Educa Tion: Kirtiman - Sinha@rutgers - Edu
Educa Tion: Kirtiman - Sinha@rutgers - Edu
Educa Tion: Kirtiman - Sinha@rutgers - Edu
Data Analysis on Yelp Data (Rating Prediction, Discerning Social and Cultural trends) Spark Notebook| Scala | Python
Conducted an extensive amount of data exploration on a rich Yelp dataset (over 4 GB text data and 9GB images) for Yelp Dataset
Challenge. Predicted user ratings from reviews using Naive Bayes and Perceptron.
Fast Trajectory Re-planning C++
Implemented Forward A*, Backward A* and Adaptive A* for agent navigation in grid-world of different sizes and with obstacles.
Face and Handwritten Digit recognition Python
Implemented Perceptron, MIRA and Naïve Bayes classifiers to recognize and identify digits and human faces from datasets.
Distributed Resource Allocation in Small Cell Network (Novel Scheme) MATLAB 2013 | Simulink
Devised a resource allocation scheme for small cell networks and tested it in MATLAB 2013 environment. Algorithm performs
better than fixed allocation and partial techniques in following two parameters:
1. Doesn’t discriminate based on the amount of frequency resources demanded and resources follow users.
2. Offers data rates closer to the demanded rates at similar amount of bandwidth utilization (for data rates above 1.4 Mbps).
Quad Copter UAV for Surveillance and Outdoor Navigation Arduino – C++
Designed a control system for collision avoidance and autonomous navigation of the Quadrotor. Worked on PixHawk Flight
Controller – PID Tuning and GoPro Hero camera – continual frame capture and analysis. Used Horn-Schunck for Real Time
Obstacle Avoidance by determining optical flow.
Won the Best Student Paper Award for a research paper on “Proportionally Distributed Resource Allocation in Small Cell
Networks” in International Conference of Advanced Computing and Communication Systems at Coimbatore, India. IEEE Xplore