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Sulyap June 2008 (Final For Printing)

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News: Pinoy-Korean Kids Join Kalayaan Day 2

Editorial: OFWs: National Pride, Global Partners 3

News: MOL: 40-Hour Workweek Setoff on July 1 4
Feature: Fr. Dong: Leading Migrants ... 5
Feature: Face of Courage 5
Labor Updates: Simplified Korean Minimum Wage... 6

Volume 1 Issue 8 www.sulyapinoy.org June 2008

by Edward Castro

S eoul, South Korea --- For almost eight hours, the

Han River Citizen's Park (Han-gang) dubbed as
the Manhattan of Seoul actually felt and tasted like
home to thousand of Filipinos as they celebrated the
110th Philippine Independence Day and 13th Migrant
Workers Day on June 8.
Philippine Embassy officials lead by Ambassador Luis
T. Cruz, Labor Attache Delmer R. Cruz, and Consul
General Abraham R. Estavillo, OWWA Officer
Esperanza Cobarrubias and staff were in the forefront
of the day-long event in observance of the unparal-
leled characteristics and heroism of Filipinos in South
“We commemorate the sacrifices and heroism of our
forbears who willingly laid down their lives so that
future generations like us can walk with dignity and
pride as free men and women,” said Ambassador
Cruz who also extended a congratulatory message on
behalf of President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo.
Photo by Dondave Jabay Photo by Edward Castro
Also, Consul General Abraham R. Estavillo on the Kalayaan Day 2008: Amb. Luis Cruz reads the El Shaddai Prayer Partners wave the Phil. flag during the
other hand read the message of DFA
( turn toSecretary
page 4 ) message of Pres. Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo. cultural presentation in downtown Seoul.

by Dondave Jabay by Alden Balgos

and 13th Migrant Work-
ers’ Day joint celebra-
tion on June 8.
H angang Park, Seoul - The Hyehwadong Fili-
pino Catholic Community (HFCC) led by Fr.
Alvin Parantar, MSP sponsored the Holy Mass in
support for the Kalayaan Day with its full circle of
FEWA headed by its
Sambayanan volunteers last June 8.
president Sofonias
Paragsa, together with In line with the celebration, HFCC Eucharistic Com-
Philippine Migrant mittee Chair Liza Anglo and Vice-President Edison
Workers Association in Pinlac together with Fr. Cedric Alimbuyong, MSP,
Korea (PMWAK), Fr. Froilan Cruz, OFM, Fr. Jerry Malatamban, CFIC
Samahang Ilokano, and and other religious leaders band together in unity
Human Rights Welfare and solemnity.
Photo by Edward Castro Organization Filipino
The marshals hold their hands together as they controlled the crowd during the program proper Community (HRWOFC) In his homily, Fr. Alvin shared the sacrifices and
of the 110th Philippine Independence Day and 13th Migrant Workers Day joint celebration. provided the needed difficulties experienced by the migrant workers
discipline and physical whom referred to as the living heroes. Also, he en-

H angang Park, Seoul – Wearing the white col-

lared shirt uniform, the Filipino EPS Workers
Association (FEWA) and the SULYAPINOY Team
arrangement throughout the big event as they
performed the marshals under the committee
chairmanship of Jhonna “Joey” Feidacan, POLO
couraged the entire community to uphold the real
meaning of freedom and live with( strong faith 2)
turn to page in

displayed volunteerism as they spearheaded the Administrative Assistant II.

marshals and documentation committees officially
assigned by the Philippine Overseas Labor Office Meanwhile, the SULYAPINOY Board of Publication
(POLO) for the 110th Philippine Independence Day and Editorial Staff thoroughly The( crowd showed
turn to page 4)

by Prof. Luz Suplico

S eoul, South Korea —To promote academic

cooperation, West Visayas State University
(WVSU) in Ilo-ilo, Philippines and Hankuk University
signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)
last May 28.
Photo by Dondave Jabay
Sambayanan Chaplain Fr. Alvin Parantar, MSP, second
WVSU Vice-President Dr. Ramon Zarceno to- from left, together with other Filipino priests and religious
of Foreign Studies (HUFS) in Seoul, South Korea gether with Director of Planning ( turn to page 2 ) leaders unite in prayers during the holy mass celebration.

by Elizer Peñaranda

S eoul, South Korea - “Peace, prosperity and love

for all mankind.” This has been the message of
the little Filipino-Korean children to the world as they
Themed with
“Republic Service:
Tungo sa Ganap
serenaded the crowd of more than a thousand na Kalayaan at
OFWs and guests from the foreign community on the Kaunlaran,” the
110th Kalayaan Day celebration last June 8. RP Embassy
spearheaded the
In both Filipiniana and Hanbok (a Korean national event which also
dress), the children paraded with Philippine flag and marked its 13th
banner in Korean words. They, also, surprised the Migrants’ Day in
crowd as they interpreted the song “I am but a small cooperation with
voice”. various civic
groups from
“These children proved and showed the world how Seoul, Incheon,
proud they are for having Filipina and Korean par- Gyeonggi-
ents and to remind our people that not all inter-racial Province, Daegu
marriages turned into misfortune,” a Korean spouse and other prov- Photo by Elizer Peñaranda
claimed. inces which sa-
Pinoy-Korean children showcase their two cultural roots during the Kalayaan Day at
vored the Han-
A number of Korean spouses with their families Hangang River Park.
gang River Park
joined the event to prove that there are still Filipinas with “Bayanihan” and pageantry. enlighten the spirit of the distressed migrants thru
who ended up with successful marriage with the praise songs, interpretative dances, chants and
Koreans despite of the current issues on human On the other hand, Maria Regina Arquiza, a PIKO mimes.
trafficking and reported abuses of women from their official, shared that the students have valuable role
Korean husbands. in promoting democracy. ”We believe that this is South Korea has been regarded as an ideal work-
the best time to honor the heroic contributions of place for low-skilled workers. As identified with 3D
Currently, there is a total of 5, 306 Filipinas married
our martyrs who were also part of the migration jobs (Dirty, Difficult and Dangerous), the 51,051
to Korean of 160,000 as reported by the Ministry of
cycle like Rizal,” the scholar added. Filipinos in the peninsula band together to celebrate
Justice by which Chinese has the biggest group
the event with one passion, one mission and one
followed by Cambodians, Vietnamese, Filipinos and
Also, a number of religious groups performed to nation.

According to Amb. Cruz, this agreement is very Sambayanan Leads Community…

RP, Korea Ink Academic… crucial as there were 111,000 Korean who came
to the Philippines in 2007 to study the English with strong faith in God.
and Development Dr. Bobby Gerardo and Language language.
Center Director Sharon Quimpo signed the MOU On the other hand, the event paved the way for the
with HUFS President Park Chul together with Vice- Also, he expects the number of Korean students to awarding of Plaque of Recognition to HFCC for its
Pres. Dr. Myoung Ho Lee, Vice-Pres. for External grow with the opening of the Association of South- valuable contribution to the Financial Literacy Semi-
Affairs and Development Dr. In Chul Km, Dean of east Asian Nations or ASEAN-Korea Center in nar for migrant workers.
Academic Affairs at Seoul Campus Dr. Gang August 2008 in Seoul. “If there’s a student who
Woong Lee and Director of Public Relations Dr. wants to study in the Philippines, the student can HFCC Education Committee Chair Prof. Emely-
Jeong Hwan Shin and Dr. Luz Suplico, a HUFS either visit the Philippine Embassy or the ASEAN- Dicolen Abagat, Ph.D. received the said award on
Marketing professor. Korea Center,” Amb. Cruz added. behalf of the community from Philippine Ambassador
Luis T. Cruz.
Philippine Ambassador Luis Cruz witnessed the According to reports, South Korea tops the num-
MOU signing which specify student and faculty ber of tourists, investors, and foreign students for Also, Edgar Balista, the current President of Samba-
exchanges in the field of academic excellence to- English language study in the Philippines which yanan commented that this year’s celebration is the
gether with Consul Juan Dayang and Cultural displaced the US and Japan. most celebrated one due to the unity of the migrants
Attaché Mylo Fausto. regardless of culture, belief, dialect and faith. “We’ve
The MOU signing is part of HUFS initiatives to
become a global shown our full support as we enjoy the spirit of Ba-
university and has yanihan in a foreign land like South Korea,” he
agreement with added.
194 universities in
63 countries. Also, Sambayanan has been a forefront in helping the
it is known for its ‘underserved’ migrant workers in South Korea for
graduates who years.
became Korea’s
diplomats. Mean-
while, WVSU is
Inspirational Quote
known for its Lan-
guage Center Volunteers are seldom
which has been a paid; not because they are
top choice of Ko-
Photo by Prof. Luz Suplico rean students who worthless, but because
Seated from L-R are HUFS President Dr. Park Chul, WVSU Vice-President Dr. Ramon Zarceno, study outside
and RP Ambassador Luis Cruz with other administrators and professors from the two universities they are PRICELESS!
during the MOU signing. Manila.

2 SULYAPINOY JUNE 2008 www.sulyapinoy.org


A Tribute to the 110 th Celebration of the Philippine Independence Day

F reedom!

The cry of our heroes during the procla-

As we commemorate
the declaration of the
Philippine Independ-
mation of the Philippine Independence ence, we greatly honor
heard in 1898. After 110 years of achieving the unconditional sac-
and of being an independent nation, what’s rifices of our living
next for the Philippines? heroes spearheaded
by the Overseas
Courageous Filipinos keep on fighting for
Filipino Workers and
the country’s freedom, neither religion nor
expatriates who keep
territory, but hunger as a result of poverty.
on bringing so much
Rice shortage, high unemployment rate, pride and glory despite
graft and corruption and other national prob- of some reported
lems are seriously tightens up almost 89 abuses, prejudice and
Million Filipinos into severe bondage. misfortune.

Despite of the predicaments and issues, we Also, the “Bayanihan”

never lose hope and determination to up- or a communal unity in
hold the sovereignty of our beloved mother- the spirit of volunteer-
land as we become more global out of the ism still exists among
challenges that confronting us. Filipinos working over-
For years, we have proven our worth for we
are gifted with talents, have developed our Here, in South Korea,
skills and possess compassion for others. individuals join to-
gether to empower
We are highly recognized thru our world- one another in a
class performers who have conquered the group; an organization
world of entertainment and highly identified of migrants with a common goal-to help
with our hard labor. These have highly re- Thus, as we celebrate the 110th anniver-
fellow migrants. sary of the Philippine Independence and
garded us of becoming global partners in
the world’s economic development. 13th Philippine Migrants’ Day in South
Civic oriented groups, the religious, Korea, let us band together in supporting
These privileges and better opportunities Korean spouses, common workers as well our Kababayan to be more productive and
helped a lot to free us from poverty but as concerned Koreans are helping out the show the foreign community with much
slave of the thoughts of our home as we distressed workers regardless of the pride of how talented, skillful, united and
sacrifice for our family. status quo, gender, religion, visa status global we Filipinos have become.
and educational background.


Editor-in-Chief: Elizer M. Peñaranda Managing Editor: Dondave Jabay
Opinion Editor: Rebenson B. Recaña News Editor: Edward A. Castro Chairman: Rebenson B. Recaña Vice Chairman: Dondave Jabay
Feature Editor: Elizer M. Peñaranda Literary Editor: Amie Sison
Cartoonist: Alden C. Balgos Photo Editor: Jhon A. Flores Secretary: Arlyn S. Gamboa
Layout: Dondave Jabay Board of Publication in:
Circulation Manager: Teofilo C. Camo; Marcelino M. Serdeña III Outreach, Recreation and Religious Program: Alden C. Balgos
Contributors: Hong Hee-chang; Rofezel C. Esperanza; Bro. Joel Y. Tavarro; Budget and Finance: Alwyin A. Casiño
Michael B. Balba; & Sofonia ‘Chabok’ Paragsa SULYAPINOY Website Development and Maintenance: Christian ‘Zack’ Robles
Newsletter Binding/Distribution: Moreno D. Esla
Adviser: Ma. Regina P. Arquiza
Trainings/Workshops: Richard C. Corpuz
Consultant: Fr. Alvin B. Parantar, MSP; Prof. Emely Dicolen-Abagat, Ph.D.

Office Address: 115-9 Songbuk-gu, Songbuk-dong, Seoul Korea Editorial Address: OK AIRTEL VISION ASIA, Vision Bldg. # 85-3, Hyehwa-dong, Jongno-gu, Seoul,
South Korea (in front of the Hyehwa-dong Catholic Church) Line 4 (Blue) Exit # 1 Tel. No. 02-744-0066

D I S C L A I M E R For Comments, Suggestions, Contributions & Advertisements

Different opinions are encourage to stimulate Please submit them to our website and the following emails below:
m e m b er i np u t a n d i nv o l v em en t .
SULYAPINOY’s role is to provide information Website: www.sulyapinoy.org
that permits FEWA members to develop News: [email protected] Feature: [email protected]
informed opinions on subjects that will affect Sports: [email protected] Literary: [email protected]
their status as migrant workers and, in some All Staff: [email protected]
instances, their personal lives. FEWA does Editor-in-Chief: [email protected] Managing: [email protected]
not hold itself responsible for statements
made by any contributor. Statements or • We reserve the right to refuse any submission we deem does not meet our policies and guidelines.
opinions expressed in SULYAPINOY reflect • SULYAPINOY is still in need of writers. Aspirants may email the Editorial Staff for more details.
the views of the author(s) and not the • For literary entries, please limit your essay composition to a max. of 600 words only due to space limitation.
official policy of FEWA unless so stated. Thank you for your time and interest!

www.sulyapinoy.org SULYAPINOY JUNE 2008 3

FEWA, SULYAP’ Exhibit ...
monitored the entire activities and programs for accu-
by Rebenson “Reeve” Recaña rate and clear documentation headed by its commit-

G yeonggi-do,
South Korea-
On July 1, 2008,
the enforcement date depending on the agreement
between the labor and the management.
tee chair Violeta “Bullet” Buenaventura, POLO Admin-
istrative Staff.
However, working hours may be extended up to 12 The marshals managed to control the crowd through-
the implementation
hours a particular day and 52 hours in a particular out the event and maintained peace and order among
of the 40-hour
week under a written agreement between the em- the participants. “Our role as marshal was quite tough
workweek for work-
ployer and the worker concerned. But the average especially during the particular part of the program
places with 20-49
workweek should be 40 hours. wherein some prominent Philippine and Korean artists
workers will kick off as the Ministry of Labor (MOL)
have performed. The crowd showed their excitement
recently announced. According to MOL, a total of 5,748 companies have and eagerness to watch them closely which prompted
adopted the 40-hour workweek with more than 50 them to approach the stage. We need to control and
With the provision of the Article 50 of the Labor Stan-
employees earlier than the enforcement date last stop them in a polite manner to ensure orderly mode
dard Act in September 2003, the working hours shall
July 7, 2007. of the program,” Paragsa commented.
not exceed 8 hours per day or 40 hours per week
excluding rest hours. Also, a total of 38,435 billion won had been paid in
The SULYAPINOY Team was composed of Jhon
subsidy for working hour reduction, benefiting
Resource speaker Yoo Sung gyu of the Korean Labor Flores, video editor and photojournalist; Dondave
22,663 people.
Education Institute mentioned the implementation of Jabay, managing editor; Edward Castro, news editor;
the 40-hour workweek on July 1 during the seminar Currently, 44 work hours per week is applied to and Elizer Peñaranda, EIC who covered the whole
conducted and sponsored by the Philippine Embassy workplaces with more than 50 workers and the program using their video and digital cameras.
and KLEI last April. MOL has made active efforts to ensure successful
implementation of the 40-hour workweek system to “The program was quite heavy due to the presenta-
Also, the 40-hour workweek may set off earlier than tions by recording artists both from the Philippines
those with more than 20 workers in July.
and Korea, we were so busy covering the every detail
Xing and Pinoy artists like Geneva Cruz, Playshop of it,” Castro said.
Filipinos Celebrate 110th Kalayaan... Kids and stage comedian Pretty Trizsa. Also, selected performers from different Filipino com-
of DFA Secretary Alberto G. Romulo centering its
munities and organizations in South Korea presented
theme, “Republic Service: Tungo sa Ganap na Also, the little children of the Filipino Korean
their unique and versatile talents as a tribute to the
Kalayaan at Kaunlaran” and Labor Attache Delmer R. Spouses Association interpreted the song “I'm but a
Cruz read the message of DOLE Secretary Marianito small voice” dressed in different national costumes
D. Roque. from both cultural roots; the kids became instant As much as possible we have to cover all of them for
celebrities as the crowd cheered for them. complete documentation because we know that every
On the other hand, Fr. Alvin Parantar, MSP of the single presentation or activity is a memorable and
Archdiocesan Pastoral Center of Filipino Migrants in On the other hand, Technical Sergeant Megazar A. momentous one,” Peñaranda shared.
Seoul spearheaded the holy mass as a leadoff to the Obra of the Phil. Army and UNC Honor Guard who
celebration while different religious leaders held ecu- was recently awarded the Six Star Salute Medal by Other volunteers from FEWA and SULYAPINOY have
menical prayers. ”This is the moment...This is the the United Service Organization, a group of Ameri- participated in the parade which marked the introduc-
day...A time for the Filipinos to shine and unite,” the can and Korean Businessmen, led the entrance tory part of the event as they presented the FEWA
priest said in his homily. and exit of colors together with TSG Ronnie Ser- family and SULYAPINOY publication to the audience
deniola (Marines) and SSG Isidro Diola (Phil. Army) with pride with a streamer and raised the newsletter
Participants flocked to more than 20 booths set up UNC Honor Guard. copies individually.
and decorated by Filipino organizations and other
business-sponsor groups and various contingents Also, Judith Hernandez, a Filipina and the first On the other hand, SULYAPINOY Adviser and Pinoy
from different sectors like diplomats from Korea and foreign-born political candidate in South Korea Iskolar sa Korea (PIKO) official Ma.Regina P. Arquiza
Brazil, politicians, teachers, engineers, businessmen, joined the crowd. “I always want to witness our together with PIKO President Dr. Dennis Gomez
religious groups, factory and construction workers, kababayan being united in promoting the vast cul- emceed the third part of the program.
domestic helpers, Korean spouses and their children, ture and traditions of our country,” Hernandez
and guests from foreign community. added. Also, aimed to continuously promote SULYAPINOY to
Filipino communities like the Hyehwadong Filipino other Filipino communities in South Korea, copies
Catholic Community, Ansan Filipino Community, Meanwhile, the Councilor of Ansan City Hon. Seon- were also distributed during the event by which circu-
Chonmasan Migrants Catholic Community, the Fili- Hui Park complimented all Filipinos in her congratu- lation managers Teofilo C. Camo and Marcelino M.
pino Korean Spouses Association, Cordillera Brother- latory address. She emphasized the importance of Serdeña III took charge at the FEWA tents.
hood Organization, Phil. Migrants Workers Ass., the celebration as it marked the day for all overseas
FEWA together with the SULYAPINOY has shown
Iglesia ni Cristo, Jesus Christ to God be the Glory Filipino workers in South Korea. "This is the chance
unity and strong bonding relation with great sense of
Fellowship, El Shaddai/Prayer Partners, Human to enjoy your country's freedom," she added.
responsibility as they gathered together during lunch
Rights Welfare Organization-Filipino community, time, helped one another in cleaning and clearing the
Pinoy Iskolars sa Korea, Filipino EPS Workers Asso- More over, she acknowledged the bravery and
sacrifices of the Filipinos and committed to helping scattered wastes and used chairs in the said event.
ciation, and among others are likewise participated in
the event. with their problems and, to the best of her ability, to
make Ansan where the largest Filipino migrants
The ethnicity of each region of the Philippines such as currently work, a better place to live and work into. Words of Wisdom
Ilokano, the Igorots of Cordillera, Batanguenos, Taga-
log, Bicolanos, Visayan and others promenaded in Emceed by Consuls Juan Dayang and Sylvia Mara-
native costumes like Filipiniana and Barong Tagalog sigan, Edgar Balista and Jhonna Feidacan, and Ma. Unselfish and noble actions
while waving the Philippine flag and their respective Regina Arquiza and Dr. Dennis Gomez. Also, raffle
banners in the spirit of patriotism and camaraderie in draws, awards and recognitions were given to are the most radiant pages
commemoration of this important event in Philippine some participating organizations like the Filipino
history. Korean Spouses Association, El-Shaddai Prayer in the biography of souls.
Partners, and Ansan Filipino Community who
Filipino cuisine, dresses and accessories, songs and emerged as winners of the Most Punctual, Best in
folk dances highlighted the event with guest recording Costume, and Best Dressed Booth awards respec- - David Thomas -
artists from Korea like Chung Dong Ha, Puzziel and tively.

4 SULYAPINOY JUNE 2008 www.sulyapinoy.org


by Elizer Peñaranda

“H ow lovely is your dwelling place Oh

Lord, Mighty God, Lord of all.”

It is worth- remembering the humility and music of a

genuine love from a great servant of God-Fr. Salva-
dor “Dong Marcaida, from the Missionary Society of
the Philippines. A native of Masbate, he is identified
to have religious family members. In an interview, he
shared his passion of becoming a priest since he was
a dentist by profession. “Nobody convinced me to
embrace the religious life but it was my priest uncle
who greatly inspired me since he sponsored my edu-
cation,” he added.
Fr. Dong presents the Plaque of Recognition
To serve people for the glory of God has been his for his valuable contribution to migrant work- The Guri Catholic Community poses with Fr. Dong after his last anticipated
desire like giving dental service when he was a semi- ers in South Korea awarded by the Philippine mass in Guri,Namyangju.
narian until he started his missionary outreach pro- Embassy.
grams. He started his missionary work in South Korea pitied those who worked for 10-12 hours and received be prepared for God’s another plan for he is leaving
in 2003. He was first assigned in Hyehwadong Filipino below minimum wage,” the priest commented. Korea for Cook Islands. While Fr. Cedric Alimbuyong,
Catholic Community (HFCC) together with its chaplain MSP will continue to uphold the Catholic faith and
Fr. Giovanni Glenn Jaron, MSP and became the “Lead me Lord, lead me by the hand and make me values among OFWs.
spiritual adviser of El Shaddai Prayer Partners in face the rising sun.”
Seoul. Fr. Dong mentioned the incomparable support from
However he is very positive on the current support from the communities and his co-missionaries upon receiv-
His early stay was considerably challenging for he the Phil. Embassy and POLO and they should continue
ing the plaque of recognition from the Philippine Em-
encountered problems especially in Korean language to focus on the current labor issues for the migrants.
bassy for his valuable contribution to OFWs in South
and culture. “I had problems when the authorities
seemed to be one-sided over some cases and the Despite of the challenges, he becomes stronger due to Korea. “I am humbly leaving our church officials with
his daily devotion to the Holy Eucharist and Blessed public trust due to the instituted Christian way of living
grievances of our migrants were never heard and for
Sacrament and supportive communities like and I am looking forward to see them singing to bring
five years, problems like human trafficking in inter- Changhyun, Chonmasan, Uijungbu, Guri, Dong- the good times and memories back for the Glory of
racial marriage form, legalization still exist. Also, I ducheon, Hyehwadong and Ilsan. However, he needs to God,” the priest shared.

Fa c e o f C o u r a g e
by Ma. Regina P. Arquiza
That kind of difference made me value the very es-
sence of independence which was made possible
through courage and sacrifice. In Korea, despite the
absence of huge celebrations and materials remem-
bering the 110th Philippine Independence Day, the
strong spirit in pursuit of freedom from hardships
made me feel so proud that Filipinos have enough
courage to defend the existing liberty vested on them.
The modern heroes of today, the Overseas Filipino
Workers (OFWs) are the real defendants of freedom.
This may not be the kind of freedom which was given
after several colonial rulings, but rather it is the kind
I ndependence is the absence of fear.

The declaration of the Philippine Independence 110

thought of being able to see the Philippines again made
me feel so happy. While waiting for my flight on the night
of June 11th at Incheon Airport, I couldn’t stop thinking of
of liberty that frees the people from the existing politi-
cal and economic challenges in the country.
years ago has always been a face of courage as Filipi- the things that I’ll do back home. Then I suddenly realize We do remember the games we play. We pretend
nos proclaimed its sovereignty and freedom from the that my arrival time in the Philippines is the exact day
colonial rule. A lot of Filipinos joined the revolution in that we are heroes with super powers. No, this is a
wherein Philippines got its independence more than a
defending the country to become an independent hundred years ago. When I got out of the airport, I saw real world and we are real heroes fighting in real
state. They sacrificed their lives for the attainment of several banners remembering and honoring the 110th battles in life – greed, ignorance, corruption, poverty,
freedom. independence day of the Philippines. Manila looked so and selfishness. Each Filipino can be a hero on his/
different. In Korea, it was just another day. her own way. The independence that we got 110
The commemoration of this event is not just a celebra- years ago which was inspired by courage and sacri-
tion of the country’s freedom but also to honor the On the other hand, there were things that reminded me fice should be remembered and valued. It should be
courage innate to a lot of Filipinos. of this celebration when I was in Korea. Those were the an inspiration to every Filipino to have courage and
event in Han River Park which was joined by a lot of become heroes in our own ways.
Several days before, Filipinos in Korea commemorated Filipinos including migrant workers, the diplomatic com-
the 110th independence day of the Philippines. How munity, students, Filipino-Koreans, and so on; and the Mabuhay ang ika-isandaan at sampung taong
was it different from the celebration in our country? thought that there are so many courageous Juan dela kalayaan ng Pilipinas!
Cruzes who are willing to sacrifice their lives for their
Holding my ticket back home was heavenly. Just the families and the country. Mabuhay ang mga bagong bayani!

www.sulyapinoy.org SULYAPINOY JUNE 2008 5

외국인근로자 쉽게 한 한국 최저 임금 제 Woe-Guk-In Geun-Ro-Ja Swip-Ge Han Han-Guk Choe-Jeo Im-Geum Je
Simplified by: SULYAPINOY Editorial Staff and Board of Publication (Source: Ministry of Labor) 한국 내 재고용 과정 (Re-
(예전 고용주와 재 계약하는 경우)
LABOR STANDARDS ACT (Amended by: Act No. 6974 on September 15, 2003):
(1) Standard working hours per week shall not exceed fourty four (44 hrs.) excluding recess time.(For workplaces with less than 50 workers) 1. 고용지원센터 (Job Center)에
Center)에 외국인근로
(2) Standard working hours per week shall not exceed fourty (40 hrs.) excluding recess time. (For workplaces with 50 workers and above) 자 고용신청서 제출.
(3) Working hours per day shall not exceed eigth hours (8hours) excluding recess time.
2. 진행자 : 고용주
• 근로자의 비자 만료 기간 30일 이전에, 고
Effective July 1, 2008, the 40-hour workweek system shall also apply to any workplaces with 20 workers and above. In other words, the
용주가 고용지원겐터 (Job Center) 에서 신청
standard working hours per week shall not exceed 40-hours. And by the year 2011, 44-hours workweek shall be completely abolished.
서 Re-employment Application Form를 작성
SCOPE Of APPLICATION: 하고 제출 해야 합니다. (관련 서류 : 고용주의
This wage system shall apply to all Korean and foreign workers working under businesses or workplaces in South Korea in which 사업자둥록증 사본, 외국인 고용허 가서 사본,
more than 5 workers are ordinarily employed. 근로자의 여권, 구용계약서 사본 둥)

• 외국인, 근로자의 재고용 확인서 발급과 법

무부 및 한국산업인력공단에 신고.

Min. Wage/Month
(월 최저 임금)
Overtime Rate/Hour
(초과근무 시간급)
Night Differetial
(심야수당 시간당)
3. 진행자 : Job Center
Rate/Hour Rate/Day • 고용지원겐터 (Job Center) 에서 신청서
(시간급) (일급)
OPTION B ‘Re-employment Application Form’를 받으

44hrs/week 40hrs/week OPTION A 1st 4hrs After 4hrs 10:00PM to 6:00AM 면, 앞서 말한 신청서 사본을 고용주와 근로자에
OT/week OT/week 게 각각 1부씩 발급해 줍니다. (신청서를 받은
8hrs x rate/hr x 날로부터 7일 이내)
Unit \: (KRW) 226hrs/month 209hrs/month rate/hr x 125% rate/hr x 150% rate/hr x 50%
rate/hr 150%
2005 2,840 22,720 641,840 593,560 4,260 N/A N/A 1,420
• 그 이후고용지원겐터 (Job Center) 에서

2006 3,100 24,800 700,600 647,900 4,650 N/A N/A 1,550 법무부와 한국산업인력공단에 신고하게 됩

2007 3,480 27,840 786,480 727,320 5,220 N/A N/A 1,740 니다.
2008 3,770 30,160 852,020 787,930 5,655 4,713 5,655 1,885
• Job Seeker Roster에 자료를 입력하고

1) For companies still implementing the 44 hours work-week system - must use OPTION A Overtime Rate/Hour Computation.
2) Starting Januray 2008, all companies implementing the 40 hours work-week system - must use OPTION B Overtime Rate/Hour
4. 진행자 : 한국산업인력공단 법무부
1. -한국산업인력공단 에서 Job Seeker
Computation for a period of 3-years from its implementation date. After its 3-years of implementation, the computation must be Roster에 Re-employment 둥록을 합니다.
reverted back to OPTION A. - 법무부에서 CCVI를 발급합니다.

Computation: (How to get 226 average working hours per month)? • 외국인 근로자의 귀국/재고용.

Data: 1year = 12 months

1year = 365 days
5. 진행자 : 근로자
- 고용주가 재고용에 동의한외국인 근로자는 다
1year = 52 weeks
음 서류를 구비하여 본국으로 돌아갑니다.
* In 1 year 52 weeks also 52 Saturdays
1. Re-employment Application Form
52 Saturdays x 4 hours/Saturday = 208 hours (Half of 8 hours, for Sat. working days)
208 hours/ 8 hours x 1 day = 26 days
-근로자는 한국에서 출국한 날을 기준으로 1개
365 days - 26 days = 339 days
월 후에 한국에 재입국할 수 있으며, 한국에 재
339 days/year ÷ 12 months/year = 28.25 days/month
입국하기 전에 E9 비자를 발급 받기 위하여 분
28.25 days/month x 8 hours/day = 226 hours/month
국 한국 대사관에 위 서류 1, 2번을 제출합니다.
Ways of computing Minimum Wage
-근로자는 언어시험과 재교육 대상에서 면제됩
1)Minimum Wage/month = 226hours/month.x rate/hour
2)Minimun Wage/day = 8 hours/day x rate/hour
3. 고용지원센터 (Job Center)에 보고.
3)Minimum Wage/month= 28.25 days/month (average working days/month) x rate/day
For 2008: For 2008: 6. 진행자 : 고용주
-고용주는 근로자가 도착한 날로부터 10일 이
226 hours of work/month (Less than 50 workers) 209 hours of work/month (50 workers and above)
내에 고용지원센터 (Job Center)에 고용신고를
3,770 won/hour x 226 hours/month = 852,020 won/month 3,770 won/hour x 209 hours/ month = 787,930 won/ month
해야 합니다.
3,770 won/hour x 8 hrours/day = 30,160 won/day 3,770 won/hour x 8hours/day = 30,160 won/day
- 근로자에 게는 업무변경이 허용되지 않으며,
30,160 won/day x 28.25 days/month = 852,020 won/ month 30,160 won/day x 26.125 days/month = 787,930 won/ month
반드시 이전 고용주와 일을 해야만 합니다. (고

Three Years Re-Employment System Procedure 용주의 폐업이나 고용주의 임금 미지불 둥 불가

피한 경우는 제외)
1. An employer has to renew labor contract within 30-90 days prior to expiration of worker’s VISA.
참고: 2007년 6월 1일 부터 실효
2. The employer applies for worker’s Visa, within two (2) weeks upon application and if approved, a • 기타 자새한 내용은 노동부 홈페이지
Certificate of Confirmation of Visa Issuance (CCVI) is issued by the Immigration Office. In some cases, only a (www.molab.go.kr)
Secret Control Number is given to the employer. Only the CCVI or he Secret Number is required by the
• 원클릭가이드 외국인을 참조하시 거나 노
Korean Embassy in the Philippines, when the worker applies for Visa.
동부 종합상담센터 (국번없이 1350)로 문
3. At the POEA, proceed to BALIK MANGAGAWA section. 의하시기 바랍니다.
Korean Embassy in the Philippines: • 더욱 자세한 내용은 고용지원센터
10th Floor, The Pacific Star Building Makati Avenue, Makati City
1588-1919로 문의하시기 바랍니다.
Tel.: (632) 811 6139 Fax.: (632) 811 6148

6 SULYAPINOY JUNE 2008 www.sulyapinoy.org

S a B i s i g N i Ta t a y
ni Bro. Joel Y. Tavarro
Filipino EPS Workers Association (FEWA)
이타이 동
(Itay Dong)
Ang kinabukasan ng iyong anak sa iyo nakasalalay
Maaga pa ay bumabangon na para maghanap-buhay ni Christian "Zack" Robles
Sapagkat sa tahanan ay walang katuwang at karamay SULYAPINOY Website Administrator
Kung kaya mag-isa laang na sa supling ay bumubuhay
Sa aking pagdatal sa lupain ng mga kimchi
Pagtilaok ng manok, Tangan na ang manibela Samut saring suliranin, tanging kaagapay ay sarili
Madaling aray pa'y papasada, Hating gabi na ang pahinga
Upang maraming maisakay, Makapag-uwi ng malaking kita
Lubos na pasasalamat kay Amang mahabagin
Sinisikap na buhayin, Ang pagbabata ay hindi alintana Isang alagad ng simbahan, aming landas inadyang pagkurusin

Para sa lumpong anak na sa iyo lamang umaasa

higit pa sa tagapayo at kaibigan, aking napatunayan
Ikaw ay huwaran, Hinahangaan sa iyong pagkalinga
Kahit iniwan ng asawa hindi nabuwal, Sa buhay ay sumagupa ngani mo'y tunay na tatay, pang unawang inilaan
Padre de pamilya, Pinupuri ka sa taglay mong sipag at tiyaga taimtim na nakikinig sa aking kwento ng tagumpay at kasawian
Anupa't naisisingit sa kabila ng pang araw-araw na ginagampanan
Sa bisig ni tatay, ang anak ay hindi nababahala
Sapagkat sa kanyang lakas lahat ay maaring magawa
Hirap nang kalooban lungkot sa kanya'y binabalewala Sadyang kapalaran ay di madaling mahinuha
Haliging matibay at matatag, Pundasyong hindi magigiba Sa iyong pagbalik sa Pinas, ako'y panadaliang nawalan ng tuwa
Subalit mga pangaral na iniwan, ngayo'y nagiging malaking kaagapay
Ang tinig mo'y hindi natitinag, Pagdisiplina ay banayad
Dahil ang pangarap mo sa anak sayo'y hindi na mapatulad handang handa ng sagupain mga darating na daluyong sa buhay
Gintong aral at mga payo palaging dadalhin saan man mapadpad
Ikaw ay ipinagpupugay, Hinahangaan at wala kang katulad Maraming maraming salamat Itay Dong,
Kaya sa sandaling ito ikay pinararangalan sa di mababayarang, walang kapalit na pagtulong
Magiting na ama, Maraming salamat sa iyong kabutihan Aking dalangin sa panibagong hamon na iyong sinusuong
Tunay ka talagang uliran na dapat lamang tularan Pagpapalang labis-labis ni Ama, saan man ikaw matuntong
Karapat-dapat na ipagmalaki, saluduhan at gawaran.

SALAMAT PO TATAY Sa Araw ng Kalayaan Amang OFW

ni Michael Barairo Balba ni Amie Sison ni Amie Sison
Filipino EPS Workers Association (FEWA) SULYAPINOY Literary Editor SULYAPINOY Literary Editor

Noong ikaw ay nabubuhay pa Meron ka bang tanging naramdaman Mga Amang matapang na nangibang bayan
Pagmamahal sayo di ganong naipadama Upang pamilya ay masuportahan
Nang ipagdiriwang ang araw nang kalayaan
Kaya nagsisisi ako ngayon ama Pangarap ang magandang kinabukasan
Tunay na nangungulila sayo tuwina.
Naramdaman mo ba ang kalayaan
Kalungkutan ay hindi kahadlangan.
Epekto sa bawat kababayan.
Ikaw po tatay ay tunay na uliran Masakit din na sya’y lumisan
Naging matibay na haligi na ating tahanan Nagagalak ako nang sila'y pagmasdan Ngunit mas masakit kung di mabigyan
Ngunit iyong bunso lumaking pasaway Mula sa iba't ibang aktibong samahan Painansyal na kailangan nang kanyang tahanan
Kaya malimit na napapagalitan. Pagkakaisa aking nasaksihan Ihahandog ang bawat pinagpaguran.
Kapag ako ay napagsasabihan Umulan o umaraw man ay walang iwanan. Di kay dali ang mangibang bansa
Aking iniisip di mo ako mahal
Nag tyayaga para sa pamilyang umaasa
Ngayong wala ka na saka ko nalaman Isang bagay ang aking napansin Kung sahod sa Pinas di ba’t hindi kaysa
Iyong iniisip aking kabutihan. Pagtutulungan na di kayang sukatin Kaya’t pangingibang ang tanging pag-asa.
Mula noon lagi mong hinahangad Dahil ba tayo'y wala sa bayan natin
Kabutihan naming iyong mga anak Malayo sa totoong problema nang bansa natin. Sa ibang bayan na maraming tukso
Aking hiling oh ama'y patawad Sa mga tapat na ama ay saludo ako
Alay ang pagmamahal na totoo
Sa mga pagkukulang sa'yo amang liyag. Kalayaan na ating natamo
Malayo man tunay ang pagtibok nang puso.
Dahil sa'yo ako ay nabuhay Mula sa tulong nang ating ninuno
Kaya ang lahat sa iyo ay utang Mga bayani ng nakaraan, maraming salamat po. Paano naman kung sa tukso’y nagpaalipin
Taos pusong pasalamat sa iyo ay alay Habambuhay nakaukit sa puso. Sila ay kay hirap sisihin
Tunay na ikaw ay walang kapantay. Damdamin ay naging mahina rin

Salamat po tatay maraming salamat

Ngayon sa kalayaan nang Pilipinas Ngunit si kumander nasa puso pa rin.

Ngalan mo sa puso ko laging nakatatak OFW malaki ang ipinamalas Anu man mangyari sa bawat ama
Tangi kong dalangin sa Poon nating liyag Alay ang pagmamahal na wagas Alam naman natin na sila ay masaya
Nawa sa panaginip muli kang mayakap. Anumang problema di umaatras. Basta’t wag kakalimutan ang pamilya
Kanyang itinurong kabutihang asal. Na sa kanilang pagbalik naghihintay ang pamilya.

www.sulyapinoy.org SULYAPINOY JUNE 2008 7

Basic Korean Lesson 5 An Overview of Korean
By: 홍희창 (Hong Hee-chang), Korean Teacher of Miriam Center School - Hyewadong Labor Law Structure
Source: Korean Labor Education Institute
안녕하세요? 날씨가 너무 덥습니다.
Hello! It's summer time. It's so hot, isn't it? Despite of the hot season, we still have to
2. Relationship between the Ko-
study hard. It is the best way to forget the hot summer. Let's start again! rean Labor Law Other Laws
In this month, we shall start a new section. Our topic is about tense. I think you
already know how to find a subject, object, and verb. So, if you know how to change 2.1 The Korean Labor Law has purpose to
the tense, you can speak Korean much better. protect working conditions and enhance workers’
English grammar has also a tense, the present, past, and future. Also, Korean has it. social and economic status in accordance with the
But Korean tense is simpler than English. Let's find out. Constitution. This is generally distinguished from
the civil law and the Commercial Law regulating a
The present: contractual relationship between citizens.
We studied about verb, so I’m sure you already knew how to change verb.

가다 is basic form. We can change the form use –습니다 / -ㅂ니다. So, the answer is 갑니다. Let's 2.2. The Civil Law and the Commercial Law
practice more. Regulating (so called the ‘Civil Law’) are ruled by
liberty of contract (or principle of private autonomy)
가다. 갑니다. 보다 which depends on free will among individuals, and
오다 읽다 based on philosophy of liberty which aims at pro-
tecting an individual against the state power in the
먹다 타다
relationship between an individual and the state.
In addition, those rights consider a right of owner-
So now, you can use the present tense. Is it easy? –습니다 / -ㅂ니다 is an ending to show present tense
ship important. If labor relations were decided by
and also formal ending. The present tense always using 지금 in a sentence. That means now. the principle of Civil Law, workers who are social
1. 나는 지금 숙제를 합니다. 2. 나는 숙제를 합니다.
and economical minority could always stand on
the disadvantaged. It can worsen workers’ condi-
These two sentences are of the same meaning “I do my homework.” But the first one is showing “I do my tions of employment..
homework now.” “Right now, I am doing it.” Maybe the man who speaks in the first sentence is really wanted
to emphasize “now”. His teacher like me shouted at him. “Study hard! What are you doing now?” His answer
should be the first sentence. But the two sentences are of the same meaning.
2.3. The .Korean Labor Law is located at a
special law to protect working conditions based on
The future: the character of labor relations than the Civil Law
Actually, Korean language don't have a future sentence. So, when we speak future, we just use a guess. The such as the Civil Law and the Commercial Law.
verb sentence usually use –겠습니다. –겠 means guess. If you want to speak something about future, use Conflict occurred in labor relations is applied by
–겠습니다 at the basic form. Let's practice… the Labor Law firstly than the Civil Law and Com-
mercial Law. For example, in case a labor contract
Basic form Present Future between a worker and an employer do not meet
가다 갑니다. 가겠습니다. the standards of the labor law, the contract shall be
null and shall be governed by the standards pro-
읽다 읽습니다. 일겠습니다.
vided in the labor law.
It is so easy too. Please practice more using the given verbs below.
3. Brief Introduction to the
Korean Labor Acts
먹다. 자다. 보다. 쓰다. 듣다. 하다. 움직이다. 차다. 눕다. 싸다. 줍다.

Various labor laws to protect working condi-

But –겠습니다 can be used only for the first person who will do the action. That is you. tions and enhance workers’ social and economic
status are categorized as two. One is the Individ-
1. 나는 숙제를 하겠습니다. 2. 데이브는 숙제를 하겠습니다. ual Labor Relations Law related to a labor contract
between an employer and a worker and the other
The second sentence is wrong. We can understand its meaning. But that is not good in Korean language. That
one is a Collective Labor Relations Law related to
case we have to use –ㄹ/을 것입니다. It has the same meaning to –겠습니다. But you have to use it when
organizing a trade union and collective bargaining.
you’re talking about other person who will do the action.

Basic form Use – 겠습니다. Use – /ㄹ 을 것입니다. To be continued...

가다 가겠습니다. 갈 것입니다.
For more information please contact Ministry of
읽다 일겠습니다. 읽을 것입니다. Labor (MOL) Call Center: 031-345-5000
- The Call Center of the Ministry of Labor provides coun-
So if you say something about you in future tense, please use –겠습니다. But if you say something about seling service on employment & labor administration
other person in future tense, use –ㄹ/을 것입니다. such as wage, retirement pay, dismissal, trade unions,
Ok, time is up. Please study hard. Next time, we will study the past tense. It is more difficult than today's class. occupational safety, equal employment, general labor
So you have to study hard. matters, etc. Phone counseling service is available from

See you next time. 감사합니다. Monday to Friday, from 9:00 to 18:00.

8 SULYAPINOY JUNE 2008 www.sulyapinoy.org


For President:
Sofonias" Chabok " Paragsa
Alwyin Casiño By: Dondave Jabay
For Board Members: Instructions:
Precy E. Villaveza Victoria Cardona 1) Fill the white squares with numbers 1 to 9 so
Marvin M. Babasa Teofilo M. Camo that they add up to the sums shown in highlighted
Ronnie C. De Guia Joel Tavarro squares (gray color).
Fritsalito Sapon Marlon Torres 2) A gray color square will show one or two num-
Marcelino Serdena III Edward Ico
bers separated by a diagonal line.
Rodel Arias Ismael Calandria
3) A number that is above the diagonal line is the
sum of the row of white squares to its right.
Election to be held on June 29, 2008 at Wooribank Hyehwadong Branch, Seoul, South 4) A number that is below the diagonal line is the
Korea. (Voting hour: 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.) sum of the column of white squares beneath it.
Two important rules:
1) There are no zeroes.
2) Do not put the same number in each sum of the
6/24 - Rejeanne Millen Recana 7/15 - Ariel D. Del Rosario row of white squares to its right or column beneath it.
6/25 - Melanie Lopez 7/20 - Ronie P. Cascayan
7/02 - Prof. Emely Dicolen-Abagat, Ph.D. 7/22 - Noel G. Espiritu The most exciting part!!!
Alex B. Guevarra Julio F. Habana The first person to answer the puzzle correctly will
Ric B. Villanueva 7/24 - Amie Sison be given a public recognition through SULYAPINOY
7/03 - Jose G. Abello Jasser D. Lozares newsletter and website. How to report your
7/05 - Cathy Arreola 7/28 - Gemma P. Rato answer? Please call 010-9294-4365 or email @
7/06 - Cesario Ferrer 7/29 - Celso C. Ampatin [email protected]
7/10 - Robert T. De Vela Ronald M. Balan
Roger C. Estares 7/30 - Victor D. Del Rosario
7/13 - Cecilio C. Medios Jr. 7/31 - Edward A. Castro Answer Here

9 19 7
6 6

By: Sofonias ‘Chabok’ Paragsa
1 상 표
11 11
2 3 2
공 급 3
교 10

4 5 4
생 선 희
5 17 24

우 교
7 8 생
산 기 사
8 Answer to May Issue

Jeffrey M. De Guzman from Cheongju Catholic
9 10
열 한 10
시 Club, Cheongju City, South Korea (1st Person who

쇠 치 유
11 got the perfect answer)
거 미 18
30 3
8 9 1
Answer to May Issue 17
15 10
8 2

1) employment, hiring 1) sweet potato 9 8 7
2) furniture 3) pants 17
4) massage, rubdown 5) establishment 9 6 2
7) basic pay (special process) 6) Japan 15 9
8 7 1 8
9) office worker 7) boarding house
11) worship, adoration 8) pencil 23 9 6 8
12) between 9) membership fee

www.sulyapinoy.org SULYAPINOY JUNE 2008 9


외국인 노동자 인권복지회 필리핀공동체

Naesu Representatives: Elmer S. Sarad
HRWOFC OFFICERS Oksan Representatives: Melchor C. Calma
President: Ana Maria M. Adante Vice- President: Franklin U. Caturla Ochang Representatives: Richard C. Somngi
Secretary: Riclay T. Abadejos Asst. Secretary: Rofezel C. Esperanza COMMITTEES
Treasurer: Melody A. Tumala Asst. Treasurer: Ma. Gracelia D. Ramos
Auditor: Evangeline R. Retuta Asst. Auditor: Virgilio G. Santos Chairman - Funds & Projects - Moreno D. Esla
Vice- Chairman - Funds & Projects - Antholyn S. Hernandez
P.I.O.: Emily Cabañog, Jeffrey Mendoza, Alerico A. Barrozo, Marino Demaangay, Jovito Gregorio Chairwoman - Legal Affairs - Helen N. Balgos
Peace Keeping Officers: Roosevelt Velayo, Danilo Palac, Rolly Gerona, Ruben Manuel, Mario Pusung Chairman - Sports: Christopher J. Guerra
Co-Chairman-Sports: Joel Pahate
Jochiwon Representative: Arnel S. Hebra
Jeongpyeong Representatives: Oswaldo D.Lipata Adviser: Ahn Geon Soo
Gang Nae Myeon Representative: Nick Nathan G. Tamondong Spiritual Adviser: Rev. Edward Whelan, M.M

Fellow Migrant Workers:

The HRWOFC is launching its Raffle Ticket - Kapuso Kapamilya sa
Korea (KKK) “Taya Mo, Tulong Mo” for the following objectives…
1) Build a shelter house in Cheongju for the distressed OFWs.
2) Support SULYAPINOY printing expenses as a committed
partner of FEWA & SULYAPINOY.
Thank you and wish you more blessings throughout the years!
From: HRWOFC Officers

HRWOFC Contact Person: Ate Maria: 010-7490-1114; Frank: 010-2892-1218; Moreno: 010-4443-7401

10 SULYAPINOY JUNE 2008 www.sulyapinoy.org


Cheongju City, South Korea - The Office of the Mayor of Cheongju City held the Asian Migrant Workers Day last May 5. In the said event, our HRWOFC
President Ana Marie Adante has received the award for one of the most outsanding migrant workers for her valuable services to the Filipino community
and foreign community in South Korea.


Cell. # 010-5524-4794 CARDS & PHIL. PRODUCTS C h e o n g j u Ci t y , S o u t h K o r e a


S o ut h K o re a

The CBO on the move in Korea! (1) Performed at the 4th Migrant’s Arirang Festival 2008 (2) Ongoing CBO Basketball Tournament with Labor Attache Delmer Cruz.
(3) Ambassador Luis Cruz posed with CBO during the 110th Independence Day and 13th Migrant Workers Day Celebration… Join us now! Visit www.cbo-korea.blogspot.com

세일 여행사 ( 주 )
Seowon Bldg., 10th Floor 91-1, Kyeongwon-dong Chongro-gu Seoul
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www.sulyapinoy.org SULYAPINOY JUNE 2008 11


12 SULYAPINOY JUNE 2008 www.sulyapinoy.org Printed by

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