Geotech Surat Report
Geotech Surat Report
Geotech Surat Report
[The detailed Geotechnical Investigation conducted by TUSPL for various locations on Outer Ring road
Surat, except inside Tapi River as per scope of work mentioned in the work order.]
Geotechnical Investigation Report TUSPL & JGG
GI for proposed Urban Ring Development Project at Surat Gujarat.
INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................... 4
SCOPE FOR GEOTECHNICAL ASSESSMENT .................................................................... 6
PURPOSE OF EVALUATION ............................................................................................. 6
PLANNING ............................................................................................................................ 8
TRIAL PIT ............................................................................................................................. 9
DRILLING ............................................................................................................................. 9
STANDARD PENETRATION TEST AND SOIL SAMPLING ........................................ 10
GROUND WATER .............................................................................................................. 11
LABORATORY TESTS ...................................................................................................... 11
LOGGING PROCEDURES : ............................................................................................... 11
.................................................................................................................................................. 13
SOIL LAYERS ..................................................................................................................... 14
GROUND WATER TABLE: ............................................................................................... 16
DESIGN PARAMETERS FOR ELEVATED CORRIDOR ................................................ 16
CHEMICAL ANALYSIS (SOIL & WATER): ................................................................... 16
.................................................................................................................................................. 18
FOUNDATION SYSTEM ................................................................................................... 18
CONSTRUCTION METHOD ............................................................................................. 19
DESIGN PARAMETERS .................................................................................................... 20
PILES IN STRATIFIED SOIL ............................................................................................ 20
Chapter 1
Site investigations or sub-surface explorations are done for obtaining information about
subsurface conditions at the site of proposed construction. Site investigation in one
form or the other is required for every engineering project. Information about the
surface and subsurface features is essential for the design of structures and for planning
construction techniques.
Surat Urban Development Authority (SUDA) has taken up construction of Outer Ring
Road in Surat. As town planning department of state government has approved 10 of
the 11 town planning schemes for the development of roads. Now the SPV (special
purpose vehicle) floated for the purpose will begin infrastructure planning. It will also
start taking possession of the lands marked for the purpose.
The SPV floated for this Rs 5,000 crore project is named Urban Ring Development
Corporation Ltd. (URDCL). For a 66-km Outer Ring Road to be completed with the
existing 34-km portion, new roads of 27.74 km length will be developed. Majority of
this portion runs through the agricultural areas. Eight town planning schemes of SUDA
and three of Surat Municipal Corporation (SMC), prepared on 500 meters on both sides
of the proposed 200 feet road will see a development pattern that will be different from
the city. This road would serve basically three major purposes of providing a bypass to
industries at Hazira, link residential and commercial localities of Surat and Navsari and
handle heavy traffic meant for Hazira.
As a statutory requirement & to identify required design parameters for safe design,
TUSPL decided to carry out geotechnical investigation. Geotechnical investigation
work consisted of Twenty boreholes. M/s JAY GAJANAN GEOTECHNICS, Thane
(West) carried out fieldwork of Twenty boreholes from 28th Aug, 2017 to 29th Sept, 2017.
Selected soil & rock samples were tested in Soil Laboratory of M/s JAY GAJANAN
GEOTECHNICS, Thane (West) Laboratory test results were received on 14th Oct, 2017.
This geotechnical investigation report is based on the data collected from Twenty
boreholes data and from laboratory results and judgement of undersigned based on his
experience. Scope of this investigation report is limited to defining design parameters
and recommending appropriate founding system.
Professional judgments and recommendations are presented in this report. They are
based partly on evaluation of the technical information gathered, partly on historical
reports and partly on our general experience with sub-surface condition in the area. We
do not guarantee the performance of the project in any respect other than that our
engineering work and the judgments rendered meet the standards and care of our
profession. It should be noted that the borings/trial pits may not represent potentially
unfavorable subsurface conditions between borings. If during construction soil
conditions are encountered that vary from those discussed in this report or historical
reports of if design loads and/or configuration change, we should be notified
immediately in order that we may evaluate effects, if any, on foundation performance.
The recommendations presented in this report are applicable only to this specific site.
These data should not be used for other purposes.
Chapter 2
Geotechnical investigation for construction of Outer Ring Road in Surat was carried out
by drilling twelve boreholes to examine subsurface profile. Depth of boreholes to be
drilled was determined using IS : 1892- 1979 section 2.3.2. The lateral extent of
exploration and the spacing of boreholes depend mainly on the variation of the strata in
horizontal direction.
The scope of services included a site reconnaissance, site soil test, borings and soil
sampling, laboratory soil testing, engineering evaluation of the field test data, and
preparation of this report. Specifically, the scope of our engineering work for this site
was to provide the following:
1. Soil nature and origin, including changes resulting from man’s activities
2. Depths, thickness, and composition of soil strata that will be appreciably
stressed by the intended construction.
3. Depths to encountered groundwater, dense soil strata, and rock that could affect
the proposed construction. Collect ground water sample from borehole for
chemical analysis. Collect undisturbed soil samples from cohesive soil stratum.
4. Conduct standard penetration tests at an interval of 1.0 to 1.5 metres and collect
disturbed soil samples.
5. To prepare a geotechnical investigation report by compiling data collected from
field, borelogs, and results of laboratory tests.
6. Recommendations regarding foundation support of structure including
allowable bearing pressures, estimated settlements, footing sizes and depths.
The scope of this investigation report did not include an environmental assessment or
investigation for the presence or absence of hazardous or toxic materials in the soil or
groundwater or surface water within or beyond the site. Any statements in this report
or on the soil test, boring logs regarding odors, staining of soils, or other unusual
conditions observed are strictly for the information of our client.
Chapter 3
A subsurface exploration programme depends upon the type of structure to be built
and also upon variability of the strata at proposed site. Sub-surface explorations are
generally carried out in three stages.
A) Reconnaissance : Prior to our field exploration, the site and surrounding areas were
visually evaluated by M/S Jay Gajanan Geotechnics, engineer. His observations were
used in planning explorations, in determining areas of special interest, and in relating
site conditions to known geologic conditions in the proposed project area. Subsurface
exploration programme includes visit to a site and study the map and other relevant
records. The information about the following features is obtained:
i. general topography of the site.
ii. existence of underground water mains, power conduits, etc. at the site.
iii. existence of settlement cracks in structure already build near site.
iv. the evidence of landslides, creep of slope and shrinkage cracks.
v. the stratification of soil observed from deep cuts near the site.
vi. depth of ground water table as observed in wells and drainage pattern.
vii. type of vegetation existing at the site.
are generally in the form of trial pits. Trial pits were not considered for these sub-
surface investigations.
Trial pits are excavated at the site to inspect the strata. The size of the pit should be
sufficient to provide necessary working space. IS : 4453 – 2009 recommends a clear
working space of 1.2 m x 1.2 m at the bottom of the pit. The depth of the pit depends
upon the requirement of the investigation. Shallow pits up to a depth of 3 m can be
made without providing any lateral support. For deeper pits especially below the
ground water table the lateral support in the form of sheeting and bracing system is
required. Tests pits can be excavated manually or mechanically. The sides of the pits
should be cleaned by chipping continuously in vertical bands or by other appropriate
methods so as to expose a clean face of rock or soil. Measurements should be taken and
recorded documenting the orientation, plan dimension, depth of the pit, and thickness
of each stratum exposed in the pit. Adequate precaution should be taken against
possible accidents due to caving of the ground.
arrangement for driving as well as extracting casing. It was also used for conducting
Standard Penetration Test (SPT), collection of Undisturbed Soil Sample (UDS) and
Disturbed or wash Soil Sample (DS).
Initially casing of adequate diameter to suit boring of 100 mm borehole was lowered
and boring was commenced. When rock was encountered, size of borehole was
changed to Nx (76 mm) diameter. A core barrel and Nx sized bits are used for drilling
and recovering rock cores. Recovered rock cores were numbered serially and preserved
in good quality sturdy wooden core boxes. Rock core recovery (CR) and Rock Quality
Designation (RQD) were computed for every run of length drilled. Rock samples have
been selected for laboratory test based on the probable founding elevation of the
proposed structure.
Ground water table was observed after dewatering the borehole by suitable method
and waiting for time period of 24 hours to allow for recuperation of ground water.
Ground water samples were collected for chemical analysis [IS : 3025 (Part - 24 and 32)]
to determine their pH, Sulphate and Chloride content. This is useful to predict
corrosive effect of ground water on structures.
Lab tests were conducted (as per relevant IS code) on soil and rock samples to
determine their properties which may be used for design and geotechnical evaluation.
Sr. Test Description Relevant IS/ASTM code
A Soil Tests
1 LL & PL IS : 2720 (Part 20); ASTM – D4318
2 Grain size analysis IS : 2720 (Part 4); ASTM – D422
3 Chemical Analysis Soil IS : 2720 (Part 26, 27)
4 Chemical Analysis Water IS:3025 (Part 32), 1988 Reaff.2009
IS:3025 (Part 11) 1988
IS:3025 (Part 24) 1986 Reaff.2009
B Rock Tests
1 Water absorption
2 Porosity IS 13030 - 1991,Reaff.2006
3 Dry density
4 Crushing strength (UCS) IS 9143, 1979,Reaff.2006
5 Point load test IS 8764, 1998,Reaff.2008
6 Modulus of Elasticity of Rock IS 9221, 1979,Reaff.2006
Point load strength index is often used to predict uniaxial compressive strength. On
average, uniaxial compressive strength is 20 to 25 times point load strength. However,
the ratio can very between 15 and 50, especially for anisotropic rocks.
In logging the exploration pit/borehole, a vertical profile should be made parallel with
one pit wall or borehole. The contacts between geological units should be identified
and drawn on the profile, and the units sampled as recommended by geotechnical
consultant. Sampling should be made as per SP: 36 (Part – 2) – 1988 for disturbed
samples and IS : 8763 – 1978 (sand), IS : 10108 – 1982 (fine grained soil) for undisturbed
samples. Characteristics and type of soil or lithologic contacts should be noted.
Variation within the geologic unit must be described and identified, and indicated on
the pit /borehole log wherever the variation occurs. The sample locations should be
shown in the respective log and their location written on a sample tag showing the
station location and elevation. Ground water should also be noted on the exploration
pit/borehole log.
Chapter 4
A preliminary site model was developed using the information obtained from existing
data and the site visit. The model should be divided into zones of interest (i.e.,
geotechnical units) based on the necessary design parameters and objectives. This
model will obviously change as results of the detailed investigation are collected.
Following information was collected during the site reconnaissance stage.
Checklist Item Sub-Item Description
1 Accessibility Easy
2 Visit to site Date and time 28th Aug, 2017 to 29th Sept, 2017
Visitors M/s Jay Gajanan Geotechnics
Weather condition Rainy
Temperature 28-320 Centigrade
3 Ground Cover Grass
4 Existing Terrain Flat ground
5 Site Hydrology Surface water
Encountered in boreholes at a
Subsurface water depth of 0.50 to 4.40 m below
existing ground level
6 Site Drainage Existing drainage system
7 Soil and rock Black cotton soil & Brownish clay
conditions Surface soil
with Gravels
Dense sandy clayey strata with
Subsurface soil
boulder rock
Rock features Not Encountered in the borehole
8 Investigative
Twelve Boreholes
9 Prior information Site Observations
Boreholes observations and laboratory testing results for proposed structure are
presented in this section. Boreholes were drilled up to maximum 42.0 m depth from
the existing ground level. Ground water table were observed in all boreholes.
Fieldwork is summarised in the following table.
Table 4.1 Summary of Boreholes
Bore Location Occurrence Final Depth of Ground
Hole of Rock Borehole Water Table
No. Strata (m) (m)
BH 1 Eklera (m)
-- 32.00 3.10
BH 4 Kharvasa Road -- 35.00 4.40
BH 6 Niyol Mohini Road -- 42.60 3.20
BH 13 Vadchha 21.60 3.50
BH 16 Chedcha -- 20.00 4.10
BH 18 Anand Nagar -- 10.00 2.50
BH 21 Vathan PungamRoad -- 20.00 0.50
BH 25 JD Motors Surat Kamrej -- 20.00 2.10
BH 29 Bharthana
Highway -- 20.00 0.50
BH 31 Bharthana village -- 20.00 3.10
BH 2A Rajput Faliyu -- 20.00 4.40
BH 14 Surat Bardoli Road -- 20.00 3.20
Total twelve boreholes were drilled in present investigation for proposed structure.
Borehole logs for the site are given in Annexure 6.3. Review of all available borehole
logs indicates that the subsurface profile consists of 4 layers. Following subsoil Layers
profile were inferred up to final depth of borehole & subsequent discussion on the lab
Data of the all boreholes logs were reviewed. Results of laboratory tests on selected soil
samples were also studied & following subsurface layers were identified for calculation
Layer I : Backfill Soil
Layer II : Medium dense to dense silty SAND
Layer III : Very dense silty SAND
Layer IV : Stiff sandy CLAY
1. Layer I: Black Cotton soil:
The first layer of the sub-surface profile is Black Cotton soil. This layer is observed in all
the boreholes as the top layer. An initial thickness of 2.00 to 4.50m comprising of silty
sand or clayey sand or clayey silt.
2. Layer II : Medium Dense to dense Silty SAND:
The second layer of the subsurface profile is medium dense to dense silty SAND. This
layer is encountered below the black cotton layer in boreholes. The layer is observed at
depths ranging from 2.50 m to 6.00 m BGL in these boreholes. SPT ‘N’ values ranging
from 8 to 18 reveal medium dense to dense relative density of this layer. Laboratory
grain size and consistency limit tests conducted on some samples from this layer gave
the Soil Classification: SM-SC, SM, SC
A. Quality of water for construction use is determined in the laboratory. This test is
done as per clause 3.1.1 of IS 3025.
B. Soil chemical analysis test was done as per clause 3.1.1 of IS 2720 (Part 26, 27)
Following are the tests required for quality of water for construction purpose:
1. pH value test
2. Limits of acidity test
3. Limits of alkalinity test
4. Percentage of solids
a) Chlorides
b) Suspended matter
c) Sulphates
d) Inorganic solids
e) Organic solids
The pH value of water shall not be less than the following concentrations represent the
maximum permissible values (of deleterious materials in water):
Percentage of solids: Maximum permissible limits of solids when tested in accordance
with IS 3025 & IS 456-2000 shall be as under:
Table 4.2 Permissible Limit for Solid as per IS 456-2000
Types of solids Permissible Limits
Organic solids 200 mg/liter
Inorganic solids 3000 mg/liter
Sulphates 400 mg/liter
2000 mg/liter for concrete not containing embedded
Chlorides steel, and
500 mg/liter for reinforced concrete work
Suspended matter 2000 mg/liter
The physical and chemical properties of ground water shall be tested along with soil
investigation and if the water is not found conforming to the requirements of IS 456 –
2000, the tender documents shall clearly specify that the contractor has to arrange good
quality water construction indicating the source.
Chapter 5
After detail studying twelve bore logs, following two option for foundation
1. Friction pile foundation
2. Open Foundation is recommended for this structure.
Review of subsoil profile shows that upper three strata can not support multi storied
residential complex. Therefore, pile foundation is recommended for this structure.
Piling through this stratum by either conventional chisel-bailor method or by Rotary
piling method is possible.
The installation process and method of installations are equally important factors as of
the design process of pile foundations. Two main types of pile installation methods;
i. Installation by conventional percussion (chisel-bailor or Drop Hammer Method),
ii. Rotary drilling method.
Drop Hammer Method : This early form of drilling uses the dynamic energy of a
dropping weight to fragment the rock. The rate of penetration is largely dependent on
the weight of the chisel, the drop height, the number of unit blows and the shape and
material of the chisel point.
Rotary Drilling Method : Rotary bored techniques offer larger diameter piles than any
other piling method and permit pile construction through particularly stiff or hard
strata. Construction methods depend on the geology of the site. In particular, whether
boring is to be undertaken in 'dry' ground conditions or through water-logged but
stable strata - i.e. 'wet boring'. In some cases there may be a need to employ drilling
fluids (such as bentonite suspension) in order to maintain a stable shaft. Rotary bored
piles are constructed using either self erecting hydraulic rigs or crane mounted boring
Where boreholes are required to penetrate considerable depths of unstable soil, the
installation of long, temporary casing is a time-consuming process. By employing a
bentonite suspension of around 6% by weight bentonite, the borehole walls may be
effectively supported. However, a positive head of bentonite slurry above the
groundwater table, of at least 1.5 m is required.
All piles were constructed in the following manner:
1. Install liner up to weathered rock to support the Very dense, yellowish
White/Yellowish brown, silty fine SAND and stiff clay mixed with sand &
boulder strata.
2. Drill pile to design depth by suitable method.
3. Install reinforcement cage to the design level as instruction by structural
4. Ensure proper tip zone cleaning by circulating fresh water after lowering
reinforcement cage.
5. Concrete the pile from bottom upward using tremie.
6. When concreting was going up to ground level, temporary casing (if used) was
removed immediately. If the casing was required to be kept in place overnight, it
would be removed in the morning.
After studying the sub-surface stratification of the boreholes and considering the type
of proposed structure, bored cast in-situ pile foundations (by rotary drilling method)
are most suitable for founding the structure. The minimum diameter of the pile should
be 450 mm, 600 mm, 800 mm or 1000 mm. Pile capacity calculated as per IS 2911 Part II
2010, Please see the attached sample calculation for more information
Rock socketed piles can be designed to carry compressive loads in side wall shear only
or end bearing only, or a combination of both. The most important factors that
influence the design procedure are the strength, degree of fracturing and modulus of
deformation of rock mass, the condition of the walls and base of the socket and the
geometry of the socket.
After studying the sub-surface stratification of the boreholes and considering the type
of proposed structure, bored cast in-situ pile foundations are most suitable for
founding the structure. The minimum diameter of the pile should be 1000 mm. For pile
load capacity calculation purpose as per IS 2911 Part II 2010.
In stratified soil/C-φ soil, the ultimate load capacity of piles should be determined by
calculating the skin friction and end-bearing in different strata by using appropriate
expressions given in
Due to extensive research in the topic of bearing capacity, numerous methods of analysis have
been developed. The research started by Terzaghi (1943) and was followed by Skempton (1951),
Meyerhof (1951), Hansen (1961), De Beer and Ladanyi (1961), Meyerhof (1963), Hansen (1970),
Vesic (1973, 1975), and others. The most popular and widely used bearing capacity equations in
practice today are the Terzaghi and AASHTO equations. When physical characteristics such as
cohesion, angle of internal friction, density etc. are available, the bearing capacity shall be
calculated from stability considerations. Established bearing capacity equations shall be used
for calculating bearing capacity. A factor of safety of between 2.0 to 3.0 (depending on the
extent of soil exploration, quality control and monitoring of construction) shall be adopted to
obtain allowable bearing pressure when dead load and normal live load is used.
The following are the two methods used to calculate bearing capacity of the soil strata
For different types of soils, IS 1904 (1978) has recommends the following bearing
capacity values. The presumptive bearing values (allowable) as given in the following
Table may be assumed for uniform soil in the absence of test results.
Minimum Depth of Foundation as per IS: The minimum depth of foundation shall be
1.5 m for exterior footing of permanent structures in cohesive soils and 2 m in
cohesionless soils.
Considering the Fine Sand i.e. Medium Dense to Dense Sand Mixed with boulders and
has an average thickness layer is more than 4.50 m, the presumptive Safe Bearing
Capacity at 4.00 m depth will be 100 kN/m2 i.e. 10 T/m2 as this presumptive bearing
capacity is on higher side.
Presumptive Safe Bearing Capacity in T/m2
Chapter 6
1 SP 36 (Part -2) – 1988, ‘Field Testing of Soils for Civil Engineering Purposes.’
15 Dr. K R Arora, (2003), ‘Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering’, 6th Ed.,
Standard publisher and distributor.
16 Foundation Design Manual, N. V. Nayak, 5th Edition, 1996