Design of Embedded Zigbee Machine To Machine Smart Street Lighting System

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2017 2nd International Conferences on Information Technology, Information Systems and Electrical Engineering (ICITISEE)

Design of Embedded Zigbee Machine to Machine

Smart Street Lighting System

Djoko Adi Widodo1, Nur Iksan2, Alfa Faridh Suni3

Electrical and Informatics of Engineering Faculty
Universitas Negeri Semarang
E11 Building, the 2nd Floor – Sekaran, Gunungpati, Semarang, 40229, Indonesia.
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract— Energy monitoring and controlling systems of Street lighting control systems generally use an on-off
smart street lighting system were highly dependent on the control system that works based on the conditions of ON and
gateway in order to perform the communication between sensors OFF. Furthermore, this lighting system was also equipped with
and actuators to the users. M2M technology allows the process of LDR sensor (Light Dependent Resistant) for automatic on-off
device control more effectively because it is not centered on the setting that detects the presence of light that falls on the surface
Gateway but on the devices to device related. Congestion, delays of the LDR. Currently, street lighting control does not consider
and communication errors to be a challenge in the development the illuminated object and the light lumens level in each lamp
of M2M technology. This research proposed M2M technology to relatively equal. Street light control systems generally use an
make direct communication between devices and users with less
ON-OFF regulatory system. Furthermore, this lighting system
congestion, delays and communication errors. The design of
is also equipped with LDR (Light Dependent Resistant) sensor
embedded zigbee using M2M technology was developed as
dimmer control for LED lights and communication between
for automatic ON-OFF setting that detects the presence of light
devices. Furthermore, zigbee communication performance have that falls on the surface of the LDR. The use of street lighting
been evaluated using received signal strength (RSSI) and does not consider the illuminated object factor. Besides that,
network throughput. The ideal distance between zigbee in the bright level of lighting in each lamp was relatively the same
barrier area is approximately 30m and -83 dBm of RSSI. In loss both there was an object or not. In addition, streetlight
area is approximately 65m and -80 dBm of RSSI. Performance of illumination also does not consider contributions from other
zigbee device communications shows the use of direct lighting sources such as sunlight. Therefore, the lumen level of
configuration is better than using a router. So that, on light was the same when there is no other source of light.
configuration via router, the number of transmitting nodes
should be minimized. However, the absence of regulation at the light illumination
level will influence in inefficient use of electrical energy.
Keywords—smart street light; machine to machine; energy Therefore, it was necessary to adjust the lighting, which
monitoring and controlling; considers the comfort factor and the efficiency of electric
power through the dim-light control (dimmer). To support
I. INTRODUCTION better control of street lighting devices, data communication
Street Lighting play important role in providing comfort to between street lighting devices was required, i.e. through the
the public road users especially at night also for safety and development of the M2M communication model. M2M
security. Management of street lighting in Indonesia was technology allows the process of device control more
managed by the official of streetlight to ensure the availability effectively because it not centered on the Gateway but on the
of infrastructure and maintain the availability of power supply devices to device related.
through billing and payment obligations electricity providers. This paper discussed the designing of smart street lighting
Electricity providers always seek efficiency in the use of using M2M technology that allows communication between
electricity to reduce the increase in electricity bills. devices in the street lighting area. The organization of the paper
Conventional street lighting is still using incandescent lamps was as follow: First, background and existing methods. Related
that consume more power and lead to wastage of the energy works ware described in Sec. 2. Street Lighting System was
used. In some cities (Jakarta, Bandung, Surakarta, Denpasar, describing in Sec. 3. Experiment and result was discussing in
Bengkulu, Suramadu) through ESDM program become pilot Sec. 4. Conclusions were describing in Sec. 5.
project to implement conservation techniques by applying
energy-saving lamps, such as LED (Light Emitting Diode) that II. RELATED WORKS
very efficient where it can save up to 70 % [1]. Besides it also Energy monitoring and controlling systems of smart street
developed alternative energy to reduce the dependence of lighting were highly dependent on the gateway in order to
energy consumption derived from fossils, one of them is by perform the communication between sensors and actuators to
utilization solar energy. the users. M2M technology has been used in previous studies
[2], [3], [4], [5] for energy management systems on smart

978-1-5386-0658-2/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE 392

2017 2nd International Conferences on Information Technology, Information Systems and Electrical Engineering (ICITISEE)

home or building, smart grid, smart meter and others. different levels of ilmunination based on the surrounding
Researchers [2] developed smart meters on smart grids using objects and weather. To detect the object and the weather
M2M technology that enables smart meters to collect not only required several sensors at each point of light. Local controller
information related to energy usage data but also used to has three main parts, namely LED unit, sensor unit and access
analyze energy usage patterns and used to analyze energy point unit. Some of the tools and components used in
demand prediction. Congestion, delays and communication developing intelligent street lighting system systems are as
errors became a challenge in the development of M2M follows:
technology. Researchers [6] developed a model to determine
the optimal number of nodes on the Home Area Network • Raspberry Pi, serves as DCU
(HAN) for each concentrator. Researchers [7] propose a • Sensors, such as temperature, currents, LDR, PIR
technique to improve the performance of zigbee by combining sensors
intelligence on smart meters and M2M devices. Researchers
[6] propose an intelligent network gateway on each type of • Arduino Uno, serves as SLC
network protocol. However, Congestion, delays and SLC can serve at least five points of street lighting system
communication errors still emerge at the gateway level. This with the ability to detect ambient environmental conditions
research proposed M2M technology to make direct such as humidity, light level, object movement, energy
communication between devices and users to address those consumption measurement. Arduino Uno R3 connects to DHT
problem. 22, which is a humidity and temperature sensor. Between
III. SMART STREET LIGHTING SYSTEM points, one with another was connect through a zigbee
Street lighting system has been using LED lamps that have
high illumination level and dynamic level of illumination. Zigbee network on street light system using mesh topology.
Street lighting was develope by adding intelligence to be able This topology was chosen be caused by the distance between
to perform control independently. For that, street lighting the diffused light nodes and not adjacent to the node as the
should be able to perform sensing, understanding and coordinator. The widening distance will be a problem to
controlling. Smart street lighting has the capability of stabilize the zigbee signal power and affect the speed in
intelligence and has its features and function, such as data communication. Each zigbee node can have connections to
analisys, dimming, defect detection, energy saving and daily many other zigbee nodes. In street lighting systems, between
consumption report. These functions must be supported with zigbee nodes one and the other approximately 50 meters and
the capabilities of the technology used, such as WSN, data interconnected directly without having to go through the zigbee
communications (PLC and Zigbee) and intelligent techniques, node coordinator.
such as fuzzy techniques.
This research developed prototype in the form of hardware
and software. The developed hardware is a microcontroller
consisting of an arduino, a zigbee module, an LED, and several
sensors as shown in Figure 2.

Fig. 1. Smart Street Lighting Architecture


Street lighting system was dividing into five main parts,

namely actuators, sensors, controllers, communication media
and access media. The arcehitecture of these system is shown Fig. 2. LED dimmer circuit
in Figure 1. The actuator can be a relay and a dimmer located
at each point of the lamp. The sensor consists of environmental Temporary testing was perform by controlling the dimmer
sensors, object sensors, light sensors, and current/voltage based on the detection of surrounding objects and weather as
sensors. Communication media can be wireline (PLC) or well as testing of zigbee device communications. Testing of
wireless (GPRS, 3G, Zigbee). Controller consists of two types, dimmer control can be performed through simulation of
namely Street Light Controller (SLC) and Data Concentrator dimming controller circuit that designed using Proteus tool as
Unit (DCU). SLC serves as a local controller that can adjust the shown in Figure 3.
five-point light status. DCU acts as a gateway controller to
connect between a central server with multiple local
controllers. The local controller arranges multiple lamps with

2017 2nd International Conferences on Information Technology, Information Systems and Electrical Engineering (ICITISEE)

Where, is transmitter gain and are receiver gain. is a
wavelength and is the distance between sender and receiver.

RSSI can be defined as the ratio of the received power to the

2 1

reference power and can be formulated as:


Reset BTN
= 10 log (2)

12 PIR1
~ PB2/OC1B
~ PB1/OC1A

7 VT52, VT100, ANSI


Figure 5 shows the test of the magnitude of signal power

A0 ~ PD7/AIN1
A1 ~ PD5/T 1/OC0B

received by zigbee receiver in barrier area. The received signal

A3 ~ PD3/INT1/OC2B
Xmodem, Ymodem, Zmodem
A4 1
A5 0

power varies according to the distance between the zigbee. The
ideal distance between zigbee is approximately 30m with
Fig. 3. Dimming Controller Circuit
signal power of -83 dBm. At that distance, the average traffic
Testing of dimmer control can be shown in Figure 4 below. delay was still 0 ms. The distance between zigbee extended to
The LED illumination level reached the highest value of 255 40m then signal power will be weak that is equal to -95 dBm
that indicated the LED was in a bright. This level occurs when and causing the delay of traffic with average delay at 1200ms.
an object detected with value 1 and the ambient lighting
detected by LDR is dark or 0 lux. A value of 100 at the LED
illumination level occurs when the ambient lighting detected
lower than100 lux where it is usually on daytime in dark
cloudy conditions. A value of 100 on the LED illumination
level also occurs at night where the LDR value shows 0 lux and
no object detected. A value of 0 at the LED illumination level
indicates that the LED on OFF condition and occurs during the
day where the LDR value more than 100 lux.




Fig. 5. Received signal’s power Zigbee versus distance between transmitter

in barrier area

Fig. 4. Testing of Light Diming Controlling. (a) Signal of PIR sensor; (b) Figure 6 shows the test of the magnitude of signal power
Signal of LDR sensor; (c) LED illumination level (0-255) received by zigbee receiver in loss area. The ideal distance
between zigbee is approximately 65 m with signal power of -80
Zigbee device communication testing was performed by dBm. At that distance, the average traffic delay was still 0 ms.
getting the minimum acceptable power level to be met so that After the distance between zigbee extended to 85m then signal
the zigbee can communicate in real time. The minimum power will be weak that is equal to -95 dBm and causing the
acceptable level to be achieved so that the zigbee can be used delay of traffic with average delay at 1200ms.
for real time applications according to the ITU-T with the good
category is -83 dBm with a maximum distance of 30 meters.
The rest of the zigbee can still receive data but the resulting
delay is large. The acceptable power levels were acquired by
measuring the signal level strength of the measured zigbee
device in -dBm known as Received Signal Strength Indicator
(RSSI). Ratio of the received power Pr to transmission power
Pt can be formulated as:

= × × (1) α + β = χ. (1) (1)

2017 2nd International Conferences on Information Technology, Information Systems and Electrical Engineering (ICITISEE)

Fig. 6. Received signal’s power Zigbee versus distance between transmitter

in loss area

Testing of zigbee device communications can be performed

through simulation. In this research we use OMNET ++ as Fig. 8. Throughput measurement at different baud rates and packet length on
direct transmission between the coordinator and the End Device
simulator tool. Performance testing consists of throughput
measurement and packet delay as conducted by researchers [8].
The throughput was determined by the speed and size of the V. CONCLUSION
data packet. The throughput can be formulated as follows. This paper has been discussed about the development of
embedded zigbee. The development of embedded devices were
× performed with dimmer control on smart street light lamps
( ) based on object detection and environmental conditions and the
use of environmental sensors enables control of electrical
To simulate this, we determine the delivery of packets by equipment automatically. Performance testing was on a zigbee
10 bytes to 80 bytes every 5 second to the zigbee device. We device as a communication between end devices. In the RSSI
use two possible topology such as direct transmission between test, the maximum distance reached is 30 meters for the barrier
the coordinator and the End Device; transmission through area and 60 meters for the area without obstacles. The
Router. First scenario for this experiment is to measure the minimum power level must be reached for real-time
throughput of the zigbee device in point to point link at communication is -85dBm to -90dBm with less than 150ms
different baud rate. This scenario is to know the influence of delay. Performance of data communication testing shows the
the baud rate to the latency over zigbee protocol. The use of direct configuration is better than using a router. So that,
measurement result of this scenario can be shown in Figure 7. on configuration via router, the number of transmitting nodes
should be minimized
We would like to thank to Semarang State University
(UNNES) for their assistance in facilitating research.
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