District Industrial Profile Satna

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Government of India

Ministry of MSME

Brief Industrial Profile of Satna District

Madhya Pradesh

Carried out by
Br. MSME-Development Institute
(Ministry of MSME, Govt. of India,)
Udyog Vihar, Chorhatta, Rewa(MP)
Phone : 07662-220948

S. No. Topic Page No.
1. General Characteristics of the District 3
1.1 Location & Geographical Area 4
1.2 Topography 5
1.3 Availability of Minerals. 5
1.4 Forest 5
1.5 Administrative set up 5
2. District at a glance 6-7
2.1 Existing Status of Industrial Area in the District Satna 8
3. Industrial Scenario Of Satna 9
3.1 Industry at a Glance 9
3.2 Year Wise Trend Of Units Registered 9-10
3.3 Details Of Existing Micro & Small Enterprises & Artisan Units In 11
The District
3.4 Large Scale Industries / Public Sector undertakings 12
3.5 Major Exportable Item 12
3.6 Growth Trend 12
3.7 Vendorisation / Ancillarisation of the Industry 12
3.8 Medium Scale Enterprises 12
3.8.1 List of the units in Satna & near by Area 12
3.8.2 Major Exportable Item 12
3.9 Service Enterprises 12
3.9.2 Potentials areas for service industry 13
3.10 Potential for new MSMEs 13
4. Existing Clusters of Micro & Small Enterprise 13
5. General issues raised by industry association during the course of 13
6 Steps to set up MSMEs 14

Brief Industrial Profile of Satna District

1. General Characteristics of the District

Satna district is situated in the Vindhyachal Plateau of Madhya Pradesh State. The
district is located in between the Vindhyachal and Satpura range of hills. The district is
having the boundaries of Banda district of Uttar Pradesh State in North, Rewa and Sidhi
districts in the east, Panna district in the west and Jabalpur and Umaria districts in the
south. The district is located in between 23.58 degree North Latitude to 25.12 degree
North Latitude and 80.21 degree East Longitude to 81.23 East Longitude. The District is
situated about 305 meters above the mean sea level. The district takes name from Satna,
the head quarters town, which is in turn takes it’s from Satna River which flows near the
town. Satna district consists of Six Sub Divisions, Ten Tehsils, Four Hundred Thirty
Eight Patwar Circle, Seven Hundred Three Panchayat Samities, One Nagar Nigam, One
Nagar Palika, Nine Nagar Panchayat, Seven Hundred Three Gram Panchayats, Eighteen
Hundred Sixteen Revenue village and Seven Assembly Area. And having 2178.655 Km.
(Pacca) all weather road and 2263.535(Kachha) seasonal road. Average climate is
ranging from 05 degree Celsius to 46 degree Celsius in the district. Annual rainfall is
about 1200mm and Red Soil, Light Black, Alluvium and Hilly Soils are the predominant
soil types available in the district. Rivers are not perennial in nature well, ponds, canals
and tube wells are main source of irrigation in the district.

1.1 Location & Geographical Area.

1. Location : 23.58 Degree North Latitude to

25.12 Degree North Latitude and
80.21 Degree East Longitude to
81.23 Degree East Longitude

2. Geographical Area : 7424 Sq.Km

3. Climate : Normal/hot

4. Average Rain fall : 1200 mm (Approx.)

5. Height from MSL : 305 Meter

1.2 Topography

1.3 Availability of Minerals
Mineral resources are vast in the district. Limestone is the major mineral available in
the district abundantly, which is concentrated in Raghuraj Nagar, Maihar and Amarpatan.
A portion of Limestone was classified as minor mineral. Satna district is one of the major
mineral producing districts in the state and having Major Minerals – Limestone, Ocher,
Bauxite, White clay, Laterite. And also having Minor Minerals – Limestone, Ordinary
Sand, Murrum Floor Stone, and Ordinary Stone.

1.4 Forest
All development blocks of the district are having a significant area under forest.
Total area of the district 7424 Sq.Km. out of which total forest area in the district is about
2037 Sq. Km. The district is having vast forest wealth, wherein the production of
Building Woods, Firewood and valuable Medicinal Plants are produced. Sects of
population depend on the forest for their livelihood. More industries can come up on
forest based products, which will help to improve the employment generation in the rural
areas substantially.
1.5 Administrative set up.

1. District Head Quarter : Satna

2. Name of the Division : Rewa
3. Sub divisions : 06 Nos.
4. Tehsils : 10 Nos.
5. Patwar Circle : 438 Nos.
6. Panchayat Samitis : 703 Nos.
7. Nagar Nigam : 01 No.
8 Nagar Palika : 01 No.
9. Nagar Panchayat : 09 Nos.
10. Gram panchayats : 703 Nos.
11. Revenue village : 1816 Nos.
12. Assembly Area : 07 Nos.

2. District at a glance

S.No Particular Year Unit Statistics

1 Geographical features
(A) Geographical Data
i) Latitude North 2011 Degree 23.58 to 25.12
ii) Longitude East 2011 Degree 80.21 to 81.23
iii) Geographical Area 2011 Sq.Km. 7424
(B) Administrative Units
i) Sub divisions 2011 Nos. 06
ii) Tehsils 2011 Nos. 10
iii) Sub-Tehsil 2011 Nos. 0
iv) Patwar Circle 2011 Nos. 438
v) Panchayat Samities 2011 Nos. 703
vi)Nagar nigam 2011 Nos. 01
vii) Nagar Palika + Nagar 2011 Nos. 01+ 09
viii) Gram Panchayats 2011 Nos. 703
ix) Revenue village 2011 Nos. 1816
x) Assembly Area 2011 Nos. 07
2. Population
(A) Sex-wise
i) Male 2001 Nos. 971396
ii) Female 2001 Nos. 898708
(B) Rural Population
i) Male 2001 Nos. 766510
ii) Female 2001 Nos. 718041
3. Agriculture
A. Land utilization
i) Total Area 2010-11 Hectare 742432
ii) Forest cover 2010-11 “ 203736
iii) Non Agriculture Land 2010-11 “ 84277
v) cultivable Barren land 2010-11 “ 430523
4. Forest
(i) Forest 2010-11 Hectare 203736
5. Livestock & Poultry
A. Cattle 2010-11 Nos. 398333
i) Cows 2010-11 Nos. 138598
ii) Buffaloes
B. Other livestock
i) Goats 2010-11 Nos. 194036
ii) Pigs 2010-11 Nos. 30030
iii) Dogs & Bitches 2010-11 Nos. 0

iv) Railways
i) Length of rail line 2010-11 Kms ---.
V) Roads ----
(a) National Highway 2010-11 Kms
(b) State Highway 2010-11 Kms
(c) Main District Highway 2010-11 Kms
(d) Other district & Rural Roads 2010-11 Kms
(e) Rural road/ Agriculture 2010-11 Kms
Marketing Board Roads
(f) Kachacha Road 2010-11 Kms 2263.535
Total Roads(Kachacha + Pakka) 2010-11 Kms 4442.19
(VI) Communication
(a) Telephone connection 2010-11 Nos. 24650
(b) Post offices 2010-11 Nos. 263
(c) Telephone center 2010-11 Nos. 3
(d )Density of Telephone 2010-11 Nos/1000 76.92
(e) PCO Rural 2010-11 No. --
(g) PCO STD 2010-11 No. 890
(h) Mobile 2010-11 No. --
(VII) Public Health
(a) Allopathic Hospital 2010-11 No. 11
(b) Beds in Allopathic No. 837
(c) Ayurvedic Hospital No. 60
(d) Beds in Ayurvedic No. 30
(e) Unani hospitals No. --
(f) Community health No. 08
(g) Primary health centers No. 44

(h) Dispensaries No. --

No. 262
(i) Sub Health Centers No. 22

(j) Private hospitals

(VIII) Banking commercial 2010-11
(a) Commercial Bank 2010-11 Nos.
(b) rural Bank Products 2010-11 Nos.
(c) Co-oerative Bank 2010-11 Nos. 08
(d) PLDB Branches 2010-11 Nos. 08
(e) Bhumi Vikash Bank 2010-11 Nos. ---

(d) --- 2010-11 Nos. ---
(IX) Education
(a) Primary school 2010-11 Nos. 2000
(b) Middle schools 2010-11 Nos. 816
(c) Secondary & Senior 2010-11 Nos. 217
Secondary School
(d) Colleges 2010-11 Nos. 13
(e) Technical University 2010-11 Nos. --
(f) Other School & ashram 2010-11 Nos. --

2.1 Existing Status of Industrial Areas in the District Satna

S. Name of Land Land Prevailing No No of No of No. of

No. Ind. Area acquired developed Rate Per of allotted Vacant Units in
(In (In Sqm Plots Plots Plots Production
hectare) hectare) (In Rs.)
1 Industrial 34.746 34.746 40 97 97 -- 97
Area Satna
2 Industrial 33.298 9.199 40 69 69 -- --
3 Industrial 56.295 56.295 40 -- 4.046 52.249 01
Area Hect. Hect.

4 Industrial 120.317 -- -- -- -- -- Undeveloped

5 Ghoordang 28.02 28.02 40 -- -- -- 02
6 Industrial 132.299 132.299 40 -- -- -- 02
7 Karmshala 0.226 0.226 20 -- -- -- 03
8 Industrial 16.568 16.508 40 -- -- -- 01
Area Maihar
Total 421.769 144.994 --- 166 -- --- 106
Source:- DTIC, SATNA

3. Industrial Scenario of Satna
3.1 Industry at a Glance

Sr Head Unit Particulars

1. Registered Industrial Unit No. 13010
2. Total Industrial Unit No. 13010
3. Registered Medium & Large Unit No. 11
4. Estimated Avg. No. Of Daily Worker No. ---
Employed In Small Scale Industries
5. Employment In Large And Medium No. 9896
6. No. Of Industrial Area No. 08
7. Turnover Of Small Scale Ind. In Lacs --
8. Turnover Of Medium & Large Scale In Lacs --

3.2 Year Wise Trend of Units Registered

Year Number of Employment Investment

Registered Units (Lakh Rs.)
Up to 1984-85 433 1092 52.090
1985-86 479 1493 109.950
1986-87 477 1917 137.438
1987-88 420 1067 63.567
1988-89 474 1242 101.883
1989-90 505 1296 180.645
1990-91 535 1560 137.294
1991-92 612 1674 102.980
1992-93 617 1773 234.987
1993-94 373 1172 149.260
1994-95 883 927 149.770
1995-96 403 907 91.572
1996-97 434 1028 102.325
1997-98 660 1617 475.809
1998-99 407 1153 333.640

1999-2000 406 1085 402.267
2000-01 304 757 519.001
2001-2002 127 526 813.740
2002-03 63 337 372.850
2003-04 532 1401 801.584
2004-05 502 1273 838.827
2005-06 217 545 213.860
2006-07 505 672 1346.000
2007-08 458 1931 4747.000
2008-09 636 1690 551.000
2009-10 637 1677 256.600
2010-11 508 800 1176.000
2011-12 503 879 767.000
Total 13010 33491 15228.819
Source: DIC Satna

3.3 Details of Existing Micro & Small Enterprises and Artisan Units in
the District
NIC Type Of Number Of Investment Employment
Code Industry Units (Lakh Rs.)
20 Agro based 217 612.715 4518
22 Soda water -- -- --
23 Cotton textile --- -- --
24. Woolen, silk & artificial Thread 100 -- --
based clothes.
25. Jute & jute based -- -- --
26. Ready-made garments & 1780 1502.142 4640
27. Wood/wooden based furniture 540 1715.612 752
28. Paper & Paper products 10 40.174 440
29. Leather based 418 825.650 1015
31. Chemical/Chemical based 11 188.721 131
30. Rubber, Plastic & petro based 18 -- --
32. Mineral based 1276 1376.252 2621
33. Metal based (Steel Fab.) 272 1816.452 515
35. Engineering units 715 2630.723 1700
36. Electrical machinery and transport 180 1341014 540
97. Repairing & servicing 6600 1932.672 12995
01. Others 873 1246.57 2016
Total 13010 15228.819 31883
Source: DIC Satna

3.4 Large Scale Industries / Public Sector undertakings

List of the units in Satna & near by Area

S.No. Name of units Investment in Lakh Employment

1 M/s Satna cement works (unit of 17599.15 1024
Birla corporation Ltd.
2 M/s Satna cement works (unit of 9646.00 624
Birla corporation Ltd.)
3 M/s Universal Cables Ltd. Post 9771.67 1402
Birla Vikas
4 M/s Kamal Spong Steel & Power 2769.55 240
Ltd. Sagma
5 M/s Bhilai J.P. Cement Plant (unit 44367.00 5000
of Bhilai J. P. Cement Ltd. Birahuli
6 M/s Baitul Oil & Flours, village 2786.60 36
7 M/s Maihar Cement, post Sarla 21041.00 839
8 M/s Maihar Cement Unit 2, Post 48853.50 311
Sarla Nagar
9 M/s Prism Cement Ltd., Mankahari 61500.00 956
Tehsil-Rampur Baghelan
10 M/s Prism Cement Ltd., Mankahari 90346.69 692
Tehsil-Rampur Baghelan
11 M/S K.J.S. Cement Plant, Village 97688.00 450
Amiliya, Tehsil-Mahiar,

3.5 Major Exportable Item- Power Cable, Cement

3.6 Growth Trend- Static

3.7 Vendorisation / Ancillarisation of the Industry -- Nil

3.8. Medium Scale Enterprises – Nil

3.9.2 Potentials areas for service industry_ Nil

3.10 Potential for new MSMEs

Engineering & Mechanical Industries

4. Existing Clusters of Micro & Small Enterprise

No any cluster existed at present.

5. General issues raised by industry association during the course of

meeting-- Nil

. Steps to Set Up MSMEs
Following are the brief description of different agencies for rendering assistance to the

S.No Type of assistance Name and address of agencies

1. Provisional Registration Certificate DTIC (Jilla Udyog avam

( EM-1) & Permanent Registration Vyapar Kendra, Satna MP
Certificate ( EM-II)

2. Identification of Project Profiles, techno- Br. MSME Development

economic and managerial consultancy Institute, Udyogvihar,
services, market survey and economic Chorhatta, Rewa /DTIC, Satna
survey reports.

3. Land and Industrial shed Audhyogic Kendra Vikas


4. Financial Assistance MP Finance Corporation Ltd,

5. For raw materials under Govt. Supply MPFC/National Small
Industries Corporation(NSIC)
6. Plant and machinery under hire / purchase MPFC/National Small
basis. Industries Corporation(NSIC)
7. Power/ Electricity MP Poorva Chetra Vidyut
Vitran Company Ltd, Satna

8. Technical Know –how. Br. MSME Development

Institute, Udyogvihar,
Chorhatta, Rewa /DTIC, Satna
9. Quality & Standard Bhartiya Manak Burue, Bhopal

10. Marketing /Export Assistance MP Laghu Udyog Nigam, TT

Nagar, Bhopal

11. Other Promotional Agencies Khadhi Village Industry

Commission,Bhopal, Khadi
Village Industry Board, Satna


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