Jafza Local Agent-Offshore
Jafza Local Agent-Offshore
Jafza Local Agent-Offshore
What are JAFZA Local Agents?
Most, if not all, of them are Legal Consultancy firms. Licensed by DED they just
registered themselves with JAFZA in order to be able to represent Offshore
Represents Offshore Companies in JAFZA
Makes transactions on behalf of Offshore Companies
May have multiple Offshore Companies registered under them
NOT FZ companies, they do not use the normal administrative JAFZA e-services
(Visas, CEC)
1. Offshore Letters – Local Agents can request commercial/legal letters from JAFZA on
behalf of Offshore Companies.
Certificate of Company Name Change – Offshore
Certificate of Good Standing Offshore
Letter of Incumbency
Letter for Tax Exemption – Offshore
List of Directors (Arabic or English)
List of Directors and Share Holders (Arabic or English)
List of Only Share Holders (Arabic or English)
NOC Letter to DED – Arabic
NOC Letter to Own Property – English
2. Offshore View My Company Details – Local Agent can view details of any offshore
company registered with them,
3. E – Deposit - Local Agents can top up the Portal Deposit for Offshore Companies that
are registered with them. (Note that top-up option is only PORTAL DEPOSIT).
What are Offshore Companies?
They are registered with JAFZA through a Local Agent. They cannot register directly
with Dubai Trade.
Typically, they do not conduct or maintain any operations in the UAE
Sometimes, there will be hundreds of Offshore Companies registered under one
Local Agent.
Offshore Companies is an entirely new customer segment.
This example illustrates how a Local Agent interacts with Dubai Trade and makes requests
on behalf of the Offshore Company that they are representing.
2. Local Agent Selects a service (in this example, let’s say an Offshore Company is
requesting for a Certificate of Good Standing from JAFZA)
4. A Pop up will appear prompting the Local Agent to select the Offshore Company for
whom they are requesting this service for.
5. User selects by Account Number in the drop-down menu, the Offshore Company
Name will be displayed when their Account Number is selected. Click on Select to
finalize the selection
6. User clicks on Create a New Request then select the letter (Certificate of Good
Standing) that the offshore company was requesting for.
7. The rest follows the standard procedure for submitting and paying* for requests to
*Each Offshore Company will maintain an individual Portal Deposit with JAFA used by Local
Agents to pay for service charges.