Disini Vs Sandiganbayan GR No. 180564, June 22, 2010
Disini Vs Sandiganbayan GR No. 180564, June 22, 2010
Disini Vs Sandiganbayan GR No. 180564, June 22, 2010
JESUS P. DISINI, G.R. No. 180564 petitioner Jesus P. Disini to testify for his government in its case against
Petitioner, Westinghouse Electric Corporation[1] (Westinghouse) before the United States
CORONA, C.J., District Court of New Jersey and in the arbitration case that Westinghouse
CARPIO, International Projects Company and others filed against the Republic[2] before
VELASCO, JR., the International Chamber of Commerce Court of Arbitration. Disini worked for
his second cousin, Herminio T. Disini (Herminio), as an executive in the latters
BRION, companies from 1971 to 1984. The Republic believed that the Westinghouse
BERSAMIN, contract for the construction of the Bataan Nuclear Power Plant, brokered by
DEL CASTILLO, one of Herminios companies, had been attended by anomalies.
PEREZ, and On February 16, 1989 respondent Republic and petitioner Disini
THE HONORABLE SANDIGANBAYAN, entered into an Immunity Agreement under which Disini undertook to testify
for his government and provide its lawyers with the information, affidavits, and
as represented by the PRESIDENTIAL
COMMISSION ON GOOD Promulgated: documents they needed for prosecuting the two cases.[3] Acknowledging
Respondents. June 22, 2010 Disinis concern that the Republic could become a party to yet other
proceedings relating to the matters subject of his testimony, the Republic
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guaranteed that, apart from the two cases, it shall not compel Disini to testify
DECISION in any other domestic or foreign proceeding brought by the Republic against
ABAD, J.: Herminio.[4]
Discussion The language of Section 5, E.O. 14, said the Court, affords latitude to
the PCGG in determining the extent of that criminal immunity.[9] In petitioner
One. Respondent Republic contends that the power to grant immunity given Disinis case, respondent Republic, acting through the PCGG, offered him not
the PCGG covers only immunity from civil or criminal prosecution. It does not only criminal and civil immunity[10] but also immunity against being compelled
cover immunity from providing evidence in court. The Republic even believes to testify in any domestic or foreign proceeding, other than the civil and
that immunity from the need to testify in other ill-gotten wealth cases would arbitration cases identified in the Immunity Agreement, just so he would agree
defeat the very purpose of Executive Order 1 which charged the PCGG with to testify. Trusting in the Governments honesty and fidelity, Disini agreed and
the task of recovering all ill-gotten wealth of former President Marcos, his fulfilled his part of the bargain. Surely, the principle of fair play, which is the
family, relatives, subordinates, and close associates. essence of due process, should hold the Republic on to its promise.
Section 5 of Executive Order (E.O.) 14, which vests on the PCGG the The Republic of course points out that the immunity from criminal or civil
power to grant immunity to witnesses provides: prosecution that Section 5 of E.O. 14 authorizes does not cover immunity from
giving evidence in a case before a court of law.
Sec. 5. The Presidential Commission on Good
Government is authorized to grant immunity from
criminal prosecution to any person who provides But in reality the guarantee given to petitioner Disini against being
information or testifies in any investigation conducted by
such Commission to establish the unlawful manner in compelled to testify in other cases against Herminio constitutes a grant of
which any respondent, defendant or accused has immunity from civil or criminal prosecution. If Disini refuses to testify in those
acquired or accumulated the property or properties in
question in any case where such information or other cases he would face indirect contempt, which is essentially a prosecution
testimony is necessary to ascertain or prove the latter's for willful disobedience of a valid court order, a subpoena. [11] His refusal to
guilt or his civil liability. The immunity thereby granted
shall be continued to protect the witness who repeats testify will warrant the imposition against him of the penalty of fine not
such testimony before the Sandiganbayan when required
exceeding P30,000.00 or imprisonment not exceeding 6 months or both fine
to do so by the latter or by the Commission.
and imprisonment.[12]
Construing the above, the Court has ruled in a previous case that the scope of
Here, petitioner Disinis refusal to testify as ordered by the
immunity offered by the PCGG may vary.[8] It has discretion to grant
Sandiganbayan is certain to result in prosecution for criminal contempt. It
constitutes criminal contempt since guilt would draw a penalty of fine or Court regarded as valid and binding on the government the immunity it gave
imprisonment or both. Said the Court in Montenegro v. Montenegro:[13] former National Food Authority Administrator, Jesus Tanchanco for all
culpable acts of his during his service in the Marcos government, which would
Contempt, whether direct or indirect, may be civil
or criminal depending on the nature and effect of the include possible prosecution for any illegal wealth that he may himself have
contemptuous act. Criminal contempt is conduct acquired during that service. The Court did not regard such immunity in
directed against the authority and dignity of the court or
a judge acting judicially; it is an act obstructing the contravention of the state policy on recovery of ill-gotten wealth under the
administration of justice which tends to bring the court auspices of the Marcos regime.
into disrepute or disrespect. On the other hand, civil
contempt is the failure to do something ordered to be
done by a court or a judge for the benefit of the opposing True, respondent Republic may have other cases in which it also
party therein and is therefore an offense against the party
in whose behalf the violated order was made. If the needed petitioner Disinis testimony. But such circumstance does not
purpose is to punish, then it is criminal in nature, but if to
necessarily invalidate the concession it gave himthe freedom from being
compensate, then it is civil.[14]
compelled to give evidence in specific cases. It may be assumed that the
Republic regarded Disinis testimony in the two cases covered by the
In criminal contempt, the proceedings are regarded as criminal and
agreement more important and critical than those other cases. It is well known
the rules of criminal procedure apply. What is more, it is generally held that the
that the cases with Westinghouse before the New Jersey District Court and
State or respondent Republic is the real prosecutor in such a case. [15] The
the International Arbitration Tribunal concerning the construction of the Bataan
grant, therefore, of immunity to petitioner Disini against being compelled to
Nuclear Power Plant had so huge a financial impact on the Republic that it was
testify is ultimately a grant of immunity from being criminally prosecuted by the
willing to waive its power and right to compel petitioner Disinis testimony in
State for refusal to testify, something that falls within the express coverage of
other cases.
the immunity given him.
Two. Petitioner Disini argues that respondent Republic, through the PCGG,
Respondent Republic claims that the grant of immunity to petitioner
should not be allowed to revoke the guarantee it gave him against being
Disini against being compelled to testify against Herminio contravenes the
compelled to testify in other cases, the Republic being in estoppel for making
states public policy respecting the recovery of illegally acquired wealth under
him believe that it had the authority to provide such guarantee. The Republic
the regime of former President Marcos.
rejects this argument, however, invoking Section 15, Article XI of the 1987
Constitution which provides: The right of the State to recover properties
But the same authority that adopted such policy, former President
unlawfully acquired by public officials or employees from them or from their
Corazon C. Aquino, is the same authority that gave the PCGG the power to
nominees, or transferees, shall not be barred by prescription, laches or
grant immunity to witnesses whom it might use to recover illegally acquired
wealth during that regime.In the case of Tanchanco v. Sandiganbayan,[16] the
But, first, the estoppel that petitioner Disini invokes does not have the compelled to testify in other cases against Herminio is quite clear and does
effect, if recognized, of denying the state its right to recover whatever ill-gotten not need any interpretation. Where a stipulation in an agreement is clear, its
wealth Herminio may have acquired under the Marcos regime. The action literal meaning controls.[21]
against Herminio can continue, hampered only by the exclusion of Disinis
testimony. And there are other ways of proving the existence of ill-gotten Besides, Disini undertook to testify for the Republic in its two foreign
wealth. Second, although the government cannot be barred by estoppel based cases and provide its lawyers all the information and testimony they needed
on unauthorized acts of public officers,[17]such principle cannot apply to this to prosecute the same. The last sentence in the paragraph that enjoins Disini
case since, as already pointed out, respondent PCGG acted within its authority to provide truthful information or testimony, despite the guarantee not to be
when it provided Disini with a guarantee against having to testify in other compelled to testify against Herminio, merely emphasizes the fact that such
cases. concessions does not affect his obligation to provide truthful information or
testimony in the two cases mentioned in the preceding paragraphs.
A contract is the law between the parties. It cannot be withdrawn except by
their mutual consent.[18] This applies with more reason in this case where Final Note
petitioner Disini had already complied with the terms and conditions of the
Immunity Agreement. To allow the Republic to revoke the Agreement at this The Court should not allow respondent Republic, to put it bluntly, to
late stage will run afoul of the rule that a party to a compromise cannot ask for double cross petitioner Disini. The Immunity Agreement was the result of a
a rescission after it had enjoyed its benefits.[19] long drawn out process of negotiations with each party trying to get the best
concessions out of it.[22] The Republic did not have to enter that agreement. It
The Republic also cites the last sentence of paragraph 3 of the was free not to. But when it did, it needs to fulfill its obligations honorably as
Immunity Agreement which reads: Disini did. More than any one, the government should be fair. [23]
But this reasoning does not sound right. The grant of immunity in
paragraph 3 of the agreement quoted above to petitioner Disini against being