Student Manual

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New Technology 

High School 

Student Manual 

Daisy Roman,Luis Mora Amezcua, Jose Mora Amezcua, Brian Lona 
We are very delighted to have you as one of our 
students here at New Tech High!  
New Technology High School is committed to leading 
educational reform. Our program encourages students to 
learn through collaboration with family, business, and 
community. Here students develop the resilience necessary 
to succeed in a rapidly changing world. Their education at 
NTHS prepares them for lifelong learning, productive 
citizenship, and personal growth”. 
We want your journey to be the best and most 
succeeding so we have put together this manual that will 
help you adjust to our learning environment. 
Congratulations and best of luck! 

Project Based 
Learning (PBL) 
New Technology has been a Project Based Learning 
school since the day of their opening back in 1996. 
PBL focuses on real world application in learning. 
What this really means is that everyone has to 
collaborate together to work and finish a project that 
is assigned to them. 
An example would be the Readers theater project in 
sophomore year. In groups students collaborate using 
their critical thinking, work ethic, knowledge and 
agency skills to create a readers theater based on 
World War 1 and II. Students then performed their 
pieces to the community. 
We believe this is effective in preparing students for 
their future careers, no matter the path they take. As 
project-based learning continues to expand in the 
Napa Valley Unified School District, New Tech High 
is committed to deepening and expanding our 
School Schedule  
Here at New Technology we don’t have any bells 
since some classes interfere with others so the class 
schedule goes as following; 
Monday Schedule: 
Scheduled Periods  Times 
Period 1  8:00-8:50 
Period 2  8:54-9:44 
Break  9:45-9:57 
Period 3  9:58-10:48 
Period 4  10:52-11:42 
Lunch  11:43-12:21 
Period 5  12:22-1:12 
Period 6  1:16-2:06 
Period 7  2:10-3:00 
Tuesday/Thursday Schedule: 
Scheduled periods  Times 
Period 2  8:00-9:29 
Break  9:30-9:42 
Advisory/Access  9:43-11:12 
Period 4  11:16-12:45 
Lunch  12:46-1:30 
Period 6  1:31-3:00 
Wednesday/Friday Schedule: 
Schedule periods  Times 
Period 1  8:00-9:29 
Break  9:30-9:42 
Period 3  9:43-11:12 
Period 5  11:16-12:45 
Lunch  12:46-1:30 
Period 7  1:31-3:00 

Echo is a tool we use to turn in assignments, 

projects, tests etc. Not only that but it is a great way 
for students to interact with each other and teachers. 
Echo gives you the ability to give peer feedback and 
lets you know when upcoming events/assignments. 
The best thing is that you can check your grades 
anytime, anywhere! 
Never used Echo before? No problem here we 
have included some steps on how to locate everything. 
Username: email (ex. [email protected] 
Password: Nths(student ID number) 

To look up your grades you click the following icon 
and all the learning outcomes and percentages will be 

Upcoming Assignments: 
To the far left of your dashboard you will see a To-Do 
list this list contains all the upcoming assignments and 
all the past assignments that have not been turned in 
When clicking on a course most teachers have set up an 
agenda to inform students on how the class will go that day. 

Peer Feedback: 
On Echo you have the ability to give your peer 
feedback here is how you do it; 


Gmail & Drive 

Gmail​: ​Once you have enrolled into our school 
you will be given a email. Your email will be used for 
various reasons including: 
-Student and teacher communication 
-School Newsletters 
-College applications/scholarships 

Tool used to create; 
-Documents(reports, essays, homework, notes etc) 
Any one these can be shared with anyone. 

How to use them: 


Read email: 
To read an email you click the email link 

Save/forward email: 
When opening an email on the right there will an 
arrow click on it and then forward 

Send email: 
On the far left there is a compose box, click on it 
On drive click Create 

Click Share and enter email address 


Grading System 
The ability to work and communicate with others 
Written Communication: 
Correct grammar, punctuation and spelling are key in 
written communications 
Knowledge and Thinking:  
Backing up with claims and evidence, critical thinking 
Oral Communication:  
Is the ability to talk with others to give and exchange 
information & ideas 
Agency is assessed by one simple thing. Going beyond 
what was asked, how much better can you do on an 
assignment or even a project? The point of Agency is 

to see whether or not a student is willing to go beyond 
the boundaries in order to succeed.
Access is a time to work on projects or homework 
assignments that you may or not have done. Also, it’s 
a study time just like Study Periods. 
Advisory is your homeclass just like in middle school, 
you meet your teachers, do some Naviance, and see 
some videos that leadership class wants you to do. 
Advisable you show up everyday. 
Study Periods 
Study periods are periods of time students can use to 
do homework, work on projects, take college classes, 
mentor and do their internship 

-12 units of UC/CSU transferable 
-20 hours of community service 
-10 hours of school service 
-50 hours internship 
- 2 years of foreign language 

12 UC, CSU trans classes are due on spring of senior 

20 hours community service due Junior year 
10 hours of school service due by Sophomore year 
50 hours of internship is due by spring of senior year 
2 years is due until the end of senior year 
Blog due by Junior year 

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