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General Structure of The Master of Science in Hydrogeology and Geothermics 2015-2016

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General structure of the Master of Science in Hydrogeology and Geothermics 2015-2016

Modules ECTS Status Semestre

Introductory courses 8 obligatory A1
Processes in hydrogeology and geothermics 12 obligatory A1
System understanding 10 obligatory A1
Site/resource characterisation 13 obligatory S1
Engineering and resource exploitation 9 obligatory S1
Modelling I 8 obligatory S1
Resource management 13 obligatory A2
Modelling II 9 obligatory A2
Master thesis preparation and Master thesis research 38 obligatory A2+S2
Total ECTS of Master 120

Hours of courses
Modules and courses (white) / Days in Semestre ECTS Persons in charge Evaluation mode
the field (grey)

Introductory courses 8 ECTS

Introduction to hydrogeology and hydrology 30 A1 3 Brunner
Introduction to geothermics 20 A1 2 Miller Written exam, 3 hours
Mathematics and statistics 30 A1 3 Perrochet, Renard

Processes in hydrogeology and geothermics 12 ECTS

Groundwater dynamics 40 A1 4 Perrochet
Written exam, 3 hours
Heat and solute transport processes 20 A1 2 Perrochet
Hydrochemical and microbial processes 40 A1 4 Hunkeler, Wirth Written exam, 2 hours
Rock and earthquake mechanics 20 A1 2 Miller Written exam, 1 hour

System understanding 10 ECTS

Alluvial aquifer systems: from quaternary geology to surface
40 A1 4 Wirth, Brunner, Hunkeler, Schirmer CC
water-groundwater interaction
Fractured and karst aquifer systems 40 A1 4 Valley, Jeannin CC
Field camp 4 A1 2 Milnes, Wirth CC (nn)

Site/resource characterisation 13 ECTS

Drilling methods, hydraulic testing, natural and artificial tracers 60 S1 6 Renard, Hunkeler, Valley CC
Geophysics and remote sensing 40 S1 4 Miller, Brunner CC
Field camp 6 S1 3 Milnes, Perrochet, Hunkeler, Brunner CC (nn)

Modelling I 8 ECTS
Reservoir modelling and GIS 40 S1 4 Renard, Brunner CC
Modelling of flow and transport processes 40 S1 4 Perrochet, Milnes CC

Engineering and resource exploitation 9 ECTS

Shallow geothermal systems 20 S1 2 Vuataz CC
Deep energy resources 30 S1 3 Miller, Valley CC
Water supply and water treatment 20 S1 2 Brunner CC
Geotechnical engineering 20 S1 2 Tacher CC

Modelling II 9 ECTS
Numerical modelling of hydrochemical processes 20 A2 2 Hunkeler CC
Numerical modelling of geomechanical processes 30 A2 3 Miller CC
Geostatistical and inverse modelling 40 A2 4 Renard, Brunner CC

Resource management 13 ECTS

Water resource management in the European context 20 A2 2 Brunner, Hunkeler
Water resource management in semi-arid/arid regions and in CC
20 A2 2 Brunner, Milnes
humanitarian contexts
Groundwater pollution and remediation 30 A2 3 Hunkeler
Urban hydrogeology 20 A2 2 Schirmer
Geothermal resources in the European context and worldwide 20 A2 2 Miller,Valley
Economical, political and societal aspects of geothermics 20 A2 2 Miller,Valley

Master thesis preparation and Master thesis research 38 ECTS

Brunner, Hunkeler, Perrochet, Miller,
Literature review, scientific writing and master project proposal 80 A2 8 CC
Valley, Renard
Brunner, Hunkeler, Perrochet, Miller,
Master thesis research S2 30 CC
Valley, Renard

Abbreviations A1= autumn semestre 2015

CC = marked assignment, following teacher's instructions S1= spring semestre 2016
CC (nn) = unmarked assignment (accepted/rejected) A2= autumn semestre 2016

CC1 = marked thesis report + 1-hour-oral exam S2= spring semestre 2017

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