Educational Technology: Applying Microsoft Mathematics To Enrich Students' Mathematics Learning and Increase Motivation

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International Journal of Education and Research Vol. 2 No.

7 July 2014



Rina Oktaviyanthi, 2Yani Supriani
Universitas Serang Raya, Banten, Indonesia
[email protected], [email protected]


Microsoft Mathematics is one of free software for teachers made by Microsoft Corporation that can be applied as an
integrating technology in mathematics learning. Using Microsoft Mathematics can help students both in visualizing and
understanding the mathematics concepts and problems. This study presents the findings of investigating the use of
Microsoft Mathematics, focusing on students’ attitudes and opinions. Survey, experiment, and interview were
conducted to collect the data. The subject of this study is the students from the first to third-years student in department
of Computer System, Universitas Serang Raya. This study found that applying Microsoft Mathematics has the positive
influence of educational technology in enriching students’ mathematics learning and increasing students’ motivation to
get more involved in classroom learning activities.

Keywords: educational technology; information technology application; mathematics education; microsoft mathematics;
students’ motivation

Over the last few decades, technology has become a very important tool in everyday life.
Computers have become a common tool for communication, text processing, and many other
activities, including various types of media, audio, graphics, video, and virtual reality. The use of
computers and technology are not only for entertainment and communication, but also education.
Application of technology in education is in the use utilization of processes and product of
information technology to solve the problems in teaching and learning, known as educational
technology [1].
Educational technology is the efficient organization of any learning system adapting or
adopting methods, processes, and products to serve identified educational goals [2]. Educational
technology can be used by all educators who want to integrate technology in their teaching.
Technology have important role and give powerful influence on teaching and learning mathematics
[3]. Microsoft Mathematics is one of free software made by Microsoft Corporation that utilized both
teachers teach several mathematics content and students learn solve the problem such as Calculus,
Statistics, Trigonometry and Linear Algebra.
ISSN: 2201-6333 (Print) ISSN: 2201-6740 (Online)


Today’s students –K through college- represent the first generations to grow up with this
new technology [4]. Students persistently report that they prefer moderate use of Information and
Communication Technologies in their courses [5]. Today’s generation as Youth (Y) generation need
integration of technology in their learning process to assist and challenge their understanding [6].
Integrating technology into classroom activities allows students to become more engaged in
the lecture [7]. In addition, involving educational technology in the classroom possibly will be
strategy to improve teaching and learning [8]. It has become a strategy since educational technology
perceived as a tool for improving the presentation of material for making teaching and learning
more fun for the learners, supporting innovative teaching, and encouraging active learning [9].
Technology and teacher motivation have positive effects on students motivation. It helps
students actively participate in the learning instead of passively watching [10]. Implementing
technology in learning indicated that the students were very attentive and engaged in learning that
improves students motivation through this activity [11].

This research paper aims to explore the current situation concerning the use and adoption of
Microsoft Mathematics by the students in department of Computer System, Universitas Serang
Raya. To accomplish this purpose both survey and experiment were conducted. A random of 240
students from the first to third-years student in department of Computer System was selected for the
An experiment was conducted by 22 students from the first-year student in department of
Computer System to investigate the use of Microsoft Mathematics in mathematics teaching and
learning, focusing on students’ mathematical understanding, their attitudes and opinions in relation
to such experience. The students were divided randomly in two groups: control and experimental
group. Both the control and experimental group were asked to attend six lectures. Teaching and
learning in the control group were conducted using the traditional technique, while in the
experimental group were conducted using Microsoft Mathematics. At the end of the lecture, both
groups completed two questionnaires indicating their attitudes toward and self-confidence in
mathematics and computers. In addition, the experimental group was asked to complete a
questionnaire about their attitudes toward using Microsoft Mathematics.

International Journal of Education and Research Vol. 2 No. 7 July 2014

The survey used a questionnaire that was adopted by Abrami, Wozney, Venkatesh (2006)
[12], and the questionnaires were used in experiment study was taken from an article written by
Fogarty, Cretchley, Harman, Ellerton, Konki (2001) [13]. In the article explained that the
questionnaire is validated and used to measure confidence in mathematics, belief in the computer
program and attitudes toward using technology in learning mathematics, in this focus study is


4.1 Classification of Participant
The classification characteristics of the participants are showed in Table 1 and Table 2. The
results in Table 1 illustrate that the majority of participants were male in age group 17-22
(71.67%; 81.67%). Moreover, the results demonstrate that the most of the participant were
from the first year students (42.67%).

TABLE 1 Selected Characteristic of the Participants

Classification Information %
Male 28.33
Female 71.67
17-22 81.67
23-28 18.33
1st (First) 41.67
Students’ Year 2nd (Second) 30.83
3rd (Third) 27.5

The results in Table 2 illustrated the classification characteristics of the experiment

participants. The table shows that the majority both of group (experimental and control)
were male in age group 17-19 (experimental group: 63.64%, 81.82%; control group:
72.73%, 90.91%).

TABLE 2 Selected Characteristic of the 22 Participants Both Experimental and Control Group

Classification Information %
Male 63.64
Experimen Female 36.36
tal Group 17-19 81.82
20-22 18.18
Male 72.73
Control Female 27.27
Group 17-19 90.91
20-22 9.09

ISSN: 2201-6333 (Print) ISSN: 2201-6740 (Online)

4.2 Descriptive Analysis

a. The Proficiency Levels of Students Related to Educational Technology
Table 3 described the proficiency levels of students as a user has in relation to
educational technology. The results show that almost most of students are in the average
to use computer related to educational technology (29.17%). The detail of students’
proficiency levels can be noticed in the following table.

TABLE 3 The Proficiency Levels of Students to Use Educational Technology

Students’ Proficiency %
I have no experience with computer technologies
I have attempted to use computer technologies, but I still require help 9.58
on a regular basis
I am able to perform basic functions in a limited number of computer 16.67
I demonstrate a general competency in a number of computer 29.17
I have acquired the ability to completely use a broad spectrum of 20
computer technologies
I am extremely proficient in using a wide variety of computer 24.58

b. The six Stage that Best Describes Related to Teaching Activities of Integrating Education

TABLE 4 The Six Stage of Students Related to Teaching Activities of

Integrating Educational Technology
Students’ Stage %
I am aware that technology exists, but have not used it – perhaps I’m even
avoiding it. I am anxious about the prospect of using computers
I am currently trying to learn the basics. I am sometimes frustrated using
computers and I lack confidence when using them
I am beginning to understand the process of using technology and can think of
specific tasks in which it might be useful
I am gaining a sense of self -confidence in using the computer for specific tasks.
I am starting to feel comfortable using the computer
International Journal of Education and Research Vol. 2 No. 7 July 2014

I think about the computer as an instructional tool to help me and I am no longer
concerned about it as technology. I can use many different computer applications
Creative Application
I can apply what I know about technology in the classroom. I am able to use it as
an instructional aid and have integrated computers into the curriculum

c. The Attitudes Toward and Self-Confidence in Mathematics and Computer

Both control and experimental group have given the questionnaire 1 and 2. The
questionnaire 1 is about mathematics confidence attitudes and the questionnaire 2 is
about computer confidence attitudes. Here below are the following details of the results.

TABLE 5 Scores of Students in the Control Group in the Questionnaire 1 and 2

Students’ Computer
Code Confidence
S12 37 35
S13 46 49
S14 26 60
S15 42 45
S16 40 57
S17 42 47
S18 48 54
S19 46 45
S20 50 47
S21 46 60
S22 47 51
Mean 42.73 45.83

TABLE 6 Scores of Students in the Experimental Group in the Questionnaire 1 and 2

Students’ Computer
Code Confidence
S1 52 59
S2 48 56
S3 41 50
S4 31 42
S5 35 44
S6 32 38
S7 29 52
S8 39 46
S9 48 53
S10 42 54
S11 49 54
Mean 40.55 49.82

ISSN: 2201-6333 (Print) ISSN: 2201-6740 (Online)

Figure 1. Categories of Attitudes Both Control and Experimental Group Based on the Responses from
the Questionnaire 1

Figure 2. Categories of Attitudes Both Control and Experimental Group Based on the Responses from the
Questionnaire 2

According to the Figure 1, mostly students in the control group had “very good”
attitudes related to mathematics confident and generally students in the experimental
group had “excellent” attitudes. Associating with computer confident, from the Figure 2
can be noticed that commonly students in the control group had “very good” attitudes
and in the main students of the experimental group had “excellent” attitudes.

d. The Experimental Group

As already informed in the methodology chapter, one of the instruments given to the
experimental group was a questionnaire 3 about the attitudes toward using Microsoft
International Journal of Education and Research Vol. 2 No. 7 July 2014

Mathematics during the mathematics learning in the classroom. In the Table 7 shows
the scores for each student in the experimental group answered 11 questions in the
questionnaire 3. The mean of scores gathered is 42.36 from a maximum score, and most
students responded positively and had positive attitudes (Figure 1).

TABLE 7 Scores for Each Experimental Student in Answering the Questionnaire 3

Students’ Students’
Scores Scores
Code Code
S1 48 S7 40
S2 43 S8 47
S3 49 S9 31
S4 41 S10 42
S5 37 S11 43
S6 45 Mean 42.36

Figure 3. Categories of Attitudes Based on the Responses from the Questionnaire 3

From the Figure 3 above can be observed that mostly students had “very good” attitudes
associated with the use Microsoft Mathematics in learning mathematics. Comparing to
the others, student 9 had lower scores, and is in the category “barely acceptable” attitude.
By the direct interview to the student 9, he absolutely agreed that students lose a lot of
time because he believed when students using the program during the learning in the
classroom will demand too much time to spend on technical problems. A different
pessimistic reaction from the student was that mathematics with the computer technology
will successful only if the students has access to a computer at home and requires extra
time to understand mathematics which it is complex, tricky, and difficult enough with no

ISSN: 2201-6333 (Print) ISSN: 2201-6740 (Online)

adding the computer. That comment expressed by student 5 who had complexities not
only in mathematics but also in using the computer.

Most of students recognize the important of educational technology (Table 3 and Table
4), for that reason the opinion of students in relation to the effect of adopting educational
technology, in this case Microsoft Mathematics, was inspected, as shown in Table 8.

TABLE 8 The Effect of Adopting Microsoft Mathematics

Effect Not Disagr
Sure ee
Increase students’ academic
45.45 36.36 18.18
achievements (e.g., grades)
Promotes students’ collaboration 45.45 36.36 18.18
Promotes the students’ development of
45.45 36.36 18.18
communication skills
Enrich students’ mathematics learning
54.55 36.36 9.09
(e.g., learning in the different method)
Motivates the student to get more
54.55 36.36 9.09
involved in classroom learning activities
Improves student learning of critical
72.73 18.18 9.09
concepts and ideas

Interview process was added to complete the data. The material point of interview is
about the effect of adopting Microsoft Mathematics in learning mathematics, particularly
in teaching and learning Calculus. Corresponding to the students’ answer, these are three
positive gains of using Microsoft Mathematics (Table 9).

TABEL 9 Three Positive Gains of Using Microsoft Mathematics Based on Students’ Interview
Scope of Interview Students’ Answer Respondent
“It was interesting to answer the math problem
with Microsoft Mathematics, so I can imagine Student 8
the process and drawing visually”
“My understanding was helped by this program
Useful to learn Calculus and I can see the problem solving process step Student 3
by step”
“Microsoft Mathematics is very fun program
and enriching my knowledge in solving math Student 1
problem in different way”
“The math computer program is easy to use
Student 10
especially in drawing graphs”
Easy to use
”Commands in this program is not hard to
Student 4
understand and I can operate it easily”
“Microsoft Mathematics facilitates my
Helping students in understanding of the material concepts more
Student 2
making a concrete of the realistic that taught by lecturer on the
material that explained by whiteboard”
teacher “This program makes the Calculus material of
Student 6
the lecturer clearer”

International Journal of Education and Research Vol. 2 No. 7 July 2014

4.3 Microsoft Mathematics Enriching Students’ Learning

Calculus is one of the basic subjects that studied in the first year of student of
Universitas Serang Raya. Learning Calculus deals with the complexity and difficulty.
According to the author’s experience in the lecture on the first year students in department
of Computer System, Universitas Serang Raya, known that the weaknesses most of students
in understand of Calculus abstract material and only able to perform simple calculations.
Learning that facilitated by technology can be used to help students gained their
understanding in Calculus.
Microsoft Mathematics is one of educational technology software made by Microsoft
Corporation that can help students visualize problems. According to Microsoft Corporation
(2010) there are three advantages using Microsoft Mathematics in learning mathematics,
those are freeware with structured menu, some of the menu provide solution and helpful
visualization [14]. Using Microsoft Mathematics expected to assist students in
understanding the Calculus concepts and enrich students’ mathematics learning.
From the data collection regarding to the effect of adopting Microsoft Mathematics
obtained 54.55% students agree that Microsoft Mathematics can enrich students’
mathematics learning. It supported the Chin (2004) statement that utilizing technology not
only builds students’ confidence with using technology, but also enhances learning and
keeps students engaged [15].

4.4 Microsoft Mathematics Increasing Students’ Motivation

According to the data that shown in Table 8 obtained 54.55% students agree that
Microsoft Mathematics can motivate the student to get more involved in classroom learning
activities. The students’ helped by Microsoft Mathematics because it provides use students
convenience in doing computational mathematics. Writing, calculating, and manipulating of
mathematical expressions and both graphical visualization 2D and 3D, and animation can
be instructed easily and shown the process of problem solving step by step. Microsoft
Corporation (2010) stated that this software helps students by stepping through problems so
that can improve students’ understanding of formulas and concepts as students’ do their
homework [14].

ISSN: 2201-6333 (Print) ISSN: 2201-6740 (Online)

The findings of the study reports in general the positive influence of educational technology, in
this case applying Microsoft Mathematics, in enriching students’ mathematics learning and
increasing students’ motivation to get more involved in classroom learning activities.
Interactivity and visualization are two important components offered by Microsoft
Mathematics. They help students to understand better the mathematical content related to
Calculus. As described by students’ reaction through filling the questionnaire and answering
the interview associated with Microsoft Mathematics, they showed interest in using Microsoft
Mathematics to support their learning exploration of mathematics. Overall the positive impact
of teaching and learning processes using educational technology has already been proved by
many studies (Rutz et al., 2003, Hennessy et al., 2010, Brown J., 2011) [16] [17] [18]. To have
a complete understanding of the effect of Microsoft Mathematics, advance research should
expand the result measures in both cognitive and affective domains.

The authors would like to thank the Indonesian Directorate General of Higher Education, Ministry of
Education, who has funded for the opportunity to perform this research, and particularly to Yani
Supriani as a research’s partner. We would like to extend our gratitude to the students in department
of Computer System, Universitas Serang Raya, who have participated in this research.


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