Diana Gasparyan - What Does Solving The Problem Consciousness-Body Mean

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NeuroQuantology | June 2007 | Vol 5 | Issue 2 | Page 258-261 258

Gasparyan D. What does solving the problem consciousness-body mean


What Does Solving the Problem

‘Consciousness-Body’ Mean?

Consciousness is not an object that can be enumerated or related
to some other object. It cannot be separated from us; we cannot
step aside from it or distance ourselves from it, for consciousness
is non-spatial.

Key Words: consciousness–body, relationship of causality,

subject–object dualism, meta–description.

NeuroQuantology 2007; 2:258-261

If we try to characterize the common be seen by demonstrating the productive

vector (direction) of contemporary connection between body and
investigations into consciousness, we can consciousness, i.e. in the understanding of
find (with, of course, minor reservations) how the physical produces the
the retention of some kind of “privileged non–physical.
vocabulary,” particularly of scientific From the language of physics we
vocabulary which still defines the criteria know that to describe some physical state
for a satisfactory solution of the or object means to provide as detailed a
“consciousness – body” problem. We description as possible of all its
mean that in the very structure of the relationships with other states and
solution to this problem, imperatives of objects. But if we admit that mental states
science or of methods of natural science cannot be equated with physical states
can be found with ease. It can most clearly and have completely their own ontological

Corresponding author: Gasparyan Diana 1

Address: 143900, Moscovsky bulvar str., dom 6., kv. 60, Balashiha, Moscow Region, Russia
E-mail: [email protected]

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NeuroQuantology | June 2007 | Vol 5 | Issue 2 | Page 258-261 259
Gasparyan D. What does solving the problem consciousness-body mean

status then it would be quite reasonable objects, in the vast majority of

to expect that the type of relationship contemporary investigations, are
between mind and body will differ from explained on a model of the connections
that used in science. For in the language of between the objects themselves. In the
physics we can describe the relationship language in which the relationships
between two tables, but not between a between objects are described, all else is
table and its mental image; the natural also described. And should we succeed
science approach can describe only a in describing in this language the relations
relationship between objects, but the between the physical and the mental, we
consciousness of a thing is not in and of would have then achieved some
itself a thing. This last statement explanation. This is the very scheme of
nowadays is disputed much more rarely coming to a resolution to this problem.
than it was even quite recently. It is Hence it is clear that if the basic
generally accepted that if physical reality relationship between physical objects is a
has some extensiveness, mental reality relationship of causality, then this is the
has no such characteristic; if physical very relationship inherent in our attempts
events possess a number of material to deal with the “consciousness – body”
characteristics (e.g. mass, weight, solidity, problem And this means we would be
strength, etc.), mental events do not have attempting to explain how something that
them. The idea of an elephant does not has no physical characteristics can appear
evoke its appearance in our brain; tasting as a reason for that which indeed
wine does not allow one to recover the possesses such characteristics, and vice
traces of wine in our brain; and our versa.
recollections of Jack’s singing yesterday The very broaching of the
are neither loud, or quiet, or false, problem itself is based on the model of
although the song itself could correspond experimental science: it would indicate
to any one of these characteristics. that something exists beyond the limits of
Nowadays philosophy has come to realize consciousness and would then try to
that we can get very deep in our studies ascertain the causal or functional
and registration of changes in the brain connection between the conditioning and
which accompany mental states; yet that the conditioned. But if we admit that
still does not mean that we have gained consciousness is not a thing, then why can
access to the mental states themselves, we count on finding a connection between
which is commonly called “first–person it and the body like that which would be
ontology (Nagel, 1974).” found between two bodies? Searches for
The problem is, however, that the the physical reasons of consciousness are,
connections between consciousness and however, equivalent to attempts to

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NeuroQuantology | June 2007 | Vol 5 | Issue 2 | Page 258-261 260
Gasparyan D. What does solving the problem consciousness-body mean

present the connections between the my consciousness: the experience of

physical and the mental as the connection consciousness turns out to be inevitably
between one object and another. And in wider than any objects or phenomena
order to describe in what way which, when summoned at various
consciousness is connected to the body instances, produce consciousness. For
within the natural science approach, example, when we say, “I experience a
consciousness and body must appertain to feeling of pleasure,” the “pleasure” cannot
the same field of investigation, that is to be separated, even logically, from the
say, have one and the same nature. But, “consciousness of pleasure.” Therefore it
as mentioned above, consciousness is not might be more correct to say that, “my
a thing that resembles our body. consciousness induces my brain which
It is hard, however, to deny that induces my consciousness”.
the difference between body and We must mention one more
consciousness is not a material one. In problem in this regard. One may object
other words, the connection between that the status of the “connection” does
consciousness and objects can only be not need to be a physical one, and that it
described as conceptual, but not as can also be a logical one. Here we
physical, chemical or biological. The encounter, however, some more
problem is, however, that conceptual difficulties; in this case, the
difference remains a part of subject–predicate model or
consciousness. Conceptual connections subject–object dualism is applied, which
presuppose the existence of a leads to a series of complications in logic.
consciousness which sets them, these It can be demonstrated as follows: if we
connections, in place. Therefore it may be attempt to make consciousness an object,
more reasonable to enter a debate on then something must also exist that is
consciousness in the language of conscious of this consciousness, which
consciousness itself, without resorting to becomes an object in the process. If we
the premises of physical experience. accept the pair “consciousness – object of
One cannot ignore the fact that all consciousness,” then there must exist a
attempts to explain consciousness third term that would, in turn, make
through “non-consciousness” (for consciousness itself the object of
example, “physical”) are identified as consciousness. Here we have two
“non-consciousness” by consciousness options: either we stop at one of the
itself. For example, when we say that the terms of the series, with the whole series
brain induces consciousness, we cannot plummeting into the realm of the
get away from the fact that this “brain unconscious; or we agree to an endless
which induces my consciousness” exists in regression which leads to nothing. The

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NeuroQuantology | June 2007 | Vol 5 | Issue 2 | Page 258-261 261
Gasparyan D. What does solving the problem consciousness-body mean

consequence of this is the inapplicability If we try to apply any “type” or

to consciousness of the subject–object “sort” relationship or subject-object
mechanism and that this consciousness schemes, then we immediately come up
which is conscious of objects coincides against paradoxes in logic. It is connected
with the consciousness which is being with the fact that we try to gain access to
objectified (Sartre, 1943). consciousness through the very
If we were to summarize framework of logical categories which is
everything said above, we may say that a the fundamental attribute of
series of fundamental premises of science consciousness itself. What can be
stops working as one would like it to work meta–description in this case?
as soon as it is applied to consciousness. (Wittgenstein, 1958). Moreover,
If we attempt to approach consciousness consciousness itself appears as the only
as we approach the world of physical condition for the possibility of operating
objects, it is difficult not to notice some these categories. For example,
obvious difficulties. Namely, it is different consciousness can not be defined through
from the situation when there is a human type or sort, not because consciousness is
researcher and an object of his the most general idea, but because it is
investigation; consequently, there is some not an idea at all, but the source of all the
experience which itself is investigated as ideas, schemes, and images, and the like.
opposed to that consciousness which is Therefore, in the question, “how
identical to man’s experience. It cannot should we understand consciousness”,
be separated from us; we cannot step consciousness confirms the impossibility
aside from it or distance ourselves from it, of its elimination, for understanding is but
for consciousness is non-spatial. another name for consciousness.
Consciousness is not an object that can be
enumerated or related to some other
Nagel T. "What Is It Like to Be a Bat?"

References Philosophical Review 1974;S3:435-450.

Sartre JP. Being and Nothingness (L'Etre et le
Neant), 1943, Hazel Barnes, trans. (New
York: Philosophical Library, 1956;
paperback ed., 1966).
Wittgenstein L. PhilosophicalInvestigations.
Oxford: Blackwell, 1958.

ISSN 1303 5150 www.neuroquantology.com

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