Tek 10-01a PDF
Tek 10-01a PDF
Tek 10-01a PDF
Clay brick
masonry Steel
shrinks beam
TEK 10-1A © 2005 National Concrete Masonry Association (replaces TEK 10-1)
is therefore a function of change in moisture content. wall's cracking potential. Exceptions to the typical restraint
Although mortar, grout, and concrete masonry units are condition include cantilevered walls which are restrained along
all concrete products, unit shrinkage has been shown to be the their base, but free (unrestrained) at the top. It is conservative
predominate indicator of the overall wall shrinkage principally to base general crack control design criteria on a condition of
due to the fact that it represents the largest portion of the wall. restraint along the top and bottom of the wall.
Therefore, the shrinkage properties of the unit alone are typi-
cally used to establish design criteria for crack control. Differential Movement
For an individual unit, the amount of drying shrinkage is Various building materials may react differently to changes
influenced by the wetness of the unit at the time of placement as in temperature, moisture, or structural loading. Any time
well as the characteristics and amount of cementitious materials, materials with different properties are combined in a wall
the type of aggregate, consolidation, and curing. Specifically, system, a potential exists for cracking due to differential move-
drying shrinkage is influenced in the following ways: ment. With concrete masonry construction, two materials in
• walls constructed with "wet" units will experience more particular should be considered: clay brick and structural steel.
drying shrinkage than drier units ; Differential movement between clay brick and concrete
• increases in cement content increase drying shrinkage; masonry must be considered when the two are attached since
• aggregates that are susceptible to volume change due to concrete masonry has an overall tendency to shrink while clay
moisture content will result in increased shrinkage; and brick masonry tends to expand. These differential movements
• units that have undergone at least one drying cycle will not may cause cracking, especially in composite construction and
undergo as much shrinkage in subsequent drying cycles in walls that incorporate brick and block in the same wythe.
(ref. 7). Composite walls are multi-wythe walls designed to act
Typical drying shrinkage coefficients range from 0.0002 to structurally, as a single unit in resisting applied loads. The
0.00045 in./in. (mm/mm) or 0.24 to 0.54 in. (6.1 to 13.7 mm) in 100 wythes are typically bonded together using wall ties at pre-
ft (30.48 m). scribed intervals to assure adequate load transfer. When the
composite wall includes a clay brick wythe bonded to a con-
Temperature Changes crete masonry wythe, ladder-type joint reinforcement, or box
Concrete masonry movement has been shown to be lin- ties are used to provide some degree of lateral movement
early proportional to temperature change. The coefficient of between wythes. In addition, expansion joints are installed in
thermal movement normally used in design is 0.0000045 in./in./ the clay brick wythe to coincide with control joints in the
°F (0.0000081 mm/mm/°C) (ref. 2). Actual values may range from concrete masonry wythe.
0.0000025 to 0.0000055 in./in./°F (0.0000045 to 0.0000099 mm/ When clay brick is used as an accent band in a concrete
mm/°C) depending mainly on the type of aggregate used in the masonry wall, or vice-versa, the differential movement of the
unit. The actual change in temperature is, of course, determined two materials may result in cracking unless provisions are made
by geographical location, wall exposure, and color. to accommodate the movement. To reduce cracking, slip
As an expample, a wall constructed during 70°F (21°C) planes between the band and the surrounding wall, horizontal
weather and subjected to a minimum temperature of 0°F (-18°C) reinforcement or more frequent control joints or a combination
results in a shortening of about 0.38 in. (9.7 mm) in a 100 foot thereof can be used to control cracking. See Crack Control for
(30.48 m) long wall using the 0.0000045 in./in./°F (0.0000081 Concrete Brick and Other Concrete Masonry Veneers (ref. 6)
mm/mm/°C) coefficient. for more information on these approaches.
Thermal movement differences also need to be taken into
Carbonation consideration when using masonry in conjunction with struc-
Carbonation is an irreversible reaction between cementi- tural steel. In addition to differences in thermal coefficients,
tious materials and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere that steel shapes typically have a much higher surface area to
occurs slowly over a period of several years. Since there volume ratio and tend to react to changes in temperature more
currently is no standard test method for carbonation shrinkage, quickly. This is normally accommodated with slotted and
it is suggested that a value of 0.00025 in./in. (mm/mm) be used. flexible connections. Concrete Masonry Walls for Metal
This results in a shortening of 0.3 in. (7.6 mm) in a 100 foot (30.48 Buildings (ref. 5) provides more detailed information on this
m) long wall. subject.
1. Allowable Stress Design of Concrete Masonry, TEK 14-7A. National Concrete Masonry Association, 2004.
2. Building Code Requirements for Masonry Structures, ACI 530-05/ASCE 6-05/TMS 402-05. Reported by the Masonry
Standards Joint Committee, 2005.
3. Control Joints for Concrete Masonry Walls - Alternative Engineered Method, TEK 10-3. National Concrete Masonry
Association, 2003.
4. Control Joints for Concrete Masonry Walls - Empirical Method, TEK 10-2B. National Concrete Masonry Association,
5. Concrete Masonry Walls for Metal Buildings, TR-149. National Concrete Masonry Association, 1996.
6. Crack Control for Concrete Brick and Other Concrete Masonry Veneers, TEK 10-4. National Concrete Masonry
Association, 2001.
7. Measuring Shrinkage of Concrete Block - A Comparison of Test Methods, E.L. Saxer and H.T. Toennies, Pages 988-1004,
8. Standard Specification for Loadbearing Concrete Masonry Units, ASTM C 90-03. ASTM International, 2003.
9. Strength Design of Concrete Masonry, TEK 14-4A. National Concrete Masonry Association, 2002.
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