Summary of Qualitative Research
Summary of Qualitative Research
Summary of Qualitative Research
1. Strategies of Inquiry
The qualitative researcher adopts and uses one or more strategies of inquiry as a guide
for the procedures in the qualitative study. These strategies focus on data collection,
analysis, and writing, but they originate out of disciplines and flow throughout the process
of research for example is types of problems, and ethical issues of importance (Creswell,
1998). The 5 “traditions” of inquiry by Creswell (1998) there are narrative and
phenomenology (Researchers might study individuals), case study and grounded theory
(Explore processes, activities, and events, and ethnography (Learn about broadculture-
sharing behavior of individuals or groups).
In writing a procedure for a qualitative proposal, the task listed below are
Identify the specific strategy of inquiry that will be used.
Provide some background information about the strategy, such as its discipline origin,
the applicatios of it, and a brief definition of it.
Discuss why it is an appropriate strategy to use in the proposal study.
Identify how the use of the strategy will shape the types of questions asked, the form
of data collection, the steps of data analysis, and the final narrative.