RC f69 PRC 019 Verificationcoordinationgeneratorcapabilities Limitersprotections

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NERC Standard PRC-019: Coordination of Generating Unit or Plant Capabilities

Voltage Regulating Controls, and Protection

General Information
Market Participant Name
Market Participant ID

Facility Name
*Indicate all applicable units at the same facility

Reliability Compliance Contact

Telephone Number:

Technical Contact
Telephone Number:

The purpose of this workbook is to provide a uniform format to demonstrate NERC PRC-019 and related IESO requirements ar
only provides Generators with the same clear information targets but also provides IESO this information in a manner it can m
assessment. The IESO will provide a reasonable assistance clarifying the information required to complete this workbook. Gen
information that accurately reflects installed equipment, settings, and selections. Please bear in mind the following:

a) The more stringent of IESO or NERC requirements must be satisfied.

b) Failures to demonstrate either an IESO or NERC requirement is satisfied will trigger a compliance follow up.

c) All cells shaded yellow must be filled for a complete submission. Incomplete submission will trigger a compliance follow up.

A reliable electric system requires proper protection and control coordiantion between power plants and the transmission syst
unnecessary trips of generators during system disturbances. The application of a protective function to trip a unit must be base
the turbine-generator. If that protection function is not needed, DON'T USE IT! With the availability of multi-function geenrato
contain all protective functions that could be imagined for all possible applications, there is a strong tendency for users to wan
functions. If there is no specific protection need for applying a setting, that protection function should not be enabled. {From N
Power Plant and Transmission System Protection Coordination}.

NEW 17-06
g Unit or Plant Capabilities,

nd related IESO requirements are satisfied. The workbook not

nformation in a manner it can make a fair and timely
to complete this workbook. Generators must provide
n mind the following:

ance follow up.

l trigger a compliance follow up.

plants and the transmission system to reduce the number of

nction to trip a unit must be based on a specific need to protect
bility of multi-function geenrator protection systems that
trong tendency for users to want to enable and set all of these
n should not be enabled. {From NERC's Technical Reference on

NEW 17-06
NERC Standard PRC-019: Coordination of Generating Unit or Plant Capabilities
Voltage Regulating Controls, and Protection


Generator Information
Complete the unit parameters tab and the protection summary tab prior to limiters and protection settings. Scroll to the right f

In general, submisions will be a combination of one or more of the following presentation formats:
- P-Q Diagram (P-Q);
- R-X Diagram (R-X);
- Inverse Time Diagram(I-T); or
- Tables (TaB).
This workbook provides examples of an acceptable presentation format for limiters and protections. In general, submissions in
acceptable to the IESO. Please check with the IESO before deviating from the format outlined in this workbook.

Merely copying records out of filing cabinets will not provide the right level of confidence that generator's protection equipme

Limiters: Test response by altering settings to get action similar to the testing for V/Hz functions

Digital Relay: Submissions to the IESO should be based on settings and selections downloaded from the device.

Electromechanical Relays: Gradually apply current, voltage, or pre-calibrated reactance resistance test box to see that pickup is
current or voltage will yield data which can be compared with previous data and not be clouded by such effects as transient ov
documented settings or previous data submission is acceptable to allow for relay saturation. 3-5 points on the time-current cur

Limiters and Protection Settings

PRC-019 Coordination of Generating Unit or Plant Capabilities, Voltage Regulating Controls, and Protection

The Following are the Requirements for Synchronous Generators and Condensers Only:
Settings for the following limiters are required:

==> Field over-excitation limiter (OEL): Figure 1 (P-Q) and Figure 2 (I-T).

==> Field under-excitation limiter (UEL): Figure 1 (P-Q)

==> Stator current limiter (SCL) - if exists: Figure 1 (P-Q) and Figure 3 (I-T)
Submit the technical justification for implementing the SCL in accordance with the Technical Justification tab.

==> Voltage per Hertz limiter (V/Hz): Figure 4 (I-T).

Settings for the following protections are required:

g Unit or Plant Capabilities,

tion settings. Scroll to the right for representative figures.


tions. In general, submissions in other formats will not be

d in this workbook.

generator's protection equipment will be secure and

from the device.

nce test box to see that pickup is within limits. Gradually applied
d by such effects as transient overreach. ±5% change from
5 points on the time-current curve are sufficient for reporting

ntrols, and Protection


stification tab.
NERC Standard PRC-019: Coordination of Generating Unit or Plant Capabilities
Voltage Regulating Controls, and Protection


Figure 1 P-Q Diagram for Synchronous Generators

Figure 2 OEL and Protection

g Unit or Plant Capabilities,

NERC Standard PRC-019: Coordination of Generating Unit or Plant Capabilities
Voltage Regulating Controls, and Protection


Figure 3 Stator Current Limiter

Figure 4 V/Hz Limiter and Protection

g Unit or Plant Capabilities,

NERC Standard PRC-019: Coordination of Generating Unit or Plant Capabilities
Voltage Regulating Controls, and Protection


Figure 5 Loss of Excitation Protection

Figure 6 Out of Step Protection

The two blinders define three zones. The locus of
the swing (SW) must move from Zone 1 → Zone 2
→ Zone 3 in this sequence with a few milliseconds
spent in each zone before moving to the next zone.
A swing in the opposite direction Zone 3 → Zone 2
→ Zone 1 must also result in tripping. The mho
unit must be picked up for tripping.
g Unit or Plant Capabilities,


NERC Standard PRC-019: Coordination of Generating Unit or Plant Capabilities
Voltage Regulating Controls, and Protection


Figure 7 V-I SVC Characteristics

Figure 8 P-Q Diagram for Inverter-Based Generators

g Unit or Plant Capabilities,

NERC Standard PRC-019: Coordination of Generating Unit or Plant Capabilities
Voltage Regulating Controls, and Protection

Unit Parameters

Previous Submission Data

Market Participant Name 0
Facility Name 0
Unit Name 0

Generator Parameters
Generator Model

# Description Value
T'do D Axis Transient Time constants in seconds must be consistent with field re
T'qo Q Axis Transient C for thermal units or 75°C for hydro units under open circ
T"do D axis Subtransient Per unit impedances must be unsaturated values on gener
T"qo Q axis Subtransient and Voltage base.
H Inertia Constant
D Damping (normally = 0) Subtransient saliency is neglecte in IESO stability studies. X
the reactive portion of ZSORCE used in the loadflow case.
Xd D Axis Synchronous
Xq Q Axis Synchronous As a sanity check the following inequalities must be true:
X'd D axis Transient Xd ≥ Xq > X'q ≥ X'd > X" > Xl
T'do > T"do
X'q Q axis Transient T'qo > T"qo
X" Substransient
Xl Leakage For salient pole machines, leave T'qo and X'q do not have a
meaning and can be left blank. Typical parameter ranges a
S(1.0) Saturation at 1.0 pu Voltage
S(1.2) Saturation at 1.2 pu Voltage
Kis Multiplier for Saturation

Generator MVA Base (MVA)

Generator Voltage Base (kV) Parameter Salient Pole Cylendrical Pole
Rated air-gap line field current (A) Xd 0.6-1.5 1.0-2.3
Rated air-gap line field voltage (V) Xq 0.4-1.0 1.0-2.3
Rated MVA, rated power factor field X'd 0.2-0.5 0.15-0.4
current (Adc)
Rated MVA, rated power factor field X'q 0.3-1.0
voltage (Vdc)
Field Resistance at 100° C (thermal) or X" 0.15-0.45 0.12-0.25
Field Resistance at 75° C (hydro)
Rated Power Factor T'qo 1.5-9.0 3.0-10.0
Armature Resistance (pu) T'qo 0.5 -2.0
Field winding voltage base (V) T"do 0.01-0.05 0.03-0.05
Field winding current base (V) T"qo 0.01-0.09 0.02-0.05
Generator Rated Speed (rpm) Xl 0.1-0.2 0.1-0.2
Negative sequence reactance (pu) S(1.0) 0.05-0.15 0.05-0.15
Zero sequence reactance (pu) S(1.2) 0.3-0.6 0.3-0.6
g Unit or Plant Capabilities,

must be consistent with field resistance at 100

C for hydro units under open circuit conditions.

be unsaturated values on generator MVA base

glecte in IESO stability studies. X" must match

ORCE used in the loadflow case.

wing inequalities must be true:

X'd > X" > Xl

leave T'qo and X'q do not have a well-defined

ank. Typical parameter ranges are below.

Cylendrical Pole


0.5 -2.0
NERC Standard PRC-019: Coordination of Generating Unit or Plant Capabilities
Voltage Regulating Controls, and Protection

Protection Summary

General Information
Include protection functions for the generator and all in-series elements with the generators. Please include describing comme
that are enabled for series elements. Series elements typically include the generator bus, the synchronizing breaker, and the

Protection Summary

Fill all applicable data below

Enabled in Enabled in
Enabled in Exciter Generator Which Series
Protection/limiter function Protection for Series
(yes/no) Protection Elements
Elements (yes/no)

Over Excitation Limiter OEL

Under Excitation Limiter UEL
Stator Current Limiter SCL
V/HZ Limiter
24 - V/Hz
40 - Loss of Field
78 - Out of Step
Excitation Transformer 50/51
g Unit or Plant Capabilities,

Please include describing comments for protection functions

synchronizing breaker, and the main ouput transformer (MOT).

Which Series Special Comments

NERC Standard PRC-019: Coordination of Generating Unit or Plant Capab
Voltage Regulating Controls, and Protection

Tabular Data

General Information
List all data in tabular format such as pickup quantities in primary values (or secondary values and provide the CT and PT inform
seconds, blinders settings in ohms, etc. The pink cells in the table below show an example of reporting tabular protection settin
should describe its measurement point. The CT and PT are assumed to be connected to the low-voltage side of the generator's

Protection Data
Protection Functions*
* For multifunction relays only

Tabular Data
Description Value Unit P/S Breaker(s) Description
21G1-A: Loss of Excitation- Reach 15.4 ohm S G1T1
21G1-A: Loss of Excitation- Offset 2 ohm S G1T1
21G1-A: Loss of Excitation- Angle 270 Degree S G1T1
21G1-A: Loss of Excitation- Diameter 13.4 ohm S G1T1
21G1-A: Loss of Excitation- Delay 0.2 sec NA G1T2
21G1-A: PT Ratio 200:1 NA NA NA
21G1-A: CT Ratio 4800:1 NA NA NA
ting Unit or Plant Capabilities,
d Protection

d provide the CT and PT information), time delays in seconds, time pickups in

orting tabular protection settings. The description column for CTs and PTs
oltage side of the generator's main output transformer unless otherwise

Description Value P/S Unit Breakers (s)

NERC Standard PRC-019: Coordination of Generating Unit or Plant Capabilities
Voltage Regulating Controls, and Protection
Diagram Submission

Figure 1 P-Q Diagram

Figure 2 OEL and Protection Inverse-Time Diagram

g Unit or Plant Capabilities,

e Diagram
NERC Standard PRC-019: Coordination of Generating Unit or Plant Capabilities
Voltage Regulating Controls, and Protection
Diagram Submission

Figure 3 Stator Current Limiter (if exists) Inverse-Time Diagram

Figure 4 V/Hz Limiter and Protection Inverse-Time Diagram

g Unit or Plant Capabilities,

e-Time Diagram

-Time Diagram
NERC Standard PRC-019: Coordination of Generating Unit or Plant Capabilities
Voltage Regulating Controls, and Protection
Diagram Submission

Figure 5 Loss of excitation protection

Figure 6 Out of step protection

g Unit or Plant Capabilities,


NERC Standard PRC-019: Coordination of Generating Unit or Plant Capabilities
Voltage Regulating Controls, and Protection

Technical Justification

Stator Current Limiter

In cases where the IESO identifies in the connection assessment report that the generator is required to deliver active power b
(RAP), the implementation of a stator current limiter is acceptable. Otherwise, the IESO prohibits the installation of stator curre
shows an example of an operating point that may be avoided by implementing a stator current limiter.

Out-of-Step Protection
A study is required to prove that an out-of-step protection (OoS) for salient pole generating units. The study shall clearly show
worst case recognized contingency on an R-X plot. The swing trajectory shall move from Zone 1 through Zone 2 and then Zone
trajectory spends in each zone shall be sufficient enough to trigger the need for an OsS protection. For example, the figure belo
1) SW1 moves through the three zones in order and stays in each zone long enough therefore that justify a need for an OoS pro
the first two zones only and hence does not justify an need of an OoS protection.
g Unit or Plant Capabilities,

quired to deliver active power beyond its Rated Active Power

its the installation of stator current limiters. The following figure

its. The study shall clearly show the swing trajectory of the
1 through Zone 2 and then Zone 3. The time that the swing
tion. For example, the figure below shows two possible swings;
that justify a need for an OoS protection; 2) SW2 moves through

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