Effect of Pumpkin Seed Oil On Hair Growth in Men
Effect of Pumpkin Seed Oil On Hair Growth in Men
Effect of Pumpkin Seed Oil On Hair Growth in Men
Research Article
Effect of Pumpkin Seed Oil on Hair Growth in Men
with Androgenetic Alopecia: A Randomized, Double-Blind,
Placebo-Controlled Trial
Young Hye Cho,1 Sang Yeoup Lee,1,2 Dong Wook Jeong,1 Eun Jung Choi,1 Yun Jin Kim,3
Jeong Gyu Lee,3 Yu Hyeon Yi,3 and Hyeong Soo Cha4
Family Medicine Clinic and Research Institute of Convergence of Biomedical Science and Technology,
Pusan National University Yangsan Hospital, Beomeo-ri, Mulgeum-eup, Yangsan 770-626, Gyeongsangnam-do, Republic of Korea
Medical Education Unit, Pusan National University School of Medicine, Yangsan 626-870, Republic of Korea
Department of Family Medicine, Pusan National University Hospital, Busan 602-739, Republic of Korea
Centum Family Clinic, Busan 612-020, Republic of Korea
Copyright © 2014 Young Hye Cho et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Pumpkin seed oil (PSO) has been shown to block the action of 5-alpha reductase and to have antiandrogenic effects on rats. This
randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind study was designed to investigate the efficacy and tolerability of PSO for treatment
of hair growth in male patients with mild to moderate androgenetic alopecia (AGA). 76 male patients with AGA received 400 mg
of PSO per day or a placebo for 24 weeks. Change over time in scalp hair growth was evaluated by four outcomes: assessment
of standardized clinical photographs by a blinded investigator; patient self-assessment scores; scalp hair thickness; and scalp hair
counts. Reports of adverse events were collected throughout the study. After 24 weeks of treatment, self-rated improvement score
and self-rated satisfaction scores in the PSO-treated group were higher than in the placebo group (𝑃 = 0.013, 0.003). The PSO-
treated group had more hair after treatment than at baseline, compared to the placebo group (𝑃 < 0.001). Mean hair count increases
of 40% were observed in PSO-treated men at 24 weeks, whereas increases of 10% were observed in placebo-treated men (𝑃 < 0.001).
Adverse effects were not different in the two groups.
effects in rats [12]. However the effects of PSO on AGA 2.3. Measurements. Body mass index was defined as weight
have not been established. We hypothesized that PSO is an (kg) divided by height squared (m2 ). A mercury sphygmo-
effective, safe agent for the treatment of men with AGA, manometer was used to measure blood pressure (BP) in the
and thus we evaluated the efficacy and tolerability of PSO sitting position after a 10-minute rest period. Two readings of
for treatment of hair growth in male patients with mild to systolic and diastolic BP were recorded at 3-minute intervals,
moderate AGA. and averages were included in the analysis.
Blood samples were taken at baseline and after 24 weeks
2. Materials and Methods of treatment after a 12 h fasting. Fasting blood sugar was
measured using a glucose oxidase test method (LX-20,
2.1. Study Design. This study had a randomized, placebo- Beckman Coulter, Fullerton, CA, USA). Serum AST, ALT, 𝛾-
controlled, double-blind, controlled design. The study was glutamyltransferase (GGT), and creatinine were determined
approved by the Institutional Review Board at Pusan National using a Toshiba TBA200FR biochemical analyzer (Toshiba
University Yangsan Hospital and was performed in accor- Co. Ltd., Tokyo). Serum-free testosterone was measured
dance with the principles of the Declaration of Helsinki. using a Coat-A-Count radioimmunoassay with gamma-10
Written informed consent was obtained from all subjects, (Shin Jin Medics, Korea).
which were recruited by advertising, before enrollment.
Eligible patients had mild to moderate hair loss classified
2.4. Patient Self-Assessment. After 12 and 24 weeks of treat-
as the Norwood-Hamilton type II, III, III Vertex, IV, and
ment, patient self-assessment of the efficacy of the treat-
V [13]. Ninety adults between the ages of 20 and 65 years
ment (self-rated improvement score) was based on a self-
with mild to moderate AGA were initially enrolled at a
tertiary hospital in Yangsan. The subjects had not applied administered hair growth, using a Visual Analogue Scale
any topical treatment or taken any medication or supplement (VAS), ranging from zero (representing the worst imaginable
for hair loss, including finasteride, any other 5𝛼-reductase state) to 10 (the best imaginable state). Self-rated satisfaction
inhibitor, minoxidil, steroids, or hormonal products, during with treatment was also measured using a 10-point VAS with
the 3 months prior to study commencement. For safety 0 and 10 representing the lowest and highest satisfaction level,
reasons, candidates with an aspartate aminotransferase (AST) respectively.
or alanine aminotransferase (ALT) serum level greater than
60 mg/dL or a creatinine level greater than 1.5 mg/dL were 2.5. Investigator Assessments. Pictures were taken of the
excluded. Four participants met the exclusion criteria and vertex and superior frontal scalp of each patient at base-
ten participants declined to participate. Finally 76 (84.4%) line and after 24 weeks of treatment using a standardized
participants were enrolled. After taking baseline measure- technique, as previously described [14]. A blinded investi-
ments, participants were randomly assigned to one of two gator rated changes in scalp appearance relative to baseline
groups: the intervention group (𝑛 = 37), members of (immediately prior to treatment commencement) in blinded
which received 400 mg of PSO (Octa Sabal PlusⓇ ) per day fashion using a standardized 7-point rating scale as follows:
in the form of capsules, or the control group (𝑛 = 39), greatly decreased (score of −3), moderately decreased (−2),
members of which received a placebo. Two capsules (100 mg slightly decreased (−1), unchanged (0), slightly increased
per capsule) of PSO were taken by subjects in the intervention (+1), moderately increased (+2), and greatly increased (+3)
group 30 minutes before breakfast and dinner (total of 4 [15]. Investigator assessments were performed at 12 and 24
capsules per day) for a period of 24 weeks. Subjects in the weeks.
control group were given the same quantity of placebos two
times per day for 24 weeks. Capsules were supplied with 2.6. Hair Analysis by Phototrichography. Hair changes includ-
visually identical forms by Dreamplus Co., Ltd. (Cheonan, ing hair counts and diameters were assessed after 12 and
Korea). Five participants in the intervention group and 7 24 weeks of treatment versus baseline by phototrichography
in the control group dropped out during the study. The (Scalp & Hair Polarizing system, KC Technology, Seoul,
characteristics of these 12 participants were similar to those Korea). Hair analysis using a phototrichography was per-
that completed the study. Subjects were assessed with respect formed by one technician. At baseline, the most severe site
to safety and compliance at every clinic visit (after 1, 4, and of baldness was recorded as target area of hair changes and
12 weeks of treatment). Compliance was assessed by pill the center of the phototrichogram probe was placed at this
count. Reports of adverse events were collected throughout site. After 12 and 24 weeks of treatment, hair analysis was
the study. performed with confirmation of recorded target area. Hair
counts were then recorded using a ×60 lens and the thickest
2.2. Randomization. Participants were assigned to the inter- hair diameter was recorded using a ×150 lens.
vention and control groups using random numbers tables,
and assigned identification numbers on recruitment. Ran- 2.7. Statistical Analysis. The primary outcome variables were
domization codes were held by Dreamplus Co., Ltd. The indi- blinded investigator assessment and patient self-assessment
vidual responsible for deciding on study eligibility and the scores. Secondary outcomes variables were changes in hair
individuals that conducted the measurements were unaware thickness and hair count. The calculated sample size was 35
of the results of randomization. patients per group for an 80% power to detect a difference
Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 3
Table 2: Clinical and biochemical characteristics at the start of the study and after 24 weeks of treatment.
Mean score
0 12 24
Figure 1: Investigator assessment of clinical response using a
standardized 7-point rating scale during 24 weeks after study start.
Data are expressed as mean with SE. ∗ 𝑃 < 0.001 by repeated-
measures ANOVA. A standardized 7-point rating scale of hair
growth compared with baseline (−3 = greatly decreased, −2 =
moderately decreased, −1 = slightly decreased, 0 = no change, +1 =
slightly increased, +2 = moderately increased, and +3 = greatly
increased). Photographs of scalp hair were taken for hair counts and
for assessments of hair growth by an expert panel.
200 ∗ 550
175 ∗
75 150
50 50
Treatment Treatment
Placebo Placebo
(a) (b)
Figure 3: Changes in hair count (a) and thickness (b) during 24 weeks after study start. Data are expressed as mean with SD. Change (%) =
(parameter at week 12 or 24-parameter at baseline)/(parameter at baseline) × 100. ∗ 𝑃 < 0.001 by repeated-measures ANOVA.
Table 4: Abnormal clinical findings at the start of the study and after 24 weeks of treatment.
Herbal therapies have been used to treat baldness since required to elucidate the mechanism responsible for the
ancient times in the Ayurveda, Chinese, and Unani tra- positive effects of PSO on AGA.
ditional medicinal systems [4]. Natural products, such as
grape seed and rosemary oil, have been shown to be Conflict of Interests
possible alternative treatments for AGA due to improved
scalp blood flow [16, 17]. Several studies have reported that The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests.
the polyphenols in green tea might be useful for treating
AGA by inhibiting 5𝛼-reductase activity [9, 10]. Cuscuta
reflexa exhibited hair growth promotion via 5𝛼-reductase
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Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 7