Visual Enterprise Author Supported File Formats (Current at June 2013 For 7.0 SP01)

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Visual Enterprise Author Supported File Formats (current at June 2013 for 7.

0 SP01)
These lists are organized alphabetically by the file format.

Formats supported by Visual Enterprise Author

CAD File Formats

File Format Type Extension Import Export Version/Notes
ACIS Part and Assembly Files 3D Part SAT Yes Version 21 and earlier.
CATIA V4 3D Part DLV, MODEL, SESSION, EXP Yes Up to 4.24

CATIA V5 3D Assembly/Part CATPART, CATPRODUCT, Yes Up to V5 R22 SP3

CATIA V5 3D Assembly/Part CGR Yes Support from R14
Creo Parametric (Pro/ENGINEER) Assembly 3D Assembly ASM, XAS Yes 2001 - Creo Parametric 2.0.
Note: No assembly level features or family tables support.
Creo Parametric (Pro/ENGINEER) Part 3D Part PRT, XPR Yes 2001 - Creo Parametric 2.0.
Creo Parametric (Pro/ENGINEER) Neutral Assembly 3D Assembly/Part NEU Yes 2001 - Creo Parametric 2.0.
and Part Files
IGES Files 3D Part/Assembly/2D IGES, IGS Yes Up to Version 5.2
Inventor Assembly 3D Assembly IAM Yes Two reading methods:
1. Import Inventor Solid: V10 to V2013
2. Quick View: V10 to V2013 (requires free Inventor viewer installed on machine).
Inventor Part 3D Part IPT Yes Two reading methods:
1. Import Inventor Solid: V10 to V2013
2. Quick View: V10 to V2013 (requires free Inventor viewer installed on machine).
JT File 3D Assembly/Part JT Yes *Yes Versions 9.5 and earlier.
Supports PMI data through JTPMI.
MicroStation CAD Graphic 3D /2D DGN Yes Versions 95, SE, J, 7, and 8., V8i
NX Parts and Assemblies 3D Assembly/3D Part PRT Yes V15 to NX8.5
Parasolid CAD File 3D Part X_B, X_T Yes Up to Version 24.
Solid Edge 3D CAD Model Assembly 3D Assembly ASM Versions 10 - 20. ST1, ST2, ST3, ST4, ST5
Solid Edge 3D CAD Model Part 3D Part PAR, PWD, PSM Yes Versions 10 - 20. ST1, ST2, ST3, ST4, ST5
SolidWorks Assembly Files 3D Assembly SLDASM, ASM Two reading methods:
1. Import Solidwords Solid: Versions 97-2013
2. Quick View: Versions 97-2013
SolidWorks Part Files 3D Part SLDPRT, PRT Yes Two reading methods:
1. Import Solidwords Solid: Versions 97-2013
2. Quick View: Versions 97-2013
STEP Files 3D Assembly/Part STEP, STP Yes Yes* AP203 E2 and AP214, AP242 (tessellated solid, shell, face, complex face, surface set, edge, etc.)
*Mesh export supported, but not quads
* Normal or smoothing groups not saved
* NURBS export not supported

2D CAD Drawing File Formats

File Format Type Extension Import Export Version/Notes
CATIA V4 and V5 Drawings 2D CAD Drawing MODEL, CATDRAWING Yes Up to R22 SP3
Creo Parametric (Pro/ENGINEER) Drawing 2D CAD Drawing DRW Yes 2001 to Creo Parametric 2.0.
NX Drawing 2D CAD Drawing PRT Yes NX to NX8.5. Functional support is limited. Please refer to note # 1876622 for detail.
SolidWorks Drawings 2D CAD Drawing SLDDRW Yes Versions 97-2013
Formats supported by Visual Enterprise Author

2D File Formats
File Format Type Extension Import Export Version/Notes
Adobe Encapsulated PostScript 2D Vector (Drawing) EPS Yes* Version 15 and above files require Adobe Illustrator installed on machine.
*Export via Vector Illustration.
Standard 2D. No export options.
Adobe Illustrator Vector Graphic 2D Vector (Drawing) AI Yes Yes* Version 15 and above files require Adobe Illustrator installed on machine.
*Export via Vector Illustration.
Standard 2D. No export options.
Adobe Photoshop Document 2D Raster (Image) PSD Yes
Autodesk Animator Graphic 2D Raster (Image) CEL Yes
Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine Image 2D Raster (Image) DCM Yes Yes Medical MRI file format.

DirectX DirectDraw Surface 2D Raster (Image) DDS Yes

EA/Amiga Interchange File Format 2D Raster (Image) IFF Yes
Enhanced Metafile 2D Vector (Drawing) EMF Yes
Flexible Precision Buffer Map 2D Raster (Image) FLX Yes
FLIC Animator Animation (flc) 2D Raster (Image) FLC Yes
FLIC Animator Animation (fli) 2D Raster (Image) FLI Yes
Graphics Interchange Format 2D Raster (Image) GIF Yes
JPEG 2000 J2K 2D Raster (Image) J2K Yes
JPEG 2000 JP2 2D Raster (Image) JP2 Yes Yes
JPEG 2000 JPC 2D Raster (Image) JPC Yes Yes
JPEG Image 2D Raster (Image) JPEG, JPG Yes Yes
JPEG 2000 JPX 2D Raster (Image) JPX Yes
JEDMICS C4 Compressed Image 2D Vector (Drawing) C4 Yes
Maya Interchange File Format 2D Raster (Image) IFF Yes Yes* * Requires Maya to be installed.
OpenEXR Bitmap 2D Raster (Image) EXR Yes Yes
Portable Network Graphics 2D Raster (Image) PNG Yes Yes
Portable Pixelmap Graphic 2D Raster (Image) PPM Yes Yes
Publisher's Paintbrush Bitmap Graphic 2D Raster (Image) PCX Yes
Radiance Picture 2D Raster (Image) HDR Yes
Scalable Vector Graphic 2D Vector (Drawing) SVG Yes Yes* *Export via Vector Illustration
Silicon Graphics Image 2D Raster (Image) RGB, RGBA, INT, INTA Yes
SOFTIMAGE Picture 2D Raster (Image) PIC Yes
Tagged Image File Format 2D Raster (Image) TIF, TIFF Yes Yes* With multipage support.
TGA File 2D Raster (Image) TGA Yes Yes
Windows Bitmap Graphic 2D Raster (Image) BMP, DIB Yes Yes No export options
Windows Cursor File 2D Raster (Image) CUR Yes
Windows Icon File 2D Raster (Image) ICO Yes
Windows Run Length Encoded Bitmap 2D Raster (Image) RLE Yes
Formats supported by Visual Enterprise Author

3D File Formats
File Format Type Extension Import Export Version/Notes
AutoCAD Drawing Interchange 3D /2D DXF Yes Yes Up to AutoCAD 2013
*Export is also via Vector Illustration
Note: This is also a 2D file format
AutoCAD Drawing Object 3D /2D DWG Yes Up to AutoCAD 2013
Note: This is also a 2D file format
AutoCAD Sheet Set File 3D /2D DST Yes Up to Version 7.7.
Autodesk 3D Studio 3D Scene 3DS Yes Yes
Autodesk 3D Studio ASCII 3D Scene ASC Yes Yes
Autodesk 3D Studio Max ASCII 3D Scene ASE Yes
Autodesk 3D Studio Project 3D Scene PRJ Yes
AOFF File Format 3D Scene GEO Yes Yes
Caligari trueSpace Object 3D Scene COB Yes Yes
Caligari trueSpace Scene 3D Scene SCN Yes
CINEMA 4D 3D Scene C4D Yes Yes Up to version 11.5
Collada 3D Scene DAE Yes Yes Version 1.4.1
Computer Graphics Metafile 2D Vector (Drawing) CGM Yes Yes* *Export: Version 3.0. Export via Vector Illustration.
Design Web Format 3D /2D DWF Yes Yes Supported
Up to 7.7. by Illustration (ASCII and Binary).
DirectX Model 3D Scene X Yes Yes
FiLMBOX 3D Scene FBX Yes Yes No export options.
Gerber File 3D Scene GBR, GBP, GPT, GTL, GTO, Yes All versions supported.
Hewlett-Packard Graphics Library 3D Scene HPGL, PLT Yes HPGL 1 and HPGL 2.
Imagine Geometry 3D Scene IOB Yes
ISO G Code 3D Scene ISO, NC Yes
LightWave 3D and Binary Object 3D Scene LWO, LW Yes* Yes** *Import: LightWave 5.6, 6.0, 7.0, 7.5., 9.0
**Export: LightWave version 6.0 (which is compatible with Lightwave 9.x).
LightWave Scene 3D Scene LWS Yes Yes
Max File 3D Scene MAX Yes Yes Versions 2009-2012.
Requires 3ds Max and the DCOM plugin to be installed.
Maya ASCII Scene 3D Scene MA Yes Yes Versions 2009-2012
Requires Maya to be installed.
Maya Binary Scene 3D Scene MB Yes Yes Versions 2009-2012.
Requires Maya to be installed.
Object File Format Vector Graphics 3D Scene OFF Yes Yes
Open Inventor File 3D Scene IV Yes Yes
OpenFlight Scene Description Database 3D Scene FLT Yes* Yes Version 13.0.
*Import: Multigen API DLLs not required.
Points File 3D Scene PTS Yes
Polygon Model Format 3D Scene PLY Yes
Portable Graymap Graphics File 3D Scene PGM Yes 16-bit
POV-Ray RAW Triangle Format 3D Scene RAW Yes Yes
Power Render Object 3D Scene PRO Yes Version 2.5.
Protein Data Bank 3D Scene PDB Yes Version 2.5.
Medical file format.
Formats supported by Visual Enterprise Author

3D File Formats (continued)

File Format Type Extension Import Export Version/Notes
Rhinoceros 3D Model 3D Scene 3DM Yes Yes Versions 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0.
No Chem3D 3DM support.
Right Hemisphere Binary 3D Scene RH Yes Yes* *Export: Versions 3.5 and 4.0.
Silo3D 3D Scene SIA Yes Yes Version 1.0 only.
No export options.
Google SketchUp Document 3D Scene SKP Yes Yes Version 5.0.295, 6.0, 7.0
SOFTIMAGE|XSI 3D Scene XSI Yes* Yes** *Import: Versions 1.0, 3.0, 3.5.
**Export: Versions 3.0 and 3.5.
Stereolithography File 3D Scene STL Yes Yes
Universal 3D 3D Scene U3D Yes Yes
Visual Design Stream 3D Scene VDS Yes Yes
Visual XML 3D Scene RHZ Yes
Visual XML 3D Scene VZXML, VMXML Yes
VRML Worlds 3D Scene WRL, VRML Yes* Yes** *Import: Versions 1.0 and 2.0 ASCII only.
**Export: Version 2.0
Wavefront Object 3D Scene OBJ Yes Yes
XAML 3D Scene XAML Yes

Audio File Formats

File Format Type Extension Import Export Version/Notes
Audio Interchange Format Audio AIF, AIFF Yes Play only.
MPEG Audio Files Audio MPA, MP2, MP3 Yes Play only.
Musical Instrument Digital Interface Audio MID, MIDI Yes Play only.
RIFF MIDI File Audio RMI Yes Play only.
Sound Format Audio SND Yes Play only.
Sun/NeXT/DEC Audio Audio AU Yes Play only.
Waveform Audio Audio WAV Yes Play only.

Video File Formats

File Format Type Extension Import Export Version/Notes
Advanced Streaming Format Video ASF Yes
Audio Video Interleave Animation Video AVI Yes Yes
Moving Pictures Expert Group Video Video M1V, MPEG, MPG Yes
Moving Pictures Expert Group Video Video MP4 Yes Yes
Formats supported by Visual Enterprise Author

Material File Formats

File Format Type Extension Import Export Version/Notes
Autodesk 3D Studio Material Material MLI Yes
Right Hemisphere Material Material RHM Yes Yes
Wavefront Material Material MTL Yes

Document File Formats

File Format Type Extension Import Export Version/Notes
Adobe Portable Document 2D Image/Scene PDF Yes*
Adobe Portable Document 3D Image/Scene PDF Yes* Versions 8.0 and above.
Creates a PDF document with 3D content.
*Requires PDF Publishing to be installed.
Flex Web Application Image/Scene HTML Yes Must be viewed with SAP Visual Enterprise Viewer.
HTML Document with 3D Image/Scene HTML Yes Must be viewed with SAP Visual Enterprise Viewer.
Office Powerpoint Document Image/Scene PPT Yes
Web Archived HTML Document Image/Scene MHT Yes Must be viewed with SAP Visual Enterprise Viewer.

Miscellaneous File Formats

File Format Type Extension Import Export Version/Notes
Text File Text TXT Yes
WinRAR Compressed Archive Archive RAR Yes
ZIP Archive Archive ZIP Yes

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