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Fiberglass Pipe Manual Chemical Plants

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FRP Pipe SitChemical
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Introducing IntegraLine* Pipe

After years of serving corrosion-related For special design requirements, Fibrex
industries, Fibrex noticed there seemed also offers custom-pipe solutions.
to be no easy approach to selecting and Custom-pipe solutions may require
designing fiberglass reinforced plastic thicker corrosion or abrasion barriers
(FRP) pipe. Most plants have worked with with different resins. Also, heavier
fabricators and engineers to custom structural laminates and special glass
design all FRP equipment. Yet there is reinforcements are available to meet
considerable cost and effort to custom installation and temperature requirements.
design pipe or a pipe Fibrex can provide design
system and it is not recommendations for a
always necessary. proposed installation.
Fibrex has found there
are many applications where a standard And because Fibrex understands the
FRP pipe product will meet all of the industries we serve, Fibrex products are
requirements. That's why Fibrex has designed to meet the most demanding
developed a standard pipe product line and specialized conditions at each site.
called IntegraLine. In standard pipe, custom pipe, special
header systems, duct or stacks, Fibrex
IntegraLine is a standard production delivers long-term corrosion solutions and
pipe with custom corrosion resistance. absolute maximum product life. We call
Simple to specify and select, this pipe this "performance-based manufacturing."
is ideal for new system installation or
replacement of existing pipe. IntegraLine • cost savings
pipe will meet many of the applications • faster production and quicker delivery
and life-span requirements at your plant • fast and easy pipe selection
or facility.

*Trademark of Fibrex Corporation


IntegraLine Product Information & Construction Details.................................................2

IntegraLine Laminate Construction (illustration)...........................................................3

Pipe Design and Selection A ID

Pressure Classes - Pipe..............................................................................................4 ID



Pressure Classes - Fittings..........................................................................................5


Elbows ...................................................................................................................6
Full Face and Blind Flanges........................................................................................8 T

Stub Ends with Steel Backing Flanges.........................................................................9

Flanged Joints - Fastener Requirements......................................................................10 BC


Flanged Joints - Bolting Torque and Sequence.............................................................11 ID

Fabricated Branch Connections..................................................................................12

Flow Chart.............................................................................................................13

System Design
Expansion and Contraction.......................................................................................14.
Water Hammer.......................................................................................................15
Hydrostatic Testing..................................................................................................15
Allowable Spans Between Supports...........................................................................16

System Direction Changes (Offset Legs)....................................................................18 Line 3 C

Linear Thermal Expansion........................................................................................19 Hanger Guide

Minimum Length of Offset Leg.................................................................................19

Riser Cla
Line 2

Expansion Loops.....................................................................................................20 Anchor

Maximum Guide Spacing ........................................................................................20 B

Line 1

Compressive End Loads Due to Thermal Expansion......................................................21 A


Saddle Supports.....................................................................................................22
Hanger Supports.....................................................................................................23

Field Installation inside overlay

Joining Procedures..................................................................................................24
Field Joint Material Requirements..............................................................................27 exterior overlay

Shipping, Handling and Storage................................................................................28

woven roving



Corrosion Resistance Weather Resistance often be observed in the pipeline…

sometimes a process control advantage.
IntegraLine fiberglass reinforced plastic IntegraLine pipe utilizes a heavily
When special color coding is required,
(FRP) pipe is designed to be “user resinated exterior coat containing an
however, this can be provided at a
friendly.” The resin, glass reinforcement ultraviolet stabilizer to impart long term
nominal added cost and slightly longer
materials and composite construction resistance to the effects of sunlight and
delivery time.
were selected to provide consistent other weathering elements. Should pipe
corrosion resistance for the majority
of chemical applications for which FRP
become weathered after many years in
particularly severe environments, the Durability
pipe is considered appropriate. There exterior can be sanded and resin coated The high tensile elongation properties
remain certain extreme chemical services or painted. of the vinyl ester resins utilized in
for which special construction and IntegraLine pipe impart a superior
alternative resins should be considered. Color toughness to the pipe enabling it to
resist cracking and crazing of the resin
Fibrex can advise if this is required for Pigmented exterior gel coats are not used
your application. when subjected to heavy design loads.
on IntegraLine pipe in order to take
In addition to high fatigue resistance,
advantage of the natural translucency
this toughness also provides a safety
of FRP. Visual inspection of the pipe,
factor against impact damage during
both new and after years of service, is
shipping and installation.
more reliable with a “natural” laminate.
Additionally, the liquid contents can


Resin Reinforcement Materials Structural Laminate

IntegraLine pipe is manufactured with a
A “C” glass (chemical grade) veil is
premium vinyl ester resin as the standard Straight Pipe
production resin. Other vinyl ester resins provided on all surfaces exposed to
IntegraLine pipe is manufactured by
specified by the customer are available, corrosive media. Fiberglass used in
the filament winding process utilizing
however delivery lead times will generally all subsequent layers of the laminate
continuous fiberglass strand wound in a
be longer. Epoxy vinyl ester resins are has excellent electrical resistivity, high
helical pattern at a nominal 55 degree
premium corrosion resistant resins. At tensile strength, moderate thermal
wind angle to produce an optimum
both room and elevated temperatures, conductivity and is noncombustible.
combination of hoop and axial properties
these resins offer resistance to a broad The basic types of fiberglass materials
for most typical applications. The high
range of acids, alkalis, bleaches and used; mat, woven roving and continuous
glass content resulting from the filament
solvents making them the appropriate strand, are selected for their physical
winding process imparts excellent
choice of resins in many chemical properties, manufacturing characteristics
strength characteristics to the laminate
processing industry applications. These and the chemical resistance of the
providing superior protective structural
resins, when properly formulated and laminate resulting from their use.
backup to the resin rich corrosion barrier.
cured, comply with FDA regulation 21 CFR
177.2420 covering materials intended Corrosion Barrier Fittings
for repeated use in contact with food. The corrosion barrier of IntegraLine
IntegraLine pipe fittings are
Specific chemical resistance information pipe is nominally 100 mils thick and is
manufactured utilizing a highly efficient
can be found in the Chemical Resistance comprised of 70% to 80% resin. This
contact-molded laminate consisting of
and Engineering Guides, available highly resinated laminate is reinforced
alternating layers of glass fiber strand
from FIBREX or directly from the resin by one layer of “C” glass veil followed
mat and bi-directional woven glass
manufacturers. by two layers of randomly oriented fiber
roving. The high glass content resulting
strand mat.
from the specific laminating process used
for IntegraLine pipe fittings permits
the wall thickness of this hand-layup
process to closely approximate the wall
thickness of filament wound straight pipe
in equivalent pressure rated classes.


Filament Wound Laminate

2 Structural Wall
2 (Thickness in accordance with pressure rating)
Note: Corrosion/Abrasion Barrier may
be thicker for specific applications.
Corrosion Barrier (Abrasion Barrier)
(Thickness .100" nominal)

1 C-Glass surface veil

2 Chopped Strand Mat
3 Woven Roving
Contact Molded Laminate 4 Filament Wound Strand
5 Outer surface layer with U.V. inhibitor

Structural Wall
(Thickness in accordance with pressure rating)

Corrosion Barrier (Abrasion Barrier)

(Thickness .100" nominal)


Pipe Design
& Selection
50 PSI


Total Wall Unit Allowable Max. Type I
Pressure Classes: Diameter Thickness Weight Vacuum Simple Span*
Filament (in.) (in.) (lb.) (psi) (ft.)

Wound Pipe 6 0.21 2.74 5.80 14.7

8 0.21 3.69 2.50 13.9
10 0.21 4.57 1.28 13.0
12 0.21 5.46 0.73 12.0
14 0.21 6.35 0.46 10.7
16 0.26 9.23 0.92 14.8
18 0.26 10.36 0.64 13.9
20 0.26 11.49 0.47 12.9
24 0.31 16.73 0.60 15.7
30 0.31 20.83 0.31 12.8
36 0.36 29.38 0.33 15.0

100 PSI



Total Wall

0.21 2.74 5.90 11.5

Max. Type I
Simple Span*

8 0.24 4.31 5.00 12.5

10 0.26 5.85 3.78 13.0
12 0.29 7.90 3.60 14.0
14 0.31 9.88 3.06 14.0
16 0.34 12.46 3.03 15.0
18 0.36 14.89 2.70 15.5
20 0.41 19.02 3.30 17.0
24 0.46 25.74 2.97 18.0
30 0.56 39.53 3.20 19.5
36 0.62 52.66 2.63 20.5

150 PSI



Total Wall

0.23 3.05 9.60 11.0

Max. Type I
Simple Span*

8 0.27 4.93 8.80 12.5

10 0.32 7.40 9.60 13.0
12 0.36 10.05 9.10 14.5
14 0.39 12.74 7.90 15.0
16 0.43 16.13 7.70 15.5
18 0.47 19.92 7.68 16.5
20 0.50 23.58 7.00 17.5
24 0.58 33.02 7.00 18.5
30 0.68 48.61 6.30 20.5
36 0.81 69.87 6.65 23.0

*Based on fluid contents specific gravity of 1.2

Pipe Design
& Selection
50 PSI

Pipe Pipe Full Face U N I T W E I G H T S
Diameter Total Wall Unit Flange 90 Ell Full Face Stub End Reducer
Thickness Weight Thickness Flange Flange (1 size red.) Pressure Classes:
Contact Molded
2 0.19 0.8 1/2 0.3 1.4 0.6 Pipe & Fittings
3 0.19 1.1 1/2 0.7 2.1 0.8 0.2
4 0.19 1.5 9/16 1.2 3.1 1.2 0.3
6 0.19 2.2 5/8 2.6 4.8 2.0 0.8
8 0.19 3.0 3/4 4.8 7.2 2.8 1.2
10 0.24 4.8 7/8 9.6 12.9 5.1 1.6
12 0.24 5.8 1 13.8 18.6 6.8 2.2
14 0.24 6.7 1 - 1/16 18.6 23.6 8.7 2.6
16 0.30 9.7 1 - 3/16 30.8 32.5 12.4 3.4
18 0.30 10.9 1 - 1/4 38.8 36.1 13.9 4.3
20 0.30 12.1 1 - 5/16 47.8 43.0 15.7 4.8
24 0.35 17.0 1 - 1/2 80.7 61.7 21.8 12.1
30 0.41 25.1 1 - 7/8 148.2 108.3 39.0 26.3
36 0.46 33.8 2 - 3/16 239.9 163.4 54.2 36.8

100 PSI

Pipe Pipe Full Face U N I T W E I G H T S
Diameter Total Wall Unit Flange 90 Ell Full Face Stub End Reducer
Thickness Weight Thickness Flange Flange (1 size red.)

2 0.19 0.8 9/16 0.3 1.6 0.6
3 0.19 1.1 11/16 0.7 2.7 0.8 0.2
4 0.19 1.5 13/16 1.2 4.2 1.2 0.3
6 0.24 2.9 7/8 3.4 6.6 2.6 0.9
8 0.30 5.0 1 7.9 10.7 4.5 1.7
10 0.30 6.2 1 - 3/16 12.3 17.6 6.8 2.3
12 0.35 8.7 1 - 7/16 20.7 27.9 10.1 3.1
14 0.41 11.9 1 - 1/2 33.1 36.9 15.4 4.3
16 0.46 15.3 1 - 5/8 48.5 48.0 20.4 5.7
18 0.46 17.2 1 - 3/4 61.1 54.4 21.8 6.8
20 0.52 21.6 1 - 7/8 85.5 68.6 27.9 8.1
24 0.63 31.6 2 - 1/8 149.7 99.4 41.6 22.2
30 0.74 46.5 2 - 1/2 274.8 167.8 74.4 48.8
36 0.85 64.1 2 - 13/16 454.6 246.1 104.9 69.1

150 PSI

Pipe Pipe Full Face U N I T W E I G H T S
Diameter Total Wall Unit Flange 90 Ell Full Face Stub End Reducer
Thickness Weight Thickness Flange Flange (1 size red.)

2 0.19 0.8 11/16 0.3 1.8 0.6
3 0.24 1.5 13/16 0.9 3.3 1.1 0.2
4 0.24 2.0 15/16 1.5 5.0 1.5 0.4
6 0.30 3.7 1 - 1/16 4.4 8.2 3.4 1.2
8 0.35 5.9 1 - 1/4 9.4 13.3 5.3 2.1
10 0.46 9.8 1 - 7/16 19.4 23.7 10.7 3.3
12 0.52 13.3 1 - 3/4 31.6 37.1 15.3 4.8
14 0.57 16.9 1 - 7/8 47.0 49.4 21.7 6.3
16 0.63 21.4 2 - 1/16 67.7 64.7 28.3 8.0
18 0.68 26.0 2 - 1/4 92.4 76.6 32.8 9.9
20 0.74 31.4 2 - 7/16 124.1 96.1 40.3 12.0
24 0.85 43.3 2 - 13/16 205.1 139.2 56.7 31.1
30 1.07 68.3 3 - 3/8 404.0 245.4 108.9 69.7
36 1.23 94.2 4 668.1 376.8 153.6 101.6
Pipe total wall thickness is based on high-strength laminate (HSL) using 3/4 oz mat / 24 oz woven roving in structural layers. 5
Pipe Design
& Selection

Long Radius
90˚/45˚ Elbows

90˚ Elbow 45˚ Elbow

Diameter A

2 4
Diameter B

2 1 - 5/8
3 6 3 2 - 1/2
B 4 6 4 2 - 1/2
6 9 6 3 - 3/4
45ϒ 8 12 8 5
10 15 10 6 - 1/4
12 18 12 7 - 1/2
14 21 14 8 - 3/4
16 24 16 10
18 27 18 11 - 1/4
20 30 20 12 - 1/2
NOTE: 1. Dimension A (90°), or B (45°) can be reduced 24 36 24 15
with mitered construction. 30 45 30 18 - 5/8
36 54 36 22 - 3/8

Optional Flanged Elbows

NOTES: 1. L = Standard Stub length
unless specific length
is requested.
2. Elbow with either full face flanges or
flanges with steel
backing rings.

3. Elbows can be provided with flange lami-

nated to the pre-manufactured elbow, however
these should be used only as a necessary alter-
native to the preferred configuration shown.

Pipe Design
& Selection


DL See Note 2 DS
Notes: 1. Formula for length of reducer L=2-1/2 (DL - DS)
D -D
2. Formula for eccentric offset E= L S
3. For length of standard flange see appropriate flange table.
4. Lengths other than those shown are available.

L L Reducers with full face flanges

The large end of the reducer can be provided
in flanged configuration.

L L L Reducers are available with either full face

flanges or stub flanges with steel backing rings.

Pipe Design
& Selection

Full Face and

Blind Flanges


See Contact Molded

Pressure Class Tables



ID OD* Number Diameter BC Flange Thickness L
Diameter Outside of Holes of Holes Bolt 50 PSI 100 PSI 150 PSI Stub Length
Diameter circle
1 - 1/2 5 4 5/8 3-7/8 1/2 9/16 11/16 6
2 6 4 3/4 4 - 3/4 1/2 9/16 11/16 6
2 - 1/2 7 4 3/4 5 - 1/2 1/2 11/16 3/4 6
3 7 - 1/2 4 3/4 6 1/2 11/16 13/16 6
4 9 8 3/4 7 - 1/2 9/16 13/16 15/16 6
6 11 8 7/8 9 - 1/2 5/8 7/8 1 - 1/16 8
8 13 - 1/2 8 7/8 11 - 3/4 3/4 1 1 - 1/4 8
10 16 12 1 14 - 1/4 7/8 1 - 3/16 1 - 7/16 10
12 19 12 1 17 1 1 - 7/16 1 - 3/4 10
14 21 12 1 - 1/8 18 - 3/4 1 - 1/16 1 - 1/2 1 - 7/8 12
16 23 - 1/2 16 1 - 1/8 21 - 1/4 1 - 3/16 1 - 5/8 2 - 1/16 12
18 25 16 1 - 1/4 22 - 3/4 1 - 1/4 1 - 3/4 2 - 1/4 12
20 27 - 1/2 20 1 - 1/4 25 1 - 5/16 1 - 7/8 2 - 7/16 12
24 32 20 1 - 3/8 29 - 1/2 1 - 1/2 2 - 1/8 2 - 13/16 12
30 38 - 3/4 28 1 - 3/8 36 1 - 7/8 2 - 1/2 3-3/8 15
36 46 32 1 - 5/8 42 - 3/4 2 - 3/16 2 - 13/16 4 15
*Tolerance on O.D. is - 10"
+ /2"
Flange drilling per ANSI B16.1, Class 125 (identical to ANSI B16.5, Class 150 through 24" dia.)

Pipe Design
& Selection

Tapered Flat Stub Ends with
Steel Backing
See Contact Molded Flanges
Pressure Class tables

All pressures up 100 - 150 PSI
through 6" and 8" and larger
all 50 PSI

Stub End

ID OD Flange Thickness L
Diameter Outside Stub Length
Diameter 50 PSI 100 PSI 150 PSI

2 4 1/2 1/2 1/2 6

3 5 - 1/4 1/2 1/2 9/16 6
4 6 - 3/4 1/2 9/16 5/8 6
6 8 - 5/8 1/2 9/16 3/4 8
1/4" Chamfer
8 10 - 7/8 1/2 11/16 7/8 8
10 13 - 1/4 9/16 13/16 1 10
12 16 9/16 15/16 1 - 5/16 10 T ID
14 17 - 5/8 5/8 1 - 1/16 1 - 3/8 12 BC
16 20 - 1/8 5/8 1 - 1/16 1 - 1/2 12 OD
18 21 - 1/2 3/4 1 - 1/8 1 - 5/8 12
20 23 - 3/4 3/4 1 - 1/4 1 - 5/8 12
24 28 - 1/8 7/8 1 - 1/2 1 - 3/4 12
30 34 - 5/8 15/16 1 - 11/16 2 - 5/16 15
36 41 - 1/8 1 - 1/16 2 2 - 5/8 15

Steel Backing Flange

Pipe Inside Diameter Outside Bolt Circle Number Diameter Thickness Approx.
Diameter 50psi 100psi 150psi Diameter Diameter of Holes of Holes Weight*
2 ID's are for
2 - 5/8 6 4 - 3/4 4 3/4 5/8 2.8
3 3 - 3/4
SK-39-S0 7 - 1/2 6 4 3/4 5/8 4.5
4 4 - 3/4 9 7 - 1/2 8 3/4 5/8 6.5
6 7 11 9 - 1/2 8 7/8 3/4 9.5
8 9 13 - 1/2 11 - 3/4 8 7/8 3/4 12.5
10 11 - 1/8 16 14 - 1/4 12 1 7/8 19
12 13 - 1/8 19 17 12 1 7/8 28
14 15 21 18 - 3/4 12 1 - 1/8 1 32
16 17 23 - 1/2 21 - 1/4 16 1 - 1/8 1 42
18 19 SPECIAL 25 22 - 3/4 16 1 - 1/4 1 - 1/8 50
20 21 BORE 27 - 1/2 25 20 1 - 1/4 1 - 1/8 58
24 25 32 29 - 1/2 20 1 - 3/8 1 - 1/8 82
30 31 - 1/4 38 - 3/4 36 28 1 - 3/8 1 - 1/4 130
36 37 - 1/4 46 42 - 3/4 32 1 - 5/8 1 - 1/4 175
*Weight varies with inside Diameter
Pipe Design
& Selection

Flanged Joints

- Fastener Flange Rated Flange Quantity Diameter Bolt
Requirements Diameter Pressure Thickness Required Length

2 50 1/2 4 5/8 2 - 1/4

Full Face Gasket 100 9/16 4 5/8 2 - 1/2
Flat Washer 150 11/16 4 5/8 2 - 3/4
3 50 1/2 4 5/8 2 - 1/4
100 11/16 4 5/8 2 - 3/4
Full Face Flange 150 13/16 4 5/8 3
4 50 9/16 8 5/8 2 - 1/2
100 13/16 8 5/8 3
150 15/16 8 5/8 3 - 1/4
FULL FACE FLANGE CONNECTION 6 50 5/8 8 3/4 2 - 3/4
100 7/8 8 3/4 3 - 1/4
Steel Backing Flange 150 1 - 1/16 8 3/4 3 - 1/2
Ring Gasket 8 50 3/4 8 3/4 3
Flat Washer
100 1 8 3/4 3 - 1/2
150 1 - 1/4 8 3/4 4
10 50 7/8 12 7/8 3 - 1/4
Stub Flange
100 1 - 3/16 12 7/8 4
150 1 - 7/16 12 7/8 4 - 1/2
12 50 1 12 7/8 3 - 1/2
STUB FLANGE WITH STEEL 100 1 - 7/16 12 7/8 4 - 1/2
BACKING FLANGE CONNECTION 150 1 - 3/4 12 7/8 5
14 50 1 - 1/16 12 1 4
FRP or Metal Full Face Gasket 100 1 - 1/2 12 1 5
Spacer Ring 150 1 - 7/8 12 1 5 - 3/4
Flat Washer
16 50 1 - 3/16 16 1 4 - 1/4
Raised Face
Full Face
100 1 - 3/4 16 1 5 - 1/2
Metal Flange
FRP Flange 150 2 - 1/16 16 1 6
18 50 1 - 1/4 16 1 - 1/8 4 - 1/2
100 1 - 3/4 16 1 - 1/8 5 - 1/2
METAL RAISED FACE FLANGE TO 150 2 - 1/4 16 1 - 1/8 6 - 1/2
FULL FACE FRP FLANGE CONNECTION 20 50 1 - 5/16 20 1 - 1/8 4 - 3/4
100 1 - 7/8 20 1 - 1/8 5 - 3/4
FRP or Metal
Spacer Ring 150 2 - 7/16 20 1 - 1/8 7
Full Face Gasket Steel Backing
Flange 24 50 1 - 1/2 20 1 - 1/4 5 - 1/4
Flat Washer Flat Washer 100 2 - 1/8 20 1 - 1/4 6 - 1/2
150 2 - 13/16 20 1 - 1/4 8
Full Face 30 50 1 - 7/8 28 1 - 1/4 6
Flange Stub Flange
100 2 - 1/2 28 1 - 1/4 7 - 1/4
150 3 - 3/8 28 1 - 1/4 9
36 50 2 - 3/16 32 1 - 1/2 7
FULL FACE FLANGE TO STUB FLANGE 100 2 - 13/16 32 1 - 1/2 8 - 1/4
WITH STEEL BACKING RING CONNECTION 150 4 32 1 - 1/2 10 - 1/2

NOTES: 1. Use full face or ring gasket as indicated in sketches. NOTES: 1. Bolt lengths are calculated for full face FRP flanges. 4. Use gaskets with Shore A durometer of 50-60. Gaskets
2. Do not connect full face flanges to raised face or stub flanges Length requirements for stub ends with steel backing flanges may should be 1/8" minimum thickness up through 24" diameter and
without a spacer ring. vary and should be verified with FIBREX. 3/16" for 30 and 36" diameter.
2. Bolt lengths are adequate for (2) washers plus heavy hex nut
and 1/8" thick gasket with excess of 3/8"-1/2".
3. Use ANSI Type A Narrow or Type B Narrow plain washers.

Pipe Design
& Selection

7 1 11 1 Flanged Joints
3 1
7 - Bolting Torque
3 5 and Sequence
3 9

2 4 6 4
10 4
2 8
6 8
19 1 2
15 5 12
11 9 15 1
11 5
7 13
7 9
3 17
3 13
18 4
14 4
14 8
10 8
10 12
6 12
6 16 2 16
2 20

1. Gaskets should have a Shore A durometer of 50-60 with the 2. Bolts should initially be tightened to 50% of the values shown.
following minimum thickness; 1/8" thru 20" diameter, 3/16" - Subsequent tightening should be in the same sequence until the
24" - 36" diameter. required torque is reached.

Typical Bolt Torque Force Maximum Bolt Torque

Required for Sealing for Pressure Piping

Pipe 50 PSI 100 PSI 150 PSI
Diameter Bolt Size Torque
in. ft. - lb of torque in. ft. - lb.
2 25 25 25 1/2 15
3 25 25 25 5/8 25
4 25 25 25 3/4 40
6 25 25 40 7/8 65
8 25 40 60 1 100
10 25 40 70 1 - 1/8 140
12 25 45 80 1 - 1/4 200
14 30 60 100 1 - 1/2 320
16 30 70 120 1 - 3/4 600
18 35 80 130 2 880
20 35 90 140 Based on a 12,000 psi bolt stress. Use
24 40 100 150 ANSI Type A Narrow or Type B Narrow
plain washers.
30 45 120 175
36 50 140 200
NOTE: The indicated torque is suggested to seal flanges in pressure pipe using
gaskets of a Shore A durometer of 50 to 60.

Pipe Design
& Selection

Branch ID
Connections Diameter

2 6 6 10 16
3 7 6 12 18
4 8 6 14 20
A 6 10 8 16 24
8 12 10 20 30
ID 10 14 10 24 34
12 16 12 26 38
14 18 12 30 42
16 20 14 32 46
A A 18 21 14 36 50
20 22 16 38 54
24 24 18 42 60
30 30 20 52 72
36 33 22 62 84

NOTES: 1. A is the minimum recommended length to allow for

45° a joint overlay.
2. Tees, including reducing tees, are not one-piece construction but
are manufactured by joining one section of pipe into the sidewall
of another. For this reason it is rarely of benefit to order a tee
ID fitting as an individual component. The main run of pipe can be
provided with the required branch line stub thereby saving shop
and field joints.


Pipe Coupling Connection

10 gauge

1/4 3"
3/8 3"
1/2 3-1/2"
3/4 3-1/2"
1 4" A
1-1/4 4" Std NPT threads
1-1/2 4-1/2"


resin filler
Side View End View

Pipe Design
& Selection

Flow Chart

Head Loss vs. Flow Rate


Head Loss - Feet of Water per 100 feet of Pipe



f t l. o w v
pe elo

r s ci
.60 ecoty

.40 nd


20 nch
18 nch

16 h
















10 2 4 6 8 100 2 4 6 8 1000 2 4 6 8 10,000 2 4 6 8 100,000

Flow Quantity - Gallons per Minute

Friction Losses of Fittings in Equivalent Length of Straight Pipe

Fitting - Diameter 2 3 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 24 30 36

90 Smooth Turn Ell 3 4 5 8 11 13 16 17 20 23 25 30 37 45
45 Smooth Turn Ell 2 2 3 4 6 7 9 10 11 12 14 17 21 25
Tee - Through Flow 4 5 7 10 14 17 20 22 25 28 32 38 47 57
Tee - Branch Flow 11 16 20 30 40 50 60 66 75 85 95 113 140 170


IntegraLine pipe has excellent corrosion 3. Valves, pumps, and other heavy at transition points where changes in
resistance and mechanical properties. equipment connected to the pipe should pipe diameter, direction or elevation,
However, as with any piping material, be supported independently to avoid material of construction or major branch
good application design and installation imposing excessive loads on the pipe. connections occur. This serves to divide
practices will greatly enhance the the piping system into individual
reliability and service life of the pipe 4. Vertical pipe runs should be expanding sections that are simpler to
system. supported from below so that pipe is “in deal with.
The following suggestions describe a Expansion and contraction are usually
rudimentary approach to laying out the 5. A minimum 1/8" thick layer of handled by one or a combination of the
piping system. This approach does not neoprene or other elastomeric material following methods:
include all possible contingencies and is should be provided between the pipe
not intended to replace more extensive and the steel support saddle to insure 1. Directional Changes in the System.
design approaches, such as finite element maximum contact and to prevent When sufficient flexibility exists within
analysis, when the designer judges these abrasion. Thicker layers may be used the piping system layout, using
to be appropriate. to fill any excess space between the directional changes is generally the
outside wall of the pipe and the interior least expensive means to accommodate
Supports curvature of the saddle. expansion and contraction . A typical
1. Select preliminary support locations. approach to this method is described on
Steel supports for IntegraLine pipe 6. When long runs of pipe are hung from page 18.
should be spaced at maximum intervals overhead structures, guides should be
shown in the tables on page 17. These incorporated periodically (every third or 2. Mechanical Expansion Joints. Various
distances should not be exceeded. fourth hanger location) to provide lateral types of expansion joints are used
A reduction of 10% in the distance stability. successfully with FRP pipe. The following
between supports should be considered points should be considered when
when: Expansion & Contraction selecting an expansion joint:
(a) pipe is carrying fluids with specific (a) Because thermal forces developed
gravities in the range of 1.1 to 1.3 IntegraLine pipe expands in the axial are much lower than for steel
(b) fluid contents of the pipe may be direction at approximately twice the pipe, it is essential to use an
over 180 degrees Fahrenheit rate of steel. However, because it has a expansion joint which is activated
(c) wind loads, vibration or other relatively low axial modulus of elasticity, by low forces. The force required to
factors present may increase loads thermal forces are smaller and therefore compress the expansion joint must
on the pipe run restraining anchors and guides need not not be greater than the force shown
be as heavy as for steel pipe. in the Compressive End Loads table
2. Use support saddles of adequate size on page 21.
to eliminate the possibility of point Common practice for above-ground (b) In installations where the pipe
loading. A good rule of thumb is that piping systems is to provide anchors at may operate at a lower temperature
saddles should provide complete 180 approximately 300 ft. intervals. This than the installation temperature,
degree support of the lower half of the helps to prevent pipe movement due to it may be necessary to pre-set the
pipe. Saddle length should be equal to vibration or water hammer. In addition expansion joint for contraction.
the diameter of the pipe for small sizes to the natural anchor points in the
and not less than two thirds the diameter system, such as equipment connections,
of the pipe for larger sizes. it is a good idea to provide anchors


(c) Guides should be installed to assure

that the pipe will remain aligned
clamps for vertical support. Collars are
generally applied while the pipe is being
Although low-amplitude vibration
through the expansion joint. Locate manufactured but can also be applied in
from a well-anchored centrifugal pump
guides not more than 4 times the the field.
will generally have little effect on
diameter of the pipe on either side
of the expansion joint. Water Hammer IntegraLine pipe, adjacent supports
should be well cushioned to prevent
The high pressure surge or shock load abrasion of the exterior of the pipe.
3. Expansion loops. This approach known as “water hammer” is produced Large amplitude vibration should be
consists of an arc of pipe that flexes by abrupt changes in fluid velocity isolated from the pipe through the use of
to accommodate changes in length. within the pipe. The usual causes are flexible connectors.
The design method is based on stress instantaneous valve closing or opening,
developed in a cantilevered beam with as well as pump start-up or shutdown.
a concentrated load at the free end. It
ignores flexibility of the loop leg parallel
Pressure gauges, due to slow response
time, frequently do not register water Hydrostatic Testing
to the pipe line. Guidance for sizing of hammer pressure surges however violent Whenever possible, FRP piping systems
expansion loops is given on page 20. vibration or movement in the pipeline should be hydrostatically tested prior
can sometimes be observed. Complete to process start-up. Testing with air or
4. Anchor supports and guides. For explanations and calculations for this gas is extremely hazardous and is not
very short pipe runs and/or small phenomenon can be found in piping recommended. The following approach to
changes in temperature, it is frequently handbooks. Under certain conditions testing the system is suggested:
unnecessary to make provisions for these shock forces can be of sufficient 1. Insure that all supports, guides and
thermal expansion. The system designer magnitude to rupture a piping system. anchors are in place and the line is
should be aware however, that when The system designer is cautioned to properly restrained.
pipe is restrained by anchor supports take measures to prevent or reduce 2. Introduce water to the system at the
in lieu of providing other means to these forces. One method would be to lowest point, preferably through a 1"
accommodate expansion, both pipe and use slow-closing valves or surge tanks. diameter or smaller pipe.
anchor supports will be subjected to Additionally, pumps should never be 3. Provide a means to bleed air off, such
the end loads shown in the Compressive started into empty discharge lines unless as loosening a flange or partially opening
End Loads table on page 21. Supporting valves are used to control flow. A check a valve, at the highest point in the
structural steel and steel anchor supports valve should be installed to control the system.
must therefore be capable of resisting velocity of liquid flowing back through a 4. When the system is filled, slowly close
these forces. When longer runs of line. As a general guideline, IntegraLine the air bleed-off point and gradually
pipe are restrained in this manner, it pipe will withstand a dynamic pressure bring the system up to the desired
is necessary to provide guides to keep increase equal to the pressure rating pressure.
the pipe line straight, thereby directing of the pipe, however the system must 5. Test pressure should not exceed 1-1/2
forces in an axial direction to prevent be adequately anchored and supported, times the system operating pressure or
buckling which might otherwise occur. particularly at changes in direction and 1-1/2 times the rated operating pressure
Maximum guide spacing is given in the branch connections, to prevent movement of the pipe.
table on page 20. FRP thrust collars of the pipeline.
are laminated to the pipe on either
side of an anchor support to restrain
the pipe and are also used with riser


50 PSI

Allowable Spans Wall
Between Supports Diameter Type I Type II Type III Type IV

6 0.21 14.7 16.4 15.8 18.0

8 0.21 13.9 15.6 15.0 17.0
10 0.21 13.0 14.6 14.1 16.0
12 0.21 12.0 13.4 12.9 14.7
14 0.21 10.7 11.9 11.5 13.0
16 0.26 14.8 16.5 16.0 18.1
18 0.26 13.9 15.5 15.0 17.0
20 0.26 12.9 14.4 13.9 15.8
24 0.31 15.7 17.5 17.0 19.2
30 0.31 12.8 14.2 13.8 15.7
36 0.36 15.0 16.8 16.2 18.3

100 PSI


Type I

0.21 11.5 12.9 12.4 14.1

Type II Type III Type IV

8 0.24 12.5 14.0 13.5 15.3

10 0.26 13.0 14.5 14.0 15.9
12 0.29 14.0 15.6 15.1 17.1
14 0.31 14.0 15.6 15.1 17.1
16 0.34 15.0 16.7 16.2 18.3
18 0.36 15.5 17.3 16.5 18.9
20 0.41 17.0 19.0 18.3 20.7
24 0.46 18.0 20.1 19.4 22.0
30 0.56 19.5 21.7 21.0 23.8
36 0.62 20.5 22.9 22.1 25.1

150 PSI


Type I

0.26 11.0 12.3 11.8 13.2

Type II Type III Type IV

8 0.31 12.5 13.8 13.5 15.2

10 0.31 13.0 14.5 14.0 15.9
12 0.36 14.5 16.2 15.6 17.6
14 0.41 15.0 16.6 16.2 18.3
16 0.45 15.5 17.3 16.6 18.9
18 0.47 16.5 18.4 17.8 20.2
20 0.52 17.5 19.5 18.9 21.3
24 0.58 18.5 20.5 19.9 22.5
30 0.71 20.5 22.5 22.1 25.0
36 0.81 23.0 25.0 24.6 28.0
NOTE: All spans based on fluid contents specific gravity of 1.2

Type I Allowable Spans

Simply supported spans (two supports per span Between Supports
length) with the run attached to a fitting at one end,
or any other section of less than
three span lengths.

Type II
Continuous beam of three
spans, all loaded.

Type III
Continuous beam of four or
more spans, all loaded.

Type IV
Beam fixed at both ends,
uniformly distributed loads.




Riser C
Line 2


Line 1

Using System Direction Changes (Offset Legs) to Deal with Expansion

The illustration above depicts a typical installation 3. Determine the maximum expansion of line 3 NOTES: 1. Generally, the support which satisfies
configuration. To use this particular configuration from any prior anchor point and use this value to find the minimum offset leg length should prevent
to advantage in allowing for pipe expansion, the the minimum length of the offset leg C. (Note: If lateral movement and buckling. A Guide Support is
following steps would be appropriate: the upper support location on the vertical run did not frequently used for this purpose.
1. Using the Linear Thermal Expansion table (Page allow for an adequate distance to the upper elbow, 2. After determining the minimum allowable
19), determine the maximum expansion of line 1 it can be allowed to slide and the distance from the distance of the offset leg, check the Allowable Span
from any prior anchor point. This value is used with upper elbow to the anchor support then becomes the table (page 16) to determine if additional supports
the Minimum Length Of Offset Leg table (page 19) offset leg.) between the elbow and the offset leg guide support
to find the minimum length of the offset leg B. 4. Determine the maximum expansion from the are required. These should be sliding supports,
2. Determine the maximum expansion of that anchor support to the upper elbow and use this value allowing for both axial and lateral movement.
portion of line 2 between the anchor support and to find the minimum length of the offset leg D. 3. Steel supports, which satisfy the more commonly
the lower elbow. This value is then used to find the encountered requirements, are available from FIBREX
minimum length of the offset leg A. and are shown in this manual.



Linear Thermal Expansion

Change in Temperature - Degrees F
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180
0.1 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.7 0.8 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.8 1.9 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.5
Change in Length - inches per 100 ft.

Minimum Length of Offset Leg

Deflection of Offset Leg - (Linear expansion of main run) - inches
0.5 1.0 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 6 6.5 7 7.5 8 8.5 9 9.5 10
6 7.6 11 13 15 17 19 20 22 23 26 28 29 30 31 32 32 33 34
8 8.8 12 15 18 20 22 23 25 26 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39
10 9.8 14 17 20 22 24 26 28 29 34 35 37 38 39 40 42 43 44
12 11 15 19 21 24 26 28 30 32 37 39 40 41 43 44 45 47 48
14 12 16 20 23 26 28 30 33 35 40 42 43 45 46 47 49 50 51
16 12 17 21 25 28 30 33 35 37 43 44 46 48 49 51 52 54 55
18 13 18 23 26 29 32 34 37 39 45 47 49 50 52 54 55 57 58
20 14 19 24 27 31 34 36 39 41 48 49 51 53 55 57 58 60 61
24 15 21 26 30 34 37 40 42 45 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 65 67
30 17 24 29 33 37 41 44 47 50 58 60 63 65 67 69 71 73 75
36 18 26 32 37 41 45 48 52 55 63 66 69 71 73 76 78 80 82
Length of Offset Leg - feet

in run
f ma
ar Exp
L ine



Expansion Loops

Total Change in Length

Anchor Additional Supports First Guide First Guide

as Required Anchor
Length Length
Second Guide Length Second Guide Length

Where straight runs with anchors at both ends are 2. Determine the maximum change in temperature 6. The distance to the first guide on either side
required, system direction changes (offset legs) can between the installation temperature and highest (or of the loop should be no more than 4 times the
be replaced by an expansion loop to accommodate lowest) operating temperature. diameter of the pipe and distance to the second
changes in length due to expansion. This is similar 3. Determine the distance between the expansion guide, no more than 16 times the pipe diameter.
to creating “back-to-back offset legs”. loop location and the farther of the two anchor 7. A support under leg “B” may be provided,
The following steps are used to determine supports. however, do not provide any guides within the loop
appropriate dimensions for an expansion loop: 4. Refer to the Minimum Length Of Offset Leg table which could constrain pipe movement in the direction
1. Determine an available location for the expansion (page 19) to determine the minimum length of leg of the pipe run.
loop. It is not mandatory that the loop is equidistant “A”.
between the two anchors however to the extent this 5. Leg length “B” should not be less than one half
is possible, the size of the loop will be minimized. the length of “A”.

Maximum Guide Spacing in Feet

Change in Temperature - degrees F
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180
6 55 39 32 27 24 22 21 19 18 17 16 16 15 15 14 14 13 13
8 73 52 42 37 33 30 28 26 24 23 22 21 20 20 19 18 18 17
10 90 64 52 45 40 37 34 32 30 29 27 26 25 24 23 23 22 21
12 108 76 62 54 48 44 41 38 36 34 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25
14 125 88 72 63 56 51 47 44 42 40 38 36 35 33 32 31 30 29
16 143 101 82 71 64 58 54 51 48 45 43 41 40 38 37 36 35 34
18 160 113 92 80 72 65 61 57 53 51 48 46 44 43 41 40 39 38
20 178 126 102 89 79 72 67 63 59 56 54 51 49 47 46 44 43 42
24 213 150 123 106 95 87 80 75 71 67 64 61 59 57 55 53 52 50
30 265 187 153 132 118 108 100 94 88 84 80 76 73 71 68 66 64 62
36 317 224 183 159 142 129 120 112 106 100 96 92 88 85 82 79 77 75

distance between guides


Compressive End
Loads due to
Thermal Expansion
50 PSI
Temperature Change - degrees F
25° 50° 75° 100° 125° 150° 175° 200°

6 793 1586 2379 3172 3965 4758 5551 6344

8 1060 2120 3180 4240 5300 6360 7420 8480

10 1311 2623 3934 5246 6557 7868 9180 10491

12 1563 3125 4688 6251 7814 9376 10939 12502

14 1814 3628 5442 7256 9070 10884 12699 14513

16 3013 6027 9040 12054 15067 18080 21094 24107

18 3379 6758 10137 13516 16895 20274 23653 27032

20 3745 7489 11234 14978 18723 22467 26212 29957

24 5886 11773 17659 23546 29432 35319 41205 47091

30 7326 14652 21978 29304 36630 43956 51282 58608

36  10867 21735 32602 43469 54337 65204 76071 86939
Restraining pipe expansion with anchors in these temperature ranges will result in excessive axial pipe stresses

100 PSI
Temperature Change - degrees F
25° 50° 75° 100° 125° 150° 175° 200°

6 793 1586 2379 3172 3965 4758 5551 6344

8 1354 2708 4062 5416 6770 8124 9478 10832

10 1917 3833 5750 7666 9583 11500 13416 15333

12 2717 5433 8150 10867 13583 16300 19016 21733

14 3487 6974 10462 13949 17436 20923 24411 27898

16 4542 9084 13626 18168 22710 27252 31794 36336

18 5521 11041 16562 22082 27603 33123 38644 44164

20 7308 14616 21925 29233 36541 43849 51158 58466

24 10153 20305 30458 40611 50764 60916 71069 81222

30 16179 32357 48536 64715 80893 97072 113251 129430

36 21889 43778 65667 87556 109446 131335 153224 175113
Restraining pipe expansion with anchors in these temperature ranges will result in excessive axial pipe stresses

150 PSI
Temperature Change - degrees F
25° 50° 75° 100° 125° 150° 175° 200°
6 940 1880 2820 3761 4701 5641 6581 7521
8 1650 3300 4950 6600 8250 9899 11549 13199
10 2650 5301 7951 10602 13252 15903 18553 21203
12 3738 7477 11215 14953 18691 22430 26168 29906
14 4842 9684 14527 19369 24211 29053 33895 38738
16 6279 12558 18838 25117 31396 37675 43954 50234
18 7903 15805 23708 31611 39513 47416 55319 63221
20 9471 18942 28413 37884 47356 56827 66298 75769
24 13603 27206 40808 54411 68014 81617 95219 108822
30 20479 40957 61436 81915 102394 122872 143351 163830
36  30041 60082 90124 120165 150206 180247 210288 240330
Restraining pipe expansion with anchors in these temperature ranges will result in excessive axial pipe stresses


Cradle Support
Saddle Supports

Pipe Size


16-20 14
24 16
30 20
L 36 24

Standard steel strapping for Cradle Support not included.

Saddle Support

Pipe Size


12-16 12
18-20 14
24 20

L 30
Order Guide Bands separately when required.

W Anchor Support

Pipe Size

6-10 10 1/2 6

12-16 12 5/8 8
18-20 14 5/8 8
24 16 3/4 10

30 20 7/8 12
36 24 1 14


Clevis Hanger
Hanger Supports

Pipe Size


16-20 14
24 16
30 20
36 24

Clamp Hanger

Pipe Size


16-20 14
24 16
30 20
36 24

Riser Clamp

Pipe Size

6-10 3 1/2 3

12-16 4 5/8 4
18-20 4 5/8 4
24 6 3/4 6
30 8 7/8 6 F
36 8 1 8

IntegraLine steel supports are available from Fibrex or can be provided by customer.


Procedures inside overlay

exterior overlay

woven roving


Joining Procedures Before You Start...

IntegraLine pipe makes use of the joint you will need:
type widely recognized as being the 1. for weighing and measuring
most corrosion resistant and reliable - graduated cylinder ( metric )
of all currently available means of - weighing scale (25lb to 60 lb capacity)
connecting FRP pipe components… - floor paper, flexible plastic strip or
the BUTT JOINT, sometimes also known other material to wrap around pipe
as the “butt wrap” joint or the “butt 2. for cutting and surface preparation
and strap” joint. This type of joint is - power sander and sanding discs
analogous to a weld in metallic piping (24 grit & 60 grit )
systems and consists essentially of a - barrel grinder
“strap” of laminate wrapped around the - circular saw (diamond coated or
exterior of the two parts being joined. carbide grit masonry blade)
This joint uses the same materials of - saber saw or hack saw (carbide tip
construction as the pipe fittings. The or grit blade) if irregular cuts will be
result is a homogeneous “weld”, without required
the potential for problems sometimes 3. for applying laminate materials
associated with systems utilizing various - stiff bristle brushes
adhesives, mechanical components - 3" wide laminating roller (bristle or
or other materials of dissimilar metal fin)
composition. Since IntegraLine pipe is - 6" wide paint rollers
not about compromises, FIBREX strongly - scissors
recommends the use of the BUTT JOINT - razor trim knife
rather than seemingly more convenient, - mixing sticks
but potentially less reliable, alternative - putty knife
types of joints. - several gallon and pint containers
It may take days to become proficient - clean rags
at welding stainless steel, but it takes - pails for storage of rollers and brushes
only a few hours to become an expert at in
“welding” FRP pipe. - cleaning agent
- acetone or water based emulsifier for
cleaning tools
- cardboard sheets or floor paper to wet
out glass strips


The following step-by-step procedures 7. When field joint kits are purchased 9. If large diameter pipe is being joined,
will produce a no-compromise, “welded” from FIBREX, the resin will already be it is helpful to add HOT PATCHES to assist
BUTT JOINT assuring the integrity of the promoted and ready to mix in accordance in holding the pipes together. Cut 3
system. with the following guidelines. Resin for or more pieces of mat, 2"-3" square,
“puttying” will have a thickener in it and saturate with the hot patch resin and
1. Wrap the flexible plastic strip, heavy resin for the exterior will already have place across the joint in 3 or more places
floor paper or other sheet material the wax mixed in. These materials are to “tack weld” the pipes together.
around pipe to act as a template for also available from your local DERAKANE
marking a true square cut. distributor, however resin purchased 10. Before proceeding, jab the putty and
directly from a distributor may not HOT PATCHES lightly with a knife point
2. With pipe properly supported, cut ends be promoted. Ask the distributor to to determine if they are cured. Cured
square using the circular saw. If irregular promote the resin and add thickener, material will be hard. If it is soft or
cuts are required, use a saber saw or wax and U.V. stabilizer, as required, or spongy, it needs more time. If it does
hack saw. promote on site in accordance with resin not get hard it was not properly mixed
manufacturer’s instructions (available and the prior steps will need to be done
3. Sand the exterior surface of the pipe from the distributor or from FIBREX). over.
using a power sander with 24 grit disc NOTE: “Pot life” is the time between
to remove all of the resin wax coat catalyzation and set-up. Adjust the 11. If you are applying an INSIDE
for a distance at least 1" beyond the quantity of catalyst to compensate OVERLAY, take the plies of glass for the
completed strap overlay width. for ambient temperature conditions corrosion barrier (one C-veil and two
or to provide a desired pot life. The mat) and set them aside until after
4. Maximum chemical resistance of table below is based on an ambient completion of the EXTERIOR OVERLAY.
the joint is achieved with an INSIDE temperature of 70 degrees F. For every If an INSIDE OVERLAY is not possible,
OVERLAY. This can be provided on all 15 degrees above 70 degrees F., the pot include the corrosion barrier plies with
joints where the pipe is large enough to life will be cut approximately in half. the other plies to be applied to the
allow entry or the joint can be reached For every 15 degrees below 70 degrees F., exterior of the pipe in step no. 12. Prior
from outside the pipe. If an INSIDE the pot life will be approximately double. to commencing the EXTERIOR OVERLAY,
OVERLAY is to be provided, lightly sand If pot life exceeds 1 hour, external heat check to insure that all prepared surfaces
the inside of the pipe back a distance may be required to produce a complete are clean and free of moisture, dirt, oils
1" beyond the completed inside overlay cure. Using too little catalyst can result and waxes. If necessary, hand sand or
width. Sanding should not disturb the in an incomplete cure. Less than 1 part power sand to remove any contaminants.
C-veil in the inner surface of the pipe but per hundred (1 % or 4.5 cc/lb) is not
merely roughen the smooth mold surface recommended.
of the resin to allow the INSIDE OVERLAY
to bond with it. 8. Start by mixing an adequate amount
of the putty resin to fill any gaps or
5. The cut edges of the pipe should be irregularities and apply it to the joint,
prepared in the following manner. forcing it into the crevice between the
NOTE: If an INSIDE OVERLAY cannot be two pieces of pipe.
provided, protection of the cut edges is It is not necessary to force putty all the
particularly important and the following way to the inside of the pipe as this
procedure should be performed with due could result in obstructions to the flow.
care and attention to detail. If the pipe Scrape any excess off the exterior of the
was cut more than 4 hours previously pipe, leaving a smooth surface. If small
or has been contaminated with dust or diameter pipe is being joined, this should
other debris, lightly sand the square be adequate to hold the sections of pipe 6
edge of the pipe to reveal previously together.
unexposed laminate. Using a stiff bristle
brush, coat the cut edges with the
appropriate resin formulation so that no
glass fibers are exposed and all voids
are filled. Two or more coats may be Resin Formulation Chart
advisable. Hot patch & putty resin Laminating resin Exterior wax coat resin

6. Align the two sections of pipe to be Resin 100 parts 100 parts 100 parts
joined. It is imperative that they are Catalyst (MEKP) 3 parts 1 1/4 parts 2 parts
supported firmly enough to (10-12 cc/lb) (5-6 cc/lb) (8-9 cc/lb)
prevent any movement after starting Pot Life 12 min. 20-40 min. 15-25 min.
lamination (fig. 6).


12. Mix the laminating resin and joints, it is often easier to apply this
apply with brush or paint roller to all type strap in sections of half, or even
prepared (sanded) areas of the joint one third, of the joint. Roll out, from
(12a). Commence wetting out the glass the center to the edge of the strap,
12a “strap”, working on clean cardboard or blending the edges into the pipe and
floor paper. Start with the narrowest removing all wrinkles and entrapped air.
ply (strip) of glass and apply resin to Care must be taken to prevent the joint
it, rolling until uniformly saturated laminate from sagging at the bottom of
(12b). Place the glass ply around the the pipe during the curing process.
joint, being careful to have it centered.
(12c), and roll all the air out using a 13. Allow the EXTERIOR OVERLAY to cure
laminating roller, rolling from the center and then do the INSIDE OVERLAY, if one
toward the edges of the glass (12d). Add is to be provided, using the same process
more resin, if necessary, using a brush or as described above. Typically, the
paint roller. Repeat this procedure with EXTERIOR OVERLAYS of several joints are
each consecutively wider glass ply (strip) made while previously overlaid joints are
until the joint is completed. Subsequent curing, before coming back and applying
layers of glass should lap at different the INSIDE OVERLAYS. Note that the
locations around the pipe. Care must be C-veil is applied last on an INSIDE
taken to prevent the joint laminate from OVERLAY so that it is the layer in contact
sagging at the bottom of the pipe during with the corrosive liquid.
the curing process.
12b 14. Sand off any rough edges before
After acquiring an adequate level of applying the final exterior coat, then mix
experience, you will want to substitute the exterior wax coat resin. If supplied
the following procedure, or one like it, by FIBREX, this material will have an
for wetting and applying the glass to ultraviolet stabilizer in it as well as the
the joints. This will appreciably speed paraffin wax. Apply this resin liberally
up the process. Determine how many to the exterior of the joint and inside
layers of glass you can apply together overlay as well as all sanded areas for
at one time. Place the widest on the maximum corrosion and weathering
cardboard or floor paper, apply resin and resistance.
roll on it to completely saturate it and
remove air bubbles. Center the next,
slightly narrower glass ply on top of it 12d
but offsetting 1/2" - 1" on the length.
Apply resin and roll on it. Repeat this
procedure with each successive glass ply
until the narrowest has been rolled out
12c (12e). Note: when using this procedure,
it is more important to roll air out of the
laminate while it is still on the cardboard
or floor paper. Apply resin with brush or
paint roller to all prepared areas of the
joint. Lift all plies of glass together and,
with the narrowest ply toward the inside,
center the strap over the joint seam.
Use an even, forward pressure to wrap
around the joint, overlapping offset ends 12e
smoothly. With thick, large diameter


Field Joint

Contact Molded
Pipe Wall Thickness 0.19 0.24 0.30 0.35 0.41 0.46 0.52 0.57 0.63 0.68 0.74 0.85 1.07 1.23

corrosion barrier (veil is 10 mil C glass, mat is 1-1/2 oz. per sq. ft. )
6" wide C-veil 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
4" wide mat 2-3 2-3 2-3 2-3 2-3 2-3 2-3 2-3 2-3 2-3 2-3 2-3 2-3 2-3
structural wall (mat is 3/4 oz. per sq. ft. except final layer of 1-1/2 oz per sq. ft., woven roving is 24 oz per sq. yd.)
4" wide roving 2 2 2 2-4 2-4 2-4 2-4 2-4 2-4 2-4 2-4 2-4 2-4 2-4
6" wide mat 1-3 1-3 1-3 1-3-5 1-3-5 1-3-5 1-3-5 1-3-5 1-3-5 1-3-5 1-3-5 1-3-5 1-3-5 1-3-5
6" wide roving 4 4 6 6 6 6 6 6 6-8 6-8 6-8 6-8 6-8
8" wide mat 5 5 7 7 7 7 7 7 7-9 7-9 7-9 7-9 7-9
8" wide roving 6 8 8 8 8 8 8 10 10 10-12 10-12 10-12
10" wide mat 7 9 9 9 9 9 9 11 11 11-13 11-13 11-13
10" wide roving 10 10 10 10 10 12 12 14 14-16 14-16
12" wide mat 11 11 11 11 11 13 13 15 15-17 15-17
12"wide roving 12 12 12 12 14 14 16 18-20 18-20
14" wide mat 13 13 13 13 15 15 17 19-21 19-21
14" wide roving 14 14 14 16 16 18 22-24 22-24
16" wide mat 15 15 15 17 17 19 23-25 23-25
16" wide roving 16 16 18 18 20 26 26-28
18" wide mat 17 17 19 19 21 27 27-29
18" wide roving 18 20 20 22 28
20" wide mat 19 21 21 23 29
20" wide roving 22 24 30 34
22" wide mat 23 25 31 35
22" wide roving 26 32 36
24" wide mat 27 33 37
24" wide roving 34 38 38
26" wide mat 35 39
26" wide roving 40
28" wide mat 41

NOTE: An experienced overlayer can apply several ”stacked” then be applied, as required to attain maximum productivity while
layers of resin-saturated material at one time (see par. 12 of still allowing adequate time for proper roll-out of the laminate. In
”Joining Procedures” on page 26). The number of layers depends between applications of ”stacked” layers, an exotherm, allowing
on several factors including the diameter of the joint, required the laminate to harden, is required.
working time for roll-out and general site conditions. It is a good 1-1/2 oz. mat can be substituted for the 3/4 oz. mat but the
idea to start with 4 - 6 layers of mat and woven roving until the same number of layers must be used. This will result in a thicker
procedure can be assessed. Greater or fewer ”stacked” layers can joint and will require approximately one third more resin.

Shipping, Handling
and Storage

Shipping Handling and Storage

IntegraLine pipe is shipped in one of 1. Caution should be used when handling
the following ways: FRP pipe and components to avoid any
Contract Truckload: Large orders are type of impact. FRP can be damaged
shipped by contract carrier on flatbed or internally (cracking and crazing) by
stepdeck trailers. General dimensional abusive handling without exhibiting
restrictions for shipping pipe spools are visible damage to the external surface.
8'-6" wide x 10'-0" high (13'-6" from 2. When unloading or transporting pipe,
road) x up to 48'-0" long each length, bundle (small diameter
Common Carrier (LTL): Smaller orders, pipe) or spool should be handled
too big for UPS, are shipped LTL by individually. Do not unload by removing
common carrier. This type of shipment side stakes of trailer and allowing pipe to
may be handled more than once during roll to the ground. Leave all plain end or
transit and will sometimes require special flange protectors in place until pipe is to
crating. It may also take longer to reach be installed.
its destination than either contract
trailers or UPS shipments. 3. When lifting the pipe by crane, a
UPS: Pipe components may be shipped minimum of 3" wide nylon slings should
via UPS with the following restrictions: be used in conjunction with a spreader
Maximum weight per package: 150 LBS. bar. Do not use chains or steel rope
Maximum Size per package: 108 inches slings. Individual lengths of pipe can be UPS Shipment Limitations
in length, 130 inches in length and girth lifted from one point if considerable care a
combined. is exercised. Recommended practice for b
Contact your UPS Customer Service control and safety is that 20 ft. lengths
Office regarding availability of interstate of pipe should be lifted at two points,
service for packages weighing more than about 5 ft. from each end, and 40 ft.
70 pounds. The maximum weight for a lengths should be lifted at two points
Hazardous Materials package is 70 pounds about 10 ft. from each end.
unless further restricted in the UPS Guide 4. Pipe stored for short term periods
for Shipping Ground and Air Hazardous prior to installation should be stored on
Materials a flat surface free of any debris on which
the pipe might inadvertently be placed.
Measuring Your Package 5. Large diameter pipe stored for longer
(a) Measuring your packages for periods can be stacked by the use of
shipment by UPS involves length, which saddle chocks. Chocks should be at
is longest side of the package, and girth, d c
least 3" wide and 120 degrees of the
which is the distance around the widest pipe diameter. Pipes of like diameter a + b + c + d = girth
part of the package at a right angle to may be stacked by using chocks both L = length
the length. Maximum length = 108"
under and over the pipe to stabilize the
(b) If the length plus the girth of a Maximum length and girth = 130"
sides and prevent ovaling. Saddle chocks
3 Day Select, GroundTrac, or Ground should be no more than 10 ft. on center.
package exceeds 84", contact your UPS
Customer Service Office. 6. Small diameter pipe, and large
(c) If the length exceeds 108", the diameter pipe not being stacked, may
package is over UPS length limit and be stored by placing directly on 6" wide
cannot be accepted. racks or bearing boards. It is suggested
(d) If the length plus the girth exceeds that all pipe be supported on no more
130", the package is over UPS size limit than 10 ft. spans with excess overhang
and cannot be accepted. divided equally between each end.
Note: When figuring odd shaped 7. All field joint kits, resins and curing
components, girth is measured at the agents should be stored in a cool, dry
widest part. It is safest to picture the place. DERAKANE resins should be stored
size box that would be required, even between 50 and 75 degrees F., out of
if it might not be shipped in one, and direct sunlight and away from all heat
figure the girth and length on that basis. sources that might create localized hot
spots on the resin container.


The information in this manual is derived from industry
sources in addition to engineering design specific to the
products described. There are many years of successful
service of FRP pipe upon which the information and
recommendations contained herein are based, but FRP
pipe must be selected, installed and used in accordance
with proven industry practice, common sense and sound

Further, the information contained in this manual must

be considered as an expression of guidelines based on
the sources and practices described above rather than a
warranty for which Fibrex assumes responsibility. Fibrex
offers separately, a limited warranty of its products,
a copy of which is available upon request. In certain
instances, Fibrex may provide direct engineering of a
proposed installation or will assist in obtaining third party
design engineering for specific projects that require it. The
information contained in this manual cannot ensure, in
itself, a successful installation and is offered to customers
subject to these limitations and explanations.

Fibrex reserves the right, without notice, to change the

specifications, design or other recommendations in this
manual or other Fibrex literature without incurring any
obligation for pipe or other equipment previously purchased
from Fibrex. Information and descriptions contained in this
manual are for the purpose of identification and neither
limit nor extend the standard product limited warranty.


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