2016 Teens 1 Specifications: o LIVE BEAT 1 Units 1 To 9 (Student's Book & Workbook)
2016 Teens 1 Specifications: o LIVE BEAT 1 Units 1 To 9 (Student's Book & Workbook)
2016 Teens 1 Specifications: o LIVE BEAT 1 Units 1 To 9 (Student's Book & Workbook)
Students’Book : Each unit is divided into four lessons a, b, c, d plus a section e which is included in
odd-numbered units. Each a, b, c lessons presents and practises a mix of grammar, vocabulary and
functional language (Use of English). Lesson d is focused on skills development (further reading,
listening and speaking practice) and Lesson e is devoted to writing. Make the most of the Language
Revision lesson after every unit and the Skills Revision after every other unit. The Extra Practice and
Pronunciation exercises at the back of the book are optional.
Speaking: The main purpose is fluency, not grammar accuracy, so encourage your students to interact with
their partners as naturally as possible. Give your students plenty of practice in the use of functions.
Listening: Listening practice is essential for students to understand so make the most of it by using the class
audio CDs at all times.
Writing: Types of writing: see 2016 Types of writing for Teens and Adults on our web site
For further practice you may consult “Reading & Writing Targets 1& 2, by V.Evans
Workbook: It is divided into units which correspond to those in the Students’ Books. It contains exercises
at three levels of difficulty marked *, ** or *** to cater for mixed ability classes. Each lesson ends with a
Grammar summary which contains example boxes and simple rules. Language round-up exercises bring
together what is taught in each lesson. The Skills Practice lessons contain exercises to practise the three
skills of reading, writing and listening.
Teacher’s Book: It contains an introduction underlying the background to the course and the principles
behind it, step-by-step teaching notes arranged around reduced-size Students’ book pages, boxed answer
keys and background notes for cultural or linguistic points, teaching techniques, course features, current
teaching issues and specific learning differences. The Workbook Answer key and the Class /Workbook
Audio Scripts are at the back of the book. .We strongly recommend that you use the Teacher’s book.
DVDs: There is a Culture CLOSE-UP DVD featuring life in Britain and the USA which is appropriate for
Teens 1 and Teens 2
EXTENSIVE READING: Start with "Newspaper Chase" in August when your students will have more
knowledge of the language. We advise you to carry out the activities throughout the book and to consult the
link below for further practice. www.penguinreaders.com
Please help your students develop their reading skills by encouraging them to read the story and exploit it
through different activities. By no means should you give them just a summary to study by heart.
* For further grammar practice you may consult ‘Grammar Spectrum 1’ (Elementary) by K. Paterson,
‘Oxford Practice Grammar’ (Basic) by Coe, Harrison and Paterson, ‘Macmillan English Grammar in
Context’ (Essential) by S. Clarke and ´Essential Grammar in Use’ (Elementary) by R. Murphy.