Geotechnical Engineering - I: B.E. (Civil Engineering) Fourth Semester (C.B.S.)
Geotechnical Engineering - I: B.E. (Civil Engineering) Fourth Semester (C.B.S.)
Geotechnical Engineering - I: B.E. (Civil Engineering) Fourth Semester (C.B.S.)
Geotechnical Engineering - I
P. Pages : 2 NRJ/KW/17/4404
Time : Three Hours *0157* Max. Marks : 80
Notes : 1. All questions carry marks as indicated.
2. Solve Question 1 OR Questions No. 2.
3. Solve Question 3 OR Questions No. 4.
4. Solve Question 5 OR Questions No. 6.
5. Solve Question 7 OR Questions No. 8.
6. Solve Question 9 OR Questions No. 10.
7. Solve Question 11 OR Questions No. 12.
8. Assume suitable data whenever necessary.
9. Illustrate your answers whenever necessary with the help of neat sketches.
10. Use of non programmable calculator is permitted.
b) A partially saturated soil from an earth fill has a natural water content of 19% and bulk 7
unit Weight of 19.33 kN/m3. Assuming the specific gravity of soil solid as 2.6, compute
the degree of saturation and void ratio if subsequently the soil gets saturated, determine
the dry unit weight and saturated unit weight.
2. a) A soil sample from field has a volume of 400 cm3 and a weight of 450 gm. The water 7
content of soil is 11% and G= 2.62. Find void ratio, degree of saturation and porosity.
b) G esr Yw 6
Derive the relationship Y
1 C
b) The following is the result of a liquid limit test: Determine the liquid limit of a soil. If the 8
plastic limit of the soil is 23% Find out the flow index. Natural water content were 18%
Find consistency Index & liquidity Index.
20 47
15 53
10 60
4. a) The plastic limit and liquid limit of a soil are 30% and 42% respectively. The percentage 7
volume change from the liquid limit to dry state is 35% of the dry volume. Similarly, the
percentage volume change from the plastic limit to dry state is 22% of the dry volume.
Determine the shrinkage limit and shrinkage ratio.
b) Enlist Different methods of determination of water content. Explain any three in detail. 7
5. a) What will be the ratio of average permeability in horizontal direction to that in the vertical 7
direction for a soil deposit consisting of three horizontal layers, if the thickness and
permeability of the second layer are twice of those of the first and those of the third layer
twice those of second?
NRJ/KW/17/4404 1 P.T.O
b) Explain different factors which affecting the permeability of soil. 6
6. a) Explain 'Quick Sand Condition'. Derive the equation for critical hydraulic gradient. 7
b) A footing size 4m X 4m carries a uniformly distributed load of 150kN/m2. Compute 7
vertical pressure at a depth of 6m below the center and corner of the loaded area by
equivalent point load method.
8. a) Explain the construction and use of Newmark's influence chart. 6
b) A concentrated load of 1000 kN is applied at the ground surface. Compute the vertical 7
i) At a depth of 4m below the load.
ii) At a distance of 3m at the same depth.
9. a) Explain different factors affecting compaction of soil. 6
Determine maximum dry density and the optimum moisture content, with the following
data of compaction test on a soil. Volume of mould = 1000 cm3. G = 2.7.
b) In the laboratory test on a clay sample of thickness 25 mm drained at top only, 50% 7
consolidation occurred in 11 minutes. Find the time required for the corresponding clay
layer in the field, 2m thick and drained at top and bottom to undergo 70% consolidation.
Assume T50 = 0.197 and T70=0.405
b) If the major & minor principal stresses on a specimen of soil at the instant of failure are 7
500 kN/m2 &150kN/m2 respectively. Calculate the values of normal & shear stress on a
plane inclined at an angle of 65º with major principal plane.
12. a) Enlist the various shear test depends upon drainage condition and explain vane shear test 7
in detail.
b) An unconfined compression test was conducted on a disturbed sample of clay. The sample 7
had a diameter of 37.5 mm and was 80 mm long. The load at failure measured by the
proving ring was 28 N and the axial deformation of sample at failure was 13 mm.
Determine the unconfined compressive strength and the undrained shear strength of clay.
NRJ/KW/17/4404 2