Induction of Labour: Maternity and Neonatal Clinical Guideline
Induction of Labour: Maternity and Neonatal Clinical Guideline
Induction of Labour: Maternity and Neonatal Clinical Guideline
Induction of labour
Queensland Clinical Guideline: Induction of labour
This guideline is intended as a guide and provided for information purposes only. The information has been
prepared using a multidisciplinary approach with reference to the best information and evidence available
at the time of preparation. No assurance is given that the information is entirely complete, current, or
accurate in every respect.
The guideline is not a substitute for clinical judgement, knowledge and expertise, or medical advice.
Variation from the guideline, taking into account individual circumstances, may be appropriate.
This guideline does not address all elements of standard practice and accepts that individual clinicians are
responsible for:
• Providing care within the context of locally available resources, expertise, and scope of
• Supporting consumer rights and informed decision making in partnership with healthcare
practitioners, including the right to decline intervention or ongoing management
• Advising consumers of their choices in an environment that is culturally appropriate and
which enables comfortable and confidential discussion. This includes the use of interpreter
services where necessary
• Ensuring informed consent is obtained prior to delivering care
• Meeting all legislative requirements and professional standards
• Applying standard precautions, and additional precautions as necessary, when delivering
• Documenting all care in accordance with mandatory and local requirements
Queensland Health disclaims, to the maximum extent permitted by law, all responsibility and all liability
(including without limitation, liability in negligence) for all expenses, losses, damages and costs incurred for
any reason associated with the use of this guideline, including the materials within or referred to throughout
this document being in any way inaccurate, out of context, incomplete or unavailable.
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Dinoprostone Oxytocin
ARM Artificial rupture of membranes; cm centimetres, CS Caesarean section; CTG Cardiotocography; IOL Induction of
labour; MBS Modified Bishop Score; USS Ultrasound scan; < less than; > greater than; ≥ greater than or equal to
No Moderate
or severe
Yes successful?
ARM Artificial rupture of membranes; BP Blood pressure; CS Caesarean section; CTG Cardiotocography; FHR Fetal
heart rate; IOL Induction of labour; MBS Modified Bishop Score; SROM Spontaneous rupture of membranes; ≤ less
than or equal to,
ARM Artificial rupture of membranes; BP Blood pressure; CS Caesarean section; CTG Cardiotocography; FHR Fetal
heart rate; IOL Induction of labour; MBS Modified Bishop Score; PV Per vaginam; SROM spontaneous rupture of
membranes; TPR: Temperature, pulse and respirations; ≥ greater than or equal to; ≤ less than or equal to
Indications • Complete pre IOL assessment
• After cervical ripening method • Encourage to empty bladder
• Favourable cervix (MBS ≥ 7) • Abdominal palpation to determine:
• Before oxytocin infusion o Descent
commenced o Position
o Presentation
Relative contraindications
• Poor application of the VE to identify:
presenting part/unstable lie • Stage of labour
• Fetal head not engaged • MBS
• Presentation
• Position and descent
• Membranes
Post ARM care
• Immediately after procedure Assess for clinical concerns:
document: • Polyhydramnios
o Abdominal palpation • Head not engaged
o VE findings • Malpresentation
o FHR • Possible cord presentation
o Uterine activity • Unstable lie
o Vaginal loss (liquor amount,
colour consistency)
• If oxytocin commenced,
monitor as for oxytocin
• If oxytocin not commenced and Clinical Yes
observations normal and no concerns
contractions, then ongoing identified?
monitoring as for latent first
• If FHR or liquor abnormalities No
• Encourage mobilisation to
promote onset of uterine
• Continue to ARM from assessment VE
• Confirm passage of fluid and check for
presence of blood and meconium
• Ensure good application of presenting
part before completing VE
• FHR immediately following procedure
No FHR or liquor
Recommend immediate
Discuss, refer or consult Consult obstetrician
commencement of oxytocin
as indicated
ARM Artificial rupture of membranes; CTG: Cardiotocograph, FHR Fetal heart rate; IOL Induction of labour; MBS
Modified Bishop Score; VE Vaginal examination
Induction of labour
See flowchart: Method of induction
ARM Artificial rupture of membranes; CS Caesarean section; CTG Cardiotocography; ECG Electrocardiograph; FHR
Fetal heart rate; IOL Induction of labour; IV Intravenous; VBAC Vaginal birth after caesarean section; < less than; ≥
greater than or equal to
ARM Artificial rupture of membranes
BP Blood pressure
CI Confidence interval
CS Caesarean section
CTG Cardiotocography
EFW Estimated fetal weight
FGR Fetal growth restriction
FHR Fetal heart rate
IOL Induction of labour
MBS Modified Bishop Score
NICU Neonatal intensive care unit
NNT Number needed to treat
PGE2 Prostaglandin E2
PPH Primary postpartum haemorrhage
PV Per vaginam
RCT Randomised controlled trial
RR Risk ratio
SROM Spontaneous rupture of membranes
TPR Temperature, pulse, respiration
USS Ultrasound scan
VBAC Vaginal birth after caesarean
VE Vaginal examination
VTE Venous thromboembolism
x is number of completed weeks of pregnancy
x +y is the number of days past the number of completed weeks of pregnancy
(e.g. 40 is 40 completed weeks of pregnancy plus 3 days)
Definition of terms
Amniotomy Artificial rupture of membranes to initiate or speed up labour.
A flexible tube with an inflatable balloon at one end. This can be introduced
Balloon catheter through the cervix and the balloon inflated, holding the catheter in place. Also
known as transcervical catheter
A prelude to the onset of labour whereby the cervix becomes soft and
compliant. This allows its shape to change from being long and closed, to being
Cervical ripening
thinned out (effaced) and starting to open (dilate). It either occurs naturally or as
a result of physical or pharmacological interventions.
Allowing labour to develop and progress under supervision without intervention,
Expectant management 1
unless clinically indicated.
The cervix is said to be favourable when its characteristics suggest there is a
Favourable cervix high chance of spontaneous onset of labour, or of responding to interventions
made to induce labour.
Also known as intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR). Fetal growth restriction
Fetal growth restriction (FGR) indicates the presence of a pathophysiological process occurring in utero
that inhibits fetal growth.
Grand multipara A woman who has given birth to five or more babies.
Induction of labour The process of artificially initiating labour.
Mechanical method Non-pharmacological method of inducing labour.
Local facilities may differentiate the roles and responsibilities assigned in this
document to an “Obstetrician” according to their specific practitioner group
Obstetrician requirements; for example to General Practitioner Obstetricians, Specialist
Obstetricians, Consultants, Visiting Medical Officers, Senior Registrars,
Obstetric Fellows or other members of the team as required.
+0 1
Prolonged pregnancy A pregnancy past 42 weeks gestation.
Transcervical catheter Refer to the definition for balloon catheter.
Uterine hyperstimulation Either uterine tachysystole or uterine hypertonus with FHR abnormalities.
Contractions lasting more than two minutes in duration or contractions occurring
Uterine hypertonus 3
within 60 seconds of each other, without fetal heart rate abnormalities.
Uterine tachysystole More than 5 contractions in 10 minutes without FHR abnormalities.
Table of Contents
1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................... 10
1.1 Communication and information .......................................................................................... 10
1.2 IOL declined or postponed................................................................................................... 11
1.3 Clinical standards ................................................................................................................ 11
2 Specific indications and circumstances ........................................................................................ 12
2.1 Prolonged pregnancy prevention ......................................................................................... 12
2.2 Concern for fetal wellbeing .................................................................................................. 12
2.3 Twin pregnancy ................................................................................................................... 13
2.4 Fetal macrosomia ................................................................................................................ 13
2.5 Advanced maternal age ....................................................................................................... 13
2.6 Obstetric cholestasis (intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy) ............................................. 14
2.7 Maternal ethnicity ................................................................................................................. 14
2.8 Maternal request .................................................................................................................. 14
3 Pre IOL assessment ..................................................................................................................... 15
3.1 Cervical assessment............................................................................................................ 15
3.2 Membrane sweeping ........................................................................................................... 16
4 Methods of IOL ............................................................................................................................. 17
4.1 Balloon (transcervical) catheter ........................................................................................... 18
4.1.1 Balloon (transcervical) catheter insertion ........................................................................ 19
4.1.2 Balloon (transcervical) catheter post insertion care......................................................... 20
4.2 Dinoprostone ....................................................................................................................... 21
4.2.1 Dinoprostone administration ............................................................................................ 22
4.3 Artificial rupture of membranes ............................................................................................ 23
4.4 Oxytocin ............................................................................................................................... 24
4.4.1 Oxytocin regimen administration ..................................................................................... 25
5 Risks and benefits associated with IOL ....................................................................................... 26
References .......................................................................................................................................... 27
Acknowledgements.............................................................................................................................. 30
List of Tables
Table 1. Communication and information-........................................................................................... 10
Table 2. IOL declined or postponed .................................................................................................... 11
Table 3. Clinical standards .................................................................................................................. 11
Table 4. Prolonged pregnancy ............................................................................................................ 12
Table 5. Fetal growth restriction .......................................................................................................... 12
Table 6. Twin pregnancy ..................................................................................................................... 13
Table 7. Suspected fetal macrosomia ................................................................................................. 13
Table 8. Advanced maternal age ......................................................................................................... 13
Table 9. Obstetric cholestasis ............................................................................................................. 14
Table 10. Maternal ethnicity ................................................................................................................ 14
Table 11. Maternal request .................................................................................................................. 14
Table 12. Modified Bishop score ......................................................................................................... 15
Table 13. Membrane sweeping ........................................................................................................... 16
Table 14. Methods of IOL .................................................................................................................... 17
Table 15. Balloon catheter considerations .......................................................................................... 18
Table 16. Balloon catheter insertion procedure ................................................................................... 19
Table 17. Post balloon catheter insertion ............................................................................................ 20
Table 18. Dinoprostone considerations and dose ............................................................................... 21
Table 19. Dinoprostone administration ................................................................................................ 22
Table 20. Artificial rupture of membranes............................................................................................ 23
Table 21. Oxytocin ............................................................................................................................... 24
Table 22. Oxytocin administration ....................................................................................................... 25
Table 23. Oxytocin regimen ................................................................................................................. 25
Table 24. Risks and benefits associated with IOL ............................................................................... 26
1 Introduction
Induction of labour (IOL) is the initiation of contractions in a pregnant woman who is not in labour.
IOL is indicated when the maternal and/or fetal risks of ongoing pregnancy outweigh the risks of IOL
and birth. Contraindications to IOL are consistent with those for vaginal birth. A woman’s individual
circumstances and preferences will influence the timing and method of IOL. In 2014 the IOL rate in
Queensland was 24.9% of all births.
The purpose of this guideline is to guide the IOL process in women at or near term. Refer to
associated Queensland Clinical Guidelines for specific circumstances outside the scope of this
guideline including:
• Early pregnancy loss
• Stillbirth care
• Obesity in pregnancy
• Early onset Group B Streptococcal disease (EOGBSD) , includes information related to:
Considerations for other IOL indications and circumstances are outlined in the following sections.
Clinical practice • Exact timing depends on the specific risk of stillbirth, individual
point preferences and local circumstances
• Waiting after 42 weeks is not recommended
+0 1,30
Twin pregnancy
• Based on data from the United States, the fetal/infant mortality per
additional week of expectant management at :
o 37 weeks is 4.39 per 1000 women 95% CI 4.07 to 4.70
o 38 weeks is 5.92 per 1000 women 95% CI 5.40 to 6.43
• A Cochrane review of elective birth at 37 weeks compared to expectant
management demonstrated :
o No statistically significant differences in CS, perinatal death or serious
morbidity, maternal death or serious maternal morbidity
o Significant reduction in risk of babies being born with a birth weight less
than the third percentile [one study; RR 0.30; 95% CI 0.13 to 0.68]
• Monochorionic twins are at increased risk of stillbirth in the third trimester
compared to dichorionic twins
• In uncomplicated twin pregnancies (monochororioic
Clinical practice or dichorionic),
+0 36,37,41
point plan birth after 37 weeks
Fetal macrosomia
• In a Cochrane review, comparing IOL at 37–40 weeks to expectant
management, there were :
o No significant differences in:
CS rate or instrumental birth
Measures of neonatal asphyxia
o Lower risks of shoulder dystocia, and (any) fracture (NNT=60)
o Lower birth weights [178.03 g, 95% CI 40.81 to 315.26]
o Higher incidences of third and fourth degree perineal tears (one study)
• IOL on the basis of clinical suspicion of macrosomia alone is not
• USS for estimated fetal weight (EFW) is advised
Obstetric cholestasis
• Associated with:
o Stillbirth
Approximately 1.2% after 37 weeks gestation (although this may be
consistent with population stillbirth rates )
Increases with increasing gestational age and bile acid levels
o Meconium stained liquor
Risk/Benefit 50,51
o Preterm birth
• No quality evidence exists to guide timing of birth
although IOL is often
recommended between 37 to 38 weeks due to risk of stillbirth
• Identified as a medical indication for late preterm (34 –36 weeks
+0 +6
+0 +6
gestational age) or early term (37 –38 weeks gestational age) birth by
American College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
• Consider IOL between 37 and 37 weeks gestation as relevant to :
+0 +6 53
Maternal ethnicity
• Differences in ethnicity have been reported in perinatal mortality data
Maternal request
• For low risk women elective IOL at term is not associated with an
increased risk of CS
• The long term population consequences of a significant proportion of low
risk women receiving elective IOL are unknown
Risk/Benefit • IOL requires more intensive clinical resources than spontaneous onset of
labour in low risk women
• Retrospective and population based studies suggest a possible
association between birth prior to 39 weeks and developmental/early
childhood health problems
• Consider IOL at term based on exceptional circumstances of the woman
Clinical practice
and her family (i.e. not solely because of patient or health care provider
point 9
preference )
• Vaginal examination (VE) to assess the cervix [refer to Section 3.1 Cervical assessment]
• Assess fetal wellbeing:
o Confirm CTG is normal
o If CTG abnormal, escalate as per local protocols
o Refer to Queensland Clinical Guideline: Intrapartum fetal surveillance
• Assess for contraindications to IOL
• Consider urgency for IOL
Membrane sweeping
Indication • Reduce the need for IOL by encouraging spontaneous labour
• Consistent with contraindications for vaginal birth
• Preterm gestation
• Reduced need for IOL, particularly in multiparous women
4 Methods of IOL
Table 14. Methods of IOL
Aspect Recommendation
Cervical • Mechanical: balloon (transcervical) catheter (e.g. Foley, Cook cervical
ripening for ripening balloon)
unfavourable • Pharmacological: dinoprostone preparations (prostaglandin E2/prostin gel,
cervix cervidil)
After cervical
ripening/ • Artificial rupture of membranes (ARM)
cervix • Oxytocin
• If primary method was:
If primary o Balloon catheter consider Dinoprostone gel/pessary
o Dinoprostone gel up to 3
ripening consider Balloon catheter
method is
unsuccessful Dinoprostone gel or balloon
o Dinoprostone pessary consider
• For IOL–there is insufficient evidence to support Laminaria tents,
79,80 81
Insufficient breast/nipple stimulation (particularly if high risk ), acupuncture ,
82,83 1 84
evidence sexual intercourse , evening primrose oil, homeopathy , castor oil ,
85 1 1 1
nitric oxide donors , hyaluronidase , oestrogen , and corticosteriods
• Compared with placebo, misoprostol (sustained release vaginal pessary,
vaginal tablet, buccal/sublingual and oral tablet) had higher odds of
uterine hyperstimulation with FHR changes than 31 other active
Misoprostol interventions (180 studies)
• Not currently recommended for IOL where a live birth is expected
o Not included on the Queensland Health List of Approved Medicines
(LAM) for IOL with a viable baby
• Polyhydramnios
• Abnormal FHR auscultation or CTG
• Antepartum bleeding
• Lower tract genital infection
• Fetal head not engaged (4/5 or 5/5 above the pelvic brim)
4.2 Dinoprostone
Prostaglandins promote cervical ripening and stimulate uterine contractions. Dinoprostone is the
most commonly used prostaglandin agent in third trimester IOL. Dinoprostone preparations include:
• Vaginal gel (prostaglandin E2, (prostin) 1 mg and 2 mg
• Controlled release vaginal pessary (cervidil)
• Refer to Table 18 and Table 19
Indication • May be used following balloon catheter when there has been no/minimal
effect on cervical ripening and artificial rupture of membranes (ARM) is not
technically possible
• Known hypersensitivity to dinoprostone
• Ruptured membranes
• Grand multiparity
91,92,93 • Previous CS or any uterine surgery
• Malpresentation/high presenting part
• Unexplained PV bleeding during current pregnancy
• Abnormal CTG/fetal compromise
• Multiple pregnancy
• Asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease—may cause
• Epilepsy
• Cardiovascular disease
• Raised intraocular pressure, glaucoma
• Avoid combining with oxytocin [refer to Section 4.4 Oxytocin]
• Nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea may occur soon after insertion
Dinoprostone gel Repeat dose (if clinically indicated and only after 6 hours)
dose • Nulliparous: 2 mg
• Multiparous: 1–2 mg
Do not give the repeat dose within 6 hours of the initial dose (i.e. so the
maximum dose of 3 mg in a six hour period is not exceeded)
• 10 mg PV (released at a rate of approximately 4 mg in 12 hours)
pessary dose • A second dose is not recommended
Before procedure • VE to determine stage of labour, MBS, presentation, position and descent,
possible cord or malpresentation, identify membranes
• Consult obstetrician if the head is not engaged , or cord presentation,
4.4 Oxytocin
Oxytocin stimulates the smooth muscle of the uterus to produce rhythmic contractions.
• Use the minimum dose required to establish and maintain active labour
• Mark changes to dose clearly and contemporaneously on the intrapartum
record and/or CTG
• After labour is established (cervical dilation greater than or equal to 5 cm)
oxytocin infusion may be electively discontinued
o Reduced incidence of FHR abnormalities and uterine hyperstimulation
Discontinue/ o Inconsistent evidence about effect on active phase duration (possibly
recommence increased)
• If recommencing infusion and no local protocol, use the following guide:
o If ceased for less than 30 minutes, recommence at half previous rate
o If ceased for longer than 30 minutes, recommence at initial starting
dose (due to short half-life )
• Prior to exceeding 20 milliunit/minute (manufacturer recommended
maximum )
• At the maximum regimen dose of 32 milliunit/minute and labour not
• If infusion ceased or recommenced
• The ideal dosing regimen of oxytocin is unknown but there are well
recognised complications
o Refer to Section 5 Risks and benefits associated with IOL
Variation to • Only vary the regimen (milliunit/minute, rate of increase and/or maximum
regimen dose) following an assessment by an obstetrician of the individual clinical
circumstances and progress of labour
o Processes and systems that facilitate routine variation are not
Infusion: oxytocin
(30 International units in 500 mL)
1 milliunit/minute is equal to 1 mL/hour
Time after starting Dose
(minutes) (milliunit/minute)
0 1
30 2
60 4
90 8
120 12
150 16
180 20
Prior to exceeding 20 milliunit/minute:
Obstetrician review required
210 24
240 28
270 32
Tachysystole or state
hypertonus • Position left lateral
(without FHR • Record maternal observations, including BP
abnormalities) • Commence intravenous (IV) fluids via new administration set
OR • VE to assess cervical dilation and exclude cord prolapse
• If persists, consider use of tocolytic :
hyperstimulation o Terbutaline: 250 micrograms subcutaneously or
(with FHR o Terbutaline: 250 micrograms in 5 mL IV over 5 minutes
abnormalities) o Salbutamol: 100 micrograms by slow IV injection
o *Sublingual Glyceryl Trinitrate (GTN) spray 400 micrograms
o Excessive uterine activity in the absence of evidence of fetal
compromise is not in itself an indication for tocolysis
• If clinically indicated, prepare for instrumental birth or CS (e.g. FHR does
• IOL with oxytocin has been associated with an increased risk of PPH
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Queensland Clinical Guidelines gratefully acknowledge the contribution of Queensland clinicians and other
stakeholders who participated throughout the guideline development process particularly:
Working Party Clinical Lead
Dr Michael Beckmann, Director Mothers Babies and Women’s Health Services, Mater Health, Brisbane
Queensland Clinical Guidelines Program Officers
Ms Lyndel Gray, Clinical Nurse Consultant
Ms Jacinta Lee, Program Manager
Working Party Members
Mrs Emma Archer, Clinical Midwife, Group Practice, Beaudesert Hospital
Ms Rukhsana Aziz, Clinical Midwifery Consultant, Maternity, Ipswich Hospital
Ms Rita Ball, Midwifery Educator, Cairns Hospital
Mrs Stephanie Bethel, Caseload Midwife, Mareeba Hospital
Dr Elize Bolton, Clinical Director, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Bundaberg Hospital
Miss Samantha Borchers, Registered Midwife, Maternity/Birth Suite, Gold Coast University Hospital
Mrs Anne Bousfield, Clinical Midwifery Consultant, Maternity, Roma Hospital
Dr Huba Brezovsky, Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, Mackay Base Hospital
Ms Georgina Caldwell, Registered Midwife, Amity Midwifery Group Practice, Redcliffe
Ms Jackie Chaplin, Nurse Educator Midwifery and Neonatal, West Moreton Hospital and Health Services
Dr Lindsay Cochrane, Staff Specialist, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Caboolture Hospital
Mrs Kelly Cooper, Registered Midwife, Maternity, Caboolture Hospital
Mrs Catherine Cooper, Practice Development Midwife, Mater Health, Brisbane
Mrs Allison Davis, Midwife, Birth Centre, Mackay Base Hospital
Dr Wendy Dutton, Director of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Redland Hospital
Miss Samantha Feltis, Midwife, Maternity, Mount Isa Hospital
Ms Judy Foote, Midwife, RN, Child Birth Educator/Child and Family Health Nurse, The Townsville Hospital
Dr David Freidin, Intra-Partum Clinical Lead, Royal Women's and Brisbane Hospital
Dr Nelson Gonzalez, Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, Gold Coast University Hospital
Mrs Marceline Green, Consumer Representative, Maternity Consumer Network, Toowoomba
Ms Marnie Griffiths, Midwifery Lecturer, Bachelor of Midwifery, Griffith University, Brisbane
Mrs Pam Harsant, Nurse Unit Manager, Maternity, Hervey Bay Hospital
Ms Jacinta Hay, Midwife, Birth Suite, Logan Hospital
Ms Louise Homan, Nurse Unit Manager, Birth Suite, Cairns Hospital
Ms Debbie Humbley, A/Midwifery Unit Manager, Maternity Unit, Caboolture Hospital
Mrs Fiona, Kajewski, Clinical Midwife Consultant, Maternity Services, Toowoomba Hospital
Dr Christopher, King, Director of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Mount Isa Hospital
Mrs Sarah Kirby, Midwifery Unit Manager, Birth Suite, Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital
Ms Janelle Laws, Nurse Educator, Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital
Mrs Gemma Macmillan, Clinical Midwife/Project Officer, The Townsville Hospital
Dr Brian McCully, Director of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Ipswich Hospital
Mrs Michelle McElroy, Midwifery Educator, Maternity/Education, Mount Isa Hospital
Miss Tina Meynell, Midwife, Birth Suite, Caboolture Hospital
Ms Lyndall Mollart, Clinical Midwifery Consultant, Maternity Services, Rockhampton Hospital
Mrs Marcia Morris, Midwifery Educator, Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital
Ms Lillian Newman, Clinical Midwife, Women and Birthing, Redland Hospital
Ms Jacqueline O'Neill, Midwife, Women's and Children's Service, Toowoomba Hospital
Dr Gino, Pecoraro, Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, Mater Health Services, Brisbane
Ms Jenny Ramsay, Consumer Representative, Friends of the Birth Centre, Brisbane
Miss Georgia Roehrig, Student Midwife, Maternity, Redland Hospital
Ms, Pamela, Sepulveda, Clinical Midwifery Consultant, Birthing Suites, Logan Hospital
Ms Alecia Staines, Consumer Representative, Maternity Consumer Network, Toowoomba
Mrs Angela Swift, Clinical Midwife Consultant, Mossman MPHS
Mrs Bethan Townsend, Clinical Facilitator, Education Department, Gold Coast University Hospital
Ms Nicole Utley, Midwife, Birth Centre, Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital
Dr Karen Whitfield, Senior Pharmacist, Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital
Queensland Clinical Guidelines Team
Associate Professor Rebecca Kimble, Director
Ms Jacinta Lee, Manager
Ms Cara Cox, Clinical Nurse Consultant
Ms Lyndel Gray, Clinical Nurse Consultant
Ms Stephanie Sutherns, Clinical Nurse Consultant
Dr Brent Knack, Program Officer
Steering Committee
Funding: This clinical guideline was funded by Healthcare Improvement Unit, Queensland Health