different sampling
Therefore, measurements representative of only one positions.
ratio Min Max Range Mean RSD (%)
Fe=N I275.01=I744.23 0 2.9 2.9 1.6 70.7
Mg=N I279.55=I744.23 0 7.0 7.0 3.6 72.6
I280.27=I744.23 0 5.8 5.8 3.0 71.0
I285.21=I744.23 0 2.8 2.8 1.6 62.2
Si=N I285.21=I744.23 1.6 2.6 1.0 2.0 15.2
Al=N I307.47=I744.23 2.2 9.1 6.9 5.9 43.7
I308.85=I744.23 1.1 4.8 3.7 3.3 36.4
Ca=N I393.37=I744.23 0.6 4.2 3.6 1.6 53.5
I396.85=I744.23 0.7 3.1 2.4 1.2 50.2
Na=N I589.00=I744.23 0.8 5.9 5.1 3.5 49.4
I589.60=I744.23 0.8 4.6 3.8 2.8 45.2
K=N I766.49=I744.23 0.7 4.6 3.8 1.8 61.5
I768.90=I744.23 0.8 3.5 2.8 1.4 54.4
and Fe complete their elemental composition. In deposits by weathering processes affecting cal-
addition, a little quantity of K is replaced by Na. careous rocks containing copper sulfurs. The sample
Microcline contains Al, Si, and Na as major element analyzed is impure. We speculate that, in addition to
constituents, together with K and Ca, corresponding Cu (not shown in Fig. 8), it contains significant
to a variety of K feldspar (or alkaline feldspar) usually amounts of Si and Ca probably because they are often
found in pegmatite rocks, from which the sample found together with the mineral in the ganga.[28,29] Fe
seems to come. It is an aluminum silicate with a sig- could be due to limonite, which is formed in the
nificant amount of Na because the mineral was upper part of the oxidation zone (gossan), and which
sampled transversely to perthite lamellae, a structure forms a thin film that covers the malachite. Addition-
of layers of the mineral albite (Na-plagioclase) that ally, it is presumed that Mg, Na, and K were detected
is the Na-rich end of the Ca-Na feldspar series. At as impurities of the adjacent wall rock.
lower temperatures, the K feldspars separate the Na, Quartz sample collected from the field is a good
which crystallizes with AlSi3O8, forming, in this case, example of how LIBS can perform a depth-profiling
layers of albite inside the K-feldspar crystal, in a analysis (Fig. 5). The Si emission line, which was
process called ‘‘exsolution.’’ Moreover, it frequently hidden and hardly identified, could be detected cleanly
contains some amount of Ca since it is also a solid sol- after a coating of Fe and Mg oxides was identified and
ution of the plagioclase feldspar series. removed to obtain the underlying bulk composition.
Malachite is a secondary mineral formed typically The results obtained from basalt suggest a nearly
in the superficial oxidation zones of copper ore uniform distribution of its chemical constituents,